The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1911, Image 3

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    C. E.
Wescott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts"
If you will take time to look it up you
will find that the men who buy our
Quality Clothes
are the best dressed and best satisfied clothes
wearers in Plattsmouth. "There's a reason."
You'll find it if you examine these match
less garments. All the new fabrics and
styles are shown in our Fall and Winter
stock. Quality line $20 to $40. Others $5
to $18.
11 Jl
nut be amiss now to let him know
by our support of tht celebration
of Ihe opening of the bridge that
we appreciate his efforts in be
half of our town. The celebration
will attract the attention of a
'ii'ir Qt'iu) t-if rmmtrv Li our
thriving city, and by tilling the
opera nouse ior me uiiai periorm-
ance, visitors will know that the
citv is alive to its interests, anil
the builders of the motor-wagon
bridge will know that what they
have done is duly appreciated.
Let everybody boost for the
opening celebration and procure
seats early for the minstrel performance.
oiiccnAV unucMRcn c ion
The Date for the Celebratinsr of the Opening of the Platte River
Auto and Wagon Bridge, at Which Time Many Visitoro Will
Be In Our City From Omaha. Nebraska City, and Other
Towns in Eastern Nebraska.
President Pollock and Secretary Automobile and Wagon bridge at
Plattsmouth, thence along the
road that follows the Missouri
Pacific railroad to Union, Ne
braska City, Falls City, etc., to
yesterday had an interview with
Mr. (Unld, secretary of the Oma
ha Commercial club, and with Mr.
Carr, editor of the Motorist, a
journal devoted to automobiling
and aeronautics, and also with I).
H. Watkins, the man who or
ganized all of the county auto
mobile associations in this stale,
the subject of the interview being
the celebration of the opening of
the wagon bridge, to be held in
this city Wednesday, November
15. These gentlemen have been
waiting for the announcement of
tho completion of the bridge, and
have signified their more than
willingness to participate in the
festivities of a celebration fitting
the importance of the coming
The bridge will be completed
next Saturday, November 11, as
the last span is being built today,
and the grading will be done and
wagons will be crossing the new
structure by Saturday night.
In the November number of the
Motorist, an excellent picture of
Kansas City.
The Commercial club has cor
responded with several of the
larger towns on the route, invit
ing the heads of the municipalities
to be present and address the
people on next Wednesday, which
will be of interest to automobile
Mr. Pollock has assurance that
delegations will be present from
Falls City, Auburn, Nebraska City
and the towns of this county. Mr.
Watkins will relate what has been
already accomplished by the Oma-ha-Denver,North
and South Platte
association, and will aid in form
ing the association here. This
meeting will occur in the after
noon and win tie aaaressea ny
good speakers from Kansas City,
Omaha and other places.
The minstrel performance,
opening about 8 o'clock, will be a
delightful entertainment and will
be an all-star, Nebraska City home
Certain Ingredients That Really
Promote Hair Growth When
Properly Combined.
Hesorcin is one of the most ef
fective germ destroyers ever dis
covered by science, and in con
neclion with Beta Napthol, which
is both germicidal and antiseptic,
a combination is formed which de
stroys the germs which rob the
hair of its natural nourishment,
and also creates a clean, healthy
condition of the scalp, which pre
vents the development or new
Pilocarpin, although not a col
oring matter or dye, is a wel
known ingredient for restoring the
hair to its natural color, when the
loss of hair has been caused by
disease of the scalp.
These ingredients in proper
combination, with alcohol added
as a stimulant and for its well
defined nourishing properties
perfect perhaps the most effective
remedy that is known for scalp
and hair troubles.
e have a remedy which is
cnielly composed or these in
gredients, in combination with
other extremely invaluable medi
cinal agents. We guarantee it to
positively cure dandruff and to
grow hair, even though the scalp
in spots is bare of hair. If there
is any vitality left in the roots, it
will positively cure baldness, or
we will refund your money. If
the scalp has a glazed, shiny ap
pearance, it's an indication that
baldness is permanent, but in
other instances we believe bald
ness is curable.
