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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1911)
Kb. star South (' SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EiGHT PAGES VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUTI1,- NEBRASKA. TIlUiiSDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1911 NO 91 C BITES 10 BE VO ED FOB 111 IE ELECTION HEX! TUESDAY Candidates for Judges of the Supreme Court and County Offices, Which Composes Persons Whose Records Will Bear Closest InsDection as to Ability and Qualifications. WILLIS D. OLDHAM. Let us call your attention brief ly to a few facts concerning lion. Willis D. Oldham of eKarney, can didate for supreme judge: Judge Oldham is a man 51 years of age, in the very prime of life, never having been sick a day. He has been actively en gaged in the practice of his pro fession for 2i years in Nebraska, adn as you are aware, haa always taken a prominent part in both state and national politics. He was chairman of the state democratic convention that nom inated Judge Holcomb for gov ernor in 1894 and took a leading v ' '": j ; v3 1. " t ('' r i6.i '.-is If-- ' ' AKi I HON. W D. OLDHAM, of Kearney Candidate for Supreme Judge - I . :. :".' rv V-V , . , this brief sketch. We want our part in the campaign that result ed in Holeomb's election. I " " ' '" He was appointed deputy at torney general by Hon. C. J. Smylhe and engaged with him in the trial of all the important suits growing out of the defalcation of State Trea surer Hartley. With Attorney Ceneral Smylhe he as sisted in the inslitulii n of all the suits to exclude the Standard Oil trust and the Starch trust from doing business in Nebraska. His participation in these suits had much to do with bin defeat for at torney general in 1900, along with the rest of the state ticket on which he ran. In 1900 Judge Oldham placed Mr. Bryan in nomination for Hie presidency at the Kansas City convention, and afterward en gaged actively in Mr. Bryan's' campaign in Nebraska and neigh- boring etate8. ! He was appointed supreme court commissioner by Chief Justice Sullivan and reappointed .1 , it ..' I -ff-f; : ;: 5 HON. W. L. STArtK, Candidate tor Supreme Jud&e. by Chief Just ice Holcomb, remain ing on the commission for six years. His work as supreme court commissioner has received the hearty endorsement of all prominent members of the legal profession in Nebraska. His opinions were always clear and straight to the point, and he showed himself absolutely fair as a judge, knowing neither friend nor foe when on the bench! JAMES R. DEAN. James R. Dean of Broken Bow, while serving on (he supreme court bench, convinced many Ne- braskaus that he was not only one of the ablest jurists that ever served as a member of that court, but he convinced I hose who know anything about cases that come before that body that he was one of the most conservative jurists that ever rendered a supremo court decision. He fully demon strated to the people of Nebraska that he was able, conscientious and honest in all his acts on the bench, and he a"' democrats alike, for the won praise from and republicans manner and dis position he had shown to serve and protect nil alike. Jiufcc Dean was a visitor in PlatlsmouVh a short time since, and his personal appearance impressed all who chanced to meet him, as n gentle man oi large mind ami great legur ability. He is a man of whom any parly should hep rood and deserves a great deal more praise 'than the Journal can give him in HON. J. R DE.An. l( Broken Bow CsndidHte for Supreme Judge friends to rally to the support of Judge Dean on election day and assist in placing him upon tho supreme bench, where he can give honest decisions, as all members 4 f of that body should do. Whop you go to the polls next luesday don t fail to vote for Judge James R. Dean, who is worthy of the sup port of every voter who believes in a righteous decision, regard less ofq party or creed. HON. WILLIAM L. STARK. Hon. William L. Stark, one of the three democratic candidates for judges of the supreme court, is one of the most successful lawyers in Nebraska, and one of the state's ablest men. Mr. Stark was admitted to the bar nearly thirty-five years ago, and for over thirty years has been practicing his profession in Nebraska. Dur ing this time he has successfully filled the offlre of deputy district attorney for Hamilton county for two terms, and for five terms the otllce of county judge, declining the nomination for the sixth term. He was elected to congress from the Fourth congressional district of Nebraska, serving for six years, making an enviable reputation in the national house of represent atives, serving the people of his district with honor to his con stituents and great credit to him self. Mr. Stark is a represent ative of the people in the fullest sense of the term. He maintains