The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1911, Image 6

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ay Department.
rr ry
t4JfJ Vis
an; of the, reoikrs of tkt Journal km" of a in'! eiet or an item of iuttrut
H c want ail ittms of intertxt.Etlttor Jour ml.
Murray State Bank n
Capital and
We Solicit Your Banking
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
I f
Dr. Newell, the dontlest. in Murrsr
every Tuesday.
Ice cream, fruit sundaes and
cone ai A. L. Baker's.
Frank Gotxlman, painter and
paper banger. Plattsmoutb.
Mis Ma
Boedeker was a
visitor Wednesday
filet, a tn1
mad a bu-in
Charles Boeiieker 1
ss trip to Nehawka'
Hi''iia evening.
Mr-. I. . White and Krand
daujrhter. Mi Margaret Hiatl,
were Ornaha vi-ilor Tuesday.
' Kr an.i uanv
ar -priding a few days this wc.-kj
witn hr parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Jo-cph Sans.
C.ahir Boedeker made a bu-i-
Tlfs triri 1.1 4lliii)i4 lirular nL.t
a flying trip to Lincoln to a'ttend i
the fair a few hours. '
School has opened attain with
the merry hand of children. Above
me dm or the snouting you can.
bear some e, "You're it."
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fi ze 1
II I . . i m 1
re uie ,.,011.1 parenis oi a new
baby boy at their house. The
young chap arrived Monday ami
everybody is all right.
Anot tier frcHk of lightning
struck the.ChaHcs lloedekcr farin
hist Saturday evening. It struck
the cob and wash house, right
near the residence, hut did not set .
nre 10 incut, wnicii was iortnnale ' not Ibeycan be converted info rot
for the house. Alfred Jers for bur-thm clods and lliere
lives on the place. , m os,
We want to remind all of our customers, also
those who are now now our customers, that we are
daily receiving our new supply of
Don't fail to see our new arrivals in Shoes. We have
cleaned out the old stock pretty well and will now
show you some nifty numbers in all lines of shoes for
Men, Women, Boys, Misses and children.
We are always pleased to show new. goods.
William Troop drove to Platts
nioulli Wednesday.
Mr-. A. I.. Uaker ami daughter,
Opha. were Plattsmoul h visitors
last Thursday.
A. L. Uaker and Oeorge Nickels
were state fair visitors Wednes
day of this week.
Mr-. M. d. Churchill und
'lau",H''. Clara, returned home
'l'""1 '''n,,''i lt Thursday, after
a week's visit with friends and
Fre.l Shepli-r and family of
! Wilcox, Neh.. are in Murray -this
i Week, true!- ;il tile home of
ilP,,(i,n Mr
Mr. Charles Troop received
unite a serious kick from his auto
while in Murray Tuesday. The
rT"! V' hi" s P.ain-
ful that he was unable to drive
his car home and turned it over
to Clayton Rosencrans ami taking
the livery team of Clayton's drove
home. This is the first, time this
car ha.- acted refractory ami
Charley was taken by surprise.
j,,,,,,.., mil ..,,.1 i-,...l i... ;,
up a hiu silo this week on one of
Mr. Oavis' places three miles
southwest of Murray. This great,
round structure is only one of the
hundred that will be built, in Cass
county this season. Ho they pay?
That's the iiiiestion that will lie
answered jn a V(;u. f (,l)iy (1
ia IhU maw and will nmtl mnte to thin
A. Ila-t was altemiiiiur the
-late fair Tuesday.
I. M. lavis was a state fair
visitor Wednesday.
O. V. Virgin was a I'latt-inouth
i.-ilor lat Saturday.
Henry Creamer was a county
-eat visitor last Monday.
Mrs. Oregg was a Plalts-s
iiioulli visitor la-t Monday.
Ir. M. F. Itiendle was an Oma
ha visitor Thursdav of this week.
James l.oiighridge was attend
ing the slate fair in Lincoln Wed
1 1 i i : i .
O. A. I a I.- and ln k l'ithnan
wj-re alleiid'HK the slate fair
Mis. (irace Chamliers of Have
lock is here isiling her mother.
Mrs. Lizzie Gregg.
O. M. Min ford and family aulo
ed to Hiiicoln Thur-day morning
to attend the stale fair.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter,
Mrs. (i. H. (iilinore, drove to
I'lnttsmontli Wednesday morning.
Roy Hurton is doing the paint
ing on the house erected by W. II.
Hamilton for Charles Country
man. Mrs. James Loughridge. who
has been on the sick list for the
past few weeks, is not, quite so
well this week.
S. 0. Pitman and staff of work
men are in Wyoming this week
putting in the new heating plant
in the Woolsey place.
Herman Reike was looking after
some business matters in Omaha
Thur-day morning, returning
homeia Plattsmoiith.
