The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 28, 1911, Image 3
FIIS FRl ill! PUCES PAY in ii FINAL TRIBUTE TO DAVIS HAVSWORTH Railroad and Shop Men and Friends Come From Afar to Attend the Funeral of Their Old "Boss" and Friend Canon Burgess Talked of the Life of This Friend of Mankind. The funeral services of David Hrtwkswiirth were held Sunday af'.-rnoon at the home on Vine piri-et. One (if the largest pat her itors of people that ever attended a fmeral in this city was present to pay the last earthly tribute to a man whoso life had been such that he held the love and respect of ev-.rone who came in contact wit.h ti i m . From many places ir. this state and in Iowa friends of years atro came to pay their respects to their old-."boss" and he.lpiul friend. A final tribute such as he deserved was paid to this aged citizen, so much of whose life wag given to his fel low man. The services were conducted by thf pastor and long-time friend of the deceased, Cannon H. B. Burgess of St. Luke's Episcopal church. The text of his sermon was from Ephesians, vitl2: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." It was the first part of this sentence that Cannon Hur gess used. "The Battle of Life" could well be chosen as the title of the ser mon. He talked of David Hawks vnrth's life as a young man just entering the battle of life; as a soldier in the civil war where, as an engineer on two gunboats, he OA-posed himself to great danger; of his capture by the enemy, and of his return to conflict after he was released; of his courage in th areat conflict of capital and I'tli 'P, where he invariably came .mm right because of his love of iusiiee and fair play. His calm, pacific nature was always an aid if Ir'in whatever the struggle in w in i h he was engaged. II- was a lover of men, said the ".. '.ker, and the "hoys" n 0 soi'ps all loved him. The man vtio was discharged was never (fended because fiave Hawks wort h did it in such a gracious j S'ner. lloi'Uir-JeH his pa.l.r?i ' 1 ' hard i! vva fur him to dis i ' ::: e a man. He always told his ni" thai hi In'ed to retain, as far i ' was in his power do so. I j wil h w ivi's ami families, i : sj;o,. M.,.r j , , f J voiH'se,. ii,;,,, ,,, iparrj,.,! j Inve no inn- mi ' fiiil upon vi.u. o l.'l yen g,, lilM." he talked to the il, of Ciilirse, lev of Ins :k i,,n .,,,,1 !ll,- c . ('.;,!! Mi !,;il' 1 '.11 told of M c. i -V I I)' I hi- il S I M .-II i ln tn lil f hi- ,n, 'V to Ins !';. i- o hi Hniivli. 1 ... -lair and to his hi ureal moral "illle ,.,,,. ro.sjty. -an ne i d of hi- s,;en.'i.l ! innn'e. lie vva- a ' i a a nn who. in .'.:!. for tn .'i-e when tlie 'old was crovN.ij.,- j (i . l.'l , the nna for-ol . ' "I i,.-eii,Mo!e-.s , 1 "';!' !'"- ! of life js lo inaki '' his fello.. man. easier the , It III!. District Congressman Trs First Reviews Ictlon of ths Lowrr Hei s ..ingress did the l.evi , n,,!,l I I" mcel the demiind of !!, con... tr.' for larilT revision downward. Imi' it would seem that there is I'ttl" use .of treat legislative hri.lies d"voliuL iliei- i;,,,.. v ork when the his are to kill- i ml it the throne." P.,,,,. ...... 