rD r- c j i...- . Few Full outer 3tfSSIIES amies 0li)USn Announcement to the Ladiesof Plattsmouth and Vicinity! Owing to the Millinery season drawing rapidly to a close, and that our expert trimmer will not remain with us but a short time, we wish to urge that all the ladies of this community who want a new and stylishly trimmed hat for Fall and Winter to call early. Our trimmer will remain for a short time, and we want all our patrons to receive their Fall hat while he remains. Being that our stock of Millinery is very heavy, and we are very desirous of cleaning out the entire line before the close of the sea son, we are going therefore to reduce the price on every trimmed hat in the house. This means that every lady looking for a new Fall and Winter hat should call early. We arc Offering Great Bargains in Our Wooltex Cloak m. a . M A At ftl I t J . . . A.r:-aili. ann suit ucoarimcni: new Linu nuw uu uiaumy . ru-.v . . . i f i .1 i n XT' l. iit--l'A(Uv:' hn mnct tiondonmo m over sn ; vh ill i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v . r.Hcn i -- j 1 11C IllUOk 11U11WOW.IIV, v v....,..v., ... " J- and every garment sold with a written guarantee. We have just received a fine line of Dress Goods, Voile Panamas, with silk stripes, the very latest pattern. fiQf Per yard JJ'S- Children's Bear Skin Coats, that we are sell ing from. $1.75 Up LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS Good quality coats in the new style heavyweight Win- ljf75 ter patterns, that we are offering for OUR NEW FALL FURS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY BIG BARGAINS IN BLANKETS AND COMFORTS! New Arrivals in Our Ellen's Clothing Department! I have just received from my Missouri Valley store a lot of Men's coats and vests, Also a lot of single coats that we are offering as specials from 98c to $3.48 Thes2 are great values as they are all wool, most of them are HIRCH WICKW1RE make. MEN'S' SUITS! In our regular line of Clothing for men you will find good quality suits, r m c in all the new Fall patterns, that we offer you for 5j0rO Men's pants, a special line, late patterns, well made, guaranteed, that we are selling at this time for $1.79 and Boy's Knickerbocker pants, size 4 to 16, in good heavy weights. . . 48c Men's Overcoats, late patterns, good heavy weights, that will prove a genuine bargain, at ; 0 Men's good heavy sweaters, strong values, as low price as . . . 48c Men's and Boy's good value Winter Caps 19c Men's good quality heavy Winter Underwear for 45c WATCH OUR BARGAIN WINDOWS AT ALL TIMES! Fifties Qspartanen THE HOME OF GUARANTEED VALUES! Plattsmouth, Nebraska V. ZUCKER, Manager f ALVO DEPARTMENT tamtof Interest to Journal Redrt Will B Received at th Drug Store M-I-H-H-H-M-H-HJ"H ! panied her sister, Miss Pearl New subscriptions and renewals to the Journal will bo rocivod by J. A. ShalTer at the drug store. Local news, advertising mailer and nil business pertaining to this department may lit) transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer are instructed to re ceived . and receipt for all money. Fd. 4 4-t-H l-H-H M-M-M HW l-H-H M-HI I-H-H HW' murdock. I Special Correspondence. J H":-H"i-wW"HH:-:-i"K Kd Casey returned from Lincoln Friday on No. 1H. Sheriff (.minimi was on our Streets Tuesday. Chris Dreamer and sun went to Lincoln Tuesday. F.d M. Stone did business at Lincoln Thursday. Kd M. Stone, wife anil !on visit ed at Mynartl Sunday. Kd Simmer shipped hogs to South Omaha Saturday. I.eander Friend came in from Lincoln Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yickcrs were trading in Omaha Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpal- rlck went lo Lincoln Monday. J. P. House, wife and daughter, were- callers at Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. (ierlie Movies of Lincoln returned home Tuesday evening. Mrs. II. A. Itailey ami daughter, Miss Grace, went to Omaha Mon day. Raymond May Held of Fight Mile drove precinct was in town Wed nesday. Miss Pearl Clites of Lincoln is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Bennett. Harry Appleman of Lincoln came down Sunday to look after his farm interests. Oeorgo Curyen and son, Clar ence, were doing business in Omaha Thursday. William lleinemann, of north of town, is confined to his bed on account of sickness. Schuvler Wolfe visited his daughter, Mrs. Peterson and fam ily, at Ilavelock Sunday. Mrs. Hello Bennett and daugh ter, Mrs. (i. P. Foreman, jr., were