The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1911, Image 1

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NO ;i
A City of Established Conditions, a Social and
Business Center a Town With an Industrial
Future By Fred C. Holman
Plaits uih, N' l.iitkii. a city J
of K.OOo popula! ion an.l county
seal of Cass county, lies twenty
miles soul It of Omaha, on both
the, Missouri Pacific ami Hurling-I
Ion railroad. Tlx' town also lies
tut tlx' west hank of tlx1 Missouri
river and occupies a position of
peculiar importance in a trade
v. ay. There are few small cities
in t.he slate where business con
ditions have been so long anil so
solidly established. Away back
in what the old-timer is pleased
to call I he "river days," Plat I s
iiioulh was an important shipping
center. Willi the coming of the
railroads new interests followed.
The big Hurlinglon repair shops
are located here, and which cm
ploy a large force of men. The
local business circles in a retail
way are splendidly represented.
Law and handsome stores be
speak a most thriving trade.
A most energetic and business
like Oninnierirai club is doing
notch for the city and is bring
ing its manifest advantages to the
attention of manufacturers who
desire a more advantageous loca
tion for I heir opera) ions,, Platts
T'louth is most admirably located
for manufacturing purposes and
its advantages art
attracting j
rnarkeda't tent ion from more than
one source.
Fraternal life here is progres
sive, and among the orders having
growing memberships are the,
Masons. I. O. 0. F., A.,0. IT. ,
W. O. W., M. V. A., Elks,, Kagles,
Redmen, Sons of Herman, Degree
of Honor, K. & L. of S., arid others.
Long establish o, T'lattsmoul It
His ever been a social center. It
has made a proverbial impression
deeplv grounded that the old, sub
stantial towns along the Missouri
river led all others in the penile
art of hospitality and ' the line
shafting of their social relations
with the outside world. This con
dition probably arose during the
days when the floating palaces on
the river brought the best rep
resentatives of eastern and south
ern centers to the river towns,
where so many cast their lot for
Ihe future. Hut whalever the
origin the fact remains that Mis
souri river cilies have fully sus
tained the polite and well-bred
traditions of the past. And in no
town is this desirable attribute
more manifest than in Platls
mouth. Heauliful homes, large,
shady yards and a high standard
of social circles all add their
charm to the everyday life of a
thrifty and prosperous rnm-r
Religious circles in this city are
well represented. Tlx? Methodist,
Presbyterian Christian, SI. Paul's
Kvangelical. Christian Science,
two Catholic, and F.piscopal
churches have earnest and grow
i'ig congrcgat ions.
Public improvements in Platls
t louth are of a high order. Tele
phone, electric lights, gas, sewers
and an excellent water system all
Contribute to Ihe public comfort
most efficiently.
Plattsmouth citizens have long
taken a just pride in the btcal
educational system. The schools
are conducted along Ihe most
practical ami efficient lines. A
splendid High school building is
supplemented by seven modern
ward schools, all located con
veniently for their purposes.
One of Ihe imposing features
of the town is the splendid court
house, built at a cost of $tfi),000,
and which is a model of its class.
Cass county farms are at Ihe
head oT the Nebraska list. The
deep, rich black soil has no su
perior. On the broad acres fann
ers have lived and thrived and
built splendid liomes for genera
tions. Live stock, fruit and gen
eral farming here finds their most
congenial environs.
There seems no reason o doubt
tbal under the stress of new in
dustrial conditions Plallsmonlh
is destined to share in larger
things. Two railway trunk lines
and a river which commerce will
assuredly claim again are trans
portation factors not to be over
looked. The cily is admirably
located from a geographical
standpoint ami Hie alien! ion of
large interests lias already been
attracted in this direction. One
large new gasoline engine factory
already has a huge plant running
full force, the prospects are bright
for an interurban line and the
Commercial, club is working
syslemat ically for still oilier
things of an important nature.
More powerful still, as a factor
in the city's growth is the spirit
of the people itself, which is
practically a unit in boosting for
the prizes that shall conduce to
ward a dealer I'laflsnioulh.
For thirty years the Hank of
Cass County lias stood as one of
Ihe strong, vigorous ami progress
sive linancial houses of its field.
