DC DCZ2C 3CDC c 3 IT,, Ladies' Kimonas, late patterns; in Ladies' House Dresses, apron com Ladies' Waists; great variety in new styles and colors, worth 75c Tn Inna Patrnns! n Your Railroad Fare! Ladies' Corduroy Skirts, all col ors, worth up to $6.00; late pat Sale price. . S4.48 Ladies' Black Taffeta Silk Petti Ladies' Heatherbloom Petticats, worth $1.25. CCp Sale price Dwb colors and plain goods, worth bined, in colors and many pat coats, worth $4.50. Sale price S2.48 $1.50. Sale price .. . . 78C terns, worth $1.50. Sale price 89c to $1.00. Sale price 43C All our customers coming from Iowa, and purchasing $10.00 or more in goods, we pay railroad fare, or will refund the price of ferry fare. Railroad fare will be refunded to all out-of-town purchasers, buying $10 worth of goods or more. This is quite an item remember. Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists, just The large size Ladies' Hand Bags, Children's two-piece Underwear, Children's Union Suits, fleece lined Ladies' Black Hose, worth 15a Ladies Outing Flannel Night Gowns, made full AQn 0 0 the garment for cold weather. velvet embroidered. Sale price and ribbed. Sale price Sale price 43c 35c and 25c values. Sale price I9C 48C worth $1.75. Sale price 8c 93c at. TUU nn Men's Fancy Hose Pins, paper lc; Coates' and Clarks thread J seven spools c DC i a M r Q i if n l st r-vnsrHi nr i i 11 n 1 II? n i ? r L ni 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0' Safety pins, H -per paper., wu Hair pins, lc; and needles, per pa per 3c. UmSILZUlJ U Ll'LZIU LriliUU I E TRY UB FIGST ON C LnJU S2W LOTHOKI FOFl TOE FAMILY! Ladies' 50c Belts 19c vm? , : Is-: TP W ! A our m HAULER SAL fV KirscruaurrTfaothei. A IX WOOL (UMDTAIIMt MOID MOOTED (DPS n and will continue until all our patrons have an opportunity to secure their Fall and Winter Goods. We have been preparing for the past few weeks for this Big Challenge Sale- We have been receiving new Winter goods almost every day, until we now believe that we can show a line of goods that cannot be found in any store short of the big metropolitan cities, and we are ever ready to challenge them to produce such goods at a lower price than we are offering them to you during this sale. t " Men's Hose, black and tan, fancy. Sale Price -. . . I uir Gvlillineiry 9c jt:':);- :4g pf Department v i i Ladies' Cravanette Coats, worth $9.00. Sale price. S4.75 Men's Caps, worth 50a Sale price I9c Boy's Caps, Winter line, worth 35c. Sale I c I3U price The Millinery season is very rapidly drawing to a close, and we long since made up our minds never to carry over from one season to the other any goods in this line, we are going to make a special effort during this sale to close out every trimmed hat we have in the store. Note the following prices, and you will readily see that we are determined to sell them out regardless of cost: All $4.00 hats will go at $2.00; $6.00 hats at $3.50; $8.00 hats at $4.00, and $12.00 hats at $7.50. Children's and Misses' Coats, worth $3.00. Ol nr y; Sale price OliJw f Joy's Heavyweight Stockings, worth 35c O ii - tiid urice 0" Men's Suspenders 1Sc President Suspenders 43c o: Men's Black Satin Shirts, heavyweight 45c Men's Flannel Dress Shirts, all col lors, heavy weight; worth Q f) n LADIES' g HISSES DRESSES! Blue Serge Dresses, io both ladies and Misses' sizes, wort I, and regular seller for $8.50, that we aifj offering in OM nr this sale at Ot-iOO Serge Dresses in the very latest styles, neatly made and are the very best grades and regular sellers at $14.50, which will go in prices ranging from SG.95, S7.35 and S8.95 . Beautiful silk dresses, worth up to $15.00, which will go during QQ QC this sale for OJiJJ Girls' and Junioi s' Fall Dresses, made from high-grade matetials, and are bar gains at fe 65c, 95c, $1.48, S! 95 Up to $3.50 I Ladies Fur Scarfs O $2.00. Sale price. 