The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 13, 1911, Image 8
.1 ia' i 0v 13. ALCOHOL 3 PER CtHT. At c(abte IVrpantlon fcr As sfmilaiing ttcrotandRrtJuta ling Hie Stomadis aiulBowlsl J3 .a 1 ( CO m i r 1 . IYomoics DitttonfrVrrfur1 ncss and Rcst.Contains ncitlvr Opium-Morphine norMioeraLi Not Narcotic. '.iJi.m juA-s.:'.- S JseSrri J',rrrtsn..t IMutinnss'sSut Ifann OrM ricntrrt SutfT hiuuytai ttant. Anerfecl Reiuedv foiTansflpa I Icn , Sour Stomach,l)iarrtaa WorKis.Coiwulsu)iis.revensli ncssaidLossorSLEiP. FacSii-.ilIc Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, L1ANCHU DYNASTY WILL BE OUSTED Ujallons B3liei3 Ali H)j3 o! Rstalnlnz Tte isGsas. mm is uvuths attacl -Excitement is Growing and Citizens Are Storing Food In Anticipation of Siege Insurgents Occupy Fuchow. Tientsin May Fall Soon, Peking Nov. 10. Poking Is still awaiting the approach ot the rebels. The forbidden city Is filled princes, high officials and others who are entitled to entry within the gates. Vast stores of provisions ba'e been transported to thnt place, which, trongly guarded. Is ready for a slegu. Active preparations for what Is con sidered the Inevitable assault upon the capital are going on within tho lega tlon quarter, Tor It is now conceded that tho Manrhu dynasty will be oust d. Foreigners, It la asserted, will be fully protected, but experience has taught that tho temper of the people ia not to b" trusted when revolution ary movements are In progress. The fact that Tientsin did not fall U a hopeful sign, because It Indicates that whatever steps the revolution aries are taking, In the north at least they are proceeding along careful Iinea and are acting with considerable discretion and without haste. While reinforcement g have reached Peking, teports have been received of numer ous defections of the Manchu soldiers to the rehol side. The government troops pre an uncertain quality, but there are some regiments which are lighting for the dynasty. . At Nanking, where the revolution ists outnumber the Imperialists five to one, the later still hold Purple mountain. They aro strongly en trenched and are said to hnvo abun dant supplies. Revolutionary Spirit Is Beyond Control i Peking, Nov. 10. Consular reports . received at the Imperial cnultnl agree i . . 'rc- irrJiV.UA .Mil l ii ii i-.h ii m ii ii ii October Special Rates! ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST, until October 15 THE DRY FARMING CONGRESS at Colorado Sprinjrs, October 16 20, will be one of the most instructive conventions ever held in the west; special rates. TMK OMAHA LAND SHOW, October 16th to 28th. Here you will see under one roof the romarkable products os irrigafion and dry farming; it will be a great educational show of farm and orchard products from every state in ,. tho West. THE BIG HORN BASIN AND YELLOWSTONE VALLEY are closing a most uccessful season of neauy crops. Filings for Government In igated home- ateads thin Autumn will be very numerous. Sone of the finnst landa that the Government has ever bestowed are for you in these regions. A party of twenty-one newspaper correspondents have just made tour through the Big Horn Basin and the Sheridan country and they were amazed at the wonderful field of rt , - ""rrv r'"'"ii- ent canals, the progressive new towns, the productive soil, the c imate, the Hurroundings and scenic mountains, the mineral wealth, the industrial pos sibilities and the hospitality of the people. . 'Sliim; r L w Mnicri v P J For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho aturo' of Use For Over Thirty Years i ! that the revolutionary Bpint has goi ' beyond control the em . .i Lire, Willi me exccpuuii ui ihu ..i i, n, r..,.i1T i.M.ntinnu imvn nr. I II 1 1 1 111. I iiv inn in" " fi" " ranged ample protection for foreigners The temper of the Manchu troops remains the most serious considers Hon The Chinese greatly fear that tl.ev in nv nreciultate a tonlllct. Al lowing lor recent desertions, It Is ettl- - j it nnted there are 22,"iii0 Manchu troops within Hip outer wall. Prince Ching, the acting premier, said that the Mnnehus did not intund, If besieged, to defend Peking. At the Chinese foreign board It was Signature AM m - m m w m said that Yuan Shi Kal had tele , township unit or orraivzntion ue adopt ..r.u,i.e.i thai be was readv to come to " 'or tho rural schools. It also fa- Peking hut that he had not yet start ed from Nleko, to which city he went to confer with the Yangtse rebels. Rebels Ocupy Fuchow. An.oy, China, Nov. lO.