The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 26, 1911, Image 8

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    Children Cry for FJctchcr's
The Kind You Have Alwnys HoiixM, and which has been
la use for over iU) yearn, lias borne tho Mnuturo of
tun), has been made under Ii!s per-
Honal Hupervlslon hIiico Its Infancy.
Allow no oho t deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations Ami Must-ns-trood" nr but
I'lxpcrlmciitH that trlflo vlth and ndangcr t!ie health of
Infants tint! Children J'.xpcrleii'.-o iiyalnst J-xpcrinienU
morning fr Sloan, Iowa, where Sun. lay for California, where they
they will make their home. I were called by the illness of the
Enoch SI raw, who moved froin ' doctor's si-ter. They expect to
tin.-, it inilv lo Madison, S. I)., ar- j make their future home in the
rived here Wednesday morning to; west.
spend a few days visit in? and at
What is CASTOR! A
Cnslorla Is a bannles hiihstltuto for Custor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnl Soothing Hyrups. It Li Pleasant. It
contains lu-ithci Opium, Morphino nor other JS'arcotin
Kiilistance. lis iigo Is Its guarantee. It destroys YYortun
and allays 1'cvcrihliness, Jt cures iarrhi-:i and Wind
Colic. It r IlevcH Teething; Troubles, cure Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho J'ood, regulates tho
Htomnch and JSovvels, Uln Jierlthy and natural hlcc.j.
The ( hlldrc n's Panacea-Tho Mother's J'riciid.
I Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Fop Over 30 Years
Attorney John Lcidy and Karl
Travis of Platlsmouth were in
town a few hours Wednesday. The
latter is a son of Judge Travis.
Grandma Carper came up from
Union Wednesday, where she has
been for some lime hiking cur of
her daughter, Mrs. W. II. l'orler.
It. C. Pollard look his mother
lo Omaha Sunday, from where she
left that eveniiiK for Long Beach,
Cal., where she will spend the
Peter Framplun accepted ?T0
from the claim agent of the Mis
souri 1'iH'illc In lieu of all damage
for losing part of his hand last
Summer at Nebraska City.
Mrs. I). C. West and Miss Bessie
Jordan of Calumet, Michigan, who
Is here visiting, spent Tuesday in
Lincoln. Miss Jordan lias lately
completed her training as a nurse.
Hoy Kirkpntrick left on the
evening train Monday for Omaha
on his way hack In Tacnma,
Wash., where he will resume his
duties as chief clerk for Hie gen
eral manager of Hie freight de
partment on the Northern Pacific,
The young folks from the
Wolph ami Hough families, who
tre attending Doano college at
Crete, lost n day this week on ac
count of the early train Mondav
being nhoul four hours late,
Causing them to miss connections
in Lincoln ,
Mrs. J. W. Ralhbono nnd Miss
Daisy Bailey, sister of Mrs. Wil
liam Ketch, came in on the even
ing train Wednesday from Oram!
Island for a visit. Mrs Ketch will
Utilize the opportune of the
ladies' arrival by hnvinqr them
belp her move into the Bruce
Stone properly on the south side,
She having rented her farm.
M. II. Pollard was called to
Chester, Vermont Tuesday by n
telegram announcing the death of
bis father. Mr. l'ollard won 1,1
inoiilh, he having been born in
November, 1817. His health baa
been good almost up to the time
of bis death. There are three
sons living in this state M. II.
l'ollard, who lives soulhwcst of
low ii ; Morris I), of Union and Dr.
J. A. of Salem.
tending to some business affairs
Mrs. I. en Tbacker departed last;
Friday for her new home at
Monte Vista, Colo., to join her
husband, who went there a few
weeks ago to establish a home and
get it fixed up ready for bis fam
ily. Malcolm Pollard of Xehawka
changed cars here Tuesday een
ing. starting on a sad journey
back lo Chester, Vermont, to at
tend the funeral of his father, who
died at, that place at the age of
9 4 years.
Hoy Jones, one of the Missouri
Pacific operators, went to Omaha
last Saturday morning to meet his
wife and baby, who arrived from
Coleridge, and they will occupy
I he Dve properly near the Met ho
dist church.
fieorge (J. Adams, editor of the
Twiner at Woodbine, fa., was in
town an hour I uesday evening;
waiting for a late train to carry
him homeward. Mr. Adams was a
Cass county "kid" some years ago,
and has been visiting nnd looking
nfler a farm that he owns in the
vicinity of Weeping Wafer.
Many things go to prove that it
is. The way thousands are trying
lo help others is proof. Among
I hem is Mrs. W. W. Could, of
Pillsfleld, N. II. Finding good
health by taking Electric Hitlers,
she now advises sufferers, every
where, to take them. "For years
I suffered with stomach and kid
ney troubles," she writes. "Every
medicine I used failed till I look
Electric Hitters. Hut this preal
remedy helped me wonderfully.