that the supreme court, to retain tho respect and confidence of the people, should be a bi-narlisan body. The people of Nebraska will make no mistake in electing Hon. William L. Stark to the su preme court on Tuesday, Novem ber 7. , ,1' k"1 ' !H CLARENCE E. HAR7IAN. i Candidate for Railway Commissioner One of the important, positions to be (Hied at the elect inn Tues day, November 7, is that of rail way cornmisioner, one to' be elect ed every two years, but this year Mr. Clarence E. Barman is the democratic candidate to fill a vacancy caused by the death of the democratic member of that commission. Evidently from the vote that Mr. Barman received at the primary election, he is cer tainly a very popular man for the posit ion. He has resided at Hold ridge for twelve years, and in Ne braska all his life, having been born at Bloomington in 187C. Mr. Barman is just the kind of man to serve on the railway commission, being well versed in all matters pertaining to the duties of the railway commission. Being a traveling man for a wholesale grocery house for fourteen years, his vocation has made him familiar with the troubles of the small shipper, a9 well as tho larger ones. His platform pledges him to fight at all times against discriminations and special privileges and for a complete physical valuation of all railroad and public service corporation properly. He is a belicvier in "equal and exact justice lo all and special privileges to none." Clar ence E. Barman, if elected, will prove an efficient and popular representative of the peoples' in terests on the railway commission and deserves the support of every voter next Tuesday who delights in justice to all alike. FOR DISTRICT JUDGE. Judge Travis has no opposi tion for re-election. So satis factorily has he filled the position of judge of the district court that he was nominated by all parties at the primary election. This Is a great compliment to Judge Travis, but not any more so than this eminent jurist justly deserves. T ' A ' JAMES T. REYNOLDS. Candidate for District Clerk. If (hero ever was a man that deserved success ot the polls next Tuesday, November 7, that man Is James T. Reynolds, candidate for clerk of the district court. Ho never was an office-seeker, and it was with considerable insistanco from his friends that he was in duced to make the race. He has resided in Cass county ever since 1871. He was born in Missouri in 1859, coming to Nebraska with his parents when a boy, locating five miles south of Nebraska City on a farm, where he resided until they came to Cass county and located on Hie farm where he has lived ever since. For several years Mr. Reynolds taught school, and proved a most successful teacher. He is a gentleman of fine educational attainments, and one of the best representatives of the common people in whom Hod has given the breath of life. His nimlifieat ions for the position of clerk of the district court are second lo no man in Cass county, and his natural inclinations are those of a good citizen who wants t''o right by everybody. If he is elected next Tuesday the peo ple will find in the district clerk's office after the first of next Janu ary a man in whom they can place the utmost confidence that he will do right by everyone having busi ness with the office and will ad minster impartially to all. A vote for James T. Reynolds next Tues day is a vole for the right man for the right place. D. C. MORGAN. Candidate for County Clerk. In Clell Morgan, candidate for the second term of county clerk, the electors have a gentleman who is in every way worthy their support, lie has made a record for efficiency and faithfulness Ihat few county clerks have, ever equalled, denial ami companiable to everyone who lias business with the county clerk's office, he has made for himself a popularity to be proud of and can depend upon receiving many votes that he fail ed to receive two years ago. No man has ever made more friends in the performance of his duties than Clell Morgan in the county clerk office. He is the same genial gentleman every day in the week and everyone who has business with the ofllc'e always finds the glad hand extended in welcome. The voters ought to weigh well the excellent record Ihat Mr. Mor gan has made and the excellent qualifications, he possesses, and t 1 cast their votes accordingly. Too much cannot be said in behalf of Clell Morgan as a man, a good cilizen and a most excellent official and he should receive the support of every voter who be lieves in rewarding an official for the prompt and efficient man who has dono his whole duty to tho people of Cass county. Remem ber, when you go to the polls next Tuesday to vole for C. D. Morgan, who truly deserves your support. I : I ' J " . . ' I WILLIAM K. FOX. William K. Fox is a Kent Ionian in whom thousands of voters will take great delight in supporting