-The city of Fuchow is in the hands of the revolu tlonlsls. Alter taking It, they wiped out tho entire Manchu district. The foreign settlements have not been ells I turned, but tires have broken out In several sections of the native city threatening Its destruction Married Five Days; Asks for Divorce. Atlantic, Ia., Nm-. 10. Petition for divorce was filed here by F. H. I ain born, a prominent Grlswold citizen who sickened of matrimony after a five day trial. He alleges his bride did not tell him of all her former hns bands, thnt she was cruel and In human and thnt the suspicious death of a former husband of the womm makes him fear for his life. It U sa d the woman's son Is serving time tor the death of another stepfather. Lam born Is wealthy. DEADLOCK IN ILLINOIS House and Senate Disagree Over Ad journment of General Assembly. Springfield. 111., Nov. 10. Notice of the Inability of the two houses to agree on n adjournment date was conveyed to Governor Hlneen In a resolution Introduced In the senate by a vote of 22 to 4. The legislature Is deadlocked on the question of sine die adjournment of the special session. There aro indl cations thnt Governor Dlncen eveptn ally will bo culled on to exercise the j constitutional perotuitive or prorogu ing the session. , .mnU for .nnl h Join our personally conducted excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month and keep ahead of the coming movement. R. W. CLEMENT. Tlokat Aiant. it.h.iD....n u.k ' IOWA TEACHERS AT DESMOINES Cv3r Five ThoasanJ Enroll f;t ths Annual Convantion. SIDE BLOW AT ATHLETIC College Department Resolves No More Time Be Spent on Sports Than on Any One Study Nominating Com mittee la Divided. Des Moines, Nov. 10. Over 5,000 tducators. enrolled for the annjal State Teachers' association, which com menced its fifty seventh session last evening. The address of President Fred Mahannah of Mason City was delivered In the Coliseum, in which he discussed the needs of the. rural schools and advocated more normal schools, more support for normal In ttructlon In high schools .and addi tional Inspectors to aid. In bettering the rural schools. This was followed by an address by President Frost of Berea college. Kentucky, on "Pioneer ing In the Southern Mountains." The nominating committee was ap pointed to choose officers for next year. Rut the membership of the com mittee was so divided among the dif ferent Interests that it seems probable a fight for control of the association will be carried to the floor. The wom en members have been organized to Insist upon the election of a woman for president. Prior to the general association meeting, departmental meetings were held, and in the college section ath- ktlcs were severely condemned and a call was made for all college men to Ect together and Insist upon reform bo that no more time can be given to nthlntlna In fTillpiiT wnrk thnn in nnv - - one study. A rerotmnendat'on to that . effect will be adopted by the college department, 'n the department of elementary Plication, Professor McMurray of New York severely criticised superin- tendmee and rupervlsion as It Is prac ticed snd started a movement for an entirely different scheme of super vision. The cd tentlonal council ap-' proved of pl.ins for changes in the laws so that the office of school treas- itt ne anoiisnen and more nearly a vored the abolition of the Independ-, -nt districts. The leiris'ative comm't , I tee recommended that the term of or-, I fire of the state superintendent be ex-' (tended to