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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1911)
t-fV if ttamoutb Sourn 04 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION-EIGHT PAGES PL ATTSMO UTI1 , NEBRASKA. MONDAY XOVEM1IEK 13,1911 NO 94 VOLUME XXX 0MAHh-PLATTSr.1QUTH-KAHSAS CITY AUTO HIE-MTE RIB BRIDGE IPEIIII Representatives From the Nebraska City Commercial Club to Be Here This Evening to Assist in Preliminary Arrangements for Minstrel Show and Celebration Next Wednesday. In our write-up of the Oinaha-Plattsmouth-Kansas City auto route yesterday we neglected to state that the proceeds of the min strel performance is to be equally divided between the Plattsmouth and Nebraska City Commercial clubs, to be expended jointly by the clubs on the road from Platts mouth to Nebraska City. When ever $100 is needed to improve the road there this fund will be applied. Arrangements have been made to hold the afternoon meet ing of the Omaha-Plattsmouth-Kansas City Good Roads associa tion meeting in Coates' hall and the Elks' rooms will be thrown open to the visitors, where they can be entertained nicely. This meeting should be attend ed by every citizen of Cass coun ty who is interested in better highways, and by every owner of a vehicle having four wheels, and especially every owner or pros pective owner of an automobile should be present and lend en thusiasm to Ihe movement. The meeting will be called promptly at 3 p. m., at which time the men who have already done so much for the good roads movement in other localities will address the assembly and discuss plans and methods of improvement. . During the evening it has been suggested that it would add very BRIEF SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF JOSEPH SMS Joseph Sans, a Highly Esteemed and Prominent Citizen, Called to His Reward. Joseph Sans was born in Baden, Germany, April 5, 1835, and died at his home, near Murray, Neb., Novem ber 9, 1911, aged 70 years, 7 months and i days. 4HM"HIMH"MH,h From Friday's Dally. While yet a boy he learned tho trade of cabinet-maker, serving an apprenticeship of two and a half years; he came to America in February, 1852, and first settled in Pittsburg, Pa., where he was employed at his trade for about two years. Here he was also em ployed at a brewery for a short time. He went to Columbus, Ohio, for eighteen months, where ho worked as a carpenter, later going to Des Moines and Fort Dodge, Iowa. Ho continued in the car penter trade for three years. Mr. Sans came to Cass county and located at Rock Bluffs in 1858, where he worked at the carpenter trade for a year, at tho end of which time he went to Denver, Colorado, where he engaged at carpenter work and in mining, un til about 18(51, when he purchased a quarter of land and began farm ing. His landed holdings increased and he continued the business of farming until recent years. February 13, 18(52. Mr. Sans' was married at Rock Bluffs to Miss Caroline Spiers, a native of . Missouri; she died September 25, 1875, leaving five children, name- ly: Joseph V., Charles, Arabella, Lily and John. Mr. Sans was mar- ried again at Rock Bluffs on Do- cemher 25, f 876, to Flora F. Frans, a native of that placo, who survives him. To this union five children were born: Emma, Bet- tie F., Walter, Leona and Beulah, . all of whom arc married except Beulah. who lives at home. All tho children were at his bedside when he passed away except Jos- eph V., of Colorado, and Lily, of Nebraska City. Mr. Sans had been a resident of. the precinct in which his home was situated for fifty years, and was one of the leading citizens of his community, always favoring those proiecls for the belterment Omaha this afternoon on, import of his community, and he stood ant business. materially to the appearance of the city if the merchants will let their electric and gas lights re main on for the evening, instead of turning them off, as usual. The band concert, to be given by the popular B. & M. band, promises to be one of the pleasant features of the celebration on November 15. This will take place in front of the opera house before the minstrel performance opens. The construction company nail ed the floor on the last span of the new bridge this morning, and the approaches will be completed by Saturday night, so that on Monday next the public will be crossing the new structure. Secretary Jackson ofthe Ne braska City Commercial club tele phoned E. II. .Wescolt today that a delegation from their club would motor to Plattsmouth tonight for a preliminary meeting and to dis cuss arrangements. Enthusiasm Is at the bubbling stage down there and there will be hundreds of the Nebraska City people pres ent at the 'opening. A special train will be run from Nebraska Citv, beside a large contingent bv auto. The Nebraska Cilv band will accompany the delegation from that city and we will have the pleasure of listening to at least two bands on the night of the 1 5th. high in the estimation of his neighbors, who knew him best. lie was an exemplary citizen, a kind neighbor and affectionate, husband and parent, who 'will 'be greatly missed from his large , circle of friends. The funeral will ! be held from his lato residence I Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock, and interment will be made Horning cemetery. at the