The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 18, 1911, Image 8

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    ;;uS LiJ Forlnfnnts and Children.
-vocH .
ANcgelaMe IYrpraiinn f ds
;-JO Ct A .
nvss and Itcsl.i'nr.iams ncitto
Opi'.im.M(irphiiL' ner.Niaiial.
Not Narcotic.
Iv3 -
J2" :
IVnJja ,rJ
'.... Av". -v?
Ki Srttl
Ihyimml -I'H'uikimltSiJa
nnlifti Stijrrr km tlunr.
Ancrfpfl Remedy forfonslira
t ion , Sour Stomacii.Dlarriiiica
Worras jCoimjlsioiislPVtrisn
ncssaiulLossorSLEKP. FacS'unilc Sijnaiure of
Exact Copy of Wr?per
Addresses Letter to Mayor and Councilmen in Which He States
What He Wants In The Way Of A Franchise Makes A Few
Concessions In Rates Meets Commercial Club Directors.
From Siituniiiy's Imlly. I
eoi'Ke F. West, the new owner
of the Plallsniotith Water coin
paiiy, met yesterday afternoon
with the directors of the C.oin
Tnercial i lnb, anil last evening
with the mayor and eouncilmcn.
lit talked witli the Commercial
club directors nml the. city nlli-
cials concern insi the need of water !
improvciiienl. hero ami about the
Utius of a new franchise.
At the meeting with the couit
cilinen he read a letter which be
had framed and addressed to them
which stales what he desires in
the way of a franchise and what
rates he will he willing to niaki.
The letter is given hen in full as
"Hon. John P. Saltier and Mem
bers of I be. City Council :
"(ienl leinen - As the franchise
pranted by Ihe city of Plattsmoulli
to Ihe Platlsmouth Water com-i
jany expires by limitation
March, 1!M2, and as the umler
Figneil has recently purchased Ihe
Platlsmouth water works from
the former owners of the plant,
we wish al this lime to make the
following propnsit ion to the city
of Platlsmouth and ask for a new
twenty-year franchise, the citv
reserving the right at the end of
each live-year period during Ihe
life of lln new franchise to pur
chase the property of the water
company at a proper court ap
praisal. "The Platlsmmilh Water com
pany agrees to put its property
in Plallsmoulli in llrst-class con
dition, to erect a new pump en
. gine, a new pump house and new
boiler, to clean out Ihe deep wells
and repipe them to tin new pump;
to make needed extensions in the
city and lo furnish 80 hydrants
at a rental of $10 per hydrant
during Ihe life nf the franchise,
insleud of $45, the old price.
"The company agrees lo lay
new mains beyond the lines of Ihe
present mains in the streets tr0
feet for one water laker or a
multiple thereof.
"The domestic water rates to
Jlol exceed the present published
"The Water company will lay
nervice pipes from the street main
to the abutter's properly lines
with three-ipiartc r-inch galvaniz
ed pipe, including the pipe trench
ing ami back tilling, at "0 cents a
foot ami $l.r0 for lapping main,
the lead conneclion, the iron curb
box and Ihe shut-oil.
"The company will undertake
lo do all the above work right
away as soon as materials can be
had ami the labor per rmed, and
f.pend Ihe sum of al least $10,000
(n improvement s to Ihe present
Th9 Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
wfww "T'lri1 PvfTwnrTwwwi imwitw1I
plant, so as to make this water
system highly ellicient uml ef
fective. "We ask you In urant us this
franchise at an early date, so that
we may proceed wjlh our work
without delay.
"I am leaving in Plattsniotilli
Mr. .lames W. Itunie. a coinnetent
,.,.,.,.( jK Nsu(l.r w,.ks ,.,lt,-im.(Tt ,
do all the above wmk, to meet you
and explain any detail of the new
conslrucl ion work that you may
waul lo know aboiil.
"Respectfully submit led,
"The Plallsmoulli Water Co.
"Ity Ceorge F. West, President."
