The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1911, Image 8

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AVctielul'Ie I'rrpnrii.ifi fLrAs
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a:? c otic.
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Anrrfcrt Remedy for Con?lij
lion. Sour Sloiiuich.DiarrlMa
FaeSiiA Stature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
South Omaha and Plattsmouth
Teams Put Up a Fine Show
for Audlenoo.
A large crowd was present at
the Sokal hall Sunday afternoon
for the turning exhibition of the
Sokols of IMaltsniiMil li and South
Oinahn. The local boys put on
their best drill first. Attired Inj
their new costume (bey made a
fine appearance.
Emil Janousek was elected
turning teacher for Hip day, as
Jack iNovy, the regular teacher,
could not be present.
First, on the program was work
on the turning pole. Next Emil
Janousek did the giant, swing, go
ing nroimd the pole live times. He
received great applause fur Ibe
act. Next came Ibe bar work,
which was cleverly done and much
The South Omaha team put on
a fine drill and was gitcn a vote of
thanks by the local boys.
Those turning for the Plalls
moulh team were: Joe Vnslrejs,
J. F. Sednok, A. II. Koubek and
Tom Oradavill.
The day proved a success from
every standpoint.
Here From Plainview.
From TuoKiliiy'a Dally.
Mrs. Fred Fbinger of Plainview,
Nebraska, was in the city yester
day visit ing at the home of her
mother, Mrs. tleorgc Weidman.
Mr. and Mrs. F.binner came from
Plainview to llavelock in the auto
mobile and had planned coining
on to Plattsmouth yesterday, hut
learned at llavelock that we had
a heavy rain here the nlRht be
fore and the roads were xo muddy
that they could not male tln trip,
So Mrs. F.biiiRer came down on Ibe
train, accompanied by Mrs. Hans
fioos, also of Plainx'iew. Mrs.
ftblnper and Mrs. lons. accom
panied by Mrs. Weidman, relum
ed to llavelock this moruin?,
where they met Mr. F.hinuer, re
turning to Plainview in the auto
mobile. Mrs. Weidman will visit
ith her daughter for n few days
Plattsmouth Vs. Olenwood.
From TiK'mlay's Unity.
The tennis club of (llenwood
sent over to Plattsmouth vester
day morning for some of the ten
nis players of this cily to go over
there for some matches with the
Oenwood players. Morgan and
Patterson went over in Hie morn
ing and cleaned up evcr tiling in
sight, and Jennie ami John Falter
went over in the afternoon and
Were equally successful. The
Cdenwnnd club has a fine covtii
and they showed the local boys a
royal lime.
fitly McMakcn came over home
from Red Oak Sunday evening, re
turning Monday evening. They
have about completed their con
crete and pnvinir work at Red Oak
and will move to Clnrinda this
week, where they have another
large contract to look after,
13 II V . 1
mm i
For Infants and Children.
Tfia Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Mother Dies.
Friends in Ibe city of Miss
Itlnnche Hell, wlm taught in this
city for the past two years, and
who is intending to teach near her
homo at Memphis, Neb., during
Ibe cominif winter, received a
telephone message from her today
conveying to them the sad intcl
liKciice of her mother's' death,
which occurred this morning, af
ter several weeks' illness with
typhoid fever.
An Evening Enjoyably Spent at
the Kaffenberger Home, Near
This City.
Last Wednesday evening a very
delightful occasion occurred at
I lie Kall'enberger farm, seven
niilex west of I'laHsnioiit h. A
large crowd attended, the porches
and sw ing were lit up with colored
lanterns. The evening was pass
ed with very delightful music.
Mayiuc 1 1 i I and Dora Knll'euhcrg--er
sank two solos, which every
body praised highly. Amusing
games were also played, of which
all look part and en.joscd.
At the usual hour lunch was
served, to which all did justice
At a late hour all departed for
their different homes, declaring
they had had a very nice time.
