The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1911, Image 2

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Remember That if You Wait Until a Few Days Before Christmas
You Not Only Tiro Out the Clerks, But You Do Not Have
'as Good an OpDortunity to Secure What You Desire.
Procrastinal ion is more con
spicuous among American people,
at the, time Christ mas chopping is
to be, done, than at any nllier
period of I lie year. Just why this
is the case no one seems to lie able
to say. Surely it is not because
of the lack of desire to please
one's friends with gifts; not bo-
cause of tin
realize that
a distance it
sirable to
early;" yet,
lack of time, for all j
to remember I hose at
is necessary and de
do Ihe ".shopping
we are all prone to
put off
Ihe last possible
moment attention. to Ihe'seleclion
and purchase of gifts which we
want to send to our loved ones at
Christmas time. Perhaps it is the
lack of cash; yet that cannot be, inenl, loo.
for it takes no more money laler;arc working
in the month than at the llrst of,
December; indeed, we are likely lo
spend more money and gel. less,
good results in the rush and
hurry up of Ihe close of Ihe holi
day gift-buying season. j
Karly Christmas shopping has.
become' a part of a regular na-
tional campaign. The newspapers, 1
the preachers and I lie w ives and
mothers are called on to ding it
inlo our ears, and influence us lo
"buy early." And why we are so
dilatory in responding lo Ihe plea,
we cannot clearly answer. When
merchants go lo the trouble of
gelling in large slocks of holiday
goods, Ihe early Christmas shop-
J (Special Correspondent.) !
Mr. and Mrs. Will Loutohens
were in Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Anna Amgwert of Lincoln
visited with relatives over Sunday.
Miss Orpha Mullen of Alvo was
a guest, of Mrs. Alice Tool Satur
day. The Ladies' Aid society niel
with Mrs. A. F.. Lake on Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Moeken
haupl. of near Mauley were in
town Sal unlay.
Miss Verda Thorpe left Friday
for a short visit wilh her grand
mother al I'laltsmouth.
Miss Lyda Sorick and Miss Kale
Amgwert were shopping in Oma
ha Saturday.
Miss Marie (lieseker spent.
Thanksgiving and Ihe remainder
of the week al her home in Lin
coln. Mrs. Harry Davis returned Sat
urday from Liberty, Neb., her
former home, where she spent Ihe
past week.
Miss Marl ha (loehry, w ho
leaches in l'lallsmouth, spent her
Thanksgiving vacation with her
parents here.
Miss Messie Vandenberg, who
teaches near Union, spent her
Thanksgiving vacation at her
home south of town.
Mrs. Boniemior and daughters,
Emma and Herlha, and Rons, Her
man and Louie, went to Lincoln
Tuesday via Ihe aulo route.
Our High school basketball
team went lo Alvo ami played on
Thanksgiving night, defeating
learn by a score of 15 lo 12. j
Miss Viola F.verelt and Miss
Kate Amgwert were in Lincoln
Tuesday visiting wilh Mrs. James
Brillian, nee Miss Vernn Rush of
this place.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Towle and
children, Harold and Kunice, of
Lincoln, were gliosis of W. O. (iil
lespio and family last. Saturday.
Dr. Jones and family spent
Thanksgiving wilh home folks al
Ashland. The doctor relumed
Saturday, but Mrs. Jones and
daughter remuined for a few days
Cards are out announcing the
coming marriage of Louis Dehn
ing of this place to Miss Anna
Bohne of Druinmond. Okla., the
wedding lo lake place Thursday,
December 7.
Miss Lucy llahn of Omaha and
Miss Minn Onehry, who attends
business college in Omaha, spent
a few days last week wilh the lal
Irr's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller and
daughter, Mary, entertained at
Thanksirivinu dinner Kmil Miller
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mall
Thimgan and son, Victor, and
Mrs. Inhelder and children of
Pierce, Neb.
