The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1911, Image 5
Mi E1EOT (Copyright, CHAPTER XXI. The Marshal of Sheridan. It was called a depot merely through (courtesy, consisting of a layer of ctn .'deri, scattered promiscuously so as to (partially conceal the underlying mud, lnd a dismantled box car, In which presided ticket agent and telegrapher. 'A hundred yards below was the big Shack where the railroad official! lodged. Across the tracks blazed ln "ltlngly the "First Chance" saloon, IA11 Intervening space was crowded l-wlth men, surging aimlessly about In (the glare of a locomotive head light d greeting the alighting passengers ; lth free and easy badlnate. Stranrer ! tr acquaintance made no difference, the welcome to Sheridan was noisily xtended, while rough play and hoarse , laughter characterized the mass Hope paused on the step, even as Dr. Falrbaln grasped her hand, dinned I fey the medley of discordant sounds, nd confused by the vociferous jam of humanity. A band came tooting down the street In a hack, a fellow, with a voice like a fog horn, howling on the front seat The fellows at the tide of the car surged aside to get a glimpse of this new attraction, and ralrbaln, taking Quick advantage of the opportunity thus presented, swung j bis charge to the cinders below. Bend ing before her, and butting bis great shoulders Into the surging crowd, he succeeded in pushing a passage through, thus finally bringing her forth to the edge of the street "Hey, there," he said shortly, grab ling a shirt-sleeved Individual by the arm'. "Whers's Charlie?" The fellow looked at him wonder Ingly. , "Charlie? Oh, you mean the 'KldT Well, he ain't here ter-nlght; had a weddln', an' Is totln' the bridal couple 'round." Falrbaln swore discreetly under his breath, and cast an uncertain glance at the slender figure shrinking beside him. The streets of Sheridan wars sot over pleasant at night "Only hack in town Is somewhere lse, Miss," he explained briefly. "I reckon you and I will have to hoof it" He felt the grip of her fingers on his sleeve. "The boys are a llttle noisy, but it's (fust tneir way don't mean anything jyou hang on to me, an' keep the veil cown we 11 be there In the shake of a Idog's tall." He helped her over the muddy crossing, and as they reached a stretch of board walk, began expatiating on the various places lining the way. "That's the 'Mammoth' over there dance hall back of It biggest thing West of the Missouri three men killed there last week what for? Oh, they Cot too fresh that's the 'Casipo,' and jthe one beyond Is 'Pony Joe's Place' cut his leg off sluce I've been here fight over a girl. Altft there any stores? sure; they're farther back. you see the saloons got In first that's 'Sheeny Mike's' gambling Joint you're looking at like to go over and see "em play? All right, JiiBt thought I'd ask you It's early anyhow, and things wouldn't be goln' very lively yet. Say, there, you red head, what are you try ing to do?" The fellow had lurched out of the crowd In such a manner as to brush partially aside the girl's veil, per mitting the glare of "Sheeny Mike's" lights to fall ;ull upon her revealed face. It was accomplished so openly aa to appear planned, but before he could reel away again, Falrbaln struck out, and the man went down. With an oath he was on his feet, and Hope cowered back against her protector. Each man had weapons drawn, the crowd scurrying madly to keep out of the line of fire, when, with a stride, a new figure stepped quietly in between thrm. Straight as an arrow, broad shouldered, yet small walsted as a woman, his hair hanglnglow over his coat-collar, his face smooth shaven except for a long moustache, and motionless, the revolvers In his belt untouched, he simply looked at the I two, and then struck the revolver out of the drunken man's hand. It fell harmless to the ground. "And don't you pick It up until I tell you, Scott." he said quietly. "If you do you've got to fight me." Without apparently giving the fel low another thought, he wheeled and faced the others. "Oh, It's you, is It, Doctor? The drunken fool won't make any more trouble. Where were you taking the lady?" "To the hotel, Bill." "I'll walk along with you. I reckon the boys will give us plenty of room." He glanced over the crowd, and then more directly at Scott 1 "Pick up your gun!" the brief words snapping out. "This is the second time I've caught you hunting trouble. The Seit time you are going to find It I saw you run Into this lady what did 7ou do It for?" "I only wanted to see who she was, Bill." "You needn't call me Bill. I don't trot in your class. My name la ,,-w.h Wmm U anv of TOtir tale or the plains