The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1911, Image 5

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    .H'S ,t PM Sr HTVsl l i VIII!
(Copyright. A. C.
Mr. Hawley Reveals Himself.
A fragment of candle, stuck tightly
Into the neck of an empty bottle, ap
peared on a low shelf, and Keith light
ed it, the girl returning the lamp to
1t.p former position on the front room
table. Investigation revealed a doren
cartridges fitting the revolver, but no
ammunition aa discovered adapted
to the sawed-ofl gun, which Neb had
already appropriated, and was drag
Kins about with hliu, peering Into
ach black corner in anxious search.
Th two were Htlll busily employed at
IthlH, when to their ears, through the !
istilliieHK of the night, there came the
(unexpected noise of splashing In the
'water without, and then the sound of
a horse stumbling aa he struck the
'bank. Quick aa a flash Keith closed
the Intervening door, extinguished the
idlm flame of the candle, and grasping
,th startled negro's am, hushed him
'into alienor.
Crouching cloe behind the door,
through a crack of which to light
itramed, yielding slight view of the
Interior, the plainsman anxiously
awaited developments. Them arrivals
imuat certainly be some of those con
liirtoted with the bowe; there could be
little doubt as to that. Nevertheless,
they might prove the posse following
them, who had chanced to stumble
accidentally on their retreat In eith
er cane they could merely wait, and
: learn, Some one swore without, and
(wan sharply rebuked by another voice,
Iwhlch added an order gruffly. Then
Ithe outer latch clicked, and a single
iman stepped within, Immediately clos
ing the door. Keith could not tee the
girl through the small aperture, but he
ibnard her quick exclamation, startled,
yt full of relief.
"Oh, Is ft you? I am so glad!"
' The man laughed lightly.
"It Is nloe to be welcomed, although,
pfirhapa, after your time of loneliness
any arrival woaM prove a relief. Did
you think I waa nerer oomtng, Chris
tie r
"I could not nnderstand," she re
jplled, evidently with much less en
thusiasm, and to Keith's thinking, a
iwiaun rensaiiui ol me iamuiariir, diu
natarally supposed you must be unex- I
ipectedly delayed."
"Well, I was," and he apparently.!
Wong both coat and hat on a bench,
'with the Intention of remaining. "The
(marshal arrested a fellow for a mur
jdr committed out on the Santa Fe
'Trail, and required, me aa a witness.
IBut the man got away before we bad
iany chance to try him, and I have
btwtu on his trail ever since."
"A murder! Did you imagine be
rtiame this way?"
"Not very likely; fact of it Is, the
isaud storm yesterday destroyed all
(traces, and, as a result, we've lost
Ihtru. So I headed a few of the boys
lover In this direction, aa I wanted to
(relieve you of anxiety."
She was silent an Instant, and the
Iman croaaed to the fireplace, where
'Keith could gain a glimpse of blm.
iAlready suspicious from the familiar
'sound of his voice, he was not sur
IprlHed to recognise "Black Bart." The
Iplalnsman's fliiKers gripped the negro's
arm, his eyes burning. So this gambler
:and blackleg was the gentlemanly Mr.
Illawley, was he; well, what could be
his little game? Why had he Inveigled
Ithe girl Into this lonely spot? And
!what did he now propose doing with
'her? As he crouched there, peering
'through that convenient crack in the
'door, Keith completely forgot his own
'peril, Intent only upon this new dltt
jcovary. She came slowly around the
end of the table, and stood leaning
laKalnst It, her face clearly revealed
(in the light of the lamp. For the flrtit
jtlnie Keith really perceived Its beauty,
,lts fresh charm. Could such a she
be singer and dancer In a frontier con
cert hall? And If so, what strange
conditions ever drove her Into that
'Bort of life?
"Is Is Fred wH'i you?" she (jups
i tinned, doubtfully.