E. L. Rouse Honored. From Friday's Dally. Dean House of Peru was yes terday accorded the highest honor within the gift of the Nebraska State Teachers' ascociation by be- ing selected president of this or- ganization for the coming year. Prof. Rouse has many friends in this city as well as in different parts of Nebraska who will be pleased at his elevation to this distinguished place in the educa tional field in Nebraska. Prof. Rouse first came to Cass county as the superintendent of the Weeping Water schools and his success there attracted the atten tion of tho board of education of this city, which elected him to succeed Prof. McIIugh as super intendent of the Plattsmouth schools. After serving in this ca pacity for a few years ho was pro moled by being called to a pro fessorship at Peru normal school, and is now dean of that Institu tion. Mr. Rouse's popularity in educational' circles has had a steady upward, trend until the present and no doubt will con tinue. Insanity Board Holds Session. From Friday's Dally. The board of insanity held a session yesterday afternoon at the apartments of Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker, over Ihe jail, and heard testimony relative to the mental condition of Miss Eva Thierolf, a young lady who has resided near Cedar Creek all her life. Miss Theirolf has been in Poor health for a long time, and for some months past has been in a private sanitarium, but her condition of late has been such as to give her friends uneasiness, and yesterday the sheriff went out to Cedar Creek and brought her ' Plattsmouth. The board, after the hearing, made an order com 1 nulling the young lady to the """P'l t Lincoln. Milton Erwin of iLberty pre cmct was a Plattsmouth visitor this morning and journeeyd to Canon Burgess Improving. The many friends of Canon II. B. Burgess will be pleased to learn that be is improving, and has so far recovered as to be able to sit out on the porch a portion of the time each day. The Jour nal hopes this grand old man will soon be himself again, and thai his good-natured countenance and kindly greeting will be visible on the street and in the business houses again soon. No one citizen is missed as is our old friend among all classes. POSTAL SAVING BONDS A COMPARATIVE FAILURE First Sale of 2Vz Per Cent Bonds Issued Through New Agency, Fall Below Expectations. A special from New York, under dale of November 7, says: "The first sale of United States govern ment 214 per cent bonds, issued through the postal savings bank department, has just been made on the market here, Ihe bonds fetching only 92 'a. It was re alized by bankers from the lime that the first of these postal sav ings bonds were issued that they would not be worth par, but the sale at 92,,i has put a lower valuation on them than some of the government bond dealers ex pected. "It thus appears that the small depositor who takes bonds at par must hold his bonds until ma turity, twenlv years hence, or; if forced to realize on his holdings, must accept a heavy loss on his principal. "For example, tho holder of, $200 of these 2Vi per cent bonds who bought them last July for $200 has now sold them for $185, suffering a loss of 7 per cent of Ihe principal invested four months ago. "Hankers declare that it will be necessary for the government to adopt -pome rhaiv-re whereby the parity of these bonds may be maintained." Will Help Us Boost. Secretary E. II. Wescolt of the Commercial club has just re ceived a communication from the industrial and real estate depart ment of the Burlington, inform ing the Plattsmouth Commercial club that anything that the In dustrial department of the com pany can do to assist in securing business enterprises for Platts mouth will bo cheerfully done, and all the club has to do is to ac quaint the department with what is expected of it and it will be "Johnnie-on-the-spot," or words to that effect. It cheers the boost ers to have expressions of wil lingness to aid tendered them in this manner, and they will be en couraged to still greater efforts by such communications. Case Transferred to This County. Judge Munger, in the federal court, has sustained n motion to remand the case of Julia Wander- holm, administratrix of the estate of Oscar Wanderholm, deceased, vs. the C. B. & 0. railroad to the district court of Cass county. The suit is for $15,000 damages, claimed by plaintiff for the death of her husband, which she alleges was caused by being struck by a Burlington train at Plattsmouth, January 1, 1911. State Journal. Farms For Sale. 160 acres of Cass county land, located 3 miles south of Nehawkn This plnce is in excellent condi ton with 100 acres sowed to fall who at, 4 acres of alfalfa, 30 acres of meadow and remainder in pasture, 7 acres being fenced hog tight. Improved with 8 room house, flno new large barn with accommodations for ten head of horses and fifty cattle; cribs and granary, 4 acres orchard and a splendid well with new mill. Be side the well there is a good spring and two small running streams. Would make a fine proposition for stock of diversified farming. Also 1C0 acres rich Otoe coun ty land adjoining the above farm: 135 acres under cultivation, most of which is bottom land and pro duces bumper crops; and 20 acres is in meadow. This Is a good buy for somebody. For further information