The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1911, Image 1

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    fsb. bta-ti HLtorksj 3e.
NO 3
Powerful and Logical Arraignment of the Republican Party- for
Its Betrayal of the People's Interest, Election of the Demo
cratic State Ticket Urged to Show Rebuke to Trusts.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Hon. W. J. Bryan spoke for two
hours last night to a crowded
opera house, and from the time
he began his speech until its close
he received the closest attention
of the audience, of which the
greater part were voters. His ad
dress was 'delivered in a cool and
dispassionate manner and appeal
ed to the reason and calm judg
ment of his audience. Mr. T3ryan's
voice was clear, not 'the least
hoarseness being manifest, al
though he has been making three
and four speeches a day since the
opening of the campaign.
In his party were two candidates
for the supreme uourt, Judge
Dean and Judge Stark, ex-congressman
from his district, ana
Mr. Harman, candidate for the
railway commission, who, with
the candidates on the county
ticket, occupied the platform dur
ing the speech.
"Mr. Bryan was introduced by
Colonel Hates, who briefly stated
to the waiting throng that Mr.
Uryan was with us this evening,
that he had been here often be
fore and needed no introduction.
The distinguished orator was
given an ovation as he quickly
took his position before the audi
ence, and his remarks were fre
quently interrupted with ap
plause. The speaker spoke of the fitness
of the candidates on the state
ticket and paused to introduce
Judges Stark and Dean and Mr.
Harmon to the audience, so -lire
voters might see for whom they
would vote today. He stated that
he had opened the campaign in
this county at Elmwood and that
now he was here in the closing
hours of the battle to address the
voters of Plattsmouth. That this
was what was formerly known as
an off year, but he deemed the
election to be held at this lime a
most Important one. There were
'four candidates on the slate ticket
beside theregertis of the univer
sity, which it is important to have
men of the right character and
fitness for the positions. The
three candidates 'for the supreme
court, Judges Dean, Stark and
Oldham, were discussed separate
ly and their special qualifications
dwelt upon, each one being well
qualified for the responsible posi
tions to which he aspired. Mr.
Harman for the railway commis
sion was highly spoken of by Mr.
Bryan, and Mr. Miller and Mr.
Knapp also commended for the
office of regents of the university.
Mr. Knapp, as a graduate of theH
university, had a deep interest in
the welfare of the school, while of
Mr. MiTler it was said by the
speaker thai ho is already the
author of an idea which had been
enacted into federal law-Mhat of
campaign publicity before the
Mr. Bryan then tooTc up the
cudgel for the success of the
democratic ticket at the polls in
thjs election, and stated that he
would address himself first to the
democrats, econd to the popu
lists, third to the progressive re
publicans and then to the citizens
of all parlies. He referred to the
advanced grounds of progressive
thought and governmental Ideas
long advanced by the democrats of
Nebraska. He was proud of the
position the Nebraska democracy
had held
in the three previous ;
national campaigns, and the
speaker believed that the populist
voters were as proud of the suc
cess of the progressive element in
the democratic party as the demo
crats themselves.
The progressive movement had
taken hold of the republican party.
of Nebraska, and the sneaker
could not estimate the number of
progressives In the republican
party In Nebraska; the governor
had placed the number at GO per
cent of the party, while Congress
man Norrls had placed it at 75 per
cent. Mr. Bryan then spoke of the
effect on the government and the
policies at Washington should
this state be lost to the democrats
this fall. It would mean the dis
approval of the action of the pro
gressive element in congress at
the last sessions, where demo
crats and progressive republicans
worked together to obtain just
measures of reform for the benefit
of the whole people.
The speaker then -said that he
supposed that Governor Aldrich
would advise the support of the
republican ticket in Nebraska
from a biased motive. He then
said that very little was known
outside of the state as to what the
governor of Nebraska thought or
did. Mr. Bryan proved his state
ment by naming over the six
stales which join Nebraska, and
then asked any person in the
house who could name the gov
ernors of these slates to stand up.
