The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 12, 1911, Image 7

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    9 -3as2rta.g5,;t,r.t,'gae
g 7iiwL"i!..j:trTga-,?g3aETg?.aaaw'' - j ffttsaLBggai.',igi!83agswt
Commencing Thursday, Oct. 12,
and lasting the balance of the week, we will offer you a special price on a few
lines of merchandise that you can use right now:
Several Pieces of
P P-. If
at a special low pric e of
Every piece is worth more money
School Shoes
98c to $1.39
They are worth from $1.25 to
$1.75. A g(Kxl chance to get the
children Winter shoes.
Dress Goods!
Black and Colors
Every piece is worth 50c a yard
in this sale at
We have alxnit 25 dress skirts
with a price on them that won't
buy the goods.
Overworked People.
Tilt' of Working p.O-
(ill- are sulVcriiig from ov vi-work
without knownm il. 'ln ;ilf
working trim il;iv In tl;iv, fit tier
physically up mentally; even I lion "
when they liooil post ami reereu-i J
tiin. Cher nerves gradually
woakfii, llioir nuisolos loose their ,J
elal icily. their appetite is poor.
Some of llioni try to regain their ! $
strength I using strong liiiurs, j J.
which is a sopious mistake. In
stead of weaken in g their stomach.
l they should strengthen it, so it
could accept am digest more
food; they should strengthen the
nerves, lo make them to stand the
steady exciloineiit ; they should
purify Iheip Mood to make the
circulalioii regular. They
should . use Triner's American
Elixir of Hitler Wine, which will
regulate Hie work of all digestive
organs. In diseases of the stom
ach, the liver, Hie inlenstines and
the nerves you eannol find a rem
edy as dependable as Triner's
American F.lixir of Hitler Wine.
At drug slopes. ,Ios. Triner, I't.'Ct
t:t:t! So. Aslilainl Ave., Chicago,
Items of Intere&t to Jcumal Raadeia Will Be Received nl lite Diug Store
New subscriptions and
renewals to the Journal will J
he rerivod by J. A. Shaffer
at the drug store. Local J
J news, advertising matter J
J and all business pertaining !
I to this department may bo
J transacted. Mr. and Mrs.
4 Shaffer are instructed to re- J
ceived and receipt for all J
J money. I'd. !
brUtS IMII Mrnia ftw
Awake an Old Bachelor From His
Peaceful Slumbers and
Get Fooled.
A' double ipiartcl. of male
warblers, whose names we art; not
permitted lo meiilion, while out
serenading I heir sweet hearts last
night, Ihnind't of giving Jesse
Hrady and wife a song or two just, i
for luck. The singers selected a
residence in the vicinity of where
Jesse Hrady had informed thorn
was the domicile hut il seems they
pot, Ihe wrong number of the
After I hey bad made the night,
redolent with a few of their
choicest select ions, ami thinking
it was lime for the groom and
bride lo come lo the door and ex
press I heir high appreciation of
their vocal powers, one of the
bravest of the night choir went lo
a window of the darkened homo
ami Hashed his beacon lantern
into the bed room. It was then
discovered that Ihe house was oc
cupied by a lone bachelor, and he
was peacefully reclining on his
dnvvnv couch and had not yet be
come aware that he was suspected
of having recently taken n life
parliMM'. The glare of the 1 itrfit
awakened him and he alighted on
the Hoop, grabbing his trousers,
got hastily into them and reached
the door in lime lo see the double
quartet vanish in Ihe shadows of
the weeds.
Later on they found the resi
dence inhabited by Mr. Hrady and
did lliejp former stunts all over,
much lo the gralilicalion of Jesse
and his wife, who had heard the
first efforts of lb, choir to charm
their bachelor neighbor.
Heller be more careful next
lime, hoys, as some bachelors
keep guns and iniuht do you harm
before Ihey Ihorou'Hily awake lo
your innocent sport.
New "Hog Head" Arrives.
Now, there are no doubt a great
many of our readers who do not
know just what a "llog Head" is,
especially in the terms in which it
is used here, but when we say
that a new "Hog Head" has ar
rived at the home of our jovial
friend, Julius Neilson, there will
not he a railroad op shop man in
the H. iv. M. shops that, will not
know just, what we, mean. We are
also informed that O. J. Wallen
gron expeots lo resign bis posi
tion on the "Dinkey" to make
room Tor the new arrival. .Mow,
this is plain talk among the rail
road boys, but for fear that, many
of our readers may not under
stand the terms used, we will add
that, the stork made llio homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Neilson a visit on
Saturday of last week and loft in
their care a new, bouncing baby
boy. Hulli mother and little one
ape getting along nicely ami we
will wager Dial Julius is Ihe hap
piest engineer on the Hurlington
system. The term employed
above simply means an engineer
among the railroad boys, and the
time will no doubt arrive when
the little stranger will make as
fine an engineer as his father.