Max Ooehry returned home
on Thanksgiving morning from
Idaho, where he has spent the
ping slogan is really a boon to
the community. Hy responding
promptly we are able to choose
gifts from full slock of. choice
articles, and before Ihe goods are
handled over and become shop
worn. We can get the best selec
tions, and have the satisfaction of
knowing I hat we have the pick of
everything on the holiday market.
We are able to be heller dealt wilh
by Ihe clerks. They are working
under normal conditions; they
take a pleasure and pride in
showing the goods, and are in a
frame of mind that causes Ihein
lo he helpful to you in Ihe
select ions.
There is a humane side lo the
early Christmas buying move-
Just now the stores
regular hours, and
the clerks men and women, who
pul in Ion hours a day will a
lit lie laler have lo put in twelve
and fourteen and lifleon hours.
The last len days and nights be
fore Christmas are nerve-racking,
exhausting days for the
clerks. Then I bey fee the men-
lal and physical strain of over-
work by the thoughtlessness of
I hose who failed lo shop earlv,
and Ihe buyers who leaves Ihe
Christmas shopping till Ihe last,
days of Ihe month,- tinds less
satisfaction in shopping, and
certainly much less contentment
in the purchases than hail lie
done his Christmas buying early.
past, fourteen months.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Neil.el and
daughter, Catherine, of Jlavcloek,
spent several days last week wilh
his parents here.
Paul Schewe and wife enter
tained at their home on Sunday
the following: Mr. and Mrs. Will
Schewe and sons, Donald and
Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Amgwert and daughter, Marvel.
W. O. Oillespie and family
entertained over Sunday Mrs. (Jil
lespie's brother, Will McNamara
and wife of Fairmont, Neb., who
came down after their children,
Jeanelle ami Willard, who have
spent the past there months here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert and
daughter, Marvel, ale Thanksgiv
ing dinner wilh Mrs. Amgwert's
parents, P. F. Ilile and family,
near Alvo. Another daughter,
Mrs. Frank Mayes and husband,
were also present from Dennett,
Mrs. Mornemier, wesl of town,
is having her house treated inside
lo a new coat, of paper, varnish
ami graining, with John Amgwert
as decorator. She has recently
added another room to her housr
and they now have an ideal, cosy
farm home.
Miss Met a Neil.el has resigned
her position as telephone operat
or and left Saturday for Omaha,
where she will take up nurse's
I ruining at the Wise Memorial
hospital. Miss Lyda Sorick has
taken her place as "hello" girl,
while her sister, Miss Sorick,
is night central.
We now have a full-fledged
home, bakery which is a con
venience lo any housewife. Mrs.
Thimgan, the proprietess, will
furnish you wilh any kind of
baking, fresh each day. Those
who have been forlunale enough
lo eat with Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Thimgan in their home will voice
that she certainly knows how to
I (Special Correspondence.) J
Mr. and Mrs. Kcrlin and baby of
Lincoln wore down visiting wilh
Karl Howard and family Sunday.
Mr. Dalby of Clenvvood was
here Tuesday.
Kllen Mefford won in the local
mental arithmetic contest here
and will he our delegate lo the
county contest, which will be hold
al Weeping Water Saturday, De
comber 0.
D. lloenshell, a roadniastor on
Ihe Sioux City line, was visiting
his parents here this week.
F.dvvard Kelly broke his arm on
Thanksgiving day. Drs. Talcott
and Jones were called lo set the
Thomas Paine is up and around
Mabel Rouse is now relief girl
at our telephone central otllce.
Miss Florence Haydon of Lin
coln was al Dr. Jones' home for
Thanksgiving. The doctor's
brother, Charles, and nephew,
(ieo. Jones, were also down from
(irandma Armstrong is able to
be up once more.'
Watson Howard spent Friday
evening in Ashland, lie seems to
be making regular trips there of
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Chapin have
returned borne after several days'
visit in the country.
Aaron Pailing is nursing a
swollen knee, the result of a horse
kicking him on Sunday morning.
