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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1911)
f HI 1 STATE SPECIAL DESPITE TIE THREATENING CLOUDS1 Number Would Probably Have Been Three Times as Great Had the Day Been Fair Fair Is Breaking; All Attendance Records Sixty Thousand People On the Grounds Yesterday Black, threatening skies, wiih a very liuhl shower now and ilo'ii. irobahly ciiii-i-il many n-i j 1 1 lu decide iidI to lake tin1 cxcursiM! train to 1 . i ni l ti this morning f:' the stale fair, hut in spile of the weather two lull coaches of n'M j,le w ! at llii Hiirlington I-f t bound I'm- Hit" big show. Willi clear skirs llii- number would probably liai' lici'M ilmilili'il,' as many al I In- depot I his morning rt-iriH rKfil o I hi- Journal reporter thai man of 1 1n fnlks nt home, especially tin- wiiincii, were frightened li tin' dark skies ami decided not to Ro. Of llii' number that went a large proportion were from t Ik country, ami most of those were men. The fair is breaking all records. According to the official reports the attendance yesterday was 00, 000. The following were on the special that went, to Hie fair to day: John Wiles. Kveretl Wiles. Hen Wiles. I). It. Khersolc. Albert Warga. Charles Warga. Tom Mowers. Fred Kelme. Will Kehne. 1'hil Kelme. J. I'. Trilsch. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Sage. Mr. and Mrs. II. Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. .Inhn Fight. Frank Fight. William (iiluioiir. Miss Margaret, llallalian. K J. Meisingcr. O. I'. Moni'oe. Necessity of Food. Food is a medicine you can al ways depend on. As soon as you will make I In1 patient to accept and thoroughly diucst a snllicienl amount of nutritious fond, hit. cickuess will disappear and his sireim'th will speedily return. This makes feeding uic of the, first rciiiiremcnls of a successful treatmenl. To create a healthy appetite, Triner's American Klixir of Hi 1 1 ! Wine stands in the front, rank. It cleans out the system, stimulates il ' to work and streriK't liens it to stand the work. The hody will then gladly accept 'nouKh food andtransform it inlo Hv, rich Mood which will dis- j tribute nourishment to every par- tide of the body. Indigestion, nervousness, headache pain in Fall Opening! U.fcJ. lr, k ( lf IV (1 l.tMi.N.VV'! 1 They range in price from $10 to $35. STETSON HATS for Fall 1911, featuring the new wide brim effects in "scratch-ups" and plain felts. $3.50 to $5. Manhattan Shirts, just arrived, including many new patterns in durable madras cloths. Plain or pleated. $1.50 to $2.50. SMmuh Hutu Julius 1'itz. C. II. Shopp. Will Adams. A. ft. llai-kenlii.'i'K. J. II. Wonders. Jaroh lieiij-'en. J. L. Slewart. Henry Kaulluian. J. II. McMaken. J. I'. Falter. Rasmus .Vi'lson. C. I,. I.amli. I'. II. Itlltlicl fm d. J. S. Livingston. John Swart s. John liauer. . X. T. Smith. John Hut herford. David Hiilherfonl. Ira Slull. Lawrence SI nil. , Miss Fdna 1'rlerson. J. (). I'eterson. m Isabel. Todd. L. ft. Meisingcr. Anna Deutrh. Mis. Levy Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Coyle. Mr. and Mrs. (icorge Podge. Mrs. John Wiles. Miss Ilessie Wiles. John Johnson. Frcdolph Johnson. Mrs. Henry Kauffinan. Mr. and Mrs. i. (). Srhwen neker. Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Manspeakcr. (ieorge Slander. A. K. Todd. l.ouis Itirkenensch. Harry Smith. John Itcrgman. S. Harkcnberg. J. II. Tains. ' ('ieorge Snyder. Joe Tuhhs. the stomach or the howcls, con stipation with all its unpleasant consequences, ilisl urlied sleep, paleness, loss of energy, will quickly yield lo this remedy, which consists of pure, red wine and medicinal herhs. At, drug stores. Jos. Tl'iner, 1 M.VI Mi) So.. Ash- land Ave., r.liicapn, III. FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY (Liquid) Is a tfreal medicine, of proven alue for holh acute