The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1911, Image 5
1W (Copyright. A. C. CHAPTER VIII. The Wildernesi Cabin. The light was considerably farther way than they had at first suppoued, and as they advanced steadily toward It, the nature of the ground rapidly changed, becoming Irregular, and Ut tered with low growing shrubs. In the darkness lliey stumbled over out- cropplngs of rock, and after a fall or two. were compelled to move forward with cxtroti'e caution. Uut the mys terious yellow glow continually beck oned, and with new hope animating the hearts of tmh ui-.n, lliey staggered on, nerving themselves to the effort, and fr!lowiiiw closely along the bank of the stream. At last they arrived where they could perceive dimly something of the nature of this unexpected desert oasis. The light shone forth, piercing the night, through the uncurtained window of a log cabin, which would otherwise bare been completely ooncealed from view by a group of low growing cot ton woods. This was all the black, en shrouding night revealed, and eren this was merely made apparent by the yellow illumination of the window. The cabla stood upon an Island, a et.rlp of saad, partially covered by wa ter, separating it from the north shore on which they stood. There waa no sign of life about the hat, other than the burning lamp, but that alone was sufficient evidence of occupancy. In spite of hunger, and urgent need, Keith hesitated, uncertain as to what they might be called upon to face. Who 'flottld be living in this out-of-the-way frnot, in the heart of this inhospitable desert? It would be no cattle out post surely, for there was no surround ing grating land, while surely no pro fessional hunter would choose such a Barren spot for headquarters. Either a hermit, anxious to escape all Inter wwrse with humanity, or some outlaw Httiri fr""- rt. wrmid he ItkelY to fleet is isolated a place In which to live. To them it would be ideal. Away from all trails, where not even widely roving cattlemen would penetrate, In midst ot a desert avoided by Indians because of lack of game a mac might bide here year after year without Hanger of discovery. Yet such a one would not be likely to welcome their coming, and they were without arms. But Keith was not a man to hesitate long because of possible danger, and he stepped down Into the shallow wa ter. "Come on, Neb," he commanded, "and we'll find out who lives here." The window faced the west, and be came up the low bank to where the door fronted the north in intense darkness. Under the shadow of the cottonwoods he could see nothing, groping his way, with hands extended. His foot struck a flat stone, and he plunged forward, striking the unlatrh rt door so heavily as to swing It open, and fell partially forward Into the room. As he struggled to his knees, Neb's black face peering past him Into the lighted Interior, he seemed to per ceive In one swift, comprehensive glance, every revealed detail. A lamp burned on a rudely constructed set of drawers near the window, and a wood fire blazed redly in a stone fireplace opposite, the yellow and red lights blending In a peculiar glow of color. T'nder this radiance were revealed the rough log walls plastered with yellow clay, and hung about with the skins of wild animals, a roughly made table, bare except for a book lying upon It, and a few ordinary appearing boxes, evidently utlllied as seats, together with a barrel cut so as to make a com fortable chair. In the back wall was a door, partially open, apparently leading into a second room. That was all, except the woman. Keith must have perceived all these in that first hurried glance, for they were ever after closely associated to gether In his niltiil. yet at the moment he posseHsed no e '! fhoiisht of any thing except her. Slie stood dirertiy Ixdilnd the table, wlure she must liuve Mprung hastily at the drat sound of their approach, clutching at the rude mantel above the fireplace, and staring toward him, her face white, her breath coming In sobs. At first he thought the vision a dream, a delirium bora from his long struggle; he could not conceive the possibility of such e. pres ence In this louely place, and stagger ing to his feet, gazed wldly, 'dumbly at the slender, gray clad figure, the al most girlish face under the shadowing durk hair, expecting the marvellous vision to vanish. Surely this could not be