The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1911, Image 3
SALVATiGH FP.EE TO ALL MANKIND Ml 11 I 'U John Wesley's Via Linked to Jslui Calvin's. MISSING IM OF HARMONY Pastor Russell Finds It Between Eleo tion and Free Grsce He Says That Every Sinner Will Yet Have Full Opportunity to Return to Divine Fa voi "River of the Water of Life" Is For the Non-Elect Alone. Mt. Lake Park. Mi!.. Sept. 3.-A1-t hough this Is mi nfter-seusm fr t li t- Camp Meet ings, (hautimiua Mir.l other gither ings here, tha after-season Conven tion of the Inter national ltitilp Stu-ll-llls now ill ses ii'-f'lx.J-' sion outshines ull senlilles of many years. The program is nn extensive one. During the ten days of the Con vention addresses will be given by nlxry ministers and Instructors of the Association. The teachings are Inter denominational, unseetarlan. Pastor Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle, and now also of London Tabernacle, is the President of the Association. Ills was the principal address of today. The auditorium was crowded. Probably in compliment to Methodists. Pastor Rus sell took for his text what he claimed was John Wesley's favorite "And the Spirit and the F.rlde say. Come: and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Revelation xxli, 17. He said: 'hat Wesley Could Not Believe. Our Methodist friends wtio own this wpHcious Auditorium have generally forgotten the special teachings of Brother Wesley, which brought them to the front of his denomination at a time wlieu Calviu's theory of the elec tion of saints to glory and the predes tination of ull others to eternal torture was the basic thought of Protestantism Brother Wesley's voice rang out clear and full "I cannot believe that God predestinated to eternal torture the masses of mankind before they were born. I must believe that God Is Love and that Ills love and Ills justice would give to every sinner a full op portunity for return to Divine favor uud to everlasting life through Christ. Brother Calvin, indeed, has certain Scriptures difficult to apply, respecting . eleeUon nud the elect but I have one Scripture at least which tells of a free dom of I1 vine grnce. The 'river of the water of life' is not declared to be for the elect, but for 'whosoever will.' 1 take my stand upon that text." Brother Wesley's bnttle-cry "God is Love and will surely give every mem ber of Adam's race an opportunity for eternal life through Christ" has come ringing down to our day. And ul- though Christians have become sick and tired of their endeavor to harmo nize the doctrines of Flection and Free Grace and are now trying to forget doctrines altogether, nevertheless John Wesley's theory has overwhelmed John Calvin's. The vast majority of Pres byterians, P.aptists, Congregationallsts, etc., professing Calviu's tenets, really believe Wesley's that God U Love and will surely give every member of our race a full opportunity for salvation, and that lie predestinated none of them to eternal torture. Truth In Both Theories. . There are elements of truth in both thiwies, as we now see: "The path of the Just Is as the shining light, which Khineth more and more unto the perfect day." We are nearing the perfect day. and hence should umler Kt.and the Bible better than did our forefathers, who did not have the won derful Bibles Christians now possess, wjlh imirgin:il references, concordances anil other helps! Ability to read also is universal today. Oh. what m inner of Bible sti'dents we should lie! Many 1 Christians, however, discouraged by the inconsistencies ivid e:nt--mliotions of the various en v-.': a'll Pro testant, have a! creeds i ud abandoned tlt;ir H:t es erro Tieously believing the latter to be the basis of the former. We must not share this mistake. While doing all In our power to -remove all the creed fences which divide God's people Into nects and parties, let us bold fn to the Rible, the most wonderful R ok In the world. It Is only beginning to be understood; its true light Is shining today as never before.' We are In thc time mentioned by the Pronhet, when the "wise shall understand" (Daniel Hi, 10). Brother Calvin was right In part to the extent that he was In harmony with