The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1911, Image 7

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    11 lie
a Oepar
Newt Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Seml Weekly Journa
Dr. Jake Brendel was over from
Murray Saturday.
Samuel Johnson and wife and
Mrs. Hanger autoed to Lincoln
Mrs. G. 1). Masenian and son
are visiting relatives at Syracuse
this week.
J. C. Ziminerer and family and
Mrs. J. II. Busch were at Nebraska
City Sunday.
A large crowd attended the
shooting match given by W. II.
Maseman Saturday.
Hans Johnson and wife were
here from Weeping Water Sunday
visiting at the Oxford.
Orrin Ervin of Union was in
Avoca Saturday supplying our
citizens with fresh fish.
Prof. John Rranigan and Claude
Fahnestock attended the football
game at Lincoln Saturday.
Don't fail to see the Totten
ornpany, the third number of the
lecture course, December 19.
The box social , at the stone
school house Monday night was
largely attended and a nice sum
was realized.
Mrs. J. W. Brendel, Misses Sel
ma, Marquardt, Florence Wilkin
son and Eolia Francis were Lin
coln visitors Saturday.
The Congregational Ladies' Aid
society are preparing for a bazaar
to be given December 10, to be
gin at 10 o'clock a. in.
Asa Johnson, Will Gillon, Pearl
Harmon and Louise Huhge were
at Lincoln Friday evening to at
tend "The Taming of the Shrew."
Mrs. Samuel Johnson enter
tained the Five Hundred club
Tuesday evening. Six tables
were tilled and a most enjoyable
time was had.
Dr. J. W. Hrondol. Jeff Brendel,
Harry Marquardt and Ora E,
Copes autoed to Lincoln Saturday
to see the football game between
the Wolverines and Cornhuskers.
Miss Emma Marquardt enter
tained the Kensington club Mon
day evening. It is to be hoped the
young ladies got safely home, as
last week some of them were bad
ly frightened as they were going
home in the dark.
The Congregational Ladies' Aid
society gave a dinner at the home
of Mrs. Phillippine Nutzman last
Thursday. A large crowd attend
ed and did full justice to the
templing viands. At each plate
was an amusing anecdote to be
read by the diner. ' A musical
program was rendered.
Johnnie, the youngest son of
Gus Ruhge, was badly burned last
Thursday by hot vinegar. The
mother had placed the vinegar on
a shelf in the pantry and closed
the door, which was opened by one
of the other children. The little
fellow investigated, with bad re
sults, lurning the vinegar on bis
chest and shoulder. The doctor
reports him as getting along nice
ly at present.
Loyal Sons Elect Officers.
The Loyal Sons (the young
men's class at the Christian
church) met last evening at the
home of M. S. Briggs, and among
other things elected officers for
the ensuing term, and laid plans
for a more active campaign for
the work of the future. The
otlieers elected were: President
Flace Phebus; vice president,
Everett Gooding; secretary and
treasurer, John Slander. M. S.
Briggs was re-elected teacher of
the class and arrangements were
perfected for pushing forward the
work of the class and the school.
A committee of six, known as
the lookout committee, consisting
of Phillip Hhin, John Slander,
Everett Gooding, Flace Phebus,
Russell Standard and M. S. llriggs,
were appointed as the committee,
whose work will be lo look out for
i nose young men who nave no
Sabbalh school home, and use
every means lo induce them
lo become connected with any
school, it being more to be de
sired that Ihey be members of
some school and a good working
class than that it be (he class lo
which the committee belongs,
while they would give preference
to that class.
From a Plattsmouth Citizen.
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially after
Is there a soreness in the kid
ey region?
These symptoms indicate weak
There is danger in delay
Weak kidneys fast get weaker.
Give your trouble prompt at
tontion. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly,
They strengthen the kidneys.
Read this Plattsmouth testi
mony. ,
C. Tyler, Rock St., Plattsmouth,
Neb., says: "About two years ago,
when suffering from a lameness
across my loins and acute pains
through my back when I moved, I
procured Doan's Kidney Pills
from Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store
and used them. They benefited
me so greatly that I publicly
recommend them. I have been so
free from kidney trouble since
then that I do not hesitate to
verify my former testimonial."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co..
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
ind take no other.
Alex Hunter Indicted.
The grand jury of Mills county
ended its deliberations Tuesday
and as a result of its investiga
tions brought in a true bill
against Alex Hunter, charging him
with the murder of John Wagner
in that county on October 13,
1911. A full account of the details
of the finding of Wagner's body
and the subsequent confession of
Hunter's wife has been printed in
the Journal.
"I do not believe there is any
other medicine so good for whoop
ing cough as Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs.
Francis Turpin, Junction City,
Ore. Thi9 remedy i9 also unsur
passed for colds and croup. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Good for Elmwood.
