The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1911, Image 4
The Plattsmouth - Journal Published Semi-Weekly at R.A. BATES, Entered at the Postofbce at I'lattsmouth, Nebrabka, as Becond-clasa matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Our merchants arc lining up on f.he holiday goods. :o: Turkey day has gone, hut tur key hash ft ill lingers. :o : The democrats in congress now have the opportunity to keep faith with the people. :o : There may Ik finer weather prevailing m -luit not this han the kind how eastern Nebraska- side, of heaven. :o: The republican parly lias gut to ret rid of the, Man Cliu dynasty before it can kIuikI any show at the next elections. It looks as if some of our trust magnates had got to begin life all over again with only a pittance like a million a year. :o: Senator'ollette hopes the next presidennt of the United States will not be a man who pails his hair in the middle. :o: The only business that con gress evan do until the lobbyists get the wires working is to have the chaplain lead in prayer. :o : Contrary to the view of many young fellows of the Heal l ie type, it. takes more brains to raise corn and potatoes than wild oats, Thanksgiving being over with turkeys are considerable cheaper and will probably remain so un til a few days before ( 'liri.-l mas. New canals having been report ed on I In1 planet Mars, they seem to make the dirt fly up there even faster than Colonel (ioelhals can. Our merchants are well slocked up with holiday goods and there is nula particle of use in going else where to make your Christmas purchases. President Tuft admits that the ianlT has been "overdone" -which is hardly the right word to em- ploy. Overdone means thai it is more than well done. :o:- Some people say they still be lieve Doc Cook reached the pole, but the real tent conies when they are invited lo put up f0 cents for a gallery seat to hear him lecture. :o: "Home llrsl the world after wards," should be Ihe motto of every true citizen of Hall smooth. And it is just as well to reniein her this in your Christinas pur chases. With Ihe dissolving of the Standard Oil company the public is left to ponder on the wisdom of getting rid of one octopus and ac quiring a lot of tnrnatulas in stead. :o:- It is hinted that Krnost Pollard would like lo run for governor. His candidacy would please Ihe democrats. If (hey can't beat Pollard there would he no use try ing to heat anyone else. :o : A visit over town will convince tho most casual observer that our business men, as well as others, are not careful about tho removal of combustible trash about their premises as Ihey should be :o ; . We are not confident thai jail ing the packers would make them any belter, but if Ihey could be fed on some of tho beefsteak wo had this morning wo feel suro they would he good in the future. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Publisher. In view of the way John D. col lected his loans from the Merritt brothers, wo have decided not to ask him fur the loan of $7.75 with which to buy Christinas presents. :o: George V. Perkins explain sar castically that the Sherman law was not handed down with the ten commandments. Nevertheless the trusts violate it as if it had been. :o : The increase in the wholesale price of beer may force the liquor dealers lo reduce the size of their glasses. Hut will it reduce the number of beer guzzlers? Not in the least. ;) ; Doctor I.oveland's plan to have the churches advertise largely in the newspapers is all right, but it is sugosted that the editors will demand to be paid more promptly than the pastor. :o : Colonel lloosevelt has a find command of English, but even be cannot make his enemies believe what they don't want to believe regarding his 11)12 intentions. :o: . All but one of the National Hankers' association were for the Aldrich currency plan. This dam aging fact should have been, care fully concealed by Mr. Aldrich if he wanted his plan adopted. :o : While we disapprove of the Sunday colored supplement, wc fear still more the demoralization of our children from IheCongrcs sionai Ueeuril, which is again turned loose in our homes. Of course Hanker Morse bad no purl inilnc reason to tear punish meiil when he took Hie money. All Ihe punishment usually inflicted on siicli, an oU'emlcr is to elect him director of a few more corpora t ions. :o: The trusts say they cannot llnd out what they can legally do mi del Hie Mieriuan law. Hut as tney can llnd out by paying car-fare for someone to go down ',o Texas ami asK N'uaior jiaiicv, iney should not complain. While a school of journalism is n led. Ihe principal thing a re porter has to learn iH how to cover the I wo miles across the city from a Sunday school festival to a box ing match in the lime between '.1:05 and Dili p. in. :o : Senator I.orimer declares that all advocates of the initiative, reieremiuni nlul recall are "socialists or demagogues." So far no United Slates senator whose seat was obtained dis honestly has declared in favor of any of these reforms. :o: Again we warn our people about lire. No one can he too careful In this regard, A match dropped in the yard where the leaves are so dry, can easily cause I hem to burn, and carry the flames to the house, barn