The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1911, Image 1
moutb Jour SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Til V USD AY AlUi ITST 25, 1911 XO 63 TEAGHERS SELECTED FOR GASS GQUN H SCHOOLS FOB HE YEAR 112 Bat Few Men In The Schools of JThe County, The Proportion Being About One In Eight Pupils Will Meet Many New Teachers When School Opens. The Journal has secured from the county superintendent, Miss Mary K. Foster, a list of the teachers for the school year of 1911-12 for all the districts in the county except Plattsmouth. The list ly districts is as follows: No. 1 Not supplied. No. 2 Rachel Livingsloiu No. 3 Marguerite McSwecney. No. 4 l.ovHl Massie. No. a Marie Swoboda. No. f Dovie Barkhurst. j No. 7 Hazel Tn'ey. ' No. 8 -Mary Hobscheidt. No. 9 Anastasia Tijiln?. No. 10 Agatha Jones. No. 11 Nellie Stanton. No. 12 Bessie Edwards. No. 13 Mrs. Leila Queen. Ho. 14 Elizabeth Baird. No. 15 Addie Searlc No. 10 Leonore (lordon. Mo. 17 Mrs. dlasgow. Lottie Wunderlic.h, Rose O'Donnell, Union. No. 18 F. L. Kenyon. No. 19 Ethel Schneider. Ho. 20 John Brannigan, Eda Francis, Florence Wilkinson, Selma Manpiardt, Avoca. Mo. 21. Mary West. No. 221. N. Clark, ('.race Kind. Mabel Wakeman, Edith Johnson, Inez Eaton, Lillie Haley, Mildred Hart, Lola McDonald, B. 0. Helms. . Weeping Water. No. 23 Vera Baldwin. No. 24 Merle (Justin. No. 25 Eva Porter. No. 2l Birdie Johnson'. No. 27 Bessie Vanderberg. No. 28 Elizabeth Toihbrink. No. 29 Jennie Batten., No. 30 Mabel Rood. No. 31 Lena Young, Mary Moore, Cedar Creek. No. 32 B. 1). Evans, Mary Mc Ocw, (tladys llayden, (iladys Ral ston, Alice Dvvycr, Mayme Hoham, Rebecka Shaekler, Louisville. No. 33 Emma Roessner. No. 3i Mignon Marcy. No. 35 Lola Tirnmons. No. 30 E. I). Lehman, Mae Linger, Louise Epson, Emma Wil frwis, Oace Flint, Ocenwood. No. 37 Helen Trility. No. 38 lino Heebner. No. 39 Not supplied. No. 10 Rula Canaday. No. it Mat tie Larson. No. 12 Nora Batten. No. 43 Bertha Kin p. No. 41 Florence Wilkinson. No. 45 Elizabeth Oliver. W. S. Raker, Brother-ln-Law of W. E. Rosencrans, Narrowly Escapes Death. The following from the Port land (Oregon) Orpeonian, gives an account of the auto accident that occurred to Mr. W. S. Raker and parly a few nights since. Mr. Ilaker is a brother-in-law of W. E. Rosencrans of this city and is a former resident of (iretna, Neb., arid is the eldest brother of Mrs. Rosencrans. and also married to Mr. Rosencrans' sister: "Willi his skull fractured by an accident in an automobile Satur day night near Bertha. W. S. Raker, an insurance agent of the Northern Mutual Life Insurance company, lies near death at St. Vincent's hospital. Another mem ber of the parly or four men, who were injured in the same accident, the details of which have been suppressed, is l.ving seriously in jured at his home in Portland, and two older members of the parly are at their homes in Port land slightly injured. "Raker asserts the lights' on the automobile went out at a point on the road near Bertha and the car crashed down a bank. No re ports of the accident were given o the police. Raker was taken to the hospital in a taxicab by a party of friends and instruction GET BADLY INJURED IN ADTO ACCIDENT No. 10 Wanda Besaek. No. 1 Marie Jeroushck. No. J8 Elizabeth Kerr. No. 19 (ieorgia Fels. X,,. 50 Daisy Jewell. No. 51 Cora Mueller. No. 52 Leta McDonald. No. 53 Nellie Willcoxson. N. Di Willa Mumlt. No. 55 Villa Open. No. 50 Maude . Rusterholtz, Minnie Oiuther. No. 57 I. enore Critchtield, Edith Jones, South Bend. No. r8 Vera Oliver. No. 59 Byron Marshall. No. 00 Lillian Kiersy. No. 01 Jessie llarmer. No. 02 Ethel Scatlcrgood. No. 03 Etta James. No. 01 Opal Besaek. No. 05 Minnie, Sutherland. No. 00 Marie Kunz. No. 07 Lena Sharp. No. 08 Not supplied. No. 09 Alice McDonald. No. 70 Francis Kauka. No. 71 Lola Lamphear. No. 72 Mayme Flower. No. 73 Ina Halt. No. 74 May Durbin. No. 75 Hilda Brinkman. No. 70 Eva Pickwell. No. 77 Ethelwyn Bacus. No. 78 W. M. Thomas. No. 79 Apnea O'Brien. No. 80 Mr. Massie. No. 