The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 31, 1911, Image 1
outb 3ourn SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION -EIGHT PAGES PLATTSMOUTll. NEBRASKA. TI1UUSDAY AU(JTTST 31,1911 NO 70 VOLUME XXX 119 II I H IfflLK IS BADLY HEEDED ON RDftD LEADING 10 HE GOLUIIM SCHOOL CHy Has Only a Leate on the Road, According to the Property Owners, and Latter Refuse to Put in Sidewalk Unless City Pays for Use of Road -Other News of Meeting. Prom Tuesday's Datly. The question as to whether or not the city has the right to order the property owners of lots 55 and 56, sub-lots of lot 10, on Silver street, between Sixth and Seventh, to construct a sidewalk was one of the interesting ques lkus that came before the city council last evening. The property in question is near the Cumbian school and is owned by Mrs. E. G. Dovey, George E. Dovey, H. N. Dovey and Oliver Dovey. The. Dovey s have leased Ihe property to the city for a street, according to the state ment made by Councilman Dovey, and they are receiving1 no com pensation for the lease, and he stated that if the city desired a walk there it should construct it itself, or pay him something for the use of the property, in which case he would lie willing to put in a walk. Couneilmen Hallstrom and Gravett were not sure that the property in finest inn has been leased to the city, believing that it was an adjacent strip running north and south that the lease covered. The thoroughfare is a very im portant one, as it is a passage way for the shop men and the children attending Ihe Columbian school. If it were closed up Ihey would be at great inconvenience. The chairman. Councilman Dwyer, who was in the chair in the. ansence or me mayor, wno is In California, suggested that the - ijuestiiiti he ' laid over 'until the nueslinn of the lease could be looVed no. Couneilmen Hallstrom and Gravel! were very insistent that something should be done, as Ihe place was a mud-hole in bad weather and should be fixed for Ihe beneflt of the many shop men and school children who are obliged to use it. It was reported to the council that the taxes levied and assessed against Ihe properly in' paving district No. a" had ben cert i lied to the county clerk in a lump sum. As many of the property owners ' desired to nay this lax in five equal installments, as provided by statute. City Attorney I md wasifl(. requested to draw up a resolution : directing Ihe city clerk to certify the taxes to the county clerk in five equal installments. The resolution was passed. Michael Whalen sent a com munication lo the council asking that the city I sixes which had been certified to Ihe county treasurer againls his properly be taken off, as he did not intend to pay same, and he would hold the city liable for nil damages done to his prop- rrly. This is the walk which got a . i I .1 the c it v involved in a damage suit, resulting in a verdict of 8150 ngainsf the fit y. The question 'iis referred to Ihe city attorney for an opinion. The council authorized Ihe grading for a sidewalk in front of Ihe properly of John Bauer and Mrs. Mary Spangler. i , , .it Complaint was made about the .... water pipes on Patterson avenue Hon. C. S. Wortman Here. From Tiiendny'11 Pally The .T hi rii ;i 1 people were most agreeably surprised this morning when Hon. S. C. Wortman of Clairmore, Oklahoma, stepped in upon us. He came down from the old home near Ashland, where he spent the night with his father, and came in one the Schuyler. Mr. Wortman is returning from a trip o Colorado, where be spent several weeks on account of his health. Considering everything, he js looking fairly hen fit ted from bis trip. His iil reminded us of: days tone by, when he was n resi dent and officer-holder in Cass i County, and while he thinks Clairmore and Oklahoma are ihe only places, he yet possesses a warm spot in his heart for the Journal and hi friends in Ca eeunty. ii in the Fifth ward being above the surface. Couneilmen complained that when cold weather came these pipes would freeze and users of water would he cut off. They stated that the water com pany had refused to lower the pipes, claiming that the property owners who