The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1911, Image 4

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t,; Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsnoutii, NebrasKa CZZ)
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Mr. Wkkershain: "Will the
congregation now rise and sing
versos of 'Stool Away?'"
Uncle Sam will not transport
any more loiters to Santa Clai's.
This age of commercialism is
crushing all sentiment out of lifj.
The sane Fourth of July and
sane Halloween wore moderately
successful, hut the sano Chrisl
mas seems to be as remote as
Two Nebraska City brides wen.
so bashful that they insisted or.
being married in the dark. It did
not rnatlor, anyway, for ( is s'ud
that love is blind.
Vote for Don C. Rboden for
sheriff if you want a sheriff who
will do his duty at all limes and
under all circumstances.
:o :
Vote for C. M. Seybort for
county commissioner if you want
a commissioner who will do his
duty regardless of friend or loe.
If the slock market crowd rcal
1 want our sympathy for their
losses, their wives must some
how manage this winter to gel
along with their last year's dia
monds. :o:-
The parade on the Hudson is
called I he biggest naval pageant
in our history, and some New
Yorkers will actually stop making
money for a minule and a half to
look at it.
Although the presence of tin
great battleship Heel in Now York
harbor is ostensibly peaceful, its
real purpose may be to keep Wall
street from seceding from the
l.'n ion.
Mr. Tafl talked about "Peace
and Arbitration" to the Chicago
Sunday Evening club, in spito of
the heartfelt desire of the audi
ence to hear him discuss I ho rea
sons for the downfall of the New
York fiiants.
As it will he for the benefit of
nil concerned to gel a verdict in
Hie Steel trust suit as quickly as
possible, we hope the case is not
postponed for a year every time
one of the lawyers wants to take
a vacation.
The country is now busy guess
ing who will be appointed Justice
Harlan's successor on the su
promc bench. Naming a succes
sor will be easy, but finding a man
who will really fill the place of the
Great Dissenter will be indeed
Dilly Tnft "has shot his wad,"
as the saying goes, and his
friends are scarcer in Ihe west
now than before he caino out to
try to fool the people. If he is
renominated it will he the same
old crowd (hat will do it, and not
the common people of the repub
lican parly. That's a foregone
The I.orimer jackpot in Illinois
nnd the Stephenson slush fund in
Wisconsin seemed to have been
Intimately related,
lestimony before
committees, Rich
According to
Hines of Chicago is shown to be
1 ho missing link.
:o :
Senator Clapp of Minnesota de
clares that President Taft's re
fusal to admit Arizona to state
hood because of the recall pro-
vision in its constitution is tho
' I 1 1 I. .. . 1 , I 1 I. I.lnln .... J, f
Oiachosi ciiupier in uiu nisoiij ui
ranny. When an insurgent
talks about a standpatter strong
l.inguage may well be expected.
Vote for Kelly Fox and have a
man in the treasurer's olllce who
you know is competent to dis
charge the duties of that position.
Take no chances.
Vote for James T. Reynolds for
clerk of the district court. He
will not use his office for the pur
pose of enhancing the business of
any one law firm, but will give all
the attorneys a square deal.
That's Jim Reynolds.
:o :
Vote for C. M. Soyt.erl If you
want a commissioner who, will
treat everyone alike in dealing
with those who have interests at
slake in which the county board
must act. Ho is an honest man,
a competent man and a man who
has a he'd of his own when it
conies to dealing with the tax
payers in every sciuiou oi tans
The man who is so busily en
gaged in spreading the lie that
C. M. Seybort, candidate for coun
ty commissioner, will be partial
to Louisville and vicinity on road
matters can bo seen wending his
way up and down Main streeta
dozen times almost any day. We
can put our hand upon liini al
most any hour in the day. He is
a gossip monger of the woisi
Clell Morgan's friends are
numerous all over Cass 'Count v.
nnd they arc composed of repub
licans and democrats alike. They
believe in rewarding the faithful
and well deserving. And if Ch U
Morgan has not boon a faithful,
honest and competent county
clerk there never was one elected.
