The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1911, Image 6

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Lezdsrs cf Movemsn! Share Hao-'
o;s Pore Food Expert
Archduke Whose Bride
Is Honored by Air Men
And Vienna Astronomers.
fcxprtsses Conviction That the Ballot
It at Present a Domestic Necesnty
and That Housekeeping li a Public
. Louisville, Oct. 23. "If, a country
treats Kb women right and puts more
Btigar per head and consumes more
oep per head than any other country,
then It is the greatest nullon." de
tlared Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of
the government chemistry bureau, In
tils address to the National American
.Women's Suffrage convention.
I Tr. Wiley had been Introduced by
Pr. Anna Howard Hhaw, president of
the association, us "the man who Is
trying to give us a fair chance to
live." He began by enumerating the
things that mnke for a country's great
ness, narrowing the test down to the
three requisites named, By these
tokens, he concluded, America. first
kDr. Wl'.ey, Miss Mafy Johnston' of
Ichmond, Va.; tylHs'Saphronlsba
Brecjumrldge of the University of Ch;
tsgo, and Mrs. Caroline Barllctt Crane
of Kalamazoo, Mich., were speakers at
the open meeting held at a local the
ttr and attended by more than 2,0u
Inien as well as women. Numbers of
fhe city's leading professional men
lad seats on the platform..
Women Always Right.
In the light of his opinion of worn-
tens preparedness for suffrage, nr.
Wiley declared ho never had known
kf an organized hand of women being
on the wrong side.
"Women," ho said, "are a tower of
strength to every imbllcman who Is
trying to do bis duty. I do not know
why she has been kept from the polls.
Purely not because of lack of Intelli
gence. We need In politic more
wthlcs rather than more Intellect."
V '
: V v
V' ; sf " '". "
X i
Hunger, Thirst an J Scurvy At-
Clcl Holy Ghost Society.
Leader of Organization ' Arrested on
Arrival 'at Portland on Charge of
Illegally Detaining Woman on Board
Yacht Coronet.
Aviators and Astronomers Pay
Tribute to Brlie.
Vienna, Oct. 23. Archduke Charles
Francis Joseph and Princess Zlta of
Parma were married In the castle at
Scbawazau, lower Austria, In the
presence of the emperor and the king
of Saxony. The bridegroom will one
day become emperor king of Austrla
. Hungary.
Signal honors were recently Dald
Dr. Wiley referred to big American tne br(lo, 0n behalf of the aerial
pilots of Austria, Aviator Warehalow
circled over her chateau, alighted at
her font and presented her with a
prob'ems, saying they needed both the
men and the women to solve them. He
Idoolured he had favored woman's suf
frage for nearly twenty five years.
Miss Tlreckenrldgo devoted her at
tention to the suffrage question from
the viewpoint of too working woman.
She expressed her conviction "that
the ballot Is at prosent a domestic ne
cessity and that housekeeping Is a
public function." She, In a measure,
blamed woman for failure to assert
herself and demnnd her rights.
"Enlightened cities must bo gov
erned ns en'lghlenpd homes arc, Joint
ly, by enlightened men and women, for
the benefit and trust of the rising
generation," declared she.
.frs. Crnne's address dea'l. with lm
Imed'ate and practical municipal prob
lems of direct Importance lo women,
j 'Tol't Irs at Its bent," she said, "Is
a noble profession, In which we would
fain enenro. Woman's Interest In
5nWlc affairs, by reason of her ngo
Jomr experience in home making and
mothering of children, hns litted her
for rolltlcs t as well as hns man's
activities In trade."
"Browne and Shurtleff Will Be Placed
) on Stand This Week.
