The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 31, 1911, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
er Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska 33
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the I'ostoflice at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
The Democratic Ticket, i
For Judges Supreme Court.
J. It. DKAN.
For Regents University.
For Railroad Commissioner.
0. K. II ARM AN.
For Judge of the District Court
First District.
For Clerk of the District Court.
For County Clerk.
For Treasurer.
For Sheriff.
For Superintendent of Schools.
For Surveyor.
For Coroner.
Commissioner Second
For Police Magistrate.
:o :
Senator Cummins says h ? don't
care about being u running mate
of Taft's. Well, who does?
Th; recall is all right where the
officials am dishonest and the
people's interests are at stake.
( . ;o:
The, Anti-Saloon league will
oppose Judge Hainor for supreme
Judw on the republican ticket.
That's a foregone conclusion.
71t price of sugar, already ex
orbitant, is going still higher.
The IruHt seems to have entire
confidence that the sugar tariff
wilt not be molesfd.
:o :
The campaign Ih dragging
along slowly. There doesn't seem
to Id any rush among candidates.
Well, it is a little early to start
the ball to rolling in earnest..
The democrats of Douglas
county are divided on their choice
as to a candidate for president
between Harmon ami Wilson.
What's I lie mailer wilh Champ
Tb democrats of Cass county
have a most excellent candidate
for treasurer in Kelly Fox. lie is
one of the old-timers and is well
qualified to handle that county's
exchequer. Lincoln Journal.
There were 'Jft.OOO veterans to
march at. the (J. A. R. encamp
ment. No man who has carried a
gun takes kindly to being hauled
around like so much freight in
automobiles and wagons.
The. work on the Platte river
wagon bridge is progressing and'
will be. rushed to completion, and!
then after being finished look out
for the interurban. Won't
Plattsinoulli be right in it then?
Well, I should say sol
President Lovett of the Union
Pacific denounces Wall street's
"lie factory," but when many of
our railroads have new stock to
sell they handle the output of that
factory at a handsome profit to
The cost of living is higher
than ever, but every time you
- " '- -mit '
goods hu sun's and go to laini-
iug you do more to remedy it than
can be accomplished by a legis
lative investigation.
Don't take your eyes oil' the
ticket at the head of this column.
It is composed of iiood and true
men, who will make good in every
insf a rice.
President Taft will not have to
read between Hie lines to find out
what Senator Joseph I.. Ilrisfow is
saying. The Kansas language is
amainiily simple.
What has become of the
syndicate that was going to erect
four modern cottages on the
vacant lots west, of the Methodist
church V The lots are still vacant.
:o :
Candidates are beginning to
circulate among the people to tell
their little "tales of woe." Some
of them have repeated their story
80 often that the people are tired
of its repalation again this year.
Taft says he will pay his re
spects to Senator La Toilette
when he comes west. Well, if he
can convince the western people
I hit he is right and the Wiscon
sin senator is wrong he will be a
The Commercial club will prob
ably discuss a fall entertainment
of some kind at their next meet
ing. Let's have an aeroplane-
flight for one thing. What do you
Miss Foster evidently will have
no opposition for county super
intendent of 'schools, her' oppon
ent, Odell, having concluded it
was an uphill business to oppose
her and has withdrawn from the
Ocorge Perkins says trust com
petition means sweat shops and
cniiu lauor. nut surely our
benevolent children are willing to
work in the sweat shops so the
(lown-irodiien millionaire can
have bis motor cars and steam
A traveling man from the east
who makes Plattsinouth twice a
year ami lias been doing so for
ivvcniy years, says me cily pre
sents a livelier appearance right
now than it has in many years
Thai's a good advertisement for
Plattsinoulli. Strangers are doing
more advertising and helping tin
town more than some people riuht
here al home.
:o :
We overheard an individual say
I he other day that he would not
turn his team out of the road to
iei iiny a d autoinoiuie pass
i . ..
Well, that may be the way he
looks at it, but unfortunatelv the
law looks at it quite differently-.
No man can run the risk of pay
ing a .'S tine merely to have the
'mi of keeping an automobile be
hind him on the public road. W
admit it is funny business, but it
looks too much like stroking th
business end of n hornet.