We are glad.lo learn that our
old townsman, 11. I). McDonald,
has purchased out meat market
and is moving down from Itethany
lo lake charge of Ihe same.
Joe Armstrong sold oil' his
stock ami farm implements al. a
sale Tuesday. He expects lo
spend his time in the interest of
a palept he has secured.
Courier. J
A baby boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Spangler Monday,
November 27, 11)11.
Our old friend, August Panska,
has invested in a new 1912 model
Cadallac touring car.
Mrs. 0. A. Pribble. returned last
week from a visit wilh her daugh
ter, Mrs. Joe Cox, at, Anadarka,
Misses Hazel and Nellie Wil
liams of Omaha spent Thanksgiv
ing at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clifford.
Little (lladys Minerl, who has
been very low for several weeks
wilh typhoid pneumonia, is re
ported somewhat improved.
Fred Peterson came home from
Fremont lo spend Thanksgiving.
He will linish his pharmaceutical
course in January, having alreadv
passed the examinal ion before the
slale board.' Fred is another
Louisville young man who will
make his mark.
A baby girl was born lo Mr. and
Mrs. Charles lleim Wednesday,
November 22. The' litle one lived
but three short days and then was
called home to Him that gave it.
The burial occurred Friday after
noon nt Iliver View; cemetery, con
ducted by Elder ('.. W. Mayfleld.
Mrs. Lulu Miller, Ihe ellicient
local manager of the Plallsmoulh
Telephone Co., spent. Thanks
giving a I. the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Peter Moekenhaupl, near
Oreenwood, where she went to boo
her new grandson, who arrived
one day ahead of the Thanksgiv
ing turkey. Mr, and Mrs. C. K.
Moekenhaupl also journeyed to
(ireenwood for Ihe same purpose.
! Deacon. J
Miss Laura McFall, teacher in
Ihe Lincoln schools, was home for
an over Sunday visit with her par
ents, M. McFall and wife.
Carl Price ami wife of Clatonia
came Tuesday afternoon to spend
Thanksgiving wilh the former's
parents, C. C. Price and wife.
O. W. Venner and wife of Lin
coln were down last Sunday for a
short visit with their son, P. F,
Venner and family.
C. C. Price, broke all records on
Monday of this-week when he
shipped 1,355 pounds of ducks,
geese and turkeys lo Lincoln.
Conrad Crablree and wife and
son, Raymond, departed Tuesday
noon for Columbus, where they
enjoyed Thanksgiving. They will
visit two weeks wilh friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Hovers and
Hert Dopp wore called to Uni
versity Place last Saturday by the
death of a relative, Mrs. DoDrown.
Funeral services wore held Mon
day. Mrs. H. K. Smith of Emerald
visited the latter part of the week i sieontille discovery that is odor
wit h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (less, colorless and tasteless; very
August Lau, and other relatives pronounced, penile and pleasant
and numerous friends. in action, and particularly agree-
Dr. C. II. Longacre, departed on nhle in every way. This ingredi-
t ho Wednesday evening train for
Farnain, Nob., -to spend Thanks
giving and enjoy a few days' visit
with his parents.
The home of fi. K. Pelcrson,
who resides southeast of town,
was the scone of a very pleasant
gathering last Sunday, when a
parly of sixteen relatives called
unexpectedly to enjoy the day.
J-H-'H-M-I'M-M-I-M-W j
? ci wiunnn .1.1
HM-M' !-HM H-I-W J-M-f
Uncle Philander Williams, who
has been ill for some lime, is slill
(piile poorly.
L. F. and family
visited Christ Hoetlger and family
at Herlin Sunday.
James While and Attorney
Deles Dernier relumed "Saturday
from their trip to Portland, Ore.
J. K. Worley and family of Lin
coln spent Thanksgiving at the
home of (iramlpa and (irandma
Oral Cox moved back aSturday
wilh his family from Arkansas
and will seek a location .some
where in Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. It. W. (ireeu and
daughter', Doris; Mrs. Ilarnsberg
er and Miss Cecelia Hrokenfield
spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Keckler. near Manley.
