The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1911, Image 5

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    Murray Department
I) any of tlw readen of the Journal know of a social eeut or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail name to this office it will appear under tins headin
Te want all items of interest. Editor Jour K.J.
U fa
urray State Bank
Capital and
We Solicit Your Banking
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Automobile and carriage paint
ing. Frank Gobelman.
Mrs. H. F. Drendel has beon on
the sick list this week.
Dr. Gilmore made a profession
al trip down in Otoe county Mon
Iav of this week.
Mrs. James Uolmos entertained
lasi mursday in honor of Mrs.
Allison and Mrs. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ilrown
entertained Mrs. Allison and her
daughter, Mrs. Stone, TuoHday.
Take dinner and supper on
flection day with the Ladies' Aid
society at the home of Mrs. Bren
del. The. M. P. steam grader is in
Murray this week doing some
work in the Sporer cut, widening
the grade.
The wedding liouseau for the
Tom Thumb wedding will be de
signed and made by Miss Grace
Bring your children Saturday
evening If) see the wedding of
Tom Thumb. They will receive
n great amount of pleasure out
of it,.
W. G. Boedeker nuloed to
Tlaltsmoulb Wednesday evening,
returning with his sister, Miss
Ida. v ho was spending the day in
that city,
Hipp "How the Slory drew"
S:ilun!av n iu til. nl the Christian
r)nip'',i Mini you will understand
heller the cause of so many queer
tales around Murray.
Mrs. A. I,. Kennedy returned
borne from Franklin county last
Thursday, where she has been
visit in w ith relatives and
friends for I he past few weeks.
Mrs. V. G. Brown made a busi
ness trip In Omaha Tuesday. Mr.
and Mrs. Holmes ami Wiil met
her in Plattsinoulh Wednesday
evening and relurned home in the
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman en
tertained a number of friends last
Friday evening in honor of Mrs.
James Allison and Mrs. Chas.
Stone, who are visiting here from
lampa, Col. A most pleasant
time was enjoyeyd by all in at
The boss carpenter. W. W
Hamilton, is very busy these days
and has several new contracts in
sight which will result in sutll-
cient work to keep himself and
slafT of workmen busy for several
months. The only secret for this
condition is simply that Billy
knows how to do the work.
Mrs. (1. H. Ciilmore and Mrs. W.
C. Brown entertained Monday at
il l a . .
uie nome oi mrs. (iilmore at a
seven-o'clock dinner in honor of
Mrs. James Allison and Mrs.
Chas. Stone of Yampa, Colo.
Cards were the entertainment of
the evening, James Loughridge
winning the king prize. Covers
vere hid for Mrs. James Allison,
Mrs. Chas. Stone, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Boedeker, Mr. and Mrs.
James Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. O.
A. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pit,
man, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Smith,
Mfises Margie Walker, Pauline
Oldham and Ida Boedeker, Messrs.
Albert Young, James Loughridge,
W. C. Brown and O. H. Gilmore.
ZDi 0
Joe Shradcr shipped a car of
flno heifers in from South Omaha
this week.
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds has been
numbered with the sick for the
past few days.
Miss Margie Walker spent Sat
urday and Sunday with friends in
Nebraska City.
Take a trip to Sunnyland Satur
day evening, November 11, and
hear the little Pickannies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Boedeker
entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Smith and Mrs. Allison and Mrs.
Stone Sunday.
Bert Philpol was in Murray a
short time Wednesday, enroute
to Plattsinoulh from his home in
Weeping Water.
S. (). Pitman am W. If. Foster
were Plattsinoulh visitors Wed
nesday, Mr. Pitman making the
return of the precinct ballots.
Robert Propst sold a part of a
car of potatoes here last Satur
day. He sold several hundred
bushels out of the car for '.()
cents per bushel.
Mrs. W. 0. Boedeker spent a
few days with home folks, Mr.
and Mrs. Sans, this week, lieinir
summoned then' owing to her
father's severe illness.
Uncle Joe Sans has been verv
sick for the past few days. He
has been sick for some time, but
the past few days his condition
has become quite serious.
