"iviitfii HOC. attorn nil th Sourtta SEMI-WEKKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUTI1, NEBRASKA, Ml) Sl)Y -AlUi ITS T 4, 1911 NO 71 (BE 1MB IS" WILL SIM AliOTie FICM1L If IH Cass County Schools Are All Ready for Beginning of New School Term Hundred and Thirty New Pupils For the High Schools A Few Schools to Begin a Week Later. Frc-m Friday's Daily. Monday morning about 5,000 (Jaws county children will go trip ping off to school to start on one more lap in the educational jour ney. The schools in IMattsmouth and in most of the county will open Monday. A few schools will not begin till a week later because of the state fair. Teaching these 5,000 young people will be about 165 teachers, go to the schools, and after re of whom all but about 14 are! reiving instructions and lessons, women. Cass county is undoutit edly not frightened at the "de feminization" of the race, a cry that some of the educational j alarmists have raised because of the great preponderence of worn-j en teachers in the country at L Mrs. Laura Redman Also Denies the Charges Gering Says ' There Is a Plot. From Friday's Lialiy. The following from the Omaha Daily News is the reply of Henry Gering, the former IMattsmouth man, to the charges made in the $25,000 suit brought against him: "Itlackmail, common black mail." is what Henry Gering, president of the Omaha Ad club, characterizes the alienation suit for $25,000 tiled against him in district court Wednesday aftcr- noon by Henjamin Redman, a I'nion' Pacific brakeman and a grandson of Uncle Joe Redman, prominent Douglas county pioneer. Gering is bitter in denouncing' I he suit. "They are merely after money," he says, "and when the rase cnni ps to trial, and I shall rush it immediately if possible,' I will show this. I have been called tip many times and asked if I would settle this suit, and I con sulted Mr. Redman's attorneys in their ofllre regarding a settlement. They said I could settle for a lit tle money, but I refused. "My whole life has been open fo inspection, and I defy anyone to find any proof that I have ever been mixed up in anything like this." Answering the statement of the plaintiff that he has a note, couched in endearing terms, which was sent to Mrs. Redman from the Merchants hotel on July 5, 1908, by Gering and to which she sent an answer that was in tercepted, Gpring pxclaimpd: "I will give ?I0,000 to you or any body pise who can show me a note written to any woman on a sub ject like that and in those terms." Boards at Mrs. Redman's House. Gering is living at the rooming house now being conducted by Mrs. Redman, at 518 South Twenty-sixth avenue. According to Mrs. Redman, who is prostrated by the suit, they have been tartly engaged for some time. "We have been keeping com pany for a year and half," said Mrs. Redman this morning. "Is there an engagement?" she was asked. "Well, I will not say that for publication, you know, but I will say that neither Mr. Gering nor myself has gone about with any body else for over a year." Mrs. Redman claims that her husband beat her and mistreated her during their married life. She also claims that since her divorce from him he has paid her prar- ticnllv no alimony and has not called to see his child, a 5 -year-I old daughter. "I am ashamed that he everj was my husband," she said. "f remember the letter incident.! That letter which his mother s ivs ! she intercepted was I roimhl to me a dav after I had a quarrel with her. I did riot write the answer and I did not see (tie letter alleged to have been written by Gering, 11 SAYS SUII IS JUST BLAGKMAI large. About t;S0 pupils in the county will make their tirsl acquaintance with. High school next Monday. There are only four High schools in the county it 1 1 the regular four-year course, those at Plalts iit Mil h, Elmwood. Louisville and Weeping Water. The other towns have three-year courses. In IMattsmouth the pupils will which will take but a short time, they will be dismissed because of Labor day. Regular class work will begin Tuesday morning, The out-of-town teachers in the schools here will all arrive by early Monday morning. milil both were brought to me." ( lering also inl imales I hat then is another motive behind the suit and calls attention to the fact that it is being brought right at the crisis of the commission form of government fight, in which he, as president of the Ad club, is a prime mover. Mr. fiering said at the Ad club meeting yesterday that he had no intention of resigning the presi dency of the club because of the suit Hied Wednesday. He was loudly applauded. Ardent Notes to Figure. Mrs. George Redman, mother of Denjamin Redman, the complain ing witness, tells this story of the two not ps, on which the plaint iff demands -25,0O0. On July 5, 1908, Mrs. George Redman says a messenger boy brought her a note from 1he Mer chants hotel in a blank envelope, which he said was for her. She opened it and reading its con tents, immediately realized that it. belonged to her daughter-in-law. The letter, signed II. G., read: My Darling Sweetheart. Can you meet nie at. 10 a. m., or 1 p. m., in the usual place? Mrs. Redman, the mother, im mediately telephoned for two