81 Oissie Hoham. No. 82 Elsie Piper. No. 83 Mabel (lerard. No. 81 Josephine Hitchman. No. 85 Selma Branckle, Marie Oieseker, Verda Thorpe, Murdock. No. 80 Sadie Sweeney. No. 87 Not supplied. No. 88 Anna Kopia. No. 89 May Pickwell. No. 90 Jennie Hitchman. No. 91 Mary Jameson. No. 92 Mona Reid. No. 93 Maize Dillon. No. 94 Ruth Hart. No. 95 J. H. Slot bower, Mamie Wells, Miss Wilkinson, Blanche Belle, Lottie Lean, Bessie Deles Dernier, Edith Moon, F'.lmwood. No. 90 Lily Tiplie, Hazel Crew, Mauley. No. 97 Anna Rys. No. 5)8 Belle Hulflsh. No. 99 W. R. Mann, Apnes Kennedy, Lola Cars, Martha Vauphn, Eaple. No. 100 Clyde Hulcheson, Marie Slroem-, Majorie Carr, Alvo. No. 101 Mildred Bailey. were given that no information of the accident should be given out. The party is said to have been coming into Portland shortly be fore 12 o'clock Saturday night from McMinnville, Oregon, when (lie accident occurred. "Mrs. Raker is constantly at the bedside of her husband and enter tains hopes for his recovery. Dr. A. Panlon is attending. The other members of the parly are believed to be out of danger. Raker is well known in insurance circles here, having come from Omaha several years ago. He lives at 334 Fargo street and has offices in the Con cord building." Improving Slowly. William Wynn, who went to Lincoln last Saturday to spend Sunday with Mrs. Wynn at the hospital, returned home Sunday evening and reports the condition of Mrs. Wynn about the same as when she left home, but the doctors claim she is improving and will be able lo send her home, greatly benefited within two weeks. Her improvement at this lime seems to be very slow, but the doctors think it will develop more rapidly within a few days. C. L. Oaves of the T'nion Ledger was up this morninor look ing nfter some business matters. He was accompanied bv Mr. R. D. jSiine. living east of I'nion. who w.i ,t i. f i louMiiiT niter mailers or business. Both gentlemen were pleasant callers at Journal headquarters. Big Hauling Job. "The Plattsmouth Toll Bridge company will have to haul the material for the bridge from La rial t.' to the sight of the bridge. There are twenty-the carloads of material for the bridge, and haul ing this in wagons will be tpiite a big undertaking. It was origin ally intended to unload this ma terial at the river, but the rail road company said that it would interfere too much with Ira flic. PRIMARY CANDIDATES must file mm II A Heavy Penalty for Candidates Who Do Not Make Sworn Statement of Expenses. County Clerk Morpan has re ceived but a few of the statements of election expenses which every candidate is obliged to tile. The sworn statements must be tiled with the county clerk within ten days followinp the election. All candidates, whether nominated or not, are required to tile state ments. Candidates for township, precinct or school district are excepted. The penalty for failure to tile is a severe one, being: "Any per son failing to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $1,000, to be recovered with costs in an action brought by the coun ty attorney of the county of the candidate's residence, the amount of said fine to be fixed within such limit by the jury and to be paid into the school fund of said countv." miss Fellows Married. Cards announcing the marriage of Miss - Laura Delight Fellows lo Mr. William Oilman Chase, on Thursday, August 17, at Belle Fourelie. s. !.. have been received by numerous frit nils of the Fel lows' family in this citv. The bride resided in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Fel lows, for a number of years, ami since the removal of the family to Belle Fourche, S. D., she has been back to this city and vicinity a number of limes on visits with relatives and friends. Miss Fel lows attended the High school in this city and graduated with the class of 1902. She is a very ac complished young lady and while a resident of this city made a large number of friends, who will join us in wishing them a long and happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Chase