Soc, month 5outna SEMI-WKHKLY KDITION-KIGHT PACKS PLATTSMOUTIl, NE15RASKA. .MONDAY ALMilTST 2S, 1911 NO C VOLUME XXX plum DAI llhWKSWORTH ED CI1IZEN PASSED EMM IS Hill Wa For Many Years Superintendent of Motive Power For The Burlington Lines West of the River -Was In Position to Aid Flattsmouth and Always Looked After Town, Frum Friday's Pally. David llawsworlh. one "I l'lattsinouth's best known and most respected aged citizens, died this morning at ! o'clock at the home after a serious illness of less tlian ten days. Hi' lias been in a weakened condition and ill at times for years, but the attack which resulted in his death began but a short lime ago. He was 80 years old. David llawsworlh was a citizen much loved arid respected. Hold ing an important position with the Burlington for many years, and iritluenlial with the manage ment, he was in a position to do much for Platl smooth, and it is -not known that he ever failed to look out for the interests of his homo city. lie leaves a widow and the chil dren, as follows: Frank Hawks worth of Lincoln, Neh.; Mrs. E. V. Cook of Plattsrnouth; D. W. Hawksworth of Detroit; D. K. Hawksworth of Fort Madison. Iowa, and Fred Hawksworth of 'l'lattsmouth. Three of the chil dren are, here and the others are expected today or tomorrow. Mr. Hawksworth was born in England in 1831. When a young man he was employed there in the I uumui I LnT lUIUUUIII KAN IS MUnOERED In the spring of I Sal he was employed by the Omaha Town Site company as engineer on a ierry boat between Omaha and Council Willi's. In 1 H 5 he entered the employing of the Murlington rail mad as machinist at Kurlinglon, Iowa. He remained at that place until ISO:', when he enlisted in the 1'niled slates navy and was appointed second assistant en gineer on the gunboat Indianola, serving; until captured below Vicksburg in February, 18(3. lie was detained as a prisoner for three months, then released and shortly afterwards was appointed second assistant engineer of the gunboat Marmora, serving until mustered out in July, lHlii. lie I then returned to Kurlintgon, Iowa, where lie worked for the Kurlinglon railroad until Sep tember, 1875, when he came to l'lattsmouth to take the position of master mechanic of the Ti. & M. railroad in Nebraska. In 1888 he was made superintendent of motive power for the lines west of the river, lie was retired in 1901 on account of old age, being 70 years old at that t ime. He was often called upon for advice by the managers of the road, and his opinions were given much weight Charles Viall Was One Tried Here for the Murder of William Armstrong. From Friday's Pally. Charles Viall, a former Piatt s iinuith man. who was tried for first degree murder back in the 70's and cleared by a jury, was last night shut and killed at his hotel in Fremont, Neh., by a de mented negro dishwasher, Viall's reputation Here as a nail man makes the news of his death of much interest in Jhis city. He was sitting in a chair in I lie . i t i omce oi ins rooming notise wnen Henry Karl rushed' in and tired at him twice, one ball going through Viall's breast and the other through the left .side near the heart, lie died almost in slanlly. The negro run In liie police station, handed his gun to the oWeers and said: "Here is the gun that ended I he Johnson- Jetl'ries light." His rambling statements generally included something about Jack Johnson, the prize lighter. Viall was tried at Lincoln in about 1875 for the murder of William Armstrong, a saloon keeper, and a brother of "Shorty" Armstrong, a printer, well known here. 'Armstrong was at. Lincoln tin. I T.fif.mvft! (a linltlrt rtf vtlliokv ny express, no oraiiK oi u ami died. It was found to contain poison. Viall was arret sed, charged with sending the bottle, ft seems that the two men had had trouble over a woman. machine department of the Man- j by the management. Even after Chester, Southern and Liverpool Railroad company and other com panies. He came to America in 18 19, residing at Rurlington, Iowa. He was engaged as an cn- his retirement his advice was sought by the. company. In 1903 he was elected county commissioner and served three years, refusing a second nmnina- trincer on the Mississippi riverition. He was a member of the ferry limits, for several months I Episcopal chi rch. cf the O. A. 11 and then in the machine shops of and the R. P. 0. E. the Michigan Southern railroad.! The funeral arrangements have He then went to Kurlinglon, where not, been made except that Sunday he was employed in the machine j afternoon has been decided upon shops for three years. 