1 .1. A. Mctiiiire of ih,. Firs district r tui ned to Linoyln xeslerdav and thus expressed himself r l-an j n the work of Ih,. recent se.ssj,,,, ,,f cm; ress. "The democratic party, in power f,,P ,e firf., j() ix ,M.n iirs, not only showed (hat it, had real constructive ahility in legis lation, hut it aNo proved that it really had the interests of the people at heart." Congressman Mauire is much pleased over the removal nf the speaker's appointive power and believes that this put the lower homo in shape to achieve, results. "Congress rehired expenses Jifi'insr from useless clerkships," n.iid the congressman, hut this is iflCUl The Moral offerings were beautiful. The shop men gave as one f their offerings a large wheel of flowers with one of the spokes broken. It was as beauti fully made as it was appropriate. The Elks, the (i. A. It. and many friends gave beautiful offerings. The active pall-bearers were: Dr. J. S. Livingston, Ed H. Schul hof, William Ballauce, Robert Hayes, D. C. Morgan and F. E. Schlater. The honorary pall-bearers were selected by the McConaha post of the G. A. Ft., of which the deceased was a member. They were: J. H. Thrasher, Thomas W. Glenn. William Port er, V. II. Newell, Edward Bates and William H. Ereese. The shop men and the members of the Elks' lodge formed in line and made up a part of the long funeral procession. The relatives present were; The widow, Mrs. D. Hawksworth; his sons, Frank Hawksworth, Lincoln; D. W. Hawksworth, Detroit. Mich.; D. E. Hawksworth, Fort Madison, Iowa, and Fred Hawksworth, IMattsniouth; his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Cook, Piatt smouth; John Schaefer, Fairfield, Iowa; Fred and Mary Schaefer, Burlington, Iowa; Lionel Hawksworth and two daughters, Ella and Nettie, Bur lington, Iowa; Mrs. J. M. Jackson, Chicago; Mrs. M. A. Hobson, Lin coln, and Mrs. F. W. Hawksworth, Lincoln. The Journal was unable to get all of the large list of the rail road men that were here for the funeral, but the following is a 1 arfial list: T. E. Calvert, con sulting enirineer C. 15. & O., Chi cago; A. B. Pirie, Atchison, Kas.: John Thompson. Lincoln: S. C. Wheeler, superintendent of air. Wvnmre: ('.has. Bailey. Wymore; John Sevtou, Fort Madison, Iowa: Tames Eagen. McCook; Mr. and M''s. Thomas Than. Nebraska CilV: T. Poop, superintendent ,,f motive power. Lincoln; . N. W'Nie. master mechanic. Vi a!'i: . i. Johnson. Geneva! ' i .-I I'le.-haiu'e, P,'r,c,,!u ; V, 11 Oaialia; r.hai-e ' P. ul In-rf. !! Omaha: 1M !. W. Mayer. Lin Vl'cliir A. lay llavi ,,c: ,T. ! Mo:,. Ifav, o!n: Mr. : and 1 1 I. ;'av. i !" V IVeil . Vid 11 av I'... ,: n. HaM-h k : Jark li;o i . .: 1 i man : !'. V. i'as. ! '('I' . I, . i i 1 1 ;i - i-r nit" ' "!' ri '.,,'.; ; IVVi;;. At ; l!:i. lurk: 1 1 : 1 1 ' -'MM i - ion. Cook : T. W. l!a-,i int. m! AIi-Co., Mike el ! .1. l'i.'ti-iidi 1 1 -1 1 . ma Ic i.. T e In : .I.. ..', i .lames l'i'!iV" Wallers. Have Mav-loik: .ta:; 1. C. Tlionip. oil. !!a I. Ilavelock . ..1; : .Toll n AI rrin-. es DnlVv. Lice n. On, alia: .In l'eppei'lii-r!.'. Lincoln : . A. Mv i llav.-l, : .Tinle ,T. l'av.' : H. XV. Mm I". T'.. While, Onialia L. Root. Lincoln. r,,r the convcnie, f 1 1 1 , - rn j.,,,.,,! ,,.,, .,, I, j oco 1 1 ul,,, uj lied "iri and !o attend th- funeral II,, Mi pacjiic ,n on an evlra . a. 'ii passed the men I hroicih. j not s, important in dollars nnd cents as it is in showing that the ! democrats are willing and aide to I handle (lie pwerniiient in a husj- I ness-like method." j '"efusal of President Tafl to concur in the important work of congress has discounted his chances for re-election material ly, in the opiilion of Mr. Mapruire. An Automobile Accident. There was an automobile ac cident near town yesterday after noon. A Shenandoah man was driving an Aiilmrn car and it welnl dead mi him. He telephoned in for someone to come to his rescue. Ofe Andrews went out wi:h a machine, and. tying a rope to his machine, was pulling him in when the mpe became caught around the steering rod. The machine went over on one side, Ihrovvina the occupants to (,e irround pretty hard, hut n,, hurl- imr them seriously. Th