The people know he deserves a
re-election next Tuesday by u
large majority, and they intend to
give it to him.
If you want a sheriff who will
do his duty, regardless of friend
or foe, ami who will not have
busness in another direction
when a crime is committed, volts
for l)on C. Rboden, and you will
have one who has the courage and
willingness to do his duly. Don
Rboden is a man, every inch of
him, and the voters who support
him next Tuesday will never see.
the day or the hour that they will
regret it.
The present incumbent in the
district clerk's olllco has boon in
olllce in Cass county for sixteen
years. He has drawn from the
county $21,000 in salaries, besides
what his son and daughters have
drawn, $4,800, making a total ol
over $25,000 tho family have
drawn from the treasury of Cass
emmty. Now, Mr. Voter, don t
you think this enough for any one
man to filch from the people in
J the office-holding business?
The report comes Iroin the
southern part of the county that
Ihe present sheriff's hobby six
years ago in his rounds of elec
tioneering was that John MeHridu
had boon in two terms, and that
ought to be enough for anyone.
The present sheriff was elected
for the third term and now wants
the fourth. If two terms was
enough six years ago, most cer
tainly throe terms ought to be
enough now. Vote for Don O.
Rboden and you will vote for a
man who will know when lie has
had enough.
The people know that Miss
Mary Foster has made (lie bet
county superintendent the eountj ,
over had, and they don't feel lik!
parsing her up for a man who is
an unknown iuantity, and has
lived in the county scarcely long
enough to become a voter, lie
came to Cass county a little over
one year ago. ('So to the poll.
Tuesday and vote for Miss Foster,
whom you know has made a splen
did ofllcial, and has lived in Cass
county nearly all her life.
When you go to the polls Tues
day morning don't forget to vole
for James T. Reynolds for clerk
of the district court, if you want
a man of the common people and
one who will not try to hang onto
olllce a lifetime. The present clerk
of the district court seems to
think that the taxpayers of Cass
county owe him a living, and he is
determined to stick as long as
t hey are foolish enough to let him
hold on. Is not sixteen years long
enough for any one man to hold
olllce at the expense of the peo
ple? Away down in your heart
you feel that it is. Then go to the
polls next Tuesday and vote for
. , m ii it . .
James T. Reynolds, who is one of,
our best citizens and well fitted
for the position.
State Bsard IMiisss to Psy
$12,503 tar Land in Onufea.
Plans Being Made to Put institution
for Tuberculosis Patients in Running
Order at an Early Date Lumber
men to IVteet in Lincoln.
Lincoln, Nov. 4. The state board of
public bntis and buildings made offi
cial aiiiio.uii t inent that It had de
oliiud to i;i an its offer of 111,000 tor
leu acres unjoining the state school
for the deaf at Omaha. The propo
ritlou of Paul W. Kuhus, the owm r
of the land, was turned down by the
board, the Omaha man telling the
board that the offer of $12,500, which
amount was appropriated by the last
.session of tho state legislature, was
the luast that he would take for tin
' tract.
The opinion of the momh"-s of t i
state houid was thnt it f ho In
finitely better to have iiion:y
than the land. Further, the board
recommended that better use bo nindc
1 of the land now available for school
I uses rather than go to the expense oi
buying more.
Tubercular Hospital.
Tho matter of opening the new tu
hercular hospital at Kearney was tak
en up at the meeting at which the
Omaha matter was turned down. A ten
ant whoso lense expires In. March,
1912, has asked $1,000 for a cancella
tion. Tho owner who sold the land
to the state will have to turn It over,
however, wlim it Is desired. The op!n
Ion of tho majority of the members
of the Isiard Is to open the Institu
tion before January. Mis I. F. Bar
ker of this city has already boon ap
pointed head nurse of the hospital at i
a salary of $7f per month.
Charles E. Hicks Dead.
