The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1911, Image 7

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We show a full line of Table Linens and Napkins.
them out. Call and see them. As a special we offer
a beautiful all linen napkin, at per dozen
We have
SILKS! We are closing out a lot of remnants of Silk.
the thing for fancy work. Ask to see them.
of rayp laws
Moove on Foot to Enforce the Law
by Prosecuting all Violators.
t Iseonis from the, many com
plaints that the law rcRanting the
throwing of hollies, glass, broken
crockery elc, is not closely ad
hered lo, and we are requested to
again publish the law relating
thereto, ltruken bullies and glass
can be found on almost any street
right here in Plallsmuuth, thrown
there by people living on those
streets. Now in publishing this
law, we do so in I he hope I hat
those who defy the law in this re
spect may govern themselves ac
cording as some of these line
mornings they may be brought up
before I he court, and lined:
Section 1, (Jtangerons Substances
on Roads.) That hereafter it shall
be unnlawful for any person, cor
poration or association to throw
or cause to he thrown, leave or
cause to be left upon any public
road, bridge, street, alley or side
walk in this stale any glass,
crockery, tacks, nails or any sharp
or broken substance whatever,
liable, to injure any person, animal
Section 2. (Violation of Act,
Penalty. Any person, corporation
or association, violating the pro
visions of this act shall be. guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof shall be fined in
anv sum not less than Ave dollars
and not exceeding one hundred
dollars in the discretion of the
This law was introduced by Hon
W. II. Puis, of this county, and is
one of the best adopted at the last
' Arrested for Making Gun-Play,
Saturday afternoon the sheriff
was summoned lo the country to
arrest a colored man calling him
sen joiin waiKer, and who was
nourishing a gun and throating to
shoot any who might interfere
with him. He was at the home of
John Urish, west of the city, and
his threatening altitude and with
deadly weapon frightened the
children badly. A phone message
was sent the sheriff of the actions
of the strange negro, so im
medialely and in the afternoon
the sheriff with his trusty shotgun
and belt full of shells, motored
out to the Urish place and arrest
ed the colored outlaw.
The negro gave his name as
John Walker, and slated that ho
was on his way from Omaha to
Lincoln. He had no shells in his
gun at I bo time of his arrest hut
had shells in his pockets. The
colored man was brought to town
and lodged in jail. He is a large
man, and his acts indicate an un
balanced mind. It is probable that
the commissioners of insanity will
investigate his case very soon.
Dishop Williams Heard Yesterday
Hishop Arthur L. Williams, of
Omaha, spoke to a large and ap
preciative audience yesterday
morning at St Luke's church. The
theme was one calculated to en
courage the iailiiiul workers in
the church, the Bishop's discourse
being based on the scripture
"Let all the earth keep silent be
fore him." The sermon was a
strong presentation of the ef
fective work of the great Episcop
al church, and three distinct
points were emphasized. First,
Silence is necessary to a receptive
attention of the faculties of the
mind. Second. Silence is a neces
sary accompaniment of wisdom
and, Third. Silence is always
necessary for true worship. Only
those who heard the bishop can
realize the strength and beauty of
his sermon and the effect of
yesterday's discourse will be far
reaching and will greatly benefit
the local church.
Pay Homage to Their Dead.
Lincoln lodge No 80, Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks, me
moralized yesterday with kindly
word and reverent thought, mem
bers of the order who are now
dead. Coincident with similar ser
vices in every city of the country,
the Lincoln lodge and friends, to
I he number of 3(H), met at 3 p. in.
in the Elks auditorium and paid
homage to the departed brothers,
Matthew tiering of this city, de
livered the address which we shall
endeavor to publish tomorrow.
Masonic Home Notes.
Mrs. Verde Thorp and Mrs
Thorp of Murdock were
Saturday ami Sunday
Mrs. (irace Stearns, of Council
lilulfs dropped in Sunday, also
Mrs. W. II. Smith and son Victor
of Omaha were guests of the
home for a couple of hours Sun
day returning on the Burlington
at 2 p. m.
The Sunday afternoon services
were held in the parlor by Rev.
Hade of the Presbyterian church
who gave an interesting talk. It
was received with much pleasure
and a number from outside at
tended. Mr. and Mrs. llaller, Mrs. 0. W.
Lininger, Mrs. Wakely, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas, Andrew Murphy,
wife and daughter and friend
motored in from Omaha in the
afternoon and paid the home a
pleasant call.
From Saturday's Dally.
William Seyholt of near Murray
was an Omaha passenger this af
ternoon on the fast mail.
Mrs. Ueorgia Creamer of Rock
Bluffs was a Plaltsmouth visitor
Friday and spent the day with
Miss Villa Gapen boarded the
early train for Omaha this morn
ing, where she visited friends for
the day.