"No; he's with another party riding
'farther west," the man's eyes survey
ing her with manifest approval. "You
are certainly looking fine to-night, mj
arlrl. It's difficult to understand how
I ever managed to keep away from
'you so long."
She flushed to the hair, her lips
'trembling at the open bolduess of bis
"I I prefer you would not speak
llke that," she protested.
"And why not?" with a light laugh.
'"Come, Christie, such fine airs are a
trifle, out of place. If I didn't know
you were a oonrerc nan arusi, i migm
I be more deeply Impressed. As It is,
'I reckon you've heard love words be
fore now."
"Mr. Hawley, I have trusted you as
a gentleman. I never came here ex
cept on your promise to bring me to
my brother," and she stood erect be
fore him. "Ton have no right to even
assume that I am Christie Maclalre."
"Sure not; I don't assume. I have
wen that lady too often to be mis
taken. Dont try on that sort of thing
with me I doa't take to it kindly.
Perbacs a kiss might put you lu bee-
fi l
""Author Or ' My LapyOi The South
Illustration Bv DtABOWP1 MrLviu.-
MoClurf & Co.. 1S10.)
irr numor.
He took a step forward, as though
projwslng to carry out his threat, but
the girl stopped him, her eyes burn
ing with ImiUnation.
'How dare you!" she exclaimed pas
sionately, all fear leaving her in sud
den resentment. "You think nie uioue
here and helpless; that you can insult
i me at your pleasure. Uou t so ioo
i far, Mr. Hawley. I know what you
' are now, and It niakis no difference!
i what you nmy think of me. or call me;
you'll flud me perfectly abie to dt fend
"Oh, Indeed!" sneeringly, "you ire
melodramatic; you should have been
an actreHS Instead of a singer. But
you waste your talent out here on me.
Do you Imagine I fear either you, or
your precious brother? Why, I could
have him hung to-morrow."
She was staring at him with wtde
open eyes, her face white.
"What what do you mean? What
has Fred done?"
He was cold and sarcastic.
"That makes no dlffamiro; It 1"
what I could Induce men to swear
he had done. It's easy enough to
convict In this country. If you only
know how. I simply tell you this, eo
you wont press me too hard. Purt
tanlsm la out of place west of the Mis
souri, especially among ladles of your
profession Oh, come, now, Christie,
dont try to put such airs on with me.
I know who you are, all right, and
can guess why you are hunting after
Fred Wllloughby. I pumped the boy,
and got most of the truth out of him."
"You you have seen him, then,
since you left me," she faltered, be
wildered, "and didn't bring him bere
with your
"Why should If and the man stepped
forward, his eyes on her, bis
hands twitching with a desire to clasp
her to him, yet restrained by some an
definable power. "While I believed
your brother story, I could have play
ed the good Samaritan most beautiful
ly, but after I talked with Wllloughby
I prefer him at a distance."
"My brother story! Do you mean
to Insinuate you doubt bis being my
brother r He told you that?"
"He gave up the whole trick. You
can't trust a kid like that, Christie. A
C0Ul9 of dr,nk wlu ,O08ea hlB n
gue, and put you In wrong. Come, now,
I know It all; be reasonable."
Apparently the girl had loet her
power of speech, staring blindly at the
face of the man before ber, as a bird
meets the slow approach of a snake.
Keith could see ber Hps move, but
making no sound. Hawley evidently
Interpreted ber silence as hesitation.
doubt as to his real meaning.
"You see where you are at now
Christie," he went on swiftly. "But
you don't need to be afraid. I'm going
to be a friend to you, and you can be
mighty glad you got rid of Wllloughy
so easily. Why, I can buy you dia
monds where he couldn't give you a
calico dress. Come on, let's stop this
foolishness. I took a liking to you
back there In the stage, and the more
I've thought about you since the
crazier I've got. When I succeeded In
pumping Wllloughby dry, and discov
ered you wasn't his sister at all, why
that settled the matter. I came down
here after you. I love you, do you un
derstand that? And, what's more, I
Intend to have you!"