I Chicago, Oct. 23. I-ce O'Neil
Browne, minority londor In fho Illi
nois legislature which elected William
Lorlmer to the United States senate;
Edwnrd I). Shurtleff, speaker of the
house at thnt time, and Thomas Tip 1
jilt, head of a Democratic faction, will
4'0 called as witnesses this week bo
foro the federal wnatorlal committee
which Is Invest Igntlng the Lorlmer
, Announcement of these plans by
counsel for the committee of Inquiry
fas tnken In some quarters as an In
dication that the extended Investiga
tion was nearlng an end.
Mennonites Buy Tract In Montana.
Sioux Falls, 8. l.. Oct. 13. In order
to make room for tholr constantly In
creasing number, tbo lending mom-
Cnrs of what Is Vnown as the Wolf
Creek Mennonlte colony, which owns
!a large area of farming land In
Hutchinson county, are negotiating for
She purchase of an Immense area of
land In Montana. Borne of the leaders
havo Just returned from thnt state
after Inspecting a mammoth ranch
which has been offorcd to thera for
Father of Frank Ootch Dead
I Omaha, Oct. 23. All beads were
hare when Frank Gotch, champion
wrestler of the world, stepped toward
the matslde In response to a few ex
jlanatory rcmarhs by Manager Olllan
Hot the Auditorium, who had Just an
bounced that the father of the cham
'plon of all grapplors had died on the
ld Ootch hometeai In Humboldt. Ia.
.Cotch did not enter the ring, but left
iat once for Humboldt.
Thinks Hearst Will Try Again.
Hot Springs, Ark., Oct 23 William
R. Hearst's expressed Intention of re
aligning himself with tho Democratic
raity presages presentation of his
name to the New Tork delegation as
candidate for the Democratic presl-
6riial nomination Is the opinion ex
press d In an Interview by Oscar W.
iTJnderwood, Imooratlo floor leader of
the house.
silver model of a flying machine. j
Shortly after that the astronomers
of the. Vienna university named after
her the planet 689, recently discovered.
Alaskan Problem to the Fore at Amer
ican Congress In Chicago. j
Chicago, Oct. 23. The Alaskan
mining question and the policy being
pursued by the government In regard
to public lands In the west as It affects
the mining Industry wilt form the
principal subject for consideration at
tho fourteenth American mining con-
grens, which opens at mo noiei La
Salle tomorrow and closes Saturday.
Shall the mines of Alaska and those
located within the borders of tho
United States proper be owned In fee
by the citizens of the republic or shall
tho government adopt a leasing plan
Is a vltnl question that will bo taken
up In all Its ramifications by the con
gress. 'So Important Is tho Atasknn mining
question recnided that practically a
whole day Wednesday has been set
aside for Its consideration.
Both president Tnft and Secretary
of the Interior Fisher will participate
In tho congress, but It Is not the In
tention to draw them Into the Alaskan
matter, although they may refer to
the subject. President Tatt will make
an address at the closing session and
Secretary Fisher will apeak Friday.
Congressman Jackson Arranging for
Primaries at Burdlck and Leroy.
Emnorla, Kan.. Oct. 23. The first
trial of the often suggested plan in
Kansas of choosing postmasters at a
primary participated In only by pa
trons of the offices to he filled Is to be
made In Chuse and Coffey counties
next month.
The postmnstershlpa at Rurdlck In
Chase county and lroy In Coffey
county, both In the Fourth congres
slonal district, are to be filled by Con
gressman Fred Jackson, and because
he did not care to choose between ap
plicants for tho places the congress
man decided to try the primary plan.
Mr. Jackson Is now having the bal
lots and the rules for tho primary
printed. F.ach Republican voter, who
Is a patron of the postoffice, will be
given a ballot upon which he will
write the name of his candidate for
the office. Ample time will be given
to get a full vote.
No Chance for Gams Today.
Philadelphia, Oct. 23. Rain which
began falling here again shortly be
fore 6 o'clock effectively killed all
hope that tho grounds at Shine park
would be In condition this afternoon
for the play of the much postponed
fourth game of the world's champion
ship baseball serios between the Ath
letlcs and the New York Giants.