had the street graded should lower them. The council passed a motion notifying the company as to the condition of the pipes. Councilman Dovey reported asl . . . . . . m i t 1 1 1 ' to tne condition oi tne ciay nans at the public library. He said that the rains were washing it badly, and that the soil was being washed down over the sidewalks, lie suggested that a committee of the council and the library should confer about Ihe matter and see what is best to do. His sugges tion was adopted. Dovey, Lush iusky and Hallstrom were ap pointed the special committee. -On motion of Councilman Dwyer the street commissioner was ordered to repair the wash outs on Sixth street at the inter section of Sixth with Oak and Locust. The question as' to clearing the brush off nine avenue, the street leading north from the cemetery, was brought up by Councilman Kurtz. There was a question as to whether the county would as sist the city in putting this road in shape, so the question was laid over. Half a carload of tiling for si reel drainage was ordered. Grading was ordered on Sixth street between Granite and Mar-j ble; between Main and Granite on Fifteenth, and on Granite between Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Grading for a permanent walk was ordered on Pearl between Third and Fourth. Grading was ordered on Marble from Fifth to Lincoln and on Marble from Rock to Fourth. A crossing and grading was ordered on Lincoln at the inter section of the Third and Fifth wards. Grading was ordered on Lin (.ln C!ar., to ,NVO Mocks south of Cut-off street. ' The following bills were allow- Tames Williams, hauling 81.50; James Waterman, ,os0) fence posts, 82.25; Frank Kauble, huryinp dog, 25 cents; James Mrasek. street work, 821.40; Michael Hild, chairs, 50 cents; II. Kinneman, nozzlenian, 81.50; James Rebal. street work, 8.10; A. McCrary. nozzlenian, 81.50; D. J. Majors, street work, 81; Mike Mc Cool, street work. 25; W. B. Itishal, street sprinkling, 810.25; Kd Snodgrass. street work, 832.10; James Wynn. street work, 830. R0; , w Tuf)fr( nozzlenian, 81.50; William Ilassler, cleaning and re pairing, 810.70. The following claims, after be ing investigated by the claims committee, were allowed: If. G. McMaken. concrete work and crossing on Fourth street be tween Vine and Locust, 811.09; I ivenrusKH i.immnw rump , ...... , , , JOf street lightning for July, 81 2f Nehraska Lighting company, Repairing Track. The Burlington is repairing the east spur running southeasterly from the station. This has long been used as a track for cars to he repaired. It was cleared off the other day and is being put in bet ter shape. The Burlington has been doing considerable surveying i around Ihe curve south of the sta tion, and from the stakes set out fine would believe that the com pany intends to make a fill for an additional track or switch. The company has been surveying and figuring on something there for a I nmmlo rvf vnp Pnrna of en gineers have been working there recently. Mrs. Mary Metzger and daugh ter. Miss Amelia, of the vicinity of Cedar Creek, were visitors in the city today. Shows Four Generations. II. C. McMaken has shown the Journal a picture card showing four generations of his family, all at work in the cement business. The picture was taken at the Catholic church, where the Mc Maken company was putting in new cement steps. The tirst generation was represented by H. C. McMaken, 72 years old; the second generation by Joe H. Mc Maken, 43 years old, and Guy D. McMaken, 32 years old; the third generation by H. C. McMaken, Jr., and the fourth by Chester W. Bay lor, aged C years, a great grand son of II. C. McMaken, sr. All four generations are at work in the picture, the 6-year-old Baylor boy being the water carrier. He was the biggest-feeling one of the whole bunch. E New Bridge Company Applies to Court for Hearing to Estab lish Maximum Rates. The Plattsinouth Auto and Wagon Bridge company has ap plied to the district court for an order prescribing the maximum rales to be charged for toll for crossing the new JMalte river bridge, which is expected to be completed by October 15. The company gives in its petition the rales which it believes to be reasonable as follows: Steam or gasoline traction en gines are nut lo be allowed to cross t he bridge. I lie charge for each person is lo be 5 cents, whether he is walk ing, on a bicycle, in a wagon, buggy or automobile. The charge for a one-horse vehicle and driver is fixed at. 20 rents; two horses and driver, 25 cents; four-horse vehicle and driver, 50 cents: ' ' Horses ami call I.'