damaged conidf raldv. ear was Ned C. of Plaits, 11, ut,, f,.l'!!lor siiperiilleiiilelit of (he School fur the lllllnl. tta ill the iiv last nipht en route home from Tfiltiiiine, where he made one of the addresses yesterday. No lirasku City Press. Bignell'a Son Better. The condition of Eugene Big nell, who has ben seriously ill willi tvphoid fever at his home, 18 45 F street, is unchanged. Mr. Bignell was dangerously ill the former part of last week, but later his condition improved slightly, lie is the s,n of Edward Bignell of the Burlir.iton. Lincoln Journal. DEATH OF WELL KNOWN FLATTSMOUTH UDY Emma Roessner Passes Away at the Home of Her Brother, Mr. Ernest Roeasner. The sad news was received this morning by (ieorge Luschinsky apprising him of the death of Miss Emma Hoessner, which occurred at G o'clock this morning at the home of her brother, Ernest, 1415 South Twelfth street, Lincoln. Miss Roessner was born and reared in this city and is a graduate of the Plattstnouth High I'chool, being a member of the class of 1904, and carried off the honors of the class, she receiving the scholarship for having the highest grades for the four years she attended the High school. After her graduation and during the next fall and winter she at tended Bellevue college, going up every morning and returning each evening. The following summer she prepared herself for teaching school and proved a most desir able teacher. She tautiht in schools near Louisville for a couple of years and then made a journey across the waters to Ger many, where she spent several months visitine various points of . . . , . interest She taught school at I Louisville last year and was en fraued tn teach there for the en suing term. Her ailment we did not learn, hut possihly typhoid fever. She was about 23 years old and was a vounp lady hichlv esteemed by all who knew her and is said to have heen one of the host and hriahtest tenehers in Cass countv. The remains will le criiiveyed to South Omaha and the fnnernl will take place from the home of In r sister. Mrs. Wanner, on Wed nesday afternoon. This w il! he ad rn-"- to the "nv VolHIU f'-i-Ml 1- of the ile- ' a-."l. v.l) alwnvs re'iii'inliir he" :i 1 i i hi. fin erfnl. ki'ld and 1 ''iri.- :,, ,),, i,,.,. si,o.... m ),., -In' wa in ! Hood Piirci. ; .nn., I f.MV ,-, Ve. ' the a! tile e eil- : t! ' ,!. ,.:!v W ! :: r: .. !! o rn.. p . ; "e. M V . I - - i,, : Mi-s . a I e - e- llel IV S I . e, n 1 1 ,da v . of in i i i-i iie rrii i i oi in or i hi. oi vn ii r., m intsi. v. Im the Xl.ltt.'l- ,,' III" . t . I . I , ' t I.. ef Th,. I 'In I : -in I A :i M.I iim.n III ''i,r,Mi,v nf I'iill.M Ill, .V. 1,1 il-., n n i H ,!, el ( 'mill I': , neiaMhu the I ,i i,l' 't',,1 1 ,i l.e ( Tn i n ,., ,v Sa 1.1 ', en , .-. i r,.i- I ';- ts'e. :li-v f ll.iiilnu on .,.IIioiiiii fr s,ii,,iiii,' i.r vi iii i tn ii mi iii, o !' 'roil rir ( rossinu Snhl llrhluc To .VI. 1. I'KllSiiNS IN I i;,;i:sTi:i: Nuiiee is lierchy trlvcn that mi the .'lith l:iv nf A. uii si. A. 1 h, 1 1, 1 I . TI,.. I'lutts- lit. 11,1,1 IIF.I n.,.1 1, .. ...... 1,.. I. I.... ... ... ' ...... ..M.. 1,1 int.- , i.iii- iiiniv nf I'liiilsiii.Milli, Nel.taska. lileil Its ,elitl,iii In the lilftrht Ciinrt nf tlipl i'o,il.t i, Nelii ii.-kn, I ,"ui't lH I -.i'1. "in i in fiiiiT an r t -- anil iIim lee l lhlic; the liiiix Im iiim rates nf toll hai Ki'S fur einssliiif Its s:i I1 lirli'.ife, eii'iteil iirroKX the rialte river, tii'ar I'latlsiiKiiitli l.etwpi'ii the '(iiint lew nf 'ans iiml Siirpy, In tln Stale of ,.. Iiraskii. ii I l.