1 for the time of the services. Miss Belter Married. Cants have been received by friends in this city announcing the marriage of MNs LeOra M. Heifer to Mr. W alter F. Zimbeck on Tuesday, August 22, at the home of the bride's parents in Knout. Iowa. Miss Heiter is a sister of Mrs. Charles Hartford ol this city and made her home with the Hart fords last w inter and had visited her sister and family a number of times previous to that lime. While here Miss Keiler made a number of friends, whose best wishes will e er attend her. They will make their home in Koone and will be at home to their friends after September 15. Tin Counting the Mail. poMot'ire today began TO THOSE 10 BUY GOODS "SIGHT UNSEEN" The Advantage Is All on the Side of the Catalogue Houses, of Course. HuMiig goods Ironi catalogue houses is a good deal like the school boy system of trailing jack- knives "sight unseen." The dif ferenee is that the purchaser risks good money anil usually gels the worst end of the bargain. The adavnlago is all on the side of I he catalogue house. Fvcn when a customer gets cheated it is so much trouble to secure satisfaction that he is inclined to "lake his medicine" and say nothing. A story is told of a man who saw a set of parlor furniture advertised by a mail order house for what seemed to be n wonder fully )ow price. lie sent the money and wailed expectantly for the beautiful furniture. Imagine the work of counting a!l seroml-i hts mail delivered I'loni tin' poslolliee. This includes all newspapers and periodieals having second-class privileges. The mail will be counted lor a month. The work is done under oidi'is from the department. FORMER PLATTSMOUTH IMER PLAT L HAPPILY WEDDED Nuptials of Wm. Q. Chase and Laura Delight Fellows, Former Plattsrnouth Girl. At the trial the express agent jhis feelings when at. last he re PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC REPORT Many Forms of Recreation and Much Pleasure at Stephen Wiles' Farm Yesterday. From Friday's Daily. The members of the Preshy terian Sunday school held their annual picnic yesterday in the grove on the Stephen Wiles' farm southwest of this city. A large number of the pupils, their teach ers, parents ami friends, armed with baskets tilled with the necessary livings for a picnic din ner, assembled at the -church about !':.'to in the morning and were taken to the picnic grounds v ia the carryall route. I'pon their arrival at the picnic grounds baskets and the like were deposit ed in various nooks and all pro ceeded to have a genuine good I imo. The weather man was certainly in his good behavior, as a more perfect day could hardly be ex pected. Then, too, this grove in which the picnic was held, was a most ideal and beautiful place fur holding a festival of this nature. The entire day was spent in roaming about the beautiful grove, recreating in the shade of the pretty trees and other sports ami amusements. Swings had been put up for Hie entertainment of the little folks of the school. A number of the boys had come prepared lo play any kind of ball. At the noon hour the various classes of the school spread fine picnic dinners on the green and all joined in the feast of sand wiches, pickles, salads, fried chicken, cakes, lemonade, coffee, melons and the like, and all their kodaks with them and took several pictures of the picnickers. All in all it was a most delightful social occasion and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the outing. One of the features of the pic nic was Hie athletic sports. There was a baseball game between the l'lattsmouth Stars, captained by H. (irassman, and the Presby terian team, captained by It. Lar son. Kolh learns were organized for the occasion. The line-up of the Stars was: Forbes, catcher; (irassman, pitcher; Marshall, first base; W'augh, second base; R. Peters, shortstop; Pearson, I bird base; Chapman, fielder. The Presbyterian line-up was: Har vey, catcher; Larson, pitcher; Lamphear, first base; Mathews, second base; Kroehler, third base; Wolfarth, shortstop; II. l'clers, llebler. Each team had but a single fielder. In the other athletic events Haw Is and Farley were the stars. Judge Douglass umpired the baseball game and escaped with his life. was asked to go among the spectators and identify Viall. He looked around among the spectat ors and pointed out James E. Morrison, who was an attorney for Viall. Viall and Morrison had considerable resemblance in ap pearance,' tiolti wear inn a heard that was cut sonu'l hing This mistake, of the ayent ever, if it was a mistake, Viall. Viall was a brother-in-law of F. J. Meteer, who was killed by his former bartender, John R. Polin, in about 1885. Kolh were known as "bad men." alike, Coal Took Fire. The Hurlinglon recently tilled the coal house at the depot wilh a carload of Sheridan coal. After being- in there a short time it be gan to smoke, but air was given it and the smoke seemed to dis appear. After a week it began to smoke badly again, and work men are now taking the coal out. They found quite a few lumps that were burning. It was a pretty disagreeable job for the workmen who had to take the smoking coal out. Sued for $20,700 Damages. The Fraternal Order of Kagles, Nebraska City aerie No. i08, and the, Eagle Hall company are de fendants in a $20,700 damage suit inslituled in federal court at Lincoln yesterday by Fernando Mohrman of Morrill, Kas. Mohr man claims I hat he was injured November lit, 11)08, in the col lapse of a scall'old in the interior of the Eagle hall at Nebraska City during the period of its construc tion. He was employed by the de fendants and their agent, Ceorge V. Ziels, and was occupied in his work for them while on the scaf fyld. He fell llftecn feet, and suf fered a multiple fracture of the right arm, internal injuries and a severe nervous shock, according to the petition filed in court. For four months he was confined to a hospital and he was disabled for several weeks in addition. Alleg ing that the scafTold was negli gently constructed, he asks that he be remunerated in the sum of $700 for physician's and hospital bills, and to the amount of 820, 000 for personal injuries. reived a set