The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 28, 1911, Image 2

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
r i Published Seml-Weeklf it Plattsmoutti, Nebraska CUD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Poatoffice at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, aa second-class
The Democratic Ticket
For Judges Supreme Court.
For Regents University.
C. T. KNAI'l.
For Railroad Commissioner.
For Judge of the District Court
First District.
' . tin.
For Clerk of the District Court.
For County Clerk.
For Treasurer.
For Sheriff.
For Superintendent of Schools.
For Surveyor.
For Coroner.
Commissioner 8econd
fi. M. KKYIiKRT.
For Police Magistrate.
Rather cool HRaiu this morning
almost cold enough for frost.
"IMattsmouth flrnt the world
afterward," should he the motto
of every good citizen.
Many Washington correspond
ents believe that Tuft has vetoed
the only tariff hill he will have
any opportunity to veto during
bis presidential term. t
The cnmpaiKii has not opened
yet, hut wnit till nhout the llrst of
October and then the candidates
will don (heir hustling clothes in
good shape.
Mr. Tafl. goes west September
16, and, of course, no one wjll dis
tract his mind from the moment
ous problems of statesmanship by
mentioning the subject of polil ics.
Kvery other lown in Cass coun
ty has had a celebration of some
kind Ibis season. It is Plaits
mouth's turn now. Everybody,
you know, likes to come lo
Julius r.aesnr Morrows begins
to despair of the republic, but if
the country rocs to the demnilion
bow-wows, jusl think of all the
jobs (here will be for kennel
keepers. -:o:-
. Champ Clark says he is not n
candidate for president, but no
doubt the door bell will be found
in perfect working order if the
people happened to call on him
Pome day.
:o: 1
Kaiser William is going to re
view 1 if) Cerman war vessels
September 5, but only about 14 off
them would be really necessary to
protect (icrman ports and prop
erty from hostile neighbors.
Now Hint school days are near
at hand it might be well for par
ents to decide for cvrry-day at
tendance on Hie part of their
children. It's best for the chil
dren, and enables I hem lo rank
Secretary Wilson declared on
the witness stand this week that
Doctor Wiley "is talking through
his hat." Joctor Wiley can reply
with equal candor that Mr. Wil
son is talking1 through his
He who is not fuc us is against
us, ami should pet. out.
Platlinoulh is holding hep own
pretty well, thank you.
:o: ,
The oyster season will soon he
on. Yum, yum I Hurry up.
:o :
I, el. your jiiollo he: "Plalls-
moul h first, last anil a
and slick to it.
the lime
People who do a heap of talk
in tr generally have but very few
real friends.
When it comes to vetoes Taft
acts just like an old-time house
of lords over in England.
After watching some of these
joy riders, our respect for I he
sidewalk as a location favorable
to longevity is much increased.
The democratic ticket looks
pretty good to the voters of Cass
county, and the most of them are
not very slow in expressing them
selves in favor of it.
The August temperature may
be too chilly to suit some tastes,
but a great majority of the peo
ple would rather have the weather
act like sixty than like 10.
Don C. Rhoiien will make a
most excellent sheriff, and those
who know him best know be will
do bis duly, let come what will.
He is fearless, well qualified and
0 genuine good fellow.
The democrats have placed a
most excellent ticket before the
voters of Cass county for their
suffrages and I he more they study
it over the more they become im
pressed with I he idea that it is a
good ticket lo support,
Jim Reynolds' name for clerk of
the district court will become a
household word between now and
election day. And gradually as
the voters become acquainted w ith
him the more determined I hey are
lo vole for him.
The Wisconsin resort which
reported a tlve-niinute snowstorm
in July will have to take u back
seat in favor of Pike's Peak,
where two persons were frozen to
dealh in a blizzard this week.
The many trilling reasons al
leged for bouncing Dr. Wiley do
not constitute one good reason,
as a famous Englishman unci! re
marked in a similar case, any
more than any number of rabbits
make a horse.
Arrangements should be made
to clean Main and Sixth streets al
least once a week. It should be a
Unable offense for a person to de
liberately tli row miner in the
Some people make it a
point o do this.
The season for entertainments
is rapidly drawing hi a close, and
Plallsinoulh has had no celebra
tion of any kind. Can't some one
be prevailed upon to lake he bull
by the horns. Let's have a street
carnival, if nothing else.
The greatest corn crop ever
and millions in alfalfa, hay, pork
and poultry, with a fine-top-dres
sing of beef ought lo help u vhde 1
lot. It means big trade, this fall
for the mail order houses nr
the enterprising home merchants.
Mow is the time to advertise.
;o :
Annexation is iiguring in the
Canadian election, though no one
around here wants Canada. Con-
j press would have to pet up at 10
a. in. to legislate for so many
ftalcs, and that could riot be
brought about.