They'll belp any woman. They're,
the best tonic and finest liver and
kidney remedy that's made. Trv
Averts Awful Tragedy.
Timely advice given Mrs. C.
Willoughby, of Marengo, Wis.,
(11. No. 1) prevented a dreadful
tragedy and saved two lives.
Doctors bad said her frightful
cough was a "consumption"
cough and could do lit lie to help
her. After many remedies failed,
her aunt urged her to lake Dr.
King's New Discovery. "I have
been using it for some time," she
wrote, "and the awful cough has
almost gone. It, also saved my
little tioy when taken with a
severe bronchial trouble." This
matchless medicine has no equal
for throat, and lung troubles.
Price fido and ? 1.0(1. Trial bot
tle free. duaranleed by F. 0.
Fricke & Co.
J. II. Albert is having his farm
residence remodeled by raising
the roof and adding another story.
This will make them a fine home.
Will Vanscoyoc is doing the car
penter work. '
Mrs. Jas. Terryberry, Miss Nel
lie and Will Kelly went to Omaha
Wednesday to call upon Ed Kelly,
who is in St. Joseph's hospital.
While he is badly injured, he will
not lose his arm, as was at first
Chas. Spence of Ilavelock and
daughter, Mrs. Chas. House! of
Chicago passed through Louis,
ville on the Schuyler Wednesday
en route to Plallsmnutb for a
short visit. Mrs. Ilousel will visit
relatives in this vicinity before re
turning lo Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilagoos re
turned alst week from an ex-tended
visit with relatives in Oklahoma.
They were accompanied by Hieir
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Julius Ra
goos, jr., and four children, who
will spend a few weeks in this
community visiting relatives.
Its Equal Don't Exist.
No one has ever made a salve,
ointment or balm to compare with
Bueklen's Arnica Salve. It's the
one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds,
Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt
Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold
Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains
it's supreme. Unrivaled for Piles
Try it. Only 25c at F. 0. Fricke
& Co.
them. You'll
Fricke & Co,
see. 50c at F. G.
! Ledger. j
'I!!!! WI IIIJ
John Pearsley and wife went, to
Sterling on Tuesday lo spend sev
eral days visiting Iheir relatives
ami friends.
William Hudig and wife came
down from Plait. smoulh last Sat
urday and spent the day with their
daughter, Mrs. Ralph Sherwood.
Mrs. Mont Robb, who has been
visiting her son, Hugh Robb nnd
wife, returned lo Lincoln on the
forenoon train yesterday.
Fred Clugey and wife of Plalts
niouth came down Monday fore
noon to attend the funeral of the
lale Mrs. Amenda Eaton.
A change of assistants in the
postotllce took place Monday, Miss
Leader-Echo. J
Mrs. W. C. Barllett returned
Wednesday from an extended visit
at Cowles, Neb.
E. H. I.anihert ami family left
Wednesday for their new home al
Memphis, Neb.
Mrs. Arnold of Tobias, Neb.,
came Saturday for a visit with her
daughter. Mrs. Howard Capwell.
Mrs. Verner Perry and daugh
ter, Edilh, of Mynard, spent Sun
day with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McCrory.
Miss Ola Breedon, a niece of
Ibe Tyson brothers, spent, Satur
day and Sunday here. Miss Bree
don is al lending Wesleyan uni
versity. Lysle Lackey came in Friday
from Seed Is Bluffs, Neb., for a
visit wilb relatives and friends.
Lysle is working on Ibe big gov
ernment irrigation ditch in the
Big Horn basin of Wyoming.
Tyson & Williams, the real
estnle men of Elmwood, closed one
of the highest, priced farm deals
ever made in this part of the slate
a few days ago, when Mr. Ruge,
became owner of 2 in acres own
ed by Ceorge Oramlicb. The farm,
located one mile west of Murdock,
sold at $ 175 per acre, or $12,000
Stand up for Cass county.
Mr. Stephen Bullish, our Wa
bash correspondent, is aerain back
Ion the job with a few items. Mr,
! Beacon.
Mrs. W. II. Mark returned lo
her home in Union Saturday aft
ernoon, afler a few days' visit
with the editor and family .
The fierman day festivities at
Lincoln on Wednesday and Thurs
day attracted a large number from
Eagle and vicinity.
Ceorge Reitter, sr., departed
last Friday for Alva, Okla., where
be will make a visit with hi
daughter, Mrs. A. Rockenbach.
