The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1911, Image 3
.W..t. .' V .'-i-.?.-!-'. 4.4.. lai 1 .. :t, 11 !j-;s 1'i'iut'' Win, .hint tf F.ltil- i.-tel t in- ,at wt i k at tilt' i f.c Hi 1 1-1 1 leune. Mnitli if Vi Vi rna Ward if Khiiwooil a- a uf.1 at thi' (uu'liry home a w days last week. Mis Yt iiia Thorpe if Krokeii av arrived iSalunlay ami will he rie.cipal in uir city schools this i v. i of i-a. c: f.r'i ai'ii t ; 1 1 1 at l.itii' W. I . lillcspie i.:!:''-hc, I. aery ;, a:i ' heel ami map ..!:.. :!',. ,...i h- in TM-ilay wi'i'i' ami wife. HarrN l...ial. f-imil. . LOCAL NEWS From Wednesday s Lniliy. Ilaii-v Yolk went to the fair to- Vr. ami Mis. John Ainnwert i-i. rlaincil al dinner Sunday, their laicsls h'iiifr Misses Kate Aiiuwi'i'l. Yerna Rn.-h, YioYla Everett and Lda Sorick. Miss Frances Casey returned to h. r home in Omaha Sunday even ing after acting as trimmer for Martin & Tool the past three v"'ks. Mr. and Mrs. Ah in Xeitzel and l.vhter. t'.al herine. of llavi lnck. visiter! Mr. Xeil.el's parents- Imre si vi" al days last u !. Fred KutHI v- a passenger to oalh Id rd S.:nihy 'poniiii. " Yf"k has cnmnnvn'cd on our 10 v. hrick sli re hui!di:!g. M,--. l.rna H'nek of Lincoln visit- d seeral das here last week. Mr.-. Warren Richards and sons, Ralph and I.loyd. returned Friday from a month's trip to Michigan. Those from here who saw the bloomer girls play ball at, Green wood last. Saturday-were: Harry Oillespie, Laeey and Merle Mc Donald, Misses Leata McDonald, Helen Moomey and Erna'Duns 'rrne of Omaha. Miss Carrie Snialley of Omaha visited the Gillesnies last week during the street fair. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moomey visited .Thomas Stout and family nar Alvo Sunday afternoon. Eniil Miller and wife entertain ed at dinner Sunday, when the quests were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Tl .i aran and son. Y'ietor. and Miss Ruth Inhelder of Pierce, Neb. James Kiggan of Fairmont visited his grandchildren, W'illard and Jeanctte McNainara, here last week. Margeret Amgsvert returned last Tuesday from Council Bluffs, where she lias spent the past two months willi her sister, Mrs. Lena Lett. Mrs. Laura Kenig and son, El ton, returned to their home last Friday after a two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.ranckle. Miss Edith Kelley relumed to her home at Plattsmouth last Saturday, after a several weeks' visit with her sister. Mrs. Anna 'Mr.lVmald. Last Thursday afternoon simple hut pretty home wedding occurred in our city at the beauti- f'jl home of Hev. and Mrs. Bran , "kle, when their daughter, Clara was 3'iven in marriage to Mr F'Mvid Thimgan. The words which n ade this happy couple man am wife were spoken by the bridi father, Hev. Rranckle. The bride wore ft pretty suit of white serge while the groom wore a neat suit of dark blue. This couple are two of our best young people, the croom being reared in our near vicinity, while the bride' came hro wilh her parents about four years ago. They have a host of friends who shower their heart ie-t congratulations on them. They will make their home al T'rown street. Omaha. Neb. The fourth annual street car rival was held hue on AVednes iay, Thursday ami Friday of last week. The weather could not ave been much heller, excepting I'-c lasl day i was pretty dusty. The im-rry-go-round and mnny f iber al traction fnrnish-d viiiM'ineul for, an enormous rowd each day. The ball names were, good: the Ursl dav our bovs day. YV. A. lleil is taking in the fair today., Eddie Todd is takiim iu the fail today. Carl Cole weiil to Lincoln this morning. Au;riil Heirs