The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1911, Image 7
JIKO DEPARTMENT Item of Interest to Journal Reader Will Ba Received M the Drug Store has proven a grand success in every particular, which has demonstrated to us that it pays to buy goods in large quantities, and sell on a fj ' W Small MaigriB of Wits! I 0 Making quick sales and pleasing the customer is what gets the business, and this is our plan for the future. 1 i MLEI -II g 3 will continue all this month in order to give the people an opportunity to buy their Fall goods right. We are making these prices as an inducement to the people of Cass county to call and get acquainted with us, and see the high class merchandise we are selling. Remember this Sale will hold for the en- tire.FIonth of September. Mr. and Mrs. Philander Williams of Elmwood the Happy Couple. A special from Flmwood, under dalco f September i, .;iys: "Today Mr. and Mrs. Philander Williams of this place celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary and were entertained with 100 other uesi.s ;it tin' home of their daughter, Mrs. I.. V. I.anghorst. assisted liy tlirir daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry Williams. "Mr. and Mrs. Williams were re-married by the Itev. Mr. Oavis under I lie while inarriagi hell and were preceded In the altar liy four little, tliiwtr niils. scattering llnwei's before them, while Miss erna Warl sansr 'Because,' fid- owed Willi the '.Mendelssohn wed- 4) diner march,' with Miss Daisy Laimhorst at the piano. "Mrs. Williams, who was Miss Parniilia Keves, is 7! years old ind Mr. Williams is 8:t. , They have livell in Nehraska fnrly-eight years. Fonr general ions were present. A six-course luncheon was served, i wo heautiiui cnairs were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Williams hv Hev. Mr. Wilkinson in behalf of their friends." i-iHi,W"HlIH',"H of Chappell. N'cb., motored down I ; Saturday evening and w ill remain New subscriptions and J'lten days with relatives, renewals to the Journal will J Mrs. Lnra I'iiit and little he recived by J. A. Shatter daughter, Ardella, came i:i Wed- . .i i .i , i ai i ne urug siore. l.oeai news, advertising matter and all business pertaining to this department may lit transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer are instructed to re ceived and receipt for all nionev . lid. J I oedav of last week from Wedron. : i vi Illinois, to visit her cousin, (liar J I eoee Curyea and family, and other . 1 I' I !-! Mi. Laura Prtill of isit e( Sunday w it li M is Foreman. C.hai'le- 11. .lord. in was in'-r Water Tuesday on e business. Mrs. 11. A. liailey and dan llulh. nllended the stale Wednesday. .loe I'rouly and family vvv ! Lincoln i (irayce Wccp-('"liiily : filer, fair have A Great Advantage ' Men. to Working V. ZUCKER, Manager. . The Avoca: Department J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steulienville, ()., says: "For years I sull'ercd from weak kid neys and a severe bladder trouble. I learned of Foley's Kidney Pills and their wonderful cures so I began taking them and surcH enough f had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left nie ami to one of my business, expressman, that along is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work whore ilu sed to lie a misery. Foley Kidney Pills j have cured me and have my high est, praise & fin. New Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semt-eekly Jounia For sale bv Frieke The bait tournament is now on. Tle Avoea schools opened Monday. Louis Dunkak is here from Newcastle, Wyn. (). D. Slraub made a trip to School children, go to Popes' drug store for your school sup plies. A big' line to select from. Fred Wesllake and wife are entertaining relatives from South Dakota. D -iiiha Tuesday. 