The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1911, Image 4

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    T .... . 1 ! . , I
The- Plattsmouth - Journal
r-3 Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CUD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the I'oHtollice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
in.- i
.it- will reward hiii! with , competent county clerk and those
r term.
Why ! iiiin li .tit'. ui laritV
'Xperls S (MMI Voll CM f 1 1 ) 1 tllflll 111
any irr.ffry t .ri -;f,i I upun llif
cracker barre I ?
Typhoid fever seems lo be rag
ing in the state capital and the
denizens are considerably alarm-
The Democratic Ticket
Fop Judges Supreme Court.
For Regents University.
.1 to anyone :f an folate of ed at its spread.
f. I an in- '0
I 1 1 & I "51. -.-- ' ' I
l.erilance tax of 25 to fiO percent? Doe, puhlicit.y
:o :
The sailors mav have had a bad K"t to print all that the campaign
lime in the South Atlantic, .storm, poet.
1 . .1 . 11 ...I 11. .1 1 I. ...... I no!
k I I 1 I I V It'll ' I'll' 1 I I 1 I I llll ll.l ' '
were no chimneys over them to
w l
aNo fe.
T- i-r? l-r-.-s M Jk T !y . - pt t s-s -s- t c
a. -w- . u . ( - m s rsi i h . .11 ii 1 1 -s j 1 111 1
i have lia.1 liiismos won mail . ,.
ic- kr,.nv it. He really should C k T. ytTJil
r I.Mi.-.l without opposition. T;. n',.i a K JJf j A
iaf the wav manv republicans I : . -4,
felNp R4RAD
EPX27. to OCT. 7, 1911 -
For Railroad Commissioner.
For Judge of the District Court
First District.
For Clerk of the District Court.
rat I e down on I heir heads.
"I'll- i-icil in- truit tl.." a j reed
lo a derree dissolving l. TIliH
trust, was too vouim and tend'-r
to -laud the shook of a dissolu
1 1 1 1 order by the supreme court.
:o :
For County Clerk.
D. H. M0IU1AN.
For Treasurer.
For Sheriff.
For Superintendent of Schools.
For Surveyor.
of campaign
contributions mean that we have
print all that the campaign
ill'eis? ff so, heaven save
:o :
Mr. Taft met the members of
the American Dar a-sociation and
noi one ol 1 1 1 1 1 1 cnarne.i uii -t-.j
for an opinion as lo the iu l day's
weal her.
Ft is " to take a sereat many
postmastersiii)s to i-eeoncne in
colored brother
to all the race
riots (bat are lakinw place, north
as soiiUi.
:o :
For Coroner.
For Commissioner Second
For Police Magistrate.
M. AlirdlKR.
1 :o:
The AlaJiama republicans' seem
lo bp for Taft- both of tbein.
Democrat s in congress may re
tort' that "politics" is a rather waler is abundant.
A committee of French experts
js eominur over to study Ainerioan
methods. They will find that the a vse
American article down on the
Itowery will come close up to Frank Hitchcock recommend
Maxim's. i'f'-cels post, but lie does not
-q .seem to have any relief for the
Kx-Soeaker Cannon savs he is man to carry parcels on
beKinniim to love President Tuft "is wife's shopping trips.
for the enemies he lias made. It :o:
may lie added that the public dis- The number of iminiprants has
trusts the president for just such fallen off 220.854 this year, and
friends he lias made. 220,851 housewives are standing
:o: on the wharves weeping because
There is talk of abolishing the of their failure to obtain cooks
express companies and making :o:
the railroads do the work. That The Auburn society is trying to
would open a broader Held for preserve the turtle dove, but from
some of our artistic baggage-
The house of governors is to
meet this month at Spring Lake,
N. J., hut we doubt if they have
been drawn there by the sugges
what we have recently seen in
shady corners of the summer re
sort piazzas, we see no danger of
their extinction.
more, inspiring game than golf
Mr. Vaniman is going to fry to
cross the ocean in an airship, and
lion in the name of the place that though he may not land in Europe,
we are confident that he will at
least get as far as the lecture
We envy that western American
siiieele. of stealing Moiia Lisa
and her smile. She would be
mighty pleasant on our dininar
room wall on the many days when
our wife contumaciously declines
to lauiih at our jokes.