went t the state fair today. George KafTenberu fair today. C. 11. KM left fi r t!i this morning. Henry Horn is s at the tan- lotiay. Md Kn'i'iH' II i-fa;;- today al l.i-H Mr. ami Mrs. r is at the m. tak .In. Ana .late fair the siaht- in the ut Kakow to t In .1. YYhei morning fa i 1 ida.v . ler went to Line for the fair. du a Thomas Wiles this morning to went I'. Ibis Miss Kittie Katl'enberger went to Lincoln this morning. Jacob IHiechler went to Lincoln this morning for the big show YYill Kummell went to Lincoln this morning to see the sights. Mrs. C. F. Yallery went to Lin coln this morning for the state fair. Mrs. M. E. Todd went to Lin coln today. She will attend the fair. Mrs. C. H. Hist went to Glen- wood this morning to visit her mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Puis and laughter went to Omaha this morning. Mr. and Mrs went to Lincoln attend the fair. Mrs. Oscar A. Gapen and son, Oscar, went to Lincoln this morn ing for the state fair.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Smith went to Lincoln this morning for. a two davs' visit al the fair. Mrs. P. A. Meisinger and Mrs. John KatTenberger are at the slate fair today. Misses Yerna Cole and Cb-e Ap plegale went out 'to Memphis, Ne braska yesterday afternoon to at tend the funeral of Miss Hell's mother. Bill D.-lles Dernier, the well known Elmwood attorney, came over last evening to look after some legal matters in both county and district court, returning home this morning. Edwin Shomaker. who was in town today with his father, called at this ollice and had his name enrolled on the Journal's Ne hawka list. We hope he will be well pleased with the Old Reliable. IV TUt nisl'KMT l ilt II I OK TUB on n vt . mt.imska. in !!:' -UiOOT Hi' li t' Al('l I'M I lull uf Tlie i .nl (MiuiHitli .Vuio aioi W aen lii IUi,e 1 .mifnliv .'I I 1 , -1 0 o 1 1 , , . .i.-ivo. tei an i .lei- of Court Prrsertlilntf the l ull's of Toll 10 lie I'l.urtea l Said (.'ur.eiuiy lr t'roN.Miitt Its lclilwre. uiiit i ll.urlui; uu il(-mtou lor Sl'lli llllti- of llilllHIIOI H1P Uf loll for ro-nii Snld llililitf. TO Al.l l-Ku.soNS l. U-:i.KSTKD: Nmii't' 1? lifit'Liv Kiven that on tin- -hill .ia ,.if AuHust. A. 1'.. l:'U. The I'latts moiiUi Au'o ami W11K011 l!riiie C0111- panv of I'Uitt-smoutn. Nehraska, nloa K pftition in tlie liisiiltt Court of the outity of Cass. .NeurasKii. re'iucMiug Hii Court to outer an oriler ami iletree ire.-i l iliiuj; tlie iiinxiim:ui lites of toll liiai'Kes for ci'oshiuk its said urlitKO, eivi led across tlie 1'lutte l iver, near I'luttsinouth. between tlu Counties of Cass uiul t-arpy. Ill toe Male oi 4nb- lnaska. alleniiiK the followins sclieiiuie of toll rutes to be reasonable, to-wll. r Steum or liasollne lraetloii Kn ' sillies not to he allowed to l oss said bridge. Taih person on toot, on bleyrie or In vehiele 05 Children under twelve years of. atie. when accompanied b' parents or Riiaidlun Free Horse and rider 15 Motor cycle und rider 15 -one-horse vehicle and driver... .'JO Two-horse vehicle and driver... ,J5 Three-horse vehicle and driver.. .;5 Kour-hurse vehicle and driver... .HO Horses and cuttle, led or driven. each 10 Calves. Khecp, Keats or hos. led or driven each .05 Huckster, live poultry, patent medicine and urocery peddler, each, watfon and driver $1.00 KmiKiant wayon, with driver 1.0U For each additional person..... .05 Automobiles and chuulTeur 50 Thresher separator, team and . driver 2.oT Torn sbellcr. team and driver. .. $1.50 For each additional vehicle or Implement drawn by team or person 10 and an order of Court was entered fixing the Hth day of Octolwr, A. O. 1S 11, at