The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1911, Image 8

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AVcgelaWe IVrparaiion CorAs
ncss ar.'l I!csi.Co;ilalnsnciito
Opif:ii .Morpliiac nor Mineral.
Not IIatic otic.
mi 11 iir" una
m mm
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Beara tio
Ibip.'. :! S,rJ"'
l'n)nn-1 -IlliliU,:
':rifa I S rr"'
Ap?rlrl Remedy foiTtmsfija
I ion , Sour Slomnciul) !.u rhoia
PatS'! Sl$aawre of -NEW
- w"'--
Exact ('or.y of Wrapper.
Signature AM
m - m mm m
VJ For Over
Thirty Years
wm mum
mm o mtm
Don't Wait Till the Last Minute
to Buy What You Want
fop Presents.
All hough more and more is be
ing said every year about doing
Christmas shopping early, a large
share uf the public docs not coin
niHiily ileciile what it wants until
about December 21. Such persons
are hardly likely to lo much
preliminary buing. There are a
good many people wiio do not
care to make such perfunctory
gifts. They are sick of presents
thai, are so ill-suited to I tie needs
of I he recipient that they find
their ways into closet shelves and
waste baskets as soon as they
can be safely put out of sight.
Such people have Christmas
bioing in ininil all through the
year. If you have your eyes
open in that way the things you
like turn up in unexpected quar
ters. If you wait until just before
Christmas scrimmage you almost
never find what you want from the
tousled assortment of pawed-over
poods. Tlie next two weeks are
a golden time o buy Christmas
gifts. The store will have addi
tional slocks wliich are fresher to.
day llian I hey ever will be sub
sequently. Think of that, if the
lough plight, of the poor clerk
under the strain of the pre
Chrislmas week does not move
your heart.
Li gbts flio foment You Uoni Them
HE Pilot Acetelyne Gas Machine is entirely auto
matic in operation and requires no attention what
ever. Every light is started with an electric spark,
which does away with the use of matches, and also
makes it impossible to open a gas jet without the gas being
ignited at the tip.
This rr a :liine makes gas just as it is reeded and posi
tively no more. This it( m alone is a great saving over other
machines that have a different style of mixing, which leaves
a quantity of gas in the resivoir, which loses its burning qual
ities the longer it stands.
Gas from this machine can be run to any of our out
buildings. This is absolutely the only machine that is giving
perfect satisfaction at all times and under all conditions with
out any extra expense after installation. This machine can
be seen any time at our store.
in 11
Opposition to a "Medical Trust" Which Should Meet With the
Commendation of Every Sensible Person Who Does Not Be
lieve in Compulsory Treatment of the Sick.
Will Occupy Soon.
The furnishing: of the interior
of the new poslolllce building
i is nearing completion. I lie hoxes,
the last bit of furniture needed,
were shipped from the factory
two days ago, ami will arrive in a
short lime. The healing ap
paratus has been put in running
shape, the pipes tested and in
readiness. , 1'osl master Schneider
and his force of helpers are look
ing forward with pleasant antici
pation to Ihi! day, not far away,
when I hey will occupv modern
quarters for the handling of the
Coiled Stales mail.
Kditor I'lallsniouth Journal:
fn a recent article entitled
"Health llureaus and Medical
Freedom," your paper touches on
li question of increasing import
ance to the world, and I would like
to stale briefly the conditions
making necessary Hie organiza
tion of the National League for
Medical Freedom, which is oppos
ing Hie establishment of a na
tional bureau of health.
The American Medical assncia-
as previous ones of a like nature,
because the American Medical as
sociation wanted such a law.