Mr. West went over the nues
tion of some of the rales with the
councilmen and made some con
cessions. He said most of the
rates, however, will be (he same
as al the present time. Hi; said
,,ial "' n'"1'1 111,1 I'l'l i
the iin-
I'l'oveiiienls and make a fair prolll.
and lower domestic rates very
For a dwelling of live rooms or
less, with one self-closing faucet,
Ihe rate is ii a year under Ihe
present franchise. He said that
he would be willing In let this rale
stand, hut permit as many faucets
as desired. At the present lime
there is a charge of a year for
each additional Cancel.
Anol her concession he made
was in regard lo rales for people
having meters who used as much
as $10 worth of water a year. He
said that a rate of '.'5 cents a
thousand gallons would be grant
ed to persons whose hills ran as
high as $10 a year. The present
meter rale is :i! cents per thou-
1 o . .
sunn gaiious inr ordinary con
sumers down to 15 cents for Hit
big consumers.
No concessions were discussed
on additional rooms, bath luhs,
closets, stables, business linns,
sprinkling or building purposes.
Cily Attorney A. L. Tidd was
present last night and he said that
under the present charter a fran
chise will not have to he left to a
vote oT the people, hut can be
made by the city council.
Heretofore, he said, Ihe cily,
working under a charter for towns
of 5.000 population or more, all
franchises had to be left to Ihe
vote of the people. Since Ihe re
port of the last national census
the town has been under a charter
of a city of les, than 5.0(10 popu
lation, ami the cities in that class
can grant franchises Ihrouuh the
council. If Hie council did no?
wish lo take the responsibility ,,f
granting a twenty-year franchise
; it could probably have the fran-
chise submitted to the people fop
approval or reject ion.
The city officials and Com-
mu- mi mm mi mm. mm mm itM
ini-llrii! ell, I' members '' 1 1 -
).. be reasonable with Mr.
WI in t fit- ii i a 1 1 of a franchise.
Tlov ih an ciliiceni system a :)
HI,.- MlI In- i'ti'l.ii''l li uiVe
service I" tin' greatest poih!c
number nf people. There i- a
jm-il inti. however. In see that m
giving Mr. West a square i ;t I
Ihat tin' citv In- given a s.iuare
ili'al nUii. T'Ih- water franehi-e. if
given, will In- fur a pi rim I nf twen
ty jr;ir. Thai is a Inns.' time
M.-ii thai an- now nf iiijihlli' age
w ill I.'' nlil in. 'ii al Hi.' 1'inl nf 1 1 1 : 1 1
I I ' I . The school boV s nf tod. IV
will h' iiiiihll.'-as.'i'. in. 'ii. On.'
councilman, in expressing his
cpininii. said: "Mr. West js a
ti"'il fellow ami has a winning
personality, hut tin' 1 1 n i 1 1 1 1 1 ii
.-Imuhl iiol I I those nrs. mal
qualities have tin' I'll'i'd on theni
of giving away Ihi-ir rhiMri'ii's
rights fin- a period nf (w.'iilv
years. 1'or my part. I shall try to
do my part in having the city make
a bargain mi t hi franchise ques
tion that will he I In best obtain
able, Mr. West lias no rirhl to
expect nmre than that, ami (tie
city officials will certainly be
"easy marks" if (bey jrive nmre.
Personally, I am in favor of the
citv buying the plant. We have
paid for it twice over in t h last
twenty years. We can buy it now
ami pay for it in ten years ami
improve j just as well or prob
ably better Ihan the companv
From the remarks made today
by other members of the cnuncil
it is probable Ihat I be wafer ipies
tion will not be sellled jM a day.
The eoimcil will probably demand
considerable invest ical ion and
disciKsjnn before they lake any
final act inn.
Under tho New Law Such Official
Is Elected at General
Election. i
The hist legislature passed
i i
law that radically changes the
status and jurisdiction of Ihe
police judges in all the towns ami
villages of the slate. Prior lo the
passing of Ihe new law, Ihe police
judge was chosen by the people of
each tow n or village at the annual
municipal election and held his
oflicc for one year. He had juris
diction within the corporate limits
and for three miles outside in all
directions, but had jurisdiction
only over offenses in violation of1
Ihe city ordinances.