-n Injr the following mluilul, of toll mtcs tn lie reasotialili.. tn-wlf Steam or (iasollne Trai l Inn lOn- Kliii-s not to he ulloweil to einsK Miltl Iii'IiIkh. Kuril tirrsoii on foot, on Mrvrle or In velilrlo ', . 05 riilldn-n uniler twelve yearn of. ime. wlien arromiaiileil hv pHientM or Kuanllnn ' ,f. llolsr nil, I filler Motor cyrle a nil rliler nie-linrsc velil. le anil ilrlver!!' Ttto-hnise vehicle a nil ilrlver... ' Tl.r vehicle ami driver, i Knur-horse vehicle nml ilrlver. . Morses uml cuttle, 1,., driven each C'iiIvpm, Kheep, jrnntx or' iiOKR.' ii'i'l nr driven each HllrkMer, live I.OIlltrv. ' 'l.'n'l'en'l .15 .15 .SO .:t. .?,:, .50 .10 .or. tlleillclne ami Klnrery peddler, each, wniton and driver.... It 00 Kntlirnoit wiiirrni. Willi driver . $11111 Knr en, h adilltlonal person OTi Aillnllinlilles mid cliailffenr f.O 1 111 rfiii'i sriiliriltlir. I en in '....1 'i river $j.r,D 'in m hit. renin una iirl 1 ra ' inn 11. 1, in 1, ,11111 vehicle Ininlrmetit ilniwn l,v teniti or nr l.'Msnii ,0 nnd nn order of Cnnrt wns ' i-n'tered TV X I tiir the lith ilnv nf llrtnl,(.- A II ll'll. lit ten t.YliH k A. XI , nml '.ilMrlet mint rmnn In the ritv nr I 'In 1 1 sinniil h ' limit v ef I'll.,. Nelnnslu,. )ls ,,. t ; n ml hu e nf Ill-mint.' 1 11 uni.i ,....,.1.,.. 11 tnl mile -.ill Hint nt 1,1 tit,,,. ,! ,,),.,. H1,.h is will I... innile m,. en ,. "in im.vimnm mlrs f tell chnix-es ., t I M I,..., ... . . 1 . 1 1 ..1.1 . 1 . ' 11 - -ui nm.em- .,.r nml ji,v , " "' seiieiinie nliiiM. lire. rented i.,':-t lo ii', ,1 i.r,e sl, h,- 'T H.lhl -5 :i Of lum-liiir; r Jill of WMi-l, VOII V III tllke ie potieo. Itv the rniirt, llnrvev Ii Ttiivls .1... re nf the nistrlrt I'mirt In mf f,,r the imntv of I'-uu v.. ., ,, . 1, .. - Hymn rim Ir nnd VVm. A. l'.i,U, I'THtnn, . . 1 1'irnevH FOES THREATEN CHRISTIAN FAITH Banner of Infidelity Raised Inside the Church. THE HIGHER CRITICISM PERIL Pastor Russell Sayt That Evolution ists Are Hoodwinking tha eopla. Counsels a Movement Toward Unity of Creeds Man la His Brother's Keeper. Richmond. Vs.. August 27. run tor It a a e 1 1 of Brooklyn Tuber d a c I e preached here today under the auspices of the International Bible Students Ajwuclatlao (Lo cal Braactt un sectarisn), com posed of the truth hungry from all denominations. Asked why such great crowd always attend his addresses, while the church ea of all denominations are complain ing of slim attendance. Pastor Russell replled.'Tue jteople ore thinking. Per plexed by the infidelity and Higher Criticism taught In the prlnctpul col leges and pulplus many desire to have nn interpretation of the Bible consist ent with Itself and not at war with the reverential exercise of reason. The Scriptures foretell of our day, saying. 'There shall be a f limine In the land; aot a famine for bread nor a thirst for water, but for the bearing of the " fairy tules can thoroughly satisfy In tell!eIlt thinker-. -liHe nninber. art Word of the Lord' (Amos vlli. 11). No are increaHlilR. Mnny of those who at tend my services ami many who rend my sermons 111 the putiHr print lotis since fi'UMrd ui attend the church serv ices " Tvo services were held, one for the public. coiiHideriug the great "Here after;" the other, which we report, hud for its text tjnil's cull to Cnln. after he had nUiin tils brother. "Where is Thy L'n.ther?" and Cain's reply, "Am 1 My r.i'uther s Keeper V" Mienesls tv, 2. The speaker Hiiid In pnrt: No one cat dispute that Individual ism, personal Independence, personal responsibility, has iiinrdi for the (k'Velrpnieiit of our nice. The serfdom anil paternalism of the past were un favorable to Individual thoiiht, re sponsibility n tul ai'tinn No wise and Kood man would desire to rob his fei hov.s, of, .el.'j enilciii'L' nt n.ln.J. Ona Cxtrme, Then the Opposite. V. e are la ilaauer, Imu ever. el i.iinii to tl.e npposiie exl rrine - in dimp-r ol arrvillS the slihjei I of pcrsiei'li hide per lea. e lii, 1 f.'r - in danger nf ne:.leei-ili.