:o :
"Home tirst the world after
ward," is a motto that every citi
zen should keep in his mind the
year round. The man w ho is for
home first at all times and under
all circumstances is a most de
sirable citizen and one worthy of
that distinction.
Taft will evidently Ihnl out ere
lie has completed his tour of the
west, that the people are onto his
lou h I e-faced dealing preaching'
one thim-' in the east and another
thing in the west. Hilly is in a
box from which he cannot ex
tricate himself.
:o :
Small boys are entitled to all
the rights and privileges in the
world and some people think they
have no place in the eternal fit
ness of things, although this is
not so. Hut the small boy with
his bicycle has no business riding
on the sidewalk, as some of them
are doing.
Don Rhoden is a man who was
reared on a farm in Cass county.
Those who know htm best are the
very men who praise his excel
lent qualities the highest. They
know that he possesses every es
sential to make a sneriff who will
do his duty irrespective of friend
or foe.
Hi :, I
tr t hat the republicans are guilty j eral upheaval a
of iital-administralion, and
lie -ei.' ei of power.'"
:o :-
Tlie high tariff people seem to platform.
I It. ...v.. nt nf .-..v.L.
ftinihln is so healed over the '"' " " " " "
jTCiprocily issue thai even Mcdi
cine. Hat is reported to be wann
ing up.
:n :
Now, here's September it re
vives the oyster, but kills the
draw hat and I he joy of the
school boy.
:o :
Hackenschmiill, Hie "Russian
I, ion," is doubtless convinced that.
Frank Gulch's real name is either
Togo or Oyama.
Uncle Sam spent lli.noo.onn
more than he received in August
Thai looks bad for Tuft's reform
The price of eggs is going tip
again. This imposes difficulties
on the most effective method of
theatrical criticism.
Itillv Heiirsl wants a third
abroad while refusing to buy any
thing of neighbors. No man ever
made a business success on that
The newspapers print too much
about the Ileal lie murder trial and
oilier similar tragedies, yet the
publicity of the thing is part of
tint piiiiishiiii'iil, and is dreaded
by some men more than Hie elec
tric, chair.
:o :
Post master lieneral Hitchcock.
in his next, report, is to urge
parcels post, on rural routes. This
is not as cheeping news as it
might appear. Too inu. h urgin
and too little accomplishment has
alwavs been the drawback to this
:o :
According to the National
Orange, Hie farmer receives
about :ir cents of each dollar that
his produce earns, while the (15
rents are absorbed by the numer
ous handlers of his product. And
verily, the fanner has a right to
holler I hereat.
party, bill the taxpayer lugging
nrounil two political machines on
Ins buck is nol anxious for any
The jury in Chesterfield. Va.,
should keep in mind that it is im
possible for one young man to be
as deeply wronged as Mr. Health'
testifies lie is.
. :o:
An experiment, of free news
papers in Oklahoma has failed
Newspapers that are distributed! " the office.
like hand bills are generally
about as interesting.
I'plon Sinclair can console him
self lor martial difficulties by the
thought that he is getting literary
material in his own kite hen, while
)ther writers have to go to Algeria
or Timbuetoo.
:n ;
Any business is more respect
able than what is termed loafing.
A young man had belter sell
clams by the pailful than hang
around public resorts, murdering
time and his own reputation.
J. P. Morgan went to see ex-
Senator Aldrich about the
monetary commission, but when
he searched Mr. Ablrich he could
no longer find the United Stales
senate secure in that gentleman's
pocket s.
Considering the high slate of
political tension fourteen months
ahead of the presidential elec
tion, a person of decided political
views will possess but few speak
ing ucipiaintauces by November
1, D.M2.
Politics will not rut much
figure in the elect ion in Cass
county this fall, if we are lo
judge from the way the farmers
are talking. They propose lo
vote for those whom they think
are the best fitted for the no si
lion, and no one can blame them
for thus looking out for their own
Let us cultivate a public spirit
and talk less and work more.
F.ncoiirage our local authorities in
making improvements. Speak up,
speak well, talk encouragingly of
our town and its bright prospects.
It is many little considera
tions that makes a town grow.
Nature lias showered upon us her
choicest blessings and with
perfect unity and effort for the
good of our common cause, great
will be the result.