Mrs. Charles Reed and daugh
ter, Mona, departed on the late
train Wednesday night for Ham
burg, Iowa, where they were call
ed by Ihe serious illness of Mrs.
Reed's brother.
Orlando Britlain of Oklahoma
came Monday evening for a visit
with his uncle, Samuel Hriltain,
riot knowing of the lalter's death,
which occurred Wednesday of last
Mrs. F. W. Robb of Verdon, who
has been confined to her bed for
some time, is gaining, and we
trust before long she will he able
to come to Flmwood so we can see
that, tine baby girl, C.randpa Ty
son feels the strain of anxiety as
never before.
Jacob Cook and family came in
Tuesday night from Ord, Neb., for
a visit with bis brothers, George
and Will Cook and olher relatives.
Mr. Cook is an uncle of Mrs. A. H.
Weichel, at whose home he and
his family were guests Wednes
day. The old Cross farm was
once owned and tended by Mr.
' News. !
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln,
a baby girl.
William. Adams came down
from Lincoln Sunday and visited
wilh T. F Fullon until Monday
The farmers around bore are
nearly all done gathering corn.
Since Ihe severe winter two years
ago they are in the habit of get
ling their corn out early and do
not propose to be caught napping
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell,
who have boon visiting the St.
Johns and relatives in Wyoming
for Ihe past Iwo months left Sat
urday for their home in Stockton,
Cal. Mrs. Campbell is a sister of
Mrs. II. F. St. John.
(ieorge Holmes came in Mon
day 'night from his railroad duties
at Rawlins, Wyo. He is on a run
hoi ween Rawlins and Croon River,
and says Ihe ground has been
covered wilh snow for weeks. His
wife and children accompanied
him hack to Rawlins, where they
will make their future home.
Last Sunday evening John
Whilenian, jr., of Nehawka, and
Miss Rnlh Shanklin were driving
inlo (own down F.ldora avenue,
and when opposite Mrs. Clibe's
residence the buggy longue drop
ped out, of the neck-yoke. The
team got frightened and ran, up
selling the passengers and buggy.
The team was stopped and taken
lo Ihe Dunn barn. Mr. Whitman
had one ankle dislocated and both
ho and Miss Shanklin struck the
road so hard t hey wero dazed and
badly bruised. The tongue, tugs
and doubletrees were broken.
This Offer Should Gain the Con
fidence of the Most Skeptical.
We pay for all the medicine
used during Ihe trial, if our rem
edy fails to completely relieve you
of constipation. We lake all the
risk. You are not obligated to usj
in any way whatever, if jou accept
our offer. Thai's a mighty broad
statement, hut we mean every
word of it. Could anything be
more fair for you?
A most scientific, common
sense treatment is Roxall Order
lies, which are eaten like candy.
Their active principle is a recent
out does not cause diarrhoea,
nausen, flatulence, griping or
olhcr inconvenience. Roxall Or
derlies are partciularly good for
children, aged and delicate per
sons. If you suffer from chronic or
habitual ronstipation, or the as
sociate or dependent chronic ail
ments, we urge you lo try Roxall
Orderlies at our risk. Remember,
you can get them in Plallsmoulh
i.. .1 in 1.1.1 .1- in
only at our store. t2 tablets, 10
cents; .111 tablets, 25 cents; 80
tablets, 50 cents. Sold only at our
store The Roxall Store. F. (1.
Fricke Co.
William Philpot of Weeping
Water was an over-night visitor
nl Ihe William Hunter homo, hav
ing gone to Omaha yesterday to
see Mr. Hock off fop bis home at.
Newcastle, Wvo.
onry s
as the place to make your selections. The largest line of Christ
mas Goods to be found in the city, is now on display. Many very
beautiful gifts, ranging in price
FROM 50c
Christmas Post Cards
General Line of Toys and Holiday Goods.
Pay us a visit before you buy.
Makes an Attractive Window.