the Bible, which leaches us to strive to fulfil our Covenant with the Lord, that thim we may "make our calling and election sure." It does not teach the predestination which Calvin taught and which Wesley objected to the predestination of the wicked to an eternity of torture. The only pre destination mentioned In the Bible In connected with the Church, the saints. Ood predestinated that none could be f the Church class, the Bride class, txi-vpt such as would become copies of Els Sou, the Redeemer. That pre- dest in uioii stands unalterable, but it h;;s ii i e'.T.i t iii'on others th:tn (!m eicct. it uie't.y s;is tiu.t none ex cept the ai:il... li ill p.irti ipate In the ele tlmi. It s.ijs not one word about lb- fa'e of t lit n. ui-e'.ect. Read Un mans viii. -JS-:l' and you will see this for yoti'eif. To this, the Scriptural predestination, none can object. It is the uuscriptural deductions whi-h have caused us ditlicitlty. Brother Wesley was in exact accord with the Bible in bis declaration that every member of our race inusi have a share In the grace of God in Christ. However, what Brother Wesley did not see was that the great Plan of the Ages is n-it confined to one century nor to one Age. He did not see that. While this Gospel Age Is exclusively devoted to the selection of the Church class, invited to be "the Bride, the Lamb's Wife," there Is a coining Age in which Christ and His glorified Bride will extend Iivine mercy to the uon-elect. The Key to the Mystery Is expressed in (lie Apostle's words, "In due time." Our great Creator need not be in haste. He has all eternity before Him. He allowed four thousand years to puss before lie s.-at His Son to redeem the world and He hi-s sUice taken nearly two thousand years in the selc-tiou of our Lord's elect Bride. He has appointed an atldi:lonal thou sand in which Jesus and His Bride, the glorified Church, will establish a leign of righteousness in the earth for the overthrow of sin and the uplifting of the sinners. Socially? Yes. Physi cally' Yes. Morally? Yes. Intellec tually? Yes. Out of sin and death? Yes! Back to harmony with God If they will? Yes! No freer grace is imag inable than that which the Almighty has provided through the Savior. Of It St. Paul declares. "God wills to have all men to be saved and to be brought to a knowledge of the Truth." To this end He has appointed one Mediator, "who gave Himself a Ransom for all, to be testified in due time" (I Timothy li, 4-t!). , The "due time" for the Gospel call dates from .Pentecost. But it is not a call for the world, but for a special class, the Bride class, to walk sacrl ficlally in the footsteps of Jesus and to gain the great reward of Jolnt-heirshlp with Him in His Kingdom. The "due time" for this work will soon be at an end when the last probationary mem ber of the Church shall have made his calling and election sure and when the "door Into the marriage" shall shut. But the due time for the masses of mankind to hear of His grace ami to respond thereto Is still future, as Broth er Wesley's favorite text will show us. Before examining Ills text we will note the fact that three-fourths of the human family today are heathen in the most absolute sense of the word and many of the other fourth are heatheu in a truthful sense. Why do they not see the grace of God In Christ? Si. Paul answers, "Because the god of this world hath blinded their minds," be cause "darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people" (II Corin thians iv, 4; Isaiah Ix, 2). But why does God not scatter the darkness and open all the blind eyes and unstop the deaf ears? We answer, because, althouuh He has promised to do these very things, Ills due time for their accomplishment is not yet come. He merely calls Ills elect during this dark time, requiring them to prove their worthiness, by walking faithfully lu the dark: "We walk by faith ami not by sight." With the completion of the elect Church at the coming of the Redeemer after the marriage, when she will be the Bride then both Bridegroom and Bride will shine forth in glory, scatter ing all the darkness, ignorance and superstition of the world. Satan, the Prince of Darkness, will be bound and every evil