We want everyone troubled with
scalp disease or loss of hair to try
Rexall Hair Tonic. If it does
not cure dandruff and grow hair
to the satisfaction of the user, wo
will without question or quibble
return every cent paid us for it.
We print this guarantee on every
bottle. It has effected a positive
cure in JKt per cent of cases where
put to a practical test.
Ilexall ")3" Hair Tonic is en-
lireiy unlike, and we IIiinK, in
every particular, Itettcr than any
thing else we know of for the pur
pose for which it, is prescribed.
We urge vou to try this prepara
tion at our entire risk. Certain
ly we know of no better guarantee
to give you. Remember, you can
lain Ilexall Remedies in Plalts-
nionlh fnly at our store The
Rexall Store. F. 0. Fricke & Co.
the new bridge is given, under talent production and has been
wnicn appears in noin-race caps
the following significant words:
"The new Pollock-Duff Motor and
aWgon Th'idge, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Finest. Bridge on Plat lo River and
on the Omaha-Kansas City Scenic
Motor Road."
Messrs. (iuilil, Carr and Wat
kins assured the president and
secretary of' tho Plattsmouth
Commercial club that Omaha
would have a great representa
tion here on the day of the open
ing, and that Plallsmoulh would
he given a chance to get, in on Ihe
Omaha-Kansas City Highway as
sociation, and became a member
In a two-page article on the
subject of roads in the various
stales, the November Motorist
says: "The Omaha-Kansas City
association is a new project, and
there will be a meeting held early
this month to perfect plans for
active work. It is proposed to
have a route from Omaha to
Plattsmouth, via Fort Crook,
crossing over the new Platte River
presented by the cast ot home and
in surrounding towns for the
benefit of the good roads move
ment, and the performance has
been very highly spoken of and
has drawn large audiences wher
ever given. A charge of 50 cents
for any seat in the house will lie
made for tickets of admission.
The evening performance will be
preceded by an open air band
concert in front of the opera
The entertainment should be
encouraged and patronized by
every citizen interested in the
growth and advancement of our
city. The opera house should be
packed from pit to dome with
boosters for the Omaha-Kansas
City motor highway. Nothing
would please Mr. Pollock more
than to have a fine showing made
at the minstrel performance. He
has expended a large amount of
money on tho bridge project, and
Ihe enterprise is one of which
everyone in the city can justly
Married by Judge Beeson.
Yesterday afternoon Albert Mur
ray and Miss Mabel lies ap"ared
before Judge Beeson .i"d se ured
a marriage license and requested
Ihe judge to officiate at their wed
ding, which occurred immediate
ly. The groom is a young farmer
residing near Murray and a son
of L. 0. W. Murray, one of the
pioneer citizens of this countv
Mr. Murray was born in this
county and reared to manhood
within its borders and is a young
man of sterling character and
habits. Miss lies is a daughter
of Mark lies, also well known in
this community. Mr. and Mrs.
Murray will reside in ttif ' M'ii.i..'
of Plattsmouth until next spring,
when they expect to remove to
Arkansas to make their home.
They have the best wishes of the
Journal and a large circle of
warm friends.
Plattsmouth, Nebr.. Nov. 3, 1911.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Prest-nt. U 1). Swilzer. M. U Frleilrlch
and C. Ii. Jordan, County Commission.
em: 1). c. Morgan County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when the followwlng busi
ness was transacted In regular form:
Ivt'.lion of W. 1. Yolio and other
asking that Harry K. Graves he ap
pointed justice of tl.j peace in and for
Tipton precinct received and appoint
ment made.
s uovertlsed for by county Judge,
bids were received for (trading roads
out of Inheritance tax fund lit Sec. 1,
Town. 12, Range 13.
George Poisull. grading 17 cents per
yard; remove bridge for 11 00. Oil. said
county to furnish all necessary extras:
cum-rite work on bridge In - Sec. 1,
l'own. 12, Range 13. for the, sum of
ff.fii) per yard and furnish Iron for
30U per 100.