1 Fred Wesllake has sold his Mrs. Henry Franzen was at farm north of town to his brother, Omaha Tuesday. Oeorge. Peter Jorgeiison was at Omaha True Harmon has just rom- Tuesdav with stock. rdeted an addition to his home Try A. I. S. peroxide Cream for west 0f town, sore hands and face. F. Nutznian, sr., is having a fi. M. Shaw was over from Ne- large silo built on his farm braska City Tuesday, southeast of town. Mrs. F. W. Hughe and Annie Lloyd Harmon had his arm were at Omaha Monday. ( burned quite badly while working Dr. Tuck was here on prnfes- a( the mill this week, sional business Tuesday. Mrs. Lambert Johnson of Sum- Ous Kegley was down from ner, Neb., is a guest at the Weeping Water 'Monday. Samuel Johnson home. Claud Fahnestock was at Lin- Miss llardell returned Tuesday coin the first of the week. evening lrom a visit of some Several from here attended the i wneks in Elyria, Ohio. " .... i . . F Young of Merlin is Mrs. John Mol.r sr., was visit- vjj)i. h(r n,Ht Mp and Mpg ,ng relatives here I uesday. 1lnjaniin nHs. this week. MIu ll,nu Dnfnpw urn a hoi'O f mill " . ,u- ... i Mrs. J. 13. lrey was here from r.ilgie l lie ill si i ii' "ixR. ..... , m;.. r iuin nf Pnr WnJ MiiT this week visiting her par .' i. ri.,. enls. Mr. and Mrs. nenjamin Ut"lf llll wn'! viniini III. II. ID. I James Trook of Lincoln wasi'"9' visitinc relatives Ibis week. Henry Franzen has been enjoy J. P. Rasmussen is head clerk ing a visit from Ins rather, mother hi. the Avoea Lumber company. and sister, who reside at Arcadia, William fSillen look a few days' this week. lay-off to nurse a cold last, week. W. A. Hollenberger and wife Oeorpe Shaekley wae at Mur- went to Lincoln Sunday, where dock last week attending the car- i they spent several days at the nival. slate fair. - J. fi. Zimmerer and familv spent viijs r,wton left Sunday and Monday with Lnrton i)(1(J M0j,s where the gentleman xvilh socks. The ringing of the school bell Monday announced the beginning of the school year, with Professor John Urannigan, principal; Miss Francis, assistant; Florence Wil kinson, 'intermediate, and Selma Maniuardl, primary. Fred Ilnhge is home for a short lime on his way from Chicago to Denver. He lias been taking a tailoring course and will go into partnership with his brother, Her man, in Denver in the skirt and suit business. A Reliable Nursery. i P. V.. Huffncr snys that he and fi. C. Hespain are making -good sales on their nursery slock. We are glad to hear Him, for I hey represent one of the best nurseries in the United Slates. Stark Brothers' trees do grow. The writer has known' of Ibis nursery since tie was a noy, iney uaving been 'in business for eighty-six years. Holh Mr. Ruffner and Mr. Despain know what fruit is best adapted for Ibis part of the coun try, having dealt in fruit trees for a long lime. Duy fruit Irees and shrubs of home dealers and yon will not, regrei it.--, "See Plalls moulh Succeed." moved to University Place to makt their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutton and children are here from ('happell. Neb., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ilamel are here this week fi i Nora, Neb., visit ing relatives and friends. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Kirkpat- t i i i i i . . . rick returned nome iasi i nui suay from Portland. Oregon, where thev spent the summer. Miss f'.slella Oriffin, formerly of this place, will teach the primary room at Nora, Neb., where she re sides with her parenls. Miss Itelle (.urca moved over from divenwooil last Saturday. Messrs. I.andis, Curyea and Lewis moved tier iiouseiioni goons. Mrs. F. Hendricks, who at one lime resided at Ibis place, hut who has been esidin'- al Flmwood, died at her home al that place Friday. Miss Alia h left Friday for York. Neb. .where she will leach the coming school year. Her father look her In Creenwood in the aulo. Mr. and M s. Lew Mini of Union came in Tuesday to visit his brother', Wesley Mini. sr.. and family, and olher relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Kenney of Waterloo, fowa, came in Monday veiling lo visit M's- Kenney's brother, S. C. Movies and family, and ol her relal i es. Tom Sul tun and family and Avoea Wins Two. The Manley team was here Sat urday and played our boys a fast and interesting game, but were defeated by a score of 3 io 1. The game was snappy on both sides, and some good ball playing was done. The visitors