The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 18, 1911, Image 6

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Two Begtals W..'l table at
Camp John H. Mickey.
Brigade ViM 3e Under Command of
Ceneml Joseph A. Storch and Col
onel A. D. Falconer it Detailed to
Keep Things Moving.
I.iino'.p, S'pt. 18. Under general
orders' issued hy the adjutant general's
nflioo, a!i i:u: i.iK'I tuard organizations
in th slate j i: the nv::iirul corps w.ll
be as-sem' Ied as a brigade, under com
mand 01 i.rig: (Per General J. A.
Storeh, fo'- the animal oik ain.itii 'iir,.
10 b h Id near liellevue, Sept. 27 to
Oct. ti The ramp will he nauu (i
('Hirip John I!. Mickey, under tho first
order is: led frcm brigade io:id'i':ir
tert; Cuionoi A. I). Pulton r will Inve
chaise oi railroad trail. ;;:oi Ut ion
iind will !?:.-!'! ti 'v.i on "e
iuc?st.n sent hi ml l Omaha.
Companies in able to it! ov i
Htr ()f two commissioned oliioets
and forty enlisted men will not ait"nd
Panes Who is Eaiorted
Betr :tli2d to P,ii.i3ss
Irens. fto ol th? Czar.
( )
Tout- Counties Are Left
Without Steel Rails.
Lincoln, Kept. 18. Willi the con
si ruction to dandy ol the Callaway
line of tho Union Pacific there are let
in tho state only four counties wlilcli
have no raliroo's touching tholr hoi
(1'th: Mel 'heist. n. Itimner, Koya 'aha
and Ijoup. The uhei' counties, Wheel
er and Oariiiiid, cune very nearly g
ting Into the c'tegory, nut are saved
If y t he fact I hut lint button extensions
to Ki ickso:: ,.nd Pin w ell pass throiMii
cm ru th ( f t.ioh.
Aeio.'f .. to the new official map
jiiHt issued hy the stale railway com
mlsKlon. other counties barely escapcl
having railroad facilities, one couiirv
heinc Cherry, toreis which Northwest
em runs no', fnr from the not the-, ,i
horder. Alrioiit sixty miles must !:
ttave'ed liei'o"" one can H'lich raili").i I
facilities to li:" f-oiith. The !on ie
distance one cip 'ravel on railroa ir
the ''.trite, Kceortiing to the new m;l i
Is 611 miles finm Kails City to C'.iw
ford, wh'e'. l plmost !im far as :lie
dlslaece from ti:'H city to (iilenno
W: J-
Confsd Murd"i'er It Sentenced
t.'M Imprnonmfnt.
Offumu. 1:1.. Sej.t ti J tl.1 I).
M Andcren (. luaiinji; a motion tor
t new trid to- Ch'irles Young, who
was convltti il of the murder of Tom
Mrtirath. ami siiit'nied to life im
pisonmell. Young confessed that he
murdered MiCuitli and threw the
body into the river and this confes
sion was sdniitted in evidence. His
confession aUo cleared up a numlxT
of holdups that terrorized the commu
nity last w inter.
Child Miy Dir of Effect of Injuries
Inflicted by Animjl.
Oskaloosa, la.. Sept. A vicious
attack by a siiiiirel upon the
three nionihp old 'nfant of Mr. and
Mrs. WiHien trt. Iceman at tlielr liome
here i.-i expia ted to reniilt fatally. The
little anli'i;:l :pi ing upon the child
and hulled its f etli ami claws in the
little one's lace ,uid h"ad, and almost
put on' an eye be I ore the mother
could in'ei ft re.
From Honestake M'ne
Flames and Save Town. j
Iead. S. D., S' jit- 1a. Koret tires
which broke our in the timber country
surround'ni: Lend menaced the town.;
What H Deeir-d a Disaster Brought
Him a Fortunt.
The niinei-s nf "v Mexico tell a
ijiieer story which illustrates their be- In Iti.-L- A n...- .. ..
A high wnd iannd the flames beyond, oue .., di. a
I-. t .e
n h
t:'.ici i : .. .. ,
W!1 In- :. if i u; i ii
the tiei.l .,
and lieatliet . iin v
these piHijii. iii-y I e. th
bility In heir in ,-,
in their rniai-ur." S:j i,
"h-Vl -
1 :i uiveli u'h
i'r;i ii.-i.-. Ar-
I with the suu shiniiig no bis back, w hen
control of volunteer Are fighters,
. . . . i At , .1 i. ..i .
senoiih.y u.n aie,,, Ule p.. e. i he smelled smoke ami presently, to his
HomestaK- Mining company brought dij4in.iy. discovered that his knapsack
several hundred men from the mii w.(s ou jjre
and nil were pressed into service, ine
fire is still burning, but !ad Is be
lieved to be safe. I
Like all miners, be carried a large
leus for the purpose of examining spec
imens, and for want of room he had
QUIT UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO; Jung 'h? ,KlaM " ou,side and th
ravs Of the sun had lit-en cnn-fntrai1
on his pack.
