The- Plattsmouth - Journal i 1 Published Seml-Weekli it FiittSBOKtl, Nstra&ka C2 R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Poetoffice; at PlatUmouth, Nebraska, as necond-clasi matter. $LSO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE now do you like the ticket? :o : Don Rhoden never held aa offiffice, but he will make a good sheriff. :6: How do you Like the rain? It II s grand and glorious and the farmers are happy. :o: Well, it's all over till the next time, and every democrat should prepare to do his duty on election day. :o:- Doubtless New Mexico would just as soon get into the Union over the president's veto as any other way. :o: Doctor's Wiley's case is really more important than the Pin chot case was. The public doesn't eat lumber. :o: Popular election of senators has some disadvantages, hut it eems soinewhatp referable to Hoction by slush funds. :o: These new cream and red postal cards will be an awful warning to the milkman of what would hap pen if he got the nosebleed. :o: Gary, fcidiana, built a church in nine hours, 01 her places, too, should put in hurry calls for a ' 'i i.i spiritual ambulance. ii , " . :o: ! Evidently the vote on that office fully demonstrates that even some of Robertston's closest friends do not believe in keeping a man in ollice for a lifetime. And the voters of Cass county will decide this question in no uncertain tone at the general election by eluding James T. Reynolds. :o: Our exchanges are discussing the most beautiful sentences in the language. "Enclosed find check," looks good to some of us. :o: An expert says crime in cities is caused by bad air. We have often noticed the menacing looks cast at anyone who lets a little fresh air into a public hall. :o: Mr. Taft may be able to milk Pauline, his Jersey cow, but can he drive his new horse, Reci procity,' well enough to plough up the White house potato patch? :o: The old rule of senatorial courtesy is becoming so obsolete that a new senator can answer present" when his name is call- after being there only two Nevertheless, the votes in Ari- treasurer. No man in the county years. Fred Patterson will he his own successor as county surveyor. Well, Fred has proven himself well qualified for the position. :o: Judge Douglass came very near getting Jim Robertson's scalp James T. Reynolds will get it, however, at the general election. :o: C. M. Seybert will make a gooi run for county commissioner and if he is elected he will undoubt edly prove the "right man in the right place." :o: Colonel Astor has given Miss J'oree a 2,000 engagement ring, which goes to show that it costs money for a young man to get married nowadays. :: England is to have HO dread noughts by 1914. The spile fenc that England and Germany ar building up between them costs the taxpayers of each more than $:ioo,noo,ooo. :o: The Journal believes that th democrats have nominated one of the best tickets ever placed be fore the voters of Cass county, and one that should be elected from top to bottom. :o : They are taking straw votes al ready for 1012, and the opinions of thirty-three cowboys on the train from Santa Ec to El Paso will soon get a front page in the metropolitan journals. zona may be more trustworthy than the president fears. :o: There appears to be no danger that the railroad strike in Eng land will result in a sympathetic walkout in America. :o: The democrats have a can didate in the person of Don C. Rhoden who is not afraid to do his duty if elected sheriff of Cass county. :o: Some candidates may think that a nomination is equivalent to an election, but they will be wiser on this score after the general election. :o: Oldham, Dean and Stark are the democratic nominees for judges of the supreme court. No strong er or abler men could have been nominated. :o: The boys and girls of Wash ington having killed 5,000,000 flies, what means are left of keeping the government clerks awake on a hot day? :o: . It is now in order for the voters of Cass county to learn some peo ple what the word "enough" means. And the November elec tion is the place to do it. :o: Now that the price of cotton is coming down with the big crop, it is our belief that Uncle Reuben should be able to add a biled shirt to his outfit. :o:- Judging by the testimony given the steel trust committee, any panic that showed itself out of the house during Colonel Roose veil's administration was taking needless risks. :o: The coming in of the Japs is getting to be a big problem. And it is one thing to talk about the brotherhood of man 2,000 miles away and another to see your real estate values cut in two from Jap purchases all around you. :o: The primary election system is not as successful as many think it should be, and we believe that nothing of the kind will bring peo ple out to vole. Ciive us the oh way of nominating candidates. It is more satisfactory. :o : The democrats never done a -:o:- is better qualified for the place He will receive the united support of the democrats and many re publicans who know his excellent qualities for the responsible posi tion. :o: The reactionary senators all hate La Follette, but except in rare instances they have to do their hating in private. They have long since learned the error of engaging in a "colloquy" with him. :o: Newly arrived Americans in London take the motor cabs for 16 cents a mile for two passeng ers, forgetting that you are ex pected to offer a shilling as a tribute of personal admiration to the driver. :o: They are trying to make bridge playing for prizes a misdemeanor in New Jersey. In view of the out landish bric-a-brac for which one has to say thank you and look happy, this is a greatly need ed reform. :o: Traveling men are complain ing of slow business conditions all over the country, although they admit that the middle west is In the best condition of all. No one seems to give the reason why the country should not be