secured one in the first inning and from then on they were handed eight goose eggs. Jess druber, who was on the rubber for the home boys, twirled in line fnrin, striking nut snme nf Mauley's heavy hitters. Keckler of Manley also pitched a gond game. Score: Manley ...tOOOflOOO 01 Avoea ....0000002 1 .1 Struck Out My Keckler, 11; by J.. Oruber, 10. Matleries Keck ler and O'Mrien, J. Oruber ' and Moehl. . Umpires Kennedy and Oraham. Common Colds Must Be Taken Seriously For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital re sistance to more serious infection. Protect your children and your self by the prnmpt use of Foley' Honev and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results For coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, bronchitis and affec tions nf the throat, chest and Innars it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. For sale by O F. Fricke & Co. relatives. 'Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Wollen and son attended the slate fair Wed nesday. F.lmer Corbin left Monday for . a ten days' visit, wilh Missouri relatives. Charles Jenkins and family' Visited .uaniey reiauves rsuimay and Monday. Fdward Wulf left Saturday for a few days 'visit with relatives at Sheridan, Wyn. Miss May Mogard left Wednes day for Walnut, fowa. where she will teach music. The two Johns, Schmidt and Ttenecke. look in the fair Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. Mrendel returned last week from a visit of several weeks in Indiana. Mr, and Mrs. Cheyne are en joying a visit from a son who re sides in Oklahoma. Saturday for he will enter Park College of the Highland Pharmacy. Mrs. Charles Woodson of Oma ha was here this week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Fahnestock. John Fillers of Bertrnnd ar rived the first or Hie week on a visit to relatives and to attend the Nutzman-Knk.jer wedding A party was given at the Tip ton Bells home Tuesday evening in honor of their son. Clarence, who is here convalescing from an attack of typhoid fever. William Money and wife ro-J turned last week from their wed ding trip and a reception wax given Ibem at the F. W. Ruhge home bv the near relatives. A shower was uiven at Hie John Nutman hnive Thursday evening in honor of Miss Julia Nutzman nnd Rev. J. Kok.jer. The lady was showered wilh handkerrhiefs and On Sunday the Avoea team went to Merlin and defeatedMhe Berlin bnys by a score of 5 lo 3. Score: Berlin . ...0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 03 Avoea 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 15 Batteries Krouse ami Miller. Oruber and M. Pittinan. Struck Out By Krouse, 8; by 11. Oruber, h Umpire Shnman. relatives for a few weeks. The Ueunelt brothers. Karl and F.lmer, purchased the restaurant lioni Mini Orove Tuesday, taking immediate possession, and in a short lime will be prepared to cou-in. Charles Loeteu and family, serve meals at a reasonable price. Mr-. .1. 1!. Sli'o.-iner and .laugh ter. Miss Louise F.hlcr. and hrol hers, John and Oeorge Fillers, came in from Mariiesloii, Neb., Tuesday lo isil a few days with .1. II. siroenier and family and Fd SI loemer and family. William Wolfe of MuII'm'. N. Y., who has been visiting Ins sis ter, Orandma Rosenow and other relatives, left last Thursday even ing for ashorl visit wilh Ihe Rose now brothers in Kansas, lie was accompanied by Orandma Rose now. J. H. siroenier and Harry Par sell went to Maniesloii. Neb., Fri day for a few days' fishing. They returned home Tuesday evening, after spending Ihe day at the slate faiK They brought several nice fish home with them. Ye writer received four nice specimens. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Curyea, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea, Mrs. l.ura Fin r and daughter, Ardella, and Miss Belle Curyea were at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' last Sunday, Augiil 31, lo a birthday dinner, it being Mr. Lewis' birth day and his granddaughter, Yermi Dimmitl's tenlb birthday, and Monday. September i, was little Ardella Furr's third birthday. 