ifTHOR Or" My Lady Or TVie South." "When Wilderness Wa Kinq h(.lK Illustrations By Dearborn Mclviix- C MoCluri ft Co.. 1110.) alTulr who she was!" "I reckoned I know'd her, and I did." The marshal turned his eyes toward Hope, and then back upon Scott, evi dently slightly Interested. "So? Recognized an old friend, I suppose?" The alight sneer In "Wild Bill's" soft voice caused Scott to flame up In sudden passion. "No, I didn't! but I called the turn Just the same she's Christie Mao- i4ire The marshal smiled, A11 rlghti llttle 7," he Bald ,ober. 1t ..Now you trot straight along to hed. Don't let me catch you on the "feet again tonight, and I'd advise you not to pull another gun you're too slow on the trigger for this town. Come along, Doctor, and we'll get Miss Maclalre to her hotel." He shouldered his way through the collected crowi, the other following. Hope endeavored to speak, to explain to Falrbaln who she actually was, real izing then, for the first time, that sl.v had not previously gtven him her name. Amidst the Incessant noise and confusion, the blaring of brass, and the Jangle of voices, she found It Impossible to make the man compre hend. She pressed closer to him, hold- more tightly to his arm, stunned and confused by the fierce uproar. The stranger steadily nuahlna ahead of them, and opening a path for their passage, fascinated ber, and her eyes watched him curiously. His name was an oddly familiar one, associated in vague memory with some of the most desperate deeds over witnessed in the West, yet always found on the side of law and order; It was difficult to con ceive that this quiet-spoken, mild-eyed, gently smiling man could indeed be the most famous gun fighter on the border, hated, feared, yet thoroughly respected, by every desperado be tween the Platte and the Canadian. Beyond the glare and glitter of the Metropolitan Dance Hall the noisy crowd thinned away somewhat and the marshal ventured to drop back be side Falrbaln, yet vigilantly watched every approaching face. "Town appears unusually lively to night, Bill," observed the latter grave ly, "and the boys have got an early start" . -West end graders Just paid off," was the reply. "They have been whoopln' It up ever elnce noon, and are beginning to get ugly. Now the rest of the outfit are showing up, and there will probably be something in teresting happening before morning. Wouldn't mind it so much If I had a single deputy worth his salt." "What's the matter with Bain?" "Nothing, while he was on the Job. j hut 'Red' Haggerty got him In 'Pony Joe's' shebang two hours ago; shot him In the back across the bar. Ned never even pulled his gun." "I'm sorry to hear that; what be came of Haggerty?" The marshal let his eyes rest ques tlonlngly on the doctor's face for an instant "Well, I happened to be Just behind Ned when he went," he said gently, "and 'Red' will be burled on 'Boots Hill' to-morrow. I'm afraid I don't, give you much chance to show your skill. Doc," with a smile. "If they all shot like you do, my profession would be useless. What's the matter with your other deputies?" "Lack of nerve, principally, I reck on; ain't one of 'em worth the powder to blow him up. I'd give something Just now for a fellow I had down at Dodge he was a man. Never had to tell him when to go In; good Judgment too; wasn't out hunting for trouble, but always ready enough to take his share. Old soldier in our army, Cap tain, I heard, though he never talked much about himself; maybe you knew him Jack Keith." "Well, I reckon," in quick surprise, "and what's mors to the point, he's here slept in my room last night" "Keith here? In Sheridan? And hasn't even hunted me up yet? That's like him, all right, but I honestly want to see the boy. Here's your hotel Shall you need me any longer?" "Better step in with us, Bill," the doctor advised, "your moral Influence might aid In procuring the lady a de cent room." "I reckon it might." They passed together up the three rickety steps leading Into the front hall, which latter opened directly into the cramped office; to the left was the wide-open bar-room, clamorous and throbbing with life. A narrow bench stood against the wall, with a couple of half drunken men lounging upon it The marshal routed them out with a single, expressive gesture. "Walt here with the lady, Falrbaln," he said shortly, "and I'll arrange for the room." They watched him glanoe in at the bar, vigilant and cautious, and then move directly across to the'dosk. "Tommy," he said genially to the clerk, "I've lust escorted a lady here from the train Miss Maclalre and want you to give her the best room in your old fhebeng." The ether looked at him doubtfull". Hell, Bill, I