-i some uli,' sli-iii.i have a; si-aain e lii (laiiLei of 1 !ia, km;; of nil men as I riii- not on'y H i e I at c,iial. Willie . ve all Wn n.',.' hurt' j.r.ipi-r freedom of v v,-t ail ;:l'e l ime or les liaailiaip ," I in ll;e cm i- ;r el the w 111. As SI. I'.;al s:;i 1,- "We riiiiiinh do the litn;:-i w iiii Ii we 'Annul." are slaves i,i' sin and ib'.iili. seine pi. ne 11 ml s a.e !:--: Tl.e l'ro,!iel li. aid's xplaiia ti'll I'l'l'lies tn lis all. "I slni'i'tl in i! e,i:ay. In sin did my 1 , , oi 1 1 run ee, e nn'" 1 1 'sal HI II. el. Ii a lii view nf sn.'h Inci'ialii ies nt tin- III sli that St., I'aul wrole tn tii1' t'biirrii, "We that are strong should lirnr "ill, tip. Inilnidiies of the weak, ami not please ourselves merely " ikoiiciiis xv. 1 1. Tliin principle, up plied I iy the Apostle to the I'liill'. b wniihl irriainiy he appropriate and lieneileinl ia the natural family And a s our deans enlarge we slinr.ld a'l I'ome tn lealie lame and more die oneness, the solidarity of mir rare -the 1 entire human family, of whirliSt. I'atil ! fitiys. "Of one blond Cod created nil men. tn dwell timu I he face of the I whole earth" (Acts xvil. ".I'd. "Whsre Is Thy Brother?" God's Inquiry of Cnln Implied Cain's responsibility, and teaches us a lesson respecting our responsibility In Cod's sight for one another. W - will begin with the Church, the hUhest type' of brotherhood Imaginable: We should not be content to split Into sects and purl Ies. Whatever was Hie ignorance of the past, which led to the formation of the various creed nnd denomina tions, there can be no excuse for these now. because Christians of all denom inations have come to discredit the old creeds Should there not, then, be a movemont toward heart unity auil fel lowship, outside of denominational and crei'dal lines, amongst those who rec ognize Cod as Father, the Lord .Jesus Christ as (lie Itedeemer. nnd the Klhle as the hivlne Kevelatlon? It Is not proper to say as did Cain. "Am I my brother's keeper?" Kvery ..., f'tit.1., 1.. 1.1 n..ll..n 41... ... line-- 1-111111.111 munnu 11-uns.i- mill ll- dn.v Christianity Is being assaulted tn lis own House anil by Its professed friends In the universities, colleges nnd seminaries of nil denominations a tmttte Is raging, which threatens the destruction (,' our Christian faith, possibly a few are blind to the situa tion, but the Insurgents the Higher Critics and I'.volutionlsis realize the I silliatloii and lire (Taflllv snvltiL' lo tilt1 e I lienlile 'We are tin: Wati.'liiiicn upon Hearken to nt'n All I -I 1 . 1 II . m 1 . 1 ne wiiiis 01 .ion; iiy: All Is welil" These Higher Crit ics seem to have no conscience. They claim that the people must be gradual ly t.iknn hv guile. They encourage thetu to "sleep," whll" they raise over V v 1 them the banner of infidelity "called people be says. "Have patience, bretfc Hlgher Criticism. ten, for the coming ot the Lord draw. Many who see the killing of this anti- eth nigh." The Lord speaks of tola typical Abel shirk the responsibility , "Day f Recompense" as a "time tf by saying. "Am 1 my brother's keep- trouble" of the overthrow of opprea err not realizing that from the Divine slon. the uplifting of the poor ani standpoint they have a resHnsihllity toward every other Christian with whom tbey are In contact They should realize that loyalty to God means that tbey "should show forth the praises