de tectives, who told her to get a private, detective. This she did, sending him with the note to her son's house and getting the fol lowing answer from her daugh ter-in-law, she says, which she intercepted: My Darling Henry: I have been sick, dear, and can't see you. That's the reason I haven't written. With love, Henry, dear. Write me a letter soon. Laura. Telephone me over t tit in dependent as soon as you can. This answer Mrs. Redman gave to her son, she claims, that night. When he taxed his wife with her unfaithfulness, Mrs. Redman says her daughter-in-law tossed her head and said: "W.ell, what of it, he has money and what have you got ?" Following this, Mrs. Redman went to Plattsmouth, where Matt Gering, brother of the defendant in the present action, secured her a divorce on the charge of non support. The Redmans claim the divorce was granted by aurcc ment. Following her divorce, Mrs. Redman was for a long time em ployed as store detective at Mran (b'is store. The Band Concert. From Friday's Dully. The liiirlinglon baud put on a popular concert at Third and Main streets last niahl. the num bers selected being mostly of the light opera order. A u'ood crowd heard the music. The niuhl, was pleasant and many were out on the streets. Ir. and Mr-. Miles Coyle. who ' been v i-il in 2 I If. Roy I lodk'l! Omaha, returned here todav. ba at when- they are visiting Mrs. George Dodge. T frmii Pennsv Ivania Covles are 1!U BRIDGE IIEOSS 11! MISSOURI Kl Let the Commercial Club Get Busy and Secure the Bridge for Plattsmouth. Tin1 (ilenwood Tribune of Aug u-l ;i!sl contains the following "A iiiiim' is in progress looking to the erection of a toll bridge across the Missouri river at a point some two or three miles south of the line between Mills end I'ottovvaltamie counties and ii i)i mi i opposite uie lown 01 neue ue, in .Nebraska. A petition is being circulated asking congress for a charter permitting the erec tion of such a bridge, ami it al ready has a large number of sign ers. Samuel Allis, formerly of St. Mary, now of Omaha, is circulating the petition in Mills county. Such a bridge would be a convenience for people driving from any point in Mills county to Omaha, but its chief value would lie in the short cut for stock to South Omaha. It would be much shorter than the present route up through Council Muffs and back through Omaha, and much stock would be driven that is now ship ped by rail." This is a proposition that needs the direct attention of the Com mercial club of this city. It will tie just as easy io imilit such a structure across the Missouri at Plallsnioulh as it will be to cross at Hellevue. With the construc tion of the Platte river bridge, which will be built and in run ning order before cold weather, and the construction of a bridge across the Missouri rivpr at this point would give the people of Iowa a more direct, route to South Omaha and Omaha than the route at Hellevue. Hy a route through Plattsmouth, stock could be driven to South Omaha without going through Omaha, just the same as the, other way. Let us get busy and work for this proposition and show the feasubility of" the 'ouie through Plattsmouth. It is now up to the Commercial club to gel busy, also. Entertains Friends. From Friday's Pally. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Henry Sieinhaiier very pleasantly enter tained a few friends at her home, in honor of Miss Klla Anderson, who is employed in Lincoln and wno is spcmimg tier vacation in this city with her parents. The afternoon was spent in social con versation and music, both in strumental and vocal, Mr. Kverett Ward and Miss Gladys Stelnhauer contributing a number of in strumental selections, while Miss Agnes Ward furnished some vocul solos. At the hour of i o'clock the guests were all invited lo the dining room, where they par ticipated in a delicious t o'clock supper, which made the occasion a very enjoyable affair. Those who enjoyed this occasion were: Mesdnmes A. I'eislrup, C. Ryd berg, Joseph Hadraba and daugh ters, Jllanche and Helen; A. Anderson and daughter,. Miss Ella: A. Nilson and son, Lloyd; A. Rhode, Robert Ward and daugh ter, Agnes, and son, Kverett; J. Halslrom and daughter, Alpha, and C. Holmberg. Fine Oats and Wheat. From Friday's Dally. W. K. Rosencrans has returned from the San Luis valley with John KafTenberger, William Rummel and C. F. Vallery nf Plaltsmonlh and John nramblelt of Cnion. These men have only the most enthusiastic praise for I he valley ami for the Costilla estate, which has just been open ed for sale to the public. They hrouglrt back with them samples of the wheat and oats from this years' crops. The oats shown by Mr. Itosencrans is over six feet hi'-'h ami is as line as anything the writer ha ever seen. The wheat was ;itso of mi exception ally tine variety. Addition to Store Building. From Frldnv'n t.nliv. L. It. l'':ei,herver, jr., v , I,;,, been cintlicl in'.: the business of hi- fat tier's store for a few weeks, is getting in line for improve ments to the store room, He is adding a new ware room In the rear of their store, makinir a i forty-foot extension lo the alley. i L. G. Larson is doing the work. Another Old Settler