Much of this has been changed
by the new law. The police judge
must now be elected at the gen
eral election and holds his oflice
for the term of two years, becom
ing a stale rather than a munici
pal ollleer. His jurisdiction will
cover the same territory, but in
addition lo hearing cases arising
out of the violation of city ordin
ances he w ill hear cases involving i
Ihe violation of Ihe statutes where
the maximum fine is rod more
than I00.
Slate of Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss.
In County Court.
In the Mailer of Ihe Fstate of
Anna Margaret Clans, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested :
You are hereby nnlilied that
there will be a hearing before this
court upon the report of the Fx
ecutrix of said estate, together
with her pel il ion for final settle
ment and distribution of said
estate according to the terms of
the last will and testament of said
deceased, on the 3rd day of Octo
ber, DDI. at ! o'clock A. M.. That
all objections, if any, must ho
tiled on or before said day and
hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and (he seal
of the County Court of said coun
ty. Ibis Mth day of September,
(Seal) Allen J. Heeson,
County Judge.
Kelster School.
Krister Ladies' Tailoring Col
lege. Designing, drafting and
dressmaking taught. For terms
apply at room in Coates' block.
Manimed by Mrs. N. A. I.eist.
i'-l l-lino-wkly
For Sale.
Three male hogs, thoroughbred
Poland-Chinas. For particulars
see Julius pit z ,
mth of Platts-
mout h.
!)-! l-.ltw.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bcigiil
Rignutureof (&f
Republican. 4
. . i . . ... Vit tV . i . .
Mi Mary (Imitate departed
Tuesday nigh! for Lawrence. Ka-..
to attend Ho Kansas university.
Miss Mary is specializing and
thinks she has selected a course
there (lint w ill meet her needs.
R. F. Countryman received a
surprise l;is week. He went out
in the orchard to pick the large
apples fin three Wealthy trees and
found someone had been there be
fore him. He dorft relish su.-h
Mrs. F. T. Kiekard and son,
F.lsinei'e. were over Sunday visit
ors with friends, Mrs. Ricknrd
onlv recently relumed from Colo
rado, where she spent the sum
mer trviri'-' to s.'et relief from bay
R. A. Williams, who conducted
the moving picture show here re
cently, has leased the west room
of the Davis block and savs he will
locate here. He expects to use
elect l icit v from the plant here as
soon as it is in readiness.
Miss Clara Andrns went to Lin
coln Saturdav to tie treated in a
hospital. In stepping from the
train last week she received in
fernal injuries that caused her
considerable inconvenience. It
proved to tie an abscess that has
rendered her condition quite
serious. She js under the care of
her uncle, Dr. Andrns.
.1. M. Teesrnrden. (tie pnrflv
cashier of Die Cil'- pUrmal Vmnk,
was taken anile ill last Saturday
nml has not crnne back In work vef.
It was prohnblv a bilious attack,
but ennut.'h like n hetriruiinc of
tvplinid to alarm Die atfendintr
phvsjn'ari. Latest renorls are of
n cbnntre for the belter.
riauner. son of Mrs. V,. lhidloy,
was plaving on a straw slack in
Mr. Div's Held las Salurdav ami
he tumbled off, break in'-r the bones
of his ri'bt arm in the elbow joint.
It caused a fracture of three
bones and Dr. Ilutler savs it might
make a stiff joint, but hopes lo
overcome thai jf possible.
!"HM MKI HM" '"H-!1
! (llenwooil Tribune. .J.
lira Price is building a small
house on his place near Hie
Plaltsniouth bridge which he
bought lately from Ihe Doty
Threshing is about over with on
tin; bottom. The shipments of
wheat have been very heavy this
year from the Junction.
Fred Meiulenhall has a three
months' job weighing mail at Hie
depot. that is, all mail that is
transferred at this point, which
includes all trains except No. 7.
What do you know about the
.liinctin being a big hay shipping
point? The Davis Anderson
people up lo Ihe llrst of this week
had shipped 57 carloads this sea
son. Dr. Macon returned Saturday
from Chicago, w here he al tended
the annual convention of Hurling
I mm surgeons. He also visited his
daughter, Flhel, at Warsaw, Ind.