For thirty years the bank has
stood in the front rank of force
ful ami potent agencies for high
er, broader and belter municipal
development and growth. The
progress of Ihe Hank of Cass
County has been steady, strong
and unfailing in carrying not its
strong policies and making itself
ii factor in Cass county business
circles. Thirty years ago the
founders of litis institution be
lieved Ihe bank had a good future
before it, but it is doubtful if even
they were prepared for Ihe si roup
and comprehensive position that
the bank has assumed ami held
during these years. lis growth
has been regular and unfailing.
Its melhoils base been open, fair
ami progressive from Ihe largest
to t.he smallest details. The men
allied with its interests have com
manded a full measure of the
public confidence. They have all
represented the most substantial
type of Cass county citizenship.
The following figures illustrate,
emphatically the history of a bank
that has made conspicuously good
with its constituency;. The capital
slock of Ihe Hank of Cass County
is $50,(100; surplps and undivided
profits. $ Hi, linn, and deposits
about :?00,ono. The officers of
the instil tit ion are: Charles C.
Parmele, president ; Jacob Trilsch,
vice president; T. M. Patterson,
cashier, and R. F. Patterson, as
sistant cashier. The full board
of directors is composed of Mes
srs. Charles C. Parmele, Jacob
Trilsch, T. M. Patterson, J. O.
Richey, F. i. F.genbergcr and R.
F. Patterson. fn its dealings
with Ihe public, the Hank of Cass
County has always followed the
best and soundest traditions of its
calling. Liberal in its policies
and absolutely firm in its man
agement and met hods, each passing-year
has brought a larger
measure of success and a still
larger measure of pood will from
the public.
The Hank of Cass county has
always had a system of careful
details that were consistently
observed. F.very precaution is in
use that will throw an additional
safeguard around the depositor.
The finest and most modern
safety appliances, backed by tire
ami burglar insurance and the
strong arm of Ihe Depositors'
Ciiiarantee Fund of the slate of
Nebraska, are all employed to
offer to Ihe depositors Ihe largest
possible measure of security.
Aside from all other safeguards
and considerations, Ihe Deposit
ors' Onaranlee Fund itself abso
lutely insures the full interests of
every depositor of the hank. It is
Ihe result of a slate law ami
absolutely protects all depositors.
fn building for itself a iarge
business success the Hank of
Cass County has fully justified
the hopes of its founders and
also, in so doing, it has been one
of the most potent and forceful
:i"encies for Ihe development of
the coioiniiinlv as well. That Ihe
line, successful and honorable
achievements of the Hank of
Cass County will be more than
eipta'ed in future years is ap
parent, judging from
lion's brilliant and n
the instilu
tt practical
The oldest banking- house in
Plat t n:oul h and Cass county and
one of Ihe strongest, lilosl pro
gressive and most successful in
this section of .Nebraska, is the
f irst National of Ibis eilv, which
for foily years has sustained and
followed Ihe iiios! approved
I radii ions of ils calling.
There has never been a lime
in Ihe history of Ibis institution
1 1 1 a t was not a period of growth.
There has never been a year but
was a season, of advancement ami
enlarged achievement's. Resting
in (he dignity to which ils suc
cess and attainments entitled it,
the First National Hank has, at
the same lime, been Ihe most
democratic of institutions. The
small depositor has always been
made o feel Dial his business was
it welcome feature and he shared
Ihe same courtesy extended to the
wealthiest patron.
A pioneer in its Held, this bank
has been a leader in movements
far removed from the counting
room or the cashier's desk. It
has earnestly championed every
progressive idea that it believed
would benefil Ihe town and com
munity. For forty years the
Firsl National has, been a leader
along Ihe most practical lines for
larger development and a broader
industrial life for Plat Isnioulli.
Ils sound leadership in these re
spects are apparent on many
When Ihe founders of Ibis bank
decided lo open ils doors for busi
ness away back forty years ago,
they also decided I hat the new in
slilulion should stand as a monu
ment to Ihe best business in
terests of Ihe community; that if
should occupy an intimate rela
tion to local interests and be a
practical factor in constructive
developu en. That pioneer prin
ciple has not "eii deviated from.
The Firsl Natiei" ' lrmls closer
to t he people I ban - er. Liberal
will) friends and patrons, Ihe bank
has at the same time always
stayed safely within the limits
prescribed by the best ethics of
ils profession. That Ihe public
fully indorsed this uolicv is
amply proven bv
Ihe bank ilself
stock is ."), lion
Ihe growth of
The capital
surplus, f 2 r , -
000; individual profits, .r.onn,
ami deposits. i:il0,000. The
officers "of the institution are
drawn from Ihe mosl responsible
citizenship of the community. All
successful individually, they are
well calculated lo add prestige lo
any line of business wit li which
they might become identified.