Mrs. Albert Shaffer, from near
Cedar Creek, is in Murray this
week visiting at the home of her
sister. Mrs. S. O. Pitman.
Mrs. T. F. Jameson of Weep
ing Water was in Murray a few
days this week visiting at the
lioin7- of her daughter, Mrs. J. T.
Ed Knoll niet with quite a pain
ful accident last Monday while
handling some hay. Re had his
rkhl fore-finger torn off by hav
ing it caught in the hay puller.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ' Virgin
went to Omaha Thursday, where
Mrs. Virgin will have all her re
maining teeth removed pre
paratory to having new ones
Mrs. II. C. Long returned home
from Furnas county Wednesday
morning, where she has been
i-iling fur the past few weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Hubert
The Murray ami Mynard base
ball teams will cross bats 'on the
Murray dianioml Saturday after-
1 u the game commencing at
'.' :.'!( o'clock. Come in and alleml
the game.
The lillle sou of Mr. ami .Mrs.
C I.. Creamer met with quite a
serious accident Tuesday. Re
fell from the wagon and broke his
right arm ju.-t above the elbow.
The accident was quite painful,
hut will not prove serious.
Mi-s Mabel Williamson of
Albany, Oregon, is visiting with
her cousin. Mrs. W. A. Hrovvn, en
route to her western home, after
an extended visit in the east. Mis
Williamson is a teacher in the
public schools of Albany and the
w inter term opens on October 2.
The farmers tire now preparing1
for the planting of their fall
wheal crop. We are informed that
there will be a very large acreage
of wheat put in this fall, much
more than ever before. Henry
Creamer tells us that he will plant
lai) acres in fall wheat this sea
son. ,
Moi-ii Oii Sunday morning,
September 3. to Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Wiley. n baby girl. Moth
mother and little one are gelling
along nicely and we will wager a
good cigar thai Warren lias lost
no lime in making the cause fin
hi- happiness known to his north
ern Nebraska friends.
Mrs. Amanda Dill of Hiverton,
fowa. arrived in Murray Tuesday
evening for a few days' visit with
home folks, being called here on
account of the poor health of her
father. Fucle William Wiley. Mrs.
Snm Ellington, nnofher daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, is also
here for a isit with her parents.
Mr. Wiley has been in very poor
health for some time, and at
times his condition is quite
serious, although at the present
time be is some better.
office it icill npfttar mwcr this hetiditi
NT ices
Suiulav eveiini
during Hie week.
Colonel Jenkins made a trip to
Omaha Tuesday, going to Platts
iiioiilh, where lie look the Bur
lington train .
A little sou was born to Mr. and
Mrs. IMbert Swilzer at Ml. Pleas
ant Saturday. Mother and baby
are doing nicely.
James Holmes and family, ac
companied by friends, took in the
state fair Wednesday, gojnu over
land in an auto.
Colonel Jenkins and mot i v and
Karl Jenkins and family motored
to Lincoln Wednesday, where they
i-iled the stale fair.
The Hilly Campbell bridge
down on Hock creek has been re
moved ami a new concrete struc
ture will take its place.
Mr. amj Mrs. Kd Murray, living
southwest of Murray, are rejoic
ing over a new baby, which arrived
to gladden this young couple last
Misses Lena Young and Mary
Moore left, Saturday for their
schools at Cedar Creek. This
makes the fifth y,ar for Miss
Young and the fourth for Miss
Moore in the same school.
Fnoch Moreland delivered a big
wagon-load of melons to mer
chants in Weeping Water Tues
day. Enoch has the reputation of
raising the largest and best-tasting
home-grown melons in the
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mi ss Wil
liamson of Oregon, Miss Elsie
Stokes, Pauline and Fay Oldham,
Mallie Mannear, Messrs. Nelson
Merger and Albert Young formed
a crowd Ihat look their suppers
and-enjovfil a moonlight picnic in
Hock Creek park Wednesday
The members of (he Christian
churchy gave the minister and his
w iTe h pound social Thursday
evening. There were about
seventy-five present to enjoy the
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liams, but they failed to surprise
them, as was planned. Coffee and
cake were served and all departed
glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liams in our midst.
Twenty-fifth Anniversary.
One of lb,. i,( delightful oc
casion- of the season occurred at!
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
lterrcii. live milrs west of Murray,
Sunday in the celebration of (lie
tvventy-liflh anniversary of their
marriage. The day was an ideal
one for such a festive event. Over
I fin guests assembled to do honor!
to Ibis worthy coup'le. A score or
"lore of the merrymakers were'
rroin Platlsinoiilh. Refreshments
were bountifully served and they
were so delicious that an epi
cururean connisuer would have
indulged one degree beyond his
rapacity. Mr. and Mrs. (iire Miss
Anna Moray) Herren,. were mar
ried at Marysville, Kansas, Sep
I'Mnber i. 188(5. Rev. Partiiian, a
Lutheran minister, who after
ward became pastor of the Plalts
niouth church, officiated. Many
beautiful ami appropriate pres
ents were made this worthy
couple. When the uarlv His.
l'erseil all said they enjoyed the-j
best day of the yenr and promised '.