Claude Anderson returned Sat
urday from his visit to Duliith and
other points on Lake Superior.
Due of his experiences was that
of being in iiiite a severe storm
on Ihe lake. He also took in Ihe
Minnesota stale fair at SI. Paul
one day.
Charles Sage and Rarney
Costelb) came home from Platls
mouth early Sunday morning on
No. 10, considerably the worse
from booze and in a quarrelsome
frame of mind. Constable John
son was routed out of his bed at
2:30 and he escorted them lo the
cily bastile. Squire McLaughlin
made it $5 and costs each.
Frederick Reed, a well known
farmer near F.lliott, was the vic
tim of a painful mishap here early
Monday morning. Just as Ihe K.
C. train from the south was pull
ing into Ihe station he was seen,
apparently half asleep, to walk off
the platform of Ihe. smoker. He
fell and struck his head and
shoulder. He remained in a dazed
condition for an hour or more. He
was sent homeo n No. f al 8
I Ledger. J
Prof. C. O. Larson of Platts
inoutti was calling on some of his
friends here Sunday afternoon.
Miss (lussie Robb of Lincoln
came Wednesday lo visit with her
brother, Hugh Robb and wife, on
the farm southwest of town.
Mrs. Mary Allison arrived here
last Friday from Yampa. Colorado,
where she had been visiting some
time vvilh her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Stone.
Mrs. William Wolfe and dangh-
We offer to the trade the best propesi
I tlon ever offered in ihe Hosiery business
4 pair
u We guarantee that 4 pair, if wcrn alter-
; J nately, wili not have to bz darned cr mended
1 1 in the tee, hee! or sole for four months from
j date of purchase. They come in ladses', gen-
j tlemcn's, girls' and boys'. Ask to see them.
ter Lola and Pnul Cross return
ed last Saturday from Platts
moiilii, where I hey had been
visiting Call Frans and family.
C. M. Seybcrl of Louisville, the
den ratie candidate for county
commissioner, was in town Mon
day afternoon to meet some of his
personal uml political friends.
Misses Leota Marlon, Angie Mc
Carndl and (irace Mougey, who
are attending Plaltsniouth High
school, came down Saturday for a
Sunday visit, at home.
Roy Jones, one of Ihe Missouri
Pacific's operators at this place,
was transferred temporarily and
on short notice last, Saturday, go
inir to Verdun lo lake charge of
thai stal ion for a sborf time.
A. C. Tnlene, who has been di
xiding his time between bis res
taurant here and merry-go-round
al I be pi. "i ies. came in Friday to
gel acquainted vvilh his family,
and went lo l'laltsmoulh on Hie
Saturday morning- train.
T'had S. Meeker and wife, who
spent a few weeks Willi relatives
and friends here, departed Wed
nesday morning- for their new
home at ti'ilaiio, Oregon, hiking
with lliciii the best wishes of all
thejr acquaintances jn this coun
ty. Mrs. Mary Allison and A. L.
Meeker accompanied llieni to
( ) 1 1 1 a h a .
Al F. Stiles, Robert Trook and
Fd Fvrrelt are home from Iheir
trip to Montana, where they had
been looking over the country, and
they give glowing reports of the
excellent crops raised in eastern
Montana. Mr. Fverelt is so well
pleased with the country that he
bought 120 acres of land and will
probably move there next spring.
SyT Hathaway has been having
a very serious time on account of
an injury to his right eye. While
engaged in trimming hedge a bush
struck him in the face and one of
the thorns pierced the eyeball to
a dangerous depth, making a very
painful wound, and for awhile it
was feared Ihe sight was destroy
ed, but that danger is past, al
though the injury has continually
caused him a great deal of pain.
1- MW HM! K-I-M H"H
News. J
JtJtJJJ tf
Frnest Young unloaded an
alfalfa huller here the first of the
week, vvilh which he will extract
the high-priced seed in this
vicinity this fall.
It. W. Meed ami wife from Oma
ha, and Mrs. RufTner from Plalts
nioulh are spending a few days
wilh Mrs. Kirkpatrick, who is a
sister of the ladies.