The voters of Cuss county have
long since come to the conclusion
that good men are not always re
puiilicans, nor that thev are al
uruHM rm s, mil iiuu mere ai
. i ........ .... . i... . . i .
good men in notn parlies. And
when (hey look over the can
didates on both tickets they vote
for whom they think are lies
quaiiueq and will make good if
elected. This thing of keeping
mar in ofllce a lifetime because
".i i I fellnw" won't work
ill the voters any longer.
:o :
'(live others a chatn-e," j Ho-
iy t tn !" of f.a-
s county are
They don't
one man in
lliinkinu tin-. a i' .
tii-Iii'Sf in keeping
illice forever, simply because be
is a gooo ienow. i nere are
I her ''good fellows" who possess
pjalificatioiis also.
Taft believes the government
hould be in the hands of the few
and that the less the people have
say alioul the running of
itl'ail'S the better. Do the people
think that way? If they do thev
will re-elect llie loot of til? powers
If not. thev will sit down on him.
:o :
Dr. J. S. Livingloii for four suc-
essive years Has managed the
iinpaigu for Hie democrats of
Cass county, and the Journal is
pleased to learn tliar tie lias con
sented to take charge of the cam
paign again this year. I hat
means a great deal for the suc-
's of the t ickcl.
:o :
A federal judge in Seattle
sued a sweeping order enjoining
the citizens from refusing to pay
second car fare after passing a
ertain street. A mob of citizens
hanged the judge in effigy, where
upon a councilman, two editors
and half a dozen others were ar
rested, charged with "conspiring
to obstruct the administration of
In his Hamilton speech Presi
dent Taft seems to hold out hope
for tariff revision al the next ses
sion of congress. But how? One
of the reasons he gave for vetoing
the wool bill was that it was "a
compromise." And does he sup
pose that any tariff measure that
is not a compromise can get
through a congress with a repub-
ican senate and a democratic
house ?
The commission form of gov
ernment upon which the people of
Omaha will vote September 2 pro
vides for seven councilmen whose
salaries wil lbe $4,000, each, and
the one of the seven who shall be
hosen mayor will add $500 to his
stipend. There is something al-
uring to the politicians in the
creation of such a fine list of
It is obvious enough to all men
of both parties that the special
session revealed and developed
harmony among the democrats
while it increased the discord
among the republicans. Ii ts a
plain unusual and remarkable
fact that a republican administra-
on, in order to consummate
what it declared o be one of its
most important policies had to
have ami did receive democratic
support. Reciprocity with Canada
was consistent with the general
democratic purpose of relieving
the people of some of the burden
of taxation, and In resisting fur
Iher effort in this direction, rep
resented by the several tariff re
vision bills, the predominant wing
of the republican party and the
president were so far on the nn
popular side that thev could
thwart this reform only by re
course to the veto.
Omaha Kxaminer: lleyond any
possibility of question, Nebraska
and ils cities have received ad
vertising that must prove a great
benetlt to them from the trip of
the representatives of the ad
vertising clubs of the stale to the
Moslon meeting of their national
A great deal of literature por
traying the resources and ad
vantages of this state was dis
tributed by (he ad men all along
the route to Hie Massachusetts
metropolis, reaching up into
When they got to Boston the
Nebraska bunch immediately
claimed the center of the stage
and fold :t t liroi,:; !i"iit the meet-;
nig, a. w;i e idenccd by daily re-
port.- ami illustrations in the big
Ho. ion newspaper.-.. From no '
ottn-r stale did representatives in ,
Itoslon receive so much attention,
of a kind that is bound to be
prolllable to the state of Nebraska.!
Out this way we have had no
occasion for many years to com
plain that we have not enjoyed
full political recognition. Neither
has there been any good ground
to grumble that we have not been
sulliicently recognized as an
educational state. The pro
ductiveness of our soil has been
pictured in a realistic way
through the official government
reports of crop productions of the
entire country. J'.ut there has
been little done to proclaim the
greatness of Nebraska's com
mercial equipment. Nothing could
be more serviceable toward that
end than this embassy of ad men
who went to mingle with the ud
men of all the great commercial
centers of Hie country. It must
have impressed itself upon all
who attended thai convention, and
upon everyone else in Boston, as
well as upon all who read the
Boston papers, that a stale which
can send out a bunch of ad men
as bright and resourceful as our
boys proved themselves to be,
must be going some com
mercially. :o:-
The following from the Kearney
Democrat hits our views to a dot
in its criticism on the new direct
primary law:
It is mighty diiticult to find any
body who is speaking kind words
for the miserably poor excuse of
a primary system now in opera
tion in the state of Nebraska. It
is about as big a fraud as has
ever been worked off on the people
in the interest of political shy
sters and lame-legged party lead
ers who could not lead an ox to
drink unless there was a halter
tied around its neck. What the
people want is a free, open, un
trammeb'd ballot box a ballot
that will permit every free, inde
pendent American citizen and
lawful voter to go to the polls at
each and every election and vote
just as he pleases and for whom
he pleases, and not as some squirt
gun politician wants him to vote.