thing shall be restrain ed and the light of the knowledge of the glory of God shall All the earth; all the blind eyes shall be opened and ull the deaf ears shall be unstopped. What will he the result? God's Word answers, that then "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to the glory of God." Brother Wesley's Proof Text Brother Wesley s loving heart found and tightly grasped the declaration, "And the Spirit and the Bride say. Come; and let him that heareth say. Come; and let him that Is athirst come; n'nd whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Revelation Xxil, 17). This text, however, belongs to the coming Age, to the time when Messi ah shall reign: "For He must reign until lie hath put all enemies under Ills feet" (1 Corinthians xv, 2.V21M. There is no Bride yet to say, "Come." Wp ate glad of this, glad that It Is tstill possible for us to become mem-Ix-rs of that Bride class which must "make herself ready" for the marriage and be forever united to the Lord as His Bride at His second coining. Then by the marriage she vill become the Redeemer' Joint-heir to glory, honor lind immortality in the Kingdom. Then she, in co-operation with the Spirit of the Lord, will say, "Come." to whosoever wills to come of Adam's race. Fveryone will say. "Come;" there will be a world wide invitation. All the blind eyes shall be opened to sh the waters of life; all the deaf ears shall be unstopped to hear of the gra cious favor of God' love in Christ. But a there Is no Bride yet to say, "Come," neither Is there any "river of the water of life" yet to Invite them to. There will be no such river until after the establishment of the King dom for which the Master taught us to pray, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it Is done in hiMven." Jesus explain that In the present time Ills followers do not go to the rivers of the water of life to drink; but. on the contrary, hi say, "The wiM- thnt I shall give him will b la him. a well of water prinv;l!is up uati) e el lasting life" t.lolm iv. 111. The New Jerusalem Symbol. The Church In her g lor. tied condition after the 'Yhaiuje" of the l-rt Resur rection, after bccoti lug the Bride, Is symbolical!. represented as a City, as n tio ernmeut the capital of God's Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, which will then come to. or be established iu. the earth-not a literal cliy. but, bet ter, a symbolical one, of the Kiugdoiu. It will be from under the Throne of that New Jerusalem, the Messianic Kingdom, that the "river of the water of life will flow, clear as crystal." Ou either bank of the symbolical river will be trees of life, whose leaves will be for the healing of the nations. Then will he their "due time" to come to a knowledge of the Tru'h that God loved them and did not predestinate them to eternal torture, nor to purga torial suffering, but sent His Son to die for them to pay their death penalty and thus to make possible their restitu tion to Divine favor (Acts til. l'.K-'U and to all the earthly blessings, privt leges and rights originally given to Father Adam lost by his disobedience and red 'Cined at Calvary. My dear friends, here we have the grandest and broadest Free Grace pos sible to be Imagined, iu connection with our Heavenly Father and His grent salvation provided lu Christ. As every creature shares iu Father Adam's Im perfection and dying conditions, so each one is to share iu the merit of Christ's righteousness and sacrificial death; it shall lie "testillcd to all in due time." There will be stripes, les sons. Instructions, but they will all be corrective with a view to the reforma tion and the regeneration of Adam and his race as human beings not as spirit beings, not as angels; Adam and hi race never were such. Only the Church has been begotteu of the Holy Spirit to a spirit nature; only the Church will share In the resurrection to spirit con ditions and be thus "like unto the an gels." This Is Not Universalism. These two salvations, now of the i elect, and during Messiah's reign of the uon-elect, do not Imply a universal salvation of our race, but merely a universal opportunity for everlasting life. The Scriptures most clearly teach a Second