Entertains Card Club.
The members of Ihe Jolly Might
Card club wore most delight full v
entertained by Mrs. Flora Wad
dick at Ihe home of Mrs. Ktl Mar
tin yesterday afternoon. The
usual fascinating card games
were entered into wilh much in
terest and enthusiasm, then' be
ing seven games played. Mrs. J.
Lulz eapluroil the first prize ami
was llrsl presented with a huge
bunch of parsjey, afler which she
was awarded with a beautiful
hand-painted plate, Mrs. A.
Kroehler won Iho booby prize and
received a pin tray. Following
the card games a few moment
wore spent in social conversation
ami oilier amusements. At llu
hour of i ::i a most excellent
luncheon was provided by Hie
hostess, which materially added
to Ihe pleasures of the afternoon.
The members of the club present
were: Mesdames J. I.ulz, A.
Kankii. J. I'. Saltier. W. Henri. -h-sen.
J. Warua, X. V. Chrisingor,
A. Kroehler. ('.. II. Hunlick, V.
Mason, . Crnskary, Misses Huso
and I'earl Milium.
Forest Hose Flour. TTie next
time you need a sack of flour try
a sack. Yon wil' "'uj jt the best
on the market.
Hilioiis? Fool heavy after din
ner? Tongue coaled? Hitler
la.-le? Complexion sallow ? Liver
needs waking up. Moan's llegu
l.'ls cure bilious attacks. 'JTi cuts
at any drug store.
Wayne and Will
Omaha passengers
mail today.
W. J. O'Brien Here Today.
W. J. O'Hrien superintendent
of Iho slate fisheries at South
Hend, was in the city today,
coining down wilh his llsh car,
ami placing it in Iho Hurlington
shops for repairs. He remained
in the city a few hours only, go
ing lo Omaha on llio afternoon
train. Mr. O'Hrien is one of those
jovial fellows wilh whom it is al
ways a pleasure to meet, ami the
Journal is mighty well pleased 'lo
have him enrolled upon our large
list of friends.
Props! were
on the fast
Waller Tluirktr will tnke notleo Hint
on the l:sth ilny of September, 1911 M
Archer, .liiHtlre of the Hear for Cam
Conntv, NehnixkH Issued nn order of
attachment for the mini of j;o !-, In an
action renrtlnir before him. wherein the
.lonep drain Com puny Is nliUntlff and
Walter Thncker I defendant, that
property of tnld defendant ronlMntr
of money In the hands of I,. M MrVnv
has been attached under nld order'
rain cause was continued to the
dav of October, 1 1 1 at 10 o'clock
feplemtier 18, l'Ol.
Jones flraln Company.
Pv J. R. UuiiKlasH, Ma Attorney.
Keister School.
Keisicr Ladies' Tailoring Col
lege. Mosiifiiing, drafting and
dressmaking taught. For terms
apply al room in Coates' Hlock.
Managed by Mrs, N. A. I.eist.
t. m.
Jacob Trilsch and wife. Mrs. M.
I.. Freidrich and C. C. Honuimt
and wife relurned from Pekin.
III., this morning, where they had
I n In alleml Ihe funeral of Mrs,
Volk, mother nf Mesdames
Trilsch, llennings ami Freidrich.
Scalp and Hair Troubles Gen
erally Caused by Carelessness.
Dandruff is a contagious dis
ease caused by a microbe which
also produces baldness. Never
use a comb or brush belonging lo
some one else. No matter how
cleanly the owner may be, Ihsee
arlicles may bo infected wilh mi
crobes, which will infect your
scalp. It is far easier to catch
hair microbes than it is lo get rid
of them, ami a single stroke of an
infected comb or brush may well
lead lo mildness. Aver try on
anybody else's hat. Many a hat
band is a resting place for mi
crobes. If you happen to bo troubled
wilh dandruff, itching scalp, fall
ing hair or baldness, we have a
remedy which wo believe, will
completely relievo Ihcse troubles.
Wo are so sure of Ibis that we
otfer it to you wilh Ihe under
standing that it. will cost you
nothing for the trial if il does not
produce Ihe result, we claim.
This remedy is railed Hexall "!.')"
Hair Tonic. Wo honestly believe
it to bo the most scientific remedy
for scalp ami hair troubles, and
wo know of nothing else that,
equals it for effectiveness, be
cause of the results it has pro
duced in thousands of cases.