J. J. Kirk of Murray was in the
city yesterday looking after busi
ness matters, and registered at
the Perkins.
Jefferson 1). Cross and son of
Union were in the city yesterday
looking after business matters at
the court house.
Our old, reliable democratic
friend, J. A. Walker, accompanied
by James Nelson, who resides on
the Walker farm, were up from
Murray this morning on business.
Our old friend had the appear
ance of a man many years young
er, all because of the disappear
ance of his moustache.
L. B. Brown, that joval, whole
smiled old friend of the Journal
I . . T I. . . i 1 .
returning "nu ivenosna, was m uie cuy lo
nay, accompanied uy ins niece,
Miss Bella Tucker, and nephew,
L. B. Tucker, who are visiting at
the home of Mr. Brown. They re
side in Fort Morgan, Colo., and
Miss Tucker has been here for
several weeks, Mr. Tucker just
coming in a few days ago. and
will remain for a few weeks' visit
at the Brown home. They made
the Journal office a brief call, and
we found the young people just
like our old friend, Lig, mighty
line young folks.
Bar Jta'aticn Comnffiee Sug
gests Changes In Law.
Philadelphia!! Whose
Tale of Harriman Deal
Roosevelt Ric'v'es.
Subscribe for the Dally Journal
(ieorge Rice, who has been In
Canada in the vicinity of Calgary
for the past two years, returned lo
Plalsmoulh last week, and was an
Omaha visitor this afternoon, go
ing on the fast mail.
Moves Back to Plattsmouth.
Mrs. fleo. Parks moved back to
Plattsmouth last Saturday and
will take up her residence at the
old home, where they resided be
fore she moved to Murray, several
months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Parks
have been making their home
with Chas Reed and children, near
Murray, for the past few months,
since the death of Mrs. Reed, who
was a sister of Mrs. Parks, fieorge
will still assist V. W. Hamilton
in the carpenter line, but at pre
sent is at work on the new resid
ence of the Piatt River Bridge
Our aim is to please and satisfy our cus
tomers, by giving them value for money received.
Our unlimited variety of patterns and styles of cloth
ing will enable you to choose something along conserva
tive lines, or if you are a fancier of freakish ideas we are
here to obey your commands.
Take a half hour off and drop around to look over our
line of Men's Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
"Let us Overcoat you for Winter and save you money."
Plattsmouth, Neb.
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. W. B. Porter of Mynard
drove in this morning to visit her
mother, Mrs. J. K. Leesley, lor a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Foster and
little daughter, of Union, spent
Thanksgiving in this city at the
Larson home.
K. V. Cole of near Murray was
in the city today for a short time
and boarded the afternoon train
for Omaha.
Lloyd (lapen, Colonel Jenkins
and A. L. Baker of Murraw were in
Ibe city today looking after busi
ness mailers.
Miss Florence McKlroy of Lin
coln visited her father, Frank
McKlroy and family, over the
Thanksgiving holiday.
Martin Sleppat and wife went to
tllenwood on the morning train
today, where Mr. Steppat was call
ed on business of importance,
V. II. Seybert and son, Jen
nings, and daughter, Frances, of
Cullom arrived on No. i this
morning lo spend the day with
Will Sharp and wife and" babe
of Omaha were guests of Lee
Sharp and wife over Thanksgiving
day, returning lo their home this
Mrs. Mary McDonald of Murray
departed for Murdock Wednesday
afternoon via South Bend to visit
her son, O. ). McDonald, during
tin? Thanksgiving vacation.
tllen and Frank Vallery were in
the city yesterday, driving in from
the home of Glen, west of Mynard,
and Frank took the train for Oma
ha, where ho will meet Mrs. Val
lery, who will make a visit with
hoijie folks.
Frank Slander, from near Wa
bash, in company with Mrs. Slan
der and two daughters, were in
Plattsmouth today, driving down
in their big Sloddard-Daylon
automobile. They ciimo via the
farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Lovcll, who joined them and came
on into the city, returning homo
this evening. While here Mr.
Slander and Mrs. Lovell paid the
Journal otllce a brief call.
From Mondav'a Dallv.
John Albert and wife visited
their daughter, Miss Fmma at the
hospital at Omaha yesterday re
turning on No. 2.
Sheriff Quinton, wife and daugh
ter boarded No. 15 for Omaha this
morning, where the sheriff was
called on business.
ti. W. Livingston was a passen
ger lo South Omaha on the morn
ing train today, where he went to
look over the slock market.
fieorge Schoeman, who has been
visiting Louisville friends since
last Wednesday, returned to
Plaltsmouth this morning on No.
II. Tains returned lo his work
wilh the Burlington on the. O'Neil
lino Sunday afternoon having
visited his family for a short
Miss Hilda Brinkhain returned
lo her school at fireenwood Run
day aflerrion having spent her
Thanksgiving vacation with her
parents, Frank Brinkman and wife
J. C. Yost, of near Murray, was
in the city early Ibis morning, and
boarded I he morning train for
Omaha and Dunning, where he
will pay a visit, lo his brother.