four years and his salarv lnwd, also thnt the state board i,on reorganizes Will Not License Naprapathists. No licenses will be Issued by the Iowa state board of health to persons who wish to practice naprapathy In Iowa Dr. Sumner, secretary of the board, mde this announcement when he formally turned down the application of H. Walter Harmon of Burlington. The state board In refusing to li cense Harmon, says thnt Iowa gives legal recom't'on to on'y two classes tithy. Tho nnprapathlsta, who fix" diseases through treatments of the spine, have been attempting for some t'me to se cure licenses to practice In Iowa. fETA'LERS ELECTOFFICERS 4. K. Dysart of Ottumwa Chosen Presi dent of Iowa Federation. Cedar' Rapids, Ia., Nov. 10. The board of directors of the State Federa tion of Retail Merchants In session here elected the following officers: J. K. Dysart of Ottumwa, president; r . t T-V. . 1 flllnlnn fl.ot Ut'UlKI' V. I'llll'IH-J Ul V.I1I11VII, Mint ... ... ... vice president; l). w. vrooin 01 nin- on City, second vice president; W. A. Ball of Cedar Rapids, third vice presl-1 dent; David J. Murphy of Dubuque. secretary; aul Davis of Waterloo. treasurer The association will boost for home t . .. .. Duying anu win pin up n siruug u&ui against a parcc,sost. Colonel Bowers Cead at Clinton. Clinton, la.. Nov. 10. Colonel H. F. Bowers, organizer of the American Lockle. editor of the Jollet He. aid Protective association and national was attacked by Mrs. Oscar Brush in president since Its Inception nearly a , front of the Herald office and horse quarter of a century ago. died sud-1 shipped. He finally took the horse f fnitr u- ... hnm whip away from the woman, after hav- In Baltimore, Aug. 12. 1837. and came ; "f received at least three hard blow to Iowa In 1857. He was admitted to . Mrs. Brush is the wife of a printer the bar In June. 1877. Colonel Bowers was county neorder two terms. He was a long time Republ'can and was Widely known In Iowa and other states. Admits Forgery, Police Claim. Cedar Rapids, Ia Nov. 10. Admit t'ng he bought a diamond ring for n..a t nm nM,lanll tnlnnhntiA nner- ,tor at' Dike. Ia. with a forged check, Raymond Qulntard of Sioux City Is said to have confessed his guilt to the officers here. He was arrested at Parkersburg and hns been held to the rand jury under bonds of $1,0 0. His brother. Karl tjuimara. was arremeu a few days ago on a cnarge ot lorgum notes at Grundy Center. Baby Burned to Death at Anita. . Anita. Ia., Nov. 10. Thelnia Red burn, aged two. died as a result ot playing with fire. Her (he year old brother spilled a bottle of turpentine a I . . on a newspaper, which caught fire from the stove and set the child's CAN UN INDIAN UA JCL5 Bureau Officials Say It Keeps Redskins Too Long Away From Farm, Washington, Nov. 10. It is for the economic and social good of the In dians, officials of the Indian bureau dJ clared, that objection has been made to the sun, buffalo, wlliow and some of the other prolonged dances In which members of certain tribes In dulge. "Often these orgies, for that is what the dances practically amount to, eon sume several weeks of the Indian's time at a season when the farm needs his attention," said an official. "The Interior department will con tlnue to object to thesa dances." Delos K. Lonewolf, Wilbur Pewee and four other members of the Kiowa 11 Commanche tribes are here now. TWiile they have " been consulting about the dance protests, their princi pal purpose was to ask that the money appropriated for their relief at the ; extraordinary session or congress ue0d,t of commerce granted a tempo-i given them in larger sums- The de-1 ary injunction against the order of . partment, it Is said, will r.ot make any the interstate commerce commission change In Its policy of doling out thcljn popularly are known as tho money In monthly payments, spread Spokane and the Pacific coast points over a considerable period. FUNERAL OF FATHER WILLIAM MURPHY Bady o! Laf 3 Prelst is BjriJj at Lincoln. Lincoln, Nov. 10. The funeral ot Father William Murphy, who wat killed In an automobile accident neai Heaver Crossing, was held at '3t. Ther eea's pro cathedral this morning. Bishop Tihen preached the funer.l sermon and celebrated the rer. 