They are; d. K. Dovey, president ;
r . L. Sehlater, vice president, and
II. N. Dovey, cashier. These
gentlemen, together with Messrs.
Ct. Kiiapp and D. Ilawksworth
(lately deceased), constitute the
board of directors.
The First National Hank oc
cupies a handsome home in a
most convenient location and the
interior is elegantly filled up. All
modern safely appliances, includ
ing1 the electric burglar alarms
of Ihe American Protective As
sociation, are in use. A popular
feature is Ihe safely deposit
boxes, where customers can
store their papers and valuables.
The future of (he First, Na
tional Hank is based on a long,
honorable and successful past and
that coming years will see even
larger things achieved is a pre
diction based on common-sense
ami logical grounds.
The Ohopie Oasoline F.ngine
factory is onV of Ihe most vigor
ous and growing industrial estab
lishments of (his entire section.
There is usually a good reason
for the success of any organiza
tion or institution and Ihe Chopfe
factory has back of its swift
growth reasons of such a positive
and forceful nature as to place,
the ins) if til inn altogether in a
class by itself. The Chopie en
gine js revolnl binary in its
features and constitutes a me
chanical departure from all other
engines turned out. It is a
triumph in itself. The future of
this engine promises develop
ments of such a radical nature
as to astonish the gasoline en-
, gine producers of the countrv.
All over the entire country tliej
uasolute engine is coming to be
the fanners' stand-by. It plows,)
harrows and seed hc ground,!
1 1 " the threshing, pumps the
water, saws the wood, operates
lite saw-mill, the grindstone, the
lll'V IV
mill, generates ( elect
ami in a hundred vvavs
Ihe drud!.erv incident
la rtii ami
existence. Il cuts
I on the farm ami
f sev eral ni n ami
tl tw u I he pav ro
does I In1 W ork i
hams in half Ihe
changed Ihe map i
time. II has
f Ihe fanning
world. In !ht
face of Ibis ron-
dike farmer
of seeiiung
engiiies ami
a mull il utlc
vatnly wonders which he should
buy. Among the considerations
tbal confront him is the neces
sity of buying the engine that is
the most durable, the most easily
operated, that is operated wilh
Ihe least outlay for gasoline ami
thai is reasonable in price. These
fads being true, here are a
of the features I hat make
Chopie stand oul boldly by i
in Ihe mechanical world :
The Chopie, as first, an
purpose engine, made for
' I it
self tlx
varied needs of Ihe farm, in sizes
ranging from Iwo ami one-half
lo twelve horse-power.
The Chopie engine is sold
direct from Ihe factory to Ihe
customer, who saves from Hi to
(til per cent in dealers1 discounts
ami other middlemen's profits.
Here is saving No. I. The farm
er gels Ihe benelil that the retail
dealer ordinarily expects ami gets.
Next, ami Ibis is one of the
mosl important items in Ihe
w hole transact ion, the Chopie
engine saves more than ONK
1IA1.F in gasoline over any other
engine on Ihe market. In Ibis
respect, as well as others, Ihe
Chopie leads aU'compcl ilors and
ils owtx'r and maker lias solved
a problem that has held the at
tention for years of Ihe best me
chanical brains in the engine pro
ducing world. However well
oilier makes of gasoline engines
nay run the owner knows that
his gasoline bill is one' of the
main items of expense. To have
thai bill cut in half means a most
pronounced saving in the course
of a year. Farmers who have al
ready used this new and wonder
ful engine are loud in their praise
of a feature Hint they have all
been hoping for a saving in Ihe
fuel bill.
The Chopie gasoline engine is
sold under a remarkable rule. II
is guaranteed for live years and
Ihe purchaser is Ihe sole judge of
its efficiency and satisfactory
service. As an open, frank
proposition Ibis eonbl hardly be
improved upon.