Nebiaska Construction Co. will take
down, move Hnd erect steel work In
new location for (375.00; concrete for
new footings, 110.00 per cubic yard.
Will do all labor, furnishing necessaiv
tools; also furnish all material needed,
all, for actual cost witli 10 per cent
Contract for corrugated Iron culverts
awarded Lee Arnett of Lincoln as fol
lows: 11.60 for 24-Inch and 12.75 for
Moved that the contract tor movlmr
bIx thousand eight hundred and fortv
Bl.t (0 846) cubic yards of dirt as shown
on too plans and specifications for
grading on l'latte river road In sec
tion one (1), township twelve (12),
range inirteen ti;u, lass county, Ne
braska, he awwarded to Ueorge Polsall)
at seventeen cents per cubic vard on
the followwlng conditions: That said
dirt le taken from the cuts and placid
in tne mills as indicated on said plans
and specifications; that the seventeen
cents per cubic yard is allowed for the
amount ot uirl removed and not nev
enteen cents per cubic vard for the
amount of dirt taken from the cuts
and also seventeen cents per cubic yard
tor nmount placed In the !UIm; that a
written contract be drawn to conform
with thlt motion and the plans and
spe. lfli ntlnns and signed and execute I
cy said 1'olsall and the county Coin
nilssloners; and upon the further con
dition that said Polsall shall furnish
a good and sufficient bond In the sum
or two thousand dollars (12,000) con
ditioned on the faithful performance
or kui.i contract. Motion carried.
Moved that the contract for remov
lug the steel bridge In section one (1),
township twelve (121. ranire thirteen
(13), Cass county, Nebraska, according
m me pians and Rpecincatlons be
awarded to George 1'olsall on the
terms or his bid and on the condition
that he enter Into a written contract
with the County Commissioners to do
the same according to the plans and
specifications now on file with the
County Clerk and on the further condi.
tlon that he furnish a good and suf
fice nt bond as required by law. Motion
Moved that the contract for the con
crete vork on the steel bridge to be
moved In section one (1), township
twelve (12), range thirteen (13) Cass
County, Nebraska, be awarded to
(5eorgo rolsall on the terms of his
bid. the amount of concrete work to
be done to be determined by the Hoard
of . County Commissioners. Motion car.
The following claims were allowed
on tho general fund:
C. I!. Jordan, salary $ 70.00
1). C. Morgan, expense deliver
ing election supplies 22.00
Hans Selvers, salary and laun
dry 78.00
fcwarts & Wclchel, merchandise
to poor 16.65
John Itauer, labor and material
to court house 60.B2
A. (1. Rach & Co., merchandise
to poor 48.00
F. K. Hchlater, Juror certificate
ami postage 14.75
C. . Quinton, hoarding county
prisoner, Jailer fees and sal
ary 287.50
C.-II. Taylor salary and ex
penses 106.68
Dr. U. F. Ilrendel, Insane case
Mis. ftose Witting 8.00
P. O. Dwyer, insane case Mrs.
Rose Witting 3.00
C. D 'juinton, Insane case Vrs.
I.cse Wilting
ii;o Fverttt, Insane case Mrs.
Hose Witting 26.91
Fir. 11. F. Hrendel, Insane case
Itobt. C. Klsh 8.00
I). O. Hwyer, insane case Roht.
C. Fish 3.00
James Robertson, insane case
Itobt. C. Fish 6.00
C. I. Uulnton, insane case Robt.
C. Fish 17.54
C. Ii. gulnton, hoarding city
prisoners and committments.. 17.40
Mnrv 10. Foster, salary and ex
panses 136. r
J. 1 1. Iienson, guard at jail 60.00
II. A. Schneider, postal supplies. SO. 11
t.. Ii. Swltzer, salary 71.00
Hammond & Stephens, supplies
to county superintendent .... 6.50
i-iiiiismnulti Telephone Co., rent
and tolls 28.35
nans Johnson merchandise to
to poor ! 16.11
The University Publishing Co.,
spellers to county superin
tendent 10,00
jessn i oi k, assigned c. n.