The state of Nebraska has upon
its statute books the Australian
ballot law. It provides for an
absolutely secret ballot. Its pur
pose is to permit every voters to
go into the private booth and vote
as he desires, without let or hind
ranee and without his neighbor
knowing how he voles. Rut the
primary law comes along in ad
vance of the secret ballot law and
makes a man declare how be is
going to vote, and who be is going
to vide for when he enters the
Australian ballot booth, or he
inusi piiniiciy suiiscriiie io a
perjured declaration.
Until the time arrives when a
man can go to the polls and cast
his primary ballot as secretly and
as securely as be is permitted to
do at (he following election there
is going to continue the same lack
of interest in the primary election
as has been displayed all over the
slate this year. You cannot in
duce free men to go to the primary
and either commit perjury or
violate the intent of the
Australian ballot law. Men do
not want to go to the polls hand
tied, consiccnce-tied or honor-
tied. It does not make any dif
Terence to I hem whether this
system applies to nominating a
man for office or electing him to
olllce. The present primary sys
teni, insofar as it resulted in
bringing out nn expressive vote
in the selection of candidates on
either or both of the politica
tickets, shows it to be a glaring
fake. In many localities there
were not enough votes cast to
scarcely make a blot on the pol
books. The primary law must be
open and honest to bring about
honest results. It must be as
-i Iv ;t fegiiarded with secrecy,
and a broud and liberal in the
i election of that secrecy as the
Au-lralian ballot law provides,
I lu would cause the honest vm.-r
to want to take an honest interest
in the selection of honest men to
serve as their public officials, but
he cannot be interested to any
great extent while the law com
pels him to voteo nly for such
candidates as political bosses and
party machines place before linn,
or lie and perjure himself and
publicly declare who he is going
to vote for under the Australian
secret ballot law. To do this
makes the secret ballot look like
a joke. And while we have the
present primary law on the
statute books it is a joke.
f len w ide t he primarv door and
seeurely safe-guard it Wit Ii sec-
recv. and you will open the door
to responsive and interested
voters throughout tin
Give Them Help and Many Platts
mouth People Will Be
"Throw Out the Life Line"
The kidneys need help.
They're overworked can't get
the poison filtered out of the
They're getting worse every
Will you help them?
Doan's Kidney Pills have
brought thousands of kidnev suf-
levers back from the verge of de-
IMattsmoulh testimony proves
I lie ir worth.
.f. W. Hickson, Oak street,
I'lnttsinouth, Neb., says:
I shall
never cease In iiriiiuo riosin'a KiH-
. . T..,i ' . , , The partv pledges its representa
ney Pills, as they proved of great .'.. . , ..I -
. . ,
nenefit to me several years ago.
I or some time I was caused much
suffering by attacks of lumbago
that came on without the least
wntviing. The simplest move-
ment was painful and I was also
nnnoyed by irregular passages of
I ho Kidney secretions.. I read so ' "r " " '
, . T. v. n o .tension of tnn nations friendly reta
much about Doan's Kidney Pills wllh ,nnflHna ...:.,a.
l-it I finally procured a box from
nnou ft- M). s urug More. I was yi,0n closes with the promtae to "rll
so't gratified .with the results of rect prudently ,the. poHcy of the rot
their jse that T publicly "teco'm- rrnment towards bringing - about" a
mended them in 1903 and at this
time. I willingly verify that state-
ment. I hope that other kidney
sufferers will profit by my ex-
. i (
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Mr. and Mrs. August Swartz
and three children returned yes-
lor, ay to flockford I I af or
visiting the formers brother, Al-
bert Swartz.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jeffords will
return to their homo ,n Brooklyn
N. 'S ., today, after a visit here with
ivir. ami .urs. v.. w . nayior.