will be at home to their friends after September 15 at Belle Fourche, S. D. Travis Endorsed by All. Judge H. D. Travis certainly seems lo be a very popular man and also a judge. He had no op position in his own party or on the republican ticket, and, accord ing lo the primary election re turns from this and Cass county, he secured a sullicient number of votes lo place his name on all of the tickets, that is republican, democratic, socialist, prohibition and populist. He received a hand some vole at the hands of all parlies, which is indeed a deserv ed compliment. Judge Travis has served the people well and faith fully during the lime he has been judge and his re-election is an assured fact. Nebraska City News. Daughter Known Here. From TiiOHflny's Pnlly. One of the daughters of 0. W. Monger, who, with Louie Hopper, were killed last, night at Stanton when an automobile turned turtle, is well known in Plait s nionlh. ( 'iladys Munger was a classmate of Miss Blanch Robert son at the Peru Slate Normal ami often visited here. She was one of the three girls who, with Earl Travis, became los't on the river one night. Munger ami Hooper were driving at high speed when a tire burst, causing the machine to turn fiver. Both men died al most instantly. Misslirace Koppoek left this afternoon for New York, after a visit here with Mrs. M. Holland and Miss Erne Crabill. She has been at Shanghai, China, for some lime as a missionary, and is in her home country on a year's leave of absence. . LOG ROLL There Was a Large Attendance and a Genuine Good Time In General. The M. W. A. celebration at Nebawka last Saturday was a grand success in every particular. w ing to Hie pressure of business the Journal was unable lo send a 'reporter. Saturday is the worst day in the week for any of us lo gel away, but we b arn from those who were present from Platts inoulh thai there was an attend ance estimated all the way from 2, 000 o :,0(Mt. and that every thing passed oil' in a most credit able manner. While the camp here did not attend in a body, there was quite a number in at tendance from this city, but not as many as should have been present. The day was an ideal one for such a gathering, and those from (his city who were there say it was the greatest celebration of the Modern Wood men ever held in Cass county and one that reflects great credit up on the citizens of Nehawka. The celebration was held in Sheldon's grove, a most beautiful spot for such a gathering, and where the people could enjoy themselves under the shade of the spreading oaks and where the various races and sports of various kinds could be enjoyed with great pleasure, and where the people could enjoy the en chanting music of the celebrated Nebraska City band. lion. N. C. Pratt of Omaha was the orator of the day, and his excellent address was listened to with marked attention. There was plenty of amusements and every one seenied lo enjoy Hie event to the fullest extent, and went home in the evening feeling "that it was g( od to be t here." The good people of Nchavvka are to be congratulated upon the great success of this event. It was nothing more, however, than was expected of those who kno the capacity of those who have such mailers in charge. As the Journal has often said, Nehawka citizens never do anything by the half, and the Cass County Log Rolling association made tut mis take in locating their annual celebration at that place. A. 0. 