Uulnsnn. guard at Jail 2.00
11. II. Frans, merchandise to poor 6.00
m. u rreuericn, salary and ex-
. pense 72.45
Aiium Kurtz, niirlal and digging
grave John Warner 4.00
Mieignt c freight, merchandise
to farm J.oo
p.. ii. niityiicin non, printing
to countv 43 00
isiopp of naillelt Co.. supplies
to countv 217.25
ueeping water Republican, de
linquent tax list 153.00
h. i. Clements, report or births
and deaths J 50
Geo. Reltter. Jr., report of births
and deaths x r
8. Mul r. report of births and
deaths 75
Mrs. I. T). Jones report of births
and deaths 9 nn
W. 10. Hand, report of hlrtha and
deaths 3.E0
W m. H. Lvman, report of births
and deaths (65
Mike Trltsch, report of births
and deaths j.oo
O. I. Maseman,, report of births
and deaths 25
10. Sturzeneggar, report of births
and deaths 59
H. F Kropp, report of births
and deaths in
The Bell Telephone keeps the modern traveler in
touch with the nearest supply house in case of a break
down. Every automobile owner has constant need of
universal service, and that is Bell service.
By means of the Bell Telephone the automobilist can or
der his dinner ahead, explain his delay, summon relief in
case of accident, or say the word forgotten in the hurry of
Nebraska Telephone
BRANTNER, Plallsmoulh Manager.
11 vosifwr .v
kitchen table to
I'eter Claua,
H. M. Soennichsen,
to county
Fred Patterson, office work ....
J. W. Crablll, to care of town
clock for one year.
The Dancing Trio will give an
other of their delightful dances
on next Saturday evening, Novem
ber 11th. A royal good time Is
assurred to all. Admission:
Gentlemen, 60c; ladies, free.
1). C. Morgan, salary and ex-
..I'C""" 21 M8
'. Mnnspenker, salary 37, .(
Nehrka Lighting (S . eas to
court house and Jail ....
Wevrlrh Hadraba, mppiles to
to county
K:i!iiiinn A rtnnmge, iiurchan-
ill e and Ice to faun
Htrei.-.lit Strelght burn! of
f.enn Wilson
.Vh.n Kurt!!, rilgelnz rnr. mul
li9 1.5
The following claims were allowed
on the road fund:
C. Milay, road work, Road
District No. 11 182.00
Wm. llassler, blacksmith work.
Had District No. 1 6.60
. Meyer, road work, Uoad Dis
trict No. 6 11.00
John lllfz, road work Koad Dis
trict No. 1 BS.B0
V. 14. Casey road work, Koad
District No. 16 81.60
John 101 1 lot t, road work, Koad
District No. 16 7.00
Robert Johnson, road work.
ltoad District No. 6 39 00
L. D, Mullen, road work, Road
District No. 6 18 20
F. H. Kent, grading roads, Road
District No. 16 60.00
John' Smith, road work. Road
District No. 16 1.80
V. M. lllgglus, road work. Road
District No. 16 8.00
D. 10. Sheesley, road work. Rlad
District No, 16 21.80
Alvln Reed, road work Road
District No. 16 16.00
George Hall, road work. Road
District No. 18 18.00
Joe Vickers, road work, Road
District No. 16 14.00
W. A. Jones, road work. Road
District No. 6 8.60
M. L. Furlong, road work, Road
District No. 27 75.1R
C. M. Strong, blacksmith work.
Koad D strict No. 6 A ar.
J. C. Rrown. road work, ltoad
District No. 15 65.00
James Foreman, road work,
ltoad District No. 6 13,60
V. S. Jordan road work, Road
District No. 6 18.80
W. M., road work, ltoad
District No. 6 6.00
C. Kitin, rad work. Road Dis
trict No. 6 111.O"
Cieiuge Foreman, road work.
Kuad District No. 6 1 .00
I.lncli Stone, merchandise.