real! A woman, and such woman as this here, and aloue, of all places! He staggered from weakness, almost terror, and grasped the table to hold himself erect. The rising wind came swirling in through the open door, causing the fire to send forth spirals of smoke, and he turned, dragging the dated negro within, and snapping the latch behind him. When be glanced around again he fully be lieved the vision , confronting him would have vanished. But no! there ehe yet remained, those wlde-opea, frightened brown eyes, with long lash ew half hiding their depths, looking dV , ; ! j I ATALE OF THC PLAINS Xoy Pamdall Padpish- UTHo0r"MY Lady Or The South" Vhem Wilderness Walking. FjcCtc k.LU8TRATI0M By DcARBRn MCLVIU.- McClurg Co.. U1M recny into nia own; only now stie"Tia slightly changed her posture, leaning toward hhu across the table. I.Ike a flash he comprehended that this was reality flesh and blood and, with the swift instinct of a gentleman, his numbed, nerveless Angers Jerked off his hat, and he bowed bareheaded be fore her. "Purdon me," he said, finding hie voice with difficulty. "I fell over the step, but but I didn't expect to find woman here.' He heard her quick breathing, mark ed a alight change In the expression of the Hark eyes, and caught the glitter of the tireli;M on a re,lver In her lowered hand. "What a'.il you expect to fli' l?" "I hardly knew," he expkined lame ly; "we stumbled on this hut by acci dent. I didn't know there was a cabin In all this valley." "Then you are not here for any purpose? to meet with any one?" "No; we were lost, and had gone into camp up above, when we discov ered your light." "Where do you come from?" Keith hesitated just an instant, yet falsehood was never easy for him, and he saw no occasion for any deceit now. "Carson City." "What brought you here?" "We started for the 'Bar X' ranch down below, on the Canadian; got caught in a sand storm, and then Just drifted. I do not know within twenty miles of where we are." She drew a deep breath of uncon cealed relief. "Are you alone?" 'The negro and I yes; and you haven't the slightest reason to be afraid of us we're square." She looked at him searchlngly, and something in Keith's clean-cut face seemed to bring reassurance, confi dence in the man. "I am not afraid," she answered, coming toward him around the short table. "Only It is so lonely here, and you startled me, bursting In without warning. But you look all right, and I am going to believe your story. What Is your name?" "Keith Jack Keith." "A cowman?" a uute or everyming, i recson, touch of returning bitterness In the tone. "A plainsman, who Vas punched cattle, but my last job was govern ment scout." "You look as though you might be more than that," she said slowly. The man flushed, his Hps pressing tightly together. , "Well, I ! may have been," he con fessed unwillingly. "I started out all r'M. het "jo vp' I reckon I Just went adrift. It's a habit In this coun try." Apparently thotte first words of com .iAf kaj left tia Ht. imtlilnlHncrlv fl9 infill uau icn, iici iia luiiinuiQ , she made no attempt to reply; merely tood there directly facing him, her clear eyes gazing frankly Into his own. He seemed to actually see her now for the first time, fairly a sup ple, slender figure,- simply dressed, with wonderfully expressive brown eyes, a perfect wealth of dark hair, a clear complexion with slight olive tinge to it, a strong, intelligent face, not strictly beautiful, yet strangoly attractive, f.he forehead low and broad, the nose straight, the Hps full and In clined to smile. Suddenly a vague re membrance brought recognition. "Why, I know you now." "Indeed!" the single word a note of undlsgulshed surprise. "Yes; I thought you looked oddly familiar all the time, but couldn't for the life of me oonnect up. You're Christie Maclalre." "Am I?" her eyes filled with curi osity. "Of course you are. You needn't be afraid of me If you want It kept secret, but I know you just the same. Saw you at the 'Gaiety' In Indepen dence, maybe two months ago. I went three times, mostly on your account. I You've got a great act, and you can alng too." She stood in silence, still looking fixedly at him, her bosom rising and falling, her lips parted as if to speak. Apparently she did not know what to do, how to act, and was thinking swiftly. "Mr. Keith," she said, at last In de cision, "I am going to ask you to blot that