0 Men's Blue and Red Bandana Handkerchiefs. Sale price 4c LADIES' WAISTS! Ladies' new Fall styles in Waists, that we are selling at Men'sjnd Young Men's Suits aiu! Overcoats Wc have an enormous stock of dependable quality of Men's and Boys' Cloth ing, and we will offerthem to you during this sale at RIDICUOUSLY LOW PRICES! $10 Mens and Young Qc Cfi Men's Suits OJiJU $12 Men's and Young 07 7C Men's Suits 01 if J $15 and $16.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits $18 and $20 Men's and Young Men's Suits SI I 95 $25 and $29.50 Men's and Young Men's SuitsQM cn at $19.50 and OlH-iUU $10 Men's and Young Oc 7c Men's Overcoats . . OOi I u $12.50 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats 8 95 $18 and $20 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats $3.00 Boys's Suits at $4.00 Boys' Suits at $5.00 Boy's Suits at SI.69 $2.29 S2.95 $7.00 Boy's Suits at $1.50 Men's Pants at $3.00 Men's Pants at $4.00 and $5.00 Men's Pants at S3.95 ..98c SI.95 S2.85 S-One Big Lot of Blue Serge Pants, in high class woolens, worth $5.00, $6,00 and $7.00 an elegant assortment in this lot-Choice S3.65 SUIT CASES s TRUNKS! We hitve a large line of Suit Cases and Trunl that have been bought right, and will b sold right: $1.50 suit cases will go at 98c 6.00 " .... $3.95 8.00 " " " w 4.75 "We are offering a fine line of Trunks from $2.75 Up. $1.98 Silk Taffeta Ribbon, vorth 15 and 20c per yard. -ZV ffln lUb Sale price . LADIES' UAfJD BAGS! O We have just received a large invoice of Ladies' Hand Bags, in leather, plush leather lined, well worth $1.25 n ft up to $2.50, that we have HnR placed in this sale for U U U Baby Bear Skin Coats, worth $4. Sale on nr price wZiw Brass Button Cards of 1 and 2 dozen. t n - Sale price . . . . IUU Hooks and Eyes, per card LADIES' CLOAK SUIT Hair nets with elastic, worth 10a It' Sale p H- price 5c 45c, 79c and 89c S 10 Yards of Best High cade aSico for 45 DEPARTMENT! 0' Men's Rockford Work Sox, worth 10c a pair. A Sale price T"w Men's Black High-Grade 20c Socks. n lib A fine line of silk taffeta waists, that are worth from $6.00 up, that we have placed in this sale at prices as follows: $1.97, S3.95, S3.95 and S4.95 fcrSYou will pay double this price any ether place for the same waist. Sale price . Arrow Brand Collars, for men, worth 15. If! n Sale price lUw CORSETS! In this line we have placed many bargains, and making a general reduction in all the leading brands, as follows. Men's White Handkerchiefs, col- I 45c, 79o, 98c and SI.38 4C ored borders, worth 10a Sale .price Men's White half-inch hemstitch ed handkerchief, worth 15a Qp Sale price 3" COfFOTS A N D BLANKETS LADIES' AND MISSES' SKIRTS!'' 4 Ladies' Black Silk Underskirts $2.45 Wc are offering one lot of black skirts, nicely rimmed, late styles, and are well worth $4.00, that we are y QtZ offering in this sale at p 7 O All wool serge skirts, that are well worth $6.00. that will be sold during this sale for 3 9 5 The best tailored skirts, in all-wool novelty cloth, and well worth $6.00, that will be sold at $4.98 Ladies' Corduroy skirts in all colors, late styles and well made, that are good values at $8.00, that we are of- . ym q f ering during this sale for ' P m O Other higher priced skirts marked accord ingly, and at prices that will suit you. FUR SETS AND FUR CDATS! . Coney Fur Sets, black and brown $ 1.87 French Coney Sets of Furs, large Muff and Collar, at $2.95- 3.85 Large Set of Furs, regular sellers at $7.50. . 