Death, like the first death, except that noue will be redeemed from the Seiond Heath, and none will be resurrected from It. It therefore will be, as St. Paul declares, an "ever lasting destruction" (II Thessaloulans I, lh. As St. Peter declares, the w ilful sinners against light ami knowledge will perish, "like natural brute beasts." The lessons from these great truths of the Bible are powerful. They make plain to us that none can hope to lie of the heavenly class, of the Bride of Christ, except such as enter the strait I gate and narrow way the saints, the faithful unto death. They teach us also. In harmony with other Scrip tures, that those who now either see not and hear not. or who see and hear Imperfectly, will miss this great "prize of our high calling." Nevertheless for there, heathen and others. God has j provided more than they could have thought or asked an opportunity for j obtaining human perfection and n world-wide Kden Paradise restored. It teaches, also, that every misstep, every failure to do our best. Is costly both to the world and to ourselves. To whatever extent the world demeans and degrades itself. It will have. In proportion, ditlleulty and stripes In connection with the possibilities and ; opportunities of recovery during Mes I slab's Kingdom. Let us herald wide the story of the grace of God in Christ for every crea ture: let us show the love of God to all who have the eyes and ears of ap preciation. There Is no greater influ ence for righteousness than this The love of God and the lve of Christ con strained! us (II Corinthian v. 14). And in proportion a mankind receive tho same their constraint toward right eousness Increase. Thus, with clearer light upon our Father' Word. It Is time for us ull to cast aside the things of darkness nnd sectarianism which so long have separated the people of God from each other. The Great Lesson of This. The lesson to the Church Is gratitude, loyalty, faithfulness to lllm who called her out of darkness to the high calling of joint-helrship with the Redeemer. "The Bride, the Lamb's Wife." Is to make herself ready by putting on the fruits and graces of the Holy Spirit and being renewed and transformed. The lesson to the world yet Is only to those who. to some extent, hear it that God Is Love, that His mercy has provided a great opportunity for resti tution that Is nigh at hand; and fur ther, the lesson Is that every good nnd every evil deed will make their Impres sion upon human character and have to do with the stripes, correction, etc.. of the future. Misimproved op portunities In the present life, viola tions of conscience, etc., will bring their reasonable retribution In the life to come and make the ascent more tedious and the more dllllcult. On the contrary, every good endeavor and at tainment of self-control will be that much of an assistance for the future, when "the Spirit and the Bride shall say, Come, ami whosoever will may come and take of the water of lire free ly" and obtain perfection and everlast ing life. I trust that true Christian unity upon the basis of Divine Tru'h ex pressed In the Bible will be A,e key note of this Convention to lis very close. I trust that every foul In at tendance may te s wi'.-nn-J and cheered and vivified by the Truth nnd it spirit that, going to bis homo, the blessing may Ix evtendt-d Iu jrerflow log m suro. FBISB1E KILLED AT NORTON, KAN. Taunts Drive Aviator to Fatal Trip at Fair. AEROPUSE WAS IN BAD SHAPE Curt's Aviator Announced He Would Not Go Up and Spectators Souted "Faker" Wife, Son and Little Girl Saw Accident and Blame People, Norton, Kiin., Stpt. !. J. Fiisble the Curtiss aviator, was killed by a fall ut the Norton county fair. Frisbit met with an accident and only went in the air anion when driven to do sc by the tauuls and jeers of the crowd Fiisbie fell about Ion feet and tin cnniue of his iiiiichino fell upon hint fnshing Ills leit side and chest. Ik lingered for al oat ua hour before In died. Frishio has been giving exhibitions In ICl m wood park for several days Thursday hid machine acted badly am; he hud a fall of about forty-five feet but beyond bruises and a shaking uj was not injured. He was skeptical about the ahllltj