Those who look part in this de
lightful occasion were: Misses
Maynie and Adelaide lleil, Flor
ence, Pheme and llobin Hichard
son, Marie lliber, Helen Morn,
Sarah While
Viola Becker, Clara
Parakening, Vera Props!, Her
mann Kalopek, I'd it h Baumgart,
Florence Weinheimer of Illinois,
Mildred and Anna Snyder, Dora
and Ola KalVenberger; Messrs.
Maync and Dwigbt Props!, Louie
Baumgart, John Parakening,
Bryan Snyder, Joe lliber, John
Cloidt, Will Weteneainp, Walter
and Ollic .Njckol of Illinois, Sam
Ithoden, Fliner Hoist nun, Fred
Kdwards, Roy Weinheimer of Il
linois, R. lleil, Mr. and Mrs. Jhon
KalVenberger: Mr. ami Mrs. Will
Wehrbein, Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge
Kaffenberger and Minn, (loldye
and Oladys Kaffenberger.
The Apple Market. '
The apple market seems to be
way off in Cass county' at the
present lime. The prices offered
are not sufficient to pay the fann
ers for gathering them and bring
ing I hem to oy ii. Man are feed
ing their surplus apples lo the
hogs. There are some very fine
winter apples, but the market has
not vet opened for this class, and
the market will have to raise
somewhat on winter apples before
the fanners will offer any for sale.
Louie lUieinackle brought lo Ihis
olllce Saturday from the orchard
of t'nele Hen Becktuau Iwo of the
largest and prettiest apples of the
Wolf (ier variety we ever laid
eves upon, lint we are informed
there is scarcely any demand for
this quality. Apples are plenty in
Cass county, sure.
m mm kw
At aJ
'A P el vWlfl
mm i un
Miss Carolyn Mercer Was Taking
Ocean Trip for the Benefit
of Her Health.
, "I fi- fidbiwii'L' accoiiid tf the
' MihKif of a wnmaii vvll kimwn in
Plal KiMiiulh i taki-n IKou the
; ii.dia I .nl New :
! wirt-les-i lil"ae ii-c. -d
i ','iiday. aiiiir'M-i l W. I'as'iianij
i S'-ilh. tati-d that Mi-s Carnh n !
; Mercer liad t'all''n nveibnaiil fn'in
I Mi'- -l''aii,, Mjiineajiolii. Iwen
' ! miles fri'io the N'-w .li-rx'.v
j M-- M. ii-i-r ail d hit Satur
jday with ber-iler, Marv, and 1I".
j Ni'i-ou M.-reer arid wife. II was
jlill'Vely nil iliTOUIll of Mis- Mi'C-
j ci-i-w' In-all h thai I he' rip was
: taken. She had been ill "for a
I jn-riod of years with iierwni dis
i ordej'.s wliich manifested Ihem
sehes ill llNslelia and ideas of
self-destruction. She was .'!.")
years of age and borrt in Omaha.
Camhn Mercer was Ibe eldest
daughter of the late Ir. and Mrs.
S. I). Mercer, and trranddauurhler
of the late Mrs. Nancy If n 1st. Mrs.
II. Ileccher Howell is a cnu-in and
Nelson Hulsl, a millionaire min
ing engineer of Milwaukee, is an
other cousin.
Definite details of the death of
Miss Mercer have not been re
ceived. Captain Ilofker of the
Minneapolis sent this wireless to
the New York police: "We miss
Caroline Mercer, live feet, six
inches, 110 pounds, light brown
hair, clothing; marked 'fl. M.' If
body washed up, notify W. Far
nnm Smith, Omaha club. Omaha,
ltefore leaving Omaha with his
wife and sisters, Dr. Mercer rent
ed his home at Fortieth ami Cum
ing street, with intentions of re
maining abroad for two years at
Miss Carolyn Mercer was
educated at Sacred Hear! and
lirownell llall ami llnished at a
New York school. Miss Mercer
had figured prominently in social
circles in Omaha, although she
had made her home elsewhere for
several years; She lived in Bos
Ion for some lime and studied for
the stage, but her health failed
before she made her debut. Lately
she bad been in sanitariums in
both California and Chicago.
