The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1911, Image 1
3 piaiiamouiD ourna SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION-EiGIIT PAGES VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUT11, NEBRASKA. MONDAY NO VEMHEU 6, 1911 NO VI REPORT OF ALEX HUNTER'S ARREST PROVES 10 BE II FALSE ALARM Two Detectives Made the Mistake of Arresting the Wrong Man at Clarinda, and Allow Hunter Time to Escape Mills County Authorities Still cn the Hunt for Fugitive. A gentleman from near the sheriff's . office of Mills county, Iowa, was in the city last evening looking for Alex Hunter, the man wanted for the murder of John Wagner. The man stated that the report that the sheriff and deputy of Mills county had at tempted to affect, the arrest of Hunter at Clarinda and got the wrong man a week ago was er roneous. The men making the attempt and seizing their man before properly identifying him, were two detectives who were craving a little notoriety and so eager were they for their prey and so anxious were they to do all the work themselves that they made MIS FOR THE SEASON Krug Building on Corner of Main and Fifth Streets, a Beauty, Inside and Out. From Friday Daily. The men doing the concrete work for the Krug people, as well as the walk about the government building, completed the work at the Krug ice house today. The men have put in a concrete re taining wall north of the ice house, having commenced this improvement last Tuesday. This will prevent the storm water from the hill slope from getting about the house in the spring and summer season. The storage i plant has been treated to a new coat of paint and the company's property in this city is now in first-class condition and could not be made better. The painting on the interior of the office rooms in the building is progressing rapidlv; the rndiat ors have just been installed and the rooms will soon be ready for occupancy. One room is sot apart for a rest room for farmers and their wives, with comfortable sopts and modern furniture 8nd well lieht ed and ventilated. This will be a convenience much appreciated, as the room will be comfortably warmed and a pleasant place to rest after thod rive in from the farm or after the shopping is done. , Social Workers Meet. From Frldnv' Dullv A most delig-hlful meetinor ofl the Social Workers of the M. E. j church was held at the pleasant' home of Mrs. C. S. Johnson on Rock street yesterdav afternoon. Whenever invited to the Johnson home the members of this splen did organization alwavs come pre-, pared to have a fine time and we' are reliablv informed that they sure did. Then, too, there was an unusually larpro number in at tendance. The regular business session was held and then the ladies spent the hurrving mom ' ents'ln preparing articles for the bazaar, which they intend (riving this month. They also indulged in a social time, there being many amusements participated in, and those fortunate ennutrh to bo present had a most enjoyable af ternoon. Mrs. Johnson served a I most excellent luncheon at the proper hour. Simon Clark Injured. From Friday' Dal) Simon Clark, foreman of the supply department at the Burling ton shops, had the misfortune this morning to drop a heavy cast-iron box on his foot, crush-, ing the instep and otherwise bruising and laming the same. The accident occured about 8j o'clock. Mr. Clark was taken to j the ofliecof Dr. Livingston, where his injury was dressed. Mr. Clark ( win no nil niiiv tup severni rinva C. F. Weber transacted busi ness in the metropolis this afternoon. the blunder of taking the Clarinda citize.ii who had not been guilty of any infraction of law. It is said that Hunter went to the hotel and changed his working clothes and decamped. The report that he was after wards caught several miles south of Clarinda is now denied, and would seem to be false, as the Mills county authorities are still on the' lookout for the missing man. Neither the sheriff's office nor the detective force had a like ness of Hunter, but one was se cured yesterday from a parly in this city and cuts will be made and sent to papers in the sur rounding towns and an effort made to locate Hunter. Meet With Miss Molly Godwin. From Frlday'a Dally. The High school German club met at the home of Miss Molly Godwin last evening. For the oc casion the rooms of the Godwin home had been most beautifully decorated. The report of the last meeting was read and approved, after which the young people were entertained with a German reading entitled "Fritz and John," by Elmer Frans; a piano solo, "Heart's Wishes," bv Molly God win; piano solo, "Marche Fan tastic," by Anna Heinrich; piano solo, "Flying Arrow," Opal Fitz gerald. The interest in this splendid program was greatly in creased by an instrumental duei enf itledi "Witches' Flight," Anna Heinrich and Mqlly Godwin. This most excellent program was very much appreciated by the members of the club in attendance. An other pleasinsr feature of the evening's entertainment was the singing of a number of songs in German dialect, after which they participated in a number of games. At this time delicious re freshments were served, which could not help but be appreciated. The members of the club in at tendance were: Mises Lillian Cole, Anna Wohlfarth, Teresa Droopo, Kate Foster, Adelia White, Anna Heinrich, Alma Hol v, Opal Fil7frorald, Elizabeth Oamplicll. Willa Moore, Molly Godwin, Florence Rommel, Emma Tschirren, Marfnret and Emma Albert; Messrs. Elmer Frans. Guy Wiles, Rue Frans, Waldemar Poennichsen, Lester Dalton, Vance Todd and Conrad Schlater. Entertained at Dinner. From Frlday'a Dally. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pollock entertained five couples at a 6:30 dinner last evening, and to say that all had a fine lime is putting it mildly. To say that Mr. and Mrs. Pollock entertained is equivalent to saying that the guests enjoyed themselves. A bountiful five-course dinner was served and afterward there was good cheer and music before the big open fire-place. Mrs. Wescotl sang two delightlul solos and Mrs. Baird gave a numerous read ing entitled, "The Mustard Plaster." A stunt that was some what impromptu, but just as en joyable, was a trio composed of Messrs. Baird, Wescotl and Pol lock. If the public knew what hidden talent theso three gentle men have along' musical lines it would insist that they start a Plattsmoulh minstrel perform ance immediately. The phono graphic reproductions of rag-lime and opera were also highly en joyed. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Pol lock were: Messors. ami Mes dames E. II. Wescotl, H. N. Dovey, J. M. Roberts, William Baird and N. C. Abbott. Mrs. Frank Albin, who has been vi'itinir her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nickels, for the past seven weeks, departed for her home at Wausa, Neb., this morning. She was accompanied to Omaha by her father and sis l -r, Miss Etta. Visits County Seat. From Friday's Dally. I). W. Fleshman and his son, C. , of near-Avoca, came in on the M. P. train this morning to look after some business inat teis in the probate court. Mr. Fleshman has been a resident of Cass county for twenty-seven years and this is his first visit to Plattsmoulh. He was unable, to say whether the city had improved since his arrival in Nebraska or not. Mr. Fleshman and son were looking after (he final settlement of his deceased son's estate. 1 FROM Ed Brantner's Residence Came Near Being Destroyed by Fire Last Night. From Friday' Dally. Ed Brantnor, the Hell telephone manager, had the misfortune to have his dwelling in the east Third ward catch fire last night and it was damaged to the extent of 1300 or $ 400. However, various estimates have been placed on the loss, ranging from $150 to $400. Mr. Brantnor happened to be at home when the fire started, or the loss would have been much heavier. The alarm was turned in, but when the department ar rived Ed and the neighbors had carried water and thrown on the flames until it was under control, and the fire hose was not allowed to play on the flames, but not withstanding the carpets and furniture suffered from water be ing dashed upon them and from dirt being tracked over the car pets. It is understood the loss was fully insured. The origin of the fire is said to have been from the new furnarex pipes which had lately been installed, the fire hav ing just been started, and the overheated pipes set fire to the floor, which spread upward very rapidly. The dwelling had just been overhauled and everything made modern on the interior of the house. A new porch, costing Mr. Brantnor 9250, had just been added. Coming as it did, at the beginning of winter, the fire is very unfortunate. Mr. Llmpp Departs for Home. From Frlday'a Dally. A. J. Limpp, who has been in the city for the past four months buying and packing apples for Rundle, the apple man, departed for his home at Forest City, Mis souri, this morning. J. E. Hop kins, who has assisted Mr. Llmpp in the work here will leave for his home Saturday. Mr. Limpp was on the ground to buy fall apples, on which his firm expected to make a little money, but the prices paid were a little slronsr. so that his firm lost $2,300 on the fall apples, but have made a little money on their winter apples. Everyone dealing with the Rundle people were well satisfied with the treatment re ceived, and only one man thought himself aggrieved. The firm paid out several thousand dollars at this point for apples, and should they see fit to open a market here next season these gentlemen will receive the patronage of th fruit growers in this vicinity. Both Mr. Limpp and Mr. Hopkins aro pleas ant gentlemen to meet and made numerous friends here, who will be glad to have them return. Janitor Appointed. From Frlday'a Dally. Frank Claus has secured the appointment as janitor of the new postofflco building, the appoint ment having been made a few days ago by Postmaster II. A. Schneider. The position pays a salary of $50 per monlh. The labors will not be distressingly hard, but the janitor will prob ably be on his job more hours than any other employe about Ihe office. Mr. Clans is lo be con gratulated on his good luck and we doubt not but he will fill the bill and make a good custodian of the building. Claude Mayfleld was an Omaha passenger via Pacific Junction nnd Council Bluffs Ibis morning, go. ing on No. . lived in cass COUNTY YEARS AGO Former Citizen Says He Notices Many Changes In