Charles F.. Hicks, a former member
. Iliu Inirlalnt lira frnm P.lltll'r nnnntV
and for the past ten years a resident
of this city, died at his home. He Is
survived by his widow, a son and a
daughter. He was stricken with dlft-
V. . . I I I I .... - HlHrtfl
utile luui uu; ""'"I. .. f ..ll
living here Mr. Hicks has been in
local bank.
Lumbermen to Meet.
Announcement was made here that
the Nebraska State Lumbermen's ns
soclatton would meet In this city Jan.
10 and 11, 1912. More than six hun
dred delegates are expected to attend
the gathering.
Workmen and Union Pacific Italians
Clash at Beatrice.
Peatrlee, Neb., Nov. 4 The work
men employed with tho Matthews Con
alruct'.on company in building the new
waterworks plant here and a number
of Italians In the eaiploy of the Union
Pacific company clashed when the
city attempted to lay Its pipe lines
along the Union Pacific tracks.
Agent Mahoney refused to allow tho
city to lay the pipes nnd the Italians
tilled In part of the ditch. The water
works employees objected, and In a
skirmish three Italians were thrown
into tne dttcn, but escaped injury.
After the clash the railroad employees
withdrew and the city resumed worn
on the mains. An Injunction may be
secured by the railroad company un -
less the city is granted prrmlssion
proceed with tho work.
Thacnes ot Cur Faints
Longer Aocsptel
Pastor Russell Dissects Doctrines of
Various Denominations and Shows
Their Crudities and Falseness Im
mersion In Water Doss Not Open the
Door to the Church of the Living
God Mistake of the Baptists.
Lqndon Tab v
uncle, Nov. !.
Pastor Russell
spoke tcday to
large audiences.
We report one of
h I s discourses,
which treated on
the subject of
Church History
shows that the
damnation theo
ries grew grad
uully. First came
the theory that every child of Adam
was born damned to eternal torture
a ilic lunula hi . ..... ......
thnt theonly eS()(l WM throll,. ,)iip.
tlsm. Hut It was claimed ttiat baptism
cancelled only previous Bins and not
subsequent ones; hence It was the cus
tom In Constantine's time to put off
baptism until us near the hour of death
as possible. Tertullinu Is credited with
supporting this view.
Later enuie St. Augustine, advancing
the theory that only the Church would
be saved and that baptism was for the
purpose of Induction Into the Church
Naturally It followed that IT Infants
died without being admitted Into
the Church they would go to eternal
torture. As a result of this teaching
Infant baptism sprang Into great pop
ularity, which Is still mntntulucd. At
first the Infants were Immersed in
water, but Inter, under tho belief that
nil bishops were successors of the
Apostles nnd equal In authority.
Church Councils took the place of the
Word of (Jud They not only sanction
ed Infant baptism, which Is not even
mentioned in the Bible, but addition
ally clnlmod I hat Immersion was un
necessary and t tin t a few drops of wa
ter would Induct the aged or the babe
Into (he Church and constitute nn In
surance against, a hell of eternal tor
ture. This theory still persists to per
haps a greater degree than many
would Imnglne. Luther and his coad
jutors protested against some of the
doctrines of the Church of Itotne. but
accepted without protest Infant bap
tism, sprlnkliii,-. etc.. as necessary to
preservation from everlasting torment.
Unbaptized Infants In Torture
Someone suggests. "Ah! we practice
infant sprinkling, but It Is merely a
'christening.' We have no thought
whatever thnt the gracious Heavenly
Father or Ills adorable Son. our Re
deemer, would consigu an Infant to
torture, even If It died without be
ing christened." Do not lie too sure,
my brother. Superstitions die bard. 1
know of a white-haired bishop In the
Hplscopnl Church who was appalled
at the very suggestion that bis infant
grandchild might be safe In the arms
of Jesus without having been "chrls
Not only so, but these superstitious
of a darker day are forcefully impress
ed upon the "common people" by some
I of the vkruu. Let me toll you of two
t'li A Lutheran couple in Pennsylva
nia had none unpleasantness with
their -pastor respecting Church dues.
