The- Plattsmouth - Journal CZZD Published Semi-Week! at Plattsasouth. Nebraska GT) R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the I'o3to(!ice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR Early holiday advertising catches I In1 trade. Thauksg i nu one week from next Thursday ami then comes Christmas. Try to lie patient. Tafl's mes sage will I"' delivered Hie Ural week in December. Tafl's message, according to the forecast, is expected to play both ends against the middle men. ;, ; Tho democrats eluded Aldricli governor a year ago, but they will not help re-elect him a year hence. Not mm h, Mary Anna. :o: President Tuft appears to be considerably wiser than ho was when he started on his western tour, even if the west isn't. :o: Weather prophets who fore casted that "next winter would ar rive, early and stay late," are al ready beginning to feel exultant. :o;. Turkeys are not roosting so high as I hey were a year ago, and some of us poor fellows may be able to reach one from the lower limbs. ;o ; Champ Clarks seems to favor Canadian annexation not because he wants the land, but because he enjoys hearing the Canadian patriot snort. :o :- . The, International Harvester company begs leave to report that Missouri's anti-trust law is not as mirth-provoking as it thought al first glance. v :o: ' Plattsinonlh is one of the best towns in the west and is no place for kickers. Their time in Plaits mouth is pastami we hope, for ever arid one day after. t :o : To hear the trust attorneys tell it, Sherman's march through Georgia was a sunshine scatter ing expedition compared with the Sherman's law's march through Wall street. :o: President Tuft, on his recent visit to the south, defended li is appointment of democrats to the supreme court. Ileally this was unnecessary labor on the part of Hie great, defensive president. :o; Evelyn' Art hur See, leader of the Absolute Life cult, has been sen fenced to live years in the Illinois stale penitentiary. Tho life he will now lead will be absolutely according to the prison rules. :o: Carnegie has given another 525,000,000 to the cause of educa tion. The laird is determined that this dangerous thing of a little learning shall not be allowed to continue to stalk about tho coun try. :o: Council Bluffs has reiee !., ,;.;,. r , . commission form of government, prefering, evidently, to await the trial which Omaha will soon pass' through. The commission form of government is not half as pop ular as it vas six months ago. Plattsmouth has already re ceived enough advertising in the papers throughout eastern Ne braska to pay for the Platte river bridge. The papers in Kansas are becoming somewhat enthused over the bridge. The, Oniaha Karjsas City Scenic Iloulo is at tracting considerable attention at this early stage in Ihe game IN ADVANCE Congress meet the first week in December. :o: It is not (rue that Mr. Tail had t.o hire a guide to find his way around Washington. ;n; If the Aldricli currency plan is as good as its exponents contend it must be worth its weight in semi-anthracite. :o Plolling against the president of Mexico seems to have succeed ed bull lighting as a national spoi't in that country. President Tuft's denunicalion of the middlemen is likely to be more popular with the topnien than the 00,000.0(10 hot lomnien. :o : It is estimated that Tafl's mes sage is to be brief. However, anything less than 20,000 words is regarded as brief in Washing ton. :o: Kansas votes on equal suffrage next year, and it is for the men to say whether the women are to continue to be the better-half or the whole thing. :o Uncle Sam is requested to recognize China as a republic, but the old gentleman seems to think it shows belter qualifications for the Anarchy club. Our obi friend, Dr. Cook, is coming home and the reporters are examining him critically to nee if he bears any souvenirs of I he European hen. :o: From Hie way ,llie wild horses of congress are cavorting around already, Mr. Taft needs to be a better broncho busier than any he saw in Wyoming. :o: Thcyuhave jailed a man for tar ring a young woman at Lincoln Center, Kas., all hough close-fil ling garments of black are sup posed to be fashionable. :o: III the good (dd days congress would never have dared open up December I without running down to Wall street and taking out a license to do business. :o : Queen Mary has started a crusade against the deadly hat pin. Why not get some revenue for the government by fining the women $2 for every eye they scratch out? :o : A politician slates that a re vision of tho anti-lrusl law will be undertaken at the next session of congress, but he neglected to say whether it is lo be revised up ward or downward. :o: . There should be no opposition to Hon. John A. Maguire for re- nomination. We understand there are one or two others talked of for I he place. John Maguire has made a flue congressman, and is popular man in uie 1' irs t district, and is tho only mnn who will stand the least show of car rying the district. ;o: A Cass county school girl was told lo wirle an essav of 250 words about an automobile, am sue submitted the following: "My uncle bought a motor car. He was riding in the country and it balked in going up hill. My uncle tried to make it go, but couldn although ho spoiled a $25 suit trying. I guess this is about fifty words. Tho other two hundred words are what undo said as "he was walking back lo town, but they aro not fit lo write down." Now that our share of Standard trouble in democrat- rnrrving Nc ( Hi stock has been divided into luaska with the parly united anil 03,38:1 little pieces by the reor-J harmonious. There are others ganization, we greatly fear that who also believe as we do. Then soi if the fractions will get lost why