Aflcr pausing a moment for
someone to arise and none did so,
he then drew the conclusion that
if people in Nebraska took so lit
tle interest in the affairs of neigh
boring states, then what would the
slate of New York know about
Governor Aldrich of Nebraska? Tie
Ihen urged that, as this-is the last
time the people have a chance to
speak "before a national election, 'H
was important that Ihey vote for
progressive ideas.
Mr. "Bryan spoke of La FoTletV
and the gallant fight he had madti
for progressive legislation in t'be
senate; the speaker had 'seen him
stand alone while addressing t'he
wnate when the standpat senators
when La Follettc began to speak,
and heard the doughty senator in
form the senate that lheeats now
voluntarily vacated by the gentle
men would be filled with men tit
progressive ideas, and -finch hud
come to pass. The advocates oT
prefta'tory wealth have been retired
from the senate and thorr scats
now occupied by progressive men.
Progressive democratic ideas
advocated in this state hafi
bronchi us the 2-eent fare and the.
bank guaranty law, -with other re
form legislation, and in the legis
lativc'braneh of the national con
gress the last sessions had seen
three epoch-making reforms, and
Taft was found against all , of
these. The income tax and the
publicity before campaign; the
former President Taft said could
be managed by a federal statute if
the same was desirable, white the
democrats, fearing the delays of
the courts in construing such a
statute, were in favor of a con
stitutional amendment.
Mr. Bryan referred to the at
titude of the federal court on the
Standard Oil decision and
ridiculed the phrase injected into
Ihe Sherman anti-trust law, in
which tire court had nullified a
criminal statute by saying that it
meant that trade should not he
"unreasonably" restrained. Me
asked what the people would think
of the ten commandments if they
staled that man should not "kill
to an unreasonable" extent! or
"thou shaft not steal to an un
reasable aomunt," and the speaker
noted also that the judges ap
pointed by the president took the
trust side of all questions passed
upon, and in discussing the lean
ing of President Tflfl to the side
of predatory wealth, Mr. Bryan
cued his support now of a na
lional incorporation law, whicn
would place the corporations
above the jurisdiction of the state
courts. In closing, Mr. Bryan ap
pealed to all classes of voters to
rallv to the support of the demo
cratic principles.
Judges Stark and Bean and Mr.
i Harman had to leave when Mr,
Bryan was about half through
talking in order to catch No. 14
fto that they could reach their
homes in the western part of the
state in time to vote today.
James and Frank Slander de
parted from Louisville this morn
ing for Houston and Galveston,
TexBH, where Ihey have real estate
possessions to look after.
Injured at the Shops.
From Tuesday's Dally.
O. H. Tower had the misfortune
this morning to have his hand
badly mash'ed. The accident oc
curred about 11 o'clock while Mr.
Tower was at work on the repair
track. He, with several other
men, were lifting a heavy iron sill
over a pair of trucks expecting to
let it down on the opposite side,
but from causn his helpers let go
before Mr. Tower was aware thai
the signal had been given and his
left hand was caught between the
sill and the car wheel. He walked
to Dr. Livingston's office and had
the injury dressed, and will be
laid off for a few days at least.
Depot j Sheriff Edwards Captures
Supposed Murderer at Craig',
Alex Hunter, charged with.
tVe murder of John Wagner on
Itoc night -of October 14, in Mill's
county, Iowa, and who has been
at large since that time, and kis
thereabouts unknown for the Inst
week, wits arrested :at Craig, Mo.,
Monday morning, a few miiles
north of St. Joseph. The caiflurc
was made by Deputy Sheriff Ed
wards of Mills county, Iowa, who
took Hunter to Glenwood last
night. 'The officers received a tip
Sunday That Hunter was at Craig,
and Sheriff Buslmell, -suffering
from an attack of pleurisy, (fid not
participate in the capture, but
sent his deputy, vtio went to Craig
Sunday vvoriiwj and 'phoned up
Monday about noon that he had
his num.