This Sec- tlon Since He Left. From Frlday'a Dally. N. C. McClain, formerly a citizen of the west end of the county, residing six miles southwest of Elmwood, visited Platlsinouth yesterday for the first time in over thirty-two years. Mr. McClain does not find as much change in the county seat as he does in the appearance of the country in the vicinity in which he resided thirty-two years ago. I The numerous groves of forest Irees, the large barns and dwellings and the hills seem much higher and steeper than wheri Mr. McClain lived on the farm! in western Cass. Mr, McClain has resided in the Williamctte valley (Lynn county) Oregon, for the past nine years, having moved there from Keith county, Nebraska, to which place ho went when removing from this county. He has three sons re siding in Keith county at this time, whom he visited just before coming to Louisville to visit rela tives there for a short time. He thinks the crops in this county excel those of any county west of Cass, and in the locality where his sons live there was no corn crop worth mentionine. Mr. McClain is well pleased with the Oregon country; farm lands there sell from $75 to $125 per acre. Speak at High School. From Friday- Dally. Instead of the regular spelling work this morning the High school pupils enjoyed a double treat in listening to addresses by Rev. W. L. Austin and L. A. Dowrpy of Lincoln. Under. the McBrien administration Mr. Downey was a valued member of the state superintendent's office. Since that time he has been traveling for one of the great educational book houses that has its headquarters in Chicago. The central thought in Mr. Downey's remarks was that mind grows through food, exercise and rest, just as the body grows through the same. He allowed his hearers to figure out for themselves what I he proper food and exercise for the body are, as well as for the mind. Mr. Austin spoke with much feeling and force upon the in tuitive nature of man and the value to the world of convictions. Mr. Austin said: "I believe in supematuralism, but not in superstition. There is the psychic side of man, as well as the intel lectual, and this ought really to be as highly and intelligently cultivated. Some time I believe Ihe psychic life of man will be studied in the public schools. One should give heed to these psychic intimations that one has. Out of these intuitions there often grow profound convictions and a con viction is the greatest thing in the world. It was a conviction that made Moses and Esther great. It was a conviction that sent Jesus to his dealh on the cross." Carl Humphrey Promoted. From Frlday'a Dally. Again it is the Journal's good pleasure lo report the success of another Plattsmoulh young man, Carl Humphrey, who was reared in this city. Mr. Humphrey has been in the employ of the Stand ard Oil company, traveling on the rond, having his residence at Burlington, Iowa, until recently, when he moved to Omaha tem porarily. He has just been pro moted by the company to the position of manager of the west ern district and stationed at Hastings, Neb., where ho will move in a tow days. Mr. Humph rey is a fine business man and Ihe Standard Oil company has not been slow in recognizing in him a young man of much ability. Ed Collins Improving. Ed Collins, who had his leg broken in Ihe Fort Crook wreck on Ihe 15th of last month, is still in the hospital, but improving as fast as could be expected. His brother saw him on Thursday and was told that Ed would not be al lowed to get about on crutches for two weeks yet. ITHE PLATTE RIVER BE OPENED UIE V, NOVEMBER 15 Arrangements Are Being: Perfected for Appropriate Ceremonies on This Date and Large Delegations Have Signified Their In tention of Coming From Omaha, Nebraska City, Nehawka Union, Murray and Other Towns. November 15th, one week fro'n next Wednesday, is the date fixed upon for the ceremonies on the occasion of the opening of the Platte river wagon bridge and the Omaha-Plaits mouth automobile route to Kansas City. Mr. Pol lock, president of the bridge com pany, staled this morning that there is one more bent of steel piles to be driven, and that the bridge will be ready for travel one week from today, but that it will require a short time to grade the approach to the bridge, after the engine and pile driver are re moved, and that this preliminary work will all be completed by the 15th instant. The Automobile association of Cass county, with representatives from every town in the county and many from outside points, will hold an important session in this city on Ihe afternoon of the 15th. At this meeting prominent states men from Ihe middle west will be present to address the, associa tion on the subiect of roads and a plan whereby they mav be obtained. This nicotine: will be attended bv representatives of the Automobile associations of Oma ha. Nebraska Citv. Kansas City and intermediate points. The Motorist, a paper devoted COURT HOUSE BOILER 'IS OUT. OF COMMISSION And the County Officials Are Do ing Business With Over coats On. from Frlday'a Dally. Thfl runnlv olTleinla Irnnanelpil nusiness in com rooms, seated on cold chairs, today, and unless tho repairs for the boiler arrive to night may have to do so tomorrow also. A