Oon t "Know now rm going to do that. he acknowledged. "She wrote in here to the boss for a room; said she'd be along yesterday. Well, she didn't show up, an' so to night we let a fellow have It He's up there now." "Well, he'll have to vamose who is he?" "Englishman--'Walter Spotteiwood Montgomery,'" consulting his book. "Hell of a pompous duck; the boys call him 'Juke Montgomery.'" "All right; send some one up to rout his lordship out lively." Tommy shuffled his feet, and lookefl again at the marshal; he had re ceived positive orders about that room, and was fully convinced that Mnntcotnerv would not take kindly to eviction. But Hickock's quiet gray eyes were Insistent. "Here, 'Red.'" he finally called to the hurley porter, "hustle up to '15,' an' tall that fellow Monttomerv baV "Any Other Room You Could Conven iently Assign Mr. ah Mont gomery to Tommy?" Ktt to get out; tell him we want the room for a lady." Hlckock" watched the man disappear up the stairs, helped himself carefully to a cigar out of the stand, tossing a coin to the clerk and then deliberately lighting up. "Think Montgomery will be pleased?" he asked shortly. "No; he'll probably throw Tied' down stairs." The marshal smiled, his glance turn ing expectantly In that direction. "Then perhaps I had better remain, Tommy." And he strolled nonchalant ly over to the open window, and stood there looking quietly out a spiral of blue smoke rising from his cigar. They could distinctly hear the pounding on the door above, and oc casionally the sound of the porter's voice, but the straight, erect figure at the window remained motionless. Finally "Red" came down, nursing his ftnucaies. "Says he'll be damned if he will says he's gone to bed, an' that there ain't a cussed female In this blasted country he'd git up for," he reported circumstantially to the clerk. "He told me to tell you to go plumb to hell, an' that If any one else 'come poundln' 'round thar to-night, he'd ' ,th sir, an' I reckoned If he was riled up much more, he might git rambunc- tlous; his language was sure fierce." "Wild Hill" turned slowly around, still calmly smoking, his eyes exhibit ing mild amusement. "Did you clearly inform Mr. ah Montgomery that we desired the room for the use of a lady?" he questioned gently, apparently both pained and shocked. "I did, sir." "It surprises me to find one In our city with so little regard for the or dinary courtesies of life, Tommy. Per haps I enn persuade the gentleman." He dtxappnared up the stairs, taking them deliberately step by step, the cigar still smoking between hla Hps. "Red" called after hlra. "Keep away from In front of the door, Bill; he'll shoot sure, for he cocked his gun when I was up there." Hlckock glanced back, wared his hand. "Don't worry the room occupied by Mr. ah Montgomery was '15,' I be lieve you said?" Whatever occurred above, It was over with very shortly. Those listen ing at the foot of the stairs heard the first gentle rap on the door, aa out burst of profanity, followed almost Instantly by a sharp snap, as If a lock had given way, then brief scuffling mingled with the loud srak log of a bed. Scarcely a minute later the marshal appeared on the landing above, one hand firmly gripped In the neck-band of an undershirt, thus se curely holding the writhing, ' helpless figure of a man, who swore violently every time he could catch his breath. "Any other room you could convene venlently assign Mr. ah Montgom ery to, Tommy T" he asked pleasantly. "If he doesn't like It In the morning, he could be changed, you know." "Give give him '47.'" "All right I'm the bell-boy tem porarily, Montgomery; easy now, my man, easy, or I'll be compelled to use both hands. 'Red,' carry the gen tleman's luggage to '47' he has kind ly consented to give up his old room to a lady come along, Montgomery." It was possibly five minutes latsr when he came down, still smoking, his faeo not even flushed. "Montgomery la feeling so badly we were obliged to lock him In," he reported to the elerk. "Seems to be of a somewhat nervous disposition. Well, good night. Doctor," he lifted his V "Aad. te van. Miss, nleasaal dreams." Hope watched him as he stepped outside, pauvlng a moment In the shadows to glance keenly up and down the long street before venturing J down the steps. This quiet man had enemies, hundreds of them, desperate and reckless; ceaseless vlgtlcnce alone protected him. Tet her eyes onlv, and not her thoughts, were rlv turned to Falrbaln, who had risen to his feet "I wish I might see, him, also," she said, as though continuing an inter rupted conversation. "See hlra? Who?" "Mr. Keith. I I knew him once, and and, Doctor, won't you tell