and chronic kidney and Madder ailments. It is especially recommended to Mi'ily people for its wonderful tonic and reconstructive, qualities, and Hie permanent, relief and comfort il (fives them. For sale by F. (i. I'ricke A Co. GREATEST pro vision ever made in clothes for men and young men. Our showing of Fall Suits and Overcoats is the largest and most varied that we've ever shown. "Many tans, hrowns, grays, blue-grays and blue serges in the new weaves and patterns. We are anxious to have you see the 1911 fall models and will take great pleasure in show ing you any day you'll take time to come in. Munliuttiin Shi rlii mm mm Ml in C. L. Herger Will Aid His Former Employe, Who Is Up Against Serious Charge. ough there is mi oiii-siem I Hie guilt of Hi-Hi y Wagner, the iaki-1" fiiine'ily employed liy (1. F. jldi er. iii ui iny a forced check ! for M'li ti. Ill, Hi!. har, il is i,n pj i.liuMe Dial a jury will sentence I linn tu tin- stale prison. I U'iiiiiirr'v preliminary hearing was In M litis llllil'IIIIK at 10 I o'clock tllfnri1 In- was hum'! ailii'ii of Ilic Jin Archer. iii'il the iiir to await district court. It Inn! no allorney and made no tie- ' i ii ii.'... i. i . .. . ! " ' """ i-i'iiiemlicr a IIiiii'-' atniiit the haj peliiu-s of the lli'-i'll he yat ll check. .Mr.. Her'-'vr believe that the man would never have tfiven the check bad he been in his riht mind, ami that it i true that he does not remember any of the bappenint-'sof that niht. Herger will try to get hinj out on bond, and will give bim hack his job. Wagner is a young manly, clean cut fellow, neatly dressed and of all-round good appearance. Mr. Herger is trying to have the amount of the hond reduced and said that, be was anxious t.o give the man another chance. "I don't believe this man knew what he was doing when be gave that check," said Herger, "and I am willing to do all I can to let him make amends and make good. He is tin1 best man I have ever had; absolutely steady and a gentle man. For two months he did not touch a drop of liquor. He pledges me that he will make everything good and will prove that he is not t,he kind of a man that would forge a check when in his right mind." lae Anfick was Hie ilrst wit ness al t be Jiearing. ItwasAmick who look the check. He is a bar tender at the Kiley bar. Amick said that Wagner came in about 7: in o'clock last Thursday night and handed him a check for L'0 to cash. Amick glanced at, he. amount and al the signature, handed Wagner a pencil for his signature and gave him $20. He said that Wagner appeared to be tinder the influence of liquor. The next morning J. L. Russel, .pro prietor of the saloon, si(ld to Amick thai ho should watch nut. for Wagner, as it was reported he , had a bad check in his possession. Amick told Husscl that be had al ready taken a check front him. llerger was put on I he stand, and shown the. check said il was not his signature. He had heard Thursday. night that Wag ner had tried to cash a check for ?0 at Tony Tfilily's barber shop, and knowing that Wagner was drunk he immediately went out lo try to find liiin, hoping that he could get him before he cashed the check. He went to the 9:45 train, but could nol tlnd Wagner. The defendant had nothing to say except that he does not know thai he ever gave the check. "I would not have sent a telegram back to Herger from St. Joseph asking for my job if I had known anything about giving a bad check," he said. It was alter he bad sent this telegram that Sherttr Oointon telegraphed' the St. Jos eph authorities to arrest Wagner. Wagner said that the handwriting on the check looked like his own. The bond was fixed at $1,000, Judge Archer refusing Herger's request I hat it he reduced. The penally for forgery is from one ( seven years in the state penitentiary POLE HONEY YAD TAR COMPOUND Still retains its high place