Henry (luthinan and wife and
babe came down from Murdock
Saturday afternoon to visit
Henry's parents, F. R. fiuthmann
and wife for a short time, relum
ing to their home Sunday after
noon. Frank Huston, of Tekamah, and
a party of friends motored from
Omaha yesterday afternoon over
the Pollock-Rutr bridge to Platts
mouth. Here they were joined by
Miss Vesta Douglass who accom
panied them to Omaha, from
whence she returned to her school
at Tekamah this morning.
John Urwin, of Louisville, was
in the city this morning looking
after business mailers. Mr. Ur
win has appealed the case, in
which A. 0. Ault of Cedar Creek
recovered judgement, to the dis
trict court. Mr. Urwin is a good
citizen, and will fight for what he
thinks is right, even if it does
cost him a lew dollars.
Sees Champions.
C. R. Todd and children return
ed from Iowa this afternoon. Mr
Todd saw the champion Iowa corn
buskers, one man husking 22i)
bushels and 0 pounds, while the
real champ got 230 bushels and
41 pounds. The crowds which
congreguted to see the contests
were large.
Returns From Hospital.
Mrs. Dave Lloyd, who has been
in St. Joseph's hospital at Oma
ha for some weeks, returned to
her home at Murray this after
noon. Her son, Bert Lloyd, met
her at the Burlington station wilh
a buggy and took her to her home
Hold Annual Conference in Lincoln
and Discuss Plant for Extensions of
Road and Other Improvements.
Pappas Files Suit.
Lincoln, Dec. 2. The judiciary com
mittee of the State i:ur association,
which will meet in this city tne inner
part of the month, has prepared u
tentative sit of changes they
will refer to the gathering lu the hope
that they may he rcc(mmen(.'ed to 1 10
codifying commission as suggestions
for changes In the state laws. The
changes, which are largely of prced
me, are under the charge of K. C.
Clements and T. J. Doyle of this city
t.nd Judge Howard Kennedy of Oma
ha. The recoinniendutions In brief as
they have already been decided upon
nnd as they will he discussed by tho
State Itar nrRoclatlon are:
1. A revival of the office of district
2. Reducing the number of pore-Tip-tory
challenges allowed tho defense I
In all criminal prosecutions. I
3. A verdict' In a criminal case BlinU
not ho reversed or affected for errors I
In the proceedings which do not affect I
the Interest of defendant.
4. A jury commission for Douglas
5. An amendment to tho civil rode
to allow commencement, of an action
by personal rot Ice to adverse pmtv.
fi. To provide by amendment that la
civil jury oases n verdict fro'ii ten
members In the district court nnd five
In a justice court shall ho blndhiT.
On all of these recommendat'ons
except the one concerning the partial
jury verdict, the three members of the
committee are nerced. On this lnttr"
Judge Kennedy has not coincided. He
is at the preetit tlm considering
whether he will Join with the other
two members In recommending this
change of the law.
Railroad Men Mee.t.
A dozen or so of the oOr'als of tho
Burllncton lines west of tho Missouri
river held an annual conference In
Lincoln. P'ans for the extensions of
the road were considered, but noth'n
was made pub'lo. Vice President H.
B. liyrnm of Chlcago.was present at
the meeting.
According to R. Wcnell. sunerln
tendent of he- I,hieo'n division, "unit
:ers pertalnln to extension and imln-
tenance were being considered. Noth
Inst csn ho clven o"t. as the rcs-lfx o'
this meetlntr are In no wnv definite
We will onlv discuss the needed lm
prov wents of the road nnd will recom
mend those that we deen neresnr"
lo the nnnen' moetln tit the bonrd o' ,
directors, wh'rn Is to ho V-e'd enrlv '
In January. Tntll that meetln? we
will hnve nothing to say."
Martin Trying to Get at Bond Firms.
Attorney General Martin, who has
been making every effort for the last
few days to find a way whereby action
could be brought, against the seven
bonding companies which are com
plained of hv Judse Vlnsonhnler of
Omaha as violating the Junkln nntl
trust act, psserted that he would at
tempt to obtain a rehearing In the
matter of the American Surety com
jinny, In which the supremo court IHd
that Insnrpnce Is not trade or com
nierce nnd which virtually held the
iwndiiiv companies Immune from the
operations of the antitrust legislation.
Body of Stanlslcs to New York.
The body of Theodore Stanlslcs, the
rich miser who committed sulfide In
Ihe local city Jail when brought here
for Ihe purpose of fac'ng a penlten
tint y sentence, for comp'Iclty In ar
son, was taken to New York city,
where it Is ch imed rc'iitlves have been
found who are awaiting it.