The National League for Medi
cal Freedom is not composed" of
cranks and quacks, but of intel
ligent ciliens, who make no
criticism of the treatment, accord
ed I he sick by I he practitioners of
any school, but they art! opposed
lo anything in (lie shape of a
"medical trust," ami many allo
pathic doctors, members of the
lion was originated for the pur-! American Medical assoociat ion,
pose of encouraging ils members ; ym,v with the move-
to 11 higher ami more dignitlcd
plane of llioughl ami action, and
lo make more easily available for
the public the results of seicnlillc
rosenrrh through the free ex
change of conclusions resulting
therefrom. The association is
composed almost entirely of nllo-j
pal bin or "regular" physicians
ami their original purpose was
truly laudable, but Ibis first
thought has been losl sight, of in
the manipulation of the associa
tion for selllsh ends by I be politi
cal doctor who are in I he minor
ity. In their work we have seen
many attempts in various slates
to isolate and disqualify the sin
cere practitioners of id her schools
of healing, giving no considera
tion of the good those persons
may have accomplished and be
lieving investigation along oilier
lines to be only an encroachment
on their privileges instead of
something which the people were
entitled to. How well these plans
succeeded may be seen in the fact
thai the t'niled Stales governmenl
employes only "regular" doctors
for the simple, reason thai 110
others are able to pass the exam
imiuons provided, ami llus now
applies to some 7,000 positions
Knconraged by some successes in
those efforts and spurred on by
the growing popularity of the
homeopaths, osteopaths, eclectics
-Christian Scientists and chiro
prnclies, these clever politicians
conceived the idea of centralizing
in a national bureau of health
which they Imped lo control, the
power to eventually dictate the
methods to he employed in t ho
treatment of disease. These con
elusions are verified in slate
menls made by officer of h, as
orialion and ils various ad
Vocales. The attempts to scour
a national bureau of health hav
extended oer a period of nior
than a score, of years, the latest
being embodied in what is known
as the "Owen bill," being (ho first,
one filed in the senate during the
recent special session of congress
Us sponsor is Senator Robert I
Owen of Oklahoma, and he has
ttnid he present" d the bill, as we
menl, hoping to rid the profes
sion ol tlu sligina of cheap
politics. The medical freedom
advocates wish lo give to the
"regular" doctors any credit to
which they are justly entitled, at
the same lime believing that the
unfortunate should have the full
lenellt of discoveries by any
scientist, there being no man able
o frame a law tlisl inguishing who
hall and who shall nut do some
good thing for humanity. The
igue meinliers liclievo that
quackery ami jealousy will bo suc-
essfully eliminated only by
lovating the ethics of the science
of healing disease above I hose do-
grading thoughts, and according
lo the unfortunate the best pos-
ible service, with the full know-
edge that results will accurately
lelerinioe which Method shall en
dure. The league offers no legis
lation, is not opposed to quaran
tine or sanitary regulations, has
no criticism lo make of any per-
Frank Swoboda will take notice
that on the Dili day of November,
15)11, M. Archer, a justice of the
peace for Cass County, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for
the sum of .G.r.3.r, in an action
pending before him, wherein the
Omaha . Iron Store Company is
plaint i(T and Frank Swoboda, do
fondant, that property of the de
fendant, consisting ol wagon
tongue, fellows, spokes, rims
singletrees, 'painted and plain.
neckyokes, doubletrees, bolsters.
buggy tongues, horseshoes, buggy
spokes, plow handles and numer
ous oilier articles of merchandise
have been attached under sail
order. Said cause was continued
until Iho 4lh day oT January, 1 D 1 2
at, 9 o'clock A. M.
Omaha Iron Store Company,
Ty P. O. Ihvyer,
Ils Attorney.
After Long Illness Mrs. James M.
Hoover Passes to the Great
Mrs. James M. Hoover passed i
away very suddenly as a result of
paralysis Wednesday afternoon at
't :.'!() o'clock, aged 50 years, i
months and S davs.
Miss Augusta rankoniu was
born in the Province of Prusia,
r.ermauy. July 20. 18."r. and came
to Ainericai 11 1S71 at the lime of
the perat, Chicago lire, which she
witnessed. She was married to
James M. Hoover March H, 1878.
To them were born live children.
four girls and out! boy, Mrs. Hose
Masters, 111 la, Laura, Helen and
Mrs. Hoover was a meniiier of
the (Jermaii Lutheran church, a
dutiful wife, a kind, thoughtful
mother and a good neighbor.
Her whole life was wrapped up
in her husband and children and
she was seldom seen away from
Several months ago sue re
ceived a stroke of paralysis and
for a long time she was a helpless
invalid in jnind as well Is in body.
As suddenly as it, bad appeared
she was again restored, but re
membered nothing that had oc
curred in the months intervening.
She was able to go about the
house and yard and was out as
sisling in catching some chickens
for the Thanksgiving dinner when
she received Iho second stroke.
Her daughter caught her lo pre
vent her from falling and she was
carried lo Iho house and lived but
a short lime, when she passed
away, apparently without pain.
Resides her husband and children
she leaves to mourn her, two
brolhers, II. E. and William
The funeral occurred from the
Christian church at 2 o'clock, con
ducted by Rev. (iould oT Iho M. E.
church. Interment was at lliver
View cemetery.
The family have Iho sympathy
of many friends in this, tehir hour
of sorrow. Louisville Courier.
Injured Thanksgiving Day.
From Saturday's Dally.
Avon! F.rickson, I years of ager
of Hock Creek, near (Iroenwood,
while out, hunting yesterday
morning, was dangerously wound
ed by being shot, lie was taken to
Waverly for surgical aid. His
eondilioin was llioughl lo be very
The 10-year-old son of Miko
Kelly, residing north of (iroen
wood, was badly bruised up by be
ing thrown from a horse yester
day morning, sustaining a broken
arm and other severe bruises.