'and they celebrated logelber, all hav ing a fine lime. Among those who attended the stale fair . Monday and Tuesday were: Dr. Muir and family, Mrs. Craig, Charles Mneknell, ill sul I in, Oeorge Sul Ion, W. I''.. Casey and wife, Mrs. .lake Shaffer. Miss Irayce Mailey, Charles Suavely, Delbert Skinner, Charles Slout, P. J. Linch, ltcrl Kilzel, Harry Weiehel. Will Newkil'k. P. W. Nickels, jr., ami sisler, .1. A. Shaf fer. Mrs. Joe Meek. Miss AIM M"ck. W. S. Jordan and family. Joe Vickers and family, Fd Sloiie and son, Lawrence; William Kilzel, S. 0. Movies and family. WEDDED IN THE CAP ITAL CITY YESTERDAY : Three Cass County Couples Join Hearts and Hands In Lincoln. Henry A. Guthman, Jr. From WertniBlay'i Dally. From all appearances Henry Oulhinan is the happiest man in I own todav. and it is proper he should be. A nine-pound baby liov made its advent al Ihe bom. of Crandpa and Orandma Ciilh man this morning at about Hi hour of 1 :30. and il is said Dial Henry's joy knew no bounds when he found il was a boy. The grandparents are about as proud of the youngster as Henry; and Aunt' Minnie, well she is happier than any of them. The mother and Utile one are doing remark ably well, ami the Journal extends congratulations to all concerned. The following from Ibis morn- ... . I I 1 !....!,. mg s stale .louruai wouiu imiiriue that veslenlay, while nllcmling Ihe slale fair, several Cass coun ty couples thought it an oppor tunity also lo gel married: Philip J. Mir, of Plaltsnioulli. Neb., and Miss Tillie 1. Dugau of Louisville. Neb., were married at (i p. in. al the home of Dr. L F. Roach. 1201 D sti I. Ihe pastor performing Ihe ceremony. S number of friends of Ihe bride and groom were present. Three marriage ceremonies were performed in Justice Fuller Ion's coiirl yesterday afternoon. Mr. Fiillerlon says Ihe slale fair alwavs increases Ihe number of marriages in Ihe juslice court. The first couple married were. Kl r F. Muck and Flhel M. Mar shall of Oreenwood. The urooin is 22 years of age ami Ihe bride 18. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Muck of Oreen wood and the bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ornnville .Marshall of Ihe'same place. The next couple confided to Mr. Fiillerlon thai Ihe young man was surprising his parents. They were W. W. Mogeweif and Bertha M. Oamhlc. Both are from Flm wood. The bride gave hcj' agi as 18 and the grooin slated thai he,. was 22. The groom is a son of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles W. Moge weif and Ihe bride a daughler'of Mr. and Mrs. James Oamhle. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will reach your individual ease if you have anv form of kidney and bladder I rouble or urinary ir regularities. Trv Iheni. For sale bv F. O. Frieke Co. Before You Reach the Limit of physical endurance and while your condition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight vrm. For backache, nervousness, iheumntisni, and all kidnev, bladder nnd urinary troubles. I or sale bv F. O. Fricke a Co. A Drunk Fined. Charles Lewis was fined 5 and costs Ihis morning in police court for being drunlv He was given Hie alternative of going to jail or leaving town within an hour, He left. 31 Ford Auto for Sale. Ford runabout, in good condi tion. Ihoroffghly overhauled and repaired. Price 1225.00; rash or good bankable note. Apply to J. Marriage Licenses. Frnm vyprinemlny'B Pally. Licenses In marry were on I yesterday by Andrew fi son and Miss Fva L. I hoth of Weeping Water, and Fred Sehnorwein of Alvn and Miss Flhel Throne of Flmwooit. taken Forest Rose Flour. 'Hie next time you need a sack of flour try a sack. You will flnJ it the best on Ihe market. HARVEST OVER h It's the belt of wisdom to paint your property in the fall ind protect , it against winter storms. House, barn, fences, implements no matter what you want to paint tome one ol Sherwin-Williams Paints will do your work better and at less cost than any others. If you want a good job that will save money for you come in and talk it over with us. TIME TO PAINT I 'f If ORE E. COPSES, Pharmacist Avoea, Nebraska r