Office First National Bank Building
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
) Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Arswered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmout
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb,
Dates made at this o fi:e or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Bate-
Progressives in Mexico Take
Advancsd Broad Stand.
First National Convention of Party
Pledges Its Candidates AgainJt Ra.
election Laboring Men Considered.
Manual Training Schools Promised.
Mexico City, Mex., Aug. 30. Wear
ied by the exercise of their constitu
tional but hitherto unused rights to
nominate candidates for the presi
dency and vice presidency, delegates
the n,st national convention of
J"" 'essive party adopted a plat-
, tor in that sags beneath its burden of
! reforms. Today it U expected the
""'"'nations will be made.
1 lie first work was done in adopt-
in tne various planks of the plat
form. Arranging the one was ac
complished only after a noisy debate.
It provided for the strict maintenance
of the constitution of '57. Some dele
gate proposed that there be added to
this "and the laws ol the reform," the
muosure by which iienito Juarez
brought about the separation of
church and state.
Delegates, jealous of the un tram
meled exercise of their civil rights,
gesticulated and nhouted their ap
proval of the amendment, 't he more
conservative called attention to the
fact that the principle of these laws
had been embodied in an amendment
to the constitution and therefore the
alteration in the plank was unneces
sary. In the end the plank was written
and adopted.
The convention pledged its candi
daets to carry out the principles of
anti-re-election and to work for a re
vision of the election lawi.
Another plank provides for a re
vision of the system of taxation, fa
vors the development of public re-
,ourc('8 and promises to combat m
nopolis and special privileges.
riven io worn ior a revision 01 ui
Judl(.ial ,n(1 ,(ffa, 8ystem Improve.
ment In the educational system of the
country also f pledgod.
If elected on this platform Fran-
c'sco I. Madero, Jr.. may be expected
exercise a friendly Interest In Cea-
"al American affalars. One provision
iy tn08e of Latin-America."' The pro-
imlon of the Central American repub-
ttfentton.Ts pftid to the-jn-
VT '"TeT , 1 T
plink. which promises "to Improve jtn
irt Infollfiinl nml mntorinl rem.
dittons of worklngmen." -
Establishment of manual train
chools la promised.
,' , ,.,n,-rin onrrnnr-o
,Ar 1 10 wnilirt arctunca
u,t. r.rm m,h. mih
Issue of Campaign.
Beverly, Mass., Aug. 30. So far an
President Taft hims-df Is concerned,
the tariff will be the main issue of
,he m2 campaKn th(?
dent wil, k on ma HUbJeull 0u
speak on many ou
hla western trip it Is certain now that
tariff revision will receive most of
hi attention-
other 8p"oephe9 on the url(r lH oJ
lained copie9 of hl8 vet0 me98aKes on
the wool, farmers' free list and cotton
' bills and at onre set to work upon ad
dresses that he expects to deliver lat.
er, backing up these vetoes.
Mr. Taft is said to realize that ha
must not merely defend himself for
having rejected these bills, but that
he must attack the Democrats and
progressive Kr publicans who put them
speaker of House Replies to Presi
dent's Hamilton Speech. .
Quincy, III, Aug. 30. Chnmp Clark,
speaker of the national house of repre
sentatives, before leaving here, re
plied emphatically to President Taft's
speech of defiance to Insurgent Repub
licans and Democrats, delivered at
Hamilton. Mass., Inst Saturday.
In a signed Interview the speaker
accused the president of not stating
facts. He paid h did not reply for
e Insurgent Republicans, who "nev
r will take up the cudgelB In their
own behalf.
He declared, among other things,
if the tariff bonrd Is to be used as a
pre! Ml for delaying tariff revision
tlownwnrd. the Dcmocats will rut off
its supplies.
Girl Injured by Ambulance.
Kansas City. Aug. 30. An am
bulance speeding to the general hos
pital with Annie Horowitz, eight years
old, who had been run over by a
wagon and fatally injured, crashed in
to a buggy and seriously Injured Miss
Faith C.iiprnsey. aged eighteen years,
who was driving the buggy:
Berlin Bankers Arretted.
Rerlln. Aug. 30. Paul Kwltt and
Martin Oans. tbe heads of the firm of
Kwltt & Cans, a private banking
house here, were arrested, chargei
Kith embezzling f 300,000 of the bank's