The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 18, 1911, Image 7

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C. E.
New Fall
-50c TO $1.50 -
YOU know us as the oldest established and most
reliable clothing store in Cass county. Many a man in this communi
ty has worn knee pants that came from this store. You know it has
been a hobby of ours to sell good goods at one price and no monkey business
to tell you nothing but the truth about them and refund your money with
out cross examination whenever you've asked for it. When we say we have
finer clothes to show you this season than ever before we're only reflecting
the policy of progress that has always kept this store in the front rank. We
know pretty well what you want we've studied your preferences for more
than a quarter of a century and our stocks are a duplicate of your ideas. And
we're ready as always to serve every man be his price as little as $10 or as
much as $40 no matter how large, small, stout or thin he may be. Our
time against yours any day you care to look.
Will Weaver, 19, and Myrtle Rob
ertson, 16, Ran Off From
Homes at Manila, Iowa.
Will Weaver, avd lit, and
Myrtle Robertson, aged If) ears,
Hoped from their home at Manila,
Iowa. Friday night and went to
I'ersia, where they tried la K'd a
marriage license. They then se
rured the aid of a friend, Frank
Howard, and went to Council
I'dnfTs and then In Omaha, hut
licenses were refused them there.
Saturday niglil they came, to
I'laltsmoiilh and registered at the
Perkins house and at 10 o'clock
Sunday morning secured a license
from Judge A. J. P.eeson and wore
married hy him. The hoy rep
resented his age as 21 years and
the girl said she was 18 years old.
Howard said he was an uncle of
the girl. Judge Tier-son thought,
thp girl was fully 18, hut ques
tioned the hoy ahout his age, hut
he stoutly maintained that he
was 21.
fn the meantime the father of
the girl, Charles Robertson, was
fending inquiries through this
part of the country to arrest1 the
young people.' They were ar
rested at the depot at 1 o'clock
'slcrday afternoon. The young
men were put in jail and the girl
was placed in charge of Mrs.
Manspeaker, wife of Hie deputy
The father of the girl came
with warrants and took them hack
to Manila yesterday evening. Tie
said that, he was inclined not to
prosecute Weaver, provided the
girl would promise to remain at
home and would keep away from
Howard was let go during the
afternonn and he left town in the
A Beautiful Cloud.
Following the liulit sprinkle
ahout ti o'clock lasl evening, a
lieauliful cloud appeared in the
i-aslcrii sky and its actions were
watched hy a large number (
people. At one time there must
have heen a hundred people on
Main street watching the cloud.
The lop seel ion was as white as
driven snow, while the lower sec
lion was a peculiar hluish color.
Metweon these two layers a white
cloud slightly darker than the one
ahove, bubbled up between the two
like soapsuds. The sun was set
ting at the time and soon threw
H beautiful golden light nn the
cloud and was a sight that was
grand to see.
Moves Concrete Machine.
We are in receipt of a Idler
from (iuy McMaken to change his
paper from Red Oak to Clarinda.
Towa. in which he stales that I hoy
have finished their paving con
tract at Red Oak and are moving
to Clarinda. where they have se
cured n lacirer contract than the
one just completed. There are no
p:tving or concrete jobs loo largo
f'r the McMaken company to
tackle. They have the machinery
for doinif the work and know how
to do it.
Apples Wanted.
Al Murray. Nebraska. AM
varieties. Will pay highest mar
ket price in cash. Hy Hunch .v
Subscribe for the Dally journal
Good Painters.
The Sherwood brol hers, Tom ;
and Ralph, of I'lallsnmulli, have
colli) b led a line job of painting
on the new Crouch residence near
Wyo.nn'ng and Wednesday morn
ing they shouldered their brushes
and attacked the residence of (i.
W. Cheney, just west of town.
They are first -class painters and
a pair of jolly good fellows, and
the work they have already done
in this neighborhood shows their
ability. 1'nion Ledger.
ne nrsi ana urea test command- l
ment of Advertising Is,
"Be Definite."
