The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1911, Image 2

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    A School Soil Bargain!
School begins in two weeks. The boy needs a new suit to start in with.
Here is the chance to get it. We have gone through our boy's stock with a fine
tooth comb and selected about seventy-five splendid good suits that we will sell
at a bi sacrifice. They are mostly medium weights in gray and brown mix
tures .ill Knickerbocker pants and we have put them in just two lots to close
i i
Wescott's Som'sr
Hem. of Interest to Journal Reader. Will Be Received t the Drug Store
... .1
New subscriptions aim v
renewals to the Journal will !
ru. reeived 1)V J. A. Shaffer
al the drug store. Local J
news, advertising matter I
and all business pertaining !
4 to this department may be !
4. transacted. Mr. and Mrs.
fr Shaffer are instructed to re- I
4. reived and receipt for all 4
4 money. Ed. 4
.j-H-- -H-I-H- -H-H-M- -M-H
J. H. Stroemer spent Sunday at
South Rend.
The election was a quiet affair
Tuesday, the vote being light.
Ed Stroemer and wife attended
the picnic at Eagle last Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner were
in Omaha between trains Tues
E. M. Stone, son. LaVernc, and
Ttnd Linen were Ashing on Salt
Creek Friday.
Etta J. Momer of Lincoln visit
Ad Knndav with Mr. and Mrs. J
A. Shaffer.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Rathburn, near Waverly, August
11, 1011, a son.
Mrs. Lizzie Servis und son,
Glenn, were in Lincoln Friday
between trains.
Miss Marie Stroemer is attend
ing the teachers' institute at
Weeping Water this week.
Harry Parsoll, W. E. Newkirk
and Charles Suavely went to Ash
land Friday for an outing.
Our new llork Island agent, Mr.
I). II. Candy, is moving into C.
Hasp's house in the east part of
Mrs. Sam Cashner and Mrs.
Jake Shaffer were gathering
elderberries Wednesday near
day for a two weeks' visit at the
home of his parents at Milford,
George Hucknell and his uncle,
George Frolick left Sunday to
work on a telephone job at
S. C. lloyles and family return
ed Thursday from a two weeks'
outing at Norfolk, Overton and
F. II. Candy and family came in
last week to make their home at
Alvo. Mr. Candy is agent for the
Rock Island at this place.
W. E. Casey went down to
Omaha Sunday on No. 18 to spend
a few hours with his mother, who
has been in poor health lately.
Mrs. Alice Rincr, who has been
visit ing the past two months with
her sister, Mrs. Joe l'arsell, left
Sunday on No. 18 for Sioux City,
W. S. Jordan and family, Jess
Stone and family and Sam Cash
ner and wife of University Place
spent Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Cashner.
Colonel nates, Mr. Fricke and
Judge Travis called on J. A.
Shaffer on their way home from
the picnic at Eagle last Thursday.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
M. E. church will give a social on
Farewell Party in Honor of Vera
and Mabel Brown, Who Re
move to Topeka, Kansas.
Mrs. J. M. Roberts very pleas
antly entertained I he members of
her Sunday school class of the
Presbyterian church at her home
on High School Hill yesterday af
ternoon. The occasion was in the
nature of a farewelj and was in
honor of Vera and Mabel Rrown,
who', with their parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Z. T. nrown, will depart for
Topeka, Kansas, the latter part of
next week, where they will reside
in the future.
The girls had come prepared to
have a delightful time, as they al
ways do at the home of their Sun
day school teacher, and a most
enjoyable social time was had.
The girls participated in social
conversation, music, various
(fames and'other amusements, all
of which made the hours pass all
too rapidly. The only thing to
mar the, pleasures of the after
noon was the fact that two of the
girls were, soon to depart from
their midst. At an appropriate
hour dainty refreshments were
served and a little later, after
having expressed their regrets at
having to lose Vera and Mabel
from their midst, and wishing
them much happiness in their new
................ , .,..
the church lawn on the evening Home, me gins uepaneu mruinr
of August 25. 1011. They will, homes, reporting a splendid aft-
finrvo rn.nm rnko sherbet and ornoon's entertainment.