teii o'clock A. M., and district court room In tlie City of rlattsmouth, County of Cass, Nebraska, as the time and place of hearing upon said petition and that nt said time and place such orders will be made and entered pre scrllilni maximum rates of toll charges for the use uf said hrldxe, as to the Court may appear proper and just. All objections to said schedule above pre sented must be tiled before said hour of said day of hearing: of all of which you will take due notice. Hy the Court, Harvey D. Travis, Jmlse of the District Court In and for the County of Cass, Nebraska. Byron Clark and Win. A. Koberston, Attorneys. n ii C3 mm FOR COUNTRY HOLIES! K n Ok 0 if 1 I) This style of lighting makes gas just as you r use it at the jets or stove and no faster. The entire machine is automatic in opera tion and requires no attention whatever except to accasi6nally put in carhide and water, and that takes only a few minutes of your time and will last from two to three weeks at one filling. ft 3UM EMU Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 1 1 '-' t TiMrr C11 '"1'1'im in 11 1 czz THE HARDWARE MAN SOW MEET AT STATE FAIR Funeral of Mrs. McVey. Tbe funeral of Mrs. Mary Mc Vey, who died at her lnuue in Omaha Tuesday, was held today. The services look place at Omaha and the remains were IirouRht to t l'laltsniouth for hurial. There were n services at the train, the pall-bearers were: Thomas Wal ling. II. M. Soennichsen, Frank McKlroy, Edward Fitzserald. H. H. Windham and Fred EgenberKer. The burial was al the Holy Sepul chre cemetery. The family and a number of friends came from Omaha with the remains. Leaps Fo:m2d lor Purpose ot In:iii3nc eg legislation. 1 BIBBERS TO TAKE HAND Speaker Jot'fl Kuhl Made President and Chief Clerk Henry Richmond Secretary of the New Organization. Normal Board Keeps Busy. Why Jones Left Home. C.lyde Jones was lined and costs yesterday morninK by .Indue Archer for llphtini; al the ball p rounds. He asked permission to pn out and act the money, in- was pivtn till noon to tret it. At noon be asked for a further extension of time, as his friends all they were broke. He did not show up last evening and the presump tion is that he could nd raise the money and left town rather than uo to jail. defented Elm' Uf in the :' "lornintr 0:-"i ' dar Creek by 1 1 11 SCI v i I I ' t'li'e of 'iile Hint .11 f , ; .' f I I to ii. T'le secmul day l.nuisv ille won r-'in our bovs. the score beinu, ,l !o 4. Then Friday morning Fair 1 pd lost the Kame to the Elm,vood I'-itch, the score beinu' (? to r. af ! ' a ten-iuninn name; the same afternoon mir boy.H v,n'. the game from Ashland, the score being t2 tn 2. A successful balloon ascen sion was made on both Thursday and Friday eveninur. The dance "irh eveniiig was well attended. everyone had a good time and are now looking forward to the firth I annual street carnival al Murdock. s Miss Otga eit7el tof inai j - r. ......... .... v Saturday, fur Greeley. Colorado, vhere she will leach school, -j Mrs. Ed Thimgan and daughter. Florence; Mr. August Kuehn nnd lmma Kuehn are in Kansas visit I ing relatives. I Ruth Jones was ! years old j Tuesday, so a number of her lit 5' He friends spent the afternoon i with her. Refreshments MAPLE GROVE. J special Correspondence.) The Wiles' reunion was held at the J. A. Oavis' grove in this locality. A large crowd was in at tendance. - Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Puis. Louie and Laura Puis and Miss Mary West spent Thursday in Omaha at the Immanuel hospital with Mrs. Louie Puis. Cameron Cat hey returned Sat urday from Oram! Island. Our school grounds have