Leonard Meisinger of this city
and Will Sloehr of Oklahoma
were Omaha passengers yester
day, whore they looked over a
slock of autoes, expecting to pur
chase one each when. they can be
suited on the machine.
M'tiU, NPTirrc.
Tim Stnt or NolirnsVu. die Cmintv. M.
In tlm Countv Court of Pass Countv,
Nebraska. In ' Matter of tlie
Kstatn of William IlarnraveH,
oitm h.
Nolle In hereby trlven to all pervon
Interested In paid etate (but a etltlon
1mm been flled In tbe County Court of
l'ns Countv, Nebraska, on the L'fitti av
of November. 1111. plle"'tn,T that W'll
llnm I'arRrnves. Inte of fitm Pnnntv,
Nebraska, departed thlt life Intestate.
seC'eil and )nsesed of reel estate In
sebl countv and that bo left urvO'lnn
Mm a v-tdo"-, who l now Ftnllv T'leh
nri'H, and that ha left no other heirs
Tbet the (lcened left an estot of
,Jierltn'e rnn-l'f lnr of reol estate;
'exiHbed ni f"On-. to-"'!!: l,ot
tent v-evei nd tvent v-nlne C7 "nil
'."), In tie Norfhvent noartpr of Pac
tion t vent --nine f"H. Township
I twelve (UM. I'nnifn fourteen (111, east
of tbp I'.tli I'. M., In CnM rnnntv, e
During the coming year of 1912 we are going to
spend some money in advertising
i Vrjiskn' pnld nrooertv la of leaa vnlua
SOUS preference Ol' hOllOlS, Slnn Jni'inn end Is venUv pxemnt
,, , , , . . . , ... , . ..from nt'pebpient eveeutlnn or otber
thankful for just and ellectivo ,osno ,,roroyM. ,, t not liable for the
pure food laws and is allied with ! i-- f: ; -;i
i, I eronertv be asslcned to the said Kmlly
no pointful mu lt, us mu r is m , uicnartia,
oppose a medical trust and con
sequent compulsory treatment
to preserve for all Iho privileges
of Iho services of the practitioner
of individual preferment, just as
we cherish the right to worship
Cod according to the dictates of
our consicences.
L. IL McCoun,
Chairman Nebraska Uranch Com
mittee of the National League,
for Medical Freedom.
Ready for Holiday Trade.
H. A. MeElwaiu's jewelry store
has taken on holiday attire and
ho turns on the 50 or more elec
tric incandescent lights tonight.
The shelves are bordered with
holly and mistletoe, and here and
there a bright blossom lends
variety to (ho decoration of green.
The 50 additional electric lighls
suspended from the rear through
the center of the store room to the
front, are bedecked with Iho Xmas
foliage, all blending in one scene
of beauty ami splendor.
Vou will horehv take, notlee that on
the ?"tli ilav of peeember. 1 1 1 . at i
oVIork V nf. a beartnif will be had
ioon seld petition In the eonntv court
room of natd county, at l'lattmouth,
Nebraska, and that unless irond cause
is shown a'rnln said petition t'
praver tbereof will be irranted. and the
estate of the deesfd be aHlrncri as
tra vert for. and fin-tbee art"Onisrainn
thereof be dlsnensed wM. It Is further
ordered tbt notice of the uendenrv of
said netOlon b riven to all M"nin In
terested In said estste lv publishing a
copv of this order for a nerlod of three
weeks prior to said ?th flaw of re.
remhar. 1111. In the Seml-Weeklv
Journal, a newsnsner nlb'lbed end of
renernl circulation In Casa County,
Witness mv band and the seat of be
Countv Court of se. county this 7th
day of November, 111.
Allen .T. toenn.
(Seal) County Judxe.
In the Count? Court of Casa Count?
In the Matter of the Katate
of Adam InsTram Meeeased.
All persona Interested In said estate
will take notice that Kdward Innrntn,
admlnisti alor, has tiled his final ac
count and petition for final sett lenient
In said estatu,
A hcarlnir ui said nccnunt and
petition has been set lv lh tourt at
the County Court room at Plat tamnuth,
Nebraska, on tho L'nd dav of Incum
ber 1911. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M., when anv and all persons Interested
In said estate mav a'tear and contest
said account anil Petition.
Mated ti ls 2Uu dav of November,
1911. Allen J. Hoeson.
County Judge.
and Adjoining Vicinity!
We expect to mail out a large amount of
literature, setting forth the advantages of this
locality for Factories, City and Suburban Homes.
We will also use the local and state papers
to advertise the property listed with us.
We have a number of prospective buyers and
it will be greatly to your advantage to list your
prpoerty with us at once.
We want both Town, Acreage and Farm
Property located in Plattsmouth or adjoining
Call on us at our office fn Coates Block.