Deputy Sheriff Edwards was in
Plattsmouth last week and -secured
a picture of Tinnier, in rder to
navtr :' stintt'ilfiiip-ty which u
identify him when he was ap
prehended. The deputy at thitt
time denied that he or the sheriff
had made any attempt to arrest
Hunter at Clarinda at the time
Hunter fled from the public works.
But the following clipping from
the Glenwood Tribune of Monday,
quoting from the Clarinda paper,
hardly corrorberales the dopiity's
"A Clarinda paper has the fol
lowing to say about the 'bobble'
niadc'by their officers in failing to
arrest Alex Hunter, charged with
the murder of John Wagner:
"There was quite a sensation
created In Clarinda when a tele
phone message came from 'he
sheriff of Mills county to Sheriff
AVhitmore inquiring if there was a
man here working with the street
paving crew by the name of Alex
llunter. If so, arrest him tm the
charge of murder, and described
him as wearing a tattood mark -on
one wrist or fore arm. Deputy J.
D. Jones went up West Mam
street and interviewed the crew
and was told there was no surh
man on the job. He finally return
ed and afterwards asked the
gentlemen in charge of the con
tract work, and he tokl Mr. Jones
there was a man by that name on
his pay-roll.
"Following this there was an
effort made to search for Alex
Hunter again, but arriving at the
scene it was found that Ihe matter
had been talked of among the
workmen, and shortly the said
Alex Hunter very quietly asked the
foreman to let him off a short
time as he was deathly sick. Alex
went apparently unconcerned
and is undoubtedly going yet. He
was shortly after at his boarding
house for his overcoat and re
marked to the lady he would be
back in the evening or next day.
ne hustled awny with other ar
ticles and left an unpaid board
bill. The ofllcers arc wondoring if
it was good detective work. The
deputy sheriff up at Olenwood
came down just too late also.
"Whether this Alex Hunter who
had been hero a couple of weeks
Is the man wanted is a mystery as
they failed to get a look at that
laitoo mark. However tne symp
toms" appear all right."
P. C. Nielson of Omaha, who has
been visiting his son, Julias Niel
son and family, for a short time,
returned to his home this afternoon.
Account of the Qame Between the
Different Classes of the
- High School.
The games Saturday night were
called at 8 o'clock by Referee Lar
son, before u full house, with
hall resounding with the yells of
the various classes.
The first game was a contest
between Ihe. Juniors and Fresh
men, with the Juniors the win
ners by a score of 35 to 7. The
Freshmen were outclassed in all
points of the game, making many
fouls, while the Juniors showed
good team work and nbility to
throw baskets al their will.
The second game was between
the, Seniors and the Sophomores,
the 'Seniors winning by a score of
48 to 13. The Sophomores, al
though outclassed, played a good
game, Noble al center starring for
The third game . was for tho
championship of Ihe school be
tween the Juniors and Seniors. It
was most stubbornly fought and
alone was worth the price of ad
mission. At the end of tho first
half the Juniors bad the lead, the
score being 10 in fi in their favor.
In the last hair the Seniors made
one of the best rallies ever seen in
Coa'tes' hall, coining up from be
hind in the last few minutes of
pUy, with tho whole house except
a few Senior rooters against them,
won the game with good straight
brisketball. M. Arries for Ihe
Seniors was sent in in the last
hid f of the game, and it was large
ly, owing to his playing that the
Seniors were able to win.
The next gamo will be played
at Coates"' hall November 18, and
it will be between the P. II. S.
squad and Union.
After Long Separation Ada ffloore
Will Meet Her Parents and
Brothers and Sister.
Prom Tuesday' Dally
Miss Ada Moore, who has lwvn
employed at the Riley for the jasl
four 'months, has quite a ro
manfir story regarding the finding
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. fte.