or other properly. We warn every reader of the Journal to be awful careful, especially when it is so dry. :o: There is nr just cause why labor organisations should foe bad over the confessions of the McNamaras. You will find jus such fellows in nil organizations They aro in political parties social and secret societies. There is not a laborer In the country but wants to bco tho McNamaras punished to the fullest extent of j tho law, evon to that of hanging. R. L. Metcalfe fur governor? Well we are not so sur about that. We must have a democrat who can unite both factious of the party and a man who took such an important part in the campaign two years ago cannot do that. Then what is the use of talking of a man that you know cannot get the united support of the parly? :o: It both astonishes and pains those who have started to secure a Taft delegation from Nebraska to bear themselves referred to as standpatters, while they know down in their hearts that they are the progressives of the progres sives. They simply cannot under stand how the real progressives overlook that fact Lincoln Star. :o : The time is drawing near for personal taxes to become de linquent. This means that if you have not paid you have to hustle. It is strange that personal taxes should become due and delinquent about the time you are settling with the coal man, trying to save some money for Christmas and pay for your winter suit. :o: Inasmuch as Roosevelt's plura lity over Parker in 190 i was 2,- "t 55,5 15, which is tw ice Taft's, and three times as large as either Mc Kinley's presidential pluralities, it will hardly do for Alton Brooks Parker at this late day to attribute Mr. Roosevelt's victory lo any thing else but a "slush fund.' :o: The authorities should insist on the removal of all trash, old boxes and such things from the back of business bouses. And also stop e burning of waste paper in Ihe back alleys. In such dry weather as we are now having, evervone. should be careful about fire. :o : 'There was at first much opposi tion to fortifying Panama, but if seems to bea greed now that a 10(1,000,000 canal is too valuable properly lo leave lying around the back yard nights with all these disrept liable characters prowling about. The report that President Taft is having a derby bat built is one of Ihe many signs going to show that the "plug hat" is gradually being relegated lo Indian doctors, circus salesmen and the more in fantile sprouts of the Smart Set, :o: II takes an 11-car train to ac commodate Ihe nine western gov ernors who are touring the east ern stales. They must be bring ing almost as much baggage along as it takes for the college girl lo get by the winler term. :o: As Carnegie only included one Author, Shapespear, in his list of L'l great men, what excuso has he to offer for giving 5,000 libraries to circulate Rex Beach and George Hair McCulcheon among a long offering people? :o: Considering tho indecent hasle with which tho trust prosecutions are being pushed along, a defend- mt would bettor not show signs of longevity, or a final settlement way be reached in his lifetime. :o: Representative Underwood says the present session of congress will bo devoted to lowering the high tariff. That's no doubt why President Taft insists on talking about something else, namely, the trust problem. :o: Ernest Pollard posing as a pro gressive. Wouldn't that cork a wooden man? Why, there never was a more complete standpatter in tho land than Pollard. Such politics as ho is endeavoring to play is too brazen. :o : Chancellor Day says tho trust law is paralyzing commerce. Evi dently some peoplo are determin- ed to have a monopoly or they J won't play. The democrats of Nebraska will j have to pull together if they ex pect victory next year. There is no use of this bringing to the front candidates who made them selves obnoxious in the Shallen-bergcr-Dahlman campaign. Let all who were instrumental Mn bringing about the feeling that still predominates to some extent slay out of the race. There aro several prominent men who stear ed clear of factions in that nota ble campaign, and no one can find any objection to such men as can didates. I'lattsmouth is as good a town as there is in Nebraska to buy goods. You can get almost any thing here that you can get in Omaha or any other place, for that matter. Our merchants have bought nice, clean and pretty slocks of holiday goods, which are being displayed to good advantage, and we would advise the readers of the Journal to first call and sec I hose displays and see if I hey can't get what they want before decid ing on buying out of town. :o: While on the gubernatorial question, there are several good men in Nebraska, and able ones, ioo, who did not get mixed up willi Ihe Shallenberger-Dahlman I rouble that would make good eat d Males for governor. Why, then, persist in bringing a man to I In front for governor who was one of the principals in the trouble? II seems lo us that that is very poor politics and not com mon sense, to say the least. The labor organizations all over Ihe country are condemning the McNamaras. There is no question as to the sincerity of these or ganizations in the belief that these men were innocent. Hut now Ihey are demanding that