The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 26, 1911, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
t n Wutii Semi-Week!! it, lelr.i.i r- i
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Er.tered at the Posttffice at PlatUmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
o a K'-lly i. Mr. F.i
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The Democratic Ticket
For Judges Supreme Court.
W. L. STARK. ,
J. R. DF.AX.
For Regents University.
For Railroad Commissioner.
For Judge of the District Court
First District.
harvf:y I). TRAVIS.
For Clerk of the District Court.
For County Clerk.
For Treasurer.
For Sheriff.
For Superintendent of Schools.
For Surveyor.
a it .-h-uM be conducted.
If the Philadelphia rain? are
genera! throuzhfut Per.nsvhania
it is feared there may be another
John-town flood.
The dT!ir.crat- of Nlra-ka
l'Mi'd l.-arn that they has.- very-
thi!!-' to tain in brinirinsr about valiantlv forward, smiling. sieak
me ue-ire.j r'uii: vieioryi in?. lea-tin?, sint-seeini' ani ! e
i - - -
They have met with fair suer.-s undergoing all the other arduous'
in the two la-t elertion. and on labors of beinz a t'uest of honor. I
For Coroner.
Commissioner Second
For Police magistrate.
:o :
Election Tuenday, November 7.
Remember the date..
Roosevelt say Itic courts are
all right when they are right, and
all wronsr when (hey are wrong.
. Why, of rotirfc.
The ti(ket at tlie. head of thin
column in one of ttu; best (hat was
ever placed before the voters of
Cap county for Iheir suffrages.
Remember thiU.
The Anti-Sa!o"n b-ai'ue seem
ii ti-rmined n Jef.-atir!Z Oldham
d.-m. and Hanor (rep.) f.r
ij,)-.-. of the supreme court, if
;t i in their power so to do. Not
w ithtandinz the enmity of the
! .i.'ij.', both tf-ritb'iijen seem to
be very popular throughout the
.'tale and the labor of the league
r ay be in vain.
The republican papers are en
deavoring to get up a "scrap" be
tween Speaker Clark and ex-Governor
Polk over the presidential
question. The democrats of Mis
souri met several months atro and
endorsed Mr. Folk for pre-ident,
and the delegation from that state
should support hirn in the na
tional convention. That's what!
If the voters of Ca-s county
want a good, competent count v
treasurer they will pee to it that
Kelly Fox, present deputy treas
urer, is elected to that office. He
possesses the experience, is re
liable, and a man who should be
elected because ii is a well known
fad that he has been tried and
not found wanting in his official
Plattsmouth needs an all-night
lighting system. No one can suc
cessfully dispute this fact. Then
why can't we have it? We do not
believe that there is a uer of
electric lights in this citv that
would oppose an all-night system
The council should make some ar
rangement s to have street lights
all over the citv good, big arc
lights every two blocks. Let us
have the right kind of a lighting
system and not he the laughing
slock any longer of strangers who
visit our town. Let us he in line
with other towns on the lighting
Taft lauzh at everything. I
s good aoai lue .ero
t. hen Rome was burninsr. Laugh
it off. i the easiest way.
. ;o:
According to the Hon. James
Schoolcraft Sherman. California's
biz majority for the recall is "a
slap at the president." So far as
that's concerned he is at perfect
liberty to construe it also as a
slap at the vice president.
A Chicago man was arrested
Saturday for attempting to feed a
hore ?50 in bills. Trying to pa-
counterfeit green goods on a
hore at this season of the year is
an offense that should be called to
the attention of the Humane so
I he candidate who slides
around and appeals for the sym
pathy of the voters, and gets in a
few roarbacks as he goes along,
is not making many friends. The
people do not like such means of
electioneering and they won't
stand for it. Just mark that!
The office of police magistrate
has been changed somewhat. That
official has jurisdiction for three
miles in either direction around
Plattsmouth. Judge Archer hav
ing been nominated by both re
publicans and democrats in the
primary, will have no opposition
Tn view of the difficulty of gel
tini: juror., h manifested in the
McNamarsi lria ami also the Hyde
case at Kana City, why not re
quire all I he judgen and lawyers
Vio take their turns?