of his machine to stand another tlighl nnd decided not to go in the air, but when this statement was communi cated to tho crowd there was an an gry demonstration. The spectator! hooted and shouted, "Faker! Faker!' and refuse,! to listen to explanations Mr. Ftisble announced that rathei than have the big crowd go away with the ImpreHsion that he was not will lng to do hla best, he would attempt a flight Ho ascended from the 'track without diUlculty and attained a height of l'V) feet, but in attempting to make a turn the plane tipped and Frishle lost control. As he cam crashing to e-uth the spectators could see the avkit'ir attempting to right the niaehlii", hut as It approached th ground one of th( wings crashed Intf s bani and the biplane, glancing off struck the earth with Friable under neath. I'lishie'g wife, son and little glr were witnesses of the accident. Mr Ftisble was prostrated when Bhe saw her husband fall. She bitterly de nounccs the action of the spectators In forcing her husband to make thi flight with a disabled machine. Frlsble w;h well known nmoiig tht aviators, having flown at Belmont park and lelr.g a participant In the recent big meet at Chicago. . PAUL GE'DEL IS CONVICTED Jury Finds New York Bellboy Guilt) of Murdnr in Second Degree. New Yoik, Sept. 2. The Jury It) the case of Paul Geldel, the seventeen year-old bellboy, charged with the murder of William II. Jackson at the Iroquois hotel on July 2i, returned verdict of murder In the second do gree. The jury had been locked up all night That the Jurors were discussing t erdict of guilty less than first degree munlc wan niuile evident when they tame into court alter having delihei nted six hours and asked instruction regarding the different degrees ji murder. The repot t at the court house was that three of the men hail held out fur a verdict of murder In the first degree, while the others wert I i videtl in their opinion between Judgment of acquittal and guilty In sutiie L'ss degree. By the verdict of the Jury Geldel escapes the electric chair, but will ba sentenced for a long term In either Sing Sing or Auburn prison. Motions were deferred by Judge Crain until nxf Tuesday, when sen tence probably will be pronounced. A verdict of second degree murder pro vides for Imprisonment of a term ol twenty year to a maximum of Im prisonment for life. When Geldel was brought Into court to learn his fate he was pale. Tears welled Into his eyes and rolled down his face when he heard the verdict, and he clenched his hands In an effort to control himself. None of his rcla fives was In court. The prisoner had nothing to riiv after the verdict was pronounced and he was quickly led nway to the 'lonilis prison. DR. GLADDEN TO RETIRE Pastor Who Originated Term "Tainted Money" Will Quit Pulpit. Columbus. O., Sept. 2 Dr. Wash ington Gladden, pastor of the First Congregational church, famed for his opposition to accepting John 1). Rocke feller' mmi") for missionary purposes and known us the originator of tho term "tainted money," has written a letter to his congregation announcing his early retirement from active duties as pastor. He yields leadership to lis new assistant, Dr. Carl I Patton. irknowiedging that he Is at a loss to account for the thinning of his con gregation rt Sunday services and de claring his belief that a younger man may be able to accomplish that which seemed Impossible for him to do. Bandits Hold Up Oregon Express. Redding, Oil., Sept. 2 Three rob bers, one a negro, held -up the south bound Oregon express on the South ern Pacific railroad a mile and one half north of I.amolne, Cal., forty miles north of Redding. They blew loth safe In the express car, rifled theui and esenped. BERLIN BROKERS IN 1 ROUBLE Drop in American Securities His Dis astrous Consequences on Bourse. Berlin, Sept. 2 The recent break In the prices of American securities Is having disastrous consequences oa a number of Gemma biokers. Oeorge WeVhart. the proprietor of a broker ase firm, was drowned in a lake near Berlin. He l Fald to have been made bank'upt through the drop In Cana dian Pacific railway shares. nother broker, Paul Delmleke, died suddenly, and It is reported that Im committed suicide