The Chopie factory, which has
been making these engines for
six years, has solved some of Ihe
most vexing problems that con
fronted engine manufacturers,
and by adopting .Hie most liberal
possible selling policy have start
ed their product going among the
very class of people who were
looking for it. Mr. J. A. Chop
ieska, Ihe owner, has equipped a
large and modern gasoline engine
factory, conslrucli'd of brick and
nOxlOll feel in size. The plant is
equipped with a large foundry and
all modern and necessary ma
chinery of the latest and most im
proved design. The best and most
skilled mechanical force obtain
able is employed in making Ihe
new engines.
Platlsmoulh is fortuiuile in
having a factory that produces
an engine which nils so large a
need and which has before il. h
future replete with such large and
certain possibilities. The most
severe tests have already demon-
si ra I eil lite l.liopie lo possess
more strong points than ils owner
claims for il. That the future of
this remarkable engine, selling
front "8L.10 up, is assured is
evidenced by the decided welcome
that il has already received at
Ihe hands of men who have used
enough different makes In judge
tor I lieinseiv es lielweCll engines
giving poor, imlilfereut ami high
class services under conditions
sufficient v Irving to cons
decided lest in themselves.
For eighteen years the Plaits -
mouth Roller Mills have been
numbered among the most sub
slant ial and successful lines of
business in its Held. F.stablished
in tH'.l.'l by C. lleisel & Sons, this
made a wide reputation
excellence of Its product
regularilv of ils niilpuf.
Plus m
he fan
ill has a capacity of
dailv, ami lis
nils and eXi'elb
pectalil v,
it "Plan-
lloitr. is known
over a w ide lerrilorv for ils sal is
faclory leatures. This Hour ha
been a favorite with housewives
for nearlv .'0 v cars ami ev cry per
son who uses the lloiir once be
comes a friend ami user of il in
Ihe future. That is one of Ihe
most popular feature and one of
Hie strongest reroinmenilalions
thai "I'lansifter" possesses the
fad Ibat it makes good ami slavs
good every time. The lleisel
Hrothers. who own and operate
the Plallsinouth Roller Mills, are
skilled and experienced millers
and they have never turned out
but one grade of (lour and that
has been at all limes strictly the
best grade
This mill does a large ' local
business; also ships extensively
lo other points where "I'lan-
sifler" has long been a favorite.
Tin' mill has it most modern me
chanical equipment ami no
facility is lacking Ihal will keep
lite flour up to the same high
standard .day in and dav out.
Heisel Hrothers do a large and
growing business nnd the Plalls-
i ilh Roller Mills stand among
the slrong, leading and successful
lines of business of the cily and
the field.
The home of Ihe nobby and
splendid Auburn car in Platls
moulh ami one of the most con
venient and besl equipped gar
ages in this entire seel ion is the
llrm of Off .x Andrews, who
established their garage here in
Ofe Andrews started out at.
the beginning to furnish patrons
a class of service that would meet
all needs and demands, ami as a
result they have built up a largo
ami growing business. Cars are
stored and carefully looked after
for. owners; a full line of sup
plies, including French auto oil,
is carried and all necessary re
pairs are promptly made, fine of
Ihe mosl convenient locations in
Ihe cily js occupied and no detail
is lacking I hat will make of the
place an up-to-date and modern
garage in every particular. .
The splendid Auburn car is a
prime favorite in every locality
where il is once used. Although
practically a new-miner in this
seel ion, (here arc 52 Auburn cars
in Omaha alone, ami new ones are
being bought as fast as they can
be secured. Ofe & Andrews sell
the Auburn car in three styles
I tie T'our-Door fl, Toy Tonneau
and Touring Cars iO-ho.-.
For style, beautiful lines, neat.
but powerful construction, sim
plicity, modern features ami
durability the Auburn doubtless
stands without, a peer in mcdium-
ori I machines. Hy handling a
high-grade machine and by giving
patrons high-grade garage serv
ice, Ofe & Andrews are making
a success along solid and per
manent lines.
For I birty-oiie years this store,
now known as A. O. Hitch Co.,
has been numbered among the
strong, growing and progressive
lines of business of Plallsmonlh.
In Ibis store is carried every
thing Ihal is standard in
groceries, qiieensware, work
clothing. Hour and feed. This
store is 22x112 feet in size and
Ihe large anil complete slock is
most attractively displayed.
