The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 09, 1911, Image 5

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BoTEinor Returns From Confer
ence With Executives.
Senator Stephenson's
Counsel at His Hearing
On Bribery Charges.
Defends Right of State to Regulate In
trastate Traffic Ouster Suit Against
' Two Members of South Omaha Fire
and Police Board Is Delayed.
Lincoln, Oct. ti. Governor Aldrich
returned fro.n iiis trip to St. Louis,
after a conference with Governors
Harmon of Ohio and Hadley of Mis
B-jn relative to the brief that will be
submitted in the United States su-
Dreae court defending the right of
the Mato tci regulate intrastate traffic
Governor Aldrich says the brief as
It baa been finally prepared contains
many of the Ideas he has advanced in
favor of the rights of the state. The
other executives upon the special
committee took much the same view
a; he did himself upon these ques
tions. The brief will be filed Oct. 10
at "Washington.
South Omaha Suit Delayed.
It was made known that the ouster
suit to be filed against Members Ryan
and Pivonka of the South Omaha
board of fire and police commission
ers will not be ready for filing this
week. It has been the desire of the
governor to push this prosecution, but
the attorney general in preparing the
(Me has not been In a hurry to sub
mit the filings until every branch of
the suit is covered, and he has sent to
South Omaha for more information.
The case will probably be ready early
next week.
Frank Williams Disputes Claim of Mist
Schoonmaker in Custer.
Jifokeu Bow, Neb., Oct. 6. An ex
eiting contest has just closed in the
land office here, in which Frank Will
iama disputes the claim of Miss Mar
garet Schoonmaker, residing near
Whitman W illiams, who is living on
the nearby claim . of Miss Carrie
Drake, a niece of Miss Schoonmaker,
charged that his opponent did not live
n her section subsequent to its loca
tion in 1904 until the year 1908 and
had, therefore forfeited her right of
ntnr. Miss Drake, one of the Will-
lams witnesses, took the stand and
proceeded to attack the land office un
til called down by Williams" attorney
who threatened to withdraw from the
cane unless she subsided. Seventeen
witnesses accompanied the contest
ants to Broken Bow, and It took two
days to gather in all of the evidence
The case has gone to the department
of the interior at Washington.
Lloyd Lapsley and Wife Brought Back
From Texas on Forgery Charge.
Beatrice, Neb.. Oct. 6 Sheriff J
9chiek and wife arrived home from
Sherman, Tex., bringing with them
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. Lapsley. who
were arrested at that place last Sun
day morning on the charge of utter
injr and passing a forged check
amounting to $200. on the First Na
tional bank of this city last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Lapsley were married
less than two weeks ago in this city
ami departed for San Antonio, Tex
tho next day alter the check was
cashed. They were taken off the train
at Sherman, where they were held un
til the sheriff from this city could go
lifter th-irn. Until recently Lapsley
was employed as assistant engineer nt
tho plant of the Heatrire Poultry and
Cold Storage company here.
Frank Gorty Is Unable to Give Bond.
Nebraska City. Neb., Oct. 5. Frank
Oorty. who tried to kill his wife by
i,liootinu her through the left breast
anil tuen stuck tableforks into his
own breast, was taken before County
.Tnrt-ie Wilson and his preliminary
honring continued until Nov. 3 and he,
belns; unable to furnish the $3,000
bond required by the court, was re
turned to Jail. The wife Is gradually
recovering from her wounds and
hopes to be able to appear against
him' a that time.
, National Coursing Meet at Sutton.
Suttcn. Neii., Oat '1. Nearly 21 0 o."
the fustest gryhounls In the world
have hem entered in the national
Wnterioo cup, plate and purse $4,000
Klnkc to be run here Oct. 10 to 14
The 200 larkrabbits now In training at
the, rouo'n lot are big, strong fel
lows, and it will take a fast pair of
hound i t) catch one before he makes
his os ipe.
Weiterville Firm Assigns.
Wer.tervllle. Neb.. Oct. 6 Ralph M.