Ther will be five numbers of
the Lyceum Course this year. One
of the numbers will lie iriven hv
home talent under the direction of
Mrs. J. F. Brendel and Pauline
Oldham and will take place in the
Christian church Saturday even
ing, November 11, at 8:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Oldham en
tertained Wednesday at 7 o'clock
luncheon in honor of Mrs. James
Allison and Mrs. Chas. Stone.
Those present were Mrs. .Allison
and Mrs. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Dull, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Brown and Albert Young. Cards
were the amusement of the eve
ning. While D. C. Ilhoden has been
beaten for the ofllce of sheriff, he
has one tiling to be mighty
thankful for, and that is for the
vole he received at home. It dem
onstrates that he is well thought
of in the community where he lias
lived all his life. Where he has
dealt with neighbors and friends
and gained the friendship of all
by his honest and square dealings
Can all the elected candidates say
as much? Look at their home
vole and decide for yourself
When a man carries his hotm
precincts like Don C. Ilhoden did
with the larger portion of the
vote going to his opponent being
the result of some personal mat
tcr and not the duties of the of
lice considered, and from his own
party at that, he certainly has
grounds to feel proud. We be
lieve that for the present. Cass
County has lost the services of
good man for sheriff, but it can
not be said that old Fast and
West Rock Bluffs did not do her
share, especially among Mr
Hhoden's republican friends.
Zack Shrader was in Platts
inoulh Wednesday.
L. II. Young was a Plattsmouth
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. W C. Brown was in
Omaha a few days this week.
A. Asch was a Plattsmouth
visitor Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. James Brown was visiting
in Omaha Wednesday of this
W. II. Foster of Nebraska City
was a business visitor in Murray
Mrs. A. L. Baker entertained
Mrs. James Allison and Mrs.
Chas. Stone Monday.
0. V. Virgin was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat Wednesday.
"Billy," the noble and faithful
saddle horse of J. A. Walker was
pretty badly cut on the wire fence
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chilcolt of Union
were visiting here Tuesday at the
home of Dr. B. F. Brendei; a
guest of Mrs. Amanda Parr.
Torrence Flemming, who is in
the hospital at Omaha, is gaining
strength very rapidly and , will
soon be able to return home.
Mrs. A. L. Baker entertained
Mrs. Amanda Parr and Mrs. Shel
by of Indiana and Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Brendel of Avoca last Sun
day. James Holmes and Will Brown
were in Plattsmouth Wednesday
afternoon, via the motor route,
returning with Mrs. Brown, who
was returning home from Omaha.
See the little farce, "How the
Story Crew," at the church Satur
day evening, November 11, and see
if there isn't a god deal of truth
in it. The male quartet is well
worth the price of admission.
A. M. Holmes departed Wed
nesday morning for Lincoln,
where ho has some business mai
lers to look after, and will go on
to Davenport, where he will visit
with his daughter for a few days.
W. Purviance of Lincoln rep
resenting Hie Crancer Music com
pany of that city, was here a few
days last week on business mat
ters. He visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Asch and Grand
ma Wilev.
Dr. B. F. Brendel and A. L.
Baker were in Omaha Monday,
going up to see Terrence Flem
ming at the hospital. Mr. Flem
ing is getting along nicely and
will be able to return home in a
few days.
Remember "The Turn of the
Tide" is billed for I he Jenkins
Opera House, in Murray, on Sat
urday evening, Nov. 18. This ex
cellent play will be produced by
home talent, under the auspices
of the Sunshine Band.
Mrs. Amanda Parr and daugh
ter, Mrs. J. W. Shelby, who have
been here visiting their daugh
ters and sisters, Mesdames B. F.
Brendel and A. L. Baker, depart
ed Wednesday for Chicago, where
I hey will visit a few days, after
which they will return to their
home in Lebanon, Ind.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Christian church served dinner
on election day at the home of
Mrs. A. L. Baker owing to the
illness of Mrs. B. F. Brendel,
where the dinner was first adver
tised. The ladies will clear about
$30. Wo are informed that they
served one of the best dinners
ever given in Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Gun Hansen and
little child came to Murray Wed
nesday in their auto, where Dr.
(Jilmore joined them and drove to
Plattsmouth, where they took the
train for Omaha to consult a
specialist in regard to a para
lytic trouble that the baby has
been troubled with. The little
child has had no control of its
arm at all. The specialist, thinks
he can cure the trouble.
Fop Sala.