About fifty of the business men
of Elmwood met last Monday
evening and organized a Com
mercial club. The deliberations
of the meeting was enthusiastic
throughout, which demonstrates
that the citizens of Elmwood are
thoroughly alive to the interests
I of that enterprising little city. The
following ofllcers were elected
Chairman, L. A. Tyson; secretary
Edwin J. Jeary; treasurer, B.
Clements. A committee was se
lected to draft by-laws to be pre
sented at the next meeting for
adopt ion. We are glad to see our
Elmwood friends make this move
as a well organized Commercia
club can do wonders in the way
of building up and improving the
town. The business men gen
erally are enterprising, more so,
in fact, than any town of its size
in Nebraska, and tho men at the
head of the new organization are
hustlers. The Journal already
views in the distance a bright
future for Elmwood. Good for
Elmwood 1
Items of Interett to Journal Reader Will Be Received at the Drug Store
That stops coughs quickly and
cures colds is Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. Mrs. Anna Pel-
zer, 2526 Jefferson St., So. Omaha.
Neb., says: "1 can recommend
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
as a sure cure for coughs and
colds. It cured my daughter of a
bad cold and my neighbor, Mrs.
Benson, cured herself and her
whole family with Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. Everyone in
our neighborhood speaks highly
of it." F'or sale by Fricke & Co.
El t If .31 31 WI.MI jmra U
8 This
1 111
Don't forget we
stand for Quality and
we sell. Buy
your Furs at
home where
you know you
will get a square
In Cotton, Fleece Lined Wool and Silk, at from
10c to S2.25 Per Pair
E. Ge
a son
sell only the Ann is Furs they k
we stand back of every r ur n
M MM 11, x
71 1
p7ordoA t
" 8'
Settle for Loss.
E. Manspeaker, who lost six
head of horses and his harness,
robes and other livery stock in the
fire last Friday, effected a settle
ment of his loss yesterday with
the insurance company. He car
ried a $1,500 policy in the Cen
tral National Insurance company
of Chicago, G. L. Farley being the
local agent. J. C. Beasley of Pes
Moines, the company's adjuster,
was in the city yesterday and in
spected the loss and left the coin
pany's check with Mr. Manspeaker
for the amount agreed upon. The
settlement was entirely salisfao
lory to Mr. Manspeaker and lie
speaks very highly of the, com
pany and the courteous treatment
accorded him bv Messrs. Farley
and Tleasley in Hie speedy adjust
ment of his loss.
Means loss of sleep which is bad
for everyone. Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound slops the cough al
once, relieves the tickling an
dryness in the throat and heals
the inflamed membranes. Pre
vents a cold developing into
bronchitis or pneumonia. Keer
always in the house. Refuse sub
stilutes. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Miss Vera Prouty was in Lin
coln Monday.
Miss Flo lloyles visited home
folks Sunday.
Frank Schultz went to Omaha
on No. 18 Sunday.
Fay Parsell came in from Lin
coln Sunday lo visit friends.
Albeit Foreman of Lincoln
visited relatives here Sunday.
.Miss (irayce llailey did trading
visited friends at Plallsmouth.
Henry Clapp, jr., was transact
ing' busines sat Omaha Thursday.
G. H. Jordan and son, W. S.
Jordan, went to Lincoln Sunday on
No. 13.
Elta J. Mower of Lincoln spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mis. J. A.
I'ncle Dave Hile returned from
Council Mull's Thursday on
No. 13.
Dean Kaum and.llarley Wolfe
were doing business at Lincoln
Those wanting Xmas books can
order from catalogue at the Alvo
drug store.
Mrs, William Casey went to
Lincoln on No. 13 Monday, return
ing on No. 1 i.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stroemer en-
erlained Rev. Hunter at dinner;
ast Sunday.
Charles deriding and wife;
spent Saturday and Sunday visit
ing in Lincoln.
Orion Baldwin went lo Weeping
Water Sunday to visit his brother,
Charles llaldwin.
J. A. Shaffer was a passenger
or Lincoln on No. 13 Monday, re
turning on No. 11.
Word has been received here of
the recent niarirage of Frank Par-
sell at Wair, Neb.
Herl Kitzel visited his nephew,
Jay Weichel, in Lincoln from Sat
urday until Monday.
C. C. Hucknell had business
with the Lincoln drain company
at Lincoln Thursday.
Miss Gladys Appleman was
home from Lincoln High school
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Suavely went to
Lincoln Sunday on No. 17, return
ing on No. 18 Tuesday.
Miss Almelia Kann went to
Bennett Saturday to visit with her
sister and family for a few days.
J. II. Stroemer was a passeng
er on No. 17 Friday for Lincoln,
returning on No. 18 Saturday.
Mrs. Ed Stone and Mrs. Oscar
Kitzel visited relatives and
friends at Elmwood Tuesday.