communicate with . C. Bcadon Hall, Nehawka, Neb. NEHPROVEHS FOR FUTTSKOUTHWATER WORKS Orders to Qo Ahead With Im provements and Complete Sam as Soon as Possible. The new waterworks franchise remains in almost the same con dition of a few weeks ago, but from the following message from Mr. West, at Portland, to Mr. James W. Burnie, manager of the Plattsmouth plant, certainly dem onstrates that Mr. West still has all confidence in the people of Plattsmouth doing the right thing' by him as owner of the plant. He intends to move right along mak ing the necessary improvements in the plant to guarantee the sup ply of water to be good and suf ficient for every demand that can possibly be made by the consumer and for the fire protection of the city. The following was received by Mr. Burnie yesterday evening and we have secured his permis sion to print the same simply to show that. Mr. West in goipg to do his share and even more, al though he has no assurance that he will be permitted to operate his plant upon a business and paying basis only for a limited period: ' Portland, Nov. 9. Mr. James W. Burnie, Manager Plnltsmoulh Water Co.: Your letter of Nov. dlli received. Oo nhoitd and close contract for nil your concrete work; also con tracts for tank pipe fittings, valves and reinforcing steel, if prices and deliveries are reason able. Advise nie promptly esti mated cost of tiller pump, houses and foundations complete. Com plete this fall all fhe work you can. Ceo. F. West. This certainly demonstrates that Mr. West has no other point in view than that the people of this cilywill meet him half way. He expects the people to favor him with a reasonable franchise, ynder which he. can operate and maintain a water plant in fhe city upon purelv business principles, one Hint will render him fair re turns upon his investment. Mr. West is readv lo expend many dollars upon Ihe plant and is do ing so, and we are informed bv Mr. Burnie that the work referred lo in Ihe above message will be commenced tomorrow morning, and the instructions of Mr. West will be carried out to the letter. All work that can possiblv be completed before cold weather sets in will be done. It is true that we have a few people who are in favor of delaying the fran chise, some thinking (hat twenty years is too long a time, others, but'very few, are in favor of mu nicipal ownership, but the major ity of the taxpayers of tho city are in favor of granting (ho franchise to Mr. West just as it is, giving the city Ihe privilege of purchas ing the same at every five-year period, which in reality is only a five-year franchise. These terms give Mr. West but ono assurance and that is he will not bo com pelled to make application for a new franchise for twenty years. Can this be more than justice to him? Can you find home capital that will take the chances that Mr. West has volunteered to do? Where can you find another man that will invest his money even under more favorable conditions that -are asked in tho new fran chise?' Ho has reduced the rates all along tho lino and depends solely upon tho more modern plant saving in running expenses, making up the deficiency, if (here be any, from the old scale, of prices. We believe that if tho people of the city will take tho time to call at the water office, consult Mr. Burnie or Mr. Weber, they will be glad to explain tho conditions of tho franchise, and they will look upon tho matter in an entirely different light. Corn- pare tho Interests of Mr. WfAnl n ...... knnl, 1 fn.'nA n.llk '7 "wuy '"'7 lhat of your own, and if you not come to tho conclusion that he is more than willing to meet us half wav, wo miss our guess. This is a duty you owo yourself. Look into (ho mailer. Do not lt i Silbfrborg company of Cincin H bo said that you do. not under-jnafit 0., was in tho city today stand the requirements of tho, showing William Holly his ccle- rranchlse, or your own responsj- bility connected therewith. Cigars and toDacco at Bnok meyer & Maurer's. ALEX lie DEES IIWAGIJER.THEF He Talks Freely About His Association With Wagner the Day Be fore the Latter's Death, And Their Trip From Plattsmouth in the Direction of Pacific Junction Grand Jury to Consider the Matter on November 21- The following is taken from (he Glenwood Tribune, wherein Alex Hunter denies killing John Wag ner and gives a statement in which he attempts to free himself from all connection with the mur der: Monday's Tribuno told briefly of the arrest that morning of Alex Hunter, wanted for tho murder of John Wagner. Deputy Sheriff A. S. Edwards arrested him at the farm home of a man by the name of Taylor, near Craig, Mo., and he was brought to Glenwood and placed in jail that evening. Hunter had been shucking corn for Taylor for a week, having gone there direct from Clarinda, where he gave the local officers the slip. A man by the name of Allen, a former resident south of Glen wood, lives near the Taylor farm and Hunter went to bis house. He told Allen that Ihe Mills county officers were after him to send him to the inebriate hospital at Knoxville. No dale has been fixed for Hun- ters preliminary hearing, mu me time is short when the grand jury will take up the mailer. The grand . jury will meet a week from next Tuesdav. Genung & Genung have been retained lo defend Hunter. Denies Killing Wagner. Hunter denies