Miss Linnea Lumlborg ami Miss
Fmily Wolph were passengers to
Weeping Water Thursday morn
ing, where Ihey went lo lake up
Iheir school work.
Wayne P. O'Day, v:io is em-
September Travel Bulletin!
The excursion rates to Eaatern localities will continue. Ft is your last low
rate change of the Summer to visit your old home or make a tour of the East.
The Dry Farminjr Congress will be held at Colorado Springs, October 16-20.
Special rates will be made. ;
The colonist one way rates to the Pacific Coast are in effect September 15th
to October late, only, this year
The Burlington has through standard and tourist sleepers every day to Cali
fornia -on No. 3 via Rio Grande, Scenic Colorado, and the Southern Pacific and ,
Salt Lake Route; on No. 9 via the Rio Grande, Scenic Colorado, and the Wes
tern Pacific.
"On Time" operation. Western leople living in the territory served by the ;;
Burlington will be interested in knowing something about the punctuality with
which the management tries to operate its trains. Fast mail No. 7, from Chi- ?
cagoto Omaha, during the mcnths from April to July inclusive, n period of 122
days, arrived at the Missouri River "On Time every day. The other exclusive ;
fast mall and express train No. 15, from Chicago to Omaha during June and)
July, 2!lt, arrived "On Time" at the Missouri River every day. These are the
exclusive mail and express trains that daily bring into the West the great vol- ,
utne of traffic so
of that region.
m mm L
for $1.00
ployed in a respoMsili!.. position,
with the C. M. !'. s. railwav m
Monday I'm
i. run
visit ;
e m
' old
Dr. Dodge and wife am
Dodge's brothers,' Snerry
Horace K it ?T' ri : a r i . i.-, it.. red
from Omaha Saturday evening
and spent Sunday at llo Kirk
patrick home.
Ralph Vial! was overcome 'with
the intense heat Monday and was
very sick that night. Most of the
men in the quarry knocked off
work for the afternoon on account
of the beat.
Louis Dunkak. who owns a
ranch near Newcastle, Wyoming,
and is down here visit in' his
brol ber-in-law. Oeorgc Peters,
".as in town a few boors wub Hie
1,'iKer gentleman Wednesday.
Mr. ami M"s. Niel; H;5o.. ... f
Plallsmoulli, who have be.-i, vj-jt-iee-
their relatives, the Hansons,
for several days, took Ihe evening
l"iin Mni'ilav. Oeoi'ge ILi-nen
Li-. in ..'lit them o the train.
'''I.,.,.,, j n enough e
ha-rka pe.mie jM Colorado this
i' I" i'is jfv an organization
"' ;"g a demand that Ihe
hoO'U and places of amuse nent
oof t,,-re made rales to (lie ;ien
p!e of this town.
Last Saturday night Ihe h frnes
who have maintained a camp in
Ihe woods across from the cold
storage plan!, wen! on a spre and"
one of them collected a couple of
dollars from the other with a club.
The clubee didn't exaclly owe the
money, but he was too drunk to
make any resistance and besides,
the other fellow needed it to buy
booze wilh.
Last Friday evening while Rev.
Van Muren was seated in hi study
preparing his sermon there came
an alarm at the outer door and the
choir filed in. with a watermelon
each. Mrs. Van Buren was over
nf Ihe church waiting for the choir
and when Rev. Van Muren went
after her he had considerable
trouble to induce her to come,
without giving the snap awav.
The partv broke un about
o'clock with
everybody full of
Committee Met Tocay.
From Saturday's Pnlly.
Members of the democrat io
county committee and most of the
democratic candidates are at
Louisville today attending the
meeting of the committee. The
meeting was held lo transact some
rnutin business concernina: the
coining campaign .
For Sale.
Alfalfa seed in any quantity.
See or 'phone Julius Pitz or
Charles Shopp. 9-1 4-vvklytf.
Mrs. James Mordman went lo
Harlinglon, Neb., today, where she
will visit friends.
necessary to the sorial and commercial lif
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket
General Passenger Agent. Omaha. Neb