II. Moore, whom she has not een
for 'twelve years. Miss Moore is
a young ady of 18, and for the
past six years she has been a resi
dent of Plattsmouth, a large part
of this time she has been employ
ed at William Barclay's restaur
ant, l)ut last spring while visit
ing a friend at Rockford, Neb., be
gan to make an effort to locate her
. 'When Miss Moore was a little
tot of 6 years, her parents having
a large family, consisting of five
boys and four girls, and the
mother being in poor health, Miss
Moore was given to Ihe Christian
Children's Home society of Coun
cil Bluffs to find a home for the
little girl. She was not long In
the custody of the home until
William Nessen and wife of Cedar
Creek, in this county, desiring a
child in their family, adopted her.
She lived in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nessen for six years, or un
til 12 years of age, when she be
gan making her own living. She
had a very faint recollection .of
her parents and brothers and sis
ters, but finally resolved to Iry to
locate them.
She secured the names of Ihe
town where her parents resided at
that lime and wrote to the post
master there regarding them. Her
sisters and parents had been en
deavoring to locate her during the
years that she resided here. The
home to whom Mr. and Mrs. Moore
had given their daughter would
give them no information regard
ing her whereabouts. Her sisters
and parents had been endeavoring
to locate her during the years that
she resided here. Her sister
finally wrote to Governor Aldrich
of this slate, who assisted In
bringing the sisters in touch with
each other. Last Tuesday Miss
Mooro received tho first letter
from her sister, who did not In
form her parents of her success in
locating Miss Ada until last Sat
urday afternoon. Tomorrow Miss
Moore will go to Centerville, Iowa,
- . . - ... ,
W. K. Fox, Treasurer; Junes Robertson Succeeds Himself for DU
trict Clerk, D. C. Morgan for County Clerk, C. D. Quinton for
Sheriff, and Miss Mary Foster as Suoerintendent
For District Judge
Travis (dem.)
For County Clerk
-II. I).
Morgan (dem.)
For Clerk of the District
Court James Robertson
For County Treasurer
Kelly Fox (dem.)
For County Judge A. J.
Deeson (rep.)
For Sheriff C. D. Quin
ton (rep.)
For County Superintend
ent Miss Mary Foster
For Coroner II. I. Cle
ments (rep.)
For County Suveyor
Fred Patterson (dem.)
For County Commission
er C. E. Ileebner (rep.)
For Police Magistrate
M. Archer (dem.)
H-H-fr M-H 4-M-H I-MH
The election returns, as is
usually the case, brought some
surprises In the participants in
the contest for votes in Cass
county. The day was an ideal one
and a much larger vole was polled
than was expected, while not so
large as a year ago. The fight
among the various candidates
seemed to have centralized here
in the city of Plattsmouth and
Plattsmouth precinct, where
political issues waxed very warm
during the day, and the returns
as they came in fromrtho various
wards and precincts were eagerly
watched by Ihe anxious can
didates. Many rumors were set
afloat by men who ought to have
been in better business, regard
ing Ibis candidate or lhat can
didates, and not only pal them In
circulation here in the city, but
sent them broadcast over tho
county in the hope of defeating
certain candidates. Hut they
were doomed, in a great measure,
to disappointment. Otherwise the
election was one of the most quiet
and peaceful ever held, and whilo
the successful candidates feel
good over the result, it must bo
conceded to the defeated can
didates the right to feel some
what downhearted if they feel so
disposed. We will bo unable to
and for the first time In twelve
years see and converse with her
father, and mother and brothers
and sister. She is looking forward
to the meeting with much an
ticipation. Qerman St. Paul's Church.
On next Sunday we will have
our Mission day in connection
with the "Harvest Home Festival."