A year ago Dr. Mercer made the
trip around the world with his
sisters in the hope of benefiting
Miss Mercer's health. She was
one of the Country club golfers in
Ibe early years of that organiza
tion and was an enthusiastic and
successful follower of Ibis game.
Miss Mercer is the fifth member
of her Household to be. taken by
death in the last half doen years.
The first was fleorgo Mercer,
oldest, son of t ho family and a
former councilman; the second
was Mrs. Nancy llulst, grand
mother and a pioneer settler in
Omaha; then came the death of
Mrs. Mercer, followed by that of
Dr. Mercer about three years ago.
Dr. Mercer left a large fortune
to the three children who survived
him, and Miss Carolyne Mercer
was reputed to be one of the
wealthiest, of Omaha's unmarried
A Card From Miss Tlghe.
The Journal is in receipt of a
card from Miss I.ilIlanTighe,
dated London, August 22, 1911.
Miss Tighe was I he chief winner
in the. World-Herald contest for
a trip through Kurope. She says:
"Left Paris yesterday, after a
week's slay there. Crossed the
channel and visited London. Will
go to Fdingburg today and leave
Saturday morning for filasgovv. I
sail for home Saturday afternoon
Visited all the principal places of
interest in (Jennany, Holland,
Belgium, Switberlaml and France.
Spent one day sailing up the
Rhine river. The trip was most
delightful. Will stop at Niagara
Falls on my way home." Miss
Tighe has evidently enjoyed her
trip, and we are safe in saying
thai she can give a most accurate
account of her sight-seeing in
foreign countries. Site has prob
ably reached home by Ihis time,
nnd if sle has we trust she will
furnish the Journal with an ex
tended account of her trip in
foreign countries.
Congratulates Commercial Club.
One of the most prominent
farmers in the vicinity of Platts
mouth heartily congratulates the
Coinmerical club for its enter
prise and foresight in sending a
man from Plattsmouth to accom
pany the Nebraska delegation to
Boston. It was a splendid thing
for Nebraska, he said, and in
cidentally for Plattsmouth and
Cass county. It is such things
that makes our land more valu
aide and our communities more
Freak of Lightning.
from Tuesday's Dfcily.
Fred Patterson brought to the
.Tn';na! il;ee today a strip twenty
feet b ut: cut from a tree by
lightning. The holt split the tree
from top to bottom and hurled
seventy feet away a strip of the
tree that was no thicker than a
rope. The tree was struck during
the storm two weeks auo Sunday.
It is an old tradition that, a tooth
piek made from a splinter of a
tree struck by lighlniusr will keep
one from having the toothache.
u soiis suiiertiisr irom sucn :
should consult Mr. ' i,,t,,''s,,n-;
who can supply toothpicks for
some lime to mine from the strip
he brought to the Journal otlice.
Baker Charged With Forging
Check for $20 Says He Re
members Nothing of It.
From Tucsdiiy's Dally.
Henry Wagner, Ibe baker,
charged with forging a check for
.-'d against, the Hiley bar, was
brought home yesterday by Sheriff
Quinlon and locked up in the
county jail, lie was caught at St.
Joseph by detectives there.
Wagner went into the Riley
saloon Friday night just before
closing time and gave the bar
tender, Dave Amick, a check sup
posed to have been signed by 0. L.
llerger, the baker, for whom he
worked. He left town soon after
wards. Wagner now claims thai he re
members nothing of Ibe incident.
"I did not, give anyone a check,
ami did not. write one," he says. "I
would have remembered about it
even if I was drunk. There Is a
mistake somewhere and I would
like lo look at that check. I never
w rote it and can never be made to
believe that I did."
