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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1911)
OWNER OF WATER PLANT HERE 10 ii ii win J'REPAKKD IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. Murray Department "t want nil item of interest Editor Jmir ml. DC . 0 n Murray State Bank n Capital and Surplus $15000.00 Wc Solicit Your Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits 0 1C MURRAY, NEBRASKA Dr. It. F. Mrendel was in Omaha la-it Tuesday. W. S. Smith w;h in Nebraska City Tuesday. Ice cream, fruit sundaes and cones at A. L. Baker's. August Hollenhci'K was a Ne- with friends and i braska Lily visitor 1 uesday. Al Marker ami Nick Fricdnch Dr. Newell, the dentlest, In Murrsr every Tuesday. (id i prices on lliiiir now. A. Hast. Frank Gotxlman, painter and paper banger. I'lattHinouth. Mr. an. I Mi s. Claud llslcttcr arc linn visiting relatives Miss Mallic .Minnicar ami Fav were IMattsuiouth Ohlhaii were Oiualia visitors : uesday. visitors Wed- Tuesday. M. . t'.hurchill was looking af ter sonic business matters in I'latlsmoulli today. (icorfce Parks was looking uflrr Home business mailers in the county seal Monday, J, A. V. ulker and Dr. Gilmore were in I'lallsinoulh Monday evening allcndiiitf the Masonic Indue. t' Mrs. James Itice ami two chil dren are numbered with the sick this week, I lirealened with a seine of typhoid lever. W'e claim to have the best L'lic coffee old anywhere for then money. Just received another shiune;i al A. llasl's. , W. V, Hamilton and force of men are busily engaged remodel ing the house ami barn of (Men Perry's place north of Murray. W, K, Dull and wife and (Sladys Mrasek .penl last Saturday and Sunday al ibe borne of Mr. ami Mrs. r.harles Rutherford in Omaha. Hert Salchell shipped a ear of In irs Saturday. Anderson Davis has been quite sick for the past few days. (iraiulma (J. C.) Smith has been quite sick for the past few days. Charles Dill, from Hosilie, Neb., is visiting his parents for a few days. Mrs. A. I.. Maker was a Platts moiith visitor Wednesday morn ing. James Itrowu .shipped in a car of slock cal.lle Wednesday from tuiaha. li Several communications un able to get In type this wek will appear next Issue. If in doubt about your new dress for yourself or your chil dren call at A. Haul's store. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. lunger went over to Thurinan, Iowa. Wednes day In attend the funeral of Ibi'ir neice. The M. P. Railroad company are grading here for another side track, running from Die north switch to Sporer's. Mrs. M. (i. Churchill and niolher, Mr. Alex Craves, enter tained the Aid society at the' home of Mrs. (leaves Wednesday afternoon. They were most royal ly entertained and a very pleasant meeting was had. Robert Fitch, I'.il Lewis ami Jen Lewis departed Wednesday morn ing for Plainview, Nebraska, where they have some business mailers to look after. Some of them think of renting farms in that localilv the coining season. I s Sam Pilnian is .still in Wyom ing placing in the healing plant for Mr. Woolsey. The best school shoes for the children at A. llasl's store. Also full line of school supplies. Charles Nickels and wife of Colorado are here visiting with William Nickels, over east of Murray. Mrs. James I.oughridge has been quite sick again this week, suffering a more severe attack of neuralgia. Mr. Purviance of the dancer Piano company spent several days with friends and relatives here t his week. Flinch Moorelaml, the champion watermelon raiser of this section, was in Murray with a load of melons Wednesday. Miss olga Minfonl entered the Weeping Water academy Monday. She was accompanied lo Weeping Water by Mr. Minfonl. Word reaches us that Mr. Al fred Dean and Miss Cole, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Faunce Cole, were married last week. I'ncle Peter Perry's condition remains about the same as for the past few weeks, just a Iritle weak er for t he past few days. Mat Sigman is section foreman now, temporarily, owing lo Fore man I. aue running the extra u-anu lelvveen here and Unon. The Missionary society met at the church Wednesday for an all -dqy's quilling, taking pjoj$ions and king their dinner in the kflchen of the church. Say. what about the road Moat ing? II does good when done al Ibe proper time. Some are anxiously waiting lo see what it will do. J. W. Holmes has commenced the work of repainting bis store room, now occupied by A. Hast. lie intends to give Ibe exterior an j are' loo vvi entirely different appearance within Ibe next few days. Mrs. Jake Mason oT l'lalls moulh came down this morning to visit a few days with her daugh ter. Mrs. Hobert Fitch, while Mr. Filch is looking afler some busi ness mallei's up near Plainview. One car of apples has been shipped from this slat ion. and from the way they are buying t hem at present there will be a great many cars shipped this fall. The Murray men closed a contract with Alex Craves this week lo buy his archard over east of1! own. which will pick several thousand bushels. Mrs. Nicholas Diuliier received a message from Omaha Wednes day announcinir fhe death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mike Noll, which occurred at St. Joseph's hospital afler submitting to a very serious surgical operation." The deceased resided in Cook eoun- hows mighty good playing on both sides. In some of the league games the score stands 2 to 1, but they don't get the right swing on the bat. A