Weyrich & Hadraba, the pop-
ular druggists, have one of the j
most attractive windows in town,
suggestive of Ihe holiday season,
which is approaching. A line
brick chimney effect, reminding
one of the myth of Old Santa
making his appearance and de
scending the flue, tastefully trim
med with green foliage, has been
arranged. Within is a beautiful
line of toilet articles, displayed in
attractive style and arranged with
an artist's grace, all suggestive
rf a useful and pretty Christmas
present, for your friend.
J. E. Johnson Promoted.
J. K. Johnson, for many years
on employe of the motive power
depart nit'nt of the Hurlington, has
been made trainmaster for the
MoCnok division, taking the place
of Frank R. Mullen, promoted to
bo superintendent of the Sterling
division. Lincoln Journal.
Mr. Johnson is a Platlsinoulh
boy, born and roared here, and we
are all glad lo hoar of his pronio
I ion.
Anton Hula Improving.
Anton Hula, the young man who
was accidentally shot Saturday
while out hunting, is improving
at St. Joseph's hospital, where he
was operated on Monday. Dr. Al
lison performed the operation, re
moving the shot and dressing the
wound. Mrs. Francos Hula,
mother of Ihe injured man, and
his brothers, Michael and Charles,
went., lo the hospital this after
noon lo visit him.
A Birthday Party.
Saturday evening a number of
young people wore entertained at noon.
a birthday parly in honor of Miss I Louis Dose, who has been sick
Herlha Tarns. The lime was for some time, is gaing strength
most enjoyably spent in various slowly and dropped in at Ihe Jour
ganies and these games were very nal office Ibis morning and re
pleasantly interspersed With newod his subscription. Mr.
music, both vocal and instru
mental. At the proper time a de
lightful two-course luncheon was
served, lo which all did ample
justice. An hour or so devoted to
social conversation and olher
amusements and then the jolly
company dispersed, indebted to
Miss Tarns for a splendid good
time and extending their wishes
Every Sheet has a Steel Embossed Old
English Gold Initial
All Letters in the Alphabet
This is without a doubt the highest grade
stationery ever shown in this city. As a Xmas
gift it is unexcelled
60c PER BOJi 60c
The REXALL Store
Ind. 186 TELEPHONE Bell 68
TO $4.00
Christmas Candies
for many more such birthday an
niversaries. Those narf icinatine-
in this happy event were: Misses
- - - CT
Mary Hobsehiedt, Jennie Reynolds,
lhressa Kelly, Aileen Rennie,
Anna Tains, Myrtle Hall; Messrs.
Cyril Kalina, William Tains, Wil
liam Heinrich, F.dward Kelly,
Charl-s Reynolds, Henry Drink'
man, Harry While, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Ohm.
Mrs. P. J. Vallery and her
daughter, Miss Lottie, were Oma
ha visitors Ibis morning, where
they spent the day wilh friends.
Charles Noyes and his brother,
Roy, and C. (J. Ma field motored
over from Louisville yesterday af
ternoon and transacted business
al the court house.
Hals Meisingor of near Cullom
was a Plallsmoulh visitor Tues
day, looking after business mat
ters for a few hours.
C. R. Jordau, commissioner
from the Third district, was in the
Icily yesterday and today attend
ing Ihe session of Ihe county
John McNurliu returned from
Cedar Crook this morning, where
he had been looking after his
farming interests for a short
Mrs. P. A. Hild and Mrs. W. II.
Puis drove in from the farm this
1 morning and boarded the early
train for Ihe metropolis for the
J. L. Mayfleld and wife and
babe, who have been paying a visit
lo Mrs. Mayfield's parents, L. Ik
Peterson and wife, departed for
their home at Hubbard this after-
Dose's many friends are glad to
see him able lo be on foot again.
Ira Hales, who recently pur
chased a farm near Rock Bluffs,
coining here from near Norfolk,
was in the city today and ordered
Ihe Journal sent to his address.
Mr. Hates also purchased the full
crop raised on the farm of 80