Hexall "1)3" Hair Tonic is de
vised lo banish dandruff, restore
natural color when its loss has
been brought about by disease,
and make the hair naturally silky,
soft and glossy. It does this be
cause il stimulates the hair fol-
licies, destroys the germ mailer,
and brings about a free, healthy
circulation of blood. which
nourishes the hair roots, causing
Ibem lo lighten and grow new
hair. Wo want everybody wiio
has any trouble with hair or scalp
to know that we think that Hex
all "o.V Hair Tonic is Iho best
hair tonic ami restorative in ex
istence, and no one should scolf
al or doubt Ibis statement until
they have put our claims to a fair
lest, wilh ihe understanding thai
tlliey pav us iinlliing for Iho rem
edy if il iloes m it five full and
eomplolo satisfaction in every
particular. Two sizes, rn cents
and 1.0u. Hemember, you can
obtain Hexall Remedies in Plalls
moiilb only al our store The
Hexall Store. F. (i. Frieko & Co.
Colonel II. C. Mt'Maken went lo
Ited Oak'and Clarinda Ibis morn
ing, whore he will look over the
paving which the company lias
been pulling in al I hose, places.
3i til
Applied Into lha noatrlls
Is quickly absorbed.
It cloiiiiHea, sontlifH, heals and protects tbs
diseased membrane resulting from Cutnrrh
ami drives a way a ('old in the Heinl quickly.
Itestores the Sonsus of Tuste unit Smull.
It is eucy to iiNf. Contains no Injiiriniu
dnitf. No mercury, no cocniuo, no nior.
pliinc. The hmiiiiiliolit remedy.
Trice, .10 Oriiiisti or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 w Vrtn St., Ntw Yam
Mrs. Heed cann
from ( imaha. i
Miss Vera Proulv went lo Lin-j
coin Wednesday.
F.d S roomer did business in j
(imaha Tuesday. j
.lames Jordan wa- ;.n Omaha i
visilor Sal ui'dav . i
Mrs. Will Casey w. ut lo Lin
coln last Thui'sdav.
.lames Foreman was in Lincoln j
Saturday on business. I
II. S. ( Inch of Lincoln was in 1
town sal unlay evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Kit Casey return-!
ed from Omaha Thursday. I
Mrs. .1. A. Shaffer was in South
Hend Thursday and Friday.
Thomas Sloul relurned from
Lincoln on No. I 1 Sal unlay.
II. Thomas' daylight store Is
receiving a new coat of paint.
Charles 'Crumble of Faglo was
in town Wednesday afternoon.
L. H. Appleinan returned from
Ceresco and Lincoln Wednesday.
Henry Snoke and .lames Snoko
drove lo Faglo Monday afternoon.
L. H. Appleinan went to Lin
coln and Ceresco Monday on business.
(ieorge Hall. Will Nevvkirk and
J. Kinkaitl Nevvkirk went lo Lin
coln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. .Ionian ale
Sunday dinner wilh Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Stone.
.1. Herman Slroemer did busi
ness wilh the railway commission
at Lincoln Tuesday.
Mrs. Agnes Silversl rami visit
ed Monday and Tuesday wilh her
hrnl her, A. .1. Foreman.
Mrs. Charles Codboy wont to
Lincoln Wednesday In visit Mrs.
Amanda Weoso. who is tpiite ill.
(Ieorge P. Foreman, jr., and
Hay Hennell went to Valparaiso
Tuesday lo slay two or, three
S. C. Hoylos purchased a car
of feeders at South Omaha ami
they were unloaded here Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Charles (lodhcy
weiil. to Lincoln Friday, where
Mrs. Codbey is having dental
work done.
Vallie 'Crumble and Herman
Frolieh of Kaglo wen I lo Lincoln
on No. I.'t Wednesday and return
ed on No. 1 I.
lames Snoke of Alliance, Nob.,
and Henry Snoke drove to lt tug
las. Neb., Saturday afternoon, re
turning Sunday.
(ieorge 1'. Foreman, sr., and
(ieorge P. Foreman, jr.. returned
last Thursday from their trip to
Niobrara, Neb.
Mrs. M. P Slone apd her
brother, Mr. Crone and wife, re
turned Friday evening on Mo. 1?
from their visit in Indiana.
Carl Johnson received a car
load of rail lo Friday evening to
feed this winter, having pur
chased them al Souih Omaha.
C. M. Jordan and vv fe and Hit
Misses Stella Shecselv and Crayco
llailev spent 'Wednesday of last
week at I he Ak,-Kar-Men at OmTiha
Mrs, C. M. Jordan went lo Liu
coin last Thursday evening, visil
ing with Mrs. Clyde Hovles unlit
Friday evening, when she relurn
ed homo. '
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner
spoul Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Wolfe. They wont, out to
Mr. Wolfe's farm lo view Iho ap
ple crop, which is enormous this
year. '
James Snoke of Alliance, Nob.,
shipped in a car of line Hox Hulto
potatoes last Friday, which were
purchased by Liuch & Stone, who
had disposed of all of them by
Monday noon at $1 per bushel.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Slone and
son, La Vomer; Mrs. Fred Dream
er and Mr. ami Mrs. Sain Cashner
of I'nivorsity Place an toed to
Hock Hliill's Wednesday to attend
Iho Colo-llulehesou wedding.