I-. II. Oslran and family return
ed lo their home at Ilavelock
Tuesday, after visiting several
davs wilh Eagle relatives and
Miss Cora Mueller of Elmwood
visited several days last week at
Hie home of Henry Trunkenbolz.
returning home Saturday morn
ing. Fd Carr, one of our energetic
farmers, had Ihe misfortune to
lose two valuable milch cows last
week, Ihey being struck by lightn
ing during the storm last Thurs
day night.
Last Friday evening eight of
Eagle's popular young ladies met
at the borne of Miss Dorothy
Wachter and formed themselves
into a club to be known as the II.
II. club. Thev will meet every
two weeks on Friday evening.
i rater
You don't want to freeze.
You don't need to. Our
immense stock of men's
and hoy's underwear is
at your command at
prices you can aford to
pay. Men's uudervear,
per garment,
39c, 50c, SI, SI.25
2nd t'p to $2,50
Boy's underwear 25c to
$1 per garment. Remem
ber this is strictly a
man's and hoy's store.
Our stocks are exclusive
and adapted to male re
quirements. We have the Munsing Union Suits and the Staley
2-piece all-wool goods. We have every shade including plain
black for R. R. men. Every size to 52.
C, E, Wescott's Sons-
1.,... :., It.,.,., i l. i i
m , " "m illuinsh has been nuite poorlv for
iit iiimiKcy whs appoiuieu
lit that posit ion.
John Woods and w ife, who were
residents of this vicinity for some
have been 5H (arH ( in nnolher time, departed last ' Saturday
J some time past, and this bns hin
dered his work for us. His many
friends will take interest in Ihe
i fact Hint be is gradually improv-
inc, and we join I hem in the hope
that be will soon be back to his
former self.
October Special Rates!
THE DRY FARMING CONGRESS nt Colorado October 16 20. will be
one or tho mm instructive conventions ever held in the wct ; ppeciul rates
THE OMAHA IAND SHOW. 0,-tober 16th to 2Sth. Here you will ore under
one roof the remarkable product! oa irrigation ami dry farming; it will be a
(Treat . educational Bhow of farm and orchard products from every Btnte in
PiioceMful trason of heauy cropa. Filings for Government ir-igated borne
steads thin Autumn will t.e very numerous. Sone of tho flnnst lands that
tho Government has ever bestowed are for you in these regions. A party of
twenty-ono newspaper correspondents have just made a tour through the
Ib(? Horn Rasin and the Sheridan country and they were amazed at the
wonderful t.elds of grain and alfalfa, the ample water supply, the perman
ent cnnals, tho progressive new towns, tho productive soil, the e imato the
aurroundmgs and scenic mountains, tho mineral wealth, tho industrial' pos-
,, iiimiihiiiv oi me people.
Join our personally conducted excursions tho first and
third Tuesdays of each month anil keep ahead of the coming
R. W. CLEMENT, Tlcktt Afient.
L. W WAKELY, General Pattenuar Agent. Omaha. Neb
Gives Aid to StrlVrs.
Sometimes liver, kidneys and
bowels seem lo go on a strike and
refuse to work right. Then you
need those pleasant little strike
breakers IV. King's New Life
lMlls lo give them natural aid
and gently compel proper action.
Excellent health soon follows. Try
them. 25c at F. (1. Fricke & Co.
Sliced His Finger.
Frnnl Tursdnv'a 1ally.
r.ounlv Treasurer F. E. Schlatt
er had the misfortune yesterdav
afternoon to inflict an uglv wound
upon Ibe second linger of his left
band, while be was in Ibe act of
culling up a porker which he had
butchered. This particular flneer
has been on the "bum" since last
sprincr. when a tree fell on it and
look ofT the nail. The finger was
just about recovered from that
iniurv when the accident of last
evenincr occurred, in which it was
almost severed. Mr. Scblater will
carry a bandared finger for some
time as a result.
Died at County Farm.
Yesterday afternoon about I
o'clock Mrs. L. J. Wilson, who has
been an inmate of the county farm
for the past eleven years, died at
Ibe age of 82 years. Mrs. Wilson
came here from Omaha several
years ago, and when James Carey
was superintendent of the farm
she was emploved to aid with the
work, and afterward became sick
nnd remained as a conntv charge.
The funeral occurred this after
noon from the county farm.
Father of W. P. Cook Celebrates
1 the Event, Surrounded by
All His Children.
From Tuesday's Dally.
W. I. Cook, one of Platts
moulb's popular barbers, return
ed from Salem, Iowa, this morn
ing, wnere, last Mimiay, lie as
sisted his father, Isaac S. Cook, to
celebrated his 1 001 h birthday an-1
niversary, he having been born
at Baltimore, Maryland, October
22, 1811.
Mr. Cook's ten children were
present to enjoy the occasion
wilh him, three daughters and
seven sons. He enjoys Ibe best of
health, and although his hearing
and sight are somewhat impaired,
yet he gets about daily, visits
among his friends on Ihe street,
occasionally chops wood, and does
chores about his son's residence,
not because he is required lo do
so, but does this for exercise and
lo keep "his joints limbered up."