because of losses through heavy engagements of Amer ican securities on the Uuulon market. Paul Kwlet and Martin Cans of the private banking house of Kwiet (bins, who were arrested Aug. 29, charged with embezzling $,' 'O.oiin of the bank's deposits, were examined In court. At Hamburg, a broker named Krnest Friedlander fled, being unable to meet his obligations. SACKETT LAW INVOKED IN HUMPHREY CASE Lincoln, Sept. 2. A hearing on charges filed for the removal of the village board of Humphrey was start ed before Governor Aldrlch. The charges are tiled uuder the Sackctt law and If, In the opinion of the state's executive, the officials have been neg lectful of their duty he will order At torney General Martin to liegln ouster proceedings against them In the statu supreme court. The trustees ar charged with having failed to author ' i.e the enforcement of the law during a firemen's tournament held at the Platte county town the latter part of July. The complaint Is signed by W. M. Condon, Royal B. Drake, Charles Schuette, Georg Elseumlnger and Fred Van Ankeren, while the village ofllclals named in the charges are Poter Bodewlg, Jacob Bender, Unila Dlers, Joseph Smith and Fred Pratt The village marshal, Fred Bcholt, it) also a defendant. It Is aald that lewdness was carried on with a high hand during the car nival time nd that Chairman Bode wig of the village board when told ol the conditions refused to take any ac tion. Marshal Kcholt is alleged to have replied when asked about thd condition of things that he had been told not to arrest anybody, even for prostitution. Condon, one of the com plalnants, allege that when he was threatened with assault he called up on Chairman Bodewlg to protect hltn nnd the village chairman, he say, not ( nly refused to protect him, 'but the city marshal then and there attempted ti nssauH h!m. OLD RAIL SUIT COMPROMISED Legal Contest of Forty-five Years' Standing Ended. Jefferson City, Mo., Sept. 2. Ending by compromise a legal contest of forty-five years' standing over 'the pay ment of ? 1,51)0,000 in bonds for a rail road which was ' never constructed, State Auditor Gordon registered and 'undated $7fi(),n0 bonds for Macon county, this state. These securities represent a settle tnent between the county and Arthur Hnldekoper of Pennsylvania, who held bonds issued in the 00 to build the railroad which proved a phantom. Judgment after Judgment was ob tained against the county, which, how ever, contrived never to have avail able revenue to be seized. The case filially reached the United State court of appeals, where the Issue now la pending. As a result of the compromise all legal proceedings will he dismissed. BEATTIE CASE NEARS END Defense Will Conclude Its Case With Prisoner's Testimony. Chesterfield, Va., Sept. 2. Henry C Beattle, Jr., Indicted for tho murder of his wife, Is expected to take the stand today nnd the defense will con clude Its case with the prisoner's testimony. Judge Wctson announced that he would hold court later than usual thl ' evening, if necessary to finish the' case, but an agreement was reached ', to suspend Judgment as to holding a ! night session until the testimony of the act-used had been presented. Severul women friends of the ac cused nnd bis dead wife testified that the couple lived happily together. Sailing Is 8o Interesting. The lady was rending a nautical novel She struggled along bravely for a few mlnutoH, but finally hnd to ap peal to tier husband. "OenUd," she said, "the anchor ;ys that the boat wa sailing 'wing and wing.' What doee that mean? I've been on a yacht, but I never heard that before." "That nieanH," anBwvred Gvrald, re Jolclng in the fact that ho, too, bad epent several hour on a sailing ves eel "that means that the ecliooner had her maln1 wit to port and her foresl out to starboard, or vice versa." "Oh, I ser cried the Indy. It's Jnt Uke a cbkken-e wing on ech side. And now I understand why they call those little sail tn the middle 'jib.' If short for 'gtblet.' of course. Isn't aQtnf !utermtinrr--:iiAnd Tlala Dealer. FRANCE A I WAR ON FOOD PRICES Ministers Seek to Secure Re ductions of Cost. IMPORTS OF MEAT PUNNED. Suspension of Various Taxes One of the Methods of Relief