The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 18, 1911, Image 1

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Went Behind Prescription Case in Union Drug Store to Take a
Laxative, and Picked Up Bottle Containing Lvsol Was Un
conscious Four Hours Afterwards Terribly Burned
From Friday's Daily.
Matthew MrOuinn. a well known
citizen of Union, is in a ci'ilical
condition at his home today as
the result of accidentally drinking
from a bottle containing lysol, a
poison which is kindred to car
bolic acid, both being derivities of
coal tar. Like carbolic acid, it is
a caustic poison. He was uncon
scious for four hours after taking
the poison, and since regaining
consciousness has been suffering I ;u.v canal.
intense pain. At norm today he j He was taken to his hotpe and
was said by his physicians to bef,,r hours it seei 1 that the
in a critical condition, though j
showing improvement. j
While it is agreed that McOuinn i
took the poison by accident, it is
riot definitely known how he came
t" make the mistake. Shortly he
fire 1 o'clock yesterday he went
into the A. K. Stiles drug store
and walked behind the prescrip
tion case. It is presumed that he
wanted a laxative and that he
picked up the holllc
lvsol by mistake. The
laining laxative ami tl
ing the lysol were sin
pcaranre and were sid
the shelf.
Mr. MrOuinn's eric-
bottle con-
at contain-I
in ap-!
ide on i
man in charge of the store to run ,
to his assistance. lie saw at once1
that the man had taken the
Calls on Party Friends to Drop
Bickerings of Every Variety
and Get Together.
Kx-Hovcrnnr Shall euhcrgcr spent
several days in Lincoln last
week, and before departing for his
home in Alma gave, out the fol
lowing, which meets the views of
the Journal exact ly:
"I have just read an article in
one of the papers which purports
lo say that some of my friends
were considering a 'deal' with
some faction of the democratic
parly, having to do with my can
didacy for the senate. While I do
not care lo take time lo answer
every rumor of this sort I hat may
be spread abroad from time lo
lime, I have just this much lo say
upon this mailer in a general way,
and that is that I have not, nor
shall not. culer into any trade or
deal of any description wilh any
other candidate for any ollice in
exchange for help for myself at
the coining primary. My own
opinion is Ilia! the democr
arty should get away as fast as
possible from the idea that any
candidate is to be saved or damn
ed because of the facl thai a cer-
1 i in r.'ii'ltiiti iii n li!iiljn nf tut-
lion, is for'him or againsl him.llasl "'''' conference
We have plenty of issues to light
Hie coming battle upon, and per
sonalities should be avoided in
every wav. I am going lo fight my
own battle free from alliances
with any oilier candidate or fac
tion, and expect to stand or
upon by own record.
"Six years ago I started a light
lo assert the righl of the demo
cratic parly to lead in the bat lie
for reform in Nebraska. Upon
thai issue T was bealen for the
nomination in the first round. I
won the nomination for governor
on that same issue at Hie second
trial, and was elected governor in
a third battle along the same
lines. I believe the democratic is
sue now is to conviuee the people
of Nebra.-ka that the democratic
parly should rule in litis slate for
the reason that its policies are
vital to the interests of the peoole
oi ine commonwealth. Itenmcracyj
it. ...
is strong m this -late at Hie pres. j
crtl time heeau-e a democratic'
congress has s,wn it- ability and
i intention to reform and revise the
' tariff in the inlere-l of the great
1 masses of the people of the conn-
try. and that our parlv can be
trusted to enact legislation in
kerping with its promises lo the
i people.
poi.-ou and hastily summoned
Mrs. Walker ami Itaird. who gave
antidotes to relieve the pain and
to check the deadly effect of the
Fortunately for McQuinn the
poison quickly rendered him un
conscious and he escaped the
pain from the caustic qualities of
the poison, which burned its way
through the throat, slomach and
the entire length of the aliment-
oiling and destructive quali
of the lysol would result in
death, but hard work bv Mrs.
d Main! and by Mr. Mr-
i '. I 1 1 1 1 of Lincoln, who was visiting
at Union, caused a turn for the
MiOuinn has only an even
chance of life, but the fact that up
to the present lime developments
have been in bis favor has iriven
the phvsicians favorable hopes of
hjs recovery.
When renorls llrst were snread
of the fact that Mr. McOuinn had
taken unison, nianv nersons be-
1 lieved I lint it was done inlentiou
caused the. -ally and thought I hat nerhans t he
act grew out of troubles with his.
wife, who was divorced from him
some months ago.
"If we light the coining battle
along these lines we will win. If
we fall out over questions of fac
tional leadership we will deserve
lo lose. Personally I belong to no
faction .and shall make my appeal
directly to the people upon the
true principles of true democ-
.... ... i
Selected as a Lay Delegate to the
General Conference to Meet
Next Year.
From Friday's Dally.
II. n. Windham has been high
ly honored by the Nebraska
conference of the Methodist
Kpiscopal church. According lo
a telegram received from Uni
versity l'lace by C. C. Wescoll,
Mr. Windham is one of the four
lay delegates selected to rep
resent the Nebraska conference in
I he general conference of the
Methodist church to be held at
I Minneapolis in May. This con-
r ... . .
ference, which is the legislative
body of the church throughout the
world, meets but once in four
years, and it is a great honor to
be chosen a delegate to it. The
j was at Uallimore, over three years
Mr. Windham received I be
highest vole cast for any lay dele
gate. The other three chosen
were Chancellor Fulmer of Wes-
b-yan university, H. M. Spurlock of
I York, ami H. K. Tobey of Lincoln.
It is quite an honor lo be high
man among stlch competition.
Long Time Getting His Pay.
I. N. Woodford received last
Monday a draft from the secretary
of stale of Ohio for Sl.'l. Mack in
lNfi-.?, Hie report was heard that
Oen. Kirby Smith was marching
to Cincinnati. Coventor Todd of
Ohio ordered the organization of
companies, and a great mob or
ganized to repel the attack. They
were called squirrel hunters, as
many were armed with litlle rifles
for squirrel shooting. They spent
i . . .
"m nays, lurnisneu tiieir own
arms, anununilion and board.
Last year the Ohio legislature
passed a bill allowing the would
be llgh'ers sin eaidi and Mr.
W iH ill'ord bei:r a -quirrel hunt
W,t received ln's
er ItepuMjean.
.av. -W
s. J. SI iles of Union was here
I on business yesterday.
As Others See It.
Tin' I'laltsiniuitli common
council, believ ing tli' city not yet i
!';() enough, has solemnly met
ami pas-ed an ordinance prohibit-
" pening nf picture shows j
and t lie;
on Sunday, prohibil
liowing of pictures
scenes of crime, such
ing the
porlrav ing
as murder
also prohi
burg laries. etc., ami I
libiting the "wild west" I
pictures which are very popular
in most small tow ns.
It looks verv much as though
l'lattsmoulh's city council thinks
tin proper caper for Sunday is to
sit on the river bank and listen to
the cattish purr.
It has been a recognized fact
for many vears that I'lattsmouth
is a "dead one," and this last out
burst of the city government
proves the allegations made in
I he past. Nebraska City Press.
"Blue Law'' Measure Introduced
in Council Finds No Favor
Among Citizens.
Petitions are being circulated
lor present at ion lo the mavor and
i council pnnesi ing against ine
passage oi the picture show ordi
uame introduced into the council
at its lasl meet ing. W hile no one
expects that I lie council would
pass such a stringent ordinance,
even if they were opposed to pic
lure shows mi Sunday, petitions
have been circulated to let Hie
mavor and council know the at
titude of the citizens in this re
spect. The pel it ions were framed by
Karl Travis and J. L. Hichey, who
acted without knowledge of any
one here interested in in a picture
show. The petitions are being
signed by practically everyone lo
whom they are presented. The
petition reads as follows:
"To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of (he Cily of Platts-
inouth, Neb.:
"in regard lo the proposed
ordinance regulating moving pic
lure shows and I healers, we, the
undersigned citizens of the city of
I'lattsmouth, wish to object and
protest lo the passage of the same
by your honorable body.
"The innjority of the men and
women of this city are hard-working
persons who have neither the
time nor the inclinal ion to gain
recreation during the weeklime
and should be allowed the privil
ege of enjoying on their one day
of rest what harmless pleasures
our little cily affords.
"The closing of the Piatt h
motith theaters on Sunday will
simply mean that (hose seeking
recreation will go to Omaha on
Sunday evenings In attend thea
ters, thus spending money that
would otherwise he spent In
"The shows presented at the
theaters here have uniformly been
clean, moral and educational, and
as far as the provision with re
spect lo exhibiting scenes of mur
der, robbery, etc., the (healers
have been in operation for two
years and have incited no crime
in this community."
First Football Qame.
From Friday's Dally.
The first football game of the
season will be played this after -
noon between the High school
seniors and the junior-sophomore
team. The line-up of the seniors
will be; Vance Todd, center; Ouy
Wiles, right guard; Wayne
Propst, left guard; Henry Mc
Maken, right tackle; Lester Mill
ion, left tackle; Halph Lnrson.
right end; Myron Arries, left end;
Major Arries. quarter; Conrad
Schlater, right half back; Klmer
Halslrnm, left half hack; Hue
Friins. full back. The line-up of
the junior-sophomore team will
be; Carl Schmitman. center;
Mwight Patterson, right guard;
Joe McMaken. left guard; llneben
Saxon, righl tackle; Carl Million,
left tackle; F. Mauer, ef end; J.
Jitroiiseck, ri-hl end: F.van Noble,
quarter back: S;un Windham,
right half back: Hon Arries, left
half hack: C.lenii F.dwanls, full
Mrs. T. P. Livingston has re
turned from a visit to F.stes Park,
Colorado. She was accomnanied
i by Mrs. Rockbill of New York.
ins pre
w H N , h . . M .
Arrangements, So Let Us
Get Busy.
'I'hi' Journal has
from time to lime Hie
fall cyclical ion. Now
idea of a
conies our
friend, Charley llubner, editor of
the Nebraska Cily Mailv News, and
suggests an occasion for such a
celebration in Ihe following Idler:
-Nebraska City. Sept. I i.
Hear Friend Hales; The
bridge across the Platte river,
hei,ng built by 11. A. MulY and
and Mr. Parmele, will be
coinplcted about October 15.
Thai is the dale Halph lold
me. Now permit me to sug
gest (hat the people of
Platlsuiotith have a big cde
brdlion on that day and
"open" the bridge in due and
approved slv e. If von go at
it right vou can make it a
"record-breaking''' day for
l''ftttsiiioulli. This is only a
suggest ion, bill I believe Vol
can make it a winner. Yours,
C. M. llubner.
We think the suggestion an ex
cellent one, ami we trust itie (,oin
meicial club and those interested
will gel busy and do something
along Ibis line. As our friend
savs. it can be made a "record
breaker' and call forlh a large
crowd of people between Omaha
ami ixenraska t.ily, ami make n a
day long to be remembered.
The lath of October is but
I about one month oil', and if it can
be ascertained to a cerlainly thai
the 'nidge will be completed by
that lime, we move that the Com
mercial cl.'b get a m.ive on them
selves and lake some action in re
gal ik to such a eeebr:il ion as early
as possible. The bridge will prove
a great benefit lo th. business in
terests of Plattsinoiilh and wo
should show our appreciation of
the enterprise by having a large
demonstration in honor of its
opening and also to th.' promoter?
of Hie bridge.
A Birthday Surprise.
From Frlflny'B lmlly,
A most enjoyable surprise parly
was tendered Mrs. T. K. Jennings
last evening by a large number of
her neighbors and friends, this
occasion being in honor of her
birthday anniversary. Mrs. Jen
nings was more Ihan surprised
when the large company of invad
ers walked in on her, hut in spite
of this she showed Iheni a splen
did good lime. The hours were
very pleasantly spent, ami passed
quite rapidly, as the guests in
dulged in games, social conversa
tion and amusements, which were
interspersed with some music
contributed by Mr. H. C. Ilvde, and
which made the evening's enter
tainment one long to be remem
bered by those participating. The
invader's had come armed with aj
fine luncheon, which was served al
tin1 proper lime and which ma-
terially added to the pleasures of
Ihe evening. It was a lale hour
when I hey withdraw their forces,
having enjoyed themselves lo the
fullest extent. The invaders left
many handsome pieces of china
wilh Mrs. Jennings as mementos
of this auspicious occasion. Mrs.
Jennings could not feel oilier than
pleased al Ihe kind remembrance i
i of her friends
ami the invaders I
wish her many more as happy
birthdays. Those in attendance
were; Messrs. ami Mesdames It.
A. Roberts. Frank Sivey, It.
Laniphear, L N. Cuminings, II. M.
Hrissey, fi. Laniphear, W. F. Mris
sey, H. M. Creen. H. Steinhaucr
and daughter, Oladys; C. Landers.
L. Curtiss and two sons; M. 0.
Hyde and children. T. V.. Jen
nings and fantilv, Mr. F. W. King.
Mr. Clarence Marnobl. Mrs. K.
Harrison of Ilitveloek.
Gets Cement Contract.
The McMaken company has re
ceived the contract for construct
ing the cement cellars in the new
poslolllce building.
Mrs. Pete Keeb'f of Spokane,
Washington, is in the cilv for a'p
month's .visit with her mother, f
Mrs. C. Hheinackle and family. I j
Mrs. Keeler was for vears a resi -
dent of this cily, and, of course, j serious. We trust that Ihe pres
has a great niitny friends vv ho w ill ent condition may improve and
be pleased to see her. ' bis recovery may be rapid.
M. P. Having Trouble.
The Missouri lfi'v railway
bas been having ron-nh''e
trouble of late. Fir-! (be s'oru.s
knocked oill a i O'l-lil'T'.M '
amount of track and they were
running then' pa-senger trains
oV e" ol her lilies ill I l.eir elVol ts o
make g I lime. I.a-I night a
bridge was burned out down near
Falls Cilv and the morning train
came in over the Murlington line
from Falls Cily and was about six
hours late. The bridge burned
was Ibis side of Falls City and the
washout is below that point. The
conipanv is cerlainly having its
share of grief.-- Nebraska Cily
New s.
Two 19-Year-0ld Boys End Short
Career as Tramps by Going
to Slate Prison.
From Friday's lUiUy.
Joe Nov ilk ami
I wo
he iv
fro i
v ia
w es
in vears old
somew here 1 1 1
lie tramp roiili
I he world"
They made
wav from place lo place in
door Pullmans" and un
sheil ears. They got as far
as South Mend, where thev
decided thai llieir life was becoin
ilng loo ti ik'X I fn I. so they added
it touch of excitement by break
ing into a bunk ear at South Mend.
Murglarv is it serious olTcnse in
Nebraska. as elsewhere, and
shortly after they had broken in
to the car they found themselves
in the Cass county jail.
They pleaded guilty at their
preliminary hearing, ami yester
day were lakeu before Judge
Travis of Ihe district murl for
sentence. They were sentenced lo
one year al hard labor in the stale
Here are two able-bodied young
men who have become convicts
just at the beginning of manhood.
II ought to he a lesson to any Cass
county boy who wants to see Ihe
world by healing his way on the
Rumorod That Weekly Concerts
May Be Given During the
Entire Winter.
The next to the lasl band con
cert of the season was given by
Hie Hurlinglon band last evening
al Fifth and Main streets. The
night being pleasant, there was a
big crowd out. The program was
a happy coiubinat ion of classic
ami popular composil ions.
II is rumored that the band may
arrange wilh the Commercial club
for. weekly concerts during the
winter at the Parmele theater. It
wnuld be good news to the people
J if M. concerts should be con-
I inued I brotigh he winter.
The next concert will be the
lasl of the regular summer series.
Eagle Citizens Call.
From Friday's luilly.
Ceorge Itciller, banker, ami !.
I. Allen, who lives near Kagle,
called here on business with Hie
i county court, coming in la.-! even
I ing. They were pleasant callers
on the Journal this morning ami
went through the olllee and seem
ed very much surprised that
Plallsuioulli could boii-l of such a
large newspaper plant. While
here Mr. Allen enrolled his name
on the Journal's Kagle Hsl, Hint
be may henceforth keep posted on
county mailers. Tho-e who waul
all the coiinlv news lake the Old
Glen Perry Improving.
From .Snttiiilny's Pally.
den perry, residing near Mur
rav.vvho was injured last week
while drenching a horse, is Im
proving -lowly. We are inform
ed that, his condition today h
much more favorable than for the
i-l week. Mr. Perry has .sur
fed t great deal -inee Ihe ju
ry, and it was feared at one time
; thai
the results might prove
Chase That Aroused Large Part of
the City Pulled Off After
From Kiiiluy ' laily.
The following is taken front the
Lincoln SI at i' Journal of this
morning and we give Ihe article
-imply because former Platls
llioulh people were engaged in llto
chase :
A man clad only in underwear,
charged with having entered at
least one house ami Irving to
enter another, giving the name
of P. J. McNauiara and claiming
to have been ill one lime a mem
ber of the Lincoln lire depart
ment, was captured by H. W.
Myers at Ilitveloek about t ::Ul this
At I a. in. Mr.s. bus livers heard
someone in their apartments over
the poslolllce. She called the chil
dren and found Ihey were in bed.
Then she lighted the room ami
found evidence that a burglar bad
been there, A pair of trousers
belonging to her hu-haml bad
been taken part way out. of the
room, but no money bad been
taken from litem. She gave tin
alarm and Mr. livers and his
father. It. W. livers, hastily made
tin investigation. Finding there
wiis no one in the hoii-e they went
out on the street to look around.
Thev went to the one store open,
I hat of Mr. and Mrs. Will Yallery.
ami (old of t he til tempt o rob I he
livers' home. Then they went
out, got others interested and be
gan a search.
Mr. and Mrs, Will Yallery re
lired lo their rooms above their
store. They bad hardly retired
when they heard someone at the
door. Mr. Yallery told his wife lo
turn on the light and open the
door quickly, while he manipulat
ed a gun. When Ihe Hood of light,
exposed the open door there stood
n man, clad only in underwear.
Mr. Yallery could have shot him
dead, so close was Ihe range, hut
he did not care lo kill him. Instead
he commanded him to throw up
his hands. The man ran. Vallery
shot to force him to hall. The
man ran on. Yallery fired again
on Ihe way down the stairs, but
the man ran on.
It. W. livers and others were
not far away when thev heard Ihe
shooting. They separated to bead
o(T w hoever might be running. The
intruder ran toward II. W. livers
ami he grabbed him ami held him.
He was taken lo Ihe poslolllce,
surrounded by a crowd, and held
while an officer was sent for. The
prisoner was bleeding from
wounds made in running'.
The man gave no explanation
oilier Ihan I bat he did not know
where he was. He did not explain
wbv be was I raveling about at.
night in his underclothing. He
roomed in the vvesl part of town,
seven blocks from the postotTlce,
wilh a family named Smith.
Mrs. livers said Ihe man bad
been gelling mail al Ihe Havelock
poslolllce for some lime under Ihe
name of P. J. McNamara. When
questioned Ihe fellow said he lived
in Lincoln and was al one lime a
member of Hi" Lincoln fire de
letrlMient. McNauiara has been n
blacksmith helper al Ihe Murling
on slums,
Mr. Yallerv was certain be
could have killed Ihe man at his
door, bul he feared that some
mistake might he made, therefore
he shot only to make the man halt.
McNamara had a key in the lock
al Ihe Yallery home.
Otis Hyers said he had only a
small amount of money in the
trousers that had been selected by
the m:in who entered his house,
but that another pair was nearby
which contained between 4o
and r.0.
The chase for the burglar
aroused a large pari of the popu
lation of the shop town and the
capture of the man by It. W. livers
was considered a good hit of
work. McNamara resisted, but
was overpowered by Mr. livers.
McNamara carried no weapons
when arrested.
Miss Yesta Moiiglass surprised
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Mouglass, in coining down front
Tekamah lasl night lo spend Sun
day. Miss Vesta has charge of Ihe
kindergarten department of the
Tekamah school.