as the serious results from a cold. Take best household remedy for all coughs ami colds, either for chil dren or grown persons. Prevents only the genuine Foley's ollney ami Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. For sale bv Fricke A Co. Delegate Sattler Home. Mayor J. P. Saltier returned from an Francisco Saturday, where he went as the delegate front the Platlsmoulh lodge of F'.agles. Mayor Sattler reports a great convention and a mighty fine time on the side. He said that Frank K. Hering of South Hend, Intl.. had been re-elected grand worthy president, but only after the "insurgents" had gained the re forms for which they were fight ing. It was one of the best con ventions since the r.agles were organized and the future of the organization never looked bright er. Mr. Sattler returned bv way of T,os Angeles. m THIS MORNING KKlOia OF UiK ui.M'liiuN lfTH Bnk of Cass County,' of J'lattsmotith, Nebraska. Charter Ho. 642. Inririran-l in the state of Netiraskn. at liie oli;s4l at ln:iii-ss Auiftisl ill. li'il. i I KKsol li( KS I.i-lllls Hill (lisripllllts .117.11" M' v hImOs. MM';;ri-il and un vnn-d . l.tij.', Itotiils. M-rin il ls. uiti'im-nts. rlaitns, lr .Vim M Ifaiiklni: Iii'iiv luniiuire ami li- . i imi-s !i.;liit (HI ' lU'alriaU'iitlii'Mtiiin flanking h'iue 4. ;Ym ... Cnnvnt j-xiM-nsi's ami taxiw pitii) 4..4 in line fmin nai'i. stale ami private hanks f :M f tin k. ami it-n. r "xtrii n tr iVl .- ("lllTIMICV fl.MI i n ' (mill in IP.tiNi I'll .ilvT.i'ii'kel and i'i'iit .si ii , i.t.mi.iTiK niii al stia-k iumiI ill Siitiiliis fiiml . I'l'iilviili-il itnli!s . :i.t (hi . l1..Vlitl i:t..;"'.t r.:i . . .-.'.mill in ll,.'ill 7!t .;:-4 Till ;i;"i ; I niliviilual ill iMKit. snliii-rt to i 'l inn. ..... ii;....t. ,i...uit l-lM-k iniiii'ii rinvks (Hht-rs elHvks oiiiHtaiMliiiL' Huh nmlloll.shiiii,1lrl Vlltr liankv Iii'l'iiNitnis' Kitarantr fund. . Total... !?:!?IU'.'i7 SI i S'i ATK. UK N'KHHAKK.t. 'or nt v or Cass ( ss I, T. M. I'atli'i-son cahii i-uf tin' alinvf named liank iln hi-rrtiy w'tir thai tltf alMive si ttti'ini'iit Is n.r ii'i'l anil a tnii' niv of Oih wimrt. itiiulc tDtlic Stall' llankliit' Itiiind. T. M. I'attkkson. ... ,, jCllAU. C. I'AIIMKI.K. Illicrtnr, tJ Ki;kmiki((ikii. Iiitei'tor. SiiiiM filirti and sworn tola-fore tne tills "tti day nf Auirtist. mil. Vkiina Matt. Notary I'ulillr. Seal! My i-omiiilssloi) ex lilies .Inly i"tli. I HI 7 Injured by Automobile. Will Kruger, from near (ireen wood, is in the city today, coming down for a few days' visit with county seat friends and relatives. He is compelled to get around by the aid of crutches owing It) being injured in an automobile accident ! a few days ago. One week ago yesterday evening he was driving home from fSreenwood, closely followed by Joseph Halmes in his automobile, and while Joe was not driving very fast, he was not seen by Mr. Kruger in time to prevent a collision. The automobile, struck the buggy with such force as to throw Mr. Kruger from his seat, to the ground, injuring his back and hip and otherwise bruising him tip considerably. The team did not run away, even. though the buggy was pretty badly lorn up. Harsh physics react., weaken the bowels, cause chronic con stipation. Ioan's Hegulefs oper ate easily, tone (lie stomach, cure const ipatio.n. ?5c. Ask your druggist, for them. Make Trip to Omaha. Paul Wolfarlh, Fred Jess ami Fred I.indeman ma'le a trip to Omaha Saturday in Paul's launch "Viking," returning Monday evening. They report a tine trip except for the occasional unpleas antness of getting the boat off sandbars, Fred Jess not proving a good pilot. The rest of the boys aver that this was due to I ho fact that land looked better than water to him after he took an at tack of sea-sickness on the way tip. They say he "fed the fishes" generously. For-bowel complaints in 'chil dren always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is cer tain to effect a cure and when re duced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by F. ft. Fricke & Co. Mrs. D. L. Adams of Murray went to Omaha today. No. 1914 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK Tilt - FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne braska, at the close of business September 1, 1911. RESOURCES Ixiutm and ilisi-ouiils frMT.nis.iW OvettlmftH. secured and unseriired.. 