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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1911)
Murray Department PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. If anif of lite rt'uleri of the Journal krimii of a tior.iul, e nd or an item of interest H'c r,ant all Ham of intercut. Edit(r Jmr uA. J i mm 'i i ii a Murray State Bank Capita! and Surplus $1 5000.00 Wo Solicit Your Danking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits O CZ MURRAY. lLDC Dr. Newell, tho dentloat, la Murray rvery Tuesday. Ice cream, fruit sundaes and n-ncs at A. L. Baker's. Frank Gohnhiian, painter aad paper i anger. Plattsmouth. Mrs. Addie Stokes was a Ne braska City visitor Wednesday. Miss Willa Moore was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Iuy Young at Fair mont, Neb., this wi'ok. Rev. Williams departed Mon day for Topcka, Kansas, for a few days' visit with his parents. Albert Young came home Wed nesday after a four month' slay in Montana and North Dakota. A big crowd from here attended the. Log Rolling at Nehawka Sat urday and all report a grand time. v Dr. i i I tm ir made a profes sional trip to Omaha Tuesday, ac companying a patient to the hos pital. John (iilmore of Callaway, Neh., spent. Sunday in Murray, a guest of his cousin, Dr. (iilmore and family. Dr. (liliimre is moving right along willi his concrete Karate. He has completed all the walls and is up to the roof. ' Fuel.- Hen Iteckniau received the nomination in district No. 10 for road overseer. I'ncle Hen has made a good overseer and no douht. will he re-elected at Hie Noveintii'r election. HERE ARE SOME OF THE NEW ARRI VALS IN UP-TO-DATE Dry Goods and Notions Ladies' Bib Aprons, well made, for 25c each " Sleeve " " 44 44 50c 44 44 Petticoats of Gingham for 50c 44 Some new Red Seal Check Ginghams. A nice new lot of Dress Trimmings, such as you have not seen here before. New arrivals in Notions and Collar Supporters, :Cuff Pins, Beads, Bar Pins,, Broaches, Hat Pins, La dies' Shopping Bags, Belts and Belting, Hair Pins, Barr Pins, Hair Nets, Hair Rolls, Silk Scarfs, Hair Or naments and a large line in Jewelry Novelties. arWe buy those goods from a very strong house and guarantee that our goods will show up with lines shown in larger towns, and our prices in a good many instances are lower. We invite you to call in and let us have the pleasure of showing you. AUGUST HAST, THE BARGAIN STORE MURRAY, : : : : NEBEASKA 'Ma iii r 0 NEBRASKA 31 Cyrus Danhorn of Lincoln spent Sunday with W. F. Moore uud family. Miss Anna Eikenbary of Lin coln is the guest of Miss Ida Hoedecker this week. Arthur Hansen left for Colo rado Monday, where he expects to make his home for the winter al least. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Young of Fairmont, Neb., returned home Tuesday after a week's visit with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen. v' Mrs. W. C. Brown left Monday evening for Red Oak, Iowa, where she has several days' engagement on the chant auqua platform as a reader. Mrs. Homer Miller and son, Edward, returned home Monday, after ten days' visit with her par ents and with her sisters, Mrs. Sporer and Mrs. Long. Mrs. Clara Campbell of Hlair, Neh., sister of the late F. M. Young, came Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lewis Young, whose remains were brought from Carroll. Neb., for interment here. Elmer Hoedecker was a Plalls mouth visitor Monday. A team ran away with Mrs. Hoedecker and her sister Sunday afternoon and broke (lie buggy, no il was necessary for Mr. Hoedecker to take it to Plallsiimulh for repairs Luckily no one was hurl and only the huugy was injured. w in thin vkinity and will mail game to this Clirn Miller wa a IMatlsnioutli isiinr Tuesday morninu. Mr. A. L. Laker was a Platts 1 1 1 u 1 1t i.iir Tued;ty evening. The Lloyd buy,, i i n I a I . -i a new separator at this place last week. ('. M. Minford .shipped two cars of cattle to Si m 1 Ii Omaha Wed nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatched are isiting w il Ii friends and relatives in Kansas City Ibis week. Mrs. (1. I). Connally, who has been ery ill for the past few weeks, is .some heller this week. Mrs. Lizzie Gregg was a Plat t s moiith visitor Tuesday, spending the day with Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. W. S. Smith and father, Mr. A. M. Holmes, are expected to arrive homo from their western trip today. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Nick Friedrich, a boy, on August 20th. Both the mother and little one are getting along nicely. Mrs. John Lloyd of Fairbury, Neb., arrived in Murray Wednes day for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. I). C. ilhodeii. Mr. and Mrs. Harms of Wilcox, Neb., were Murray visitors a few days last week, guests at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Hast. The Sunshine band will give an ice cream social at the home of Frank Moore on Saturday even ing, August 2 (J. Everybody invited to come. Miss Elizabeth Campbell ar rived home last Friday from the western part of the slate, where she has been visiting with her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. ft. M. Minford were in Lincoln last Sunday, going up to spend the day with Mr. Min ford's father, who is very poorly in health at this time. In returning home from the Log Moiling at Nehawka last Saturday Mrs. Charles Tilson was thrown from the buggy and sustained slight injuries to her side. Miss' Elizabeth Campbell gave a parly for a number of her girl friends Wednesday. afternoon, be fore returning to her school in I'lallMiiouth for the winter. A very pleasant