Portland, Me., Oct. 23. As the cli
max to months of hardship, during
which he and his followers suffered
from hunger and thirst as their yacht
Coronet was buffeted about by sea and
wind, Uev. Frank Sanford, leader of
the Holy Ghost and Us society of
Shllow, was brought here In the cus
tody of county officials.
His arrest was made on a writ In a
civil suit brought by Mrs. Florence N.
Whltaker, wife of one of the Sanford
leaders, who alleges she was Illegally
detained aboard the Kingdom, former
ly one of the Sanford fleet. She was
released on habeas corpus proceedings
In June, 1910, and nce then the au
thorities have been awaiting Sanford's
reappearance to arrest him.
When Sanford was brought ashore
Rev. A. A. Whltaker, husband of the
woman who caused his arrest, accom
panied him to assist In arranging bail.
Damages In Mrs. Whltaker's suit are
set at $5,000 and a bond of $10,000 was
demanded for Sanford, which he fur
I nlshed and was released.
I The yacht Coronet swings at anchor
off quarantine, a wrecked and disabled
craft, while the story of hardship told
by those on the boat ranks with some
of the most terrible of sea tales.
Seven Die at Sea.
Two of Its men were brought ashore
by health authorities and placed In a
hospital, suffering with scurvy. Seven
others, six men and one child, died of
the same disease and were burled at
sea, according to statements made by
members of the crew. Many others
hove bad touches of scurvy.
Not a sail of Its original suit of can
vas was left whole and there was a
foot of water In the cabin when the
Coronet dropped anchor off the quar
nntlno station. The pumps were be
ing worked continually.
In the vessel's larder there was not
a loaf of brend.'and no fresh meat
had passed the lips of the religious
seafarers for many days. So ex
hausted and weakened were the crew
and passengers that It Is doubtful If
they rnnlrt have kept their craft afloat
for many days."
The Coronet has been at sea since
June 27, when It sailed from n Havtlen
port, and was last reported on Sept,
27, when It was sighted by the steam
er Lapland, flylnp signals which Indl
cated that It was short of provisions.
The I.apland sent relief and then pro
Fifty-five cn Board.
On board were fl'ty five persons. In
eluding the Rev. Mr. Smford, his wife
and five children resides the thirty
one survivors of tin b-irkcntlne King
doin, which was wrecked on the coarft
of Africa, there were twenty four per
ticn. who were on tho Coronet when It
left Maine waters. The party Includes
I'lvett children, ninths in age from
four to sixteen years, and nineteen
; hie bodied men.
Worn by the terrible hardships o
lent lis at sea, linn siarveu nun eman
ated, It was a ghastly looking com
pany which confronted the boarding
party at quarantine. For seven days
the men nnd women had been working
ncessantly at the pumps In reliefs of
thre.i watches, and this labor In their
eakeiiv'd condition had reduced even
he stroncest men to mere skeletons.
While they worked nt the pumps
en and women prayed Incessantly,
i the storm everv snnll boat was
Himshed nnd if the yacht had found-
red those nboird would have perished
without a chance to save themselves,
other than clinging to wreckage:
Kidney Troubles Attack Platts
mouth Men arid Women, Old
and Young.
Kidney ills seize younp and old.
Cuine quickly, with little warn
ing. Children suffer in their early
Can't control the kidney sec
ret ions.
Hil ls are. languid, nervous, suf
fer pain.
.Women worry, can't do daily
Men have lame and aching
The cure for man, woman or
San Francises Pa;er Haars of
Defaat a1 Hands ol ReMs.
Reports From Hankow Say Imperial
isti Have Lost Two More Cities.
Wooden Sheila Are Used on Rebels.
First Engagements Trumpery Ones.
' San Francisco, Oct. 23. The main
irmv of the Chinese eovernnient un-
Is to cure the cause the kid- jer war Minister Yin Tchang, said to
neys. Dumber 20,0 0 men, was totally do-
Doan'a Kidney Pills will reach (eated nt Kwangshui, Hupeh province,
testimony proves
the cause.