the Mc Namaras be punished to the full est extent of ihe law, and Ihey are jusl as eager now to see Ibem punished as Ihey were to assist a lew weeks ago in raising money lo defend I hem. Tile l.a Folic) l.e forces appear lo he waking up lo Ihe fact that Ihey must (jet a move on them, and I bey are organizing in every county in Ihe slate. The stand pal republicans are endeavoring lo palm themselves oil' as the real progressives. A Taft republican cannot be anything else but, a standpatter any way you can fix it. A rich joke they are trying to play. :o: 'The democrats of Cass county will enjoy a banquet some time in January. The dale has not been decided upon yet, but will be tho latter part of this month or just as soon as we know who we are to have as speakers. One in par ticular will be a gentleman high up in the affairs of Ihe country. There will bo invitations extended to all democrats in Ihe counfv. :o: Don't burn your trash back of your si ores. Carry it off to some vacant lot and burn it to (he river bottom if no other available place. Don't run any risk by burn ing it so close lo your place of business. It is very easilv spread at this season of the year. An ounce of prevention is sometimes worth a great deal. :o: In a tariff case a lot of dainty lingerie and night gowns formed an exhibit before the United States supreme court. It was rather difficult, no doubt, for even that high tribunal to apply suc cessfully tho rule of reason a purely masculine invention to a consideration of this evidence. :o: Of course there is no use of insisting on those whoso interests are not identified with Platts mouth, buying goods at homo. They won't do it anyway. They would rather go lo Omaha, even if they have to pay more for what they want. Some people are built that way. ill ALCOHOL, 3 PER CENT AVcgelable PrcparallonrorAs sirailailiifJihcroodaiKlaVUnia lingUic Sioiiiacis aalDowcls rf Promotes DitJcslionJCtifprfd-' ncss and Resf.Contalns neilhr OpmnuMorpiurie norlliacreL NOT NAKC OTIC. ;r', S:cJ S'x.Snmi I itjrinK.':5Ja C'fKfotl Syrr ttelayrmi tttrzr. , . e v Apcrfect Remedy for Coir Ufa- r:a 'MX lion, bour siouttcn, uiai nww Wor ins .Coimilsions.Fevorislv ncssaiidLossorSLLlP. IhcSiiiilc Signature of P.cti 0 NEW Y0TRK... Guaranteed under Ihe l-ootTfljl Exact Copy of Wrapper. lie : TABLE LIB MID IIHHSI We show a full line of Table Linens and Napkins, them out. Call and see them. As a special we "offer a beautiful all linen napkin, at per dozen SILKS! We are closing out a lot of remnants of Silk. Just the thing for fancy work. Ask to see them. J. I'. Hock of Newcastle, Wyo., who has been a guest of his father, John Hock, and his sister, Mrs. William Hunter, for a few days, departed for his home this morning. Mrs. Hunter accom panied her brother to Omaha. Miss Kdna Bloll of Nehawka, who has been a guest of ihe Hunter home for a few days, also went to Oma ha with Mrs. Hunter. J. F. Bock has been in a Lincoln sanitarium for a month recovering from tho effects of a fall from a western horse, received last summer. We still have several fine pul lets and cockerls for sale. First buyers have picking choice at 50c each. Try one for Christmas. Ileiuember eggs aro selling at 2c each. J. M. Young, Upper Chi cago Ave. I wish to buy a few hogs, weighing not less than CO pounds. Inquire at tho restaurant rear of Donat's saloon. Frank Zetopek. Blacksmith and Horseshoeing. H. C. Itailey, the Maple Grove blacksmith, is now prepared to do your work of all kinds. You owe that faithful old horse or team that has done your summer's work a new pair of shoes, and the place lo secure them is at the shop of It. C. Bailey, the Maplo drove blacksmith and horseshoer. He knows how lo do tho work, and Farmers, Notice I To tho farmer man or lady who brings us the largest num ber of eggs between November 9 and December 9 wc will give a sack of Plainsifter Flour. When you bring us your eggs don't for get that we pay tho highest mar ket price for same. Hatt & Son. For Sale. Two-passanger Ford Automo bile, in good repair, just over hauled and repainted: will sell for $175.00, if taken within the next woek. This Is a snap. J. F.. Mason. For Sale. Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Hock Cockerels. Prices reason able. 'Phone No. 1-1. C. L. Wiles. U-29-Uw. . 1 Wfc QJ El VL U IL For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use 8 Fnr flusr BUI V 1 V I Thirty Years IS TMK Ct WTAUH COMPANY. NCW VORH CITY. We have $1.50 For Sale. One span of good work horses, weighing 2,300 pounds, 8 and 9 years old. Also wagon and har ness. Inquire of A. II. Graves, Murray, Neb. Halt and Son will give a sack of 1'Iansifler flour to the farmer man or boy of Cass County who will bring to their store tho big gest and best ( ears of field corn raised by him. The contest closes December ). Soundness of kernels and sie of ears will bo the points taken into consideration For Sale. Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey male pigs. V. E. Perry, Mynard, Neb. Highest price paid for ail kinds of poultry. Hatt Produce Co. Herman Grcoder, Graduate Vctcniary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth auir ft tV Do You want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Rates Reasonable