It is all right, to talk now about
prospective candidates next year,
but we want to remind these fel
lows who are talked about that
vvln-n the lime arrives there won't
he one of them that will stand a
ghost of a show for the nomina
tion. Talk is cheap this year, but
next year the democrats will be
in the field with men who are able,
men who have worked in the har
ness when needed and men whom
the democrats will place on the
ticket because they are deserving
and have nol been constant blood
suckers upon the party.
:o :
Probably it never would occur
lo anyone except an American to
compare the present F'rench-Oer-
man-Moroccan tangle to a poker
game, but all the same it has its
points of similarity. From the
outside it looks like a game in
which a good deal of bluffing is
being done. Things were running
along smoothly enough in the lit
tle game of dividing Northern
Africa, with England and France
consistent winners, until last July,
when that irrepressible man, the
kaiser, took an active hand in the
game by sending a German war
ship to a Moroccan port and prac
tically capturing it.
ver the country.
hoiild Republicanism a, a.lniinislered by
I Tall grows ev.-r iiay more un
popular and most thinkers believe
the conditions indh-ate that the
republicans will no-et with (lie
most disastrous defeat that ever
befell a dominant party since, the
government was founded. Oma
ha World-Herald.
News-Herald Suspended.
The local correspondent, of the
Lincoln Slate Journal is re
sponsible for the following, under
dale of September 7 :
"The News-Hera hi formerly
edited by P. A. Harrows, but more
recently owned and operated by
E. M. Pribhle, suspended publica-
I Hon this week, and yesterday D. O.
riwvec lieor.m n forcihln enlrv unA
detention suit to get possession of
the room which has been oc
cupied by the paper for the past
six months. The case is set for
trial Saturday next. Mr. Dwyer
claims that the concern owes him
$150 back rent. Some little com
plication a to the title and the
priority of mortgages is likely to
arise should the matter go far in
the courts. Some time before
Editor Pribhle took over the plant,
a corporation was organized, with
ox-Congressman E. M. Pollard
holding a controlling interest in
the stock, Mr. Dwyer holding eight
shares and other men owning a
few shares. The corporation is
still in existence, Mr. Pollard
transferring his stock to Editor
Pribhle when he took over the
plant, and received a ohallel
mortgage from Pribhle on the
plant to secure the purchase
price of upwards of $3,000. It is
understood that Mr. Dwyer also
Speculation is already being in- has a lien on the plant for rent,
dulged concerning the electoral and a very interesting lot, of
vole of the different states next , litigation is looked for."
year. witn tne admission oi
Arizona and New Mexico the elec-
An Unusual Thing.
On the register of the Hotel
toral college will have 531 votes.) n,jeV a Kansas City salesman
-:o: Let us work and stiniu ale
Gradually, as the voters of every legitimate enterprise by giv-
Cass counlv become aeouainted 11 all the friendly encourage-
wilh James T. Reynolds, the more inent we can, and unite our in-
popular lie becomes, lie has never dustry, intelligence and capital in
been an olllce-seeker am) in his common cause for the good of
candidacy il is truly a case of the our town.
office seeking the man and not the! :o:
Petitions are still being cir-
I 1 I ... w .
:,): cuiaieu over in nnva tor a wagon
People will not help those who bridge over the Missouri river. If
Ninety-two million lobsters
have been liberated along the
Maine coast, but it will take far
more than that lo feed the chorus
girls through oim winter.
Those European powers should
learn thai you can never support
your family when you spend your
time heaving ultimatums Into
your neighbor's bark ynrd.
John W. Gales left about 130,
000,000. Would any hardship be
will not try to help themselves, we are going lo make an effort to
This is an old saying, but a true have it located at Plattsmouth it
one. nevertheless, and one which i time for the Commercial club
some men would profit by if heed- ,() xet busy.
ed in the proper matter. No one :o:
is worthy of help if he lays down The democrats should nominate
and makes no effort to help him- a candidate for governor next year
self. who will make good at the polls
:o: There is no use frittering away
The record that Clell Morgan on a "good fellow" simply
has made in the county clerk's because he is a "good fellow."
office is one that he should be Ability to hold down the office with
proud of and one that will com- respectability and credit to the
mend itself to the voters of Cass party is the kind of democrat we
county. He has rroved faithful should look for.
The people of Cass county have
known Kelly Fox from youth up.