This caused them to nbsent themselves
from Church service for several
months. Meantime their babe be
came alck. The father humbled him
self to go to his pastor to tell him of
bis distress and his fear that the child
!n,?bl d,e ',IH! of .?PS,re t0.
It baptized. Imagine the anguish of
the deluded parent when the pastor re
fused and told blra that the child
would go to hell and thnt this was his
ar7" " 1 " .k . u
lu &tl' id luuiu w iiu inn vuunu.
(2) The other case was that of a
Catholic couple In Wisconsin. Their
two little girls died of diphtheria with
in a few hours of each other. When
the parish priest was sent for he de
clined to come and refused permission
to have ttie children buried In "hol
ground." The explanation given to
the astonished parents was that they
had neglected their duty toward the
children, that they had uot been bap
tized Into the Church and consequent
ly were lost.
To n friend the bereaved father de
clared that he wanted to have nothing
whatever to do with so unjust n God
who would consign his little. Innocent
children to eternal torture merely lie-
cause of his sin. bis neglect, In not
having a few drops of wnter sprinkled
in their faces by the priest: The friend
nnd been reading my "Studies In the
Scriptures" und explained to the be
reaved father that Church creeds nnd
theories are very different from the
plain and sjmple teachings of the Hi-
t.le He showed him that his little
0,. werp In(.r,.iv "asleep In Jesus"
' watting for n,e glorious resurrection
! i,,.,u. 0f restitution, to be brought
I to mankind at Ihe second coming of
, Jesus, after the completion of the elect
Church and their change to heavenly
i glory. Could you wonder that that
'Miii nai IfrfftTflWa
Catholic a saloon-keeper, received a
new ray ot li"fe and th:tt It had a
traiisfoi iniiitf Influence upon his life?
The Christian-Disciples' Error
Pastor Hussell examined the doctrine
of immersion ns set forth by the
Christian or Disciple denomination,
lie had not an unkind word to say re-sHM-ting
the people of this denomina
tion, but he did dissect their doc
trines, laying bare what be considered
to le their Inconsistencies, falsities.
Criticizing the immersiou theory of
the Christhiu-Dlsciples he declared
that the texts used by this denomina
tion as proofs that buiitixm ix for the
rrniiitH of were never applied
to any except Jews. The Jews were
In Covenant-relationship with God
through the Mosaic I .aw. If they got
Into sin It was proper for them to re
pent, return to God and use water
symbolically, indicating return from
slu. All Jews lu full harmony with
the Law Covenant in Jesus' day were
transferred from Moses to Christ.
Only those who had committed spe
cial sins wore called upon to wash
away those sins symbolically in wa
others living consistent lives as
"Israelites indeed" were never In
structed to be baptized or to wash
away their sins. Amongst the Apos
tles. Pastor Itussell said, there is no
record of any of them having been
Immersed In water for the remission
of sins, except St. Paul, nnd he only
because he bad persecuted the Church
of Christ. The, baptism into Christ
announced for Gentile couverts is
wholly different, be declared, from the
Jewish baptism for the remission of
Bins. An Illustration of this, he said,
is found in Acts xvill. 24. 23. where
Apollos had baptized certain Gentiles
of Ephesus with John's baptism for
the remission of sins. St. Paul after
ward declared this Incorrect and di
rected them to be Immersed ugnln
not for t In remission of sins, but for
induction Into the Body of Christ,
which Is the Church. (Acts xlx, 1-ti.)
But the chief point which Pas
tor Itussell made against tne curis-
tlun-Disclple theory, that Baptism Is
for the remission of sins, was that it
naturally dis-fellowshlps all Christians
who have not been Immersed. The
logic of this theory, he declared, would
dud few supporters In the Christian
Disciple denomination. The logic of It
Is this: If Immersion Is necessary for
nn adult in order that his sins may
be remitted or washed away. It would
logically follow that nil adults not Im
mersed are yet In their sins-unforglv-en.