This Part of the Country Gets the
First Good Soaking in
Many Months.
A heavy rain, general in extent
uti far as eastern Nebraska and
western Iowa are concerned, gave
two inches of the much-needed
fluid to IMaltsmouth and vicinity.
A two-inch rain is a heavy rain.
and they do not come very often.
Yesterdav was a day of extreme
heat, the hottest since the un
precedented hot spell of June and
the early part of July. As early
as 8 a. m. the mercury showed 85
degrees. Itv 10 o'clock it had
jumped to 1)5. At 1 p. in. it show
ed 102. and an hour later 101. It
was somewhat cloudy at that time,
which accounted for the (Iron in
temperature. If the day had re
mained clear it is very probable
that 102 would have been ex
ceeded by several degrees.
A heavy black cloud came up
from the soul Invest shortly after
o'clock, which gave the town a
very light shower. It apparently
began to clear off, but shortly be
fore 5 o'clock it, was cloudy again
and a good rain began to fall. It
heiran to nour down and kept it
up for soiAVtime. Shortly beforr
0 o'clock there was a let-up in
l the rain, but after supper it be
gan to pour" down again and kept
it up for at least an hour, and it
rained some Through most of the
There was a pretty good elec
trical display during the early
evening and the light company
did not attempt to turn on the
light current till after the storm
There was a report that one of
the dynamos at the plant had
burned out, but that report was
not correct. The company had
trouble with too much water, and
it thought "it best to play safe dur
ing the storm by not turning on
the current.
This morning the skies were
covered with heavy clouds in every
direction as far as the eye could
see and a little rain fell about
The rain will prove of much
value to corn and more so to
pastures and meadows, which
have been in bad . shape during
most of the year because of lack
of water.
ices. Kveryone is cordially in
vited to allend.
The Misses Mae and Hessie
The mcmbers'nf the class in at
tendance were: Nora Itosencrans,
Gladys Sleinhauer, Jeanelle Pat-
Yera and Mabel
I lie misses mm; umi in-ssiu , - , ,
, , r, -in r - t 1..,.. ,1,, erson, I'.mina Cummins, Margaret
Prouty left on .131 for Lincoln I Tnii,!.
... 1 i .-..11 . .: 'i U III it II, il 11 l h l l 1 ' ' ' 11 1
I I in Miiij , mnfl I'l'ir nin T "' 1 it 1 11 1
in Lincoln this week and Miss Mae ' "
will attend the Otoe County 'mvn
Teachers' instil ute at Nebraska '
City, as she will leach at Dunbar, Hay Fever, Asthma and Summer
this year
J. II. Stroemer and J. A. Shaffer
j wont to South Rend Monday on
Mho freight to try their luck at
! fishing. Mr. Shaffer took a trio
Mihs Hazel Foreman returned ,,r his llwimuuhhrcd Mottled An-
Sunilay from Havelock and Davfy, j cona chickens to V. J. O'Rrien fit
Must be relieved quickly and
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
will do it. E. M. Stewart. 1031
Do not allow your kidney and
bladder trouble to develop beyond
the reach of medicine. Take roley
Kidney Pills. They give quick re
sults and stop irregularities with
surprising promptness. For sale
by Fricke & Co.
ill UK
Aged Man, James D. Wilmot, on
Reaching Omaha, Learns
That Wife Is Dead.
James I). Wilmot, an aged man,
employed by John Iverson, the
blacksmith, was called to Omaha
yesterday afternoon by a tele
gram with his wife's name signed
to it. It told him to come on the j
first train to Omaha. He wast
much wofired by the telegram, as 1
it was the first that he had ever
received signed by her. She had
never found it necessary to tele
graph him before, he said at the
depot yesterday.
I can't imagine what is the
trouble," he said to a Journal re
porter. He reached the station at i
1 o'clock, and the hour's wait for
the train was torture to him.