of linn who bath called us out of darkness Into his marvelous a word, every true Christian who has made a full consecration of him self to the Lord, to walk In the foot stops of the Savior, should waken to the fact that we are In a critical time. We are In the time mentioned by St Paul, when "every man's work shall be tried so as by tire" (I Corinthians ill, 13.) The testing will be along the lines both of faith and of works. Only those holding tlrmly to "the faith once delivered to the saints" will be able to bring forth such fruits, such good works, as the testings of this hour re quire. This class, awoke to their re sponsibility toward God and the breth ren and the Bible, and full of seal therefore, will thereby be kept In this "evil day." God will bless them In their endeavors to glorify Him. My Brother's Keeper Sooially. Is the days of slavery and serfdom. every master, every feudal lord, recog nized a responsibility for his servants or slaves. lie was interested in their health and In their morals, for they were his property, and any deprecia tion meant Qnunclal loss to him. Thus selfish Interest kept him sllre to his responsibility, to a considerable degree. Out now all that has changed. Serfs and slaves, released from obligation, are without supervision and care. The less fit of our race are in serious dan ger of being crowded to the wall. Our lad- lnd,Hd- ,f 0,ne Dlvlne Interpoat lawmakers have recognized the fact tion "en t0 llft them and tnelr an"lr" and have thrown around tbe weaker out of present conditions and put them sex and children safeguards In the upon a plane of absolute righteousness, laws, protecting them from desiring Jc equity. This, the speaker be people who would exploit them for ll(,Tes. 18 tbe dos,re ot a lftr8 lw selBsh purposes i ln ever7 n""0"- predominating class. Ne vert helms, with all that human ,8ucn n1Kn of righteousness, justice, law has yet been able to accomplish. , ln 11,0 world- wl "PM-dlly the danger Is increased. As knowl- ."ult' he Bl,id' fro,u establishment edge Increases, trusts and combina tions selfltdily boost the price of life's necessities nnd luxuries. Those mcm lxrs of our race less favorably equip ped for the battfe of life are seriously disadvantaged, some by reason of less i intellectual powers, others by reason of unfavorable circumstances and en vironments. Under such conditions it is not sur prising that nil who ure able are band ing together into unions for their own protection; nor should It surprise us that these, also, sellish and bard of heart, tdiould sometimes be unjust In their demands, and sometimes cruel land ready to slay their brother who Joins them not In their organization. (In their desire to promote the best In Iterests of their craft they may, Indeed. reasonably exhort fellow-craftsmen to support the . organl.atlon, and may slmw its iidtaniai:es. btit bevond that tliev dare not gj without infracting the principles of justice and brlngln-,' Iiivine condemnation which, sooner or later. In one way or nnoiher, will sure ly ,e mi tr ! out. Seen from this standpoint, unionism has a responsibility tow ai d breihreu imt nei' ol the union to treat. Iheiii ju-tl.v. I bully, helpfully. Amino d.itibt this int. lu. ie would bring the hiicer I'les'.ing and truer prosperity. My tjro'.ii'ir's KcBper Financially. J (Ir.iiluai;;.