Baker 4 Co have mad' an assignment
to Tom Baker of Ansley. George V.
Cox was a partner In, the business
The firm lost $2,000 in conducting the
business in a little over ten m-nths'
time. A O. Dnniels of Ansley has
been placed In charge of the store
Hedge Heads Abstracters.
Omaha, Oct. 6. Verne Hedge of
Lincoln was re-elected president of
tho JvVbrasak Association of Bonded
Abstracters: J. Fred Kerr of Oniaha
lee nresldent. and C. C. Sadler of
Omaha, secretary-treasurer. The exec
utlve committee will decide the place
of next year's meeting.
Its Flag Floats Over Barracks
Follown j Lan-ing ot Troops.
Talks to "Old Folks" at Taber
nacle In Salt Lake City.
Salt l ake, Oct. 6. 3resident Taft
was giveil a most enthusiastic recep
tion when he arrived, accompanied by
Governor Spry,, the Utah members of
congress and others who had bid him
welcome to Utah at Ogden. Escorted
by the Fifteenth United States infan
try and a detail of tb-i national guard
he was driven to his hotel, where he
rested until 10:30, when he addressed
the "old folks" in the tabernacle.
President Taft spoke In the Salt
Lake tabernacle here to several thou
sand "old folks" gathered in the Utah
capital in annual reunion. Probably
the majority of them crossed the
plains and the mountains from the
east before the days of railroad and
the telegraph, for when a request was
made that all who hid come west
foot or In wagons or on horseback
standup, thousands of gray beaed
men and white haired old women rose
to their feet.
President Taft chose peace and ar
bitration treaties for hip subject and
at the conclusion of his address Unit
ed States Senator Smoot announced
that he would not oppose the ratifica
tion of the proposed treaties with
Great Britain and France. Senator
Smoot is the fourth member of the
senate to signify his intention of sup
porting the treaties since the presi
dent began his present trip.
ftrofcicup vithho'di Resignation.
Chicago. Oct. S. Failure of conflict
ing interests in the Chicago Milwaukee
electric road controversy to agree ou
a draft of a decree in the United
States oirccit eou.t delayed the rosig
nation of .Indue Peter S. Giosseup.
IVlay was granted until tomorrow
murning. after hich time, Judge
Crossctip said, he would not withhold
his resignation.
Rumor Frcm Turkish Sources Says
Italian Ve?cel Was Destroyed Off
Trpoli and All on Board Were
Drowned Few Turks Killed.
I-ondon, Oct. K The Italian flag
floats over Sultana fo'V Tripoli, w.uch
is occupied by landing parties. Part
of the fleet is anchored in the harbor
and the other warships lie a short dis
tance from the dismantled fortifica
tions. Few bodies of Turks have been
found among the ruins of the fovts
and apparently no great number of
Turks were killel by the bombard
According to h Constantinople re
port, the Italian warships hotnimnieii
Benghazi and Derna. Various rumors
concerning a naval engagement in
Turkish waters, an attack against
Mytllene and the blowing up of the
Italian battleship Comte dt Cavour at
rrlpolt have rot been confirmed from
?ny quarter.
An interesting report is current
rrom Constantinople, that while Oer
many favors the adoption of the Ital
ian ultimatum as the basis of peace
negotiations, Great Britain proposes
that Tripoli hntl become a privileged
tributary territory under joint Turco
Italian administration, thus retaining
the siwieralnty of the sultan.
Njvwo Dying of Gref.
Rock Island. I I . 0 t ti. With the
funerals of Miss Magdalene Kouip and
Krskine S. Wa'.ker. wlo killed Miss
Komp and then shot himself when
ie broke her ' ti igcment, comes the
ord that Mrs. C. .1. Walker, mother
jf the dead man. is dying of the shock
at her hnnie at Lancaster, Wis., and
that a sister Is damn nuisly ill from
he same cause.
Battleship Reported Lost.