Dies. Frm Friday's Pally. I nele Toin Slagle, residing for so many veais in thi county and known b most cvervbody in this section of the coiintv, passed away at his home in West Rock liluil's precinct last evening about 8 o'clock. The funeral will be held tomorrow . Salurdavl at 2 ('clock at the l.ewisioii church, and burial will be made at tin' l.ewisioii cemetery. I ncle Tom has been sick for sonic time, and was past St yea"" of au'e. We will give an obit urary notice later. L FOR DUCES TECUM A Good Story Is Told on Con stable R. D. ft"cNurling of Weeping Water. From Friday's Pally. Constable R. I). McNurliu of Weeping Water was here today on olliical business and returned to his home on the 10 o'clock M. P. (,, j,, "I lick," as he is familiarly call ed, has beiMi constable at Weeping Water for more than a quarter of a century and is among the best ollicers in the stale. A good story on Constable Dick has been told and retold for nearly as long a8 Mr. McNurliu has held the office of constable. It happened about the time he was first elected con stable and during I he time W. C. Showaller was clerk of the dis trict court. As the story goes, a subpoena for a certain witness, duces tecum, was sent to Constable Mc Nurliu for service. Now, Dick at that time was inexperienced as an ollleer of the law, was no lawyer and had never studied the Latin language. He reasoned thai Duces Tecum must be some wit ness who was wanted to testify in court. So Dick started out and soon found the man whose name was mentioned in the subpoena, but he' failed to (lnd Duces Tecum. He searched a large portion of Cass county in vain for Mr., Mrs. or Miss Duces Tecum, the sex ology of whom he was not advised. Hut a search covering ISO miles over Cass county failed to dis close the whereabouts of Duces Tecum, and Constable McNurliu was forced to make his return as follows: "Duces Tecum not found in Cass county. Fees: Mile age, $7." This particular case hung for some time in district court, but was finally settled and all cosls paid. One day while Constable McNurliu was in Clerk Shovvalter's office the latter remarked to the former: "Say, Dick, I have some fees for you; $7 mileage for searching for Duces Tecum,'' and at that time Dick receipted for these fees. Progresslveness Increases. Still the spirit of progrcssivc ness seems to increase over the city of Plattsmouth, and most all of our citizens are manifesting a portion of the progressive pride in the appearance of their busi ness houses, both outside and in. The latest on the list to invest a portion of their summer's profits in paint and fixtures for their store is Lorenz Hrothers, the meat and grocery firm on North Sixth street. They are adding a new coat of paint to the front ol their building and also the in terior ix being treated to a com plele new coal of paint. Frank Gobelman is doing the work, and (he finishing touches will consist, of a complete new line of lettering upon their front windows. Let the good work go on. A Correction. report of the one-ac In III farce given as the second part of the program at the entertainment Wednesday niuhl at the Paruiele theater the Journal staled that Miss Marie Robertson look the part of the Irish maid. Miss Robertson look the pari of Mrs. Hiram Green, while the maid was played by Miss Marie Douglass. The part of the old maid was played by Miss Marie Donnelly and not Miss Marie Douglass. Of the six girls in the show three were named Marie, so no wonder there was a inixup. Returns From Iowa Fair. From Friday's Pally. Julius Pit returned home ves terduv afternoon from Des Monies. Iowa, where he lias been attending the state fair made for the a short past wee visit to slate far lime Mr. teres! ed ami on I new mal e a Ames, Iowa, where the i is located. For some Pit has 1 n greatly in- in the sheep industry. Iiis trip he purchased a ' animal of the famous Shropshire breed, which will be added to his herd. Julius has been ipiile successful as a sheep grow er, too. We are informed that he weighed a lamb a few days ago that was 100 days old and weighed 100 pounds. This looks like pretty rapid growth. Henry Wagner Passed a Forged Check for $20 on Dave Amick at the Riley Bar. From Friday's Pally. A warrant charging forgery is out for Fred Wagner, formerly employed by C, L. Ilerger, the baker, for forging a check of $20 and passing same on Have Amick, a bartender at the Riley bar. Wagner hail been dropping into the It ley saloon regularly to get a drink, and sort of got up an acquaintance with the saloon men. Last night just before 8 o'clock he presented a check on the First National bank, made out to himself, with the name of C. L. Ilerger as the signature. It was for $20. As Wagner worked for Mr. Ilerger, Amick did not (idea tion the genuineness of the check and gave Wagner the change. This morning it was discovered that the check was a forgery, and the fact was reported to the coun ty attorney and sheriff, but Wag ner had left town and the ollicers are now looking for him. The check was a sorry-looking affair, and appears lobe the work of a man whose hand was pretty unsteady. ll was considerably blotted with ink and had no date. Forgery