The voter of Cas county who
are interested) in the publii
schools of r,a rounl) know that
Miss Foxier has been an inces-
ant worker in behalf of both
teachers and pupil.
What will Hie courts say when
the head of the four tobacco
companies get together over the
wine and Hie walnuts at Waldorf
Astoria and agree on a uniform
price for the separate com
The grace and beauty of Hie
many elegant homes in Plalls
inoulh that overlook the Missouri
river are very noticeable at this
time of year when I he sere and
yellow leaves begin to fall. There
is no denying the fart that nature
has richly endowed Plallsmoulh
wilti rut'k'i'il scenery that is very
picl uresipie, A little more of the
artificial adornment would make
tbe old town one of the loveliest
spots on earth. No one need ho
ashamed of Plallsiiioiith, for, as
strangers who come here say, "it
Is one of the most beautiful towns
in the country." Let every resi
dent think so, loo, and keep on
beautifying Iheir homes.
His we-tem trio wa- admitted
ly an invasion of insurgent ter
ritory. He wi-nt to conquer his
enemies and line them up fur in
dorsing his leadership in 1012.
Iiut while he pushed his march
1 A U
2 a t-i -
l hi
account, evidently, some of
fellow think that mo-t any
man who ha? served a term in the
'gi?!ature j big enough for gov
n'r, and there are at leat a
oz-n members of the present
house and senate who want the
nomination next year for the
o-ition. The democrats must
maiie up their minds to vote for
a man in the' primary next April
who has a record and a good
one and one who has the ability
of a Shallenberger or a Hitch
cock. We have several such men
eft, but they do not . desire to
push themselves to the front
while there are o manv small
frys'to contend with. It is just
as well for the democrats to get
busy and be on the lookout for
some able campaigner like ex-
Conzressinan Sutherland of Nel
son or George Berge of Lincoln.
Either one is equal to the
In supporting James T. Rey
nolds for clerk of the district
court the voter can rest assured
that they are voting for one of the
liest men in Cass county, and a
gentleman whose honesty, in
legrity and good citizenship is
jbove reproach..
:o: ,
Clell Morgan has served one
term as county clerk and the
voters feel that he has made so
good that he should be re-elected! and people
by an overwhelming majority.
Competency and cleverness with
all classes of peorle makes Clell
Morgan a most popular official.
The election of Don C. Rhod?n
to the office of sheriff will be a
good thing for Cass county, in the
fact that he is a man who pos
sesses the willingness as well as
the ability to do his duly. Don Is
not the man to shirk his duty, of
which he has the mora! courage
to perform In every respect.
The young men of (his city nre
nutating the organization of a Y.
M. C. A. and the agitation will be
extended to the older ones to the
extent of getting parents and
others interested in the matter.
Most of the towns of the size of
Plallsmoulh can boast of such an
organization, and there should bo
interest enough taken by the older
heads of the town to assist the
young men in such a laudable un
dertaking. Many, perhaps, think
such an association is denomina
tional, but it is not. All churches
who do not be
long to any church whatever, are
encouraging the enterprise and it
will only take the. right kind of
boosters to accomplish great re
sults in this direction.
The voters of Cass county are
studying the character and
qualifications of the candidates
on both tickets, and they are go
ing to support those whom they
think are the best fitted for the
positions to which they aspire.
They believe, also, that they have
judgment sufficient to know who
are deserving of their support and
We ask the voters to examine
the record of James T. Reynolds,
candidate for clerk of the district
court. Ask his neighbors about
him, and you will find that ho is
one of the best men in Cass coun
ty and one that is universally re
spected by all who know him and
is competent to fill the office of
district clerk with credit to him
self as well as the people of the
Clell Morgan has made ns good
a county clerk ns Cass county has
ever had, and the voters are so
well satisfied on this score that
they believe he deserves a second
term. They know that no man
could possibly perform the duties
of county clerk more efficiently
and faithfully than has Mr. Mor
gan. The people know it, and
that is reason enough for them
to support him for re-election
The people of Cass county arc
satisfied that Don C. Rhoden pos
sesses the moral courage and
willingness to perform the duties
of the sheriff's office in a manner
that it is intended they should be
performed. Don has 'many
friends in all parts of the county
republicans and democrats alike
who have the utmost confidence
in his ability to perform these
duties that they propose to give
him a trial,
People delight in rewarding
merit, and that is the reason why
they repose to see that Miss
Mary Foster is again elected to
the position of county superin-
President Tafl's long journey
through the states is causing the
people to review his record, and
they find that as soon as he took
his seat he surrounded himself
with an inpenetrable line of trust
He permitted administration
attacks which at any time he
could have stopped upon every
progressive policy that had been
introduced in congress.