He reached out, and actually grasp
ed her, but, In some manner, she tore
looHe, and sprang back around the
end of the table, her cheeks flushed,
her eyes burning.
"Don't touch me! don't dare touch
me!" she panted. "You lie; Fred Wll
loughby never told you that. If you
come one step nearer, I'll scream; I'll
call your men here; I'll tell them the
kind of a cur you are."
He laughed, leaning over toward
ber, yet hesitating, his eyes full of ad
miration Her very fierceness apealed
to him, urged him on.
"Oh, I wouldn't! In the first place
they probably wouldn't hear, for they
are camped down In the corral. I aus-
i pected you might be something of a
! tigress, and preferred to light it out
with you alone. Then, even If they
did hear, there would be no Inter
ference rve got those fellows trained
too well for that. Come on, Christie;
you're helpless here."
"Am I?"
"Yes, you are."
He took a step toward her, his hands
flung out. With one quick movement
Bhe sprang aside and extinguished the
lamp, plunging the room Into Instant
darkness. A few red coals glowed
dully In the fireplace, but all else was
dense blackness. Keith heard the
movements of Hawley, as he felt bis
was uncertainly along the table,
swearing as he failed to find the girl.
Then, like a shadow, be gilded through
the partly open door into the room.
(To Be Continued.)
"I have n world of confidence in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
I have used it with perfect suc
cess," writes Mrs. M. I. Hasford,
hiolesville, Md. For sale by F.
(1. Fricke & Co.
nccirc l inDir
I UlliUL K,'
There Will Bo Key Boxes Instead
of Combination Kind at the
Now PostorTtce.
The puslnllire liutltliim will not
lie ivail for iicfUpaiH'v before le
eeinber 1, it is saiil by persons
ronnectoii with Hie local post
otlire. The buildinu could he rom
lileteil if the material needed eould
he seruiv.l. btil the eontrartor will
have to wait on the material.
The contract calls for the en
tire i ipletion of the building by
November I. There would have
1 ii mi iliilicnlty in getting th
building finished by Unit time had
nuiterial been available.
The Journal learned this morn
inff that the new postollire would
be etpiipped witli key boxes in
stead of the combination style
I hat is used at the present posl
ollice. This will cause joy to
some and sorrow to others. The
government does not install com
bination boxes any more, using
the key boxes exclusively. Only
three keys can be used to one box,
so families of six and eight will
lie inconvenienced, as a!! of Hie
members of a large family cannot
have keys. ' '
01 hers will prefer to have a key,
as oftentimes a combination will
not work and a person, especially
if ih haste, will have to work the
combination several times to open
the box.
A deposit will have to be put, up
or each key taken out. This will
be returned upon surrender of the
No Need to Stop Work.
W hen your doctor orders you
to slop work, it slaKKecs you. "I
can't," you say. You know you
are weak, run-down and failing
in health, day by day. but you
must work as Iouk as you can
stand. What you need is Electric
Milters to give lone, strength, and
vigor to your system, to prevent
breakdown and build you up.
Don't be weak, sickly or ailing
when Electric lutters will benefit
yon from the first dose. Thou
sands bless them for their
glorious health and strength. Try
tlietn. Every bottle is guaranteed
to satisfy. Only 50c at F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The Harvest Moon.
As some of us middle-aged peo
ple look at the fat and jocund
lace of the harvest moon and
absorb the gorgeous beauty of a
clear September night, most of us
have tn admit that our capacity
for sensuous pleasure has been a
bit dulled by the years that have
flown. W hat a glamor of romance
used to surround a moonlight
niyht when we were just grown
up emnmh to feel the witchery of
it. Mow it seemed as if one never
could do anthin so absolutely
prosaic as goiiiir home and going
to bed. What an affront to the
joy of living, to turn the cold eye
of sleep on Mr. Man in the Moon
before the pale light of dawn
should dismiss the mystic visions
by a summons to the cold realities
of life. Our shallow human nature
thus grinds away mi its dull round
of toil, throwing the mantle of
the ciiimnonpliire over ihe sweet
est visions of earth and heaven.