'i high mass. He was assisted by b v oral priests of tho diocese. Burn.! was In Calvary cemetery, east of fit city. The body of the late priest was viewed by many as it lie In state at . iro.,ltt,ottrnl l,e "u luu"u,u USES RIFLE TO GET NOTE Rancher Takes Summary Action tc Recover Paper. Belle Fourche, S. D.. Nov. 10. Walk lng into the Slate bank of Hulett VVyo, a short distance from here Asher Knoppr, a rancher, leveled a rifle at Cashier Storm, force -1 him U turn over a promissory note ulgncd by Knepper, and then handing the riilt t' one of several bystanders, calmly walked outside the bank, tore up tlu m w note and went home. Knepper iatei as arrested and held to the district court on a charge of assault witn a dangerous weapon. He was released on bonds. Knepper claims he gave the note In question to his mother-in law for a $500 check, which proved to be worth less. Later the mother-In law placed the note In the bank for collection and he 8nmnwry actlon wher bank offlcIa,a t(J retum en thfc tlu 1 note to him. AIMS BLOW AT "CORNERS" Government Asks Supreme Court to Decide Them Unlawful. Washington. Nov. 10-For tho first proclaim as the law of the land that 'running a corner" on a stock ex- change Is a violation of the Sherman nnti trust act The point came up in the rt al ai gu ment of Solicitor General Ltlmann In support of the Indictment of James A Tatten, Kugene E. G. Scales, Frank B-1 on J:"l. 1910. to "run a corner of cottoa" on the New York Stock exchange. Sugar Off Ten Points More. Mow VnrU Vnv 1(1 OwlllH tO In- creasing competition of new crop sup - vn...(j w - ..n ., morio .iinu;B rnnt n in", mc burh , , ued weakness and further-declines were reported. The price of refined , ' augar was marked down ten points to ' the basis of 6.30 cents per pound for I fine granulated, making a decline of nearly l'i cents per pound from the , t.iK .,i rontw Tinted Haw, msu icv.i,.u .y....., - , I sugar, also were unsettled and lower., Woman Horsewhips Editor at Jollet. Jollet. 111., Nov. 10. Archibald S. against whom the Herald had made charges, which the editor refused to retract Stanlslcs Located In Utlca, N. Y. Lincoln, Nor. 10. That Theodore Stanlslcs, wanted In this state for ar son. Is In Utlca. N. Y., masquerading under the name of Louis Clark, Is the word telegraphed to Lincoln by the thief of police of that city. Stanlslcs Is the man who was convicted here of Inciting Ry Wllscam to burn his house In order that the two might se cure the insurance thereon. Finds Wire Dead, Kills Himself. Chicago. Nov. 10. When he awoke and found his wife had died In the night It Is believed James Thompson, fifty three years old, committed sui cide rather than live without heri Their bodies were discovered by a mvant Mrs. Thompson's body Indi cated she had died from natural csuBes. Thompson's was beside her with his throat cut. RATE REDUCTIONS ARE-ENJOINED CoLTMI.Ids Up Order o! Com merce Commission. FREI3HT TARIFFS UNCHANGED Long and Short Haul Issue in Pacific Coast Cases Investigation of Facts to Be Made by Judges Controver sies may Go to Supreme Court.. Washington, Nov. 10. Expected re duction of transcontinental railroad freight rates was held up when tne rate case. The order was made June 22 and was to have become effective rext Wednesday. The cases involve not only the "back haul" freight rates from Spo kane and other lntermountain points to Pacific const terminals, but also the application of the long and short haul provision of the existing law. The order of the commission, particularly in the Reno case, laid down the prin einles to be followed by the commis sion. 