all out to forget that you even suspect me or being Christie Maclaire, of the Gaiety." "Why, certainly; but would you er plain?" "There Is little enough to explain. It is sufficient that I am here alone with you. Whether I wish to or not, I am compelled to trust myself to your pro tection. You may call me Christie Maclalre, or anything else you please; you may even think me unworthy re. pert, but you posses the face of gentleman, and as -such I am going to trust you I must trust you. Will yon accept my confidence oa these terms?" Keith did not smile, aor move Weak from hunger and fatlue, he leaned wearily against the wall Nayextbauess that slmnle. womanly a peal awoke all that was niii'ii sacrificing within him. although In I words were so unexpected that, fit the moment he failed to resize 'heir full purport. Flua'iiy lie straighten d up. "I I accept any terms you desire, he gasped weakly, "if If you will only give one return." "One return? what?" "Food; e have eaten nothing fof lxty hours." Her face, which had been so white, flushed to the hair, her dark eyes softr eulng. "Why, of course; stt down. I ought to have known from your face. There Is plenty here Buch a it U only yon must wait a moment " (To Re Continued. Many a Plattsmouth, Citizen Knows How Sure They Are. Nothing, uncertain about lite work tif Jinan's Kidney Pills in I'lallstiimilli. There is plenty of po.-ilive proof of this in Ihe tesli iimny of citizens. Such e idenci should convince I lie most skep tical doubter. Head the following statement: Mrs. James llodgerl, 1 H) Main street, I'lat I sniout h. Neb., says: "I suffered a great deal from ilnll, heavy pains across (lie small of my hack, especially severe when I stooped or brought any strain on the muscles of my loins. About two years ago I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and they hroiifiht me uch prompt and positive relief that I have since used them whenever I have felt in need of a kidney remedy, f procured Moan's Kidney Pills at Rno & Cn.'s Drug Store and do not hesitate to recommend I hem." The aboe statement was given in Juno, lfiOG, and on December 30, 1908, Mrs. Hodgerl said: "I still hold a high opinion of Moan's Kidney Pills. T am triad to con firm all I have previous said about this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole ascents" for Ihe United Slates. Remember the name Moan's and take no other. No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders vou to stop work, it stafrtrers you. can't," you say. You know you are' weak, run-down and failing in health, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is KleclricJ Hitlers to give tone, strength, and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown ami build you up. Mon'J lie weak, sickly or ailinfr when Fleet ric Hitters will benefit vou from Ihe llrsl dose. Thou sands bless Ihem for Iheir iflorious health and strength. Try ! them. Every bottle is frunranlced to satisfy. Only 50c at F. d. I'i -L . V- l n,'K'' lV ,',) FLYERS SOON TO START FROM SAN FRANCISCO Omaha and Lincoln Favored Points for Stopping Places by the Aviators. Plallsmoulh is much interested in Hie possibility of seeing one or more of Ihe transcontinental aviators in their flight from ocean to ocean. From Ihe number of entries and the preparations that are being made it will be m sur prise to see Ibis meat feat accom plished by one or more of Ihe aviators. Ward, a members of Hie Curtis learn of flyers: Fowler, a success ful aviator; Phil Parmelee of the Wright team; Rogers, another Wright flyer, and Alwood. the St. Louis lo New York liver have so far entered for the contest. , Parinele will have a special train to follow him. and will have material on the train for four aeroplanes. He will also have four mechanicians, so it appears as if the only way to keep hjm from making the I rip is a serious injury or a lack of lime. The trip niut be made inside of thirty lays. Alwood will have Itoslon back ing on his trip, and Ihe oilier avialors will likely have arrange ments somewhat similar to Par melee's. On account of the winds most of Ihe llighls will be from the Pa rifle coast to the east. Lincoln and Omaha are favored points for stopping places along the route, and for that reason Plattsmouth stands a show of gelling a glimpse or two of Ihe aviators. George W. Hild is taking in the fair today. A SOCIAL SENSATION PI Iflutv Plans of