time was had by all the young folks present. Miss Agnes Kennedy has re turned home from her visit up in De Grauf, Minnesota, where she was a guest with the family i.f Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young, who are obi residents of this section and are doing nicely in (he north. Mrs. Louie Puis was taken to Omaha Tuesday, where she was operated upon at the Immanuel hospital for appendicitis. She recovered from I he llrsl stages of danger nicely and bids fair to re cover very rapnllv. Mrs. James Loughridge, who lias 1 n quite sick for the past few weeks, is reported some bet ter this week. While she is si ill unable to be up she is getting some lielter. Elmer Hoedeker experienced quite a serious runaway while re turning home from the Nehawka Log (lolling last Saturday. The occupants of the vehicle were un injured, but the buggy was pretty badly demolished. Dr. J. W. Hrendi 1, Mrs. Mar- luardt and two daughters of Avoca were in Murray last Sun day, guests at the home of Mr. Hrendel's parents. Dr. J. W. re turned a few days ago from his Indiana visit. Mrs. Hrendel and the doctor's mother will return in a few days. Dr. and Mrs. Oilniore came very near meeting with a very serious automobile accident near Weep ing Water, last Friday. In com pany with their little son, Walker, they were driving over to Elmwood to attend the Cass County Medical society, and just before arriving at Weeping Water they crossed a bridge with a very much warped board in it. In passing over this board the front wheels of the auto turned the hoard completely over, permit ting the rear wheels to drop into the hole made by the removal of the plank. Fortunately the doctor held a tight grasp upon the steer ing wheel and they passed over without injury to themselves and very slight damages to the auto I he passed on into Weeping Water, notifying the authorities, Who were not long in repairing ' the bridge. office it will appear uwler this headin The children of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murray have been on the sick list for the past few days. Grandma Thomas has been quite sick for Hie past few days, she is almost 111 years of age. The Id lie child of Mr. ami Mrs. Jake Lohnes has been numbered with the su-k for t lie past few days. I'ncle Jake Gruber of Ne hawka. who has been so ill for the past few weeks, remains about the same. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Hert Salchell. on August 12, a baby boy. Mother and little one are doing nicely. Leona, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Karris, has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. August Hast departed Thursday of this week for a few days' busi ness visit in Colorado, where he has some land interests to look after. The Murray State bank has re ceived their certificate from the slate banking board, showing that all the rules and regulations of the new banking laws of Ne braska have been complied with. Thereby your deposits are fully guaranteed by the state of Ne braska. Mrs. A. L. Raker entertained Mrs. Homer Miller.'Mrs. William Sporer and children and Mrs. Alva Long and children at dinner last Thursday. On the following Sunday they all, in company with Mrs. Haker and daughter Opba, prepared their dinners and spent the day at old King bill near the river. They hail a very pleasant time. Be a Booster. The-Weeping Water boosters gave us a call last Monday and we were glad to see them glad to see twenty-one aulos full of men working for the betterment of their town. The power of in centive is great, and why can't Murray do a little boosting We have seen the Nehawka and Weep ing Water boosters. We have read about Hie Omaha boosters and what good they have accom plished for their city, and how Hilt Wescolt and his friends boosted all through the east for Nebraska and the town of Plalts- inoulh. Why can't we? Trm we can i nave an .K-sar-nen or support a $1,5110 or ,(((( cbau i . . . . . .. .Ml i i nuinuii; nenner nave we iieen I. .. ...I -it it mm a iioiioren wiin i ne iM. W . A. I.og Hoi ling.' We can't even have a street carnival, but we can sup port a $200 Lyceum course this winter if you will boost a lilt! A few of the business men who are inclined that way secured a first-class Lyceum course, the first number to be given sonir time in October, but without your attendance il will be a failure Think seriously what it means to have a good, clean, high-class entertainment in our town and make it possible by your attend ance. Let's all be boosters for the Murray Lyceum course. In Honor of Mr 3. Homer Miller. Mrs. J. W. Edmunds entertain ed a number of friends Saturday afternoon in honor of her daugh ter, Mrs. Homer Miller of Plain view, Neb. During the afternoon a couple of novel games were in troduced, the tlrst was the draw ing or timerent pictures rep resenting the name of songs. The ladies of Murray are quite talent ed along this line and the classic songs, like "Old drey Honnet," "lied Wing," "Where the Silvery- Colorado Vind9 It's Way," were well represented. Hut "Waiting at the Church," drawn by Pauline Oldham, appealed to the humor of the judge and was awarded the prize a sugar and creamer. Then a prize was given for the one that could write the largest number of words, using Mrs. Miller's name, Elizabeth. Mrs. Spangler being an expert, easily won the cup. At. 5 o'clock refreshments were served and the time for leaving came only too soon. The afternoon with Mrs. Miller am her friends will long be remem bered. Those present were Mesdames Charles Spangler, S. O Pitman, O. II. Gilmore. O. Dav is, James Holmes, A. L. Haker