And this signifies, according to
this theory, that. If they die thus they
must suffer the penalty of their sins,
which penalty, they say. Is eternal
Baptist Theory In Error
Next the Baptist theory of Baptism
was dealt with. It was complimented
ns being more nearly in line with the
Scriptures than any theory of Baptism
held J.u the world. And yet. said the
speaker, remarkably few Baptists to
day could or do stund by thetr theory.
If put to the test. Nevertheless. In
theory and practice, tho great mass of
Baptists declare that immersion Is a
necessary incidental to admission to
the "Church of the Living God. whose
names are written in henven!"
In full keeping with this, in nine out
of every ten Baptist Churches the
world over, only Immersed Christians
are ever Invited to the communion ta
ble to participate in the Lord's Sup
per. Why? Because they claim that
only Immersed persons belong to the
true Church and that the communion
service Is exclusively for the Church.
If we ask them what are the advan
tages claimed for membership in the
Church, they reply Salvntlon! What
Is ttie antithesis or opposite of salva
tion? we ask They answer Lost!
What do you mean by loxtt we inquire
Tho reply Is. To be banished from God
and suffer everlasting torture.
So then, theoretically, our Baptist
friends deliver to the unimtnersed the
same blood-curdling theory handed out
by Chrlstlan-Dlsclples-that Catholics.
Lutherans. Presbyterians. Methodists.
Congregatlona lists, etc.. are enroute
for eternal torture. The difference be
tween the two theories Is that the Dis
ciples sny thnt this awful fate Impends
upon the masses of Christendom, as
well as upon heathendom, because their
sins have not been forgiven, while the
Baptists say. No, not for that cause,
for Jesus died for all, but because
they have uot taken the necessary steps
to get Into the Church
"Times of Suoh Ignorance"
St Paul tells as of certain times of
Ignorance which "God winked at" or
disregarded. We believe that the Al
mighty graciously overlooked such In
consistencies In tho theories of some
of Ills children and charged them not
with the responsibility of so terribly
Binllgnlng the Divine Character and
misrepresenting tho Divine Word. But
now our God is opening the eyes of
our understanding and there Is no
longer excuse for auy to believe such
monstrous theories, nor excuse to still
profess to believe them after they have
been repudiated by the heart.
The true view of Baptism Is one
which cannot be controverted. It Is
consistent with Itself and with every
Bible statement. It recognizes every
consecrated child of God of every de
nomination, or outside of all dcnoml
untlous It Inducts the saintly Bap
tlst. saintly Disciple, saintly Catholic.
Episcopalian. Lutheran. Congregation
alism Methodist, etc., luto membership
In the "one Church of the Living God.
whose names are written In henven."
What Baptism enn this be? We re
ply thnt It Is the one mentioned by St.
Paul. In a text which wo have all rend
and quoted time nnd again: "So tunny
of yon ns were hnpllzed wfo Jrxu
Vhrht were baptized Into Hi djalh."
(Unmans vl, .1.1 The mistake we have
all made In the pnst is In npplylng the
Apostle's words to wutrr l,apim. The
Apostle said not n word nbout water
baptism, but mentioned specifically the
Baptism into Christ. Into "the Body of
Christ, which is the Church."
The thought is that God has ordain
ed the gathering of the elect Church
during the Gospel Age. The Head of
this Church was received up into glory
eighteen centuries ago. and since Ten
tecost one and auother of the true
footstep followers of Jesus have been
nccep'od of (iixl through Ills merit nnd
counted as "members of the Body of
Christ, which Is the Church." First.
.Jewish believers were transferred
from Moses into Christ.
Next the Message was extended to
the Gentiles. But these could uot pass
from Moses Into Christ because they
wore not In Moses, never having come
under the Law Covenant arrangement.
Hence, these could come into Christ
only by direct baptism. All baptized
into Jesus Christ occupy a specially
preferred relationship to God and. if
faithful to the end, will be received
to glory, honor and Immortality on the
spirit or heavenly plane. But :here is
not a word of Scripture to Miy that
the world, which misses this glorious
exaltation, will on this account suffer
eternal torture. They will lose the
great prize, however.