of doll furniture Of course he was as mad as a hornet and the letter he wrote to the catalogue house was a scorch er. Hack came the reply which simplv said: "We sent you the furniture exactly as shown in the pictures. Yon hate got a hai - gain." Mail order houses, nowaday would hardly dare lo practice such a hold-laced irainl, nut iney go the limit" in filling their cata logues wilh alluring descriptions of shoddy goods. Nine times out of ten the local dealer offers betler goods for less money and the purchaser knows just what tie is gelling instead ol buying "sight unseen." iiile families of groom, the young Dv Wvk club, to bride belongs, and a friends were present Miss Prop st III. From FrMny'n Pally. II. L. l'ropst received a telegram j this morning from Mitchell, S. IX, that his daughter. Edna, who is li'I visilinir hep airier Mra Mini, In cat until they could trnt eat anyTosti ,(,,. is Pl.jOHSv" ,1 and for the parents to come at once. They will leave for there this evening over the Missouri Pa cific. Miss F.dna and her sister, Miss Roberta Probst, have been isiting at Mitchell. more. The afternoon hours were very pleasantly whiled away tn some more sports and frolic by the younger ones, a number of the older ones having brought their fancy work, and they very in dustriously plied the busy needle and participated in social con versation. A number brought Miss Flhel Onbill went to Omaha on the afternoon train today. Entertained by Mrs. John Albert. From Frlilay'i Dally. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albert on Pearl street was the scene of a most delight ful meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of the St. Paul's (ierman Evangelical church yesterday aft ernoon. Whenever invited to the Albert home everyone expects a line time and expectations were fully realized in the entertain ment of yesterday afternoon. The time was most enjoyably spent, in a social way, there being no busi ness matters transacted, the large number in attendance devoting liiemscives to various amuse ments, social conversation and the like. These Were interspersed with music, which all thoroughly enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were provided at the usual hour and a little later all departed for their homes, voting the Alberts xpleudii entertainers. Interesting Statistics. In the United Slates every year there are i,:t00.OHO deaths. Among I only a few are due lo obi age, which will be, barring ac cidents, the only cause of death when human beings become really civilized and inlelligenl. Of I he I,:t00,000 deaths every year (i.'tlt.OOO are due lo prevent able causes. Thirly-tlve thousand arc killed by tvplioid alone. And remem ber that typhoid fever is caused always and only by Hie swallow ing of tilth in food or in water. In addition lo the 110,000 that die of typhoid in our country every year, about .'100,000 get tvphoid and are cured. We have plenty of money and plenty of good doctors. And when we have eaten (lie filthy food or drunken the dirty water, we spend money and intelligence to gel well. It is a pity that some money and some intelligence, including preventative measures by doctors and ell'orts of the health depart ments, could not be used to pre vent the disease instead of being devoted entirely to curing it. Sickness and death, it has been computed, cost (he nation S.t.OOO,- 000,000 annually, if the value of Hie labor lost as their result is capitalized. Most of this sum could be saved by proper hygienic measures. Condition of Crops. The agricultural department lias at lasl reported the real mn dil ion of I he crop! s. II report s the following crops In be from 11 lo ':.' per cent below the ten-year average, namely: Corn, spring wheal, oats, barley, potatoes, to bacco, flax and hay. Fall wheat and rice are about up to the aver age. That is in accordance with what the farmers themselves have been saying. From Frliluy's Pally. At the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hush O. Fel lows, in tee Yjew addition lo Itelle Fouielie, on Thursday after noon, August 17, at !l o'clock, was solemnized the nuptials of Wil liam tollman Chase and Laura Delight Fellows, Rev. A. W. Kell . . . i ' ..i i i. oi m. .lames episcopal cioircii illicial ing. Onlv tin he bride and ladies of the which Hie few other at the ceremony. In the rooms were bouipiets of asters, golden rod and sweet peas, the only dec oration. I he bride's gow n w as of cream-colored crepe de chine and trimmed with lace which had trimmed her mother's wedding dress. There were no attendants and instead of flowers the bride carried a point, lace handkerchief, the gift of the Congregational church ladies to her while she was organist of that church.. The groom wore a black broadcloth suit and bore well the honors of a new ly'-nuule husband. After congratulations and good wishes the bride cut the wedding cake, which was the preliminary to refreshments of cream fruit sherlif t and cake. " v The young people left on the evening train at 7:a0 for Dead wood. A crowd of young friends and others were I here lo see I hem depart and instead of the usual rain of rice and old shoes they were stiowcreii wiin iinwers ami the car seal filled wilh fragranl wild clematis surely a far pret tier custom than the other. On Friday afternoon they departed over the Itui'lingloii for Denver, where they are enjoying