perfect score is 100 and our boys will be making this by the end of the month. S. (1. I.alla and son, James, were visiting i lie I air ami reiauves in Lincoln last week. Miss Nettie Connally and mother, Mrs. i. D. Connally, were in Omaha Wednesday. Remember, next week we will commence putting out our cold weather bargains. A. Hast'. Mr. Lovel Massie was a pas senger to Platlsnioulh Saturday, returning in the evening. Mrs. Alva Long and Mrs. Wil liam Sporer were shopping in Omaha last Friday, returning home via Plattsinoulh. J. W. Merger returned home from his extended visit out in California last Thursday evening, looking hale and hearty, as if the Irip had done him a world of good, and no doubt it did. He says be had one of the most pleasant times of his life, and the sights thai met his eyes of the country were the grandest thai he had ever seen. Mr. Merger has a sister living al San Jose, besides a brother ami other friends and relatives in other parts of the slate. He had been gone about three months. READ THE CASE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT George F. West, Recent Purchaser of Plint, Says that He WU1 Put In All Reasonable Improvements, and Accept Any Rea sonable Franchise, or Sell At A Fair Prise. - That (ieorge F. West is making a favorable impression in regard to the local water works situation cannot be doubled to have purchased the IMatts uiouth' water plant about a month ago. He is a Portland. Maine, capitalist, and owns a number of water plants. He is an expert in all that makes up a water plant ami system and does not have to take t he word of ot hers to tell him whether a plant is capable of uiv ing good service or not. Mr. West got in touch with the mayor and the Commercial club ollitlicials yesterday and told them he was going to spend at least $10,000 in improving the plant. After looking over it he saw that a new pumping house, a new boiler and a new pump were needed. He talked lo the city officials and Commercial club officers about a new franchise. He said that lie desired to find out what the city wanted and that that was the object of his visit here. He Is willing to make all reasonable im provements, give as reasonable rates as possible and accept a franchise as favorable to the city tl ill I........ I,.'.. n ... , West is said " u,c """ a i"aoiittuiw in- inrii on nis investment. If the city desires to buy the plant, he said, he will be willing to sell it at a price agreed upon by experts called in by both sides, or in any other way that will be satisfactory to both sides. Mr. West will meet the City officials and members of the Commercial club tomorrow morn ing in a conference, and the en tire water situation will be dis cussed. There is an element here thai is in favor of the city buying the water plant, and also the light plant, and run the two together. They believe that the city- can pay for the bonds used for buying the plants out of the profits and from the savings to the city because of free light and water. At the pres ent time the city pays thousands of dollars a year to the water and light companies. The franchise of the water company will expire in the spring. LOCAL NEWS would be too much money to give to each customer as a present. But if you will just watch our ad from now on and will come into our store, we are going to save you a nice sum of money on your purchases for Fall and Winter. We are now putting all our spare time in arranging our shelves and space for Fall and Winter bargains. The early bird catches the worm. So for your own benefit watch our ad in next week's Journal for prices. Yours for business, &UUST MAST, THE BARGAIN STORE MURRAY, : : : NEBEASKA You Will Find It on the Last Page of This Issue of the Journal. Mr. M. K. Manspeaker, agent for the Case Farm Machinery, and located in Plallsmoulh. is using considerable newspaper space the pas) -few months in Idling fann ers of Cass county the many good finalities of the Case Farm Ma chinery. For several weeks he has been runiiiiiir a two-page ad vertisement in the News-Herald of this city, and coming lo the con clusion that In- could not reach all the farmers in the county through one pnner. he has con tracted for tii"' full page in the Journal each week up to the (Irst day of November. These advertisements will no doubt be very interesting to the fanners and all users of heavy work machinery of every descrip tion. The J. I. Case company known for us to at tempt to give them an introduc tion to the farmers: all that Mr. Manspeaker wishes to do with the n ill of these advertisements is to tell (lie farmers and users of this sort of machinery the many good Vialilies, where and how this general purpose line of goods can be employed; how it will lessen your work ami make you more money from practically the same investment in lands. There is scarcely an implement of any sort for the advancement of farm work and money-savers for their owner that the J. I. Case Company do not manufacture. They are the guaranteed perfec tion line, and meet Ibe require ments of all classes of farm work. This is the line along which Mr. Manspeaker wants to talk lo you on. and he will spend considerable time and money to further ad vance the line of J. L Case Farm Machinery. From Monday's Pally. L. M. McVey and Frank Sher wood of near Union were Plaits moiith visitors today. "Matty" Itannilier was up from the farm today looking after some business matters and greeting his former