Uoad District No. ti K.ts
George Sulton, road work, ltoad
District No. ti 14,00
V. A. Itnckcniever, road work,
Itoail District No, 6.40
Mike l,nt.. road work, Road
District No. 1 428.46
A. Hendricks, road work, ltoad
District No. 16 8 00
Smith Sons, grader, Road Dis
trict No. 1 135.00
V. It. Manning, lumber, road
work. Koad District No. 11 ... 53.10
C. K. Klser. road work. Road
District No. 3 118.00
joiin nailer, merchandise to
Koad District No. 1 3.20
John Tlgho, coal, Koad District
No. 9 2S.70
ai. Miiser, road work, Koad DIs
trlct No. 1 32 00
1 V Ulpu.lln,, ........ I..-
District No. 5 3.65
C. U. Hpohn. road work. Ttoad
District No. 13 206.25
J. Ailanis Son. lumber. Road
District No. 16 65.78
tieorge iinll, road work. Road
District No. 16 lt.OO
11. 1111 m wm road drags. Road
District No. 8 10.00
v. 11. liaiuwin, road drags. Road
District No. II 10,00
1 . 11. naidwin, road drags. Road
District No. 3 20.00
u. v , voss Lumber Co.. lumber.
Koad District No. 14 S9.20
11. w. voss I, limner Co., lumber.
Koad District No, 1 6.75
u. vv. voss Mimner Co., lumber,
Koad District No, 18 13.35
U. w. voss Lumber Co.. lumber.
Koad District No. 1.1 63.45
Hen liecKman, work. Koad D Is
trlct No. 10 206.00
wm. siieehiin. road work. Road
District No. 9 232.80
uco, v . .lonnsnn, road work.
Kond District No. 4 S 00
uoy I'Jiiienmuier, road work.
ltoad Dlstr ct No. 6 1 r.n
k. r. tool lumber Kond D s
trlct No. 7 si 87
union i.umner co 1 11 111 her.
ltoad District No. Hi 91 in
J. C. Lomever. road work. Road
District No, 5 si 4 20
dsns Ohm. rond work. Road
District No, 15 7. 00
Dean SwIUter, dragging
noun 1 11st net mo. in
v. J. Swltzer, dragging
llOHU I'lSiriCl no. J.I
Lee Arnett, culvert, Road
trict ino. x
Kldeinlller & Son, blacksmith
work. Road District No. 15...
The riattsmouth Journal notice
to contractors, Inheritance
W. C. Norval, road work. Road
District No. 14 6S.3ft
Wm. Atchison, road work. Road
I'lHirici no, id
H. A. Funke Lumber Co., lumber.
iti'iui ifininci rtv. a ........
H. 1'. Hayes, road work. Road
uisir ct no. iri
1. !. Stroud & Co.. road Diane.
Road District No. IK
C. 8. Altlrli'h, treasurer dravrlnir
roads. Road District Nn ir,
I'M ill 11 nils A Hrown. lumber.
Koad District No. 10
Charles Martin, livery, inherit.
ance Tax fund
Wm, Mrlnkman, work. Inherit
ance Tax fund
Mike Luts, work. Inheritance
Tax fund
Chris lske, work. Inheritance
Tax fund
O. W. Human, work. Inheritance
Tax fund
W. M. Wilson, work, Inheritance
Tax fund .
Fred Patterson, work. Inherit!
ance Tax fund
John V. Hatt. livery. Inheritance
Tax fund
W, D. Wheeler, cutting brush.
Koad District No. 10 ,
W.1 H. (Voss, treasurer, l'ropor
tlon Koad fund, Koad District
mo. 11
Lute Hall, road
District No. 16
The followlnir claims
ed on the Hrlilne fund:
W. H. Manning, bridge lumber.. 12J.1J
Henry timber, concrete wall.... 69 2K
Liiinuiuls & Ilrown bridge lum
ber 801 6ft
The followlnir a list nr fill m am anlaAl.
ed by the County Commissioners from
which 11, cnoose jurors for the
term or court:
Salt Creek I'rect Frnnlr Tn111ri.11.
A. C. Clymer, Charles M. Slander "
Greenwood I'rect 1 1 , , .. L, r. 1 1 r. ti
T nton I'rect. IImii-ih
F.lllnt, Alvln Keed.