Wilbur F. St. Clair, a Printer in the Gazette Office, Nipped In the Bud. A seiiaiion at Ashland is noth ing uticominiin. and the latest, real sensalion has just come to light. Ashland gossips ate busy with a genuine domestic sensation these days which, but for the arrival of (be wife of a man who was posing as single, might have bad a tragic ending. A couple of years ago Wilber F. SI. Clair, a printer, aged rn years, came there from Omaha and went to work in the office of the Ash Uud (lazette. He was known to be a married man and he made weekly isits to his home in Oma ha. The xjsils became less fre quent as time went on and they almost Ceased. He tlnally gave on) thai lie had been diorccd mi the grounds of iulldelily. and a notice to thai effect was printed in the Gazette, on which he was fores, man. About this time he began paying marked attention to a 19-year-old gill in thai tily, taking her to and from church, to amuse ments and ice cream parlors. Shortly after both St. Clair and the young woman made annotinee- ment that they were to he married as soon as tlie necessary sit months following tiis divorce had expired. Hut somewhere in the carefully laid plan a burr dropped off a bolt and the machine began to wobble. It was becoming loose in its bear ings, when Mrs. Paxton, a sister of St. Clair's wife, a bookkeeper at the Omaha Printing company, Omaha, came here with an officer and confronted St. Clair with evi deuce of his escapades. Hut the foreman bluffed his sister-in-law and the officer who accompanied her. and they returned to Omaha that same day. Mrs.. Paxton said she was afraid to let her sisler know anything of the matter as the news would kill her. Monday, Mrs. Paxton. aeeotn nanied by Mrs. W. F. St. Clair came here and finding that St Clair was in Greenwood, they hired an auto atid hied over to that place, taking with them the Ashland girl, where they con fronted St. Clair in a restaurant His wife accused SI. Clair of re cent acts and. it is said, he con fessed before at least a score of people, begging his wife not to send him lo Ihe penitentiary for wife desertion and neglect of her and his four children. As a side issue S; Clair was in the land business and he said he was about to start out with a party of land buyers and that he would send his wife plenty of money. The three women returned to Ashland in a hysterical condition. Mrs. St. Clair and her sister re turned to Omaha, where she said she would al once bring suit for divorce against her husband, who, it is said here, has skipped for greener fields. W. N. Meeker, owner of the Gazelle, has something lo say to St. Clair if he catches up wild him, and possibly I'ncle Sam may get into the game likewise, but I hat is nnolher story. II is said that St. Clair received $'0 per week ami that he sent his w ife, who lives with her four chil dren al (Hii South Thirtieth street, Omaha, from .r to $7 per week, retaining the rest for his "personal" expenses. St. Clair formerly lived at Glenwood. Iowa. His father, who is 8Ti years of age, is pastor of a Melhodist church at F.xeter. Mo. William Slarkjohn went Cusler county Ibis afternoon look after his laud there. CATARRH 13 6C k So ld 2. oSS-? ui infill I fe. SI T" 51 7- I m s "i ? j 3; HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied InU lh itoslrllt Is aulokly aborbd, OlVtS RELIEF AT ONCE. It cloniiAcH, sonfhcH, lienlx ami protect th dixniufd inemliniiiH retiltii)g from Catarrh and driven away a ('"Id iu the Hewl quickly. Kent or r thn Hoime of Taxta nnd Smell. It U euxy to unp. Contain no injurious drugs. No 'mercury, no cocaine, no mor. pmne. 1 he bonwiunld remedy. Price, 50 coU at Dnigglnt or ly mail, ELY BROTHERS. 58 Wtrran St., Htm York Li Do you know that this week we are selling choice of any odd Summer suit in our store for $15? Positively no reservation. This is an exceptional offer as it means suits as high as $30 for $15. Its worth your time to investigate. Look in our corner window. I It's never too late to do pood. We bought last week of a prominent manufacturer a lot of fine soft dress shirts, with, soft collar and cuffs attached at )i price. You can see them in our west window. The price is C. E. Wescotfs Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION RIVER III MILLS Man Hunts Are All the Rage Across the River Two Men Injured in Automobile Accident While Chasing Robbers People Should Be