The services are as follows :
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Morning service nt 10:30, held
by Rev. F. Rasche of Hamburg,
Iowa, who will speak on "Home
The service in the afternoon
begins at 2:30. Rev. II. F. Kern
of (iriswold, Iowa, will speak on
"The Foreign Mission Work."
The choir of St. John's church
of Omaha will be present again,
as in former years, and (he mem
bers of the clmir are hoped to be
the guests of their Plattsmouth
We hope a!so that tho members
in town will show their hospital
ity lo the friends outside of town
by being present at both services.
The offering of Ihe day are, as
usual, for the , mission work of
our synod. Everybody .who un
derstands German 19 invited.
Improves Slowly.
Mrs. August Rocssler went to
Omaha this morning to visit her
husband, al Immanuel hospital.
The physicians took the splints
from Mr. Roessler's injured hip
last Sunday and he is on the road
lo recovery, though the healing
process is very slow. Mr. Hoes
slcr will bo confined to the hos
pital for three weeks yet.
give a tabulated statement of the
vote by precincts for a few days
and herewith append the ofilcial
vote of the whole county given to
each candidate, as it appears at
the present time, and the majority
each one received. As will be
seen, the democrats retain all the
olllre8 they previously had and
tho republicans did the same, so
there is no causo for crowing on
either side: .
County Clerk.
May field (rep.) 1,630
Morgan (dem.) 2,172
Majority for Morgan...., 542
Clerk of the District Court.
Robertson (rep.) 2,061
Reynolds (dem.) 1,707
Majority for Robertson.. 354
County Treasurer.
Egenberer (rep.) 1,821
Fox (dem.) 1,97J
Majority Mr Fox 155
Sheriff. ,
Quinton (rep.) 2,274
Rhoden (dem.) 1,545
Majority for Quinton. .. . 729
County Superintendent
' F.vans (rep.) 1,874
I Foster (dem.) l,92o
Majority for Miss Foster 48
Clements (rep.) 1,926
I Ratnour (dem.) 1,775
Majority for Clements... 151
, County Commissioner
Ileebner (rep.) .1.996
Seybert idem. 1,752
Majority for Heebner. . , , 244
There was no opposition to the
following candidates, who are not
included in tho above table: Hon.
H. D. Travis for district Judge; A.
J. Deeson, county judge; Fred D.
Patterson for surveyor, and ,M.
Archer for police magistrate.
Uncle Hen Backman, in West Rock
HlulTs precinct, was re-elected
road, overseer by 48 majority,
which denotes that his labors, in
that capacity are very highly ap
preciated. Walter Hyers, a sterl
ing young democrat in East Rock
Bluffs, was also elected roadi
overseer., We are unable to.givo
Ihe vote on justices of the peace
and constables in this city.
Consults Dr. Allison.
From Wednesday' Dally.
L. II. Young, who had his leg
broken two years ago by having a
mule fall upon him, has been
having trouble with tho injured
leg recently, and, went to Omaha
this morning to consult Dr. Alli
son. At the time the injury was
received Mr. Young was in the
hospital for some weeks," and then
carefully nursed his wound for
months and it finally healed am)
he thought a permanent cure was
in process. A few weeks ago it
broke, puss having formed about
the injured tissues, and tho
doctor then put something on it
to draw the poison out. This has
made the limb very sensalive and
painful and Mr. Young goes to
have this treated.
Might Have Done Better.
One of the conservative mer
chants of the city, in remarking
on the result of the election, be
lieves that the political machinery
should Operate much as the
educational positions , are, taken
care of by law. And' that aftep
an officer has filled the position
twice satisfactorily and elected a
third time, that the certificate
for life should bo issued and no
more elections held for such office
until incumbent dies, thus paying?
the expense of the election and a
great deal of worry.
Doan's Regulets cure constipa
tion, ).one the simnach, stimulate
the, liver, promote digestion and
appetite and easy passage pf th
bowels. Ask your druggist for
them. 25 cent8 a box.