killing Wagner, and he talked quite freely with Deputy Edwards regarding his as sociations with Wasner on the day and night preceding the lat ter's death. Among Ihe articles on Hunter's person when arrested was a ring belonging to Wagner, and be slated Wagner had given him the ring two weeks before (he death. Wagner's death took place some lime during the night of Friday, October 13 an ominous date. " Wagner's home was in Plaits- A pleasant Surprise Party. From Friday's laily. Last evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hall on Orchard Hill, was ' Ihe scene of a very pleasant surpriso parly, the oc casion being in honor of Miss Margaret Rishel. About forty of her friends gathered at tho Hall home about 8 o'clock and gave her a most complete surprise. Tho evening was spent in games, music and social conversation. A very pleasing amusement was the old-fashioned, spelling contest, which resulted in James Rishel receiving the booby prize and Miss Ferris York getting "Ihe" prize of the evening. Mrs. Hall took Ihe part of Ihe old-lime schoolmaster and was n most successful ono. At a late hour a delicious three course luncheon was spread, lo which all did ample justice, after which the happy company of young people departed for their homes, (rusting lhat they will bo invited to the Hall home again in the near future, a.s the Halls are royal entertainers. Injured at Shops. From Friday's Dally. N. Kelly, the baseball player, who is nlso an employo of the. : Burlington shops in the brass foundry, had Ihe misfortune this morning, while working at an emery slone, which was going at a ; high rate of speed, to have tho lit tle finger of his left hand thrust against the stone and the flesh ground off to the bone. Mr. Kelly had the finger dressed by tho com ; irany surgeon and will lay off for do!' ,, a lime. William Felbelman in Town. From Friday's Dally. William Fcibehnan, the Bmilhig Iravelintr salesman for tho Fcder- brated "Lion Made Clothing." This is a house that sends out strictly up-to-date clothing and they are fortunate In having Mr. Holly for a customer. THAT HE II mouth, and Hunter states he was with Wagner the afternoon of Fri day, and tho two men were drink ing considerably. About 5 o'clock that evening Wagner went to the "Q." depot with Hunter, who was to return to Pacific Junction on No. 2. Tho men decided they wanted more liquor, and Wagner was sent up town for another half pint of whiskey, each contributing 25 cents for its purchase. Returning to the depot, Wag ner was persuaded to accompany Hunter lo Pacific Junction. Tho train arrived at the latter place at 5:15, and shortly afterwards tho two men started to walk west along tho tracks Hunter to his home on the Harry Lincoln farm, and Wagner was to return to Plattsmouth. Hunter says that they bad gone but a little ways from Ihe Junction when a switch engine came along. He stepped to one side and al lowed tin) engine lo pass, but says that Wagner, who was walking a, i ways in front of him, failed to got mil ,)f llu, WUVi nn, wns mm. (l,r ,0 tm0 si(je of lllft lrU(.k Wagner, he savs, was not much i jni.t.,. Hnd the (wo men started ou nipip joun.y. Arriving at tho wagon road crossing, a mile west of the Junction, they tarried there for a time. They had bought some bread and bologna sausnge in Platls motilh, and Ihe men ale a lunch at Ibis point. Hunter stales that it was be tween 7 and 8 o'clock when they had finished (heir lunch and their visit. He started south on the wagon road lo his home, located a mile lo the southwest. Hunter says that Wagner then proceeded west along Ihe railroad track on his way lo Plattsmouth, and lhat was the last he saw of him. At the M. E. Church Parlors. From Friday's Dally. The church parlors of the M. E. church were Ihe scene of a largo gathering of (he members and friends of (he Ladies' Aid Society yesterday afternoon. They were most .delightfully entertained by Mesdames E. F. Benson, Crabill and I. N. Cummings. The first feature of tho afternoon's enter tainment was (be regular busi ness session, which tho ladies usually hold and at which Various matters of importance were dis cussed. After this Ihe large num ber present, there being some thing like fifty there, participated in various amusements, all hav ing a most enjoyable time. Tho hostess then served a most excel lent luncheon, to which all did ample justice. Nebraska City Special. The Missouri Pacific will run a special train from Nebraska City to Plallsmouth on the oc casion of the minstrel show at (ho Pannele Ihealer and the celebra tion of the opening of the Platte river auto and wagon bridge. Tho train will leave Nebraska City at 5 o'clock p. 111., and returning will leave Plattsmouth at 2 a. m. A largo crowd is expected to ac company (he minstrel company. It will be a gala day and night for the old town. It would bo well for our home people to get their tickets in advance of tho dalo in order to bo sure of a seat. Canvass the Vote. From Friday's Dally. County Clem l. C. Morgan call ed to his assistance as canvass ing board to tak6 tho offlciat count of the ballots cast at tho election, L. D. Hialt and Jame Donnelly, and yesterday tho count was made. There was no material changes in the result from tho unofficial returns. Ice cream, with the finest fruit flavors, at Bookmeyer & Maurer'a.