is il that we will permit with in our I rouser pocket. :o: Vic Hosewater is a pre fly cute polit man. He gives bis orders to such fellows as K. M. Pollard, and ' ir they fail in the work given them to do, Vic is mil "in il," don't you see ' -:o:- The meat packers of Chricago, in insisting on writs of habeas corpus, want to give the anti trust, law a tryout on ils crim inal side. This is the very thing the people have been asking for now for a number of years. :o : . In Kansas nine prominent men, without nny justification therefor, tarred and feathered a young woman school teacher. William Allen White should insist on somebody answering that ques tion, "What's the matter wilh Kansas? -:o:- The standpat faction, Taftites of Nebraska are trying to steal away from the La Follctle sup porters the cognomen "progres sive," but we don't believe they will be able lo hoodwink the mas ses of the republican parly into such a belief. :o: Now, Mr. Taft, when you write your message, just imagine you were a newspaper reporter again, wilh the city editor howling for copy. The public read your stuff in those days when you boiled Yr down! :o; Kx-Congressman Pollard, it is said, would like to be the repub lican nominee for governor next year. He has our consent. The democrats can defeat him easier than any other condidate, unless it be the present occupant of the executive chair. :o: Mr. Taft laid a wreath on the grave of the author of "The Star Spangled Hanner." We trust this does not create a spirit of unrest among our poets, whom we have reduced to temporary silence af ter long effort to check their stormy upheavals. :o: We have never seen a paper yet that has mentioned Aldrich's name for re-election, yet we lave noticed several nrom input i republicans mentioned for the nominal ion for governor next year. Aldricli has surely demon- d rated that he is not big enough for governor of Nebraska. :o: Don't burn the leaves. Thev are worth a dollar a load to any farmer. They aro nature's fer tilizer. They are the best soil producer in the world; Ihe best mulch, the best protector against cold and heat, the best to protect the soil from injury of anything. Don't burn Ihe leaves. :o: The Chinese, throne, which three years ago sent away Yuan Shi Kai in disgrace, has now re called him to Pekin to put down the rebellion. He is known as China's "strong" man, but ho is going to need every ounce of his strength and more, loo, in his contest with Ihe rebellion now grown to formidable proportions. :o: The Omaha Moderator sizes up the present governor of Nebraska as follows: "I have noticed that the only place that the doughty Aldricli is interested in cleaning up is Omaha. You never hear him say anything about Wilbor, Grand Island, Lincoln nor other places in the slate. Aldricli has a Rube's grudge against metropolitan life and with Ihe persistency of a country constable he wauls to im press upon the public mind that ho lias been vested wilh a little brief authority." :o: The Journal has said time and lime again that there would be no in our ranks those who are there for no other purpose than rule or ruin? There is one thing badly u led in the democratic partv of the stale and that is a weeding out of all dissent ionists. We have counseled' wilh loo maiiv fellows who are not true democrats, and who attend our meetings simply for the purpose of gleaning what I hey can from our doings for the benefit of the oilier fellows. We can secure no harmony with such men within our ranks. A demo crat, is a good democrat, all the Mini', and can be depended upon al all limes, but one who is wilh us today and then working to de moralize the party tomorrow, is one thai, should not be considered as a good democrat, and should be banished from our counsels on every occasion. The democrats should begin to get together, and not put il off until within a few weeks of Ihi! election, and with a thorough organization in every county and every precinct, to know who is for us and who is against us, we will have an or ganization that can be depended upon to bring forth what we are fighting for victory. :o: Here is a proposition for some of the Journal readers to work out: A cashier of a Chicago bank paid out a $1,000 bill by mistake for a $100 bill. II passed through the hands of several merchants, each one accepting it as $100 and no one discovering the mistake. Finally il was deposited in an- other bank as $100, where Ihe error was discovered, but it was turned back to Ihe first bank as $100. Ones) ion: Did anyone make or lose by the transactions, was any harm done; were all Ihe debts properly settled? :o: VIRGINIA JUSTICE AGAIN. When the Healtie verdict was rendered last summer, we com mented upon it as an instance of Virginia justice, as Ihe product of a law enforcement that is able to surely and speedily bring lo judg ment criminals, even though they be wealthy and influential. Hut other rich criminals have been convicted in the trial courts and gone free finally through the technicalities and de lays incident to reversals by ap pellate courts and the resulting new trials. In fact, herein is where the wealth and influence of such offenders have been brought lo bear most strongly. Their money has been able, through the employment of shrewd lawyers, to secure postponements and to bring forward technical errors for appellate courts to hang re versals upon. And too frequently ui American jurisdictions has justice thus gone the way of nul lillcation. II is only necessary to recall certain comparatively re cent cases in California to con cede the truth of this. Hut even as the Virginia nisi prius administration would toler ate no undue lengthening of tho original trial, no time-killing, bo- fuddling tactics on the part of