0. W. TAKES IN THIRTY NEW MEMBERS Initiation Friday Night Was Fol lowed by a Lecture and an Enjoyable Banquet. The A. O. II. W. lodges in Plattsmouth hail a big joint inita lion and banquet Friday night at the lodge hall, about I liirty-live new members being initiated and taking the obligation. One lodge alone. No. 8, look in Iwenly-seven new members. A lecture was given during the evening, follow ed by the initiation and a banipiet. The new members of No. 8 are: William Andrew s, AM bur Dotson, William II. Ilallke, Ed Black, Al bert Collins. Virgil Jones, J. W. Anthony, Fred Kissling, Fred Wagner, Fred llalTke, Frank Schublice, John K. Shullz, Ralph J. llaynie, Vernon W. Price, Her bert I,. Davison, Elmer E. Mon roe, Albert Kennedy, James P. Jensen, Frank L. Haines, Allen M. Reniier and Earl M. Tracy, Judge Travis In City. II. I. Travis, candidate for re election to the district judgeship for Cass. Oloe ami Sarpy counties, was in the city Monday. He said that I lie present indications were that he would be returned. Judge Travis is one of the old-lime democrats who believes in a fair deal nnd is running exclusively on his record as a fair judge. Oma ha World-Herald. To Secure Entries. From TucNiluy'R Pnlly. Paul Morgan, the well known tennis "shark." went to Nehawka this morning in Hie interest of the tennis tournament to be hebl here at the end of Hie present month. Nehawka has a number of good dayers, several of which would stand a good chance in the tournament. ING AI NEHAWKA Faithful Carrier Resigns. Henry Egenberucr has resigned Ins position as carrier for the Evening Journal on Main street and the First ward. For nearly 7 years llenrv has held down this job, ami has always proved faith ful to the trust reposed in him. He is almost a man now, ami be ing a recent graduate from Hie Plattsmouth High school, his father thinks he lias use for him in the store. While we have had numerous carrier boys on the dif ferent routes, Henry has stayed with his job till this week, and while we regret to part with his services we know he is better tit led for a higher position. (iood bve, llenrv. ONCE WHEN NEWSPAPER NUN SUPPRESSED NEWS Postmaster Morley Put Through a Gumshoo Act In Getting a Marriage License. William Morley, the well known postmaster at Avoca, slipped into town Friday, ami entering the court house when it looked de scried, lip-toed into Hie county court room, ami seeing that there was no one present except the clerk, asked in subdued tones for a marriage license for himself and Miss Sophia Iluhge. He then asked if the license could be withheld from the public until Monday. "I want to surprise the boys," he said. The clerk said she would use her pood graces with the Journal reporter to keep it cpiiet till after Monday. Whether Morley was able to keep the secret from the "boys" at Avoca until the great event oc curred Ihe Journal has. not yet learned. The Journal, however, believes it is not consistent for a newspaper man lo try lo keep the newspapers from gelling news. Isn't thai right, "Bill?" Mayor Brown at Home. From Ttii'silay' Pnlly. L. It. Brown, mayor of Kenosha ; Police Judge A. J. McNalt and the Second ward councilman, Pete Campbell, came up this morning to look after some busi ness' matters in regard to Ihe in stallation of the new water works plant that will be placed in the city of Kenosha in the near future. Pete says he believes that Ihe new plant will prove an imposition up on Ihe people of Iheir town, bul Mayor Brown and Chief McNalt are determined upon having Iheir own way in regard lo Hie matter, so they were in the city today making the necessary prepara tions. Mr. Brown just returned yesterday from his pleasure trip with friends and relatives over in Iowa, ami reports a very pleasant time. Chief McNalt maintained perfect order in Ihe city of Kenosha during the absence of Mr Brow u. Saw Dr. Shepard. C. C. Wescoll went lo Omaha Sunday lo see Dr. Shepard of St. Louis, who was passing through there. Dr. Shepard is one of the principal speakers on Ihe pro gram for the Sunday school con vention to be hebl here in Octo ber, and Mr. Wescoll. consulted him about the meeting. Cleaning Up Court. The Tennis association is pre paring the Patterson court in anticipation of Hie big tourna ment to be held at the end of the present month. Much of Ihe weeds ami blush surrounding Ihe court has been cleared off and seals will be put in for spectators. The tournament promises to be a good one ami a pood attendance at the games is expected. Apples Not Baggage. From TtiPSflnv's Pally This