is a pretty serious offense in this slate, being punishable with a term of from one to seven years in the peni- WILES" REUN1DN WAS PRETTY BIG AFFAIR Almost Two Hundred Took Part in Family Gathering at the Anderson Davis Place. From Friday's Dully. The Wiles' family reunion, which was held yesterday at the Anderson Davis place, prcrved a great success, a total of 191 rela tives being present. The day was spent in visiting and renewing acquaintances. This annual re union has become quite a big thing in the county and people come from many places to he present. The descendants of Thomas Wiles make up the re union. Three sisters and one brother of the original family were present. The oldest relative at the re union was Frankie Thomas, who is 91 years old. The youngest was an infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiles, 7 months old. Last year there were 185 rela tives present. There was only one death in the entire family during the year, and live births. The tribe is increasing at, a good rate. The dinner was served on three specially constructed tables out of doors. Wedding at Eagle. A special from Kagle, under dale of August .'II, contains the following announcement of the marriage of a most, worthy young couple of that village: "Miss Cassie Cooper, daughler of C. C. Cooper and wife, and F.liuer II. Adams, son of Mrs. Henry Simke, were married last evi'iiiuir at 8 o'clock at the home j of tin Mage. I their bride's parents in Ibis vil The young couple will make home on a farm two and one-half miles east of this vil la ire." The Journal extends congratu lations and wishes the young peo ple all the happiness and pros perity that can store for them. possibly be in BAKER S CHARGED W SERIOUS CUE 'FORMER PLATTSMOUTH j BOY MOVES Of! FARM i Gerald Kl. Drew, Attorney, of Omaha, Goes to South Dakota to Make His Home. The following appeared ;n the W in lil-Herald of a recent, date: "Attorney Gerald M, Drew of this cily has tiled ou a claim of loo acres of land just two miles Uioilll ol Isaliel, llewev county. South Dakota, and prior to Octo ber 1 will move onto his (Maim and take up the practice of law at Isabel. He must reside on his claim for fourteen months and pay the government $2.rn an acre for it. "Mr. Drew has great confidence, in the future of this country, and believes it a splendid opportunity for young people to secure prac tically free land. He is a Ne braska!) by birth, a graduate of the University of Nebraska law department, and for a number of years has been associated in the practice' of law in this city with Slate Senator Richard S. Horton. lie is a Knight Templar, a Shrill er, a democrat in politics and a great admirer of W. ,1. Mryan. His mother goes with him into his new home to keep house for him." Mr. Drew is a Plait smooth boy, and spent his boyhood days here, where he has a number of rela tives and a host of friends, who have watched with considerable interest bis advancement. lie was one of the brightest young attorneys in Omaha, and in his removal the Nebraska metropolis loses one of its best citizens. His many friends at. the home of his youth wish him prosperity in his new home. DEATH OF IS. L. A. MOORE'S MOTHER Mrs. Garwood, Widow of Major C. B. Garwood, Passes Away Thursday, August 31. Mis. Frances Maker Garw I, mother of Mrs. L. A. Moore and widow of Major C. M. Garwood, died al the home of her daughter in this cily Thursday, August ;tl, 1 11 1 1 , at 2:20 p. in. The cause of death being cerebral hciuorragc, of which she was attacked Friday night and never spoke afterward, all hough every ell'orl by eminent physicians was made lo revive her. The deceased was born in Wil liamsporl, Tenn., August 28, 183i. Moved to Texas in I8.'0, and was left a widow at the age of 10. Af ter a few years she was married to Calvin M. Garwood of Olive, Texas, and af the lime professor of mathematics in the Texas Mili tary academy. Mrs. Garwood un derwent strenuous limes during the civil war, and has lived an eventful life. The loss of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Paul Page, at Maslrop, Texas, last April, was a ureal shock to her, from which she never recovered. She leaves lo mourn her loss three sons and one daughter, namely: Robert Fuller of San Antonio, the son of her tirsl union: Dr. v. Garwood of New Mraunllls, Judge A. M. Garwood of Houston and Mrs, L. A. Moore of this city. No funeral services were con ducted here, the remains being taken to Hastrop, Texas, for in terment. Mrs. Moore will accom pany the remains to her former home ami will be met by her brothers at Fort Worth. Mr. Moore accompanied Mrs Moore as far as Kansas Cily. The remains were taken over the Misouri Pacific, to Kansas City. Mrs. Moore has the sympathy of many friends in Plattsmouth. Appointed Executor. From Frldny's Dully. Thomas M. ('.. Palloii of Klm wood has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of peter Van Huren, the will having been al-. lowed by the court. Attorney C. Aldrige of Klmwood was hero todav looking- after the case. Apples Wanted. Al Murray, Nebraska. ' All varieties. Will pay highest mar ket price in cash. My Munch & Nanman. Subscribe for trie Dally Journal.