prosperous just now. The riders are up in the race, for office this fall, and the con test is on. :o: Judge Root can feel proud of the vote he received in his home county of Cass. :o: Wilier and Knapp, both of Lan caster county, have been nomin ated for regents of the state uni versity on the democratic ticket. :o: It is plain to be seen that Taft's interests are not with the common people, and the common people will not be with Billy when election time comes around. :o: A veto of the wool bill will business and several other nesses that are long since owe due for an upsetting. :o: Mure people than ever behevv the primary system is a fare. The majority of the voters did not avail themselves of the oppor tunity to vote for their choice of candidates and are free to vot for whom they please at the gen eral election, and of course, they will do it. :o : The harvester trust says that it is a good trust, very good, that it does not sell machines to foreign ers less than to Americans, or does anything else that it bad. That harvesters are sold for much less in Canada than they are to better day's work than when they nominated James T. Reynolds for clerk of the district court. No man in Cass county is better qualilled for the position, and his character as a man is above re proach. :o: A fisherman in an obscure Maine village makes enough from lobsters to take his family yearly to California. While the other kind of lobster that feeds them to the chorus girls on Broadway sometimes has to borrow a ferrj fare. The Indians of the Klamath colony are arrested for trading obi wives for new. Why didn't the officers tackle the Fifth avenue colony at Reno? :o: llarman has been nominated for railway commissioner on the democratic ticket. Mike Har rington did it with his little pen. And he did a good job. :o: The fate of the arbitration treaties will depend on how they affect the power and prestige of lhe senate, rather than how they affect the prosperity of the people. :o : Some people call it undignified to eat green corn, but why expect to preserve a frigid reserve and a callous self control in the presence of the great climaxes of life? :o: It is reassuring, anyway, to learn that the plot to blow uo the Panama canal works and as sassinate Colonel Goethals is of Spanish rather than Japanese origin. :o: James T. Reynolds, candidate or clerk of the district court, is a farmer and resides in Liberty pre cinct. Hut no man in the countv better qualified for the posi tion. If you would be a booster for your home town and its institu tions be consistent. Don't boost one institution and knock another one just because you might have an ingrown dislike for someone connected with it. Be a booster in general, not individually. :o: When Charley Warner was de feated by the republicans for the nomination for treasurer they done a bad day's work. But his defeat was due to a little "ring here in Plattsmouth. Mr. War ner is a farmer and a gentleman in every respect. :o: The many friends of Judge Jesse L. Hoot in Cass county will regret his defeat for renomina tion. But there is no telling the queer freaks cut up at a primary election. Rose is the man that should have been dropped, and this will be done at the general election. He is more of a politician than a judge. merely indicate that the president has been confused. The Payne-1 Nebraska farmers can be proved by any number of witnesses who have moved up there and bought them. :o :- The election Reports yesterday 1 1 indicate that Judge Itoot had been defeated for the nomination for supreme judge. If he is, the re publicans defeat the very best and ablest man they had on the su preme bench in many years. :o: President Taft denounces the recall because it would place Judges at the nicrcy of "sudden gusts of popular passion." Isn't it possiblo to conceive of "gusts of popular iiassion" that are justified? :o: Judge Douglass made a good race for the republican nomina tion for clerk of the district court -:o:- Th vote at the primary w not be canvassed until Friday, when we will be able to give more particulars regarding the result Enough is known, however, to know who are nominated, but by what majorities we are unable to state. The people are getting tired of the Lorimer case. Let the sen- ale either fire him or exhonorate him. No doubt some of the mem bers would choose the latter ac lion, whether guilty or not. Too many of them may be In the same boat. :o: Many republicans were op posed to putting up a candidate for county superintendent against Miss Foster, but of course thev couldn't prevent a candidate com ing out if he wanted to. Miss Foster has given universal satis faction and of course will be re elected. Aldrieh bill is the one he should have vetoed. :o: J Hearings begin November 15 on trust legislation to fix prices. The first question is, What will it cost to "tlx" the congressmen that fix the prices? :o: What has become of the Paul Clark boom, set afloat by that lit tle cotorie of "boss" republicans in Lincoln a few weeks ago? It must have "died a-boomin'." :o: Judge Travis' record as district judge has been approved almost unanimously by the voters of Sarpy, Cass and Otoe counties. Indeed, his record is one of which any court official should feel proud. :o: The trouble with Judge Root was that while his running mates were out playing politics, he was busy attending to his duties as judge. Judge Root is not a politician. :o: The stock market is worried about what congress may do, but people who really produce things instead of trading what some other fellow produces, don't pay much attention to the politician :o:- What a beautiful sight that will be next year when the republican spellbinders point to Taft with pride with one hand and view reciprocity with alarm with the other hand, President Taft, it is reported, will go before the country this autumn and explain his veto of the various