Pal rons always know Ihal the
Hitch since can supply their needs
mul that if the best is in town
Hach w ill have il on hand. In I he
grocery stock are also rarr'cd
cured meats and ' all kinds of
This cult-rprising firm also lias
a branch store on Lincoln avenue,
near Ihe railroad simps, where a
complete Hue is carried ami a
large business transacted. II has
alvvavs been the policy of this
linn lo carry a slock of goods of
such size as lo meet all of the
demand of ils Held, ami as a re
sult the store has for more than
, ..,,.,. f cenlnrv done a
, large ami growing business. Holh
Ihe store and management are re
liable, and fanners, as well as
local pal rons, hav e long since,
come lo regard Ihe Hach store as
a headquarters for goods in lis
line. To keep the best ill every
thing is the rule of the house, ami
thai patrons have fully appreci-
a led this pood business policy Is
i V ide need hy I lie lai
development Ihal
g row I Ii ami
lias just
earned ami en.joveiL
j for fourteen ears Ihe wood.
! coal and feed t'.rni of J. V. Kgen
1 bei'iiT has I n one of Ihe leading
lines ot Imsiness o
f ils class in
reriiaps no ci
Hlilv unices
more in ils qualil
Mosl people have
coal from Ihe de
made a study of tb
ies llian coal,
canted to buy
tier who has
business audi
who knows exadlv what gr;de hi;
is olVering to his patrons. This
linn handles the besl product of
Ihe Colorado, Illinois ami Mis
souri mines, also Ihe I'enn
svlvania anthracite coal. Long ex
perience has enabled Mr. "F.gen
berger to select exactly Hie kind
and grade of coal Ihal is best
adapted to his customers1 needs.
A coal problem is one Ibat may
easily be a satisfactory one or a
mosl Irving one, according lo the,
kind of coal one buys. It is the
reliable and experienced dealer
who can solve the problem, and
leave the pal roil pleased, and it is
Dial class of service that Mr.
F.genberger gives.
This llrm also handles all kiuds
of feed in any quantity: also
wood. Hy prompt ami llrst-class
service, selling standard goods
and giving every customer I ho
same square consideration the
llrm of J. V. F.genberger has
built up a large business ami one
that is steadily expanding. An
interesting announcement of this
(Inn is to the cfTect that it sob!
three more cars of coal last year
Hinn all oilier local dealers com
bined. NEMETZ & CO.
For ten years Ihe store of
Neiiiel z t Co. has been numbered
among the most progressive and
rapitoy growing lines oT business
of Hie cily. Starling in small
ami modest way Ibis store has
grown until it is one of the
largest, - handsomest and most
complete of ils class in this entire
sect ion.
The Neiuelz store is the home
of "Fairy Chocolates," the superb
candy Ibat -has been a favorite
wilh the buying public ever since
it was put on the market. All
kinds of high-grade, pure candy
ami ice cream are manufactured
ami Ihe patrons of Ihk establish
ment always know that Ihe prod
uct is of Ihe very besl in every
partciular. An elegant soda
fountain, serving all of tlx' pop
ular soft drinks nibl ices, is a
feature of Hie store. Fresh fruit,
tobacco and cigars are also
Mr. Nemelz has pushed his
business iulo a decided success by
the superior class of service that
he' has unfailingly given his
trade. The store is a most com
fortable ami attractive place for
women and children, and goods
and treatment, offered are tlu
equal of any similar establish
ment in the Jargest towns. This
llrm has recently moved from its
old location, next door to I lift
poslodlce, lo the present splendid
local ion on Main street.
Bo, 10c AND 25o STORE.
There is no neater or uuue
complete establishment of its kind
in Ibis trade territory than the
handsome Be, ide ami 2fic Store,,
of which Mr. A. L. Henry is pro
prietor and manager. In this
business bouse are found articles
that enter iulo every home. There,
is no housekeeper but, can Hud
bargains here in a hundred dif
ferent ways. Useful articles in
dry goods, qiieensware, tinware,
furnishings, glassware, school
supplies, notions ami a large
slock of fresh candy are to be had.
A store which makes a specialty
of Ibis class of goods is in a
position to oiler bargains not
found in stores carrying a general
slock. Mr. Henry buys this line
of gootls in large quantities ami
he not alone secures a complete
line froni every standpoint, but
he is enabled lo make prices so
reasonable as lo constitute real
bit rgains.
The prow I It of ibis store has
been rapid and satisfactory and
patrons have all found that they
got good goods at most reason
able prices, a recommendation
Dial, has rapidly built up the busi
ness and that will continue to giv
it a large growth in months to,