- 1 he world Is reall.liii: lis ri"-poiisilii'iy 1, 1 the Avoak nnd iticom- 1 clear Ot 1 a. e,l. The j llnsj.ll.i.s. II es for the Poor, el '., ! are all proper recognitions of th" j hrelhiTltui'd ol' mail -iiaide from the j hlulier l.riilhciln.iid In Christ. We 1 cannot claim I hat t liese liisl ii ul Inns are the product of pure benevolence. We i iniisl admit that poillli s lias muni to : do with t Lcni. The tle-dre for con- I tracts ami for labor In connection with j these llislllul inlis. has, of louio. mil' It ; to do willi their existence. The ev pendiimi! of such enormous sums a. annually go to these Ins! II u! ions mi! urally enoii'-li draws an army d po litical heelers ami nulonUci'S Tho Day of Rscompne. The All Seeing eye of our Creator keeps watch over the affairs of Ills creatures today as It kept watcli over Abel's Interests. Cod allowed Cain to have his way; allowed him to kill his brother; allowed the righteous to suf fer; yet Cnln did not escape, but was . . i i i m .1. .1 u ..I.. I neiu accouiiiaoie ior iue uemu ui in brother. Cod's sentence upon him sep arated hlru from his brethren until he cried out that tils punishment was greater than he could beir. And. simi larly, we may be sure that tho nn class of our day will be held account able for the wilful slaying of their brother, especially to tho extent that the brother despised may be a child of God. As Cod declared that the blood of Abel cried to Him from the ground cried for Justice so the inti mation of the Scriptures Is that nil In justice of every kind, everywhere will bring n "Just recompense of reward." St James tlgurntlvely represents the laborers. Die tollers ln the field of la bor today, as crying out to God, and as being heard, and Us resulting In n great "time of trouble." In which the great, the mighty ami tint rich shall weep bitterly (.lames v. Ii. As these are not tin union men. generally, who are crying out at the present time, we may look more especially amongst those on the outside; but tho lesson Is that those who sulTcr oppression wdll ultimately have Hivlne power ever vised In their defense and for their re lief. St. James Intimates that this re lease will come to this class nt the coming of Messiah, In power and great j'lory. for the establishment of Ills Kingdom of righteousness In th" World. To those who nre the Lord's those that have do helper (l's. IxrlL 12). Th D.tire of All Nations Corn." Those who are entirely natLsfled with present conditions are the compara tively few who have special advan tages. The masses are discontented-- some of thetu properly so, and other! of them more discontented than ta rea sonable. All but the very poorest and worst situated are better otf today than were their grandfathers yet less contented. The spirit of discontent sol Unimex and a failure to note and to enjoy the trout blessings which God has provided so bouutifully, as well as wonderfully, hi our day. prevails. Nevertheless. Rome have reason for dlsconteut; and some, looking Into th future, are fcarlnj; worse conditions, us the monopolies have gained a firmer (trip upon all the necessities of life. Surely their forebodings are not wt'hout grounds. Unless something shall occur to lift matters out of their preteut rut, human Intelligence sees, at a not fur distant day, a new serf dom, with masters directing all th forces of the world, and with the coca nion people at their mercy, (tad ts hare a sufficiency of work and f wage for life's necessities. Long ago the speaker harbored the theory taught him In his creed, that mankind Is totally depraved; but sure ly none are totally depraved except Us Idiotic. The speaker, believed thai there la an element favorable to right eousness In every member of our rscs, and that sin is largely tbe result of unfavorable environments; and that the majority of mankind would be of Messiah's Kingdom, for which wa