There are some people who
would like, to draw the Journal in
to a campaign of abuse, so that
they might work their little graft.
Hut we are a little too wise to be
drawn into the net. We are not
in thai kind of business tltig year.
, Oldham, Dean and Stark.
Three good' and t rue men ur
judges "of (he supreme- court.
They- should all tie elected, be
cause I bey arc men best lilted
Jo serve in sui'li responsible posi
tions. They w ill not. let polil ics
sway (li'eir judgment on the su
pieine bench.
There is nothing so strange in
t he fact that certain of the, I'niled
Slates senators are vigorously op
posed to the general arbitration
treaties with England and France.
They're opposed to everything
which does mil originate in their
own narrow minds.
The Plattsmouth Const ruction
company is also letting the out
side world know lhat Platts
mouth is on the map. It has Just
finished one big job at Red Oak,
Iowa, and is about to enler upon
another 22,000 job of I he same
character al Clarinda, Iowa. "See
Plattsmouth Succeed."
Congressmen are now coming
back, and to avoid disturbances
some of them had belter leave the
train a few miles out and reach
their homes under cover of dark
ness. Some of them will not dare
look their neighbors in Wie face
for several days after gelling
Some people like a "red-hot"
campaign, while others believe
that personalities will nut win
anything for the parly that in
dulges in lliein. The voters gen
erally know the candidates thai
arc upon both tickets and Hie
people are going o vote this year
for candidates irrespective of
Ceneral P. II. Harry, whose
home is al (ircclcy Center, Neb.,
has been named a member of the
board of managers of the national
soldiers home, to succeed the lale
Captain Palmer, by congress by a
unanimous vole. Ceneral Harry
is a worthy successor of the big
hearted Captain Palmer.
A new system headquarters
building, twenty stories high, and
containing r,8(8,877 cubic feet of
space, is lo be creeled by the Dar
lington in Chicago, al the south
west corner of West Jackson
boulevard and South Clinton
street. The cost will be 91,500,
000. For the building permit
alone the Hurlinglon has paid the
city of Chicago 91r!i8. in.
Some persons are disposed to
attribute Furse's defeat for the
democratic nomination for rail
way commissioner lo his con
nection with cx-duvcriior Shal
lenherger. Don't you believe it.
His defeat was occasioned by
Mike Harrington's abuse of his
opponent, C. E. Harman, and
nothing else. Furse would have
been nominated but for Harring
ton's letters.
-:o :
Haltimore uu: The tariff
legislation of (he house has "re
vealed the true 1'nderwood" and
has disclosed qualities of .states
manship and character that have
aroused Hie admiral ion of men of
all parties. The record of Hie
house speaks for itself, and that
record is due probably more to
Oscar Underwood than to any
other man. 1 he manner in which
he lias helped to guide bis party
through the 'make of conflicting
interests, to put reciprocity, the
fanners' free list and the wind bill
through the bouse and compelled
their consideration by the senate
has disclosed the highest qual
il ies (if leadership.
Speaker Champ Clark says:
"We honestly and persistently en
deavored to relieve I he people of
some of their burden of taxation,
but the president would not have
it. To use a sporting phrase, 'he
blocked the game.' On these is
sues we appeal lo the country,
feeling absolutely certain that as
we have stood manfully for the
best interests of the people, -the
people will stand by us."
The voters of Cass county, the
most of them, have known Kelly
Fox from boyhood and they know
he will prove worlhy of the trust
reposed in him. No one can ques
tion his ' integrity and his
qualifications. These are two
great essentials for a man to pos
sess in I he county treasurer's
office, and Kelly will till Hie bill
to the letter. He is jusl the kind
of a man you want in lhat re
sponsible position.
In the death of Uncle David
Ilawksworlh Plallsinoulh loses
one of its most prominent and
best citizens. For years at the
head of the Hurlinglon shops hen.
he done much for PlaHsmouth,
perhaps much more I ban any
oilier citizen in like position, and
while past 80 years of age at the
lime of his death, he had a good
word for this city and its people
lo the last. All Plallsinoulh will
mourn the passing of Ibis good
In the effort lo comply with the
decision of I he supreme court a
hunt has been made for Ihe great
assets of Ihe tobacco trust, and
they cannot be found. The con
sequence is that there has been a
great slump in ils stocks and
bonds and there seems to be con
sternation among Ihe bidders of
tobacco trust securities. They
are asking: What has become of
all the valuable property of which
so much was said in Ihe financial
papers? II seems that Ihe big
dividends which the trust con
tinually paid were based, not on
properly lhat it held, but on the
monopoly that it. had.
Speaker Clark plans to make
good roads an issue of (he next
campaign. As a member of the
Lincoln Memorial commission Mr.