Mr. Cook came west and settled
in Indiana when a boy and emi
grated to Iowa and bought a farm
in 1812 and has resided in the
vicinity of Salem since that time.
In 18(17 be lost his wife by death,
and since that lime has made his
home with his son, Frank Cook.
n retired farmer, residing at
Mr. Cook has had his seasons
oi aiiversiiy, as well as pros
perity, and well recalls Ihe panic
and hard times of 18.17, when a
farmer could get but 7 for a cow
and calf and a good i-year-old
"work steer" sold for $ in and ?12.
His mind is bright and his intel
lect unimpared, and lo the sug
gest ion of his son that he would
reiurn nve years laier io cele
brate bis birthday again, Mr. Cook
remarked that "maybe" be would
be there.
Big Halloween Dance.
The Dancing Trio will give a
grand Halloween ball on Satur
day evening, October 28, at
Coates' ball. Do not fail to at
tend the "Moonlight Waltz."
Music by the M. W. A. orchestra.
Everybody cordially invited to at
tend. Admission: Gents, 50c;
Ladies, free.
Courier. J
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ordell
Hammond, October 2n, a boy.
Mrs. S. L. Haker left Friday for
her home mar flooding, Idaho,
afler a four months' visit with her
daughters, Mrs. Charles llennings
and Mrs. Nick Sehafl'er.
Mrs. Adam Meisinger and Philip
TheirofT and wife were at Omaha
Tuesday, where thev went to call
upon Iheir sister, Miss Eva, who
is in St. Joseph's hospital.
Dr. and Mrs. E. (5. Lewis left
Kicked by Colt.
Sunday alfernoon, while play
ing wilh a colt, Oliver fiapen, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Oapen, was
kicked by the coll on the right
leir nnd sustained unite a serious
iniurv. The blow landed jus
above the knee, breaking the skin
nnd bruising the leg badly. The
young man has been compelled to
go on crutches since, nnd has not
been able to attend school.
You are not experimenting on
yourself when you take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for a cold,
as that preparation has won its
great reputation and extensive
sale by its remarkable cures of
colds, and can always be depend
ed upon. It is equally valuable
for adults and children nnd mnv
be given lo young children with
implicit confidence as it contains
no harmful drug. Sold by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
Kidney Troubles Attack Platts
mouth Men and Women, Old
and Young.
Kidney ills seize young and old.
Come quickly, with little warn
ing. Children suffer in their early
Can't control the kidney sec
retions. Oirls are languid, nervous, suf
fer pain.
Women worry, can't do daily
Men have lame and aching
The euro for man, woman or
Is to cure the cause the kid
neys. Doan's Kidney Pills will reach
the cause.
Plattsniouth testimony proves
J. L. McKinney, Lincoln Ave.,
Plaltsmouth, Neb., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured at Rynolt
& Co.'s Drug; Store, have been
used in my family and have
brought prompt relief from kid
ney disorders, after other rem
edies have failed. In I9n0 I pub
licly recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills for Ihe benefit of other kid
ney sufTerers, and at Ih i s time I
have no reason whatever to with
draw one word from that statement."
For sale by all dealers. Price
5n cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New Y'ork, sole agents for
the United Slates.
Remember Ihe name Doan's
and take no other.
Joe Lloyd went to Murray this
morning to look after a job of
work awaiting his arrival.
From Wetlnpndny'a Pally.
Marriage license was issued
this morning to Adam Wolf nnd
Mrs. Josephine Wesl, both of this
city. The ceremony will occur
Ihis evening at 7 o'clock at the
county judge's otllce, Judge Bee
son olllcialing. Mr. Wolf lias been
a resident of this city ami a prop
erty owner for a number of years
and holds a good position at the
Burlington shops. Mrs. West has
also been a resident of Platls-moulh.
Injures Ankle.
From Wednosday's Dally.
William Hansen, Tom Moyer
and Roy Hansen, all of Dubuque,
Iowa, who have just completed
the billing out of forty-five cars
of apples from Mynard, Murray
and 1'nioii, motored to the city
Ihis afternoon and boarded Iho
fast mail for Omaha. Roy Han
sen met with an accident whilo
breaking a colt for R. L. Prpost
last Sunday, which has put him
on the "bum" and caused him to
resort lo crutches in order to go
about nt all. The colt was slight
ly raw under Ihe saddle and in
maneuvering pot upon the scale
platform and fell on Roy, crush
ing his ankle. The men have been
boarding wilh R. L. Propsl while
in that neighborhood buying ap
ples. Earl Hyde returned from Olen
wood this morning, where ho has
been employed for some lime.