pray, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will he done on earth us It Is In heaven." Most explicitly do the Scriptures de clare this, saying, "The desire of all nations shall come" (Ilnggal 11, 7). This declaration Is in conjunction with the foretelllnx of the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom. The reign ot righteousness which It will inaugurate will be the Ideal of the niaSHes Of mankind, although qulto probably tbe . overthrow of TtuhIs nnd Combines will, for n time, not bo viewed sympa thetically by tho rich, tho wlae, the preferred, trio favored class, under present conditions. As it required tlufa for the slave holders of the past to become reconciled to the loss of their blaves nnd to see tho righteousness of their belli;; freed, no It. will be with tlnxo who at present are closely Iden- I"'"'" '' ".u iii-uimiuii w iiu.-u i ' brlaulm: uiiiiiUind ltuo slavery, ! "r I-""1 "I 111,1 hH'""". say- ilig. P.h ssril llic J'ull Will) weep ami for vial shall be rouil'ortcd. , mourn. j Woe nut.) those vvl re full, for they , shall have distress (Puke vi, 'Jl. 'J.'.i. The reign of justice and righteous. ne-s will ultimately oppral ti nil In heart harmony with .leliovali, and all who fall to Hills come Inlo heart till r n.oiiy willi Iiim will in- ncromtteit as unworthy of His ;.-iit of everlasting life; for "He who loves not tils I. rot her whom he linth seen, how could lie love Cod wlmtn he trilli not seen'.'" The thousand yen-s of Messiah's reign, (luring which His I. rale, the ple. t Church, will be associated with Iiim. will be uiille .s.t.T lent for the equalization of all of life's iilValrs for the entire race. "In Ills day shall the righteous llourlsll." nnd not the mere ly strong. In Ills Pay evil doers and not well doers will be i rmdied It is written of Ills Kingdom tliat It "shall Mil. up the pool' .ol of t In dunghill, and shall brim., d tb. mighty from the!1, seats Tho dsrip'irni Aeco"c'i',T tn Prtviouj ( ha jc'fr- Do ilipmnt. The whole world of mankind will then be tiiiuslei'ied into the hands of Messiah, who will take tliem ;ut an thai are. Tliey will lie In various con ditions. Some w ill be more depraved. others less depraved; some will be more seared In their consciences and Home less; and these doth lencles of character will depend upon the wuy la which each one accepted or rejected light nml opportunity ln the present time. Those who knriv not UN will and rfd it imt will receive few ntrlpes; those who knew Ui will and did it not will receive many stripes, because of previous hardening of character. Ev erjbody will he required, eventually, to come up to the full standard of Di vine requirements. Those uior do praved will have greater difficulty and thoso less depraved will have less dif ficulty and receive fewer stripes. In the coming up to Plvlne requirements. Those who most willingly and most gladly nssent to tho leveling process will most quickly receive the Divine blessing and make the most rapid progress along the Highway of Holi ness, back to full human perfection and eternal life. And those who now, ln advance of the establishment of the Kingdom, love righteousness and hat Iniquity, come at present Into favor with the King of kings, and thus nre specially favored with light and knowl edge, nnd nre Invited to become asso ciates with Messiah lu His glorious Kingdom, which Is to effect the long promised, great reformation of earth's affairs. Pet us all lake to heart nnd apply well tills lesson, hut especially those who have heard nnd who have responded to the Iilvlne InvltnMon to become heirs of 0 d and Joint-heirs with our Uedcomer. I l