comrades. Our old friend, Ivan While, was up from Murray today shaking hands with his many friends, who always come to IMallsnioiith on Sal unlay. C. P.enger. one of Cass county's enterprising farmers and stock men, was in the city today. We were pleased to see him looking better than usual. Glen Perry Seriously Injured. On last Thursday, while drenching one of his horses, Mr. fllen Perry was quite seriously in jured. At first his internal in juries were thought to be very slight, although he suffered con siderable pain in the abdomen and side, where he struck as he was thrown across a log from the blow received by the animal's head. Later the abdomen began to show abnormal proportions from the inflammation brought on by the injury, and he was compelled to be placed in ice bags to reduce the swelling; his suffering had greatly increased and consider able alarm arose for his recovery. NOTICE. Stale of Nebraska. County of Cas9, ss. I In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Anna Margaret Claus, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: Von are hereby notified that there will be a hearing before this court upon the report of the Ex ecutrix of saiil estate, together with her petition for final settle ment and distribution of said estate according to the terms of the last will and testament of said deceased, on the 3rd day of Octo ber, 1911, al 9 o'clock A. M.. That all objections, if any, must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said coun ty, this 11 Ih day of September, 1911. (Seal! Allen J. Reeson, County Judge. Van Meter Pleads Guilty. eorge Van Meter, the man ar rested at Union charged with burglary, pleaded guilty to the charge in Judge Archer's court today. The' officials are trying to get in communication with his folks, as he is slightly affected mentally. They believe that if properly cared for he would re cover. He will be held a few days before any further action Is taken. ly. S. I)., but the funeral will be held at Exira. Iowa, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Y, 0. Roedeker and father, Charles Roedeker, were in Platlsnioulh Wednesday evening, driving up in the auto. The Journal man accepted the kind invitation of Mr. Roedeker lo return home with them. Miss Ida Roedeker was in Plaltsiuouth during Ibe day and returned lo her home with them. Typhoid fever is prevalent in this neighborhood, and it be hooves each individual lo use all precaution in keeping their premises clean and sanitary. Some alleys in our little town are in a horrible condition, and it is all because the users do not think. Such alleys are sickness lo pass through in daylight and dangerous at night. The ball game between Mynard and Murray last Saturday was a good one. The score stood 11 to 14 in favor of Murray, with the i last half of the ninth inning due Murray unplayed. The score Sells Good Farm. C. F. Harris completed a deal fin last Monday whereby II. H. Sbrader and Frank Yost became the owners of what has long been known ns the Churchill farm owned by J. W. Edmunds, four miles east of Murray. This is considered a good piece of prop erly at sino per acre. 1 lie new purchasers are excellent citizens and we nre pleased to see them remain with us in place of going elsewhere to invest I heir money. C. F. Harris is there and can sure deliver the goods when it conies lo a land deal. He understands the real estate business thorough ly. Talk it over with him if you want a farm. FOLE HONEY YAD TAR COMPOUND Still retains its high place as the serious results from a cold. Take best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for chil dren or grown persons. Prevents only the genuine Foley's ollney and Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. For sale by Prick & Co. John Colbert of near Weeping Water was in the city today look ing after some business matters. Mr. Collier was a candidate for countv commissioner on the re publican ticket in the recent pri mary, and was defeated by his friends remaining at home on election day. J. W. Swindle of Weeping Water was in town this morning and went on lo Omaha. Louis Schomaker, wife and lit tle son, of the vicinity of Murray, were visitors in the city yester day. Mr. Schomaker and little son were pleasant callers at this office, Mr. Schomaker renewing his allegiance to the Old Reliable for another year, which we ap preciated very much. CATARRH r fc . T! e 3s3 it 2 111? 01 a i 1 Sjoocoio DR Herman Greedar, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon ) Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly telephone 378 White, Pliit'.smout Nursery Stock. We wish to notify the people of Murray and vicinity that we will have a man in this territory soon taking orders for our Nebraska drown Stock. The eheapesl lo buy and the best lo plant. Har rison Nursery Co.. York. Nebraska. HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM ApplUd Into th nettrll I quickly aborbd. OIVIS RELIEF AT ONCC. It cIoHnws, soothoH, heal and protects th diseased membrane nuiilting from Catarrh and drives awny a Cold iu the IIoinl quickly. Kentores the Kensen of Taste aud Smell. It la enxy to one. Contains no injurious drug. No meri'ury, no cocaiue, no mor phine. The household remedy. Trice, 60 cents at Druggists or Tiy umil. ill BROTHERS. 66 Wtrren St., New Yor Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Teleprnph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Rates Reasonable