J. L. McKinney, Lincoln Ave.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured at Rynott
& Co.'s Drug Store, have been
iccording to a caole received by the
Chinese Free Press or this city. The
rebel army of 13,000, under LI Yueng,
It Is stated, captured artillery, baggago
Irain and ammunition of the imperial
ists, who retreated to Shogot.
I The cable said the imperial forces
were completely routed and abandoned
used in my family and have their buddIv trains during the retreat.
brought prompt relief from kid-I Shanghai, Oct. 23. The British con
ney disorders, after other rem- hul here is in receipt of a telegram
edies have failed. In 1900 I pub- from the consul at Hankow, stating
licly recommended Doan's Kidney that news has been received that
Pills for the benefit of other kid- .Wangana ana icnang are m me nauua
Dairy, Public Health and Animal Hus
bandry Train May Tour Iowa.
Des Moines, Oct. 23 National san
itarians, food experts and animal ex
perts will accompany a monster state
health train which is to traverse Iowa
in' the interest of public health, if
plans to be submitted to the state
board of health this week are carried
It is planned to have a dairy car,
a public health car and an animal hus- '
bandry car. The dairy car will try '
to get Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, head of
the national pure food department;
the veterinary department will try to
get A. D. Malvin, head of the national ,
bureau of animal husbandry, and the ,
state board of health will try to secure
the services of Dr. Evans, former
health commissioner of Chicago, for
the train. These three men will give
lectures In various towns. i
Mestins He'd Day and N'glilfor
More Than Week.
ney sufferers, and at this time I
have no reason whatever to with-
of the rebels. At the latter place 15,-
D0O coolies have made a demand for
ihulr wmrnn in nilvpr. which cannot be
draw one word from that state- 1 obtained.
nient." j Eye witnesses of the recent engage-
For sale by all dealers. Price'ment between the revolutionists and
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. the Imperialists at Hankow say that
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for shells fired by the imperialists fell in
the United States. .e German concession. Apparently
1 lkn nnm.nnm chit lfl llllt fin PT
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
amination proved that they were com
posed of wood The same conditions
existed In the C. lno Japanese war, the
officials having found a contractor
Des Moines, Oct. 23. The big re-.
Tival In Des Moines came to a close:
in the city last night, when great,
meetings were held in seven of the
churches, addressed by eloquent speak
ers. The movement has had a clear
field for eight days and meetings
were held day and night. A commit
tee of 100 men of various churches dl-
rected the movement. Meetings were
held not only in the churches and pub
lic halls, but In factories and wherever
men were gathered together for any
purpose. The object has been to stir
up additional Interest In the work of
the churches and to encourage a spir
itual advance.
Those in charge of the movement
Returns From Hospital.
Mrs. S. S. flooding returned iiiino. to R'i.nniv wooden shells at tho w . ,.
n " . " - . .. . v""v "
and has accomplished the purposes
from Tmrnanuel hospital at Oma- same price as steel, the actual differ-
ha last evening, where she has ence In the way of money being dlvia-
been for several weeks recovering ed. The first engagements were trum-
from the effects of an operation.
Mr. fioodinfr accompanied his wife
from the hospital. She is on the
road to recovery, thouprh some
what weak, and her numerous
friends in the city will be plad to
pery effairs, both sides being timid.
Hamilton Scores His Fellows for Giv
Ing Aid to Vict Haunts.
Chicago, Oct. 23. After escaping
have her homo and hope for ber'the dil.ect' atta(.ks 0f Arthur Burrage
speedy recovery .
Steamboat Passes Plattsmouth.