on Tuesday next, November 7. This will be the case because Kel ly Fox was reared to manhood in Plattsmotilh. and bv his manv excellent traits of character has won the respect and confidence of hosts of people all over finss i county. For four years he held a! clerical position under former I County Treasurer W. D.I Wheeler, and upon Hie induction' of the preesnt county treasurer, I l rank h. Schlater, he was made chief deputy, which position he has held for four years, not only with credit to himself, but also to the credit of his superior officer. All ot which is sufficient to dem onstrate the fact that he is a practical man for the most re sponsible position in the urift of the voters of Cass county. Tho office of county treasurer is one that most surely needs a com petent and reliable man at its head, and Kelly Fox is highly re- W. KELLY FOX Candidate for Treasurer. commended by both Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Schlater as a man qualified in every respect lo place at the head of the office and a gentleman in whose hands the peoples' money will be safe and the same kind of adiniuisf ration of the affairs of the office ns has been carried out by both Mr. Wheeler ami Mr. Schlater. You will be Inkim,' no chances when you vote for W. K. Fox for county treasurer next Tuesday, Novem ber 7. DON C. RHODEN. . Candidate tor Sheriff Next Tuesday, November 7, the voters of Cass county will have an opportunity of voting for a can didate for sheriff' who possesses the manhood, ability and courage to do his duty at all times and under all circumstances when called upon so to do. That can didate is Don 0. Hhoden, who grew to manhod in Ihe county, re siding on a farm most of the time. The duties of the office of sheriff are sometimes very arduous, and many times need the attention of such an officer immediately, and in Don Ithoden you will find a man who never saw the night lo dark or Ihe call lo hazardous for him lo go when and where duly calls. Cass county needs a sheriff who possesses the courage and in clination lo go where duly calls, regardless of friendship or for fear of making some friend mad. A successful sheriff knows no friends when he is called upon to do his duly, and If Don Rhoden is elected next Tuesday, which ho ought lo be, Ihe law-abiding people of Cass county can rest assured of having a sheriff who will exert every effort in his power to ap prehend nnd bring to Justice every man who commits a crime of any t kind. He is a man that is fear less when called upon for protec tion. When you go to tho polls next Tuesday be sure and vote for Don C. Rhoden, if you want a sheriff who is not afraid to do his duty. MISS MARY E. FOSTER. Candidate for County Superintendent There is one thing that is very evident, and that is that Cass county can boast of one of tho most competent county superin tendent of schools in tho state of Nebraska. Miss Mary E. Foster is not only a graduate of the stalo university, but she is a practical teacher. She has made tho best interests of the schools a study for a number of years. Miss Foster has made an enviable record as superintendent of schools, an those who believe in good schools know Ibis for a cer tainly. The schools of Cnss county are in a belter condition today than they ever were, ami tho untiring efforts of Miss Foster de serve great credit for making them' no.-" Th earlii'rna.-- weH satisfied with her administration and parents know she has been untiring in her efforts in behalf of both teachers ami nunils. Tho voters will be given an oppor-v hmilv on Tuesday, November 7, lo endorse the splendid record of Miss Foster, and sav by their bal lots Hint Ihev desire the good work to go on. She haJ served faith fully and well and her record should be endorsed bv a large inaiorilv of the voters nl the polls ttev Tuesd.iv. A vole for Miss Foster means a vote for the con tinuation of good schools in Cass connly. C. M. SEYnRT. The above gentleman made Iho race for county commissioner three years ago and came within a few votes of defeating D. L. Swilzer, who had made himself very popular by his clever mnnner in transacting the business of the county in the previous term. Tho Journal considers Cam Seybert one of the best men in Cass coun ty for this important position. Ho has been a resident of the county nearly all his life, most of this lime on the farm, and con sequently is remarkably well versed in the duties of the. posi tion. He is a gentleman of mark ed ability, nnd in the discharge of the duties devolving upon him as county commissioner he will bo free and independent to act as his conscienc,. may dictate and for C. M. SEYBERT ' Candidate for Commusioner. tho greatest good to the greatest number of taxpayers of tho coun ty. Wo are free to say, also, that Mr. Sejbert is a man who can be (Continued on Pago Two.) I ' yrf"-:''- . J