flue in the old boiler gave i way last night and there nre sev eral others which are apt lo play out at any time. The janitor has talked Ihe matter over with mem bers of the board and urged tho neecssilay of a new boiler, but it was thought that Ihe old one could be made to go through an other winter. But when the pressure of the steam was turned on durlnsr tho recent cold snap the flimsy shell gave way. It Is lucky the court and Jury nre not in session at this time, as Ihe county would be put to the ex pense of hiring a hall to do tho business. The board built a fire on its grate and went ahead wilh ilss work. Tho county clerk's grate beintr blocked wilh jury seals, could not be used today, but different arrangements will be made should Ihe boiler flue be long on the way. Six O'Clock Dinner. From Saturday' Dally. The members of the senior choir of Ihe M. E. church were de lightfully entertained at a fl o'clock dinner in Ihe church par lors last evening. Tho occasion was planned and executed by the Ladies' Aid society of this church to show their appreciation of the faithfulness and loyalty of each member of this organization, which furnished Ihe music for the morning services of Ihe church. Covers were laid for thirty-four guests. The decorations were chrysanthemums. After pnrlaking of the excellent dinner served, a number of toasts, anecdotes co llating to choir service and music were given. It was a late hour when the members of the choir separated, expressing their thanks to the Ladies' Aid society and re newing their determination lo give more efllicent service to Ihe work of the choir. Mrs. L. F. Smith, nee Miss Bertha Porter, of Norfolk, is in Ihe city for an over Sunday visit with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Porter. WAGON BRIDGE TO to Ihe interests of Hie automobile associations of the middle- west, in its last issue, has devoted con siderable space to the opening of the new bridge over the Platte and the effect of the same ou travel between the cities of the Missouri valley. The. publication is issued in Omaha, and the editor has of fered to devote its columns to the publicity of the dale of the cele bration and give due weight to the importance of the event, which would insure' a largo attendance of automobile owners on that day. The minstrel show will furnish entertainment for Ihe crowds in the evening, and will receive the patronngo and encouragement of the auto association, which Is in leresled in having as large a sum netted for the good road fund as can be obtained. Let everybody boost for tho celebration, for the auto associa tion meet and for the minstrel show at night. There should bo a large, crowd in the city on that day and night, and if every citizen will do his full duty toward invit ing his friends and opening their homes to the city's guests for the few hours they will be in town wo will see Ihe largest attendance on this occasion that we have ever had in the city. Let Contract Yesterday. From fiaturdny'i Dally. "The -county commissioners opened the bids for the grading of the new road leading to the new wagon bridge yesterday and awarded the contract to fieorgo Poisall for removing Ihe dirt. The contract price was 17 cents per yard. The contract for removing the steel bridge on Ihe creek at Ihe north end of the old road was also awarded to the same party. The work of removing the dirt will be commenced at once and pushed right nlong and the rond put in shape for travel before the freezing weather sets In. The petition of J. Lawrence Stull to make the road run straight through on Ihe line north was de nied and tho track will be as formerly, w ilh Ihe cut-off running east of the Missouri Pacific track instead of under it twice, as be fore. Tho appropriation for the expense of the grading is made from the inheritance tax fund and does not come out of tho general road fund. A portion of Ihe same fund has already been used near Nehawka and some of it near Weeping Wafer, and Ihere can bo no criticism arainst the officials for having this thoroughfare placed in the best of condition. Temperature Low at Court House. From Piiturdny'a Daily. On the door of I lie various offices on the first floor of the courl house was posted today the following notice: "At County Commissioners' Olllce." If one wanted lo obtain a marriage license today be had to go to tho commissioner's office lo get it. If there had been any infraction of the law in one's vicinity, the com missioners' office had to be sought lo find the "corporation counsel," so that one's tale of woe could be poured into Ihe ears of the state's salaried lawyer. On the stairs you could meet Ihe busy clerks with a shovel of coal in Ihe bottom of a hod climbing to Ihe third story, where a smouldering fire was making an attempt to warm a large amount of space about a grate. Down In Ihe boiler room you could bear the clang of the hammer against the metal, while Ihe boilermaker, Ihe only warm person In Ihe building, was work ing at a flue. Next week it may be belter. Ornding for a permanent side walk is beintr done on south Fifth street, ndiacent to the cement factory of H. C. MeMaken fi Son, and if the weather permits the walk will be placed before winter.