been treated to a new woven wire fence and a new well, which make it one of the neatest little school houses in this county. Among the l'laltsniouth visitors Saturday from this community were; William Puis. Chris Iler ren. Fritz Lnlz. Herman Heck and Hoy Hickford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herren celebrated their twenty-fifth (siheiO wedding anniversary Sunday, and a la rue crowd was in attendance and all enjoyed a good time. All departed al n late hour, wishing Mr, and Mrs. Herren a lunar and happy life, so they may be able to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. R. C. Ttailey left Saturday for a few weeks' visit with relatives In Iowa. Mrs. P. A. Hild spent Monday at the home of her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. William Puis. Quite a number from this local ity attended the state (air Wednesday. Don't Pull Down Your Town. When you pull down liie town in which is your home, yon are pnlliut: down yourself, and when you build up you are biiildiii'.r up yourself and your neighbor) Try and banish from your mind the :rilnkt;n idea that all good things are away off in some other local ity. Ciive your, town all the praise it can legitimately hear. It certainly will do you no harm and will cost you nothing: and above all, patronize your home institutions. Visit the Schools. Few people have any Idea what an incentive it is to IkiIIi teacher and pupils to know that parents and outsiders are taking a lively interest in their work. We be lieve the "little folks" at school appreciate- such interest more perhaps than the larger ones. Still I tl Rt ininitlm to pav'old Lincoln. S.'iit. 7. Henry C. Rich mond, duet clerk of the Nebraska hoimu of representatives; Speaker John Kutil and State Senator John Tanner of So-itU Omaha wore the lend or In the oritniilzutiou of the Nebras ka Legislative league, comprUin prs jiiiil former members of the legin luture. Fifty nine present legislator nnd twent) six tornier members at tenilarl the inltinl reunion at the state fair grorwU and formed a temporary aid orR!ini7.nMon. This ormlirttlon will be effective until a baimiua is held iu mldwlmer. Offlceis were elected as follows: President. John Knhl of Randolph, secretary, H. C Rlihmond of Omaha: nsttNtanl seutlaiv. Secretory Smith f the Btate senate; treasurer, Repre sentative Colton of York; committee on constitution, uepreseniiiuves mini und Quackenbush and Senator Mi Grew. , Senator O'lis and Represent it!va Taylor and Quuken'Mish were ap pointed a cniniitfee to draft r"olu tlons of rev.i"t at the death of Lieu tenant r,ovetir Ilopewet! and Ropie -.eniative Miner ol' I.iUicnster county, hotli of wh-mi have died since the ad jnurnnr nt of the 1011 legislature. According to President Kiihl'H opening remarks, a prlnrl ol purpose of the league w'll lie tlie organizatlen of furnier l-ul-'lntors foi Inlluenclng legislation. Normal Soard Keepi Busy. The state not mat boaid completed it 8 ssion The hoard referred to tae ottornev general the question whether it could nse a port of Its re pair fund for removing and rebuilding structure nt the t'hndron normal Bihool site. It gave President Thonwu of the Keaniev sclio'd th right to la- rue vouchers nsnlnst the cash fund of hills of a weapon was discharged, the htulet piercing the lining of the stomach. Veteran Found Dead In Bed. Kearney, Neb., Sept. 7 The decom- nosed hedv of Kdwatd Oinham, nn old soldier of tho civil war, was found in his bachelor home here. The dead man was eighty seven years old and hid resided In Kearney for the last eight years. Gruanther Heads Democratic