The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1911, Image 6

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Others Reported lo Bs Implicat
ed in Tto Explosion.
Fredericks Would Not Let James Mc
Namara Plead Guilty and Brother
Escape Tells of Conferences Lead
ing Up to Confession.
Los Angeles, Hue. 4. 'The United
States government and tUe California
authorities arc cooperating to uncov
er one of the most gigantic conspira
cies ever conceived In the history of
UiIh country."
This was the declnrutioit of Assistant
District Attorney W. Joseph Ford, sec
ond In eoniinitnd to District Attorney
Fredericks, aud the mini who wuh nr
rested In Indianapolis for alleged Mo
gul extradition of John J. McNamara.
IIo admitted that tho prosecution
had under surveillance In other parts
of the country noine prominent lahor
leaders alleged to have hi'en Involved
in the Times explosion, but said that
arrests might first he made by the
federal government in connection with
Kh Investigation.
A grand jury will lie Impanelled
within a week.
IIo denied that the confession of
James II. McNamara of dynamiting
tho Times building, killing twenty-one
men, and of his brother, John J., of
dynamiting the Llewellyn Iron works
c.aino as the result of a compromise
through which other prosecutions
would bo stopped.
"Those pleas concern two persons,"
he said. "They pleaded guilty and
took their chances. There lias been
no agreement, to stop the prosecu
tions." This statement supports the Inter
view given In Chicago by William J.
Hums saying the men "higher up" In
tho ease would be prosecuted. Hums
rofused to give any names of the men
"higher up," but said that Milton A.
Schmidt and David Cnplan were pns
ent. when the Times building was do
Refused Any Compromise.
Mr. Fredericks admitted that an ef
fort had been made by a committee of
eltii lis to g :t a compromise in the
case, but lie said he insisted upon the
rarrvlir; out of his own terms.
Tho bus'ii' Ss men who Instituted the
move to end the trial, it was learned,
"voii'd have been satisfied w'th the
onf.'v.on of James It. McNamnra.
They thought that would be sufficient
i't tile state official: thought other
Ihe committee argued ami argued
hut restrict Attorney Frederic ks was
obdurate, ft. was a p'ca of guilty by
both brothers at this time that he
fn"'"nded for or n continuance of the
"That was my ultimatum," said the
district nttorney, "and the committee
of business men, who were practically
he go betweciiM, persuaded the de
fense thi't It was the 1;: t straw."
Standing Offer to Confess.
Fredericks said that since July he
had had an offer from the defense to
let James II. McNamara plead guilty
to save John J. McNamara.
"A month ago Dai row and 1 were
talking 111 court about it.
Tho court j
stoppid the proceedings, so we quit.
Tli tit afternoon Dai row camo to mo
and made virtually the same offer,
and I refused to accept It."
"'If jou ever change your mind, let
mo know,' " Harrow said as lie left.
" '1 never wljl,' I replied.
"Then Darrow and Lincoln Stiffens
tot together and Stcffens went down
town to get men to come to mo to
urge ?ne to agree to Harrow's proposal.
Th? matter was put to me, but I re
fused to consider It, and they did not
urge me."
Mr. Fredericks said he told the
business men's committee that "ho
was not running society, but was seek
ing to prosccutp those guilty of crime."
".' said 1 knew I had the goods," he
'ontlnued, "and 1 did not propose to
Ho down.
"Meanwhile 1 bad talks with Darrow
and Davis mid stood pat that both
men must plead guilty. Tho matter of
punishment did not Interest me, but I
knew, and counsel for the defense
know, that If J. .1. McNamara wanted
to savo the life of his brother he
could help by coming through. I
knew all along that tho proposals
were Harrow's and I Knew that I had
tho goods.
"Darrow and liavis came again and
they said they could not get tho Joint
confession. 1 told them In that ca
I'd go abend with the trial and that
I'd rather proceed with It anyhow
"Finally they said (hey would take
my terms and both nu n pleaded guilty
That Is the history of the negotla
B'g Fund It Cone.
From labor unions throughout the
country are coming demands that the
$190,000 which labor subscribed for
the defense of the McNnmnrns, be re-
turned or divided among the widows
and orphans crested by the Times ex
plnHlon. This cannot be done. Clar
ence S. Darrow, chief of counsel for
the defense, admitted that the major
part of this great sum already hns
bocn expended.
Organized labor Is everywhere de
tnandlns thnt tho McNaniaras pay the
full penalty for he crimes to which
Jdioy confessed.