They have had an opportunity to
know his career, and in that
career he has alwavs proved true
to every trust reposed in him.
The office of county treasurer is a
position in which there is great
responsibility, and one where
competency should relgu. There
will be no question on these
scores if Kelly Fox is elected. The
voters, knowing his excellent
qualifications, will, of course,
govern themselves accordingly.
"Prospects for the election of a
democratic president, have nevt
been brighter," declared Hon.
James T. Lloyd, chairman of the
national democratic congressional
committee, who had charge of the
campaign which resulted in the
present heavy democratic ma
jority in the house. "The demo
cratic party is popular from one
A majority will be 2(ii. These
writers place certain stales as
surely republican and others as
democratic, leaving a larger
number of stales than usual in
presidential elections lo be class
ed as doubtful. In the doubtful!
list there is placed by many
prophets, Connecticut, Delaware.
Indiana, Maine, Maryland. Mis
souri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada.
New Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon,
Tennessee and West Virginia,
representing 188 votes.
Tn looking over this list of
doubtful slates and excluding
others, the most ardent repub
lican would hardly claim more
than Connecticut, Delaware. Mon
tana, Nebraska, Nevada. New
Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon and
Wisconsin, and if Indiana. Maine,
Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey,
New York and Tennessee go
democratic the vote would stand
213 republican and 2(i democrat,
and the republicans would lack
twenty-three and the democrats
two of having a majority, so that
does not decide the question.
It seems to most of who
have been writing on the prob
abilities that in the end Ohio will
decide the contest, but that con
cedes to the republicans Mas
sachusetts. While that state is
usually republican, there has
been a great upheaval there. At
wrote his name and address, and
then, in parenthesis, wrote the
word "sober." Whether he was
that, way when he left town did not
show on the register.
Judge Archer III.
Judge M. Archer is ill today and
did not come down lo his office.
He has been under the weather
for several days, but this morning
was the first time that he did not
come to his office.
Ford Auto for Sale.
Ford runabout, in good condi
tion, thoroughly overhauled and
repaired. Price $225.00; cash or
good bankable note. Apply to J.
E. Mason.
The recent rains are bringing
fall pastures to the front which
affords some relief to stock growers.
end of the country lo the other,
Mr. Lloyd continued. "The nartvi Present it has a republican legis
lature and a democratic governor
and by what process of reasoning
has carried out pre-election
promises, and made a creditable
showing in every way. The many
investigations conducted by the
democratic committees have dem
onstrated to the satisfaction of
every intelligent man in the coun-
it is given certainly to the repub
licans it is hard to understand.
The same condition exists in Ore
gon and what New York will do
no man can tell. There is a gen-
Plattsmouth State Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Churler N. Tail
IncoiiK.iattMt In Hip sliilp of Ni-ln aska, at tlio
close of ImisImi'ss. A iiirust 31, I1U1.
UmnsttMil illwoiiiit $ltOil 15
Ovcnloifi.s. mi'i.ifd Hurt unsivunMl.. 7tW IW
llaiiliintr house .fui lliliuv ami titui'S 1.4711 (W
Currant exix-nsex anil taxes nald... I.H4 Hi
Cash Hems 45 50
One from national slate anil private
banks 41.713 72
Cl.ei'ks and Itenisof exchange !.5'M 00
Currency 1.77 00
Oold coin S.IXW 00
Sliver, nickels and cents fill 'JO
Total $100,000 Ho
Capital stock paid In M.000 09
Surplus fund l"0 "0
I ndlvlded pioHt. ..' .7'"-'
Individual deH.lts subject to check. O4.,'l40 45
lleniandccrllHcates of deposit 1K5 (X)
Time cert Iticutes of deposit 30.4:) 75
licp.ittil.or' guaranty fund -44 55
Total UW.00O 3d
county or CAW f I.J- M. KoIhtU.
cashier of the nanie.1 bunk, do hereh.r
swear the ulsive statement, Is a cornet
and true copy of the report nude to Oie Stalfl
Kanklnif Hoard. J. M. KoltHn s.
. 1 .1. P. Kai.t. director.
Attest: w u Miwm.i,, IMrector.
SubscrllH'd and sworn to tieforeme this Htti
day of .ml. K. "-j,
(Soafi My commission expire ma. It. litis.
r r