The frovernment boat, Lieuten
ant Lewis, towing three barges,
which has been at anchor near
King Hill for several days, passed
up the river yesterday afternoon,
Farwell, head of the Chicago temper
ance forces, the Christian Endeavor
ers and a score of temperance soci
eties, the brewers in attendance at
the second international brewers' con
gress received a shock at the closing
banquet when one of their own num-
ber attacked breweries and delivered
an excoriation of them little short of
the best efforts Mr. Farwell migni
headed toward Omaha and Sioux
City. The boat is quite a large- nave nut forth had he had a chance.
sized one, and named in honor of j The speaker was H. Hamilton,
the man who, with Cnptain Clark, president of the Houston Brewing
made an expedition through this company of Houston, Tex. He nad
localitv in 1803, blazing the way beard a resolution submitted ior
for civilization. adoption reading:
"Resolved, That public drinking
. Mayor GordeHn Town. r-laces, which are the haunts of vice,
are dangerous and should be ellm-
Fred dorder, Weeping Water's nated."
efficient mayor, came over yester- -i nave waited for some brewer to
day from Weeping Water to look arise and tell what he knows to be
after some business matters, re- the truth," Mr. Hamilton said. "There
turnintr home this morning. While can be no doubt that the sale of liquor
here Mr. Gorder called on the ' disreputable places should be
T , . , . nM stopped. What s the use, however, or
Journal and renewed for the Old Bl"1',..: ",...,., who
aUUDllllK R'M'llllltMii, im "v.
Reliable, remarking as he did so
that "No one should ever refuse
to pay for ns good a county paper
Young Crow a Table Delicacy.
Topeka, Oct. 23 Professor L.
Pyche, state fish and game warden
ays that crow Is good to eat. He
has tried It. "The flesh of a young
crow Is as good as a guinea hen," he
said. "It Is a little dark, but It hat
good flavor and a fine texture.
Omaha this morning lo look over
the exhibits at the land show.
ndians Kill One of Herd With Bows
and Arrows,
Pierre. S. D., Oct. 23. President
Taft met men prominent among the
nsurgonta of his party here. United
States Senator Crawford, one of the
leaders of the insurgents nnd an ac
knowledged supporter of Senator Ia
FolleUe for the Republican presiden
tlal nomination in 1912, was one. An
oilier, Governor Vessey, who Is, a La
Kollelte ' suunorter, entertained the
president at luncheon.
The president held a reception for
seventy live "boosters" from the Rose
bud country, many of whom got up at
nviook and motored 125 miles to
shake hands with him.
At dinner the president had real
buffalo steak, furnlsjjed through th
courtesy of the heirs of tho lat
Scotty Phillips, who owned the largest
herd of buffalo In the world. A mov
tng picture company directed the kill
ln by Indians of one member or tn
herd, and a choice steak was saved
for Mr. Taft. lie apparently .enjoyc
:t Immensely.
Wo'nnn Conquers Mountains.
rarls. Oct. 23. Mrs. Fanny Bullock
Workman, the mountain climber, tele
graphs that she crossed Sa!to-o pass
In the Himalayas at a height of 18 200
feet, on Aug. 19, and descended to th
Slachen a'acler, the largest and long
est In Asia.
s the Journal."
it is well known that most of the Im
proper places in large cities are in
some way owned or controlled by j
I "Some of yon think the fight against
t . , . prohibition has been won, but it
J. P. Falter took a run up to . f ,f nnK. ,,.a h(,un. The own-
, ill HOD I1UI IV "n
Ing of these disreputable places ana
the protection of them by the brewing
Interests Is what gives us a black
eye. The nntlllqnor Interests take
these facts and make capital of them,
ns they Justly should."
His remarks were received In silence
and the resolutions adopted.
Doctors Say Case of Edna Moore of
Washington Is Unique.
Washington, Oct. 23. Although
forced to associate with insane per
sons, physicians and nurses at Insane
asvlums lose their reason less fre-
Office First National Bank Building I
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, lleb.
for which it was organized.
League of Commercial Clubs Will Co
operate In Suit to Tax Terminals.