'lhe effect of the commission's order was to reduce the freight rates from Atlantic seaboard points to Inter llocky mountain destinations. In the reduction of the transconti nental rates tho commission recog nized the effect of water competition on the Pacific coast, but held substrn tiaily that the rate from the east to , cities like Spokane and Reno should be lower tbrn the exlrting rates. Tho ti&.wontinental railways ap pealed to' the commerce court, main taining that the order was practical confiscatory. Leaves Rates Unchanged. The court issued the order grant ing the preliminary Injunction and f.:!i;peiHlini the operation of the order iss ied by the convulsion. The court's fiiidipft leaves the transcontinental fn-lt,lit structure as It Is at present. I u the opinion of members of the Interstate commerce commission the most important feature of the Injunc tion Is the court's questioning of the commission's action respecting the long and short haul provision of the teachings of Masonry and both dia existing law. The intimation give" hy ed the relations between Masonry the court is that It proposes to make Christianity, emphatically dec ar an investigation of the facts on which . that Christianity Is the logical the order of the commission was based In order to determine for Itself a basis for a final order. In the existing clrcumstpnces It Is regarded likelv that the caJes will not be determined bv the commerce court for several months and that whatever the judgment of the court may be, the controversies will be carried to the United States supreme court. MRS. QUINN HELD BY PCUCE Former Husband of Chicago Woman W" Al8 Kil,ed' , Chicago Nov. lO.-Wltnesses at the , " T 7 Im j Nov 2. gave testimony which threat- lu . - . The woman Is being held by the police for an Investigation. Charles E. Thorpe, a stepson by the woman's second marriage, told of three marriages he knew she had contract ed, although her former testimony ac - .d only two. He added that uspec ea . y u .. iul Thorpo. of having killed his father, since, he said, the husband and wife alone were In the house at the time. The testimony set up the following : as facts Involving Mrs. Quinn: That . .lJ thrno HmoQ- she had been married three times, ...i.. a nrn that her second hbnd. Warren Thorpe, whom to $J1 months o the death f her J r . had n ho ,n 'J -Tha! Thorne on vnllke Quinn a death; that Thorpe on the day of his death con templated ranging to deed his 100 acre farm to a - .((i. rDaAV on . but w. , . jot hlle getUng ready fcVJ ' 41 V 1.1. J ...v.. WILL OPEN ANOTHER GRAVE Body of Charles Vermllya Will Be Exhumed by Coroner Hoffman. Chicago, Nov. 10. Coroner Hoffman prepared to take another body from the grave for the purpose of adding to the chain of evidence against Mrs. Louise Vermllya, now held In the coun ty Jail charged with the murder of Ar thur Blsonette. The grave which will be opened is that of Charles Vermllya, second hus band of tho accused woman. Coroner Hoffman, with two detectives, went to Crystal Lake for the Immediate pur pose of exhuming the body and Inci dentally to make Inquiries regarding the courtship of Louise Vermilya and her husband and facts connected wit! the death of the first Mrs. Vermllya. Mrs. Vermllya, who suffered a re 'npse, is now resting comfortably. Norway and Sweden Ask Tariff Conce Washington, Nov. 10. Norway and Bweden, through their diplomatic rep resentatives here, have requested the United States to grant to them under the favored nations' clause of their treaties tne same privileges given to Canada by section 2 of the reciprocity agreement, by which wood pulp and print paper are admitted free of duty Into the United Statea. POISONER DLAME3 SISTEU Mother of Accused Woman Identifies Threatening Notes. Northwood, la., Nov. 10. Mrs. Doug las Rhodenbaugh, mother of Mrs. Etta Larson, accused of attempting to poi son her father, took the witness stand In the trial of her daughter in the district court here. She positively identified the letters said to have been written to Marion Rhodenbaugh by Mrs. Larson, in which threats were made If the girl told that she had been ordered to put poison In Rhodut baugh'8 food, J. W. Mulllcan