Mrs. Lura Furr ami daughter,
Ardella, who have been visiting
their mint and uncle ;Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge Curyea, and other rela
tives for several weeks, relurned
last Thursday to their home at,
Weilron. III. 'I'hev were in :
wreck in Iowa, two paseniret
trains colluding.
Mrs. Lena Weaver of South
Hend caine up Tuesday evening to
visit bop noice, Mrs. Shall'or. Sho
was accompanied by her sjsler-in-lavv,
Mrs. Willis ltenn. of Hock
Island, who departed Wednesday
for her home, having spent the
pasi three weeks wiin relative.;
and friends in Nebraska.
'Che following pupils were
neither lardy or absent for Iho
month ending Oclober (: Car
men Muir, CI i fiord Slroemer, Carl
Kosiiovv, llealrice Parsell, (ierl
rude Slroemer, Verl llosnovv,
Aurel Foreman, Mildred (lodbey,
Paul Johnson. Lillian Curyoa,
Until Dreamer, Hael Foreman,
Htiby Stone, Clarence Huoknell,
La Verne Stone, Archie Miller,
Lyle Miller, Itertha Mucknell,
Hulli Hailoy. Anna Hasp.
Jesse McVey In Ohio.
'Che Journal is this week in re
ceipt of a lollop from our excel
lent old friend, , Jesse McVey,
from Sidney, Ohio, in which h
orders the Semi-Weekly Journal
sent to bis address. lie says
everything in thai locality h
looking line, but be is not en joy
ing Ihe best of beallh. lie sends
bis regards lo all old Cuss county
spc i am now wq
im rrm n ran.
II f 1 II If
to show you a full line of
Winter Goods for Men, La
dies and Children. I have
a line line of Ladies' Skirts,
Men's Pants and Girl's
Ready-to-Wear Dresses, and
everything for ths boy from
head to foot. Also a jJool
line of
at prices that will suit your
pocket hook and taste.
Moving Weak In Plattsmouth.
Joseph Thompson's household
g Is arrived from Fairmont
Monday and have been placed In
bis residence. Mrs. Thompson
ami children will 'occupy Iho
homo. Joe will have his run
changed so he can spend some
lime at homo.
H. H. Haves, foreman of the
shops, has moved from Iho Par
undo residence on Vine street lo
a residence on Marble between
Fifth and Sixth streets.
C. C. Parniele has moved from
his homo on Sixth si reel lo the
residence vacated by Mr. Hayes.
J. A. Chopieska has moved in
to the residence recently vacated
by K. II. Wescoll, Mr. Wescolt.
having moved into his father's
"Sunny Side" resilience. ' . . , , ...
F. C. Weber will this week I, M(.;, K Ml; aid V isited (lio
move from Ihe residence now e- I bis 'morning, where
copied ny nun on .Marino si reel.
Stock of Goods for Sale.
Slock of general merchandise,
!i,0(ii); doing H'.'a.non yearly
business. We believe' Ibis to bo
one of the cleanest slocks in Iho
state. Must sell al once. All cash.
Huhge it (iilhn. Avoea. Neb.
to the new dwelling creeled by
Judge Travis.
Mr. Noble will move from bis
resilience in I be Second ward to
the A, W. A (wood residem n
Main street.
W. A. Hoberlson will move inld
the residence on Marble si reel
vacated bv Mr. Weber.
Ill'el I'opol
she called tin
friends for a
I illie
Will Preside at Lincoln.
II is probable thai Judge
vey D. Travis of Cass county will j
be called hero to try Mrs. Alpha I
Sbevalier, who is auaiu lo be tried I
durinu' the present term of dis
trict court on .the charm' of
perjury. Mrs. Sm valier ha been
tried before Judges Cnrnish and!
Frost and claims .that Ihey are,
prejudiced airainsl her. Judae .
Slewarl, who has the oipiilyV
docket, has all thai he can do. so
Judge Travis has been asked loj
hear the rase. Lincoln Slate;
Journal. I
Try a sack of Forest, Hose Flour
Iho next lime you need flour. Ask
your dealer what he thinks of it.
If so, use the
Dye, they
color silk,
wool and
cotton at
one boil
ing, fast,
Do You Want to Live
well and krrp hearty. Then remem
ber we have a complete line of drugs,
medicines, chemicals, etc., strength
and quality guaranteed.