a week or ten days of their honeymoon. The groom is Hie eldest son of W. S. Chase, manager of the I. II. Chase store in tin's city. He has been an employe of the several Chase stores in the Hills towns and came to Itelle Fourche about five years ago, since which time he has been almost continually his father's elllcient assistant In I lie management, of the store. The bride graduated with a class of Ihirly-lliree from the Plaltsmoiilh High school in l'.io.', and carried olT the honors of the class in mat heuial ics, besides be ing very close to the "top" in other branches. She came wilh her parents to Kelle Fourche in Nov ember, loo?. For several years past she has been an em ploye of the Nebraska Telephone company at tin's place, holding the position of chief operator and bookkeeper at the lime of her resignation lasl March. A number of handsome gifts were bestowed upon the young people and these they will always cherish. A greater number of friends would have been asked to share with them the happiness of the day, had it not been for the recent severe Illness ol Mi's, fel low s. Mr. and Mrs. Chase will live with the bride's parents, a satis factory arrangement lo the latter, at least, who would scarcely know bow In live wit limit their only daughter, who has been all her life truly the "Delight" i,( their home. Helle Fourche fS. IO Northwest Post. W REVERIE BURIED AT HOT SPKS, ARKANSAS The Journal Is in Receipt of a Letter From His Sister, Miss Ethel, to That Effect. The Journal is in receipt, of a letter from Miss Flhel llevendge of Kansas Cilv conveying the news that her mother and herself had came to Hie conclusion to hold the funeral of her brother, Tom. and burial to lake place at Hot Springs, where the ymiug' man died. More definite news as lo I ho oung man's death is also given in a letter from Mr. T. II. Jack son, ma n a ger of I he Jack son News agency of Hot Springs, with whom Tom had been employed for some time. He stales that Tom was not sick, only sutVering from liis rheumatism, on Saturday be fore his death on Sunday, and did not complain only from his rheu matism when he lasl saw him on Sal unlay night. II had been Tom's custom for some time Income down lo Hie store on Sunday morning about 8 o'clock, which on this morning he failed to do, and, becoming alarmed, he went to his room lo find him dead. At the coroner's impiest the evidence developed that he hail been feeling had the, night before, after eating a great deal of water melon, and just before going tt bed look a very heavy dose of nuinine, which the jury came to the conclusion was Hie cause of his death. Mr. Jackson further stales that Tom was well liked by all his friends and associates, and had many of them in Hot Springs. Ho was a hard worker and one of the best men he had ever bad in his employ. Everyone in the city knew mm and expressed their sympathy and surprise when they beard of bis death. He had been quite a sufferer from rheumatism of late years, but never Oomiiluin ed and always worked hard. Mr. and Mrs. Heverige ami daughter, Ethel, have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in Plaltsmoiilh and Cass county, where Ihev are all so well known. Subscribe for trie Dally Journal A Hobo Fined. Friim Fi'lilay'H Imlly. (ieorge Smith, a hobo drunk was given the usual privilege of gelling out of town or going to jail this morning, and he quickly decided that his services were needed outside the city limits, so he made a quick gelaway down the Kiii'linglon tracks. Stock Market and Business. The recent slump in Hie -dock market was a typical illustration of the way clever speculators take advantage of Hie tendency of nerves lo gel the betler of or dinary business sense. The break was generally attributed to two things, Hie bad crop report ami the fear of tarilT unset I lenient . As for the latter, it lias I n gen erally uiiderslod since Hie last, election that some kind of tariff legislation would be passed by Hie new congress. And fears that the sober judgment of last spring pronounced lo be needless are equally imaginary today. As to the crops, experts say there will be an average harvest. The wide spread showers all over Hie coun try have greatly helped tilings since August I. People are fool ed by slock market prophecies be cause lliey fail to remember how short a distance Wall street looks ahead. In no other line of busi ness does a man consider merely he current ear. If I him:, look good two or even live years ahead, he stands pat. Wall street never considers Hie wealth of golden harvests assured for years to come. If llungs looii mm lor inn crop of the immediate moment, the gamblers III row down Ihcir chips and sulk. Erecting a Silo. W. O. Hamilton, Hie line chick en breeder and dairyman, just north of the city ,is becoming up-to-date in preparing for the euro of liis slock. He is this week erecting a modem silo mi his place. It will not he a very large one, but equipped willi all the modern machinery for I he taking care of such feeds and fodders as are kept in lliem. "Killv" has made the business a study and has been in the slock line long enough to learn where the great est savings are, and is rapidly preparing bis place accordingly. Card of Thanks. Having hud a very successful season of threshing, we wish to thank I he farmers for their patronage this season. R. L. l'ropst. Willie l'ropst.