Mr. ami Mrs. Herren that, Ihey
would be on hand for their fiftieth
Party for Sunday School Class.
Miss Ida Boedeker gave a party
for her Sunday school class at her
home last Thursday eoveuing.
The evening was spent m a most
enjoyable manner. games of
various kinds were indulged in,
and at the usual hour they were
treated to a delicious two-course
luncheon. Miss Maltie Minniear
assisted Miss Boedeker in the
entertainment. The members of
the. class are: W aller Hamilton,
Chester Minniear, Lydia Todd.
May Loughridge. Charles and
Ralph Kennedy, Morris and Eva
Bailey, Earl Marler. Morris Lloyd,
Frances Truman, Harry MoCul
loch. Pearl McReynolds and Han
na Hansen.
Pioneer Dies at El
. I
u rule returning iroin Murray
Wednesday evening, the publisher
of (ho Journal met our old Cass
county friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Ranard, daughter, Jessie, and son,
Alfred, returning from Elmwood
to their home in Randolph, Neb.
Mr. Ranard and family enme to
Elmwood last Tuesday for a visit
TIIEnAY t rrra uow rr
i n
with Mr-. Hanaid's mother. Mrs.
i.. iieu.ii ichs, ami .ir. Hanar.l had
returned home, when be received!
the message announcing the
death of Mrs. Hendricks on Fri-j
day. The death was sudden and ai
great surprise In Mr. Maiiard, who'
immediately returned to Elmvv I
to at tend (he funeral, which was
held on Sunday. Mrs. Hendricks
has resiiled ni-ir I'lniM ,,,,,1 I',...
great many years, being one
the early settlers, and had n vii.l.i
acquaintance in that community.
Mr. Ranard also took very ill
shortly after arriving at Elmwood
and was compelled to be placed
in the hospital there for a few
days. They wore returning to
their home in Randolph Wednes
day evening, being unable to visit
any of their eastern Cass county
friends on this trip.
Education Helps Trade.
"The more we know the -more
we want." Did you ever think
about that? The more we know
about music, the more we want to
hear it. to have it in our homes;
that means a sale for pianos. The
more we know about poetry, the
more we want to own copies of
Tennyson and Longfellow; that
means the sale of books. The
more we know about domestic
architecture, the better homes we
build and the more churches and
libraries and public halls. That
keeps contractors and carpenters
and stonemasons busy. The more
we know about outdoors and land
scape gardening, the more we buy
plants and shrubs and flowering
vines, and the nursery man has
his prosperity. The more pretty
gowns and bonnets women set
their eves on, the busier we keep
the milliners and dressmakers.
Yoli seel It navs in iron, I num.!
'" i" eoucuie i in own.
Schools, libraries, lecture courses.
HnyllWnKlhal inches us more
Ill .1 I lk. I ..A 1 .. II.. I
......i " noon now, ICUCIS Oil I lie
business prosperity of the town.
This is not guess-work or theory;
it is a problem worked out and
proved every year in every town.
As an instance, look up the
k ,, 1 ...
in mi- i oi 1 1 1 1 1 u ii ii ics uiai
have the
lecture course habit.
There is Elkhart, Intl. They held
their first lecture course there in
the winter of 1875-fi, when they
w ere a lit He village of 400 people.
They have had a course every sea
son since. Now Elkhart is a town
of 20.000. ft js primarily an in,
duslrial center; it boosts of that,
and mentions casually that it has
(he best schools ami public library
in Hie state, and more churches
than saloons.
In another fndiana town,
Topeka, there has been a Lyceum
lecture every Friday night for
twenly-eighl years. Topeka is a
tiny little village, but it has a
Lyceum hall that cost oyer 812,
flOO; it draws audiences to each
lecture of over 000 people, and it
has neither a saloonkeeper, gamb
ler, drunkard nor -juniper among
it citizens,
Put this bee in your bonnet.
The live, wlde-nwake, up-and-do-ing
industrial towns of this conn
try run Lyceum courses every
The Murray Lyceum Course.
The Murray Lyceum course for
this fall and winter will con-jst ,r
live numbers, as follows:
1. Home Talent.
2. (Sillier! Lee Eblridge.
.'I. Strollers' Male Quartette.
I. Trier Concert Opera Quini
telle. !. Herved Morton Kramer.
The coinmillee is doing some
very good work and everv thing
will be in readiness by October.
A healthy man Is a king m his
own right; an unhealthy man Is
nn unhappy slave. Burdock Blood
Bitters builds up sound health
keeps you well.