Clark is advocating the building
of a great highway from Wash
ington to (lettysbui'g, "as the
nucleus of a great system of na
tional roads built by the govern
ment in co-operation with Ihe
states." The majority of the
commission favors a marble arch
in Washington, which Ihe speak
er says would form a line meet
ing place for English sparrows,
but which would not lit in with
the practical character of Ihe
great Lincoln. The speaker has
induced the president to defer ac
lion until legislation can be pass
ed permitting the building of the
road, lie will then work for the
adoption by the government tf a
national road-building policy.
:o :
The Democrat commented re
cently upon the increased levy
for slate purposes and that
Adams county's share would be
several thousand dollars more
this vcar than any previous year.
The esteemed (',av Center Sun
and the Juniata Herald do not
think this should be charged up
to (iovernor Aldrich and the re
publican slate administration.
Why not ? Isn't it usual to charge
up such things lo the administra
tion in power? Did Aldrich veto
or sign these extravagant ap
propriation bills? Who s spend
ing the stale money, anyway?
Isn't it a republican, administra
tion? Don't you think that in
cnaiiit the state expenses 20
per nt in one year is an out
rage? Could a democratic gov
ern r do lhat and eer survive?
No; every one of you would be
snarling vour head off at demo
cratic extravagance and grafting.
Come new, stand up to the rack.
The increase in slate taxes by this
republican administration is an
outrage and we believe the people
wiil so decide that (iovernor Aid
rich, who had Ihe veto, is re
sponsible. Hut above all, the
slate administration that is toss
ing this money away like drunken
sailors is to blame. Take your
medicine, boys. Hastings Democrat.
In Rochester, N. Y., last week!
President Taft declared his op
position lo "nostrums of reform
which demagogues and theoretical
enthusiasts have advanced for the
solution of the problem of con
centrated wealth." The president
apparently prefers to let con
centrated wealth suggest its own
Don't forget that the democrats
have two candidates who never
before asked for any office. They
are James T. Reynolds for clerk
of the district court and Don C.
Rhoden for sheriff. And both of
them are as well qualified for
these positions as any men either
in or out of office. Please hear
this in mind.
James T. Reynolds is an old
resident of Cass county and is not
an office-seeker. Here is a case
which fully demonstrated the
office seeking the man and not the
man the office. If the voters were
to look Cass county over a dozen
or more times for a suitable can
didate for clerk of the district
court a better man could not be
found for the position. Another
thing, there is not a better
qualified man for the place in the
If President Taft had asserted
his leadership in loj he could
have forced congress to pass a
satisfactory larilf bill. The stand
patters were scared lo death un
til they found that there was no
danger of his interference. The
outcome was a law which made
ful l her revision inevitable.
This is ancient history, of
course. It is here recalled be
cause (he incident has jusl been
repealed ami the tarill' question
is still unsettled.
Suppose President Tail had
taken the leadership for further
revision in Ihe present special
session. Suppose he had put all
facts gathered by Ihe tariff board
at the disposal of congress. Sup
pose ben Hie bills had come lo
him in unsatisfactory shape.
The president could have said:
"Oenlienicn, (be evidence gather
ed by Ihe board shows I hat under
your scheme of revision this duly
is too high, that dutv is too low,!
and these duties are out of pro
portion. Furthermore, the lan
guage in section J is ambiguous.
If you will make Ihe obvious cor
rections I have suggested I shall
be glad to sign the bills and put
an end to any possible business
uncertainty over the larilT."
Willi this sort of an attitude on
the president's part, revision
could have been finished up at the
special session, and all uncer
tainly would have been ended.
The country would not now be
looking forward to going into the
next president ial campaign right
on the heels of further tariff re
vision. It was another nig opportunity
lhat the president threw away.
Kansas City Star.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bo1'!
Bears the
Blgnbture of
Boys Knickerbocker
wool suits, in gray
and brown mix
ture SI.88 $2,99
Boys' Knickerbocker
odd pants in neat
handsome pat
terns only
Boys' blouse waists in
plain and fancy
29 and 50c
Black Cat
Boys' Caps
C, E.
A. J. Dietrich returned to
Louisville today, after a business
trip here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johiiaon,
from near Weeping Water, were
Plattsmouth visitors yesterday,
guests at the home of Mr. aril
Mrs. J. V. Johnson.
M. M. Heal returned home to
day from his Colorado visit, re
porting a very pleasant time. He
Mys he has never seen a much
prettier and more prosperous
country than up in the great
potato country of fireeley. Hd
says he enjoyed the trip both
Office First National Bank Building
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by NebraskaStafe
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 373 White, PlattsmouC
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, (ieb.
Dates made at this olke or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rila