Club. Lincoln, Sept. 7. C. M. Gruentherof Columlui") was chosen president of the Nebraska Democratic club at the meeting held here. P. L. Hall was made treasurer. Otoe County Pioneer Dead. Nebraska City, Neb., Sept. 7 John lleinke, one of tlie leading farnieif residing near Dunbar, died suddenly of apoplexy. Tive Thousand Indians at Valentine. Valentine, Neb.. Sept. 7. It Is est.l mated that fully B.nnn Indians are VVAH3QUIU5 FQRESr EDSE WAHOO.HtB- The Best Flour in tho Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers the effect is not lost on anv of them, and we hope every parent will lake a hint from this and place the public schools on their visiting list. (1. Shomaker and son. F.dwin Slioinnker, of the vicinity of Ne hawka were visitors in the city today looking after some business matters, and while here Mr. d. Shomaker called at this office and had his name placed on our large list of subscribers to this paper. Mr. Shomaker is one of the re liable farmers of his section and we are pleased to number him among (he Journal patrons. Mrs. John Oeiser went to Lin coln this morning. defunct athletic assoclntli.n. Rhodes Scholar to Debate Suffrage. Horace li. Knlish. who Is to be the Nebraska Ill-odes scholar at Oxford university after Oct. 1, doesn't believe in woman's K-ufirage and he Isn't afraid to argil" the (jnesiion. Young Knglish, who Is a Junior In the state university, h is -onlractet! to debate the question at the state lair this afternoon with stk Alum Plcsiers. also a university Junior. Sues to Recover $.1250. .....kiiiir to leeover. $.-."' which here to take In the fraternal picnic. Dividend on Tobacco Preferred. New York, Sept. 7. DlrectorB of the American Tobacco company, now ; undergoing reorganization under the mandate of the supreme court, de clared the regular quarterly dividend on the 'preferred stock. Recently the dividend on the common stock was passed pending the reorganization of tlie company. Plans SulcMe; Dies Suddenly. Chicago, Sept. 7 Apoplexy caused the d 'Uth of Mhx Haurwltz, after he hud made complete plans for ending his own Ille. WILL BE NO FIGHT . 0VERM0R0CC0 Negotiations Now on Are Largely a Matter ol Bargaining. nerlln, Sept. 7. Foreign Minister Kidorlln-VVaechter's statement In conversation with Representative Hartholdt and C. II. Wolff ram, the spe clal ambassadors of President Taft to the unveiling of the Oncral von flteuhen monument, in which he snld thnt the Moroccan problem was In a fair way ol being settled without re course to hostilities, and thnt the ne gMtlations now going on were largely a matter of bargaining, Is plainly re echoed in the Inspired German news papers. The Cologne fzette says: "We are convinced that fiermany and Fiance will not cross swords over the Moroccan question." The foreign minister will deliver Germany's answer to Ambassador Cambon probably today. Here's Your Chance. You can get the Daily StaU Journal all the rest of this year, without Sunday, for only On Dollar, or including the big Sun day paper, only $1.25. This is a cut price made Just to get you started reading this splendid paper, and at the end of the tim tlie paper will be stopped without any effort on your, part. Tha Slate Journal, in addition to its wonderful Associated press aod special telegraph services, is the leader in reporting affairs from nil over the slate of Nebraska. It is clean, independent and thor oughly reliable. The publishers think it's the one Nebraska paper above all others that you should read, no mat ter what your politics. This Lincoln paper will pleas your whole family. Tho sooner you send in the more papers you will