4.95 Other Fur Sets from $4.95 to S21.00, worth more than double the price. Baby and Children's Coats! Baby Bear Skin Coats, good values at $3.00, that we are offering at this sale for $1.75 I Children's Plush Coats, worth $7.50, Men's Black and White Feet Socks, the great bargain sock f j for this sale at Hi 5 A large line of Men's Gloves, un I finished kid, flannel lined, high ' grade gloves, worth 75a A r n TJl Sale price . Reindeer Mittens and Gloves, sheepskin lined, worth f j Q r n $3, will be sold f or . . Wool Blankets at SI.85, $345, S3.95 and S4.95 Cotton Blankets 69s Full Size Comforters: 98c, $1.39, 51.89 and $2.96 MEN'S SHOES! S2.00 Men's Fine Shoes $1.48 2.00 " Work " 1-48 2.50 and $3.00 Men's Fine Shoes. . 1.95 3.50 and 4.00 " " . . 2.95 5.00 Men's Extra Fine Shoes a35 AH Kinds of EVSen's Shirts! 75c Men's Dress Shirts, in pretty light colors, at 45c $1.50 Men's Fine Dress Shirts, very good maras cloth and extra good make 95c $1.50 Men's Flannel Shirts, nicely made, with full sleeves, all col ors, at tl at will be sold at $4.45 Children's Extra Fine Plush Coats, nicely trimmed, and well worth 56, tnat we are offering for $4.29 Children's white Astrakhan coats,worth $5.50. will go at $3.95 MEN'S UNDERWEAR! $1.50 flleeced lined underwear at 5c; $2 wool underwear at $1.45; flleeced and heavy ribbed "c union suits at 48c. In this department we are showing one of the greatest variety of Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Garments ever show n in this city, and we believe we are sellirg them right, and challenge any other house in the land to produce the same garments at a less price: We are offering ladies' $12.50 long coats, handsomely tailored, in all the new styles for $ 6.75 $14.00 Black Novelty Clothe and Caraculs 8.95 $18.00 Black Broadcloth novelty coats and caraculs 9.94 $24.00 Novelty Cloth, Silk Plush, and fine imported black broad cloth. Skinner satin lining . 14.85 $29.00 Novelty and Plush Coats, for 19.75 WDOLTEX SUITS! Ladies' Corsets, new models, 45c. 95c and SI.39 Ladies' Gloves, Suedes, Chamois & 19, 35 and 48c ft Ladies' Messaline Silk Waists, worth $6.00. OA 7fl .. 0713 Sale price. Ladies' Messaline Silk Waists, worth $4.00. Sale price o S2.79 n Ladies' Handkerchiefs, white hem-stiched. Fang or s ta A rv? Wooltex Suits, that are well worth the selling price of $35.00," that fl - ft r n will be sold during this sale V IX OU Ladies' and Misses' Suits, made to sell up to $25.00, all the late styles and new weaves of cloth, that we 011 7 are offering in this sale for.. 0 2c, 3c, 8c and 19c j Ladies Silk Scarfs 48c, 73c, 95c THE HOME OF VALUE GIVING PRICES Ladies' Silk Hose, worth 75c I Boy's Heavyweight Knick- erbocker Pants 45c I 45c I V. ZUCKER, manager. Plattsmouth, Nebraska MEN'S SWEATER COATS! 75c Men's Sweater Coats, in plain and colors 45c $1.25 Men's part wool sweaters, in grays and browns 69c fl.50 regular sellers, in part wool, 95c $3.00 Men's high grade sweaters, pure wool, with and without col lars $1.90 Ladies' Fascinators, well knit from high quality, all wool yarn 0 Woolen Dress Goods in all the plain and fancy colors, the latest f patterns 30c, 40c, 55c, 65c Men's Iron Clad Silk Hose, worth 75c Men's Sweaters in all colors 48c Men's Heavyweight Pants, worth $3.00 01-98 Men's Working Shirts 45c Men's Derby Hats, black and brown, worth $3.00 98c Men's Heavy Winter Shoes $1.48 Men's Stetson's Hats 02.98 Boy's Suspenders 10c Men's Four-in-Hand Silk Ties; 35c grade 19c Men's Fine Dress Shirts, worth $1.50, for Men's Lambsdown Under wear, extra fine, per garment Boy's Corduroy Knee Pants Men's Leather Caps I Men's Corduroy Caps 69c I 48c I 45c n Men's Fleece Lined Ribbed Underwear in colors 45c Young Men's Heavyweight Pants Q1.85 Boy's and Children's Lined Mittens 0 0 Men's Sheep Lined Working Coats 54.75 23c Extra Good Value. DC 3C)C