G. W. Hoedecker. Alva Long, Wil liam Spirer. William Seybolt. W C. Hrown, 0. Y. Virgin; Misses We are Showing an Excellent Line of Ladies' Petticoats made of Gingham, Chambra and Madress PRICE 50c, 85c, $1.00 and $2.25 150 in all; washable materials. We believe we have the best line of Petticoats ever shown in the city. Our prices are guaranteed. ZUCKWEILEB& LUT2 Ida Hoedecker. Anna Eikenbary of Lincoln, Pauline and Fav Old ham. LEASANT DAY WITH THEIR OLD FRIENDS Former Neighbors and Friends Meet at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley. Quite a number of old friends from the neighborhood gathered at the pleasant farm home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley last Sun- lay to spend the day. Some of the guests were from out of the ounty and were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. L. II. Young, and took advantage of the oppor tunity to spend another day with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley. They were most royally- entertained, too, and at noon they were invited to partake of one of the finest dinners that had been their pleasure for some time. We got this information from one who was there, and we know that he is a judge. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phipps, Byron and Eddie Young of Carroll, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young and daughter, Clara: Charles Read and children, Rose, Helen and Melvin; Mr. and Mrs. George Parks and daughters, Mary and Willa; Mr. and Mrs. George Wiles and son, Earl, and daughter, Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wiles, Frank Read and Her man Richter, jr., from Ness City, Kansas. We are pleased to note that our good old friend, Uncle "Billy" Wiley, was able to enjoy the oc casion just as well as though it had been held fifty years ago, and while his health has been very poorly lately, he was able to be up and around. Judge Travis Held Court. Judge Travis held court yester day in the case of Margaret Sea grave vs. John Seagrave. The plaintiff was granted leave to file an amended petition. In the case of Minnie Lish vs. John Lish. a witness was examined and the case continued. Apples. Highest market price paid for apples at the Welenkamp build ing, Plattsmoulh, Neb., com mencing July 10th, 1911. T. E. Rundle. Mrs. H. W. Barnes returned to Omaha Ibis morning. She came here to attend the wedding of her sister. Miss Mae Crook, to Mr. Ralph Stabler of Salem. Herman Grcodcr, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Sf ate Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, PUttamout Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, fleb. Dates made at this oTi:a or the Murray State Bank. Goad Srvics Rsamibls Rila J. II TiGNER BRINGS ' SUITFOR DIVORCE Says That Wife Abandoned Him After Living With Him for Ten Years. James M. Tigner has filed suit for divorce against Louisa Tigner. Tigner states in his petition that he has been a resident of this county for fifteen years. He and the defendant were married on November 29, 1899, at Platts niouth. Her maiden name was Louisa Jane Irey. The plaintiff states in his peti tion that he has been a faithful husband and provided the defend ant with a suitable home. On August 18. 1909, the defendant abandoned him without cause, and has since refused to live with him. lack Brown Leaves. Zack Brown and his daughters, Vera, Mabel and Abbie, left this morning for Topeka. Kansas, where they will live in the future. The many firends of Mr. Brown regretted to see him leave, but wish him good health and happi ness in his new home. He was, until this year, a painter for the Burlington since 1882, a period of 28 years. For several years he was foreman of the traveling painting crew for the western division. He lost his health in the work, as the lead, turpentine and varnish poisoned his system. He hopes that a rest of a year or two will restore his health. The, Coolest Morning. Today's early morning was the coolest of the summer, the ther mometer showing only 58 at 8 o'clock. This was some time after the sun bad come out and It Is probable that it went as low as 55 or even lower in the early morn ing hours. It wanned up rapidly under the bright sun and at 2 o'clock the mercury showed 74 and was still rising. Seventy four is anything but a high tem perature, but it seemed hot to those out in the sun. Stalder-Crook. The wedding of Miss Mae Crook, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crook, and Mr. Ralph Stabler of Salem, took place last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bridge. The Rev. Mr. Holyoke of Omaha performed the ceremony. A number of out-of- town friends and relatives were present. Mr. ami Mrs. Stabler left this morning for St. Joseph, where they will visit before re turning to Salem, which will be their future home. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted us in the recent sickness and death of our little baby. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beaver. Final Settlement. Petitions for final settlement were filed in the county court this morning in the estates of Isabella Richey and A". E. Oass. Mrs. Martin Houck, Mrs. A. C. Godwin and Mrs. 1. T. Lohmes returned to Omaha this afternoon, after visiting friends here. FOR SALE One Ross hand hay cutter, almost new; cuts hay in quarter-inch lengths. See Dun bar at the Riley hotel. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Meisinger went to Benson today to visit Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Meisinger. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bo'ighl Boar the Signature of