Water Baptism Not the Door Into the
True Church
Our Baptist friends will agree to the
above statement. They will say, Yes,
that Is what we mean, only. In order
to be In Christ, we Baptists claim,
water immersion is necessary.
We are glad to have their plain, can
did statement and to meet the issue
squarely. That Is the Buptlst mis
takesupposing that water baptism in
ducts anybody Into membership in the
true Church. They may Indeed make
water Immersion the door Into the
Baptist Church, but this does not
ninke It the door luto "the Church of
the Living God." St. Paul defines the
Baptism by which any Gentile may
come into membership in the Body of
Christ. Note his words again: "So
mauy of you ns were baptized into
Jesus Chrixt were bnptlzed into Ilia
death." Our Baptist friends think of
this as though it read "were baptized
in water." This Is their mistake as
before stated.
But the question arises. Just what
is meant by these words, "Bnptlzed
into II ix death?" Was III death In any
way different from the death otothmt
Most decidedly It was! Our race die
as sinners, children of wrath, under
Divine sentence of death. But Jesus
was not a sinner nnd hence was not
timler Divine sentence of death. He
wns "holy, harmless, undefiled nnd
separate from sinners" and free from
Adande death. His death-was a sac
rificial one a surrender of an unim
paired life. Those, therefore, who
would become His footstep followers
and be bnptlzed Into His denth. must
participate with Him in n xacriicial
denth. The Scriptures explain thnt
this would bo Impossible except as
those footstep followers should be
clennsed nnd made acceptable sacri
fices through the merit of Jesus, be
cause "by nature we were all children
of wrath, even as others."
Death was the real meaning of our
Lord's baptism. John the Immerser
knew thnt Jesus wns not a sinner,
knew flint He hnd no sins to wash
away, and at first he declined to im
merse Him. And he did so only after
Jesus bad assured him that it was
right nnd thnt the matter had n deeper
significance. "Suffer It to be so."
Our Lord's Baptism Finished at Cal
Our Lord for three and n hnlf years
wns carrying out the consecration vow
which In Jordan He symbolized bap
tism Info denth. Day by day lie be
came more deeply tin mersed Into death.
That real Immersion into denth was
finished on Calvary. In harmony with
this the day before Ills death Jesus
said. "I have a baptism to be baptized
with, and how am I straitened until It
be accomplished." The next day It wns
accomplished, when He cried. "It Is
finished!" Ills baptism Into denth was
The same thought tho Master gnve
to Ills followers, saying to two who
desired places on Ills right and Ills
left lu the Kingdom: "Ye know uot
what ye ask!" You do not know what
It requires to secure exaltation to the
Kingdom. Are you able, are you will
ing to drink of my cup of sorrow,
self-denial, etc.? Are you willing "to
be baptized with the baptism that I
am baptized with" the baptism Into
death? When the disciples replied that
they were willing, the Muster assured
thera thnt He would attend to the rest
The terms of dlsclpleshlp have not
Just a word further respecting water
baptism. It has Its place, not In keep
ing any out of eternal torment nor In
getting them Into eternal glory; but It
Is a gymbol, a beautiful picture In one
act. It is a testimony to oil believers
that the consecrated one has vowed
loyalty to the Uedeetner even unto
death. As such a coufesslon of such
a consecration, we commend water
baptism to you all ns being the Lord's
own provision of a pictorial confession
for those who hnve accepted Ills terms,
surrendered their all. and tiro seeking
to walk In newness of life nnd to at
tain the eternal glory by and by.
! As for the uneonsecrated world. It Is
fitting that they should not be bap
tized. Baptism was never Intended ei
rept for the fully consecrated, the
sanctified In Christ Jesus When God's
due time shall come the world of man
kind will receive the blessings pro
vided for them through the Redeem
er's merit, under the grncloun arrange
ment of tlmt Itedeemer's heavenly
Kingdom, which will be established
under the whole heavens for the pur
pose of uplifting mankind from sin
and death whosoever wills.