In soliciting advert ising I ho
other day we found a man who ad
mitted thoroughly the power of
this form of salesmanship, but
who said that advertising requires
such expert study and experience
that the ordinary merchant can
not use it successfully.
It is very true that advertising
is a deep subject and thai experts
can accomplish larger results
than novices! Hut the foundation
principles on which experts build
their success can be acquired by
any merchant. The first and
greatest commandment of ad
vertising is, "Tie definite." Don't,
bother to look up long and bril
liant descriptive words in the dic-j
tionary. Don't waste space and
fatigue the reader with vague
general phrases.
if you want to describe a shoe,
tell the reader what, kind of
leather it is made from, whether
the slock is soft or hard, whether
it is water-proof or not, whether
it is single sided or double soled,
and so on with these or other de
tails which the shoe man can sup
ply. Knable the reader to form a
clear mental picture' of your
goods. You do this, and if your
price, which should always be
given, is right, your goods are
half marketed before the custom
er has left home.
Card of Thanks.
We lake this method of return
ing our most sincere thanks for
the patronage we have been re
ceiving for the past few weeks. It
is very encouraging to us, and if
continued it will give us an op
portunity to further improve our
plant. Again thanking the gen
erous public of IMatlsinotilh. with
I tie hone that such patronage will
continue, we remain, yours most
respect fully,
Hierson Brothers,
1'lallsmoulh Steam f.aundrv.
Some Hot Weather.
Yesterday afternoon proved
pretty hot for this lime of year,
but it was about supper lime and
an hour or two after that the peo
ple really felt the heat. There
wasn't a breath of air , stirring,
and it seemed unsuallv hot. At
fi:.ifl the I hermonieler at the Bur
lington station showed 87, which
is going some for that time of
evening in September. A good
breeze came up about 8 o'clock
and it win rather chilly.
Ford Fvlo for Sela.
1'i'i'd runabout, in good condi
tion, thoroughly overhauled and
repaired. Price $225.00; cash or
good bankable note. Apply to J.
E. Mason.
$2 to $5
(iiivi) oi' ass, i:iutsK.
In t lie .Matter (if Hie Ai:!:"iit Ion of The
l'lattsmouth Auto and Wagon Itrhlge
Company of I'lattsmotith, Nebraska,
for nn (inter of Court I're.soribing the
Kales of Toll to be Churned by Said
Company for Crossing Its Hrhlge.
Nollco of llenrliiK on iillctiO(n fur
Sehiiliile of l it I in ii in Itiiti'M of Toll
for Criisxlng Snlil llriilge.
Kol ice i.s hereby given that on the (". I li
day of August, A. I., I, The I'hittH
inoutli Aulo and Wagon lirhlge Com
pany of I'lattsmout h, Nebraska, liled
its petition in the lilstrtct Court of t lie
County of Cass, Nebraska, requesting:
said Court to enter an order anil decree
pi -escribing I lie maximum rales of toll
charges for crossing lis said bridge,
erected across Hie I'lulte river, mar
t'latlsiuouth between the Counties of
Cass ami Sarpy, in the State of Nh
hraskit, alleging Hie following schedule
of toll rales to lie reasonable, to-wlt:
Steam or (iasoline Traction Kn
liines not to be allowed to
cross said bridge.
Kach person on foot, on bicycle
or In vehicle 05
Children under twelve years of,
ae, when accompanied by
parents or guardian Free
Horse und rider 15
Motor cycle and rider 15
(ne-liorse vehicle and driver... .0
Two-horse vehicle and driver... ,2b
Three-horse vehicle and driver.. ,:t5
Four-horse vehicle and driver... .50
Horses and cuttle, led or driven,
each 10
Calves, sheep, goats or hogs, led
or driven each 05
Huckster, live poultry, patent
medicine and grocery peddler,
each, wagon and driver $1.00
F.mlgruiit wagon, with driver. .. .$1.00
For each additional person 05
Automobiles and chauffeur 50
Thresher separator, team and
driver $2.50
Corn sheller, team and driver. . .$1.50
For each additional vehicle or
Implement drawn by team or
person 10
and an order of Court was entered
fixing the 9th day of October, A. 1).