get for your money. she n'li-ces bus- were Mrs. Henry Steinhatier and son. Fdirar. relumed lasl evening from Lincoln, where they nave heen visiting the Campbell nnd Crouse families and attending the state f-iir. l.K.O W. SOT ICE. State of Nclirnxkn, Oasa County, us. William V. CiiHton Htel Frank C. nnfcr will tk notice thnt on the 7th ilny of AiiiruKt, 1H, M. Arohpr, a JiiMtlcR of the J'eneo of the City of I'lnttsmouth, Cbhk County, Nelrnka, Ikhiu-cI nn order of Rttnrlimrnt for the Hum of I'.ni.till, In nn action pcmllng be fore him wheroln (leorire I'olmill Is plitlntllT nnd Wllllnm W. Conti-n and Krnk C. Ilonfer nre defendants, that the property of the defendnnt, eon clxtliiir of a debt owlna: by Weyrleh A iliulrnhn to tbe unld Wllllnm W. Center, hii! been attnehed under unld order. Snld muse wns continued to the 20th day of Heptember, 101 1. at I o'clock, a. m. Imted at T'lnttamouth, Nebraskt, this 10th day of AuKimt, 1911. George Polnall, Platntllt. band lost in two rambling Inusee in Grand Island. Mrs Marie Havre brought two suits In the tnnin-ier c-.urtv district court against twenty-four nH( g' d g.'tulilers Wlllard C. liawte Is the huMmnd lio Is miM to have been ft""i'' d. Kiltie C.uinniins, teacher of IManonnd Harmony, Ttiirrowes Kindergarten and Kllis' Illustrated Music Course, l-'all term begins September 51 h. 8-28-d&wiwlc Mrs. V. C. Tippins went to Lin- coin Ibis afternoon to attend tb., stale fair, C. A. RAWLS LAWYER Office First National Bank Building ACCIDENTALLY SH0OTS SELF Mrs. Eeki l Lanhert of Ro'lwitz Dies Fnm EPe-t of Wound. Pen'.elie'in. Neb., Sept. 7. Mrs. EzeM.-l Lnibeit. .ued n!n't"en. re siding near Hollwltz. In Hundy coun ty, m cblept d!y shot herself In the ali'iln:ren w;ih ,i i Ifl". from the effects f M Lit ll si e ,Hed. Mrs Ijinil-ett had tried to shoot a chicken nd --etni'ned to the house wMh tbe gun cocked When entering the kitchen with the muzzle of the. eun nolntoj toward herself, her dog pbj f illy Z2 arj twqrl her. and the Madison, Wis., Sept. 7 Irene Lent, tierger, seven years old, was kidnaped from her b"d during the night, ac cording to the theory of the police. The child, who went to bed with her hister, was mlnslng when Per parents arose In the inoinlng The window had been opmed The Imberger home Is In the midst or the local Ital ian colony. Pln Exact Center of Population, nhxunlngton. Ind Sept. 7 The center of r.njmhitlon of tlie brined States, found by cciihiis experts to be. In this city, lias been determined by Trofessor W. A. Cogshull of the Uni versity of Indlann to be a spot be neath one of the windows of a furni ture factory In the northwest aectlon of this cMy. Prnpouit'on for Citlien Army Lost. Newcastle on-Tyne, England, Sept. 7liy hair a million votes to 93,01(0 the Trades Union congress, now 1n msslon here, rejected the proposal for the organization of a citizen army. The subject wb Introdueed by the Indon Olasa fllowers' society In tha form of a resolution. DO Herman Groodcr, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon ) Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Sfata Board Calls Answered Promptly ' Telephone 378 White, Plattsmout !0 BEAUTIFUL XMaS POSTCARDS FREE I will mnd you 10 ot tba prettiaat poitcards you evtr cw if you cut out this aHve J'mr-nt nd send it to ma with two 2 cent namps to pay for tha cost of assorting tod mailing. I will distribute 50 000 sets ot these high grade, einbonsrd Cbristmaa cards to quickly intrnduce my new and effect ive Postcnril flVrs. lo not mix ilii ornmumllT to t af lh tim-ii cinlt vr urnt out. Send at ones, wn. I.OPTliS, Mgr. 70t Jacktun 91. Omaha, Nl.