The one most popular thing
among the people at that time was
the conservation of natural re
sources and he placed Ballinger,
wno was friendly with every
syndicate thai wanted Ip grab
those resources ,in his cabinet.
He affiliated in congress with
Aldrich, Cannon, Payne, Hale and
He appointed Hitchcock, (he
hairman of the republican na-
t:onal conimiflee, postmaster
general, who has used that de
partment as an adjunct of a
political parly and is at present
using the power of the office to
me up every postmaster in every
slate of the union for the re-elec
tion of his superior officer.
He gave no support at all to
those republicans who desired to
owcr the tariff.
He signed the Payne-Aldrich
bill and vetoed the bills that
would have moderately reduced
I he tariff.
In his Huston speech he in
dorsed Aldrich, and in his
Winona speech he indorsed
Tawney, the two greatest reac
tionaries in the country.
He has denounced and tried to
read out of the republican party
such progressive senators as La
Follette, Heveridge and others.
His only open alliances have
been with the special interests.
It is because of the things that
President Taft has done that he
has received such a cool recep
tion whenever he has presented
himself to the people. It is by
the things that ho has done that
the people arc judging him.
the insurgent leaders, his real
lighting, enemies, got by, Hanked
hirn on the right and flanked him
on the left, and closed up in the
rear with a big muster at Chicago,
at which La Follettee, the arch
insurgent, was given high praise
and indorsed for the republican
nomination and Taft was ignored
and by implication utterly con
demned. The irony of fate seems to
have hovered pretty continuously
over President Taft's career as a
politician. He set out to become
a popular president, but became
a popular man and an unpopular
president. He set out to have
the tarilT low ered, but succeeded
in having it raised to still higher
marks and kept there. He set
out to have his cabinet a collec
tion of pippins, but he garnered
in quite a number of lemons. He
set out to brine Canada and the
United States into more friendly
trade relations by a reciprocal
treaty, but succeeded almost in
having diplomatic relations be
tween the two nations broken off
and war declared against this
country by Canada.
And now, while he marched
bodly to the attack of the insur
gents in the west, they sidestep
ped him and, joining the insur
gents in the east, delivered him a
stunning blow from behind.
From past events it seems cer
tain that if there were such a
thing as a political safety razor,
President Taft would cut himself
with it.
It will be just his luck to be
overwhelmingly nominated by the
republicans and overwhelmingly
defeated by the democrats.
Si 3
Applied Into th nostrils
is quickly absorbs!.
I It clean-sea, soothe, heals and protects ths
i li-a-il iiipinlirune romltin! from Citrsrrh
and drive away a Cold iu th Head quickly.
IXure. the fcenx;a of Tate and SmelL
It is emy to use. Contain no injurious
drug. No mereury, no coeaisc, no mor.
phine. The hoiui-lioM reinody.
Price, oO cent at Lruits or by mail.
IVf BROTHERS. 66 uVren St., New Yor
Word comes from the school
for the blind that they will likely
be able to give us one of the finest
concerts ever presented by them
some time in December. We hope
it may materialize.
A number of the High school
classes are planning to have
parties on next Monday night in
order to celebrate in a way Hal
loween. The authorities in charge
of the school, in a general way,
are opposed to school functions
on any other evenings than Fri
day and Saturday, since the
parlies are inclined to break into
the serious work of the school.