Davenport, la., Oct. 23. The Iowa
League of Commercial clubs will co
operate with the League of Iowa Mu
nicipalities In the suit brought by
Frank Pierce, secretary of the latter
organization, against the executive
council of Iowa, to compel the coun
cil to tax railway terminal properties
In cities on the same basis as other
Officers were elected as follows:
Charles McLean of Dubuque, presi
dent ; H. R. Stout of Des Moines, sec
retary and treasurer.
Completes Presentation of Evidence
Against Rudolph Brandenburg.
Davenport, la., Oct. 23. The state
finished Its evidence in the case of Ru
dolph Brandenburg, charged with the
murder of his stepfather, Claus Muen
ter. The defense Immediately made
an attempt to secure a ruling of the
court striking out the evidence of
Night Captain of Police Phelan, to
whom Brandenburg Is said to have
made a confession of his guilty.
Tho court will make a ruling on the
point todoy.
I Funeral of Ely Held at Oxford.
I Oxford, la., Oct. 23 The funeral of
Eugene Ely, the aviator who waa
killed at Macon, Ga., was held from
the home of his mother here. The
burial was In the local cemetery, be
side the bodies of two sisters.
Second Degree Murder Charged.
Mason City. Ia., Oct. 23. Thomas
Brewer was Indicted on a charge of
murder in the second degree by the
grand Jury. Brewer Is said to have
shot M. J. Severns Aug. 29. On ar
raignment he pleaded not guilty.
Police Think Avis Llnnell Was Given
Poison Oct. 14.
Boston, Oct. 23. To strengthen the
chain of circumstantial evidence upon
which the Rev. Clarence V. T. Rlcbe-
Datea. made at this ofTke or
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
quently than any other class, accord- gon wa8 arrested for the alleged mur
ing to a statement made by Dr. George der of Ml89 Avj8 Llnnell, the police
H. Schwin of the government nospuai concentrated their efforts on ascertain-
Herman Grcodcr,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth
for tha Insane. It followed the ver
dict In the District court that Miss
Edna Moore, formerly a nurse In an
nsylum. Is now Insane.
Miss Moore's mother said that her
daughter's mind had been wrecked
through constant association with the
Insane people she attended. She Is
now closely watched at the asylum to
prevent her from taking her own life.
Dr. Schwin declared that this Is the
first case he has ever heard of a
nurse or attendant In an asylum who
became unbalanced.
Captain Seth Bullock Plans Western
Section of Highway.
Sioux Falls. S P., Oct. 23. Captain
Peth Bullock, United States marshal
for South Dakota, has Inaugurated a
movement to have South Dakota, and
especially that portion embracing the
Black Hills, placed upon a transconti
nental automobile highway. He al
ready has taken up the subject with
rommerclnl c'tibs In cities through
irhlch the proposed highway will pass.
The commercial and other clubs will
be urged to take hold of the propo
sition, nnd bv unlud action push It
'.o a successful and early conclusion.
Ing whether It was Mr. Rlcheson or
another person who dined witn tne
young music student Oct. 14 a few
hours before she took the cyanide of
potassium from which she died.
According to the police tney nave
evidence Indicating that Mr. Rlcheson
was her companion. They have
worked on the theory that the man
with whom Miss Llnnell dined was the
person who gave her the fatal powder,
Which she took, believing It would
remedy her physical condition.
Lutherans Honor Walther.
Chicago, Oct. 23. Lutherans from
sixty congregations in Chicago, who
are members of the Evangelical
Lutheran synod of Missouri united In
paying trib.ite to tho late Rev. C. F.
W. Walther, founder of the synod, in
a mass meeting at the Seventh Regi
ment armory. The affair was in cele
bration or the centennial anniversary
ft his births
Noted Railroad Builder Dead.
Denver, Oct. 23. Henry Strong, pio
neer western railroad builder, and for
many years president of the Santa
Fe railroad, died here after an illness
of more than a year. Neuritis waa
given as the cause of death.