Figures Submitted Show Slight
Losses by Two Companies.
Swedish Fiapti? Decide Unanimously
to Build Collefje of Their Own.
Kiron, la.. Sept 18. At the national
conference of the Swedish Haptlsis,
held here, it vas decided unanimous
ly to sever relations with the I'niver
Bity of C-'cao find start a Swedish
flaptist college. For thiity years the
Swedish uid American Baptist stu
dents hyve been trained at the Univer
sity of Chicago for the ministry. It
was voted to hn'd the next national
conlVrciifo in Chicago In 1912.
Prince Arthur of Connaught and Prio.
Irene Betrothed?
London, Sept. 18. It Is reported
that Prince Arthur of Connaught, son
of the puiie of Connaught, now govern
or general of Canada, is engaged to
marry PrinriMs Irene, daughter of the
Gmnd Duchess Xeiila-AIexandrovna,
who Is a lister of Emperor Nicholas
of Russia.
f Des Moinos, sept. lt.--lowa ran
, roads are beginning to file their an
nual reports w ith the state lxiurd of copal church of lies Moines, condemn
M'n'ster Admits Theft.
Versailles'. III., Sept. 18. Kev. W. U
Waist mm. who ha i been supplying as
I a pi' st jr ni a church here, pleader!
geiltv in h Justire ro:ut to a (brig--of
rohhiug a i".-it'u:r.'ii t. He o'lt'iiner!
30 in old coim and r.l! of the:n wer
'(coveted. After bioo.'.1- '.uinis hie.
gone fi-i!" the restaurant to tV.e SVa'
stroni home lire" time?, the
Walstrom confessed.
Shenntulonh, la, Sept. IB. Kesolu
tlom: Intiodiicf d by the Rev. O. W
Filer, p:tstor ot Grace Methodist Epl
Lee Outlaid, Driver ol Skidding
Auto, in Serious Condition.
Resolution at N braPka Conference o.".
i Admis'iir of New Converts.,
IJncolri, ri'il IV. Willi a view to
simplifying ihe method of udmil tui
cnoverts to ni"inl)erslilp in the Metho
dist Rpisopal church and at tho
same time to eliminate if KHsiblo the
more or I'M" adverse attitude of tie
genera) public toward the ritual of
that cbUM'ii, a resolution making rec
ommendations to the general confer
nce to be held next year at Minno
'apolls was Introduced at the Nebraskn
conference or Methodist cbui'ches,
now in se.-'hlon at I'tilvcrslty Place, by
Rev. I II. S( hrei 'uMigast.
The memorial excited much com
no-Tit upen Its Introduction by the
Ciilverslty Place- pastor and caused n
lengthy debate to be Indulged In by
m veral of the ministers attending the
gathering. Marked opposition to the
i.jiin wns evidenced, while It win
readily taken "n by a number of the
pastors bf the ultimate solution to a
question whbh has heroine one of vi
tal intercit tp the Methodist cWg
at large.
Child Sets Fire to Father's Barrt.
Arapahoe, Neb., Sept. IS Wbiie
Mr. anil Mrs. Nels K. Anderson, who
live five mlleu soutli of this city, were
in town shopping their little six year
old von. who vas i't m liool when they
h 11 home, ret m lied home and procured
a m.'tch and set tire to tne'r barn. The
burn. Its contents and a quantity ot
liny stacked nein it were entirely do
.M roved. The loss is considerable,
with no Insuriiin e
Ind'an Knocked In River.
Beatrice, N'h., Sept. 18 The body
of nn Indian, who belonged with Kit
Carson's V'i'.d West show, was found
In Indian croo'v under the Urn llngton
bridge, a mil west of Wymore, by
sedion puds. The iiiow left for
Washington, Kan., and It Is thought
the Indian was knocked off the bridge
when the tu!n passed over it.
Complaint Against Armour.
Lincoln. Sept IR.-K. C. Kemblo, In
specter In Mie office of the state food
commissioner, swore to a complaint
in the county court, charging Armour
(k Co wlih violating tho food law by
helling packages of bird without ltur
ing the same branded with the net
weight of tho contents.
Thieves Visit Arlington Postoffica.
Arlington, Neb., Sept. 18. The post
office here was broken Into by burg
lars. hut nothing: was stolen. The
safe was found ready to be touched
off, as It seems that the robbers had
Kot everything ready when they were
frightened away.
Farm Laborer Killed.
West Point. Nb., Sept. 18. The
hody of John Mock, a farm laborer,
was found In tho rullroad yards. F'rom
ihe position of the body, It Is aur
fcilsed tat the flereased waa run over
by a freight train.
Syracuse, N. Y , Sept. 18 If. in y
fUradley of Franklin, N. Y., one of
those injured hy Oidfleld's car
I when It craslid through the fem e at
tne state ti'ir, .s ueau. ins uear.ii
brings the i f t of dead up to ten
Half a d .cti of the score or more
who sustained injuries as a result of
the accident are still on the critical
list. Oldle'ld, ('.river of the automo
bile, is tn a serioiiit ootid. tion wit.ii a
fractured rib and internal hurts.
The nccid"tit hippeiied in the forty
third mile. Di! pdlina was leading by
a lap Oi lfield trailing him, as
they entered the first quaiter of that
mile. The hig cars, traveling, it ts es
timated, at neventj five miles an hour,
were running ride by side as they
fwung nrounl the turn, after passing
tho niist;ind.
As they look the turn there was a
roMirt. The car driven by Oldtleld
leaped in the air. Then it swerved to
the outer side and crashed through
the fepce. The rri;)pl"d machine, be
yond the control of the driver,
nlo u'hed thro'uli hundreds of person?
lined a loin the fence
railway commissioners
Three roads, the Des Moines Ter
minal company, owned by F. M. Hub
bell; the Iowa and Illinois Interurban
company, i nd tho Albla and Interur
ban company, filed reports.
HubbeH's terminal company oper- Methodist church
ated during 1910 at a net loss of $835.
The Iowa and Illinois, which has an
elecfic line between Davenport and!
Clinton, roportei' a net loss of $4,
3M.27. '1 he Albla road is the only one of
the three to ropo-t a paying year. The
net profits of the Albla Interurban
amounted to $I"79.K9, according to the
The vlrrn of Justice insists In
moderation as rvgulated by wisdom.
ing the action of .lames Wilson, secre
tary of agidculture, for accepting the
Invitation to become honorary chair
fan at the meeting of the National
growers' congress, were adopted by
the pes Moines conference of the
Rockefeller in for Boost in Taxes.
Cleveland. Sept It!. .John I). Rooke
feller's protest that the tax appraisa
on his Kore.-if Hiil estate is too hlgl
was Ignored when his legal represent
ntive appeared before the count
conimissioe.prs to argue the protest.
As a result the oil king will have to
pay on a valuation of $1,1)52,108, an in
crease of ovr 4un per cent over last
year's valuation.
As among the contents were fifteen
pounds of powder be lost no time iu
The street car oiuiu.-tor was about
to be tra inferred t. another line. Not
his to reason w by. yet on that occasion
he did. and with the chief of the de
part uieut.
"I don't like that line." he said
"What's the mutter with it?" asked
the chief.
"It's commonplace." s:iid the con
ductor. "I will loe my god man
ners if go down there. The Hue I
dropping the dangerous burden and ! ttIU uu 0"w is a well dressed line and
getting as far away as possible. The 8 'i!ii'ra! education for the railway
haversack fell between two big rocks, j employee. mn not tho same man I
while the miner from a safe distance ; was "'I"'" 1 was moved up there two
mournfully watched the smoke rising
from his sole worldly possessions.
Preseutly there came a deafening ex
plosion, and the miner went to gather
up what lie could find. Then his eyes
almost started out of bis bend at see
ing the quartz that had been blown up
fairly glistening with gold. His pow
der had literally blown open a gold
mine, ami lie was made a rich ii .in n
an instant. He naiued the mine the
"Nick o' Time."-IOxeh:iiige.
Whatever Their Station They Are
Gracious and Picturesque.
There are. of course, all kinds of
Hindus. They range from the lowest
levels of superstilion and ignorance to
high attainments of Intelligence mid
culture. Put in one respect they are
all alike. "Never once," says Mr.
P.egbie. "have I delected the very
smallest smirch' of vulgarity either in
manners or In dress." The Hindu may
believe lu 30,0Ji.0)0 gods, be may
hold that the world Is flat and that
his soul's salvation Is endangered
by the shadow of a European, "but
he will have charui of manner and
make a picture either in the unband
seled jungle or on the platform of a
railway terminus."
But the Indian woman Is the crown
of her creation, us. of course, oil
women are everywhere. She inay be
nimble to read or write, she may give
food to Idols and believe that her god
or devil rides around the village at
night on a plaster horse or a mud ele
phant, "butslie will be modest and
years ago trotn a downtown line. I
a muioie polite, my voice is lower, and
1 have sprii'-ed up in general appear
ance. It is ilmt way with every man
In the business. Put him on a liue
patronised by well dressed people and
be will tlx ii; t. lit his surroundings.
If I go l,:ick on that other line I will
lose polish."
All the chief viid then was "Well,
well." but the co:ii!uci.r was not trans
ferred -New York Sun.
A Queer Animal.
"That Is the only animal I ever saw
that would eat and drink and sleep
upside down." said a visitor to the zoo,
Indicating a fruit bat or dying squirrel
from Borneo. It hung head dowuward
In Us cage. Three curved claws on
what appeared to be its tall embraced
a roof bar. In its pendulous position
It reached out for Mie disks of banana
the keeper passed through the bars.
Finishing its meal, it swung over to a
eup ef w-HtT a'nl rook n drink Tli u.
folding Its membranous wings, it
closed its eyes mid was soon asleep.
New York Sen
As Ons 3e.s It.
"Jones grumlties t It:' t Ins :i can't
take a joke."
"That's funny seems to :ne"
"How so'.''
"She took Jones " Judge.
His Starring.
"Is Julia's suitor a man nf birth?"
"Sure he's a man of berlh. He's a
Pullman ear conductor" I'.a !'.uiori
Aviator Narly Victim of Flames at
Colfax, Cal.
Cobat. Oil . Sept. is One man Is
dead, a not n i r hovers between life and
Beam, with both legs liioken. as a
ronseipuMic" of his heroism, and
third is missing, as the result of a tire
probaliv if ificT.dlni'y origin which
boko out here on the third floor of
Mountain View hotel and consumed
consider. i lie of tlie town. Th" finan
cial loss is about $2 ,1101).
In the Trent r;iiiks ol the volunteer
fire fighters was Aviator Robert (5
Fowler, who Is prcpailiiit to scab
the hit'li Sierras on the third le of
Us transcontinental trip
From Pfow Until October 11 st
We are going to offer our entire line of BUCK'S Stoves and Ranges at a discount of 25 per cent. This
is your opportunity to buy a Stove or Range for less money than the cost of the same at the factory.
We want to clean up the entire line of Buck's Stoves, and are not going to handle them any longer.
This change was caused by the recent strike in the Buck factory, at which time we were compelled to accept
another stove, and selected upon the Malleable Ranges, Round Oak Ranges, Base Burners, Heaters and" Fur
naces to supply our customers, after the settlement of which we were still long on our supply of Buck's Stoves.
For 466,562 Acres of Land in Rosebud
and Pine Ridge Reservations.
firegorv. S. D, Sept 18 Uncle
Sam's next big land lottery will lie
held in South Dakota from Oct. 2 to 21,
Inclusive. t!'..ti2 seres of land in the
Rosebud and Pine Ridge reservations
being offered a pr'yes to land seekers.
Gregory, PaHns. Chamberlain and
Itapid City will be the registration
points. -On Oct. -.'1. the drawing wili
commence nt Gregory.
Mayor Arraigned for Arson.
BemldJI. Minn., Sept. 18 Dr. Del
bert F. Dumas, mayor of Cass I.akn
was arraigned In the district court
here before Judge C W. Stanton on
an Indictment chr.rglng attempted ar
ion. This crime Is punishable by 1m
prlsonnien'. from one year to three and
half years In 'he htate prison uiKn
ronvlctlon. The case will come up
for trial Wednesday.
Bars Beulah B'nford Pictures.
Ijwrinee, Kan., Sept 18 No Ben
lah Blnford pictures will be shown at
any of the Stent theaters at Uw
rence Mayor Rishop announced that
he would not permit moving picture
show owners to display the4 filout.
I i . -ftrt i't;tTJrtv''( .vifc--3 . '
The Buck's Stoves and Ranges are without a doubt one of the best on the market, well known far and
near, and are fully guaranteed. We have a large number of heaters bf all sizes and grades, also a number of
ranges, all of which we are going to close out on a 25 per cent discount basis, which means a
$15.00 Range will go at $33.75
36.00 27.40
38.00 Heater 28.50
$20.00 Heater goes at $17.50
20.00 15.00
13.50 10.15
We are not offering this sale simply as a business getter, but want more room for our new Fall line and
are willing to lose all the profit, freight, and a share of the original cost, in order to close them out in the
next two weeks. Come in early, for when you see the stove and learn the price you are going to buy one,
so will your neighbor and they will not last long at the above prices.