Wagner was- arraigned this
morning before Judge Archer. The
preliminary trial, was set for
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. Joseph J. McVey, a Sister of
M. Whelen, Passed Away
After Short Illness.
From Tliuinday'B lally. ,
Mrs. Joseph J. McVey, a former
resident of Plattsmouth, and a
sister lo M. Whelen, died last
night in Omaha after a ten days'
illness. She returned from Den
ver about two weeks ago and look
a bad chill. She soon began to
grow worse. Yesterday her broth
er, Mr. Whelen, was sent for, as
she had bursled a blood vessel
and was unconscious.
The McVeys lived here about
ten years ago. The deceased
leaves a husband and three
daughters, Catherine, Frances and
The funeral services will be
held in Omaha early Thursday
morning and short services will
be held from the 9:58 train here
Thursday morning. The burial
will he at the Holy Sepulchre
Omaha Visitors.
Mr. P. A. Wells, a prominent
attorney of Omaha, accompanied
by Mrs. Dr. Wells, together with
Mr. Will A. Sharp, president of
the Omaha Can company, with
Mrs. Cora W. Sharp and daugh
ter, spent Sunday with friends and
relatives in Plattsmouth. The
party made the trip with Mr.
Wells' new Cadillac 30 horse
power auto, returning to Omaha
via Pacini. Junction and tiouncii
Bluffs Monday morning. Mr.
Sharp reports the can business in
good condition, his factory being
engaged at the present on rushing
through 250,000 sanitary cans for
the tomato crop, and has con
tracts for 100,000 coffee and bak
ing powder cans, ? all of which
must be completed by the first of
Union Man Arrested.
Oeorge Barton brought a man
up from Union this morning
charged with breaking into a
house ami stealing a revolver and
razor. He was arrested there for
running around without any
clothes on, and later it was found
that he had a revolver and razor
belonging to another man. The
man gave the name of ("Jeorge Van
Meter. He is probably demented.
Sheriff Quinton believes that he is
the same individual that was seen
prowling around Mynnrd Sunday
evening. .
Henry fiibbons of Kearney, Neb.,
spent Monday here.
September Travel Bulletin!
! Ti e excursion rues to Eastern localities will continue. It is your last low
rate change of t'ie Summer to visit your old home or ir.ake a tour of the Eat.
The Dry Farming Congress will be held at Colorado Springs, October
j Special ra'es will be made.
j The colonist one way rates to the Pacific Coa-;t at e in effect September IJth
; to October l."te, only, this year
Tne Burlington has through standard anil tourist sleepers every diy to Cali
fornia on N" :i via Rio (Jran le. Scenic Colorado, and the Southern Pacific and
s f , - .... ,,,, v,, u u;
tern Pacific.
"On Time" operation. Western eople living in the territory served bv the
B i ton wjl be interested in knowintr something hout the tmn.-tnulitir "onrh
tUlA 0.J1 f
cagoto Omaha, durinjj the mcnths from April to July inclusive, a period of 122
dnys, arrived at tne Missouri River "On Time every day. Che other exclusive
fast mall and express train No. 15, from Chicago to Omaha during June and
July, 2M. arrived "On Time" at the Missouri River every n-iy. These are the
exclusive mail and express trains that daily brintf inio the West the xrcat v,,.
"jUme of traffic so necessary to the soeial and commercial life
'iUsytf&XiiOt that rejrion.
One Man Put to Sleep Another's
Nose Was Broken With a
Baseball Bat.
From Tuesday's Dally.
A spectacular ligbl took place
yesterday afternoon at the ball
grounds while West Oak
Plaltsmoul h were playing.
The light grew out of a request
by Clyde Jones to the youngest
son of B. D. Worthing, winy was
carrying water, to give him a
drink. 'Flie Worthing boy was
earning water for the two teams,
and refused to give Jones a drink.