Miss Frances Myers went lo
ineoln Tuesday to spend Thanks,
giving with her cousin, Miss Hu
loka Andrus.
Mrs. Hello Ilennett and daugh
ter, Mrs. (I. P. Foreman, jr., were
trading al. Lincoln Saturday be
tween trains.
Grandpa Benling came down
Friday from Ceresco and visiled
his daughter and family until
Sunday morning.
Paul Froehlich returned to his
home at Lincoln, after a few days'
visit with his daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Hucknell and family.
Mrs. C. D. Andrus and children
came down from Lincoln Wed
nesday, visiting Mrs. Andrus' sis
ter, Mrs. A. N. Myers, until Friday.
The Misses Ethel New.-ham and
Dorothy Henling return home
Wednesday after visiting their
cousin, miss r ranees Myers, a lew
Scot I Jordan went lo Lincoln on
No. 13 Monday to accompany his
father home in their auto, but it
had not yet been repaired, so they
returned on No. 11.
A. N. Myers returned Sunday
evening from Columbus, Kas.,
where he has been the past week
visiting his parents, who cele
brated their golden wedding Tues
day of last week.
The ladies met Monday after
noon al the home of Mrs. R. A.
Stone and organized "Tho
Mothers' club." They elected
Mrs. Leonard Muir president, Mrs.
R. A. Stone vice president and Mrs.
Orvill Quelliorst secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stone enter
tained at dinner Sunday tho fol
lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Klyver, Mr. and Mrs.'Arthur
Klyver, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lar
son and baby and Grandma Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Forsylhc and
Mr. and Mrs. William Forsytho of
Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Snoke and daughter, Nelda, of
Eagle and Grandma Foreman
visiled with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Cashner Sunday .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty re
ceived a letter from their son,
Paul, who is in the navy and at
the present on the battleship
Yankton, I hat he w ill be homo by
January t, 1012. His four years
of service will have expired by
that date.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and
children went to Plattsmouth Sat
urday lo spend Saturday and Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner
of University Place went down
Sunday morning and spent tho
day there also.
Mrs. E. M. Stone entertained
Saturday afternoon I he following
little ones: Misses Carmen Muir,
Heat rice Parsell and Lillian Cur
yea. Mrs. Stone joined Ihem in
I heir childish games and merry
frolics ami Hie little girls had a
very line time.
Mr. nml Mrs. Wesley Bird
entertained Sunday all of their
children and grand-children who
live in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs.
Bird recently returned from Kan
sas, where Ihey have been visiting
for some I imo their daughters and
families who reside there.
Miss Albert Doing Well.
John Albert returned from
Omaha last night on No. 2, wher
he hail visited his daughter,
Emma, who underwent an opera
tion at Tmmanuel hospital this
week. Miss Albert was yet weak,
but was doing as well as could be
expected after the serious opera
lion she had undergone. Her
trouble came on very suddenly
and was at first thought to be
rheumatism by her parents, but
later it was noticed by the physi
cian that a growth of bone had
ormed on the "shin-bone," which
had lo be chiseled off. The young
I la'dv's brother, Henry Albert, came
in from the farm last evening and
went to Omaha this morning lo
visit his sister.
Seems heavier where he has a
weak back and kidney trouble.
Fred Duehren, Mail Carrier al
Mcliison, Kas., says: "I have
been bothered with kidney and
Madder trouble and had a severe
pain across my back. Whenever
I carried a heavy load of mail, my
kidney trouble increased. Some
lime ago, f started taking Foley
Kidney Pills and sinco taking
Ihem I have gotten entirely rid of
all my kidney trouble and am as
sound now as ever. For sale bv
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. A. F. Se).erl of Cedar
Creek came to the muuly scat on
No. i this .morning and was the of relatives for the day.
Starts Much Trouble.
J. F. Parker, 2021 No. 1 0th St., Ft.
Smith, Ark., says that he had
taken many kinds of kidney medi
cine, but did not get belter until
he took Foley Kidney Pills. No
matter how long you have had
kidney trouble, you will find quick
and permanent benefit by the use
of Foley Kidney Pills. Start tak
ing them now. For sale by F. Q.
Fricke & Co.
Farmers, Notice I
To the farmer man or lady
who brings us tho largest num
ber of eggs between November 9
and December 9 wo will give a
sack of Plainsifter Flour. When
you bring us your eggs don't for
get that we pay the highest mar
ket price for same.
Hatt Si Son.
FOUND Near nostomce, small
gold heart with pearl setting.!
Owner can have same by calling
at this ofllce and paying for this
notice. il-15-3td-ltw.
Before you leave for a social or business trip, there are
scores of matters to look after in a hurry, and gooi-byes to
When you need to get things accomplished quickly and
satisfactorily in your own town or hundreds of miles away,
use the local and long distance lines of the Bell system.
Nebraska Telephone
M. E. RRANTNLH, Plattsmouth Manager.