. V I or driven, will be 10 cent e;i''l Calves, sheep, goats or hogs led or driven, 5 cents each. A charge of 81 each is placed on husksler, live poultry, patent medicine, grocery peddlers and emigrant wagons. Automobiles with chauffeur will be 50 cents; thresher, separator, team and driver, 82.50; corn shel ter, team and driver, 81.50. Persons interested who wish to file objections to Ihe above schedule are required to do so before 10 o'clock a. m. October 1011. Judge Travis has set that date as the time for the hearing. If after Ihe objections are heard, if I here arc :inv lie IhinL-s I lie I schedules are too high he will ' lower them. Entertains In Honor of Guest. From TuPRday'g Dally. Mrs. H. N. Dovey and daugh ters, Florence, Helen and lone, very pleasantly entertained a large company of their lady friends at a bridge party at their prelly home on North Fifth street yesterday afternoon. The prin cipal amusement was derived from I his very fascinating game of cards ami the ladies devoted most of the afternoon to progres sive bridge. There were five games played and each game was enter ed into with much interest and enthusiasm. Prizes were award ed to the ones winning the most ami least number of games. This most enjoyable occasion was given in honor of Miss Eva Heath of Lincoln, who is visiting at the Dovey home. Following I lie card games a dainty luncheon was served and an hour or so spent in a social way, interspersed with music, bolli vocal and instru mental, brought to a close a most delightful social affair. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Dovey and her datmhtcrs on this occasion were: Miss F.leanor Wirt of Council Bluffs, Miss Martha Bliss of Omaha. Mrs. Hairy Wilson of Nebraska City, Miss Mary Wilson of Nebraska City, Mesdai'ies George Falter, line P:iMeron, Ccorgf Dovey. W. J. Slrejuhl. Kale Miner, C. G. Fricke, Mabel Smith. Misses Matilda Vallery. Verna and Lillian Cole, Minnie Gnlliman, Fmina Falter, Verna Leonard. Barbara Gering and Jessie Fox. Subscribe for the Dally Journal. 0 HEARING TOLLS ED. FITZGERALD LOSES VALUABLE!! AT DEPOT Ed's Friends Have Good Laugh as the Train Runs Over His Headgear. From Tuesday's Pally. I'd Fitzgerald's friends and many others had a good laugh this morning at the Burlington depot, and Kd showed his game ness by enjoying the fun as much as the rest of Ihem. No. 0 was late and reached the depot at about the same time No. 15 from the east got there. The operator gave No. 15 the signal board to run past the. depot, so that No. C could unload first and lose no time, so No. 15 went by the depot just as if this place were only a whistling station. The air current caused by the train played havoc with women's skirts and with F.d's hat, as it took it off his head before he could stop it and drew it under Ihe cars before he could say scat. ' Kd picked up Ihe ruins after the train had passed and Ihe nice big tan Dukota stetson was rimless on one side and was badly cut up generally. Kd dusted it off, tried lo straighten it out, and put it on and said: "I'm as bad as a brakeman I once heard about. Ho had worked as a brakeman for fifteen years and was noted for bis carefulnes. He had never had the slightest accident, but one day he went lo town and was run over by a milk wagon. If I can't keep my bat from being run over I guess I had better stay home." Hut he went on to Omaha. Miss Emma Roesner. From TufRday'i Pally. The following notice of the dealh of Miss Kiiinia lloesner ap pear in Hie Mute journal Hi is morning: Miss Kniiiia lloesner died at 0 a., m. yesterday at the home of Li brother, Krnesl lloesner, 1115 South Twelfth street, where she had been residing for some time. She leaves a fat her, John F. lloesner, of Burke, S. ). three brothers and two