London, Oct. 6 A dispatch to the
Chroneile from Constantinople says
that a eable received from a Turkish
source at Tripoli states that the Ital
Un battleship Comte dl Cavour was
blown up by a Turkish mine off Trip
oil and that the crew and troops
aboard the vessel perished.
Racing Air Craft Get Good Start
From Kansas City.
Kansas City, Oct. 6. Three uniden
tided balloons, leaders as far as known
in the James Gordon Bennett and
iAhm cup races, passed Tarkio, 131
miles northeast of Kansas City, and
but fifteen miles from the Iowa stat
line. They were traveling high an
But three identified bags have been
accounted for They were the Con
'lor, flying the colors of France, which
nass"d St. Joseph, Mo.; the Topeka
II., th-t galled over South St. Josepl
Mo., and the America II., which was
reported nt Savannah, Mo., eighty
miles north of Kansas City.
Before a favorable twentv-mlle
ind from the south nnd southeast
e'ght raring bullions sailed from
here In ron'ests for the two trophies
Announces That He Will Not Take
prominent Part in Brewers' Congress.
Washington. Oct. t. Secretary of
Agriculture James Wilson said he will
attend the International Brewers' con
gress in Chicago, but will not preside
at any of the meetings or take a prom
inent part in the proceedings.
Tho secretary has been Irritated by
the criticisms which followed the an
nouncement of his election as honor
ary president of the congress. He
gave out the following statement:
'There is an International feature
to this congress to be held In the
United States. Agriculture Is to be
discussed. The United States Js in
teresled in the grading of barley and
hops for domesMc uses. They are
naturally tinder tb jurisdiction of the
department of agriculture. Discus
sions ilong other lines would be for
elgn to us.
"This congress and this exhibition
are not under the official patronage of
the government of the United States.
The honorary presidency which comes
to me is on account of my position as
secretary of agriculture. I will have
no actual presiding to do In this con
Four Shots Fired at Austrian Ministers
Vienna, Oct. 6. Four shots were
fired from the gallery In the lower
house of the reichsrath In the direc
tion of the ministerial benches, where
the min'stei of justice and education
were seated. No one was injured. The
man who fired the shots was arrested
Reward for Train Robbers.
Kansas City, Oct. 6. A reward of
$1,000 will be paid for the arrest and
conviction of the robbers who held
tin the Missouri. Kansas and Texas
train near Okesa. Okla., It was an
nouneed at the postal inspector's of
flee here.
Aviator Rodgfrs Resumes His Flight
Huntington, Ind, Oct. . Aviator
C. P. Uodgers resumed his transcontt
nental Ilisht here, lie left the ground
it 11:30 o'clock and steered his
biplane toward Chicago.
Hill Drives Gold Sp'k at Bend, Ore
Bend, Ore., Oct. 6 James J. Hill
irove a sold spike to mnrk the formal
DOtnplctlnn of tt e Oregon Trunk Line
:allwsy to this city.
Smugglers Are Sued for Big Sums
New York, Oct. 6. The federal gov
eminent brought forfeiture suit
against Nath-in Allen of Kenosha
Wis.Tand John B. Collins of Memphl
Tenn.. to recover SI S3 000. the value
of smuggled jewels and wenrlnir np
parel. From Allen a forfeit of $ 1 SO.
000 Is claimed and from Collins $15
0-"0. Both men recently pleaded guilty
to Indictments for smuggling.
Monarch Who Declares
The Turkish-Italian War
Soon Will Be at an End.
5 ,
, ) K.JS' VI
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. ' LrAi - i
From Friday's Dally.
C.hurlos Heeson of Omaha was
a PlattMiinutli visitor today, hav
ing been called liere on business.
Profesor A.xch of Murray was
a IMattsmouth visitor today, look
in;.' after lnisittess matters for a
I ime.
Mrs. F.mitcott of llcnvtood re
turned to tier home this morning,
after spending two itavs in tins
nt. Hie guet of friend".
r.ourl Hepurler Karl Travis re
turned from I'aiiillion llus morn
ing, where the district court has
heeii in session this week.