Prelate on Chicago's
Preacher Jury, Which
Try Sanity Cases.
Town of Voorhles Hot to Go on
Aoolion Block as Feared.
Voorhlos, la., Dec. 2. A consider
able portion of the town of Vooihles
has been saved from tho auction
block on tax sale day by the payment
of delinquent taxes by the townsite
company, which owns 110 lots.
The entire tax amounted to only
about $80, as tho valuation on each
lot was not high. The costs, If the
property had gone to auction, would
have amounted to far more than the
taxes. The tax on each lot ranged
from 31 cents to 70 cents, and tho
cost for tho advertisement of each was
20 cents, If the property had gone
to auction the costs per lot would
h:ive been something like 28 contf!.
This was the first year the taxel, on
these lots were not paid promptly and
the only reason they wero not paid In
due season this year was that there
was an oversight due to change In of
Postoffice Clerk Are Ordered to Drop
New Organization.
Chicago, Dec. 2. What employees of
the United States mall Forvlce termed
an attack on their union organization
was received here In a general order
from C. P. Grandfleld, first assistant j
postmaster general, calling on all se
cret organizations In tho service Im
mediately to disband. Tho order was
aimed, the men say, at the National
Federation of rostofflce Clerks, an af-
filiation of the American Federation
of Iabor, to which most of the men
lure belong.
Tho order does not affect any em
ployeo who belongs to fraternal secret
organizations outside the postal ser
vice. Membership In secret organizations
was termel "inimical to the Interests
of the government," as being Incom
patible with the employee's onth of
mtvIcg taken on entering the postof
Creamery Butter Continues to Advance
Kansas City, Dec, 2. With creamery
butter here se'llng at 45 cents, 8 to 10
cents higher than at this time Inst
year, local commission men Bald It
would go several cents higher within
the next few days. This year there
has been little country butter offered
and the reason assigned was the de
creasing popularity of the churn with
the fanner's wife.
Cummins Will Introduce Bill.
Washington, Pec. 2. Senator Cum
mins of Iowa announced that ho would
Introduce a bill providing for presi
dential primaries early In tho coming
session. The bnl would direct the
holding of primary elections In each
Jtate, at which the lectors of both
parties could announce their prefer
ences for presidential candidates.
lowan Commits Suicide In Minneapolis
Minneapolis, Doc. 2. The dead body
f Wellington Frye, aged twenty-two
years, with a bullet wound In the
head, was found In a lodging house
here. Frye's homo. It Is said, was nt
Dayton, la. Marital troubles and the
despondency over losing his position
arc said to have been the cause.
Orient Football Player Fatally Injured
Crouton, la. Dec. 2 Clyde Carr, an
Orient football player, was seriously
sad perhaps fatally Injured at I
during the game between the two
tchools. H. was hurt Internally.
Gored to Death by Bull.
Kvansvllle. !nd Pec. 2. Robert
Hancock, h farmer near here, was
gored to death by bull.
Halt a Thousand Senators a.iJ
Representatives cn Hand.
Ipeaker Clark of House Expects Long
Session, but No Definite Legislative
Program Has Been Planned Com
plexion of Congress.
Following Is the complexion of
the Sixty-second congress:
Senate Republicans, 49; Demo
.rots, 42; one vacancy (Colo.).
House Democrats, 227; Repub-J
v .leans,, 161; Socialist, 1; lndeptnd-
ent, 1; one vacancy (Seventh Kan
T sas district). 4
Washington, Dec. 4. Both houses
of congress convened at noon for tne,
opening session of the Sixty second,
that bids lair to go down in history
as one of the most strenuous sessions
oa record. The gallciiea were crowd
ed and there was an aitc nuance of al
most half a tuoiisand senators and
'the session today, in accordance
with precedent, was brief and largely
peifunttory so far as the senate was
concei ned.
Speaker Clark rec eived a remarkable
ovation when ho took up the gavel to
announco the opening of the session
In the house.
Doth hoiiHes appointed committees
to call upon the president and notify
him that congress Is lu session. Each
branch appointed another committee
to notify tho other house that It was
In read.ness to proceed with legisla
tive business.
Iloth houses inducted new members
into their midst, two senators In ti e
fcenatcj and five new representatives in
the house,
Tomorrow the senate Investigating
committee will resume Its probe Into
the Lorinior election and tho senate
committee on interstate commerce
will resume the hearings on trusts.