They will not interfere in this in
stance, but ask the pupils for the
remainder of the school year not
to hold their parties on the nights
Kelly Fox is all that is neces
sary to fill the office of county
treasurer ith credit to himself
and the taxpayers of Cass coun-1 lendent. She has been an inces-
ty, That is one thing the voters sant worker in behalf of the pub
know and aro not taking any Ho schools of the county, and al
chances on getting someone who know this, and propose to elect
Is not versed In the affairs of the her because she has performed
Sealed bills will be rerelveil hv th
County JudKe of Cass County, Nebraska,
ior um coiiMiriiruon or a new road and
necessary culverts commencing at the
south brlclee of the Missouri Pnclftn
Hallway Company, In Section one (1),
Township twelve (12), liantte thirteen
till, in snici county.
Sealed bids will also be received bw
said Judge for the removal of a steel
onuKe in said section one (1).
All work to be done according to the
plans and specifications on tile with
the County Clerk of snld County.
All bids must be tiled with th
County Judge of said County on or be-
hfic .tuvrmiHT in, iv u at Z o clock
p. m., at which time the Cnuntv Com
tnlNsloner will act on said bids.
The said County Commissioners re
serve the right to reject any or all bids.
DBieo uciouer sin, lll.
Allen J. lleeson. County Judge.
L. M. McVey of Liberty precinct
was in the city today looking after
business matters at the county
court house.
Word has been received from
Mr. Edgerton that he expects to
speak at the university alumni
meeling tomorrow night on the
subject, "The University Man in
Politics." Mr. Edgerton is him
self an exemplification of what a
college man can do in politics.
Besides the time he spent at
Washington he has had ample
opportunity to come in contact
v ilh many other college men who
have certainly made good in the
various spheres of official life. In
addition to Mr. Edgerton's speech
it is expected that the alumni and
former students will listen to
some music.
Office First National Bank Building
President Taft and the insur
gents of his party are enemies
There can be no question of that
though the president insists that
ho is neither a progressive nor a
standpatter, but a biddle-of-thc-roader.
With true blue insurgents, to
bo in the middle of the road is to
block up the passage, and they
consider that even stand-patism
could do no worse.
Hence President Taft, notwil
standing his neutral inclimation
and neutral feelings, is to them!
Do You want an
If you do,- get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
Cass County Men Lucky.
The land drawing at Gregory, S.
D., was commenced yesterday at
10 o'clock, the first envelope be
ing drawn by a woman, Mrs. Mary
J. Kendall, of Rapid City, S. D.
No. 7 was drawn by Leonard W.
Ellmaker of Omaha, and although
not among the first, yet several
Cass county men were lucky.
John H. V. Ruhge of Avoca gets
envelope No. 352, Harry Gardner
of Greenwood 1,178, C. C. Squires
of Wabash 1,197, Frank Sophom
of Greenwood 1,500, Albert M.
Walls of Wabash 1,030, and A.
L. Barrett, a former Cass county
man. now living at llavelock,
1,531. There are 2,000 quarters
of land to be filed upon, so that
every claim coming to Cass coun
ty means that the owner will have
a fine quarter section of land if
he follows up his right and files
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S.- Department
Licensed by Nebraska Slate
Calls Arswered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth
Biliousness is due to a dis
ordered condition of the stomach.
Chamberlain's Tablets are es
sentially a stomach medicine, in
tended especially to act on that
organ; to cleanse it, strengthen
it, tone and invigorate it, to regu
late the liver and to banish
biliousness positively and ef
fectually. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Changing the County Pipe.
The county is changing its
pipe, not its tobacco pipe, but a
water pipe leading from the main
to the engine room at the north
east corner of the court house.
The pipe to be removed is a lead
pipe, which has continually
"busied" and sprung a leak, one
quarter cost ing 'the county by
meter measure ?60 more than it
should have done. The lead pipe
will be replaced with a galvanized
Stock cf Goods for Sale.
A first-class stock of general
merchandise, in a thriving town
of three hundred and fifty people.
Doing a good business. Reason
for selling is wishing to change
occupation. Address Plattsmouth
Jl Journal. 10-19-2td-2tw.