(ieorji- V. Thomas and Henry
Ooos, the .-line man. witnessed
tne mil it ar parade ai the car
nival yesleiilav afternoon.
Misses Hose Vondran and Min
nie (iiilliinann xisiti'd the Ak-Sar-
Hen yesterday afternoon ami wit
nessed tlie nulilary parade.
Jesse Warga was called to
Omaha on the fast mail today,
where lie looked after business
matlers for a short time between
Mis' Clara Sluink of Friend,
who has been a guest of Mrs.
Stiles and family for a few days,
leparled for her home this aft
Negro Chauffeur Is Lnyched.
Macon, On., Oct. 6. A negro, em
ployed ns a chauffeur by a r-Tninent
Dodge countv woman. Ivnched by
a misked poh near Dublin for an at
tempted assault nn the woman whose
automobile h" operated.
During a fire in a small hotel at Chi
cago Dr. Ulchard Barto Jumped from
a third story window and was severe
1y injured
Plans for a $2,i'.00,000 system of
freight terminals in Minneapolis were
announced by the Rock Island Rail
road company.
Lieutenant William W. Walsh ol
Chicago was found guilty of neglect
of duty in the gambling Inquiry and
vas discharged.
St. Oeorge's church and three large
hosiery factories were destroyed, by
fire at Leicester, Eng. The loss is es
timated at $1,250,000.
Tho world ? series between the New
York Nationals nnd the Philadelphia
Americans for premier honors for 1911
begins on Saturday, Oct. 14.
A decision by the United States su
preme court on the constitutionality
of the so called employers' liability
law of 1908 is expected Oct. 16.
Dr. B. Clark Hyde, accused of mur
dering Colonel Thomas H. Swope, wll'
go on trial before Judge K. E. Porter
field at City on tKt. 16.
The principal subject of discussior
nt the ecumenical Methodist confer
encc at Toronto was the decrease In
membership of the church, which It
waB revealed In the reports submitted
has taken place the world over during
the last decade.
A mob of Illinois Centrnl strikert
and their sympathizers attacked r
railroad roach containing thirty si ike
brealcrs at New Orleans. Bricks Jron
and other missiles were hurled
through the car windows. Two strike
breakers were hurt seriously.
Four Manufacturers and Four
Jobbers Held for Conspiracy.
Cleveland. Oct. a. Bight indict
ments. agalmU four wall paper manu
facturers and four wall paper Jobbers
charging them with conspiracy in re
straint of trade in violation of the
Sherman law, were returned by the
federal grand Jury here.
Thomas J. Roche of Philadelphia,
former secretary of the manufactur
ers' association, and William L Yet
ter of Omaha, former secretary
the jobbers' association, were not In
dieted. It being set forth In the true
bills that these two furnished the gov
eminent with Information relating to
the alleged restraint in tr.ile, and by
so doing were given an Immunity bath
Tho Indicted manufacturer! are
Wintleld A. Huppuch, first vice presi
dent of the Standard Wall Paper com
pany of Hudson Falls, N. Y.; Robert
V. Hobbs, . director of the Hobbs,
Benton & Heath Co., Hoboken, N. J.;
George Talt, a director of the William
Campbell Wall Paper company. Hack
ensack. N. .1 . and John McCoy of the
York Card and Paper company, York,
The Indicted Jobbers are J. A.
Pearce, president of the J. B. Pearce
Wall Paper company of Cleveland; C.
C. Aler, president of C. C. Aler Co. of
Columbus, 0.; Morton Newcomb, sec
retary of the Newcomb Brothers Wall
Paper company of St. Louis, and
Charles E. Maxwell, manager of 8. H.
Maxwell A Co. of Chicago.
Albert Caster, who has fcneti
working for Will Jean for noma
time, was an Omaha passenger
this afternoon for a few hours.
Horace Cunningham of Ne
hawka was in the city this morn
ing, driving in from home ftir th
transaction of some bushiest
Warren Wiley and wifo'and
babe, who have been visiting Mr9,
Wiley's n tot tier, Mrs. Frank
Young, at Murray for a time, de
parted for their home at Plainview
this afternoon.
John Kelly of Kiglit Mile Grova
precinct was In the city today and
pant the Journal olliee a friendly
call and renewed his subscription
for anoilier year. Come again,
Mr. Kell, Hie latch string is al-
w;is out.
Paul Morgan went, to the. me
tropolis this afternoon to attend
I lie Ak-Sar-Hen hall tonight. Mrs.
F. J. Morgan and Miss Kimna
Meyers were passengers to Omaha
via the M. P. to attend the same
Woman Is Held for Murder of Her
Husband at Sheffield.
Mason City, la., Oct. 6. Mrs. Aletha
Riu-.ii wai indicted by the Franklin
count;- grand Jury on a charge of mur-de-'n
her husband. W. A. Rush, a
-n'lroad telegraph operator, at Shef
flp'd. ti., last June. Bond for Mrs.
Hush was fixed at $10,000. It was fur-n'si-M
by friends.
That the killing of Rush followed a
r..r'-"l In which Mrs. Rush accused
hii i of Intimacy with a telephone oper
ator at Sheffield. Is the contention of
the prosecution.
Fall From Tree Proves Fatal.
Ma?on City, la.. Oct. 6. Falling
from a tree, where he was engaged In
picking spples and being impaled up
on a picket fence resulted In the
death a few hours later of Charles
Hess, a wealthy farmer of Mitchell
county. He hpd been a resident of the
county for forty years.
Mr. Trewln Dead.
Cedir Rapids, la, Oct. 6. Mrs.
James H. Trewln. wife of President '
Trewln of the state board of educa
tion, died hers at noon. She had been
ill for some time.
Mr. Joseph Krtz of HurlmgUm,
Iowa, who has been paying a visit
to his sister, Mrs. C. C. No IT and
family, returned to his home litis
Justice of the Peace William
Hishel and w ife spent I he after
noon in Omaha yesterday viewing
the military parade and other in
teresting events.
Mrs. Hewitt of Atchison, who
has been visiting hop sister, Miss
Teresa Hempel and other rela
tives for a short time, returfnod
to her home this morning.
O. M. Kintz was an Oniaha pas
senger this morning on No. 15,
whore he spent the day looking
after business matters and enjoy
ing the wind-up of the carnival.
Mr. R. H. ("irah a m and w'fe of
Lincoln, who have been guests of
Mrs. Craham's sister, Mrs. K. If.
Ilooth and family, for a few days,
ret urned to I heir home this morn
ing. C. K. Phillips, who has been
with the Ihirlington bridge gang
for the past three months, depart
ed forTaeoma, Wash., this morn
ing, where he will upend the win
ter. Mrs. Sue Morrisey and daugh
ter, Miss Jean, arrived last even
ing from their home in California,
and will visit Mrs. Morrisey's
sister, Mrs. S. M. Chapman, for a
Mrs. William Taylor returned
from Omaha today, where she had
visited her daughter for three
days, ami also viewed the car
Mr. H. N. Iiovey and Mr. K. H.
Weseolt drove out to the Fight
Mile. drove church this afternoon
to attend the funeral of peter
Thomas Wiles and wife and
Mrs. Hubert Ward and daughter,
Miss Agnes, were passengers to
tho metropolis yesterday after
noon, where they viewed the
military parade.
A. Carmichael, who has been
with the McMaken concrete force
at Clarimla for a month, arrived
last evening nnd will make Platts
tuouth his home for a time.
Mr. H. C. Hennings went to
I'ekin, III., this afternoon to at
tend the funeral of his mollier-
in-law, Mrs. Margaret Volk. Mrs.
Honnings has been in Pekin for
some time.
The Wabash Bank Robbers.
From Frlrtny'8 Dully. ' '
In speaking of the Wabash
burglary suspects arrested in that
city, the Omaha Hoe vf yesterday
James King, arrested with John
Iowd, by Patrolman flnby Monday
afternoon, being charged as sus
picious characters, was taken yes-
I terday afternoon by the sheriff of
Cass county to Piatt sinoulh,
where efforts will bo made further
to connect him with the blowing
of the Farmers' Slate hank of Wa
bash last Tuesday morning.
Dowd is being held nt the Oma
ha jail ponding the investigation.
Ho is also suspected of having
knowledge of the yegg work at
Wabash, and being implicated In
the robbery of a jewelry store at
One of the clues on which th9
detectives are working is that
King's left arm is black and blu
with bruises, supposedly rnused
by an aerident by the jarring
loose of the Wabash hank vaults.
The detectives had thought that
one of the men would bo found to
have been shot in Hie arm, but
neither of them showed evidence
to prove that a fact.
Death of Joseph WcCalg. '-
'On last Thursday morning at
1 o'clock, at his home in Neligh,
occurred the death of Joseph Mo
Caig, a former Cass county,
citizen, well known as one of th
old timers. The funeral was held
on Saturday afternoon nt 3:30 In
Klmwdod. He leaves throe broth
ers Will of Ponca City, Okla.;
Dan of Hampton, Mo., nnd John
of Omaha, ami Mrs. J. II. Hall of
Kim wood. Mr. McCaig nt the tlms
of his death was ft I years old, ha
had lived in Nebraska for forty
live years, and left Wabash about
ten years ngo for Neligh. He was
sick about two months Weep
ing Water Republican.
"Pa, Is a vessel a boat?"
"E yes you may call It that"
"Well, what kind of a boat la a
blood vessel?"
"It's a llfebost. Now run away to
bed." BoHton Transcript.
Mrs. Monnct Chriswissor de
parted this morning for Osmond,
Neb., where she will visit her son,
Hay and family, for a time
Meanwhile Hennet will hang out
at the hotel and look lonesome.
James T. Reynolds, democratic
candidate for clerk of the dis
trict court, of Union, was in the
city today shaking hands with his
friends and looking after his in
terests in the campaign. He will
remain over until tomorrow.
Kd Hessor, wife and daughter,
who have been visiting relatives
and friends in this vicinity for a
month, departed for Arapahoe,
Nob., this morning, where they
will visit Mr. Hesser's brother for
a short time before returning to
their home in California.
Mr. E. J. Froy and wife of Red
Oak, Iowa, w jio have been guests
of Louie Egenberger and family
for a short time, returned to
their home this morning. Mr.
Frcy was formerly a Plaltsmouth
cigar-maker, having worked in
the shops of both L. R Egenberg
er and J. Pepperberg years ago.
Returned From Huron.
From Monday's Dully. '
Messrs. A. H. FornolT, J. O.
Mei.Mngcr and W. FornoIV return
ed from Huron on the morning
train today. Crop conditions in
thai vicinity wore not good this
year; in fact, there is very littla
of any sort of crop to be harvested
on the lands of either gentlemen.
Mr. FornolT says his tenant will
have $100 worth of hay, which is
something. Non-resident land
owners w ill have dilllcully in rent
ing their lands next year unless,
I hoy furnish the seed, as the rent
ers there are somewhat in hard
circumstances and will not rllc
another outlay of seed and labor.
Here From Stanton.
From Friday' Dally.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of
Stanton arrived in the city yes
terday evening for a few days'
visit at the old home. They will
be guests during their stay at th
homo of their son nnd daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mur
ray, and Mr. and Mrs. Karnes,
parents of Mrs. Murray. Jack
says business in the carpenter
line up near Stanton is good. He
is at present doing contracting
and has about all that he can
handle. lie is the same old "Jack,"
looks just a trifle older, but he
says ho is just as young as he
used to bo. They will return
home the fore part of the week.
Little Babe Dies.
From Friday's Pally.
Tho day old babe of Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Moreland died yester
day and was buried today. Mr.
and Mrs. Moreland reside near
Murray, nnd have the sympathy of
tho entire community in their sad
Adolph Schling of Madison ar
rived today and will visit 0. W.
HatTky and family for a time.