14 extra fine pedigreed Duroc-
Jersey boars, all sired by Fal
staff, the great boar by Glendale's
Critic's last, and his dam was
Nancy Top, 2d, 92445. The dams
were sired by Critic's Banker Son,
85297. All are April pigs and
sufficiently large for immediate
service Will also sell one extra
good fall boar weighing over 200
U. L. Oldham, Murray, Neb.
Ranch for Sale op Trade.
840-acre ranch in Garfield
county, Nebraska, 3 Vt miles from
Burwcll, the county seat. Will
sell or trade for Plattsmouth city
property. For particulars call at
this ofllce.
Joseph Sans, an Early Settler of
Cass County, Passed Away
at Noon Today.
Joseph Sans, an aged and high
ly respected citizen of near Mur-'
ray, died at his home today about
noon. Mr. Sans had been suf
fering for some time with an at
tack of diabetis and had been
very low for many days. He
leaves a large family of grown
children married and having
families, surviving.
He was a pioneer of Rock Bluffs
precinct, having pre-empted the
farm on which he spent the great
er part of his life. Mr. Sans has
been an invalid for a long time,
and has spent a large amount of
money seeking medical relief. A
few months ago he went to a hos
pital at Omaha and remaind foe
some, but did not receive the
benefit expected, and he returned
to his' farm home, where he has
gradually grown worse until death
relieved him. The Journal will
have a detailed obituary state
ment for tomorrow's issue.
The Funeral of Mr. Sans.
The funeral of the late Joseph
Sans will be held from the home
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and
interment will be made in the
Horning cemetery.
Notice to Patrons!
We wish to thank all our
patrons and friends for their
patronage while we have been in
business in Murray. Now, as we
have sold out and arc closing ud
our business affairs, we wish to
ask all of our customers who hold
trade checks to call in and trade
them out before Tuesday of next
week. We also wish to sav that
while we have taken pleasure in
carrying your accounts on our
looks, we will now have to ask
all those indebted to us In call at
your earliest convenience and set
tle sahie. Respectfully,
A. Hast.
First Number of
Lyceum Course
Christian Church
8:30 P. M.
"Tom Thumb Wedding"
Grace Long as Bride
Ralph Holmes Groom
Margaret Spangler Maid of Honor
Gladys Mrasek Flower Girl
Helen Gilmore Flower Girl
Lola Chambers Flower Girl
Ansell Williams Best Man
Clara Churchill Bridesmaid
Leona Davis Bridesmaid
Walker Gilmore Usher
Lyle Fleming Usher
Ella Hamilton Mother of Bride
Irvin Manners Father of Bride
Bulah Freeze, Chalmers Freeze, Verna
McDaniel, Leona Farris and other chil
dren, guests of wedding.
Male Quartette Selected
Messrs. Spangler, Gilmore, Min
nicar and Williams
Chorus "The Pickaninnies"
Solo Selected
Rev. Ross Williams
Solo Selected
Mrs. Jas. Holmes
Farce "How the Story Grew"
Mrs. Brown Miss Margio Walker
Mrs. Green... ....Mrs. J. F. Brendel
Mrs. Bean Mrs. Adda Stokes
Mrs. Rice Miss Minnie Guenthcr
Mrs. Doolittle Mis' Elsie Stokes
Mrs. Taylor Miss Fay Oldham
Mrs. White... .Miss Maude Rusterholtz
Mrs. Snow Miss Lela Vallery
Admission - 25 Cents
Saturday Evening
NOVEMBER 18, 1911
-The Sunshine Band-
R era tm
Produced by Murray Home Talent, under the Aus
pices and for the Benefit of The Sunshine Band.
"The Turn of the Tide" is one of the strongest temperance
dramas ever staged, filled with plenty of humor, beautiful climaxes,
and a happy ending.
Cast of Characters:
Jonas Aldrich, a fisherman of the coast Lloyd Lewis
Capt. Hugh St. Morris, Captain of the 'Tidal Wave". . .Will Seybolt
Col. Ellsworth, a wealthy ship owner .Joe Creamer
Herman Clyde, Captain of the Pirates Wayne Lewis
Bowie Knife Jack 1 Pirt Charles Vallery
Sling Shot Rube riraies c-mar Yardley
Pepper, a colored individual rrank Dugay
Aunt Rebecca, the Fisherman's Wife, a quiet body. .Bessie Seybolt
Susie Aldrich, the Ocean Waif Lela Vallery
Lillian Tracy, Clyde's Deserted Wife Mae Lewis
"Frisky," with no one to love Vera Yardley
Admisson 25c Children 15c
ill TrHT T i i i i rv VW
(Special Correspondence.)