counsel, so now it is demonstrated that, the Virginia supreme coui accords small consideration to legal objections that are without merit. Less than a week ago it received Meatlie's application for a writ of error and the seventeen assignments of error contained in his bill of exceptions, and it has now found Ihe exceptions to be without substance and has doniei the application. And now the governor of Virginia shows no ex ecutivo clemency and Healtie will be electrocuted on November 21 the date, set by the trial court. In Ibis case, so far as he could, the trial judge in his nil ings, gave the benefit to tho ac cused. It would, therefore, bo lamentable miscarriage of jus lice, so far as a court and jury Ul to take ood care of a good car. Have your AUTOMOBILE Painted or Varnishd each season. It will lengthen its life and improve its appearance. MAKE IT AS GOOD AS NEW! " V""f v .'."' can determine il, for the case to have been reversed on some such extraneous error as the omission of an "a" and a "the" in the bill of indictment, or on any similar non-meritorious legalism. There is a great cry through out the United States that the administration of the criminal laws must be simplified and made more effective, for which England is often pointed out as a model. Before faring so far abroad, why not see Virginia first? :o: DO PEOPLE READ POLITICS? From tinre to time there is much complaint about there being too much polities in Ihe news- papers. Hut while there are many ople professing lo take no in cest in politics, there are a great iiny more people who would not buy a newspaper unless it did contain political news and politi- il editorials. That there are a great many people, who do not read political editorials, especial- in partisan newspapers, is un questionably true, and it can fur ther be said that only a few of the ditorials in the partisan news iapers are worth reading. That is, after having read them. Ihe eader has gained little or noth ing. Persons who take no interest in baseball games sometimes com plain at the amount of such news in the papers, and those who are not interested in the market columns cannot inderstand why a page or two is devoted by tho big dailies to quotations and news pertaining to tho stock and grain markets. There are some people who do not attend church, and they think a good deal of white space is wasted by the newspapers in giving church news and thus it goes. Tho truth is, a news paper cannot be made for one reader; it must be made for every body. So when politics are in dulged in by the editor, it is gen erally because some peoplo are mightily interested, in fact, be cause tho majority of people want to know what is going on and November Special Rates! WINTER TOURIRT TICKETS at low ern Resorts and Cuba. To many destinations ticket! are good via diverse routes through Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS to the Northwest, Big Horn Basin, Yellowstone Valley, Southwest and South, on the firtt and third Tuesdays. ALL YEAR TOURISTS TICKETS to via diverse routes, that include Southern routes; always ono way via Den. ver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City. THROUGH RAILROAD AND SLEEPING CAR TICKETS to all California destinations, via many combinations of going and returning routes, includ ing Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake. Consult your nearest ticket airent. tellimr them about tho Winter inumo irs" jyu have in mind, L. W. WAKELY, iifiifjrr.iYtrr.i mum You take no chances with us. We are experts in our line and do only first-class work. Ml GOBELIN, AUTO, CRRRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTER what is being ' said of politics. Thai I here is a great deal of non sense printed during political campaigns is undeniable; that a good many editors would be only too glad to get away from political writings is another truth, but everybody ought to be in teresled in great political issues and public measures. Just now there is a change go ing on politically, and people should keep abreast of these changes. Political parties, su preme in states and cities, ar3 be ing whipped from power, and a realigment, such as has not been known in years, is taking place. There is a peaceful revolution evident, and Ihe average citizen is interested in knowing what it is all about. Whether the future trend is toward an alignment of conservatives and progressives, instead of republicans and demo crats, is a most important matter; whether woman suffrage,' is to ascend to that point where it will interfere with the progress of old parties or aid them in further de velopment; whether the socialist movement, which shows a won derful increase in adherents the past year, will cut any figure in future politics these aro all momentous questions, and all are a part of that revolution that is upon us, with no man knowing the ultimate result. If tho detail of these things is not legitimate news, and the proper basis for editorial review; if people are not interested in such affairs, we do not know what news consists of or the character of the information in which people are most in terested. :o:- . Balked at Cold Steel. "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my fot off," said II. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "although a horrible ulcer has been tho plague of my life for forty years. Instead I used Buck len's Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals Burns, Boils, Sores, Bruises, Eczema, Pimples, Corns. Surest Pile cure, 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co. rates, to Florida, Texas, Gulf and South California'and Pacific Coastde tinations let him Becure through berths and make R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb