The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1911, Image 7

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    Cht'dren Cry for Fletcher's
Tho Kind You 1I:vc Ahvnva T?mn1 t. nnil which h:s been
Id use for over 30 yours, has
end lias
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-yood." are lt;t
ICxp riincnts that trifle v illi ami endanger tho lie;:!;?! of
Juf.'iitts and Cliildrcu Kxpcricnve against Kxperiu.'eiit.
Jastoria Is a harmless Mihstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Sot tiling Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othor Narcotic
Mibstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AY onus
und allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrluea and AYim!
Colic. It relieves Toothing1 Troubles, cures Constipation .
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowi Is, giving healthy and natural leci.
The Children's Panacea- Tho Mother's Friend.
1 Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Is Getting Ready for the Congres
sional Primary to Be Held in
the State Next April.
VV. M. W'helan of Lincoln, Con
gressman John A. Mefluire's
private secretary, is in town today
looking after the interests of the
congressman from this district.
The primaries for the nomina
tion of congressmen will take,
place in this slate next April, and
while Congressman Mcfluire does
riot, expect, to have any opposition,
tie is getting ready for the cam
paign if one has to lie made.
Mr. W'helan believes that if the
tariff remains as great an issue a'
year from this November as it is;
now, Congressman Mrfiuire will!
he able to win again in this dis
trict, which is normally repub
lican by a big majority.
Congressman McOuire and Mr
W'helan will attend the funeral of i
Congressman Latla at Tekamah
Mr. W'helan has many friends'
in PJnt I smooth and he spent the!
day calling on them, and he paid
the Journal a pleasant call. i
As usually treated, a sprained
ankle will disable a man for three
or four weeks, but by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment freely as
soon as the injury is received, and
observing the directions with each
bottle, a cure can be effected in
from two to four days. For sale
by F. C. Fricke & Co.
For Sale.
Alfalfa seed in any quantity.
See or 'phone Julius Pit, or
Charles Shopp. y-li-wklytf.
mk HARVEST OVER jl$ ''),
It's the best of wisdom to paint
your property in the (all and protect
it pgainst winter storms.
House, barn, fences, implements-
no matter what you want to paint
some one of
Sherwin-Williams Paints
W'll do your work better and at less
cost than any others.
If you want a good job that will
save money for you come in and talk
it over with us.
,rI .-'.a
-r V.
borne the sl;'i:af::re of
noon made umlor per-
UIU IV V . a. W . J . J
A Deserving Young Lady.
Miss Jennie Tuey of South l'ark
returned home yesterday from
Tabor, Iowa, where she went the
latter pari of last week to visit
Miss Dermic Howard and other
friends. Miss Tuey and Miss
Howard are very close friends,
having graduated twice in the
same classes, lirsl from the High
school, then from the academy
and later each graduated from the
College Conservatory of Music,
Miss Howard in t!08 and Miss
Tuey in i 1)09. Last year Miss
Howard and Miss Tuey were at the
head of the fledfield College Con
servatory of Music, Miss Tuey
teaching piano, harmony, counter-point,
ear training and aiding
with tho choral union. Miss
Tuey began teaching the first, day
after her return home in this city
in the spring, teaching through
the long, hot summer days and
has well earned a vacation. She
is very proficient in her work.
Before You Reach the Limit
of physical endurance and while
your condition is still curable,
lake Foley Kidney Pills. Their
quick action and positive results
will delight you. .For backache,
nervousness, rheumatism, and all
kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. For sale by F. 0.
& Co.
Painting Furniture Store.
' The front of the M. Dild fur
niture store is being painted a
pretty vermilion color and the ap
pearance of the building will be
much improved after Frank
Onbehiiiin ami bis assistants flush
their work.
For Sale.
Three male bogs, thoroughbred
Poland-Chinas. For particulars
see Julius Pit., south of Plalls
muulli. J-li-3lvv.
Avoca, Nebraska
This Is the Equity Term A Num
ber of Divorce Cases Will Be
Tried This Time.
The docket for the October lerm
of I district court lias been
typewritten for the printer by Miss
Jessie llohcrtson, clerk in the
ofliee of the district clerk. The
(eiin will Infill Monday, October
and will probably not be ad
journed until a few days before
t lie beinnini- of the December
term, which begins December 11.
There a'e .'tl 'equity cases, ,'i
law cases and 10 criminal cases
on the do-'kel. This is known as
an equity term and t lit criminal
cases may be transferred to the
December term.
Of (lie ,'U equity cases, K con
cern divorces. There is a re
hearing in the Oarrahcr divorce
suit, the defendant having applied
for an amended order giving tier
custody of her.cliild. 'In I lie case
of Alvin L. McDonald vs. Agues L.
McDonald, the plaintiff is asking
that the defendant be restrained
from using tho name, A. I,. Mc
Donald. Margaret Seagrave is
asking for equitable relief in an
amended petition. The following
suits arc for desert ion :
Minnie Lish vs. John Fish.
Viola Hesso vs. Lawrence Ileeso.
May Haney vs. Charles Haney.
James Tiuner vs. Louisa Tig
ner. tlladvs James vs. Harry James.
Will roach your individual case if
you have any form of kidney and
bladder trouble or urinary ir
regularities. Try them. For sale
bv F. fi. Fricke & Co.
"The Wolf" Saturday Night.
'The phonograph plays a big
pari, in "The Wolf," which conies
to the Parmele theater on Satur
day night,, September 10. In I ho
third act it is necessary that, the
howling of the wolves shall bo
heard in order lo carry out, the
suporsi ilulion of the Canadian
forest that when wolves howl in a
pack in Indian summer it moans
death for some man before the
moon shall rise and sot, again. Tho
wolves that howl in this act fore
tell the death of William McDon
ald, the villianoiis engineer, which
occurs in fl duel on a -dark stage,
so dark that you cannot tell which
man is getting the worst of it.
Then conies a fall, a deadly
silence. One is killed, but which,
tho engineer or the French
Canadian? A match is struck and
yon see what you see. fl's I ho
big scene of (ho play.
Is a great, medicine of proven
value for both acute and chronic
kidney and bladder ailments. It
is especially recommended to
elderly people for ils wonderful
tonic and reconstructive qualities,
and the permanent relief and
comfort it, gives them. For sale
by F. (i. Fricke A Co.
Wedding at Elmwood.
A special from Flmwood, under
dale of September l.'l, says: Miss
Nellie Willcocksen and Marion
MeOrory were married last night
at 8 o'clock at the home of tho
bride's mother, Mrs. William
Willcocksen of this place. 'The
ceremony was performed by the
bride's uncle, Hev. Mr. Alton. Miss
Melvina Waters and Mr. Harry
Tolhurst were in attendance, with
little tirace Alton, in pink, as
llower girl. Tho bride and Miss
Waters were both gowned in
white. Mr. and Mrs. McCrory will
lie at homo fin Mr. McCrory's farm,
north of town, March t, after a
trip to Mexico.
"Slow Train Through Arkansas."
The Missouri Pacific train, duo
at (:50 n. m. had not arrived at,
noon today. The depot agent had
not heard vital the trouble was
that was delaying he "llyer."
'That famous old railroad classic,
entitled, "On n Slow 'Train
Through Arkansas." ought to be
popular on lite Missouri Pacillc.
It would give tho readers hints
about their conduct while riding
on this road. Last night the Mis
souri Pacific going north was on
lime, which probably accounts for
the trouble today. II was report
ed, unotfriallv, Hial the cause of
the delay wa- a burned bridge be
tween II i iv at Ii i, Ka and Falls
City. 'The I r.iii' b id to back to SI.
Joseph ami come around on the
Hiirliimlon to Falls city to reach
the main line airain. arrived in
Plallsmoulh at 1:15 p. m.
, W. A. Klein or Omaha was in
town today on business.
The Avoca Department
New Item Gathered Each Week
T. 11. Cromwell was in town
Tuesday. i
Asa Joloioti was at Kimwood ;
The farnn
are busv Miwing
fa I wheat.
Dr. Kruse has moved into Mr.
I uirliam's residence.
Frank llaruier made a business
t rip to i Hmilia Monday.
W. II. Itetts. jr., was at Omaha
m t.,,,.. l'. . i. i
Mrs. .lames Kverelt is visiting
relatives in Sioux City, Iowa.
Several from here 1 1 emleii i in
picnic at Iterliu 'Thursday.
A number were here from Ne
hawka Sunday attending the ball
ga nies.
Peter Jorgenson made his
weekly trip to Omaha with stock
Fred Neumeister and family
visited relatives at Cook the tirst
of the week,
Miss Lena Peters of Kansas is
visiting relatives ami friends in
Cass county.
Ora F. Copes has just received
a nice line of hand-painted china
and cut glass.
Mrs, (i. D. Maseiuan spent
several days last week with Syra
cuse I'elal ives.
Fred Kreifel. a nephew of M-s.
Toseph Ziiuinerer, is a new pupil
in the eighth grade.
1... W. Falineslock moved lues
day into the Itogard property on
I lie west side of town.
Mrs. James Palmer aid chil
dren of Nehawka is visit bur her
mother and sister Ibis week.
Donna and l'hvllis Slrauh left
Saturday for Nebraska City, where
Ibey will attend school Ciis year.
I'ai'ry Manpiardl ret urt.ed
Wednesday from a three weeks'
trip Hirough the wild and wooly
"Chub" Itetts has relumed to
Cotrireyville, Kits,, afler a visit ofi
severiti weeKs win. ins parents,
Clara Marquardl left Saturday i
for Davelock, whore she is en-!
gaged lo leach for the present
school vear
The Annual National Convention
Proved a Great Affair South
Omaha Starred.
'The K. T. Sokol delegation re
lumed today from. St. Louis,
where they went a week ago to at
tend the national conversion of
the Sokol society. The annual
! contests in turning were held dur
ing the convention and the local
boys look pari. 'They had nothing
but praise for the convention and
for SI. Louis hospilalily.
The convention was held ill
Letup's park. Tho parade was a
big affair, the procession being a
mile and a half long, with four
tention for Full, you'll find exactly what you want, priced as you want, to fit as you want.
Suits and Overcoats from $10 to' $35
Our Line of Adler Glove li.i arilvrd. They include all firadet
and browns. We would bn pUnurd to allow them to you.
Nfi.7.on .if
by a Special Reporter for Thi. Department of the Semi Weekly Journa
Two voting nephew s of Mrs. Dr.
Kruse viiled here over Stuidaj
and returned to their home at Mil-
!;.rd Monday.
Not very long now m
lecture eiuirse vv ill begin,
account of I he course w ill
il our
A full
in next week Journal. ; L-ame Friday with F.linw I was
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tromble of j '"ailed olT on account of wet
Kansas are here on visM wit I; j rounds. Saturday two sanies
relatives, Mrs. Tromble is a!''1'1' I'laved. 'The lirsl game was
i 'liiughler of (ieiu-ge larliman, sr.
Mv- slllllll:111 "f H'tIiu. in
I a I i g h t i ii u' from a Ihroiigb freight
s place Stinday fell and
one of
mall bones of
'lie right arm.
Mrs. Florine Durham left I ues
day for Iterirand, vvher" lie will
make her home for the present.
She expects to lake up the voca
I ion of a pracl ieal nurse.
Clyde Oraham hits secured a
posit jnn as draughtsman for Hie
Missouri Pacillc at Falls Citv
1 1 e
was also offered a position in
Chicago, but prefers being nearer
John Itnhge ami family and
Mrs, F. W. Itnhge and Miss Annie,
vvere at Palmyra Tuesday ailed-
mg t ue weo.nng o. .miss Mo; a
Umm 1,11,1 N''- "",,";"'
Mrs. John Schmidt, Mrs. il -
nam iiniiner. .Mrs. John Nutman,
Miss (ilea W' and
Wilke were c;
ed lo Minnesota
I Saturdav bv the serjntis illness . r
""'"" lal'ier.
V. s. M. (ii-Mhani and Hetl, came
i i-:i... ...
" rrmav evening, aner a
monl It's I rip to Idaho and Oregon,
where they visited Mrs. May Mor
rison and tho Jensen family. Itu
j f,,rmer Mrs. Orahani's dnughler.
ni, MW .j,,,,,,.,, ., Hjs)l v
,.,,,,,., ., ,,.Dghl fnl trip, hul were
! glad lo get bark to Nebraska.