Franklin Pierce Jolly of Joliot, !
111., will lecture here at the M. E. i
church November 15 and 16, un
der the auspices of the Green
wood High school. The first
night his subject will be "The
Jolly Side of Life." The second
night he will give a dramatic im
personation of "The Passion
The stork visited Mr. and Mrs.
Hoy Chapin, also Mr. and Mrs.
Adelbert Leesley, leaving a
daughter at each home.
The members of Greenwood
high school are showing quite an
interest in their parliamentary
law class. The question debated
on this week was, "Resolved, That
Water Is More Destructive Than
Fire." It was decided in favor of
the affirmative.
Ed. Shroeder is now located In
his new home recently purchased
from l)r. Cooper.
School will be dismissed Thurs
day and Friday so that the teach
ers may altend the slate meeting
at Omaha.
The Wesleyan orchestra will
give a concert Saturday evening,
Nov. 11, for the benefit of the
Greenwood band boys.
Our young people have organ
izzed a literary society, which
meets at the Christian church
every Thursday evening. Every
body invited to attend.
Dr. Bridges of Omaha was
called in consultation with Dr.
Jones Tuesday in the case of Rob
ert Kyles. Mr. Kyles has devel
oped considerable neuritis, fol
lowing his severe concussion of
the brain from a horse's falling
with him three weeks ago. The
doctors consider him gradually
improving, but state that, conval
esence will be slow.
The vote here Tuesday was
very light, but 159 votes being
Me Rager, who has been visit
ing friends and relatives here for
the past week, returned to his
home in Gordon Saturday. Mrs.
Rager is si ill visiting here.
Mr.. D. A. Fulmer has a sister
from away visiting him.
relatives here.
Mrs. Harry Coleman of Ilush
ville. Neb., is visiting friends and
relatives here.
Messrs. Joe and Lon Clymer's
sister from Missouri has been
here the last week, visiting rela
tives and friends.
The oyster supper given by the
Epworth league Tuesday evveninfr
was well attended.
Pete Mockenhaupt is nursing
the quinsy.
Mr. .Althauser of Dubuque, la.,
has been spending a few days
with his daughter, Mrs. Ralph
Clymer, who has been very sick.
Her mother, who has been here
several weeks, is still with her.
Dr. Lamb, the dentist from
Lincoln, is in Dr. Janes' office
every Wednesday.
Have you read M. Hild's large
ad in this issue of the Journal?
It tells you about his big discount
rug sale. It will save you some
money if you are going to buy a
! Special Correspondence.
Harry Gillespie, Merle McDon
ald and sister, Miss Leata, were
guests of friends in Omaha last
Friday and Saturday.
Henry Tool and son, Kenneth,
left last Friday for Chicago to be
gone about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald
and daughter, Marguerite, left
Saturday for Waterloo, where
they will visit a few days with P.
S. Crink and family, formerly of
this place. They will also visit
relatives and friends at Platts
mouth and Murray before return
ing home.
Miss Kate Amgwert went to
Lincoln Saturday, where she
spent Sunday with her sister, Mis9
Anna, who takes nurse's training
at the Othenpepic hospital.
The Ladies' 'Aid society met
last Wednesday with Mrs. Edna
John Amgwert and wife were
shopping in Omaha Saturday.
The Christmas club met with
Mrs. Alice Tool last Thursdy.
Mrs. Conrad Wirth returned
last Sunday evening from a six
weeks' visit with friends in
South Dakota.
Miss Thorpe and Miss Gieslker
visited relatives in Lincoln over
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Neitzel and
daughter, Catherine, visited Mr.
Neitzcl's parents Saturday and
Louis Amgwert spent Sunday
with his daughter near Council
Mrs. Mae Mahoney of Memphis,
Tenn., is visitaing her brother,
W. V. McDonald and family.
Mrs. F. R. Guthman of Platts
mouth came Sunday evening for
a short visit with her son, Henry
and family.