Speaker Clark has announced that
lie expected a long session. The
speaker has conferred with many of
the Democratic house leaders, but as
yet no definite legislative program has
bocn planned. An early caucus of
tho house majority will be called. The
tariff, trusts, Panama canal, currency
reform and appropriation bills will be
conspicuous factors of the session's
Senator W. S. Kehyori announced
that he would Introduce this week' n
bill designed to prohibit. the;,iss'i
nnce of Intrastate railroad passes.
"I have drafted this measure with a
view to prevent certain states of the
union from continuing to defy p'ubll'
sentiment in the matter of this pasi
evil," he said. "This power tho con
gress clearly has under a decision In
the matter of the safety appliance law
which the supreme court has just ten
dered and In which the court has held
that the law is applicable to railroads
operated wholly within the state.
"It Is plain that the Issuance of n
pass on a railroad good within a state
must necessarily have effect upon the
Interstate traffic and revenues of thnt
or Its allied rnilrond. That the con
gress could pass a valid law calculated
to prohibit the Issuance of all passes
I think la apparent to every lawyer
i who rend the supreme court decision
!n the safety appliance case."
Mill I
Negro Is Hanged for Robbing White
Man at Mannford.
Tulsa, Okla., Dec. 4. "Bud" Walker,
a negro, who earlier in the night was
fatally wounded in a battle with a
posse of citizens near tho town of
Mannford after Walker, with another
negro, had held up and robbed three
tesldcnts of Mannford, was taken
from a deputy sheriff at tho jail door
at 1:20 a. m., hanged to a tree and his
body riddled with bullets.
The body was then dragged through
tho streets to the edge of town and
left to await disposition by the coro
Six Hundred Glass Eye Seized.
St. Paul, Doc. 4. George P. Ickc
special agent of the United States
customs service, made a seizure of (WO
glass artificial eyes from a local op
tlclan. The eyes are valued at $1,200
and are said to be part of a consign
mer.t of 15.000, valued at $105,000, nl
leged to have been smuggled Into the
United States from Germany last sum
mer by a Iloboken (N. J.) man.
Senator Guggenheim to Retire.
Washnlgton, Dec. 4. Senator Simon
Guggenheim of Colorado will not be a
candidate for reelection and will quit
the senate upon the expiration of his
term, March 3, 1913. This announce
ment was made through a letter ad
dressed to Jofs? F. McDonald, chair
man of tho Co'orado Republican state
central committee.
Trip for Whisky Fatal.
Marshailtown, la., Dec. 4. Declar
ing he was unable to endure a "dry
town, Charles 13. Peterson, a struc
tnral Iron worker, went to I'.oone 1u
purchase a jug of whisky. Returning
here In the evening, he fell beneath
the wheels of a freight train on which
he was rldini and died In a local boa
Philippines Prelate
Who Presides at Opium
Meeting at The Hague.
OPIUM lioMFcKuNCt Met I" a
Twelve Countries Represented in Ses
sions at The Hague.
The Hague, Dec. 4 Twelve coun
tries were represented by delegates
at the International opium conference
which met here, the United States,
Gieat Erltain, China, France, Ger
many, Italy, Japan, Holland, Persia,
Portugal, Russia and Siam.
Bishop Charles II. Brent of the Epis
copal church in the Philippine Islands
Kin;; Fcrb!ds Aunt From Pcblish
im Book $1)3 Has Written.
Paris, Dec. 4. The Temps prints the
particulars of a right royal row be
tween King Alfonso of Spain and his
aunt Infanta Kulalie, a princess with
bold and unconventional views. The
Infanta, who resides In Paris, received
the following telegium from King Al
fonso at Madrid:
"I am astonished to
learn from I
newspapers that you have published
a book under the name of Countess
Avila. 1 suppose tliln will cause a
great sensation. I order you to sus
pend publication until I have taken
cognizance.)! the contents and give my
permission to publish." '; ..
To this telegram Infanta Kulalie
replied ns follows:
'I am greatly astonished that my
book should be Judged without beini
read. Itis a thing that could only
happen in Spain. Never having a lik
ing for court life, from which I have
always held myself aloof, I take this
pportunity to send my adieux. For
after this proceeding, which Is worthy
fanTrrivate W.tanS!
Ireo to act as I deem fit."
She has given orders for the sale of
all her estates in Spain and will hence
forth live In the strictest privacy.
Chicago Health Department Issuei
"First Aid" Advice to Women.