sisters. They are: A. Paul lloesner, 1012 K street; Frnest lloesner, 1115 South Twelfth street; (i. A. Ilosener, Burke, S. I).; Mrs. Carl Wagner of Omaha and Mrs. L. Menzel of Sohland, Germany. Funeral arrangements havi not ! been, made. (Since Ihe above was put in type we are informed that the re mains will arrive in Omaha over (he Burlington road at 12:07 tomorrow and will he con vened direct lo l.aurel Mill ceme lary at South Omaha, where ap- :.. i : mi I... I...I.I I ""'" ""' ' v " wl" """ interment made.) The Talmage Picnic At Talmage last Friday was held one of Ihe most enjoyable picnics held in this county in many a day. A monster crowd was present and everything was ar ranged for a good time and Hie program w as carried out by I lie committee having things In charge. The people of Talmage left nothing undone to entertain their guests in every way possible during their slay. In the after noon Judge II. D. Travis delivered a very able address, followed by Superintendent Ned C. Abbott of Plattsmouth. Both made pleas ing speeches and the people were more than delighted with them. This was followed by a ball game and other amusements which kept Ihe people amused until night, There was a large delegation present from this city aud they report having had a fine lime. Nebraska City News. Ice In August. ( (Holier vai iel v of weather Ti continues. Morning a tier morn ing the temperature drops lo about 55, and it is a temperature that is anvlhiug but comfortable for people dressed in August garb. From Crcighlnii, N'rb., which is in Ihe northwest part of the stale, a report savs that ice froze on still water there. That, is something unusual for Ne braska weather in August. II, would be nmre in keeping wilh usual conditions if the report said that the hnl winds were burning up the corn. The forecast is for fair and warmer weather. 50 1 To Be Held Next Sunday aud Proceeds Will Be Used to Pay Ex penses of Plattsmouth Team to the National Meet at St. Louis inthe Early part of September. The Katolicky Sokols of South Omaha visited the K. Sokols of Plattsmouth over Sunday. They came in on No. 2 Saturday even ing and were guests Saturday night of Joe Vostrej and Joe F. Sedlak. They came to make preparations for Ihe public turn ing exhibition which is to be given by the Katolicky Sokols Sunday, September 3, 1911. at the hall in Plattsmouth at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. There will be about twenty turners from South Omaha lo as sist the local boys. They did some turning Saturday night and Sun day and Ihe crowd that saw Ihe work was quite enthusiastic over it. The drill that is put on is something worth seeing. There . LIVIII The Demooratlo Committee Met at Elmwood Yesterday for Organization. From Wpilnendoy'i Dally. The democratic county com mittee met at Klniwood yesterday afternoon for organization. The committee came together at 1 o'clock nl Ihe opera house, and with l. W. Foster of Union as temporary chairman and Fail Travis of Plnllsmouth as tem porary secretary, proceeded to Ihe election of n chairman. Dr. J. S. Livingston was re elected wit In nt I opposition. Karl Travis was re-elected secretary. Joseph Zimnierer of Avoca was elected treasurer. The meeting was an enthusias tic one ami was attended by praclically all of the committee men mid by most of the demo cratic county officials ami can ilidales. Kelly Fov, A. J. Snyder, D. 0. Morgan and Karl Travis from I'lal I snioul h were there. The committee adjourned to meet at Louisville on Saturday, September 10. The coiiimil lecmeii at the meet ing were: Henry Snoke, jr., and Kd Carr, Kagle; Dietrich Koster and Kd Moore, Avoca; John Tighe, Manley; Joseph C. Ziniinerer and Henry Behrns, Avoca; F. M. Mas sie, Neliavvka; P. A. Hild, Mynard; W, II. Seyliert and George P. Meisinger, Cedar Creek; John Wunderlich and Mike Kime, Ne hawka; J. T. Iteynolds and W. B. Banning, Fnion: William Ossen kop and Herman Pankonin, Louis ville; W. II. Hamilton, Murray; A. F. Nichols, Murray; Mark While ami William iluinmell, Murray; George W, Snyder, Mynard; K. Mainour, Herman Kleilsch and W. A. hitvis, Weeping Water; J. P. Falter, P. K. Iluffner, Frank Mr El