The father of the boy said to his
son: "Let him go down to the
spring and get his own water."
Thereupon, according to one
story thai is told, Jones went over
and struck Worthing on the jaw,
sending him to dreamland. It, re
quired a bucket of water to re
vive him to consciousness. At
this point all three of the Worth
ing boys entered the fight.. The
oldest boy, a young man about 18
years old, hit Jones across the
nose with a ball bat, breaking the
bones of the ridge of the nose, ac
cording to report.
Others picked up ball bats, some
to help Jones, others to help the
Worthings, but the two sides were
separated before any furl her
damage was done.
According to the story told by
Jones and his friends, Worthing
hit him first, but the police do not
give much credence to this, ac
count of the affair. Worthing is
generally censured for "bulling
in" into the affair.
No arrests have been made as
yet. II is said that Jones has
gone to Colorado.
Women Folk Did Not Approve of
Undressing Scene and Police
Stopped the Act.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Louis Kuhncy was lined $10 and
costs in police court this morning
for pulling on loo lively a show at
his home last night. He entered a
plea of guilty to the charge of be
ing drunk and disorderly.
It being a holiday, Louis went
to the source of inspiration too
often for his best welfare, und
when he went home last evening
he started lo tear some of the
clothes off his wife and another
man's wife.
They put up serious objection
to Ihis undressing scene and call
ed the police. Policeman Trout
responded and placed Kuhney
under arrest.
Girl Kills Snake.
Agnes Bajeck, the 13-year-old
daughter of Mike Bajeck, had an
exciting experience with a blue
rarer snake three, ami a half feet
long at the Bajeck home Saturday
morning. She was playing in the
back yard when she saw the snake
come out of a crack in the founda
tion. She ran for a brick, and
when she approached the reptile
it curled up as if getting ready to
strike. She hurled the brick,
which fortunately landed on the
snake's head. She saw that it was
wounded, so she ran for a broom
stick and heat the snake until
there was no doubt that if was a
dead one.
Kd Ingram of Kight Mile Orove
is in town today.
m 'ii'var jj.y ;i
r.., . 0 :. r.i a j . tt
: ' :i x... , ......
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Aet.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb
True Miller Thought Someon
Said One Was Going to Hit
His Brother.
From Wednesday's Dally.
There were Iwo police court
cases yesterday growing out of a
tight between two "kids." True
i Miller was lined $' and costs for
t. . .
Knocking down Percy r iclds arm
old man Fithorn. His reason for
knocking lli'-in down is unknown
to the men who were most direct
ly concerned. I ne Hoys were
fighting when Miller came on tin
anie on th
ier was one
He claimed V
g to hit his
scene. His little brolhe
of the participants. He
ttiat someone was going
brother, and he went in and clean
ed up the crowd.
After Miller was lined his father
swore out a warrant, for Percy
Fields, who was one of the men
hit. Miller did not see the affair
himself, but called a witness who
did see it. This witness testified
that. Fields bad nothing to do with
the affair as far as he could see,
and all he got, out of it was a
knockdown. Judge Archer then
said that if he hail known all' the
circumstances at the morning
trial he . would have fined Miller
more than -. Fields, of course,
was dismissed.
"Suffered day and night the
torment of itching piles. Nothing
helped me until I used Doan's
Ointment. II, cured me perman
entJy." lion. John R. Oarrett,
Mayor, Oirard, Ala.
Yw for uni
formity. Yours for great
est leavening
Yours for never
failing results.
I I Tours lor purity.
Yours for economy.,
Yours for e v er y -
thing that goes to
make up a strictly
high grade, ever
dependable bakiug.
That is Cilumet. Try
it once and nolo the im
provement in your bak
ing. See how much mors
economical over the hi(h-
priced trust brands, how
much better than the cheap
and big-can kinds.
Calumet is highest in quale y
moderate in cost.
Received Highest Award
World's Pur Food