He reached Omaha only to learn
that the worst news that could
greet him was given to mm. nis(
wife had died Monday evening at J
the home in Omaha, following a
sunstroke Saturday.
The funeral was held al Omaha
this morning.
It developed after Wilmot had
left that there were two, letters
here for him, one telling of the
sunstroke and the other telling of
the death. He was not in the habit
of getting much mail and only
went to the postofliee once or
twice a week. It is not known
why the name of his wife was
signed to the telegram.
Wilmot has been working here
for about a month. His home Is
in Omaha, but he found it neces-
work, and came to this place, his
wife remaining there at their lit
tle home. He will return to his
emplov ment here.
Uy control we mean command
or power over something. Every
man should have full control over
his body and his mind. He should
be able to exercise restraint wher
ever it is necessary and also ex
cite energy and ambition. Re
garding the body, he must watch
it, carefully and check every in
disposition in the start, in order
to prevent a serious sickness be
yond his control. He should at
once use Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine and keep on
until the last trace of the indis
position disappears. This rem
edy will drive all impurities from
the body and will present auto-intoxication.
Use it as soon as your
appetite will weaken, as also in
cases of constipation, stomach
troubles, loss of weight, headache,
vomiting, gases, heart-burn,
nervousness, pain in the bowels.
At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-
1339 So. Ashland ave., Chicago,
Seemed to Give Him New
"I suffered intensely arter eat
ing and no medicine or treatment
I tried seemed to do any good,"
writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor,
of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio.
"The first few doses of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
gave me surprising relief and the
second bottle seemed to give me a
new stomach and perfectly good
health." For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Back From Her Pleasant Trip.
Miss Helena Hennings returned
from a seven weeks' pleasure trip
al Helot, Wisconsin, accompanied
by her aunt, Mrs. T. P. Witle and
children, a sister of Mrs. F. J.
Hennings. During Miss Hennings'
I rip she visited at Janesvill, Wis.;
Chicago and lloekfort, III., besides
j many other points, and enjoyed
fishing, launch and boat riding in
sarv to leave there in order to get
Mrs. Charles Palmer returned
home today.
where she had spent life past few
weeks. v
j Dr. Muir and family left Tuos-
the slate fish hatcheries. They
returned Tuesday noon with
several tine fish.
Mr. and Mrs. Boeck Enjoy Ploas
ant Visit With Former Cass
County Friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoeck re
turned home this morning from
(heir several weeks' visit with
friends in numerous cities in
Colorado. The larger portion or
the time was spent in Denver, but
they visited in Coloradif Springs,
Pueblo and olher points. In
Denver they were guests at the
home of our old friend, Uncle
Jake Kunsinann, one of the finesf
old gentlemen in Ihe entire stale
of Colorado, who we havn known
ever since we came to Nebraska,
and we believe we know whereof
we speak.
Mr. Hoeck reports all Ihe peo
ple that, he visited doing well,
especially Mr. Kunsmann, who is
com fort ably located in Denver, is
happy and enjoying good health.
Uncle Jake and his son have a
lnrge sugar beet ranch up near
Duell. Colorado, that is pivmg
them fine returns on their invest
ment, n sample of which Mr.
Hoeck left at the Journal office
this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hoeck
return home grenlly benefitted by
ihn fuv weeks' visit and are
griilerul to the friends who nfford
ed them such a pleasant time.
Loss of Time Moans Loss of Pay.
Kidney trouble and the ills it
breeds means lost time and lost
pay to many a working man. M.
Halent. 1211 Little Penna St.,
Slreator, 111., was so bad from
kidney and bladder trouble that
be could not work, but he says:
"I took Foley Kidney Pills for
only a short lime and feel entirely
well and was soon able to go back
to work, and am feeling well audi amount
healthier tttnn before." Foley
Kidney Pills are tonic in action,
quick in results a good friend
to the working man or woman
who suffers from kidney ills.