Something has gone that can'l
come back. Put would we want it
back, if we had to travel over the
same dusty road again? Ay,
there's the rub.
Forced to Leave Home.
Every year a large numher of
poor sufferers, whose lungs are
sore and racked with coughs, are
urged to go to another climate.
Put this is costly and not always
sure. There's a better way. Let
Ir. King's New Discovery cure
you at home. "It cured nie of
lung trouble," writes V. R. Nel
son, of Calamine, Ark," "when all
else failed and I gained 47 pounds
in weight. It's surely the king of
all cough and lung cures." Thou
sands owe their lives and health
to it. It's positively guaranteed
for Coughs, Colds La Grippe,
Asthma, Croup all Throat and
Lung troubles. fiOe and $1.00.
Trial bottle free at, F. (1. Fricke
& Co.
Pollock Parmele left yesterday
for Alton, III., where he will enter
the Western Military academy.
Miss Ilallie Parmele will leave for
Monlicello college, near St. Louis,
in two weeks.
Office First National Bank Building
n i
1 "5 ""f
I T 'I V 1 - !
' "' IK k
Platts mouth, Nebraska.
Lincoln Woman Slips Into Glen
wood in Absence of Mother and
Takes the Children.
A kidnapping case is on the
tapis lor (ileuwood, with a pos-
;. 1;: , i , I, , .
.nihility that Mrs. Juda (Ed) How
ard may be brought here from
Lincoln, Neb., to unswer to the
charge of taking little Carl and
Johnnie Howard from the home of
their mother, Mrs. Stella Howard
Hooker, in (ileuwood, forcibly
and without authority, says the
Three years ago Stella Howard
was granted a divorce from Ed
Howard, and the custody of their
four children. Later she married
Pen Hooker and they now live in
(Ileuwood. Ed also married again,
and is now said to be living at
Last Saturday this second Mrs.
Howard appeared in Glenwood,
went to the Hooker home, and
(Mr, and Mrs. Hooker both being
absent) decoyed and took little
Carl and Johnnie, aged 7 and 0, to
the railway station. There they
were overhauled by an older sis
ter who learned of the action and
w ho undertook to stop the Howard
woman from getting away with
the children. She appealed to
Sherill' Bii.-dinell to slop the wom
an from taking them away, hut he
declined to interfere without a
warrant and the woman was al
lowed to take llm children aboard
the train and leave.
Now, if Mrs. Hooker wants her
children back, an action of some
sort will be necesasry in the
courts, and this, it is said, will be
Iieputy Sheriff Edwards went to
Lincoln Monday morning with a
warrant for the arrest of Mrs.
Howard and to secure the chil
dren. If Mrs. Howard refuses to
come a reipn'sil ion will be made
on the Nebraska governor for her
Off for Conference.
From Tuosilny's Dally.
The annual conference of the
Methodist Episcopal chun h open
ed this morning at University
Place church in Lincoln. Rev. W.
L. Austin, pastor of the Methodist
church in Plattsinouth for the
past two years, departed for Lin
coln this morning to be in at
tendance, and it is the hope of
not only the members of his con
gregation, but it is nlso the wish
of the entire city that he will be
returned to this charge. Brother
Austin's relations with the church
and the people in general have
beep of that nature as to make
him very popular. The Journal
also joins his numerous friends
in the hope that he will be return
ed, for he is an able, con
sii'cnlious and genuine good man.
Not a Word of Scandal
marred the call of a neighbor on
Mrs. W. P. Spangh. of Manville,
Wyo who said: "She told me
Dr. King's New Life Pills had
cured her of obstinate kidney
trouble, and made her feel like a
new woman." Easy, but sure
remedy for stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles. . Only 2rc at F. CI.