9.774m H. IhiikIh to nei-nre rltviilntlott .... StUNtO.OO Otlier IkhiiIh to npcuii Piistul Sar in us 8,nnn.rn I'remlunm on I!. H. bonds HoikIh, seruril les. pk- lltlsTijul Itnnktnii tionsp. furniture, fixture... M.iM t l her real estate owned Due from nntloitnl hank (not n- sere airents) Ki.1T One from minroved reserve nirenls ."i Checks mil other ctisti Items m4.M Notes of other liKttotml Imnks 7.000.00 I'rnctlonal pniwr currency, nickels and cents ltd ' Lawful money reserve In hank, viz: Soecle. . $.ti.tlV00 Leirnl-teniler notes..... a.:tH.t l.'l.iCO.OO Hedeiniiiton fund from I'.S. Treas urer (." iter cent of circulation).. i.lno.Oo Tolnl.. .4:t0.s47.31 LIABILITIES ('unit ul stock paid tti J .Viooo.oo Surplus fund iTi.HOti.mi t'ndlvliled nrollls, less expense and taxes paid 2,:tltl.:m National hank notes outstanding... NVonO.OH Imllvlilual detswits sillilect to check 104.1117 01 lemaml cettlllcules of ileinwll IH.HM.'.H Time certificate of dcnslt l!n.:oo.l!i OeiHisltxof Postal Savlnirs KJ0.4S Total T4.Ht,M7.:tl St ale of Nebraska t Count v of Co-is ( ' ' ss I. It. N. Povey. cashier of the alAve-nnmi (1 hank, do solemnly swear that the almve statement Is true to the U-st of my knowledge and Is-lief. II. N. Povit. Cashier. Correct Attest; Oro. E. IHivkt. ti. K NAI'I', V. K. Sciil.ATKM, Directors Suliscrllied and sworn to before me litis 71h day of September. ItMI. I. o. Dwykh. Sea II Notary Public. My commission expires Amrustit. 1HI4. iaeranised We offer to the trade the best proposi tion ever offered in the Hosiery business 4 pair for $1.00 We guarantee that naivij, win nut nave iuuu udrticj or mertcca in the toe, heel or sole for four months from date of purchase. They come in ladies', gen tlemen's, girls' and boys'. Ask to see them. ZUC&WEILERs LUTZ A FINE PICNIC ,!l . THE COUNTRY YESTERDAY An Occasion Long to Be Remem bered by All These Who Participated. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. K. church held their annual picnic at the beautiful comitry home of Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Kafl'enberger, seven miles west of this city, yesterday, and it was an occasion which was so delightful in every particular that il will be long remembered by all those in attendance. About the hour of !) o'clock in the morning about twenty-five of the ladies assembled at the church, where the carryalls await ed them, and when all the ladies had reached the church, were driven to Hie Ivaffcnbcrgcr home. I ' fx in their arrival there they were most hearily welcomed by Mrs. Kaffenberger and family, who! soon made their guests feel very much al, home, they having left1 nothing undone toward insuring them a fine time. The ladies had brought, baskets' filled with many good things to eat, but in the meantime Mrs. Kaf fenberger bad prepared a portion of the dinner, such as fried chick en, mashed potatoes and various other viands, such as a farmer wife's larder would afford. Two large tables were placed in the large and roomv dining room of the Kaffenberger home, which were loaded with everything which would appeal to one's appetite and which one could think of in the eiHable line. At the noon hour fhf onl iPfi Pnnin'inv woo cnolnil ' I P I I ' I I I I I J .11 (II t and all joined in this elegant I feast of good things. The afternoon hours were most en.ioyably snent in social conver sation nod other