Chicago, Dec. 4. The Chicago
health department became a "first a!d
to beauty" advlco bureau. Tho week
ly bulletin, edited by Health Comnils-
sloner Young, gives this Information:
"And here's a hint to the ladles
Pure air will put the 'bloom of youth'
on your cheeks that never can be at
tained by beauty lotions. It beats the
drug store variety, too.
Pasty complexions and wrinkles
best are avoided by the fresh air treat
ment. This also Is the best trcntment
for them. You can't keep your house
closed up and get the necessary pure
air. Open the windows and grow beau
Claimant Is an Imposter, Mrs. Helen
Montague Says.
Nilos, Mich., Dec. 4. The Klmmel
Insurance hearing was adjourned to
Wednesday. The deposition of Mrs.
Helen Mont tgue, whom Klmmel called
Aunt HI and who is a sister of Mrs.
Estella Klmmel, was only partly con
luded. She was very positive In her
Mntenient thnt the claimant bears nc
resemblance whatever to her nephew.
George A. Klmmel, and that he Is not
Klmmel Her brother, John A. John
son, testified to the same effect. ,
Fairmont Girl Hurt In Explosion.
New York, Dec. 4 Miss Crace Ash-
bv of Fairmont, Neb., was nearly
killed by an explosion of gas In her
bedroom nt Glcneden seminary, t-ougn
kcepslo. The explosion set the build
leg on fire and threw the other girl
Etudents of the school In a panic. They
rushed from the burning building clad
only In their night clothes. It Is said
the young woman's Injuries are not
such as will result fatally.
Drowned Near Hit Home.
Dublin. Ireland. Dec. 4 The Mar
quls of Waterford was drowned In the
Plver Clodah, near his residence, at
CuiTBRhmare. llo was a leader among
, the Irish nobility and a nephew of
1 Iord Charles Peresford.
VC ? ,1
Cost of Tcltlsn at Leading Edu
cational institutions.
Professional Colleges and Laboratory
Courses Excluded From Compilation
to Give Fair Basis for Comparison.
Aldrich Says Fees Are Too High.
Lincoln. Dec. 4. A year ago Her
bert Potter, a graduate of the Univer
sity of Nebraska, under the direction
of Chancellor Avery, secured statistics
from a number of typical Institutions
(state and private). In order that a
basis might be secured for comparing
fees at Nebraska with Institutions cf
equal rank, or with those whom Ne
braska aspires to equal in quality of
work. Mr. Potter submitted his fig
ures to the various institutions for re
vision and correction. The data se
cured is bel'eved to be very nearly cor
rect up to Jan. 1, 1911.
In order to give a fair basis for
comparison of cost In these Institu
tions, those fixed fees have been com
piled that are charged of students in
the general colleges. The professional
colleges and the laboratory courses
have been excluded.
Incidental, tuition, library, infirmary
and other fixed fees, per year:
Cali'ornla $ 8
Ch'raso (approx.) 80
Colorado 15
Cornell , 102
Harvard 154
Illinois 24
Iowa 20
Kansas 20
Michigan 32
Minnesota 2i
Missouri 10
Nebraska 8
Ohio 20
Wisconsin 21
Yale 155
Mav be remitted In case of poverty.
Engineering students. $20.
To those paying laboratory fees, $0.
In ndd'timi to the above it goes
without saving that all of these Insti
tutions choree fees for material con
I stimed in'the laboratory. Thus, In Ne
I braska a student rtv a flat fee of $3
for chemist rv 1. In Ohio he would pnv
for a similar course a flat lee or iz
for the use of pas, water, ct and In
addition to this be would buy a card
'o" $3 on which the value of tho ma
ferial used would be punched. Thus
at the end of the semester he might
have a balance due him, or he nileht
have used up several cards. In the
University or Wisconsin the deposit
for a course in chemistry runs from
S15 to $25. with a returnable balance.
Kxperience shows, however, that the
cost Is higher than In Nebraska, the
reason bclui that the students have
more and better apparatus to work
with. In add;tion to the tuition paid
nt Yale, a full course In chemistry
- . T TTn
the chemistry fee Is from $12 to
$3(1, and students are liable to go
much above this amount for the use of
material nnd breakage.
Governor Aldrich had made the em
phatic assertion that university fees
are somewhat excessive,
The discussion was brought about
by the fart that two Filipino youths
complained to the governor that fees
were so high at the university that
they had little faith in the declara
tions of residents of the state that
the state university was a "free"
srbool. The youths objected to the
payment of fees to the amount of $31
per semester, which was tne amount
asked from them by the law depart
mentthe highest In the university
save those where the more expensive
laboratory fees are required.