U'nlfnrm St . Chicago, writes: "I
have been greatly troubled during h beautiful Hock river of Wis
the hot summer months with Hay J cousin. he also enjoyed Lincoln
Fever and find that by using
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
I get great relief." Many others
who suffer similarly will bo glad
to benefit by Mr. Stewart s ex
perience, tor sale by tricKe .v,
at, Least Cost
end Last Longest
Real Estate Divided.
The final sett lenient in the
estate of David Heed was made in
the probate court this morning,
and the executor discharged. The
value of the estate was about
$50,000, most of it in land. The
heirs were children, being Jennie
H. Corliss. Hannah Sheffer, Kate
Nicklen .George Hoed, David T.
Hoed and Jesse Heed.
Many a Suffering Woman
Drags herself painfully through
her daily tasks, suffering rrom
backache, headache, nervousness,
loss of appetite and poor sleep,
not knowing her ills are due to
kidney ami bladder troubles. Foley
Kidney Pills give quick relief from
pain and misery and a prompt re
turn to health and strength. No
woman who so suffers can afford
to overlook Foley Kidney Pills.
For sale by Fricke & Co.
Big Apple Deal.
Pollard orchards will sure
sitme' apples lliis year.
Seventeen thousand barrels have'
boon sold to the Granger company
al Lincoln. Mr. Pollard lias con
tracted for the sale of this
and while ho thinks this
will only be about one-half of the
crop, ho did not like to contract
for ttio delivery of a greater
quantity Mr. Pollard's orchards
are located near Nehawka, at
which station they will be loaded
and shipped. The picking and
Hacking of such a quantity of
fruit is no small task and will re
uuire lots of help and the ex
penditure of considerable money
More people,, men and women,
are suffering from kidney and
bladder trouble than .ever before,
and each year more of them turn
for quick relief and permanent
benefit to Foley's Kidney Remedy,
which has proven itself to bo one
of the most effective remedies for
Kidnev and bladder ailments thai
medical science has devised. For
sale bv Fricke A Co.
park in Chicago, where she seen
seals, buffalo and, almost any
olher animal you may Ihink of.
She visited the beach and bathed
in Lake Michigan-, which was very
enjoyable.' When she arrived
home there were a number of her
young friends to greet her and
surprised her very much. They
were all glad to see her home
again. . The evening was spent
wilh delightful music, singing
and Karnes of all kinds and the
evening was very delightful.
Those present-worn: Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Hennings. Mrs. T. P. Witle
and George, Hex and Hoy Witle. of
Holoit, Wis.; Messrs. Walter and
Allie Nichol of Illinois, Will nnd
Allie Meisinger, John, George,
Philip, Ferdinand, Albert nnd
Herman Hennings, Harry Horn,
Herman Wohlfarlh, Floyd Pecker;
Misses Louisa, Mvrtle and Helena
Hennings. Telna Horn, Viola
Rocker and Freida Wohlfarlh
The young folks departed at a
late hour, all saying they enjoyed
the evening very much.
Mrs. Lena Young returned last
evening from a trip to Denver
Colorado Springs and other west
ern points. She is the daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Young o
Folev Kidney Pills will check
the progress of your kidney nnd
bladder trouble, and heal by re
moving the cause. Try them. For
sale by Fricke & Co.'
Two fcand Deals.
William I'.avgill has sold to
lli.i,i-v Tii.luiir iiL'!ilv uercs of the
Cavgill homestead, six miles
southwest of Weeping Water, for
a consideration of $12,500. He
also sold to S. Cole a IfiO-uore
farm in Alberta. He owned this
far for three years and sold it at
l.ooil profit.
Whv Mneriment when vou can be sure. The I H C line offers engine of
best. ' . ....
Through years of Rervice everywhere, umler every conumon.
have stood the test. Thev have demonstrated by actual experience that lor
everv u e thry are just the kind of engine you want.
Tppv are made in various styles and sizes from 1 to 4o-norse power ior
pumIS snraytng. "awing, grilling, threshing and operating machines about
th? Calf and Vt ussho you why the I. H. C. engine will give you most service,
suited to your woik. .
Come in the next time you are in town.
August Gorder