1911, at ten o'clock A. Ml and district
court room In the City of 1'lat tstnouth,
County of Cuss, Nebraska, ns the time
and place of hearing upon suld petition
and that at said time and place each
orders will he made and entered pre
scribing maximum rntes of toll charges
for the use of snld bridge, as to the
Court may appear proper and Just. All
objections to said schedule above pre
sented must be tiled before snld hour
of snld day of hearing; of nil of which
you will take due notice.
Ttv the Court, Harvey r. Travis,
Judge of t he District Court In and for
the County of Cass, Nebrasku.
n.vron Clark and Wtn. A. lioberston.
M'Hitl. M1TKK,
State of Nebraska
County of Cass, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of
M I )n -iu I n.ii,Uil
A ti II
To All I'ersons Interested:
You are hereby notified 1 1 1 it t there
will be u hearlnir upi.ii) the report of
the Administrator of said estate, to
gether with her petition for final set
tlenien thereof, on the 7th (lav of Octo
ber. 1911, at 9 o'clock A. M., In the
County Court Idioms nt I'lattsmoulh, In
said County.
That all objections thereto, f any
must be filed on or before said (lav and
boor of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
( ounty Court of Snld County this ISth
(lav of September, 1911
feal) Allen J. lteeson,
County Judge.
i,i:; ai, otm i;.
Walter Tlincker will take notice that
on the nth day of September, 1911 M
Archer, Justice of the I'euce for Cass
Countv. Nebl'MuUu l.u.,l .. 1 m
.--,,, n 1 1 ill hit III I
attachment for the sum of $70.95 In an!
n. nun iit'iinmg nerore mm, wherein the
.limes tint In Company Is plaintiff and
Walter I hacker Is defendant, that
property of said defendant, consisting
of money In the hnnds of I,. M McVay
has been attached tinder said order'
Said cause was continued to the 30tli
day of October. 1911, at 10 o'clock a m
September 18, 1911.
Jones drain Company.
"v J- "' Douglass, itH Attorney.
I.KtJtf, notick.
Walter Thiicker will take notice that
on the 9th day of September, 1911 Al-
'n.inV.. vT"' ,r"Un,V -'l"' f CUSS
( Olintv. Nehruubn (uu,,...i
: ,r.,,r,i nu uroer or (
attachment for the sum of $1.1.75, n an
...,,., im-iiiiiiik neiore nun, wherein II
Th.;T""l'h7,',n 'l "lHln,l"' "'t Walter
rilllcker Is,lt ti...
i i V i .inn uioperiy or
he defendant, consisting of money In i
I 1 1 in i.. m. mcvay, has been
attached under said order. Snld cause
her" ,i"!)n,)ln",,,, to th 2fi"' Octo
Septemiier 14th, 1911.
H. M. Soennlclisen. I'lalntllf
"V ' Kouglass, Attorney.
Highest market price oai fne
dl'l'les al Hip W'clcnkainp InnM-l
int.', IMatlsinoiilli, Ncli,
F. K. Ilnndle.
Miss MiMroil Cummins left ihj
morning- fur Lincoln, where she
will enfor the state university.
This js her llr vear .
Office First National Bank Building'
Why Gad Ferrcitlel Sin and
Dca h (o Reign.
Pastor Russell Interprets Question of
the Ages Divine Plan For the Sal
vation of Mankind Premeditated
From the Beginning Footsteps of
Jesus Lead the Way to Divine Favor.
Mass., Sept. 17lh.
rnslor liusseil de
livered two ad
dresses here today
tinder the auspices
of the Interna-,
tloiial Hilile Stu
dents Association,
Local Itrntich. We
report the one In
which he discussed
i he permission of
evil hy the Al
mighty. He took
no particular text although, us usual,
he quoted from theHilile freely throiiKh
out his discourse, lie said In part:
The question of the Ages is, Why
did the Almighty, originally, permit
Evil Sin? And why lias an Oinnlpo
tent Uuler sip Ii as lie, for more tluai
sixty centuries, permitted Satan to
continue his feign of sin mid deaih?
Leaving out entirely the unscriptural
theory so prevalent, respect inn a ur
tea lory of centuries, or a torment ever
hislin;. and considering merely I lie
trials. suiTcriim, sorrow and pain of
humanity during Hie present life, how
shall we account for their permission
hy tin All-Powerful Oviilor, who knew
the end from the hofjiniing?
Why does Me permit injustice, un
righteousness, headaches, heartaches,
etc? Why docs lie not deal with hu
manity graciously, kindly, lovingly, as
ti Pather-ns He deals wilh the angelic
sons of Cod? is it Just or loving on
the part of our t'reator to bring forth
millions of his creatures under these
nimittedly in, favorable conditions
beset by weaknesses and sinwarduess
from their birth and surrounded by
others similarly weak, and beset by
Satan and his minions -wicked spir
its? is It Jnst. (hat we should thus be
lu tin unequal light subjected to weak
nesses n ml dying and Imperfect con
ditions on account of the sin of our
first parents and then, on the same ac
count, be In dunger of an eternity of
torture with nine hundred and ninety
nine chances out of a thousand against
Our question Is surely too deep for
any human philosophy, and those who
reject the Mihle as of. Divine inspira
tion may ns well abandon all hope if
an answer. (!od Himself, and none
other, could tell us of Ills own secrets
why He did as lie did. Truly we
read, "The secret of the Lord is with
them that reverence Him: and Ho will
show them His Covenant" CPs. xlv. 4i.
The light now shining upon the Wont
of Cod shows us that the IHvlne pur
pose In connection with mankind Is a
progressive one. embracing Ages and
Dispensations. If we Ignore these, we
are thereby blinded to the true answer
to our question. Accepting these, it is
the privilege of Itilile students today
to see the light In Cud's Word - to see
matters from the Divine standpoint,
to understand the "Mystery of Cod,
hidden from Ages and from genera
tions, and now made known unto Ills
saints," namely, that lu the Ages to
come, nil the trials and tlitiiciilties. all
the sorrows and tears of the past, will
be more than compensated for, and
proved to be n part of the groat Di
vine Program which will work out to
the glory of Cod and the enlighten
ment and blessing of angels and iihmi.
Man's Primary Leatan
First of all. Cod chooses to have
children possessed of a quality llk'
Ills own freedom of will. He there
fore not only created man perfect In
mind and body, but He gave to him u
will, the power of choice liberty to
choose one course or mint her. Cod
foresaw that giving- man this liberty
of will would lend to the seduction of
Mother Eve. and to the disobedience
of I'a t her Adam, through his love for
his wife. Adam's preference was to
die wltli her rather than to live In har
mony with Cod without her; for If
he should disobey he would come un
der the sentence of death. Although
Adam and (lie angels were perfect,
they had not a perfect knowledge of
their Creator, of His Love, Ills Wi
dom. Ills .lustl -e. His Power.
Cod. therefore, without Interfering
wlh Ada tn's liberty, permitted the
(treat calamity of death to come upon
him and his race. From (lie very !
Binning Cod pretiolltateil the entire
Plan of Salvation, a- He Icis sln,-e
been working It out; and He v 1 1 1 com
pletely accomplish the same ultimate
ly through Messiah's Kingdom. The
great lesson which will eventually
come Vini h to lingo's mid men will
show forth Dlvln.' Wisdom, .Itu'Ve.
Love and Power, folly co-unlimited. In
no other way that we can lliciglne
could this gleit Pevelatlon of the D
vine character be so well tna le. How
ever. In order to comprehend tti!
givnf Progrvni. It Is necessary that
we follow sM"My the Scrlptiml teach
ings, and ii v.O'l wholly the nonsense of
our creeds, I'l.-mufacftire'l during the
Dark Aires. Wo must see that "the
vein's of k'u" is not eternal torment,
tier purgatory, but ilmth. I
lod allowed this reign of s:n and
de;,th from Ait.nt until Moses with
out s,i iiiuch :i in;. king mi offer of
terms of tvcoiicili. tlcii in , p-a'r.
Then an oTer was i:,, de to the u nion
of Israel, ai.d to no eihci i,.i:u u. Tl;e
offer of Israel's Law Covenant was.
"He that d.-eth these things shall
live." Cud. of course, knew that Is
rael could tint keep perfectly the con
dition (f that treat and wonderful
Law. The offer served as a lesson to
that nation respe ting the Impossibil
ity of any man's keeping the perfect
1 aw; and the sane lesson comes to us
of this Cos el Dispensation. We sts
that what the .lew coii'd not do wo
cannot do; where he failed we would
Thus through the Law Covenant Cod
taught a grout lesson to Nrael and to
the Church: and lie will ultimately
teach the same lesson to the world and
lo angels-proving that by the deeds of
the Law no fallen tiesli could be recov
ered and reinstated in Divine favor.
Four thousand years passed from
man's creation, anil deaih reigned
from Moses to Christ as thoroughly as
It had previously reigned from Adam
to Moses. The Law Covenant did not
stop the reign of sin and death. Some
thing more than a Law Is necessary.
The Divine Program demands recov
ery fmm sin and death, and the Divine
Program purposes this recovery.
Nearly nineteen centuries have passed
since the tlrst advent of our Lord, and
still the reign of sin mid death is in
progress more than ever. The increase
of knowledge has brought Increase of
sin; Increase of population has brought
Increase of death; until today the
world is in a terrible condition of
mental, moral ami physical dilapida
tion, and ninety thousand go into the
tomb every t weiity-fuiir hours.
Hut a Itemedv Is In sight. It was
foretold through the Prophets, but It
began to operate lu Jesus. Ills mirac
ulous birih. Ills faithfulness and con
secrat ion unto death. His reward of
resurrection and exaltation to the
right hand of the Majesty on High,
are all essential to man's recovery
essential to the overthrow of this reign
of sin and de iili over our race.
Wo see still further developments
and preparations. The Sirlpliiros in
form us that It Is the Hlvln,. purpose
to have a multitudinous Messiah, of
which the glorious Jesus Is the Head
and the Church the Ilody.
We prtvolvo that Cod for nearly
nineteen centuries has been culling
and drawing a special class of mail
kind to constitute His Fleet, the Itrlde
Class, to bo joint heirs with Ills Son
In the Kingdom of Clorv which will
finally vaimulh r!n rial Satan nnri de
liver the willing- and obedient of man
kind Into the full liberty of the chil
dren of (bid - freedom from sin and
death, and Into the enjoyment of life
everlasting- and Divine favor.
Th Dark and Narrow Path
This special class Is required to
I wain ty raitn anil not by slghl-to
walk in the "narrow way" of self
denial nuil opposition to the world,
the tlesh ami the Adversary, In the
.footsteps of Jesus. Ignorance, selfish
ness, sin, death, all go to make up the
deplorable conditions hi the world and
to constitute the way u narrow one
hi which this Elect class is required
to walk, lu order to demonstrate their
full loyalty and obedience to the will
of Cod even unto death. Evidently,
no such narrow way could have ex
isted had Cod not permit led evil -sin
Evidently, therefore, this Elect class
could not lie developed ami tested ex
cept by the Divine permission of sin.
The very essence of their character
development Is associated with the
Divine promise Hint "all things shall
work together for good to those who
love Cod, to the called ones according
to His purpose,"
It seemed wise to our Heavenly Fa
ther that our Lord Jesus should learn
obedience through sufferings and lie
tested in respect to His willingness to
endure suffering for righteousness'
sake. How appropriate It is Hint the
same Fattier should make similar ar
rangements for all of the Chun h.
whom He will receive from amongst
the race of Adam lo he members of
the Loyal Priesthood under Jesus, the
High Priest of our order.
We see a necessity for this, not only
as respects our own testings and it
thorough proof of our own heart-loyally
to the Lord, but additionally we
see a wisdom on Cod's part In thus
preparing a priest hood of the future.
A priest, as recognized amongst the
Jews, was not merely one who offered
sacrifices, although every priest was
of necessity a sucrllleor. The special
mission of the prlcsily tribe amongst
the other tribes was Unit of Instruct
ing, helping, healing, leaching. Ami
so C(hI Is preparitnf h lioyal Priest
hood for the Messianic Age to bless,
to heal, to teach, lo uplift all the
willing and obedient.
The royalty of the priesthood signi
fies that It will no longer be u sacri
ficing class, for all sini'hVIng will be
at an end. It w ill be a glorious class,
royal, of the divine nature, ami repre
sentatives with our Lord Jesus of the
Divine power. As priests who will
have to (I i with Judging and chasten
ing, healing and helping humanity,
how iiiip h sympathy do we suppos"
that these Itoynl Priests should have?
Af" they tot to be on the Divine
plane of giory. "member of the Itody"
of Messiah?
S'n's Lesson to Humanity
Hiim.uH'y Is learning n great lesson
TmT'M.Ji the permission of sill. Pres.
eat e erie: s tc i li tp lesson that
"!!"i way of I lie tt.'tiigre-.or j hat 1;"
"'I I' 1 'i i: es of ':i 1 1 i'i i,h;" "T'io ss , , 1 1 )
ih ' -i'!'i"l.'i it shall die." The exceed
U: ;;ii'Tii. cf sip Is Huh being il-'iu-oiisi"iied
in iicaii'ty. Few profit by
the li"sn ill the (iie-cnl life, ai'.d
these ii eha-i'v stp h as are called to
'he I vep'y calling. The great ma-
hi'Miv of iiaii'.Iiltnl learn to know sin,
evil, only, Even find's provision for
the future of mankind Is obscured
from the masses. "The god of IhisJ
world hath blinded the minds of them
that believe not, lest the light of the
glorious Cuspid of Cod's goodness
should shine int. i their hearts."
Hut wilh the dawning of the New
Dispensation of Messiah's Kingdom,
the true light of the knowledge of flu
glory of Cod's character will .shin
everywhere. "All the b'iinl e""s shall
be opened ami all the deaf .slm.!
be unstopped." Messiah's gn 'oils
reign, the manifestation of Divine
mercy, will be for the very purpose of
uplifting those poor, fallen members of
our race-the masses. During the
thousand years of Messiah's Kingdom,
the whole world will have full oppor
tunity for learning the great desira
bility of righteousness, as now, for a
few years, they have the opportunity
of learning the undesiiabillty of sin.
Iy the close of the Mediatorial reign
what wonderful lessons respecting Cod
and evil mankind will have learned.
Then will come their final testing.
After full know ledge of both good and
evil. Which will they choose? Cod
urges all to choose the right and Its
reward of life eternal. Nevertheless,
He will not coerce; lie will allow each
Individual to take his choice, to mark
out his own course, whether in har
mony with or contrary to the Divine
arrangements. Such, however, as come
to the point of loving righteousness
nnd hating Iniquity, shall be accounted
worthy of a place In the glorious
Kingdom of Messiah.