my, Theo. Vallery, John Hol slroin, Patrick Kagan, William Shea ami mouth. Joe Lihershall, Plalts- A Painful Accident. From Wednenday' Dally. Mrs. William McCuuley met wilh a very painful accident early yesterday morning. She had gone to the woodshed to get some kindling wood and in coming out tripped and fell. In trying lo prevent herself from falling lo the ground wilh such force, she threw her left hand out in order to gel a hold on something. In doing so her army struck a large nail and was lacerated so badly that a physician was called and if required twenty-five si itches lo close the wound. The many friends of Mrs. McCauley trust that the wound w heal rapidly and that her arm will soon be all right again. Secure Marriage License. liavid Thiingan and Miss Clara Louise Brauchle, both of Mur dock, secured a license to marry today. They will be married at Murdock. GSTIJN RE-ELECTED CI I LOT are sixteen in the class and there is special music which goes with Ihe work. The Plattsmouth team is mak ing extensive preparations for the exhibition Sunday, and hope for a large crowd from Plattsmouth, as a good delegation from Omaha is expected. The proceeds of Ihe exhibition will go toward defraying the ex-' penses of sending Ihe team to the National Turning exhibition of the K. Sokol to be held at St, Louis September 8. About six will go from Plattsinouth. The delegation from South Omaha was composed of Rudolph Ponce, Joe Ponec, Jim Velcek, Fred Janousek and Albert Slegl. A dance was given after Ihe turn ing. Mike Harrington's Work. The primary returns seem to indicate that Mr. IIiiim an wis nominated for railroad commis sioner on both Ihe democratic and populist tickets. This was ac complished in spile of the fact that Mike Harrington charged that tin" railroads were backing Mr. Harinan, and brought forward in support of his charges some mat ters Dial gave the appearance of truth to his allegation. Father one of Iwo things is true, the democrats and populists don't lake much slock in Harrington's charges or else the railroads did mass their votes for llurmau while Hie other voters were divid ing their support between three candidates. II, can hardly- bt pre sumed that the parlies deliberate ly desire lo nominate a man whom the railroads want, and it is eipiiilly difficult to believe I hal Mr. Fnrse was slaughtered just be because lie is a close friend of former Governor Slialleuherger. Here is a puzzle Ilia! it might be well lo lake apart and look at be fore passing the mailer up to the voters of the stale to settle. Mr. Harrington's ability a a diagnos tician of evidence ought to come in handy in shedding some light on Ihe proposition.. Those who desire light will naturally hope that Mr. Harrington will not wait long before coming forward with his views upon Ihe mailer. Lin coln Acvvs. Filed and Dismissed. From Wfdni'Hiliiy'H Dally. All appeal to Hie district court was taken from the decision of the county commissioners by Waller Olseu yesterday and im mediately dismised. The tiling of I lie appeal and its immediate dis missal was a mere formality to keep the record straight. Mr. Olsen recently brought a suit against the county for 81.000 he cause of the dealh of bis daugh ter in an accident on the hiuhwiv near Union, ami bis wife sued for 81,000 because of injuries sus tained in the same accident. These cases will be taken up nl the m-xt term of the district court here. Leased Building. John Schiappacasse, Ihe fruit and confectionery dealer, has leased the Dwyer building, in which the News-Herald printing plant Is located, for a lerm of five years, and the News-Herald com pany given notice to vacate im medialely. As soon as vacated the room will he remodeled and placed in shape for the fruit and confectionery slore and Mr, Dwyer expects to expend several hundred dollars in rearranging the room. Divorced Couple Marry. I I,'r,,m Tuemlay'i Dally. divorced couple came 10 Platlsmoutli litis afternoon from Council Blull's and secured a license to marry. They were Maria Hubert Verpoorten and Mary Anna Verpoorlen. He is 05 years old and she is 1!). They were divorced only six months ago. They were married by Judge Archer.