Careful Here- lleeent robberies at Glenwood 4 and Hastings, Iowa, in Mills coun ty, across the Missouri river, aiul the robbery here last night may have been done by the same men. Burglars entered the store of Miller &. Phipps at Glenwood a few nights ago and carried away goods to the amount of $200. Fnt ranee was effected by forcing a back transom, and then the door was removed by uncoupling, the hinges. nioodhounds were secured from Norfolk, Neb., and put to work. They followed a trail to Pacific .Timet ion. but lost it at that place. Just a day or two before a slore TWENTY THOUSAND flOL m DAMAGE SUIT Anson A. Hubbard of Arkansas Asks This Amount From the Missouri Pacific Railway. According to the Nebraska Cily News a suit tiled in the district court by Anson A. Hubbard of Salado. Ark., through his at lornes, Pilzer, Hayward A Zim mcrer. asks for -'0,000 damages for injuries received in a wreck supposed lo have occurred at I'nion. Neb., on October JO, HMO. According to the petition the plaintiff was en route from Oma ha to his southern home ami while asleep in one of the chair cars another train butted into the car and so seriously injured him that he was unconscious for a long lime and does not remember an thing until he reached Kan sas City. In first looking up Ihe case it was found that the man got onto the cars at Omaha and lay down lo sleep in one of Ihe chair cars and was slightly aroused when (he train slopped al 1'nioti and Ihe accident occurred a short time after Ihe slop and he was so seriously injured that he was unconscious for many hours and for a long time after he reached his home could remember but little about the trip or how he was injured. He claims to be n farmer and had been up north to look after some land anil was in jured while en route home. The accident occurred at night and happened while the Lincoln branch train was being switched onto the main line to be attached lo Ihe main line train. The man is still unable to work and asks Ihe court to award him the amount of damages asked for. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bongfct Bear the Signature of 39c (IHH'Mli HERE at Fuierson was entered and goods to the amount of $150 taken. This rapidly followed the burglarizing of the Martin store at Hastings and a store at Red Oak. While on the hunt for the tw(x robbers of the Glenwood - stor Monday Deputy Sheriff F.dward3 of Mills county and L. 1. Stevens. owner of one of the dogs, were In-, jured when an automobile went olT a bridge and fell twenty feet. The car was badly smashed. The numerous burglaries in Mills county and Ihe one at the Scott home last night should make local people a little careful for the next few days. A Dreadful Sight lo II. J. Hariuini, of l-'reeville, N, Y., was the fever-sore that had plagued his life for years in spit of many remedies he tried. Al last he used Hucklen's Arnica Sahe and wrole: "It has entirely healed with scarcely a scar left.4' Ih-als Hums, Moils, Kczema, Cuts, Hruises, Swellings, Corns and 1'iles like magic. (Inly 2 fie at F. O. I'ricke k Co. Candidate for Clerk. The chairman and secretary of the republican county (co ntxal committee filed (be name of Hay- mom) Mayflebl of Kigbt Mile (irov precinct loday as a candidate for county clerk on Ihe republican ticket. There is a quest ion as to whether this procedure is legal, but County Clerk Morgan accept ed il just the same. It will he re membered ' that (ieorge KwarU, who was nominated for Ibis posi tion, (lied his .decimal ion some lime ago with the county clerk, but it is claimed by the chairman, and secretary that he declined something he had not received. Mr. Morgan, howeer, feeling that there was a quest ion as to its legality, filed the name, and il will appear on (lie regular ballots. Mr, Morgan is a man who believes In being fair in all things. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely 89 soon as the injury is received, and ohsers ing the directions with each boll le, a cure can be effected in from two lo four davs. For sate by I". O. Fricke & Co. New Qlrl Arrives. The stork stopped at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fgenberger last night and left a bouncing ten pound baby girl. Iiolh mother and child are getting along fine, and, of course, Fred is wearing that broad smile that won't rome off, C. II. Wedemeyer went to Adair, Iowa, after a business trip here.