Stove Creek I'rect. Clmm ninn w
Atchison, H. K. James. Heurv Clunn '
YVeenlllir Water l'n.,.1 ' A '1-.....1.
John W. Kuhira.
Llmwood I'l-ecl. A. R T o I. u
"I do not bolicve thoro Is any
ollior medicine so good for whoop
ing cowrh as Chamberlain's
Cough Romcdy," writes Mrs.
Francis Turpin, Junction City,
Ore. This remedy Is also unsur
passed for colds and croup. For
sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
For Rent or Sale.
The frame business house just
west of the postofflce in Murray.
Size, 16x24, and in srood condition.
feel a pride, and it certainly would Apply to Holmes or Smith.
;.t.i Kurtz, digging p.--. i
hlllllli Of Lena W.!.i.i
The I'nlversltv Publishing Co.,
rending circle note books ....
Chas, Tschirner, assigned I. F.
Goos killing gophers at farm
The I'latts Turn Vereln, room
rent primary election. I'latts
nd .l. 5.00
mis. i. a. Ailiims, tin lance for
enre of Dan'l .
'V.rl --v 20.18
v.. v. uayior fit r.n., coal to Jail.
rarm anil paupers 48.36
i nn university I'ublishlng Co.,
exnminatlon papers 12 60
Ktrelght ft Streight, burial of
John Wairner ii tc
i, .
iiiiiiiniiino Mepnens, supplies
I'l COimtV Slinerlnl rniilnnl 1A4A
C- l repulr of booths'.. "2.50
'irT?m ""I"1" 75.00
H. W. Livingston, witness state
vs. Wm. A. Keeker 4 so
Pert Thomas, guarding Jail .... 28.00
Jacob Lufts, labor at court
house i no
Wm. Holly, merchandise to
rountv u 75
Klopp A Ftartlett Co. supplies
to county '. 14,00
Mrs. John Trltsch, rent of drill
at farm joo
Lnren Bros., merchandise to
"H'"v J 65
The riattsmouth Journal, print!
Ing to county 1IJ.T6
work, Road
3 US
Hull, John
Prcct. Fred Weaver, W.
South Rend
M. Itlchnrds.
Weeping Water First vinl Will
HpaiiKlcr: Second ward, Itobt. Chand
ler; Third ward. Georue Klone.
Avoca I'rect. I'eter .liniri.nuiin n
Nehnwka I'rect. Finn If Hl.nlrln.
Oils Hansen.
Liberty I'rect. O. W. Cheney, James
Plttmiin, James NMav.
Center i'rect. John Itauth, I.iaao
Mt. Pleasant I'rect. A. F.
iave mux.
Louisville I'rect. Charles
r, 1 Hers, wm. Wagoner.
First Uock
G. Tsld.
Noycs, W,
Bluff I'rect. -tlscar Gnpen. H.
Bluff I'rect. Waller Hans
Second Uock
Mark W hile.
Fight Mile Grove I'rect Jacob
Ruechler. Philip Horn, Chas. Johnson,
Plattsmouth I'rect. Mike LuU, Jo
Tlibbs, Mat Sulser.
Plattsmouth City First ward, N. K.
Peoples Henry Scnlunta; Second ward,
Jacob Trltsch, James Ptacek, Theo,
Sliirk iiilin: Third ward, John Itauer, Jr.;
Robert Troop, Wm. McCauley, M. Mt
Ileal; Fourth ward, Hsrrv M. Wlleon.
C. W. HnfTke. C. P. 1(1, -liar. Is; Fifth
ward, John Vorndron, Fred Ilesse.
Ilnsrd adjourned to meet December
u, 1911.
D. C. Morgan, County Clerk,
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Hurdock Blood Bitters
purities tbe blood, clears the skin,
restores ruddy, sound health.
ixfra Sizo Soots!
We are showing a line of extra large size coats
for laidies, priced at
$8.50, $10.00, $11.00, $13.00 and $16.00
These are exceptional values. Our stock is still com
plete. Call and see them. See our Flanneletts at
10c per yard.