hlra I should like to have him come and see me Just Just aa soon as he eac (To lie Continued.) AT PUBLIC SALE! I have decided to leave the country and will sell my farm to the highest bidder, on the premises MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, Commencing at 10 o'clock. Farm consists of 80 acres more or less, two miles and a half west and a mile south of Pac.iflc Junc tion, Iowa, adjoining the Andrew Graham farm. The farm is all under fence about 4 acres of hog pasture, 40 acres of prairie hay, timothy and clover, balance in orchard and cultivation. About 1,000 peach trees, 20 apple trees, 25 cherry trees and some small fruit. The buildings include a 5-room house, 2 hay sheds of about 40 tons capacity, milk house nnd corn crib. There are two good wells. Will also sell about 100 oak fence posts, 25 tons of prairie hay in stock, 12 tons of timothy and clover, and some alfalfa in shed; 10 tons Kaffir corn, 10 bushels potatoes. A No. 1 fresh milch cow, about 30 head hogs, some farm machinery, one new feather bed, some household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms on Farm Cash or good security for $1,000; balance ar ranged at 5 per cent. On other items Under $10, cash; over $10, ten months' time on approved nolo at 8 per cent. SOLOMON ROWE. T. O. Dyers, Auctioneer. .HWH-IWH"H--H"H!W I- ' SCHOOL NOTES. 4 I-I-HH-I-H-W-H-W-H-I-H The basketball team has been organized at the High school and they are doing some good work nt practice. They are holding ses sions every evening at I he Turner hall. There is some guud timber in Hie team and we feel safe in predicting a winning team for 1911 and 11)12. The quarterly examinations will be held Wednesday, November 1. Pupils will be passed on making a grade of Hr, and no grade below 80 will be accepted by Hie teach ers. Those who have a record of not to exceed six half-days' absence and good daily average will be excused from the quarter ly examinations. The schools will be closed for the balance of the week, com mencing Wednesday, November 8, to allow I be teachers to attend I he Slate Teachers' associalion at Omaha, which convenes November 8. The first day w ill be for super intendents nnd principals. Pro fessors Abbott, and Larson will attend from the first. The session lasts for three days. Superintendent Abbott received from K. C. Wescott Ibis week a copy of the Los Angeles Times, which gives an account of the kindergarten department of the schools of that city, and the in troduclion of "a nap period" in this depatrment, which is being tried for the first time. The ktn dergartens at this period are al lowed to "duck their tiny heads nnd sleep for a few minutes" each day. Superintendent Abbott has just received a letter from Superin lendent Haird of the Burlington shops requesting him to keep a record of the young men graduat fng from the school, with a view of furnishing Mr. Haird a list of the names of the proficient ones, that he may select therefrom young men for positions in the Hurlington service. John P. Hcaly of Omaha is in the city, a guest of Charles Mc Citiire and family. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bo'tgfcl Dear the Blfrnnture HALLOWEEN AND WHAT GENERALLY OCCURS Will Be Well for Our Citizens to Be on the Alert for Depredations. The Halloween festival, which ust'd to be celebrated largely by maidens anxious to learn their future husbands, and by bobbing for apples and other games suited to the kidlets, has of late been seized upon by the small boy as an excuse for various depredations. In many places conservative citizens it prudent to place " " l" ' , . gales ami other movable property' 1,US 'T!' V ,h 01,1 K. under lock and key. ' nm Wl ,l,v" "n 1 Und hnl t li , .vrii . 0 ..... 1 1 lie 1 1 11 1 I II .1 I'V ivilil f'l m i 1 1 o I. - - - - --.-....... -..., ii.iiiiiiu.-i luilLd nlll-.m.l ill I t ''"" l rrim.' i hiRl, and low I Places. 11,. Of,on feels that his ! offspring has achieved something j rather glorious if the boy avoids commit ling any crime on account of which the community Ilnds it more economical to board him at public expense than to permit him to remain at large. Hence he often makes light oT these minor ravages by the cub element of his family. To Young America I he man w ho objects to the burning of gates and chicken coops and the steal ing of signs, seems terribly de ficient in humor. Still it does seem as if one ought to bo able to lodge a protest against the de struction of things that cost time, thought and money, without being considered to lack sympathy with the younp people and to be grow ing old. Finishing Touches Going On. Major Creamer of Council niuffs arrived this morning