of St. Paul, a hand writing expert, took the stand preced ing Mrs. Rhodenbaugh, and testified that the letters were the handwriting of Mrs. Larson. On recross examination ' Marlon Rhodenbaugh testified that she had attempted to poison both her parents six different t'mes, dating from the fall of 1909. She said these attempts "w" "- "'fel.u c. 8lster- FORWARD MOVEMENT FOR SMALLER CITIES Campaign Will Extend t3 Bxe, (mss an J O'hsr Towns. Des Moines, Nov. 10. Arrangement are being rapidly completed for the launching of Men and Religion For ward Movement campaigns in the cit ies and towns auxiliary to Des Molnas. The campaign will be opened at Col fax on Dec. 1 and will last for three davs. Delegates will be entertained from those towns In Jasper county that He nearer Colfax than to Newton. Chairman B. W. Garrett of the ora- mittee on associated centers has ar- ranged for a campaign to be held at Boono from Dec. 7 to 10. There will be no campaign at Ames until after Jan. 1, and as yet no plans have been definitely outlined for the prosecution of the work In Oskaloosa and Ot tumwa. Dr. Clarence A. Barbour and Yutoka Minnkuchl,. who were members of the team of national experts who conducted the eight day campaign in Des Moines, addressed more than two hundred master Masons of the Mount Ilermon lodge at Cedar Rapids last week. Both men are Masons of a high degree, and Mr. MinakuchI is the only Japanese Shriner In the United States. Both men dwelt at length on the 1 itnn niuinn rr nunnrv SLOT MACHINES TAKEN 0'JT Disappear From Council Bluffs Stores as If by Magic. Council Bluffs, Ia., Nov. 10. Several hundred slot machines disappeared from the stores in Council Dluffa as If by magic. In the past machines of all sorts and description, except ma chines paying In cash, have been used here. All this has been changed through the general letter of Instruc tions to city and county officials from Attorney General Cosson. Card games In cigar stores also are under the ban, and County Attorney Capell and Sheriff McCaffrey are scouring the city warning offenders to cease everything of this nature at once. Some of the owners of these ma chines In their greed have made no distinction ns to players, and George Mongene says hla thirteen year old son, who a year ago had $500 In the Bavlngs bank, lost It all In these ma chines, a craze for which he developed. Two Women and Baby Burned to Death Sioux City, Ia., Nov. 10. Kerosene on a breakfast fire caused an explo sion In the home of John Davis, a farmer, living southeast of here, re sulting in the death of Mrs. Davis, their three months old baby boy and Mrs. Lucinda Hodge, Mrs. Davis' aunt. A three year old girl was saved by neighbors. Mr. Davis was out husking corn. Mrs. Davis was twenty six years old. Stores at Woolstock Robbed. Eagle Grove, la., Nov. in. Practical ly every place of business In Wool stock, a small town nenr here, was entered by a thief and from several of the places small sums of money were stolen. Buildings were entered by prying open windows and doors or breaking the glass out of windows. Even the bunk was broken Into, but no effort was made to get into the safe. Packing Industry Is Worth Millions. Cedar Rapids, Ia., Nov. 10. The sweet corn packing Industry In Iowa this year will amount to J4.000.000, ac cording to officers of the Iowa Can- ners' association, which closed its an nual meeting here. M. W. Jonea of Vinton was elected president; O. H. Mitchell of Waverly, vice president, and G. W. Drake of Dexter, secretary and treasurer. Robbers Try to Steal Two-Ton Safe. Sioux City, Nov. 10. Robbers at tempted to carry off a two ton safo la the bank at South Sioux City, Neb.. In a stolen grocery waon, but failed and contented themselves by stealing & new I vne writer left for trial. The Bafe contained about $1,000. . maon; n. .-..,. C Moines. Nov. 10. J. C. Mabray. head of the fake horse race swindling 8ng. was released from the PolK. county jail on $2.000 bond. MHilMBMMMMMHBilMHMMMaiKHMH ClOtheB HAW.