Irndini? at Lincoln Tuesday. Alex Skiles, who has been sick the past two weeks, was on the street Wednesday morning. Clark Hird of Indiana visited last week with his brother, Wes ley Hird, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Shaffer at tended the funeral of their friend, J. A.. Austin, at Lincoln Sunday. Mm, Klmor Dennett accom- Cliles, lo Lincoln Saturday. (ieorge llobbitt and Art Strick land went lo Urn Arkansas valley, in Colorado, to look at laud pros pects Monday. L. H. Fgenhcrgor of Platts mouth, candidate for county treasurer, was in town a few min utes Thursday morning. John While of Lincoln came down Thursday afternoon lo get some apples off his farm and to look after other business. Clell Morgan, our efficient county clerk and W.K. Hosencrnns were in town Wednesday gelling acquainted again with the live ones. William F. Leiilig of Alvo and Fda L. Kwerlh of Hennelt took out a marriage license at Lincoln Tuesday. P. J. Linch returned from his land in Colorado Tuesday, lie brought homo a sample of red clover that measured about five feet high. W. Kelly Fox, democratic nom inee for county treasurer, was in Alvo Tuesday evening and Wed nesday morning. K. M. Stone and family and Miss Pearl Keeper attended n din ner nt Mr. and Mrs. Cole's at Plattsmouth Sunday. Mrs. Ned Shaffer and son, John Ross, of Denver, Colo., came in Tuesday lo viit her brolhor-in- law, J. A. Shaffer nnd wife, n few days. James T. Reynolds of Union, candidate for clerk of the dis trict court, was in town Thursday and Friday petting aonuaintod with the voters. TIIF, RITC1IFY LAND CO. has a 100-acre Cass county farm, well improved, for sale at $1?5 per acre. Address Hox 07, Alvo, Neb. 10-19-wtf. Mrs. Will Carey was visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Jamison at Weston a few days. She ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Jamison to Alvo, Ibo latter visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Jordan Tues day. John Tucker spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Harry Par, sell, and accompanied his sister, Miss Agatha Tucker, lo Hebron, Neb., Sunday, whore she will visit her sister, Mrs. Fred Fetrow, n few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. door go Curyen spent Sunday In Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linch. Mrs. Waugh and daughter, Pearl, also spent the day there nnd Ihey all attended the dedication of Trinity church. Henry Tool was in Omaha last Friday. Ray Holdan was in Omaha Tuesday. Miss Gertie Lake was in Elm wood last Monday. Ask Harold Tool how crops look near Hellville, Kas. . , Frank Coin registered at Grcg ory, S. D., one day last week. Miss Anna Amgwert of Lincoln spent Sunday with relatives here. James Hriltian of Lincoln visited friends here last Wednes day. Miss Leata McDonald ale Sun day dinner with Miss Helen Moomey. Mrs. C. Moomey and daughter, Miss Helen, were shopping in Omaha last Friday. William llillard nnd family of Wabash were gnosis of Al Hauor and family on Sunday. Mrs. John Amgwert nnd daugh ter, Marvel, spent Tuesday nt the homo of her parents near Alvo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kd Thimgnn and daughter, Florence, visited rela tives in Klmwood last Sunday. Albert nnd Louie Denning ar rived homo last Friday from South Dakota, where they wont to register. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sehowo and children, Millard and Virginia, were gnosis of John Amgwert and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hrancklo left last Thursday for a short visit at the homo of their daughter at North Plait e., Neb. If you want those rooms paper ed this fall now is the lime to see John Amgwert, our first-class ! painter and paper hanger. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holdan enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jarvis of Wabash over Sunday. The relatives and close friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Moomey spent Friday evening with them al llieir home, (tie occasion being their first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frakn Martin of Omaha came down last Friday to look after business matters nnd also to visit their many friends. They returned home 'on Sunday evening. The Ciiddings' Family gave nn entertainment in (ho M. W. A. hall last Wednesday evening as the first number of our lecture course. A large crowd enjoyed the evening. Mrs. Raymond Westlake nnd daughter, Mary Florence, arrived last Thursday from Boomer, Neb., for n short visit with her par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rush nnd family. A number of ladies belonging lo the Aid society went to the home of Peter Eveland and spent last Wednesday making apple butter, which will be sent to the Methodist hospital at Omaha. James C." Dahlman, "Cowboy" Mayor of Omaha, "Throws the Lariat." Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his career as a cowboy, and is at present Mayor of Omaha, and has Hie following record: Sheriff 01 Dawes Co., Neb., three terms; Mayor oT Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat'! Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years, and in 1910 Candidate lor Governor of Nebraska. Writing to Foley & Co., Chicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills nnd they have given be a great deal of relief, so I cherfully recommend them." Yours truly, (Signed) James C. Dahlman. Foley Kidney Pills arc for sale by Fricke & Co. Lucky Cass County People. Three thousand names were drawn from the big drawing box ut Gregory yesterday, and several more Cass county people hold lucky numbers, which are as fol lows: 2802, Helen M. Gordon, Weeping Water; 3213, William J. McConnell, Nchawka; 300 S, Henry A. Gillispio, Murdock; 42 19, Mrs. II. A. Leist, Plattsmouth; 4279, L. J. Mamuardt, Avoca; 4(02, C. J. Shumaker, Plattsmouth. It is estimated that only about 30 per cent of the winning numbers will file. This is Judge Witten's figures on the matter, and he fur ther stales that, no person holding a high number need feel dis couraged, as they have excellent chances of securing a good piece of land. Married Last Evening Mr. Adam Wolf and Mrs. Jose phine West were joined in matri mony last evening by Judge Bee son at the court house at 8 o'clock, in the presence of a few relatives and near friends, among them being our popular county assessor, II. M. Soennichsen, nnd Peter Keil. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the home of the bride, on South Third street, where a fine wedding sup per was served by Mrs. Kaslel, sister of the bride. Refreshments wore served also, and a royart good time enjoyed by all present. The younger element came along later with a serenade, which brought forth the cigars. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe will reside at the former home of Mrs. Wolf on South Third street, Mr. Wolf having disposed of his residence in the west part of the city some days ngo. WANTED Corn buskers to use Rexall Arnica Salve to keep their bands in perfect condition through corn picking. Get it at Fricke's Drug Store. 25c. i VvAHOO MlllS "VI I .... mm L T Lnme back is one or the most common forms of muscular rheu matism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. : Judge Oldham Here. Judge W. D. Oldham of Kear ney arrived in the city last even ing and was the guest of Mr. Geo. Oldham and his sister, Mrs. Dora Moore. As is well known, Judge Oldham is a candidate for judge of the supreme court, and was here in the interests of his cam paign. The judge is no stranger to Plattsmouth and Cass county people, having been here on several occasions to address th& people. He has served as com missioner on (he supreme bench, and proved equal to every em ergency. He is an able lawyer, a splendid man and elegant gentle man, and should receive a big; vote in Cass county. While here Judge Oldham was a welcome and pleasant caller on the Journal. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It checks and relieves. Use no sub stitute. The genuine in a yellow package always. For sale by Fricke & Co. J. Ii. Burrows left for Nebraska City this morning, where be will visit relatives for a few days. 3k A PLAIN TALK TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WSIROSE wahoo.neb The Best Flour In the Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers You properly expect the best telephone service and the best business treatment. Fair criticism of our service and business meth ods is sincerely invited. We try to accord you the same equitable and considerate treatment as is rendered to customers in any well-managed private business. To the end that we may give you the' best ser vice known to telephone practice, we have altered our equipment and improved our operating meth ods to accord to the most advanced methods in use anywhere. Nebraska Telephone Company Jf. E. BRANTNER, Plattsmouth Manager.