Apples Wanted.
At Murray, Nebraska. AH
arielies. Will pay highest mar
ket price in cn-h. By Hunch it
to OCT. 7. 1911
uuKuriAiiuN BALL
Thomas Stagel, a Cass County
Resident for Fifty-two Years,
Has Passed Away.
Thomas Slagle was born
-icoii, coiiiity. urginia. April 3(1
I I WO l 1 I. :. 1. ...
lx-'tu, au'd died at his home, south
of Plattsnioutli. August 31, 1911,
at the advanced age of 81 ears
and 4 months.
Thomas' Slaule was truly one of
the pioneers of Cass county, and
with his passing we are presented
wit,h the reminder of how rapidly
the early settlers, the pioneers of
this county, are vanishing rom
our midst, being called to their
tinal reward. There remains only
some three or four of the old set
tlers in Ea-t and West Rock
Bluffs precinct.
The deceased was truly a grand
old man. and during his fifty-two
years of Ca-s county life he hart
mei wuii many experiences, many
hardships and many happy hours,
but he has always lived to gain the
highest regard and' firendship
from all who knew him. He
b-aves a widow and eight children
to mourn his loss, six sons and
two daughters AI Slagle of Wa
pato, Wash.: D. E. Slagle of Man
ville, Wyo.: Andrew Slagle of
AVapato, Wash.;, Abner Slagle of
Plainview, Neb.: Mrs. W. R. Good
of Murray. Neb.: Frank Slagle of
Draper. S. p.: Mrs. J. I. Fitch of
TMattsmouth. and Levy Slagle of
Thomas Slagle moved from the
home of his birth to Missouri in, and was united in marriage
to Nancy Lavina Burnett in 18G1,
and came to Nebraska in 18G5.
it i , .. .
! have. 'f .h
'n'', '"""o rest m the
i I iu' Uiiii nmii.iluiii'
Card of Thanks. -
We wish to thank the many
friends who so kindly assisted us
during the illnes- and death of
; , T,
' husband and father
many kindnesses will never be
forgotten by ns.
Mrs. Slagle, Sons ami Daughters.
Judgment Half Pid.
Judge II. J. Travis this morn
ing ordered the distrfcf, court to
pay to Charles E. Becksmilh one.
half of the judgment given him in
bis suit against the estate of
Samuel Johnson. The amount
paid to Beckwith was $984.73.
There is a contest oVer the other
half between attorneys and it will
not be paid over till an agreement
is reached.
Miss Margaret Renland of Oma
,h.i. who has been visiting friends
here, went to Lincoln this after
noon. '
or tiii
Murray Stvte Dank
Of Murray, Nebraska,
Charter No. 57H
Inroi'lMHutt'ii lii the Stntpof NVIiraska. at, Ilia
cl(s of liiislni'-s AiiiriiHt :il. inn.
1 . KK.-oriiCFS ,
fjlllll flllli lllsi'lllllll w &IU '.Ikl (Mk
...... - .,,r.', i.i.
I ivciilnifls. sivittvil unit un-rt-riiiwl .. iirlift
llaiiiilnii limistv furniture mid flHitvt I.7IT 04
Current pxin usts. nml Inxt-n imlil Mm 4.1
luiofriiiu imliiuiiil. Matt- mill iuIvaIp
luniks :a .(ins
Ourroni'V r:.4ri in)
Hold coin &e, n
Silver, tili kelM anil cents 4i 5;-;i4.X.V.l 87
Tot ui K.:it !:i
Cni'iinl stiM'k iiit In iin.oon no
Surplus fund 5. (km mi
liullvlriunl uVHw!ts Miilijirt to
rlns-'k f .VTivi W
Iienmtul cert lllcnli--of iliuxwll :i '"it f.f
Time i-ert IhViitcs of ili'til . . , fl.;,;tt M tW.ti4:i fv'l
IteiHi-lloin' mmtniy fund s 110 4
Total K.rn rti
Stat or MrnitAKKA. ( .
f'..ntii .,r rM i M I u o n.wt..t
rnsliler of tlie ilxive iinmed imnk. do herein'
nwenrlliM I lie bIkit hI uteinent, In rorrei't
nil one ropjr m in rriKmini(le to the State
IiihiMiiu Imtrd. VV. (I. llon kkh, Ctisliler.
An.... . ! MKII I.. IN I'TAM AN. Itlns'fnr.
A'"" ' M hah. 0. Paiikii.k. irctor
Hlllisi'I'llMid ftllll HUriiril tt lw.ri.i nio o.u r.,i.
df Sel.tlllllHT. IMII. J. M. I'VI.MIR.'
Nolry I'uhllc.
My i-oiiiiiiIihIdii rplrmi Nor. I:.'tli, lll4.