Rioting Con. tinues in Mny Towns and Move ment Is Spreading. Paris, Sent. 2. Premier Calllaui discussed with the minister of com merce and the minister of agriculture, M. Pauis, measures which are to mako lower priced of food possible. Anion the measures under consideration arc the Importation of meat nnd live stock .nd tho suspension of various taxes. The sacking of shops and Incident ot violence In numerous places in th northern departments continue. A campaign for lower prices of food was started In Paris. Ten tuxleabs, their occupants enrrying devices on which were Inscribed demands that the cost of necessaries be lowered, pa raded through the Champs Elysees and other thoroughfares. Open agitation, with some violence, Is going on In thirty or forty town and cities In the northern depart ments, and the movement I spreading to other parts of France. Banner bearing the Inscription "Butter at 30 Sous or Revolution" were borne In a procession of l.OW persons, mostly women, st Donti. Al they marched the manlfcBtant itni revolutionary hymn. Sc-ld'ors Called In. Saint Qucntln, France, Sept. J Rioting which broke out here ore the high price of food lasted all nlfht A regiment of Infantry and a squad ron of cavalry called out to quell tht disturbances were unable to cope with the mob, which plundered hop in widely separated afreets In the olt at the same time. Twenty of the rioters were token to the hospitals se verely Injured. Trade at Standstill. In, France, Sept. 2. Trade It completely at a standstill here, owlna to the fear of expected food riot. CARUSLEGRADUATE LYNCHED Peter Malllck, Charged With Beating Wife, Shot to Death In Idaho. Spokane, Wash., Sept. 2. Peter Mal llck, half breed Nez Perce Indian an! a graduate nt Carlisle Indian school, wa shot to death by an Infuriated mob at Grangeville, Ida., as he lay asleep In his cell In the county Jail I In that town. Over thirty bullet were fired Into hi body. Malllck wag ar rested some time ago, charged wltb beating his hair breed wife while oa a drunken spree. Her ribs were brok en nnd her life was In danger fol over a month. Prisoner Escapes From Jail. ! Central City, Neb.. Sept. 2 Robert Saddler, colored, who was bound over to the district court on a charge ol cattle rustling, effected an escape from the county Jail by kicking a punel ftom the door between the cor ridor nnd the ulici-iff's office and tl still at large. Sentenced for Life at Eighty. Janesvllle. Wis., Sept. 2. M)uU Keller, eighty years old. wa seo tenced to life Imprisonment for the murder of Johanna Hlschke on June ; 21. He shot the woman a the result ! of a row over hi attentions to he sixteen-year-old daughter. GRAIN AND JPROVISiONS Closing Quotations on the Chlcage Board of Trade. Chicago, Sept. 1. Closing prices: Wheat Sept., 89' C; Dec, 94'2c. Corn Sept., liri'iftfiSc; Dec, 61 CtJ G3'4c; May, C5Uc Oats Sept., 42;lftl2c; Iec.,45Q. Pork Sept., 15.2i; Jan.. $1(1.25. Urd Sept., $9.47',a; Oct., . $9.52. Ribs Sept., $9.12'i.n9.15; Oct., J9.12'.; Jan., ?8.37V--(ii 8 40. Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat, winter, 91 (ft H.'ic; No. 2 corn, M'ifa rV; No. 2 white outs, 43iJ 41'c; No. 2 rye, 80c. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Sept. I. Cattle Re ceipts, 704; htrady; beef steers, $4.00 ft'7.3(); cows and heirers, $2.504.00; atocker and feeders, $lU.rtfi5.15; bulls, I?,. UK 4.25; calves. $5.25(5)6.50. Hogs-Receipts, 3.5S9; 5fii Kc lower; prices for bulk held at usual narrow spread, the large end of receipts mov ing within $7.(107.10; best bacon weights on Hale made a top of $7.40. hoop Receipts, 7,429; weak; weth ers, $3.003.51); ewes, $2.053.15; lambs, $5.00 ft 5.90. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept. 1. Cattle Receipt, 2,000; slow and weak; beeves, $4.00(9 7.90; western steers, $4.007.00; docket's and feeders, $3.Ot5T5.50; cow nnd heifers, $2 25(ft6.25; calves, $0.25(39 25. Hogs Receipts. 11,000; 5c up; light, $7.157.70; mixed, $7.00 C7.70; heavy, fG.R'ifl 7.60; rough, $6.85 7.05; pigs, $5.00(717.55; bulk, $7.10(9 7.35. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; steady; natives, $2.00?r3.ftQ; westerns, $2,259 $.60; ycarlinii, $4.00 0 4.10; lamb, 4.0060.