I The Avoen mill a flee heinir en.
jn.y remodeled bv II wner.l
ur Sell, is puilimr out a tine
grade of flour and other mill
products. Avoca has needed a
mill for a long lime and the
citizens of Avoca and vieinily
should pull for home industry.
men abreast.
'The South Omaha (timers, who
gave itu exhibition here recently,
piWed I he stars of, the conven
tion ami look home throe prizes.
The local boys did well, but
raptured no prizes.
The local delegation mel Joe
Hajek I here and were invited to
his homo for supper. Charley
Hys, another Plallsmoulh boy,
was called in and a great time fol
lowed. 'The local delegation consisted
of the following; Frank Voslrojs,
Joseph Voslrojs, 'Tom Oradoville,
Joe Scdloek, Anion D. Kobek ami
Anion Toman, jr.
"I r. Thomas' Felcclio Oil is the
icsl remedy for I bat often lired
disease croup. Mas boon used
with success in imp family for
eight vears." Mrs. L. Whileacro,
ItuD'alo. N. Y.
l!oosl ; don't knock !
Baseball Tournament.
The baseball tournament held
here last week was not uiuch'of a
success llnanciallv. but some umut
I ball plaving was witnessed. Tin
between the Stars of l'.lllt) and
voca, and flic second was with
the Iterliu team, The Stars wore
outclassed, but plaved :i good
const, lermg iney nave not,
I plaved for some I mic. Jack Itetts
twirled both games for Avoca and
dished up some classy ball. Score
first game:
Stars ... .0 o o (i it, it it d
Avoca 0 L' 0 ' 0 0 t) -- ('!
j Halleries Neumeister, Hanson
I and F. Hells; Beds and Pillman.
Menre ceemi,! i.'?im.i.
Iterliu . ."J 0 0 0 0 it 0 ;t O- -- 5
Avoca . I r 0 (t :? 0 0 to
Hal lories Iterliu, Krotise and
Miller: Avoca, Hells and Pitliuan.
On Sunday .another dotible
Iteader was played Avoca winning
j , ,lrs, am 1)sil ,.,,
j aiiio, Our bov s seemed lo be I ired
the last game, hav ing plaved four
Iga.nes in Iw vs. The features
! of he tlrst game was a I riple play
i by ! aliuestoek. H 1 1 ami Pillman
, J. (iruber was in the box the tlrst
game ami wmi. .less has iiilchetl
live games for Avoca and has won
, them all, only eight runs being
; made oil' bis delivorv in Hie live
! .. ."
games, score lirsl gann
Iterliu . . .0 i 0 (I (i il il I 0 1
Avoca ... ,il I t (M) 0 0 )
Hitlleries Iterliu, Itoellger ami
Miller; Avoca, J. timber and Pitt
man. 'The second game was won by
Nehawka by a score of ." lo '., nai
leries Nehawka. Adams and
Hall; Avoca
II, (iruber and Pill
Marion Pillman caught all four
games and played like a veteran.
Willi a little more experience,
Marion will make them all go
some to slay in his class
Candidate for Congress.
Paul F. ('dark, a well known
Lincoln attorney, was in town to
day, it, is siiid, looking after fences
for the nomination for congress
on the republican ticket next
Heavy, impure blood makes a
muddy, pimly complexion, head
aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin
blood makes you weak, pale, sick
ly. Kurdock Hlood Hitlers makes
the blood rich, red, pure restores
perfect health.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bo1!
Bears the
Bigubture of
YOU'LL find this Fall
suit and overcoat stock
of ours a splendid example
of what a store with its
heart and soul in its work can do. Af
ter all, a business never grows greater
than its own ambitions, and we've be
come the first clothing store in Platts
inouth only by giving the kind of service
it is our own ambition to give. We've
demanded everything a maker has to of
fer, and everything we show offers every
thing you demand.
We've mwle our values liner, our service fuller,
aiitl our interest in your npparel oil that you would
have it. In the stock that we bring to your at
fiom $1.00 to $2 50, in t!ray, tan
Munhulliiii Shirt