to look over the progress of the work on the government building. The sub-contractor, Mr. Henedict, who is putting down the concrete walks, has made considerable progress on the cast walk. The government rule of adhering to the eight-hour law, prevents the work from proceeding as fast as it otherwise would, although thero is nothing in the law to prevent the contractor from putting on another shift of laborers. The work of placing the inside fixtures is progressing nicely, but it will be some lime before all are in place. Receive City Certificates. The city teachers' cerlillcates under I he new law enacted at the last session of I ho legislat ure have begun to arrive and will bo 1 placed in the possession of llio teachers as fast as they arrive. This is a new departure in school affairs and will in future do away wilh the examinations by the school boards of Ihe cities of the si ale. ,;): JJ I - Htv.--;-H i i ILL MaJ of oven-Wire heaw. as thev have the sheer strength A fence with barbs protected from excessive pressure because the animal fears thebaibs. Remove the barbs and tho Crcatest strength of tho animal is thrown upon the fonee. Hence its wires must be larcer nnd stronger. Therefore, to M have a lonclife woven-wire fencn you must have a heavy fence. . .... . .1 i' .! !..!. A -I.... m I.'..... I.. Aniung the vmuauie icaiuies nun iisuninsii nnn-iiwn ri-m-oi.-. mo , Hinged-Joiut (piitontetl). We Imek this feature with till our ixu ienco as the largest makers of fence in the world. ' Undc-rsidestressantlstraintheresilient IliiiRcd Joint yields to pressure and quickly returns to its old form without bending or breaking the stay wires, the strain being taken up by the heavy horizontal bars. The real test of a fence Is the service you ;;et out of it. Test, ju eaur'. 'compare American Fence under find that tho Bteci, mo structure strength and efficiency to the hardest uses. We have just received two carloads of fencing and can fill orders for almost any design fence you would want Furthermore we figure our fence against any fence made, in cluding the mail order houses. Brin j your mail order cata logue along and we will show you that we sell fence cheaper than any mail order house in existence. JOHN' One Hundred Years Old. From Saturday's Ially. V. 1, the barber, will de part on the 1:12 Hurlington to night for Salem, Iowa, where he will assist in celebrating his father's one hundredth anniver sary tomorrow. It will be a great event for the old gentleman, aa most of his suits and daughters will be there to take a hand in commemorating an event which few people have an opportunity. While Father Cook is old in age, it is said that he is in the enjoy ment of fairly good health and gets about with the ease of one thirty years younger, and bids fair to live several years longer. entle- longer and that the event on Sunday, with i "is sons ami daughters ira tiered i. . . .. " h"'n grand reun.on, V , "! . Conc,u1s 00 ,U ' , rlh livm " ,0n as possible. Plattsmouth Goods Sell. From Friday's Hally. (. II. Olson, manager of the Olso Photo company, visited. Omaha yesterday and called on some of the business houses with samples of (he Plattsmouth card factory and sold 4,000 views of the Missouri Pacific wreck. The cards were ready for delivery this morning and Mr. Olson went to Omaha to deliver the goods. This enterprising concern was the first on the ground with the finished pictures showing in do tail the situation of the train af ter the collision. W. T. Rafferty In Town. W. T. IlalTerty of Omaha, rep representing Oeorgo Rogers, the cigar man, of that city, was here today calling upon his Platts mouth customers. Mr. RalTcrty is a most pleasant gentleman and makes a host of friends wherever he goes. From here Mr. IlalTerty went to Pacific Junction to dis tribute several "Permits" to the Iowa smokers. Has Eyes Operated On. Mrs. Annie Hichtcr has been troubled of lalo with granulated eyelids. Yesterday she went to Omaha and consulted Dr. GifTord, who advised an operation, which was had. Mrs. Richter relumed last evening and it will be some, ' days before she can use her eyes. First loe of Winter. From Saturday's Dally. The llrst ice of the winter was formed last night. Yesterday aft ernoon a message was received at the Hurlington shops notifying them of a lively snow storm al Sheridan, Wyo., and to rush the side curtains for engines. Mrs. Will Shera of Hock Bluffs was in the cily yesterday looking after the week-end shopping. L Hard, Stiff Wire, of I lontit Quality Fences must be to turn animals by of the wire. Why? any and an conditions, mm ym v u ami giiiviuw.niK .-i"ai m """' BM3 T fo) 34 PLUMBING! HEATING! HARDWARE,