Judge R. P. Holmes, who acted as
legal adviser of the miser before his
death, Is In New York city and Is In
consultation with Ivies of the dead
man, nccord'ng to a telegram received
Pnppas Files Su't.
Aliening permanent Injuries, caused
by being struck by a Union Pacific
motor car while employed on a rail
road construction gang near North
Platte, Sam Pappas filed suit In the
federal district court asking damages
In the sum of $15,000. The petition
charges the defendants with negli
gence, ns the nl'egatlon Is made that
the motor car was being run at an
excessive rate of speed and that no
warning slennl was given when the
car approached the place where the
men were working.
r 1rC'
V' 1 -t
- i
f f " . .-. $
v.. J
Roosevelt's Cri6p Comment on Charge
That He Dickered For Office.
New York, Pec. 2. "I would ttb
soon discuss a pipe dream witli un out
patient of Itedlam as such nonsense."
was Colonel Hoosovelt's brief coniiiieuL
on the statement made by Wharton
darker of Philadelphia In testifying
before the senate committee on Inter
fitato commerce at Wash ngton that
Mr. Roosevelt had received tho sup
port of R. 11. Harriman nnd New York
financial Interests In the campaign of
1004 In return for a bargain on tho
railroad question.
Nebraska Tom Sullars Fin
Loss ol $75,003. .
For Infants and Children,
Fha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Freight Train Strikes Auto.
Hartlngton, Neb., Dec. 2. A freight
tialn ran Into nnd totally wrecked nn
automobile driven by R. B. Shaffner.
J. E. Rhndenhfiiigh also was In tho
car and was badly hurt and Is now
iinconst ions. Mr. Shaffner escaped
v.itli only minor Injuries.
Wave of Crime Strikes Chicago.
Chicago, Die, 2 Forty burglaries,
more than a score of highway rob
beries and several pickpocket thefts
reported to the police during tho night
brought the toll of the present crime
wave to Its highest proportion. In
nnly r few of these cases have arrests
been made.
Tukamah, Neb., Dec. 2. IXcatur
suffered lrom a disastrous Ore ttiat
consumed several buildings and de
stroyed property to the vauio oi $75,
000. The fire originated lu the drug
store occupied by O. H. Doltibrldge at
about 3 a. m. When discovoieU at
3:30 the entire interior was abluxe.
The town Is without waterworks and
all that -could bo done by tho bucket
brigade was accomplished, but that
uvalled nothing,
The store south of the drus store
was ono occupied by George llyruta
with u general merchandise stock.
That was taken and the flro also
spread to the north, taking lu the D.
C. Calnion general merc handise Btore.
Knglcton llros.' general merchandise
store and the Donahue bakery. The
A. W. Allen meat market and barber
shop were taken. To the south the
lire was stopped by working on the
barber hhop nnd confining the fire to
the row of buildings north to tho next
losses are figured as follows: Dy
pim, $25.(!00. with about $18,000 Insur
ance; Caimon, $18,000, partly Insured;
Rigid on Tiros, $15,000, Insurance, $9,
000; Donahue, total loss, Insurance
had recently lapsed; Allen, $1,000, In
surance, $2 000.
Druggist Ileltibrldge Is In Sioux
City and his loss could not he ascertained.
Decatur Is Just putting In a system
of waterworks and the loss makes tho
uiizenn feci rather blue.
Charles S. Francis, proprietor of
the Troy Times nnd late ambassador
to Austria Ifitngiry, ll nl at Tioy.N. Y.
Charles J. Uaniho, vho for months
was regarded ns .1 Deiu nmrnmell by
Ino1 to's Lest sort ?ty, was taken to
the Indlrna state prison to serve n
stntonce of from ona to eight years
for Moulin:; chickens.
Six jinsscngers and a hrakeman
were Injured when three conches of a
Missouri Pacific passenger train, run
ning between Joplln nnd Topeka, were
overturned by a defective rail, eight
een miles northwest of Joplln.
Rudolph Forster, who has been con
nected w"h the White House In an
executive capacity for more than ten
yenrs, vn appointed executive clerk
to the predHei.t at $5,000 n year, and
Fherninn 1. Allen wns sworn In as his
fcuccessor ns chief ehjrk.
In redemption of an Implied promise
nmde by him to tho people of South
Dtikota on his visit to that state.
President Taft ordered that no less
than four companies of tyfantry he
sent to Fort Meade, S. D., for perma
nent garrison.
Frank W. MvMuhon, who was con
victed ol mans.lnught :r for the killing
of George l.eny at Philadelphia, was
sentenced t tho penitentiary for not.
less tlum five or iuovt than ten years
McMahnn shot I.eary after a quarrel
over fearvN refusil to marry Mc
Mahon's daughter. The unwritten law
4urcd 'n the cae.