Fricke A Co.
Mrs. Peter Perry and daughter,
Miss Manota perry, went to Oma
ha this morning to spend the day
This style of lighting makes gas just as you
use it at the jets or stove and no faster.
The entire machine is automatic in opera
tion and requires no attention whatever except
to occasionally put in carbide and water, and
that takes only a few minutes of your time and
will last from two to three weeks at one filling.
J News. 4
K. M. Pollard motored to Kan
sas City last week, going down
Tuesday and back Thursday.
C. 1J. St. John left on the ii
o'clock train Thursday for Bel-
,, , ,.
'called on uccount of the serious
illness of his father, II. F. St.
Charles Heebner was touched
for a $5 bill and some odd change
at the fair Wednesday. For
tunately he had given his wife the
most of his money just before.
Carl Stone and family moved in
Wednesday from the farm to
Henry Pollard's residence which
he purchased several months ago.
Mr. Pollard on the same day
moved out to his farm, where ho
had just completed a dwelling.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kropp anij
son, Ernest, returned last Thurs
day from a ten days' outing near
Newcastle, Wyoming, Henry re
ports a splendid time and admits
hav ing , ridden on the hurricane
deck of a broncho until he felt like
n clothespin.
Last Friday evening Miss Isa
dnre Sheldon entertained a num
ber of her girl friends in honor of
her out-of-town guests, Miss
Ellen Pollock and Miss Lucile
(iass of Plallsnioulh, ami Mary
Hungate of Weeping Water. At
r:.'ti) the guests repaired to the
woods, where they were treated to
an elaborate supper.
John lioiighly and wife return
ed Monday evening from a ten
days' visit to friends ami relatives
in IHxon county. While up there
liny visited M. C. Whitehead and
John Reed, former residents of
this place. Mr. Joughly says
they have us heal up that way
when il comes to corn, but their
small grain is a complete failure.
They returned by wav of Sioux
A deal has been eonsumalcd
whereby William Williams, who
has been living in one of Louis
Todd's houses this summer and
working for him, becomes prop
rietor of the restaurant recently
conducted by William Davidson,
Mr. Davidson has been troubled
with an obscure ailment for some
time and expects to seek relief in
a hospital, ruber than this he
has not decided what he will do.
A Dreadful Sight
lo II. J. Darnum, of Freeville, N.
Y., was the fever-sore that had
plagued his life for years in spite
of many remedies he tried. At
last he used Hucklen's Arnica
Salve and wrote: "It has entirely
healed with scarcely a scar left."
Heals Hums, Hoils, Eczema, Cuts,
Hruises, Swellings, Corns and
Piles like magic. Only
(1. Fricke A Co.
at F.
Big Dance.
There will be a dance at the T.
J. Sokol hall on Saturday night,
September 21). The public is in
vited to attend. A good time is
assured to all. The admission
will be 50 cents lo men. Ladies
will be admitted free. The music
will be by the M. W. A. orchestra.
Miss Myrtle Stewart passed
through here yesterday on her
way to Ainsworth, Iowa, from
Union, where she visited the fam
ily of A. E. Stites.
i K
From a Plattsmouth Citizen.
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially after
Is there a soreness in the kid-
ney region? .
These symptoms indicate weak
There is danger in delay. '
Weak kidneys fast get weaker.'
Give your trouble prompt at
tent ion.
Doan's Kidney Pills net quickly.
They strengthen weak kidneys.
Read this Plattsmouth testi
mony, r
C. Tyler, Rock street, Plattu
mouth, Neb., says: "About two
years ago, when suffering from
lameness across my loins and
acute pains through my baok
when I moved. I procured Doan's
Kidney Pills from Rynolt & Co.'s
Drug Store and used them. They
benellted me so greatly that I pub
licly recommended thein. I have
been so free from kidney trouble
since- thai I do not hesitate to
verify my former testimonial."