morning a passengei go- ing to a point in Iowa attempted to check a trunk and a box of ap ples. The baggagemen could see thai the box contained apples and refused to check it. Apples do not come uinler the list of items that constitute baggage. Buys Mynard Property. .1. L. Brown has bought a two and a half-acre tract, of land ad joining Ihe town of Mynard. He is a veterinarian. ANOTHER SCALPING BY THE CEDAR CREEK BALL TEAM Defeats the Lincoln Basket Storo Team by a Score of 10 to 6 in a Loosely Played Game. Cetlar Creek defeated the Lin coln Basket Store team in a loose ly played game mi the local grounds by a score of 10 to 0. Connor bad his opponents out classed on the mound, but was not accorded the support hn Usually receives Trom his teittn mates. The features of the name was a one-lianded grab of a fast grounder by Jap (iobelmaii and Ihe slick work of the entire local team. llirz got two two-base hits, while Jeff Salberp got a clean three-bagger, llenrv llirz, tlm new Coll WollV caught up, got two safeties out of four times up. There were but two men on tho visitors team who balled right -handed, Ibis being a feature not. often seen, and not. often handled wilh much success, as a left-hand slicker is awkward lo work on, both for a pitcher and catcher. The visitors went home in the best of spirits, hoping lo meet us again and show us a belter game if possible, although their man ager said before the game had ended that we were loo much for his team. The attendance was very good and Ihe way Ihe people turn out lo see the games is evidence of their appreciation of n homo talent ball team, which Cedar Creek can boas! of having to the man. Band Keeps Boys at Home. American Musician: When you find a village with a baud, you will llml a village where Hie boys slay at home and where the town marshal is an idle man. There is nothing that will serve as a safely valve for surplus ": energy ami animal spirit tike putting horn into the hands oT a lively boy or young man and letting him blow his soul out through it. Not only is the young man who blows I lie horn benetlleil, but the ouiuslers who stand around with gaping mouth listening. There is a fascination about baud music, lo a boy, which is not surpassed by anything in the world. Let a bunch of youngsters be I horouglu ly absorbed in any kind of devility and the baud comes marching up the street. When Ihe lirsl high Hole of Ihe leading horn strikes Hie ears of the little scamp. ; what is the result? Everything else is forgotten. Wilh one wild whoop the whole crowd will run and fol low it up the street and there is no furl her mischief I hat dav. The Biggest Watermelon. From Wpdni'Hilny'ii Pnlly. This olllce is the recipient of the largest watermelon that we believe was every raised in Cass county. Tuesday afternoon our good friend, Oliver (iilson, entered the Journal olllce carrvinif a melon thai weighed 52 pounds, which he presented u us, and it made us all open our eves in sur prise at its mammoth sbe. Mr. (iilson is living on the Edm'-rton place nearly opposite the (troche niour island, and has raised som very line melons, but this is the largest one, we believe, that has been grown in Cass county, ami shall contend that Mr. (iilson is entitled to Hie championship, un less someone comes in with a larger one. We haven't opened the whopper yet, and will not do so for a few days in order to give those who desire an opportunity to see it. Thanks, Mr. (Iilson, and may you live to raise many more just like Ibis one. Stark Brothers' Nursery Stock. P. E. RulTucr will represent tho Stark Brothers Nursery and Or chard company at Plallsiuouth. Mr. RulTiier will be assisted by Mr. C. 0. Despain. Both gentle men are well known lo the people who may desire such goods. This is their home. See Cass county and Plallsmoiilh succeed! Misses Anna and Ida Weidnian and Miss Minnie Heinrich went to Cedar Creek yesterday afternoon, where they will enjoy an outing of several days. We trust the young ladies will enjoy a good time.