amusements. Some delie-fitful numbers in the shape of instrumental and vocal selections were furnished and ad ded to the pleasures of the dav. Delicious watermelon was served' throughout the afternoon hours. Before leaving the entire company was served wilh supper, and we have j verv cofident iallv from one of the ladies in attendance that for downritrht enjoyment this oc casion was one of the very best it has been her good fortune to participate in. and it mav he said lo the credit of Mrs. Kaffenberger and ffnjiv that the entertainment ofTf d on tin's occasion was all that 'lost'itable minds end expert culinary alilitv moM devise. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have used il with perfect sue-! cess." writes Mrs. M. I. Haifm-d. Poob sv ille. Md. For sale by F. (!. Fricke & Co. 2feBeautiful Pillows 32IC L2 r e- f . To convince every lover of Art Needlework that Richardson's Grand Priz Wash Embroidery Sillc is the Best, wo will give away A Pillow Top With Backr Choice of 12 Pretty Designs-- Absolutely Free T All we ask Is that you buy six skeins of Richardson's Grand Prtn Grecian Floss with which to embroider it, and a Diagram Lesson for 25. Tho Pillow Top and Back are absolutely free. Corner. SixthandMain St. yAones Ikmn 4 pair, if worn alter- i Digestion and Assimilation. Il is imt the ipiantily of food taken, but. the amount dim'svd and- assimilated that strength and vitality to the sys tem. Chamberlain's Stomach and Fiver Tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver ami enable them to perform their functions naturaUy. For sale by F. (i. Fricke & Co. Lightning Strikes House. Last Saturday night lightning struck August Meyer's house, near the quarry., ft was a new cottage and was burned to the ground, together with about all the household goods. The loss is nearly $2,00(1, partly covered by insurance. The house was struck at 10:3(1, but aside from the chimney being wrecked they did not notice much damage and soon went lo bed. At 12:30 they were awakened by the dense smoke in the room and the family barely' escaped in lime to save them selves, losing all their clothes and furniture except two or three pieces. II was feared for awhile the big barn would burn, but there was help enough to save it, Weeping Water Republican. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during Seyleniber. He prepared for it. Chamber Iain's Colic, CholcPfc and Diar rhoea Remedy is prompt and ef fectual. II. can always he depend ed upon and is pleasant to tike. For sale by F. ft. Fricke A Co. Returns From Broken Boh. C. C. Parntele. son, Pollock, and (leorge Horn, who took the auto mobile route for Hroken Bow last Saturday, returned home Tuesday evening, inakina- the run from Kearney home in the one day, ar riving here ahoul i o'clock. They had a very pleasant trip and it proved quite a sight-seeing jour ney for Mr. Horn, but the novel features being rather old to Mr. Parniele and Pollock, as they have made the trip several limes. Mr. Parniele bought another section of land that is added to their ranch, completing the square tract of laud for them, makir in all -it. COO acres. Accidents will happen, but the best-regulaled families keep D'. Thomas' Relent ic Oil for such emergencies. It subdues the pain and beats the hurt's- A Baby Girl. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith are re joicing this week over the arrival of a new baby girl at their home. The little stranger . arrived, last, Salurdav and both mother and the little one are I'oing nicely, and "Hill." is still abb" to turn the crank for llie'iiml ion pictures at the Majestic and even the pictures o'-esent a more happy and a-iod-nalnivil appearance. I wm ifilVUiJlir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii. , ,n i, ',.J ,i, : :rs;i:i VSAAAAJsAAA.rst r-L u.r2 X I 1 iff JyJ t j'Til vM I