bills providing for tariff revision downward. Ex planations don't always help. At Winona the president made an elaborate explanation of his course in signing the Payne-Ald- rich tariff act. :o:- -:o:- :o:- The democrats have succeeded in nominating a most excellent ticket. Not a candidate upon it but who is competent to fill the position for which he has been nominated. :o: . European nations look down on America, but as long as Ty Cobb called at the White house the other day, our government has some standing among the great ones of the earth. :o: . Congress having passed the re apportionment, every statesman of any caliber has drawn a hor rendous looking gerrymander with tail feathers all radiating from his hack yard. . :o: . Someone has drafted a law to penalize a man for putting his feet on his desk while dictating to a stenographer. Thus the com forts of home are disappearing from modern civilization. -:o: . Of course no one can question the fitness 0f Kelly Fox for -:o:- Really there does not seem to be any very great danger to popular liberty in the judicial re call. Suppose it lakes say 15 per cent of electors to invoke the re call and a majority to ratify it there can bo no serious danger that it will be invoked very often unless the conduct of courts is such as to make it most desirable that they be disciplined. :o: Those who oppose the election or recall of judges say: "Any more hateful phenomenon than that of a judge who owes his office to political manipulations and employs it to further the in terests of the men who elected him could hardly he imagined." Therefore they want them ap pointed for life. On the other hand the other sido says: "Any more hateful thing than the ap pointment of a corporation lawyer as a judge who employs his posi tion in which he is safe for life to further the interests of trusts and corporations and against the com mon people could not be imagined, and there ought to be some way of getting rid of him." Kelly Fox has been declared the nominee for treasurer of Cass county by the democrats and should have the support of every democrat in the county, and we believe will receive the support of many republicans. :o: Japan is not very keen for arbitration. Having prepared to carve up Manchuria, she feels much as if the Turkey bird should ask to have it arbitrated, whether or not he should furnish the Thanksgiving dinner. :o: "All England" is tied up by a Irike of railroad employes. And it must be remembered that "all England," including Wales and Scotland, has an area of 88,729 square miles, which is just about the area of Kansas and one-third that of Texas. :o: Billie Taft thought the demo crats were very good fellows when they helped him get Canadian reciprocity through congress. But they are bad fellows when they try to reduce the tariff on such necessities of life as wool, cotton, salt and sugar. :o: Don C. Rhoden, the democratic candidate for sheriff, is not only a good fellow, but he will make a most excellent sheriff. One thing certain, he will not persist in holding office for four terms simply because he is a good fel low, when two terms is plenty. :o: Fear is expressed by the ad ministration that tariff legisla tion at this time would "upset business." Well, it might have a depressing influence on the sugar In writing in the name of James T. Reynyolds on the democratic- ticket for clerk of the district court, many forgot to make a cross in the circle opposite his name. Of course such votes will not be counted. That is one reason why his vote will be so small. :o: "Who will be chairman of the democratic county central com mittee?" is a question that is asked the Journal every day. We don't know, but we believe the candidates and committeemen should force Dr. J. S. Livingston into the service for one more year at least. The party has ben very fortunate under his admin istration and his work has proven more, successful than any chair man the democrats ever had.. We hope, for the good of the cause, Dr. Livingston will give his con sent to act for another year. -. :o: . THE ARIZONA VETO. President Taft's veto of the Arizona and New Mexico statehood bill indicates an inconsistent, and . belated idea of executive .re sponsibility. The president be gan by dodging responsibility in maintaining that it was not for him to say what congress should or should not do, but now every thing must be strictly in accord ance with his views. When the Pay ne-Aldrieh tariff bill was before congress the president said he could not even offer suggestions, as that would be usurping the functions of the leigslative body. lie now not only overrides congress, but forbids the people of Arizona to determine for themselves how to select and dismiss their own judges. Mr. Roosevelt has most clearly stated the position which the great, majority of the citizens of the United States belive to be right that if the people of Ari zona definitely desire the recall in any or all branches of their own state government they should be permitted to have it. The bill which Mr. Taft has vetoed ex pressly provides that before the constitution takes effect the peo ple of the territory shall vote specifically on the question of the judicial recall. Of that question itself it seems pertinent to say that the country at large might be benefited by the experiment which Arizona is wil ling to try an experiment which Oregon has already tried for near ly three years, with none of the disastrous consequences of which Mr. Taft expresses fear. The states ought to have the utmost freedom in making experiments. That is one of the conditions of progress. Congress should pass the state hood bill over the president's veto. Kansas City Star. :o: Ford Auto for Sale. Ford runabout, in good condi tion, thoroughly overhauled and repaired. Will sell cheap if taken soon. Apply to J. E. Mason. Price $225.00, cash or good bankable note. it '1 X