Ths Lttson to tha Angels
Cod's dealings with humanity con
stitute a great object lesson to tho
angels. They perceive the lullcxihility
of Divine Justice the decree of Cod.
"Dying thou shall die" has been un
flinchingly executed against Adam and
his race for six thousjuid years. They
perceived, further, the Love of Cod,
which passed all understanding-. They
perceive the Divine provision that, the
Son of Cod should die, the .Inst for the
unjust, to bring mankind back to' fuil
harmony with I ho Creator. They see
the breadth of the Divine character ex
emplified in the great reward given t
our Lord Jesus Christ for His obedi
ence to the Father's will, even unto
dentil -nn exaltation to the divine na
ture, honor ami Immortality.
They perceive, t'Ni, a still greater
manifestation of Divine goodness, in
Cod's invitation to the Church to In
come Joint heirs with Christ In 'His
glory, honor and immortality, on con
dltions of obedience and walking in
the Master's footsteps to the extent of
their ability. AVlio could have dream
ed of such "Love Divine, all love ex
celling," which si ooped down, not only
to redeem the race, but also to Invite
some of the members thereof lo these
exceeding great and precious tilings
which "Cod hath in reservation for
them Hint, love III tit.
Next in order the world will receive.
Divine mercy, extended through Jesus,
by the Father's arrangement, to Adam
nnd every member of his race, no mat
ter how degraded, no matter how fall
en, no matter how mean. The redeem
ing blood has been shed, "The Just for
the unjust," for the sins of the whol
Divine Power and Wiidom
While Divine power Is manifested hi
nil the realms of nature nnd creation,
H still greater Divine Power was mani
fested in the resurrection of our Lord
Jesus from the dead, nfter lie had
been deceased three days. Hut even
the power manifested In our Lord's
resurrection seems small lu compari
son to the further works of resurrec
tion which the Scriptures assure us
our dear Lord's death Insures. It will
be a still more miraculous work to
resurrect the Church to glory, honor
nnd Immortality, after many of ihem
have been lu the power of death for
And still more stupendous Is the
resurrection work which Cod propose
for the world of mankind -thousands
of itilllions to be n w akened, and restor
ed to the same conditions they former
ly enjoyed -coiidli Ions, however, of
Imperfection, from which they will ho
gradually released and uplifted hy
This resurrection work for the world,
which will be gradually carried for
ward during that thousand years, will
ull be accomplished by the Father's
power, through the Messiah, the Medi
ator of the New Covenant. It will be
a continuous miracle of a waketi't',' and
uplifting the nice.
Divine Wiidom Yet to Be Sean
Not until the close of the reign of
Messiah and the complete npllft from
sin and death of all of Adam's race
willing lo returu to Divine favor, will
the Wisdom of Cod be manifested In
Its full, clear light. Already some may
see. partially, obscurely, some of Cod's
Wisdom, but the majority are still In
quiring. Why was evil permitted?
These have not yet seen the Divine
Wisdom In connection with the per
mission of evil. I'lllinately this shall
be clearly seen by the saints, by the
angels and by the world of mankind.
Well does the llovelalor exclaim:--
"Who shall i, nt glorify Thee, ( Lord:
when Thy righteous dealings are made
manifest:" -.vil nations which Thou
Last made shall come and worship le
fore Thee:" devolution xv, 4). As
now, "Day iin,o day uttereth speech
and night unto night showeth knowl
edge, and there Is no place where the
voice Is not heard" -the voice of Na
ture, acclaiming her Cod -so, eventual
ly, "Every creature In lieuven and
enrih and under the earth shall be
heard saying: "Praise, glorv, honor,
dominion and might be unto Him that
sllteth in, on t In Throne, and unto the
Llinib forever." All this will be the
result of Cod's permission of s!n of
Ills permission of the reign of evil,
sin, death. The key Is found In the
Plan of the A ges showing the work
which each Age Is lo necompllsh. nnd
the grand cllinnx, eventually, of evil.