Fremont Merchant Is Found Guilty of
Fremont. Nt'h.. D- Fred Mat'
thclssen. a well known merchant, was
convicted of assault after the jury
hr.d been deliberating three hours.
IIo was charged originally with shoot
ing Herman von Wasmor with intent
to do great bodily harm.
The trouble grew out of an alleged
intimacy between the defendant and
Mrs. Wasmer, though in spite of this
the evidence shows that Wasmer spent
much of his time when In town at the
defendant's store, and during the aft
ernoon of the shooting the two were
drinking together. The affair happened August.
Watson Gives Kearney Land
Kearnev. Neb.. Dec. 4 As a gift
to the citv of Kearney, H. 1). Watson
founder of Watson's rnncVexecuted
n contrac t with Mayor John W. Patter
ron placing In bis hands or disposal
all of the lend held by himself and
associate adjacent to the city, in all
mer li.Onu acres. This land will be
surveyed and platted Into five to twen
ty acre lots nnd placed on sale on easy
terms to men who will develop them
Into small farms for Intensive farming
Cow Tramplea Boy.
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 4. The nine
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Ileedy of Dluo Springs was seriously
injured by being trampled by a cow
which he attempted to lend Into the
Int. Ills arm was broken and he was
leverely bruised about the body. He
was brought here for treatment.
A Snap fcr ths Stockman.
44( acres in southeast Greea
wcmhI county, Kansas; fenced and
eross-feiuvcl;' 8(1 acres of rieh
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest native prairie grass
(limesoil). Fair 5-nuun house
si aiding, elc. Some bearing or
chard. Lots of line living water,
which is furnished bv a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
with timber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road to
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
ranch to town; a nice well im
proved country all the way. For
quick sale $18 per acre buys this
ISO acres; no trade taken on this.
Has a mortgage of ?3500 that has
yet three years to run. $4420 buys
the equity. Nothing belter for the
money. (live me to your friend if
you don't want me, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Heal Estate
Mrokor, Fall Hiver. (Sreenwood
C.oiinly, Kansas.
Cniinty, Nelnaska:
In the mutter of the estate of Ad mil
Ingram, dvc-eased:
TliiH cnuse eame on for hearing upon
the petition of Kdward Ingram, admin
istrator of the estate of Adam Ingram,
defeased, prayiuit for a license to sell
the west half of the northwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter In section 19, township
12, raiiKe 12, lu Cass county, Nebraska,
or a sufficient amount of tho same to
bring the sum of J250.00 for the pay
ments of debts allowed against said
estate and the cost of administration,
nnd also to pay the expenses of these
proceedings, there not being sufficient
personal property to pay such debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested In said estate appear-1
before me at my oltlce In the court
house, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on
the aiith day of January, 1M12, at 10
o i-iui K a. ni., 10 snow cause wtiy a lic
ense shsould not he granted to auch ad
ministrator to sell so much of the above
described real estate, or all of the same
ot nam deceased as shall be necessary
to pay said debts and expenses.
It Is further directed that this order
lie published for four successive weeks
prior to said day In the I'lattsmouth
Semi-Weekly Journal, a newspaper
published at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
and of general circulation In said Cass
Iuited this -1th dav of December. 1911
Judge of the District Court.
For Sale.
One span of pood work horses,
weighing 2,300 pounds, 8 and 9
years old. Also wagon and har
ness. Inquire of A. II. Graves,
Murray, Neb.
Halt and Son will give a sack of
l'lansil'ler Hour lo I he farmer
man or hoy -of Cass County who
will hrinsr to llieir store the hig
hest and lies! (J ears of Held corn
raised by him. The contest
closes December ). Soundness of
Kernels and hize of ears will be the
points laken into consideration.
Fop Sale.
Thoroughbred Harred Plymouth
Rock Cockerels. Prices reason
able. 'Phone No. 1-1. C. L. Wiles.
For Sale.
Pedigreed Duroc-Jerscy male
pigs. V. E. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
II. F. Wiles was a passenger to
South Omaha today lo inspect the
stock market, reluming on No. 24.
Office First National Bank Building
Highest price paid for
all kinds of poultry.
Hatt Produce Co.
Herman Greodor,
Graduate Vctcniary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Pluttsmoutl
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable