The- Plattsmouth - Journal r '-"i tMsUi Semi-Weeklj it Plattsmouth, Nebraska r ." i R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as Heeond-dass matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN AD VANCE The Democratic Ticket For Judges Supreme Court. W. I). OLDHAM. V. L. S'l'AHK. J. II. DKAN. For Regents University. JOHN I'.. MILLKK. C. T. KNAl'l'. For Railroad Commissioner. 0. K. II A II MAN. For Judge of the District Court First District. IIAHVKY D. TRAVIS. For Clerk of the District Court. JAMKS T. It KYNOLDH. For County Clerk. D. C. MORGAN. For Treasurer. W. KKLLY FOX. For Sheriff. DON C. IlllODKN. For Superintendent of Schools. MARY K. FOSTKIl. For Surveyor. FIU'.D D. PATTKMSON. For Coroner. K. RATNOUR. For Commissioner Second District C. M. KKYUKRT. For Police Magistrate. M. AriGHiort. :o: It. is certainly about, lime to siiwk out the tobacco trust. :o: The Milliliter of 1SMI dies hud. Perhaps the weather man ought to gel an ax. . :o:- '" M r. Tuft's I ruin was flood bound, and probably Mrs. Tuft failed to pack a pair of rubber bootfi in his trunk. i'i :o: "I have frcuuently wondered," nay Hie Alfalfa Same, "what 'a stiff upper lip' looks like. Did nnyhody ever see one"?" . :o: No mailer how angry Kansas gets, if u fellow with a larfte, sweet smile comes along t lit old (date hei'oines sunshiny again. :o: Canada i likely lo change its mind on the subject of reci procity in a year or two. Then it. will be Fucle Sam's turn to he ha iik lily. :o: The concert of Kurope is be ing all upset by the determina tion of the Italian horn to play a polo that was not down on the program. :o : Fall pears are selling in cofn for 90 cents per bushel, in Mynard at ?i and in Plattsmouth at $1.50. Someone tell' us ' why thiti is thus, please. :o: From the amount of rain that has fallen in this country in the last few months Home now excuse for drinking rum will' hhvi to be invented this winter. :ot The people of Cass county, from all reports, are going lo be very independent in voting this fall, and consequently it is very doubtful as to thn general results. :o:' Taft says the anti-trust law must bo enforced,' though the big corporations always look at it as of the nature of a comic supplc rr;enl to the Congressional Olobe. :o: A telephone girl was the heroine of the Austin dam col lapse. Central gel9 very familiar with dams, with her frequent oc casion to remark that the line is busy. The Italian -lati'suuMi under hand perfectly that, the way to reiuwile tic' iM-opln to had tfv ninn'iit i to i-t. up a fort'iKH war with martial n hi; t:i -rn and Inch tav's. 'I'd' vift inii of t In- A 1 1 t pi. I'a., tragedy are. buried with eulume and llnWfr'H and t h blame laid on (jod. ami then the engineers will uo on building a lot of dams just, like lliat, out' or worse. Kelly Fox has lllh'd the hill so rcinnrkahly well as deputy treas urer that tin? people are very well sat iflil that he is ahle to fill the position of chief murh heller than a man who knows nothing ahout the business of the oflie.e. :o : Mix Foster. according to State Superintendent Oabl.ree, is one of Die lies t si'hool ollirials in the state. Is it any wonder that, those interested in the public schools of Cass county desire her retention? :o:- Why shouldn't the Harriman linses recognize the union? Then Mr. kriitlschmlt can communi cate wilh his men by using a 2 cenl postage stamp, while now he must write personal letters to :0,(W)0 of them. :o : The Wall street newspaper organs think the government is going to destroy business. They seem to believe the theory that the way to succeed in journalism is to have an intelligent anticipa tion of things that never happen. :o: President Taft urges that pub lic confidence be restored. The president will have to do soin notable hack-tracking on his tariff record before the confidence of the public will he restored in litn. r ,.. :o: Keep oiir ee on the tickt'i, at, lh" head of this pane. Study I he names thereon very closely by examining their records veiy carefully, and if oii don't. Hod it one of ihe best tickets ever nom inate) in ('ass county, just lake our head for a football. :o : The days are gelling shorter at both ends, which should be a gentle reminder to the eleclric light company that it would suit the gentle housewife, as well as business men down town, to have the lights on a little earlier in the morning. :o: Hy orders posted yesterday in the Uurlinglon shorts, hereafter the employes will work five days in the week at nine hours a day until further notice. There will be no Saturday work at all. Here tofore the boys did work on Satur day forenoon and the most of them at eight hours a day. So it is just as broad as it is long. :o: Notwithstanding the general uproar that has been going on, Holland, one of the widest known financial writers, is forced to say: "Hy searching beneath the sur face of these events it will be dis covered mat tney prove con clusively that so far as money and business conditions in the United Slates arc concerned wo probably have never been in a belter state of financial health." That is what has been asserted In these para graphs for months. As soon as Ihe people generally understand that stock exchange transactions have nothing to do with real busi ricss, the uneasiness that accom- panies them will pass away. Italy should at least wait, till Thankstm niu before making war on Turkey. If you want to make a barrel of money, spend a small keg in ad vertisinur. :o: The prudent man never rake up his leaves, lie leave them for the wind lo iispn,f of on hi nt'itrhhor's lawn.. :o : There is on" j 1 1 -t 1 1 m that never pfi'ph'.t' a oditor. !( i-i fi' in douht whether or not to -uppoit tin" n.i-mini-l rat ion. -:o: 'I'lie newspapers are discussing the future of aviation, hut if it is an) l bun.' like the future of aviators, it will oon end in an unl iiuely grave. :o : This Italian-Turkish war need not think it will obscure interest; in the football season. If it wants the spotlight alone, it should wait until after November 30. :o: The Hryan meeting at F.lmwood Thursday was well attended and his speech was well received by those present. Quite a number attended from this vicinity. :o: Although many people are starling to cross the country by aeroplane, the germ-laden sleep ing cars are probably a healthier met hod of making the journey. :o:- The old-fashioned girl used to put up preserves ahout now. Mrs. Newly wed is too busy writing papers for the Woman's club about preserving our institutions. :o: In Kansas a husband and wife were fined for kissing in public. Alas! for Ihe kiss. It has been declared insanitary and now Kan sas decides it is disorderly con duct. . :o: Jack Johnson says the preach ers are putting the first-class fighters ( Out of business, which shows a commendable effort on Ihe part of Ihe parsons to earn I heir salaries. :o : Mr. Taft says the anii-trusi law must be enforced, though the big corporations always looked at it as of the nature of a comic supplement, to the Congressional Record. : o : It. having been announced that Texas has gone wet, the people of that honored state will perhaps now retire from the bulletin boards and resume their ordinary occupations. :o: It should be' understood that this tariff board is nothing what ever in the nature of a festive board, though President Taft seems equally as fond of one as of the other. ' :o: The United States has been asked to intervene between Italy and Turkey. Hut your Uncle Samuel is well aware of the treatment usually accorded peacemakers. :o : George V. Perkins complains that the anti-trust law "hurts business." However, it is not so much the law as the effort to en force it that makes certain kinds of "business" fretful. :o: In Massachusetts the republi can state econvention denounced the "tariff tampering" by the pro gressives and democrats. Doesn't the convention mean "tinkering?" That's the customary term. :o: Houston, Tex., housewives are boycotting sugar on account of high prices. The dispatches fai to state nn instance where any of the girls turned down a box of candy. There are ways in which it i cheaper to get married. :o: . Mr. Taft asks for a more kind- ly feeling toward great corporation-. In iew of all their suf ferings, it does seem about time to get up a benefit dunce or theatrical entertainment for Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Morgan. :o: They are now talking Governor Aldrich for United States sen ator. Hut it looks like riot him; more (ban talk by a few of the nd ininistralioii pel.s who are li"!d inif down soft positions ar"ii.d the state house at Lincoln. :o: One hundred and fifty -killed workmen were laid oil' at the Mis souri Pacific simps in FalN City .Monday, the iitle period being; an nounced to la for at least, sixty ilavs. Only a few men are re tained for emergency work The Wright brothers believe they base perfected a new type of flying machine with "the soaring wing motion," doing away with the propeller system. If this an nouncement came from anyone except the Wright brothers it would he received with jeers; but the public ceased jeering at the Wrights 'veral years ago. :o : . In our rush to get rich, to lay up big hank accounts, we fre quently overlook the fact that we may he making huge overdrafts on the bank of nature and find that at last, when we have ad vanced our bank standing fo the point desired, we are bankrupt in health and happiness. -:o:- While Mayor Dahlman has just cause to feel sore at Mr. Hryan for the part he took in the cam paign a year ago, we believe that the friends of both Hryan and Dahlman will get closer together as the campaign next years comes on apace. We do not think the party should suffer for the mis takes made by these gentlemen last year. -:o: In t he-matter of James T. Pey nolds for clerk of the district court, it is a true ca.,e of "the office seeking Ihe man." and not "the man seeking the oDice." He is a man of the people and never held an office, hut he is one of the best qualified men for the position of district clerk in Cass county. Remember t(, tjntfs as y(, y() along. :o:- The Sugar trust extortion be comes more apparent every day. Hradstreet's reports say that the Louisiana crop will be 32rt,nOO to 350.000 tons larger than last year, while it is acknowledged that the beet sugar crop is the largest ever known. The United' States government and the sugar trust should lock horns and settle once for all which is the bfggest and whether fines and forced restitutions for thefts shall be paid by the people or the Trust. :o: The people of Cass county- have known Kelly Fox nearly all lis life, and hav ing grown to man hood right here in Plattsmouth, his record is well known and as clear as crystal. He has alwavs been a good business man, and such an one as the taxpayers of Cass county can place the utmost confidence and the management of the affairs of the treasurer's office will be safe in his hands, and that the business of the office will be successfully carried out to the letter. -:o: IN THE MIDDLE WEST. The Chicago Tribune has adopted a novel method of test ing public sentiment,' using President Tafl's tour of the west as the basis of the experiment. The Tribune has put its best staff correspondent on the trail of the president. Instead of go ing along with the president's party and gaining his impressions of public sentiment from the cheering and shouting, the seeth ing crowds, the brass bands and the banners, this correspondent travels a few days behind. He drops into the towns that the president has visited and talks to all sorts and conditions of per sons about the president and his speeches. Thus this staff correspondent, instead of feeling the public pulse while the fever is at its height, makes his diagnosis after the patient's condition has re turned to normal. He gets the sane, considered afterthought of the people instead of the some what hysterical effervescence that I the presence of the nation's chief executive usually brings to the' surface in any community. The result of this correspond ent's observations has brought to light two conditions, the existence of which has long been suspected by wise political observers. One of these conditions is a notable lukevvarmness toward the1 president in the middle west. The people have no particular ani mosity toward him, but they sus pect that he is not the man fori the job. This sentiment has been I deepened rather than lessened by the speeches of the president. The middle west believes that Mr. Taft should not be renominated and that if he is renominated he will not be re-elected. :o: A Few Questions. When not feeling well, every sensible person will immediately seek to regain the former health. At that stage three questions! usually arise: 1. What remedy should be used? 2. How should it be used, and 3. When" should it be used? If the cause of the indisposition is in the stomach or in a sluggish action of the liver or the intestines, if we are nervous or if our blood is weak or impure, these questions are readily answered. We should use Triner's American Elixir of Bitter me several minutes before meals in order to prepare and strengthen the stomach for its i work. If too bitter you can fol-J low it with a little water. A dose i at bedtime will do good to every-1 body. As soon as a change is j noticed in our appetite or some' difficulty after meals arises, or in-i xiusness ana weaKness, we should use at once Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333 1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chi cago. 111. Social at Lewiston. The ladies of the Lewiston church will give a social at the church on Saturday evening, Oclober 28. The proceeds are to tro for the benefit of the church, for Ihe purchase of new stoves and lights. The ladies are ask ing donations of pies, cakes, etc., at this time, and they want every body to attend, and those in terested in the cemetery are re quested to be present. There is a good time in store for all. , For Sale. A number of thoroughbred Iuroc-Jersey males. Olen Perry. C. A. RAWLS LAWYER Office First National Bank Building CX I AM NOW fRHW o to show you a full line of ( Winter Goods for Men, La dies and Children. I have a fine line of Ladies' Skirts, Men's Pants and Girls Ready-to-Wear Dresses, and everything for ths Iwy from head to foot. Also a good line of 0 AND Sat prices that will suit your pocket book and taste. o II iimiiTniiin fin. MNH1HK 8 BLANKETS COMFORTS PANAMA POLICY IS DEFENDED Roosevelt Discusses Charges That He Usurped Authority. IN INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE Says He Used Authority of His Great Office for Benefit of All Canal la Being Built Instead of Being De layed Indefinitely. New York, Oct. b. Theodore House Velt uas an article on "How th Unit ed Stares anymed the right to (lit? the Piiii.tnm canal," in the current umnljer of the Outlook. Mr. ' velt discusses statements which have b"en made iigiu time to time that he ueted in an unconstitutional manner and usurped authority in connection with the Panama project, and he up holds the regularity of the proceed ings throughout. Mr. Roosevelt says that his mes sages to congress set forth in full and In doail every essential fart connect ed with the various phases of the ac quisition of the Panama canal. He adds: ' "The simple fact was that when the Interest of the American people im peratively demanded that a certain art should be done and I had the power to do It, I did it, unless It was specific ally prohibited by law. instead of refusing to do It unless I could find some provision of law which ren dered it Imperative that I should do It: In other words, I gave the benefit of the doubt to the people of the Unit ed States and not to any group of ban dits, foreign or domestic, whose inter ests happened to be adverse to those of the people of the United States. Lesson of History. "In my judgment, history had taught the lesson that the president has ery great powers if he chooses in air those powers; but that, if he Is a timid or selfish man, afraid of respon sibility and afraid of risks, he can, of course, manufacture ingenious excuses ' for failure to exercise them. At a great crisis in Auiericin history Mr. Buchanan had shown himself to be long to the latter type of president; Mr. Lincoln had represented the other type the type which gave the people the benefit of the doubt, which was not afraid to take responsibility, which used tn large fashion for the good Of the people the great powers of a great office. "In October and November, 1903, events occurred on the Isthmus of Panama which enabled ti e, and which made It my highest duty to the peopln of, the United States, .o carry out the provisions" of the' law of congress. I did carry them out and the canal is now being built because of wliat I thus did. Did Not Evade Responsibility. "It is also true that, if I had wished fo ph'rk my responsibility, if I had been afraid of doing my duty, I could have pursued a course which would have been technically defensible, which would have prevented criticism of the kind that, has been made and would have left the United States no rearer building the canal at this mo ment than i; had been for the preced ing holf century. If I had observed a judicial inactivity about what was going on at the isthmua, if I hud let tilings take their course and had then submitted an elaborate report thereon to congress, T would have furnished the opportunity for much masterly de bate in congress which votild now be going on, and the canal would still be fifty years in the future. "The Interests of the American peo ple demanded that I should act Just xactly h I did act; and I would have taken the action I actually did take even though I had been certain that to do so jneant my prompt retirement from public life at the next election; for the only thing which makes it vorth while to hold a big office Is tak ing advantage of the opportunities the office offers to do some big thing that ought lo be done and Is worth doing." STATE FAIR BLEACHERS FALL Score of Persons Hurt by Springfield Accident During Race. Springfield, 111., Oct. 6 The falling of the bleachers at the race track at the state fair grounds precipitated 750 spectatcrs to the ground, resulting in the Injury of a score of persons, one of whom, A. 0 Haines of Rochester, 111., may die. The last heat of an exciting race wag being run and most of the occu pantr of the bleachers were standing on the seats when the stand collapsed. The Infilled were taken to the emer gency hospital on the grounds. Riot Over Car Tickets at St. Joseph. St Joseph, Mo., Oct. 6. Refusal of the local street car company to accept tickets detached from books In pay ment for transportation precipitated a. riot here, which resulted in the seri ous Injury of a passenger. Following thn arrest of several passengers and employees, the company rescinded Its order. William E. Curtis Dies In Washington. Philadelphia, Oct. 6 William EI roy Curtis of Washington, traveler, Journalist and writer on political top ics, died suddenly In his room In a notel here. "