For sale by all dealers. Price
60 rents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
nuffnlo, New York, sole agent9 for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Ford Auto for Sale.
Ford runabout, in good condi
tion, thoroughly overhauled and
repaired. Price $225.00; cash or
good bankable note. Apply to J.
E. Mason.
Apples Wanted.
At Murray, Nebraska. All
varieties. Will pay highest mar
ket price in cash. ly Hunch &
IN 'I'll 10 IIISTHU T roi It I' OI' TUB
i oi vr or i ass, m:iiii(ska.
In Hip Mutter of tlif A i:! ! :-at Ion of The
I'latlHiniiiilh Auto Mini WiiK'Hi Urldge
Ciiiiipany or I 'I ii 1 1 hiio mi t It, NeiiraNka,
fur hii iiiili-r of t'uiirt I'i-chitI blnn the
ItHti'H of Toll to In- CIiioki'iI liy Kali
('(iiiiimny fur fniHHliiK Km HiIiIks.
It ut HenrliiK mi it iillralla foe
Si'lit ilnli ( VI n I in ii in II ii I m f Toll
for (TotmliiK Hn III IIi-IiIki.
Nollci- Ih liiTfliy Kivcil Hint on th 2rttU
iluy of AukiihI, A. H 1'Jll, Tim I'liltta
inoiitli Auto utiil Wiikom ItrlilKA Com.
Winy of Hut turnout Ii, Nnlinixkn, tiled
Oh iiftltlon In the Mitti'lct Court of the
County of Cuhm, Nt-hruxka, i'ttieHtlnir
until Court to filter nn oriliT ami lnr
pi'i'HcrililiiK tlio miiv liniim ruled of toll
clinrKi'ti for crnKMliiK Itn bhIiI bridge,
crecit'ii hitomm the 1'lulte river, near
I'lnttHMiout Ii bet woe tl the Counties of
Can ami Sarpy, In the Htute of Ne
liniHkn, nlleKinic the following ftuherlule
of toll rnteM to he ri-Hhoiiuhlu, to-wtt;
Hteam or (liiHollne Traction Kn
Klnen not to lm allowed to
(i'oxk mii 1 IiiIiIkc
Karh peiHon on foot, on bleyclo
or In vehicle OS
Children under twelve yeura of,
axe, when accompanied by
parentH or Kiiardlun Free
IloiHfl and rider 15
Motor cycle and rider 15
niie-hoiMp vehicle and driver... .20
Two-hoiMO vehicle and driver... .25
Three-horxe vehicle and driver.. .35
Kour-horxe vehicle and driver.. . .50
HorHPH and cattle, led or driven,
Calvex, Klieep, KuiitM or Iwkh, led
or driven, each ,
Iluckxter, 'live poultry, patent
medicine mid xrocery peddler,
each, waKon and driver 11.00
KinlKi'iint wiikoii, with driver. .. .51.00
For each Hildlt Innnl peiMOn 05
AtitotuohllfH and chuiilTeur 50
Thresher xeparutor, team and
driver S2.E0
Corn alieller, tenm and driver ... $1.50
For each additional vehicle or
I in I I fin i' ii t drawn by team or
pei'Hon 10
and an order of Court was entered
11x111 the IHh day of October, A. D.
llt. at ten o'clock A. M., and dlxtrlct
court room In the City of I'lattHmouth,
County of Case, Nebraska, an the time
and place of hearing upon (aid petition
and that at auld time and place auch
orders will be mude and entered pre
scrlblng mux I mum rates of toll charge
for the use of said bridge, aa to the
Court tuny appear proper and Just. All
objection to mild schedule above pre
suited must be tiled before said hour
of snld day of hearing; of all of
you will take due notice.
Ily the Court, Harvey P. Travis.
Judge of the IHstrict Court In and for
ttie County of Cass, Nebraska.
Byron Clark and W'm. A. Ho hers ton.